BANE OF OREGON CITY HiDEST BANKING HOUSE IS THE CUT PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS f 10,850.00 President, Vloe-presldent Cashier, CHAB. H. CAOW.IBD Geo. A. HasdinS E. O. Caufield A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Seouritv Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly . Drafts Sold Available in Any Fart of the World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San rrancisco,(jnicas;o ani new lorx. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. mi uuiiiiw mti Young Man Look Here Your looks tell on you. Can keep it secret a while. Before its too late, go &nd see or write to this old doctor. He has been treating such cases lor over !!0 years and jierlectlyreliable. lurninh' es his medicine and tells no tales. Dr. Kessler of the Old St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dis pensary, 'm Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon, positively guarantees to remove. TAPEWORM Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREeON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge andth . Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses a ways on hand at the lowest rates, md acorra also oonnected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stool promptly attended to by letter or person. (BOUGHT OB SOLD We II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON C. 8. Seahann, M. D. J. W. Powsii, M. D POWELL & SEAM ANN, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. All calls attended promptly. , h Office hours: 8 to 11 a m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. Nos. 9 and 10 Charman Block. In any stage without loss of time from business nnhUIAlluI remedy. This remedy was sent to Dr. Kessler Dy a iriena in jimuu, " " never failed, and we guarantee it. flTT) ttnDT'O Ulcers, ICaneer. etc., cured, no UillJ CUIALU diileiance how long aireetea. TJDTTTunVP Dlsenses. This doctor guarantees to Fill I ill Ji cure any case of Syphilis, Gonorrhea , Oleet. tetriotures cured, no difference how long Htandlng. Spermatorrhea, Loss of Manhood, or Nirrmiv KmmiKHlOIlH. I'llTlfU UPI 111 a 1 rvi 1 . J lw habit of Self Abuse effectually cured in a short time. , . TrntTlTfl UtTJU Your errors and follies of yryitb. iUUrHl iuhJl can be remedied, and this Vd doctor will give you wholesome advice and cure you make you perfectly Btiong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success in curing Spermatorrhea, Snininal Losses, Nightly Emmia lions, and other effects. KIDNEY M URINARY COMPLAINTS painful, difficult, to frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges, carefully treated and permantly cured. Piles, Rheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies and cures guaranteed. raiieniB ireaieu m any imim. w. J his home system. Write lull Particulars enclose tan iic stamps and we will answer you promptly, hundreds treated at home who are unable to come to the City. READ THIS T.b. a nlear hottlo at bed time and urinate in the bottle, set aside and look at It in the morniag. If it is cloudy or has a cloudy settling in it, you have somekindnevorbladilerdtsoHse.andsliould be attended to before you get an incurable Dis ease as hundreds Die every year from Brlghts Disease of Kidneys. DR. GEO. JIOEYE, .'dentist, Office in Kelly Building, Main Street, Oregon Citv. Bri3GB and Cr9WN Work a Specialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J- H. MILLER, . DENTIST, Seventh Stretr near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. Oregon r DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST, fjmrlunre of the Northwestern TJniver- eitv Dental School, also of American Col- Lege 01 cental Diugciy, ui vuhbv. WITH DR. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Fottoffice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. THE , " Your Danger Now '' Is from the overworked condition of the liver and kidneys which are unable to expel impurities from the blood. This causes rheumatism. Hood's Sarsapa rilla has been wonderfully successful in curing this disease. It neutralizes the acid in the blood and permanently cures the aches and oains which other medi cines fail to relieve. Hood's Sarsaparil la is the best winter medicine because it purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. It gives help just where help is needed. It tones the stomach, stimu lates rthe liver, and arouses and sustains the kidneys. It wards off pneumenia, fevers, bronchitis, ejlds; coughs and B"P. -.. .. Real Estate Transfers. A Campbell to J N Miller, 180.83 a, sec31t3sle:3500 G D Edwards to G R Vosburg, lots 54 and 55. fruneland ; Soul). D Turney to G Moehnke, tract in Mooreclaim"B" 269; 600. .; 3 E Johnson to L Griffin, 10 a seo 4, 4s le; 600.' ' J Baker to I Baker, e i of s e 1-4 sec 8. w M s w 1-4 s 8 si w : 5000. , J Wachtman to A Wachtman. 40 a 4 a 1 and 2 e ; 1300. George Broughton to O W Wiley, w lot 3. e 56 feet lot 4 blk 4 Ureen rt ; SlJU Al L Eoger to Procter & Beers, w of n w 1-4 sec zi 4 s l e ; sizuu. M Kirk et al to F Welsh, e M of We ch claim: 11200. " Wm Franklin to J A Baird. w )i ol e 1-4 of s e 1-4 sec 31 5 s 1 e I $400 J H Miller to M A Campbell, 180.83 a sec 31 3 s 1 e ; $5100. " ' J W Doores to 41 L Dunlaney, acres in Allen claim: $5UO. C F Ely to E Murrow, 55.100 acres m Wm Holmes claim; $300. A Lonenecker to G Cramer, 80 ac's in loster claim ; $300. Windsor Land Co to P Hansen, lot 5 blk 8 Windsor: $100.- E rarker bv biientt to vv A Hedges lots 7 and 8 blk 21, Windsor: $174.31 J T Searle to J E Hedges, lot 5 blk 9 Canemah; $40. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THB SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. I. North.' t:00r. II GREENMAN (Established 1805 J PIOKEER EXPBESSMAM DKATMAN x Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY " . ' OREGON flniith :00 r.M. I Lt Portlana Ar 6:Mf.M. IiV Oreeon City Lv 1:45 a.m. Ar Ban Francisco Lv ' Tha hnvatminii stnn at all statlnns betweep Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, Albany, Taugont, 8he(lds, liaisey, narn k,., Tunxiinn citv. Irvinir. Gueene. Creswel Cottsue Grove, mains, and all tloni Iron Roseburg to Asblaud.inclutilve. i ROSiBORS MAIL BAILT .Lv Portland Arl 4:Mlr.ll n-27i.M. Lv OreitonCity - Lv R:86r.l a:'20 r. . Ar Rosebum " Lv I 7: 0 X DINING CARS ON OGCEK ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET BLFLEPEBS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Train. West Side Division, Between POKT1.AND and CORVAI.HS Vitl.TRAmDilT.YlIXCjrrSDNDAY.) At Albany and Corvaliis connect with train o: Oregon Central a Jtasiern tt. n. EirBISS T&A1N D AILY t EXCEPT SUNI) AT.). j.uip M it.t Portland , Arl8:2SA, 7 U1'.M. Ar McMinnvllle Lv 5:fA.M 8:30 P. M. ir Independence Lv 1 4:60 A. M Rates and tickets to eastern JAPAN. CHINA. and AUSTHALIA, can be obtained irom E. E. BOYD, Aeent, Oreeon City R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM Alniii"r, Portland, Or, COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Bnvs and sells exchange on all points In the United' States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received sul ject to check. Bank open irom 8 A. At. u 4 P. M. D.C.LA10URB.TTE, FEED J. MEYER, President. ( Cashier. 0. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE AITOKNETS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Prohate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY , , ' OREGON points ana HONOLULU Ast. . F. At P. A Kent Portland, Or. J. U. Camitsll Geo. 0. BbowneU BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW YOU OWE-" T, tn vnttrnnir vnnr fnmilv. VOur friends and all you benefit to nnredilfy and considerately in vesliftate me inenis oi viivr. i reuieu thou.. Him iimpH & fiir. There is no exoer: mpnline. no ouess work, no danger, no loss ot time. It is periectlv harmless, anil may alwnyi be relied on. It is the queen of cures, for 1 reaches the nidm of all diseases, and will cure vou when all other remedies have failed after vou have tried all catch-penny humbugs and frauds onlv to grow older and worse. Do not not neglect to give it a trial, for Vitas-Ore cornel to the sick anil the afflicted like the vision of the Eastern str to the wIkb men. On every packngt ot the genuine will be found tlie red ink signa ture of Theo. Noel. I'nce m.w oy man. MRS. M. M. LaCROY, Agent, Viola. Or. ' Free ?ills. Send vonr address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of King's New Life Pills. Atrial will convince yoti of their merits. Ihese uills are easv inaction and are partieu larv effective inthe cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomacn ana Dowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 2oc. per box. Bold by Charman & Co., Druggists . ' Christian Endeavor Convention. The sixth annual convention of the Clacka&as County Endeavor Union, convened at the Congregational church Wednesday, November 30th. Not an officer of the Union was present,, and no program had been prepared for the gathering. , An organization was effected by elect ing Mrs. O. S. Ohlson president, and Miss Mabel Miller, ot Milwaukie, secre tary. ; ' A program committee was appointed to arrange a program for the next day. On the following afternoon, Key. A.f Montgomery gave a talk on the "New Crusade," and the following officers were elected: Mrs. 0. 8. Ohlson, of Gladstone, president ; Miss Mabel Mil ler, first vice-president ; William JBis eell, of Canby, second vice-president; Chester Muir, Oregon City, third vice- president; Mrs. J. E. White, Oregon City, corresponding secretary; B. M. Fish, Milwankie, recording secretary; Mrs. K. H. Gabbert, treasurer. In the evening Miss Margaret Wil liams read an interesting paper on "A Plea for Our Boys," followed with an address by Rev. Oilman Parser on The Relation of the Christian. En deavor to the Philippines and other Probable Colonial Possessions." The officers promise that thel next convention will bo a tanser, and a splen did program will bo prepared. It was discovered that a serious mis take waB made in changing the time of holding the convention from the latter part of the week to the middle, as many teachers and others interested in the work, are thua prevented from attend ing. , , . 1 B. M. Fish, of Milwaukie, and Miss of Logan, were among the outside dele gates attending th9 convention. 2& is First . Jyleal Since buying Ms Groceries ofMAER $ MUIR, after having traded for some time at other stores. No stale or inferior goods Jcept. SANTACLAUS AT THE BAZAAR Wagons, Doll Buggies, Dolls, Rocking Horses, Drums, Horns, Cornets, Bugles, Cradles, Rockers, Trunks, Black Boards, Iron Toys, Banks, Pianos, Games, Tin Toys, WoodenToys, Chairs, China Tea Sets,.Toy Books, 1 Xmas Cards, China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Xmas Candles, Glass Ware, Vases, Auto. Albums, Photo Al bums, Jewelry and thousands of other articles for the Holiday trade, all at our well known low prices. ' Re member our goods and prices can not be duplicated even in the city of Portland. L A. PATTERSON &. CO. FIFTH AND MAIN STREETS Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve. The Bkst Salvb in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For sale by Charman & Co. THE SWEET THINGS for household use are amongst the articles from our stock of Groceries which are in constant demand. Their richness, fine flavor and other excellent qualities have made them prime favorites with every housekeeper. We also have sweet things in the Snstry line made fresh every day in our akery besides the best bread in the city. HEINZ & CO., 'i Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postoffice, ' rv r: -J NORTH PACIFIC RURAL SPIRIT A Home Paper Devoted to LIVE STOCK and AGRICULTURE Keeps yon posted on all matters pertainioK to the farm, publishes the only correct live stoi'.k market report in Portlnuil: tmbsuriptiou $2.00 per ytar; sample copies free. Published weekly at I'orilanu, ureifou. We will send you the Rural Spirit and Coubiek-Hebai,d both one year for .$2 00. Ad less. CouiuKit-liKKAU) Oregon City, Oregon. 1831 Tk 1898 Country Gentleman The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper Indispensable to all country residents who wish to keep up with the timet. 8iriRle subscription, 82; two lubscriptlons, four subscriptions, SO. Bnecial Inducements to raisers of larger elubs. Write for particulars on this point. Free till Jan. i to New Subscribers for 1899 It will be seen that the difference between the cost of the Country Oehtleman and that of other agricultural weeklies (none of which at tempts to cover the agricultural news ol the day) may readily be reduoedby making up a small fthi'h. to less than a cent a week! Does such a diil'ercu e as that Justify you in contenting yourseit with some oilier paper m stead of havini; the best? Kb- d fomueclnien copies, which will be mailed Free, and compare them with any other rural weekly; it will not take long to seethe dill'orence Address LirillSR TUCKER & SON, ' Albany, KY, IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your paint your roorris and ; house and , Murrow Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Hur.tley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C, SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Eeutffyr SIbbofat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F. .RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Iksdiukc Agwct or Ciackixai County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made DrawiuR of Legal Document s Specialty Office on east side of Main treet Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY. - - OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offer hi professional tervice to the people ol Oregon City and vlrihity. Sixt'tal attention paid to Catarrh and I'hriinie disease. resi 01 reineniT. piu Office in WillsmHM Buildlner. 1U to u a. m., vo 9 p. OfBce hours: OREGON CITY m OREGON IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape, at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. I For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY I? Go to 'I C. F. HENNINQS j Seventh St. Bakery I or skop his wagon f as it goes by. 5 -:- FREE -:- Aluminum Hai Pinr Ornaments. Send 12 names of your friends and an order for any ONE of the articles below and receive the above beautiful pin FREE. 12 Aluminum Thimbles '. 12c 1 Key Chain, 19-in, good.... 8c 1 Key Chain, 20 in, best 12c 1 Memoiandutn Tablet 13c 1 Bag Check, 4-in.strap 15c 1 Hat Mark 80 1 Tie or Veil Holder 8c 1 Pocket Comb and Case, 4-in . . . . 8c 12 Aluminum Hair Pins. ' 6u 1 Aluminum Box. 3-in long, filled with Hair Pins and Menthol In haler (cure headache) 15c 1 Aluminum 60e engraved, satin finished, Chillis' cup, spun from one piece as an extraordinary in ducement lor vour patronage, 1 only to a customer 30c Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Charles Bunnell, deceased,. J. C. Hungerford and Mrs. J. M. B. Sellwood filed a pe tition objecting to the allowances or dered to be paid by the administrator, . T. Bunnell, and asking for his re moval on the ground of incompetency . It was ordered that he be cited to ap pear before this court and show the present condition of his trust, and that he be restrained from disposing of any of said property pending such hearing or showing. He is also cited to appear on the 22d day oi December, and show cause why he should not be removed from such trust. . In the matter of the estate of Julius Logus, deceased, Charles Logus, admin istrator, filed a petition to sell certain real estate. It was ordered that all per sons interested, . appear before said court on Monday, March 6th, 1899, and show cause why an order should not be made to this effect, and that a copy of said citation be mailed to William Lo gus at Manila, Philippine Islands, post paid. The last testament and will of Eliza beth Jane Hedges was filed for probate. George A. Harding and H. L. Kelly are named as jxecutors The real prop erty is valued at $r00, and the personal DroDeitv at I5.00U The executors are instructed to dispose of the estate, as they think most advantageous, nnd to provide the support of her daughter; Emma Hedties, as long us she lives. After her death the residue of the prop erty is to be divided among the other heirs as follows : Henry Hedges, Bar low! Edwin, Albert, George and Pleas ance Hedges, Mallot, Wash.; Mrs. J, B. Chanman. tfeattle. Wash., and Mabel Hollonbeck, a granddaughter, Oregon City. The above-named heirs were be queathed $1 each. ' . HARRIS' GROCERY.. Fresh Stock of First-Class THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Depot for HAY and FEKD Willamette BI00&, Oregon City To every one the buying of shoos in an important step. The economical buyer especially wants something that looks elegant, but also something that does not cost too mucn anu win wenr mm be comfortable. You will appreciate as well as we that this demand ff not a slight one, but wo, in guaranteeing to suit you, will run the risk of failure, be ing confident of success. KRAUSSE BROS. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon CltT.Oregoa Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Boltoo Dairy ud b Cutim Promptness and Reliability At Your Service L. B. EMERSON, f - , 1 Oijjcago, III. 182 E Ftillert'ii Aveuue. ! T'TANTFD I'J jmiilMmeo o ffla XOftllfcM. Pot' close nil oMrc Iiominion Cubij) TM''"iVVrnY ATi AOTIVf SHlllmeo 01 unit n c i'-pm-m' -. linhed hmnj in lrrt in. ywRMlf Kb ic .-.n t. toy. line rnce. r fd i&-iiid iv-;Ui. TI11 of, Jjtjt. Y.Clncu. Vl feutlrmMi r !?' to iir rwrr,lbl .t.LU.l.eJ hoiiM is C'rura. Mniiihlr l'jVf-5 wm . PoHln rf-nlr- Refreon, Xvtti .If-ddre.i"' utrni'T 4 .ar.iui 1st tuiuUH Funeral of Mrs. Uedyea. The funeral services of the honored pioneer woman, Mrs.. Elizabeth Jane Hedirus, was largely attended. Hie services at St. Paul's Episcopal church last Saturday at 1 p. m., was conducted by Rev. P. K, Hammond, the rector Thus ended the closing tribute to one of Clackamas county's noted pioneers Born in Indiana in 1829, a relative of the late General Robert E. Lee, and coming to Clackamas county in 1845, she became a part of the history of Ore gon. In 1847, she was married to Cap tain A. F. Hedges, who built the first steamboat that navigated the Willam ette, and was subsequently prominent in business and political circles. Hhe leaves a family of eight children to hold in tender remembrance her memory Tim rWfiiiHHd was a sister of William Bar.ow, of Barlow. For Over Fifty Years 1., n,r. .vn Wei l-Thied Rembov Mrs. Window's ftootning oyrup m been opJ lor over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It cool net. the child, aoftens the (films allays all pain, cues wind colic, and is the best rtrnedv for Diarrhea. U pleasant to the tate. fold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. STRAIGHT DaI- In. Groceries and . f , . Provisions. Also Foil line ol Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ' asfl M Mer, 1 FROM OLD WHEAT PATENT FLOUR is made entirely from old wheat and when use it you do not run the risk of having poor bread as you do if you buy flour made by Tom, Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS WE LEAD US WHILE OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW AT TIIM it OREGON CITY AUCTIONJOUSE WE have just received a fine line of servicable : Christmas Presents-: Call and See OUR BARGAINS Before Range' w. buying elsewhere, We are guaranteed for 15, yprs. l. block:,! Main Street agent Stove or for every - r s, Proprietor CrVjon Cl;y"" y