Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 09, 1898, Image 4

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PiriiLisiniu wkekly.
Euterud in Oregon City os!uIeB 2i.d-cUow mutter
If paidin adviim e, peryefir .. ..... 1 50
Six m.-nthf .... ... ; 75
liiree mouihs'lriaJ.... ....
1 lt3FNie date onooslte your address on -the
paper denotes (he time to which you have paid.
OREGON CITY, Dl'.C. 9, 1898.
Matters Concerning Local Every
day Affairs Noticed by the
Courier-Herald Reporter.
Ttio feus for the Jibtriut attorney at
tin last term ol the -November term
amounted to $535, exclusive of th $10
fee collected in each divoice suit. The
district attorney, also draws down a
handsome fee in each county court suitin
the circuit, com t. Itia very evident that
it would be a matter of economy if
the lnw ehoii'd be so changi'd that an
attorney be elected in each county, who
could fill tha dnt:e of district a'toniey.
The county attorney could be placed on
salary, and the fees collected turned
into the county treasury.
It is now an assured fact the Volun
teers at Manila and other places will be
muKtered out, a soon as enough regu
lars can bo pretend into service to take
their places. President McKinley has
said as much in his message.
A very mediocre Negro show took
about $:I00 of hard money out of ton
Monday night. Had it been a first
class performance, there probably
would not have hern enough money ta
ken in to hardly pay expenses .
That moral leper, who runs the rag
in the old chnrch worked a serious in
jury to the friends, who have stood by
him in the past, by the special edition
racket issued last Saturday evening.
The sheet has no legitimate general cir
culation, and the only way that he
could give his old friends a nasty, dirty
slain, was through an extia. It was
not admissablejthrough the mails, so it
was ecattered brondoaet. Councilman
Koerner stands high among his fellow
citizens, and no newspaper in O.eg.m
City has ever impugned his motives
not until the rag cmne out in a special
edition. Mr. Koerner has always been
a friend and supporter of the rag, and
why it should have turned loose on him
through a special edition, is a nine
day's wonder. Had these papers not
been scattered broadcast in citizens'
yards on Sunday, and vilifying false
hood read wiili disgust, Mr. Koerner
would have received many more com
plimontary votes. He is still held in
the highest esteem by many friends,
who regret that he suffered the animus
of 6no whom he had befriended, but
who proved a traitor to his benefactor.
The rug has been tho only sheet that
over solicited saloon advertising, and if
it has one iota of ho.'or and morality,
why in the name of the great Creator,
don't it pay up the expenses of getting
out the campaign edition in December,
1897, and not do business under false
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Couiitv ol Cliicltauias.
0 A, Hockwoori,
Win II HmltU and Inihia Smith, his
wife, tioo. A. llamllmn unt Jeaaie
Hamllton.hiiwlle, Anuea M. Wash
burn. i O, T. Williams, snaiiee of
llaintUon Urothers, Johu O. M tiler,
K. Miller ant) James B Waite,
partners as John O, Miller Com
pany, It. t Habln, J, H I.ee and
K. L. BandborD, partners dolna busi
ness under the arm name anil style
of J. II. Ie tt Company, and Chea
ter Willi.uis,
Plate o( OreKon, County of Claekamai, si,
virtu of a tmliimant onler. decree and an
iwutUm duly issued out of and under tha seal of
tha abova fulltled court, in tha above emmea
ause, to me duly direoted and dated tha itll day
f Dmiemher. laiiH. uuon a juilattnent rendered
and utered In said Court on tha 2Uth day of No
vember, lwta. tn favor of u. A. Koctwoou. Plain
tilt', and aaaltiat W.n. II. Hmlth and Louisa Smith
his wiK t.,io, A. Hamilton ana Jessie Hamilton,
hti wife. Annus U. Washburn. 0. O. T. Williams,
afstitnee of Hamilton Hrothera, John Q. Millar, K.
Millar and James B. Walte. narttien as John U .
Miller 0otuny, R. U Hatdn, J. H Lea aud K. L.
Mandlwrn. partner! doing business under the ttnn
aania and Hlvlv o( J tt. lsie A Company, and
4:hestor Wllllnins. defendants, for tha sum of
OT.W), with tntareat thereoa at the rata of It) per
nt nor annum from the 'th day of Kovemtwr,
lwitt, aud tlie further sum ol fn).tltl ss attorney's
tea, ud tna itinner sum oi siu.w costs auu uis
i,ii raumeuta. ami the eostaol and mm this writ,
mmimanill tt nie to make aals of tha lollowinK
tteseribed real property, situate tu tha County of
tlLi-kamaa. Stnlaof Uri lton, to-lt:
All thai plttie orpaiwl of laud In T. 2 a, K. 2
f the W, M. In I'laekamaa rotm'y, Orenon, more
Tiarltoutnrly uosrnwa as toiiowa, wi-wn: vom
lueui'lug at a point III Hiram Straight I h. 0
i:i rods south of what la known as as Wheeler'
southwest point, llumee east 2Hl feel, thenoe
north 214', fuel, thenoe eaat 74 loet in tncnea,
11,1.,1,-h Kouih ai foot, Ihenr.a west usuv, fwt.
thenoe north '-'ft l et to tho plane of heitliuiini;, ho
!..,. nait t lllrnm A. Straiuht and wile's dona
ti n lamleliiliu, savlim and exeeptlng from Ihe
uhoveconvevauoe so liuu'ii "I tneuoovooeM'two.
laud as had been heretofore convoyed to Ihj Oro
uon aud California ratlroad. ...
Nowi tho.'.-1'ore, hy vlmie of sold execution,
tn.lcnient order and iloon e, il t" eompllanea
wuli tho txniimandsof said writ. I will, on
SATVRUAY. rllE 7lh ''AV Oe-JASl'AKY,
at the hour of 1 ;K0 e'eloc p. m., at ihe fio'it dimr
ot Iho nmiiiy court !ium iu Ilie elf of Oregon
t Itv In siiid o- ilP'v end atato, sell at publie am
tlon' silhl'-i't to roitonipiion, to Ilie Uiidiest Udder,
f,.H! i i! r n. ciii fn hand, nil the rltlit,
lule and lit.net Willi the tl aaiul d.l'i-u-l-iiu
aor either of them hid on the date ot the le.irt-a-sr-e
h.-u tii or since had tti and to the above
illi-1 ro.il in. per'v or auv pail th.Mv..f, lo
s-ill-iv I'lft exiiMilimi. .inaulllent olibr, d'W,
- iubirt'sl, costs imd all aeerniiiB ,';,j'i,t,00KKi
Nhcrin of Oln.-katnaseounty. O.-egoti.
Haled, Orea'ou fit', Ore IH-e. I.
1 In tliii Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
tor Or.- county ol Clackamas.
William P. Lord, its Governor, liar-
ii-..ii K Kincsid, its heereury of r . '
: tiiili', "l. l'l'H. -Mitsi linn, as
. 'wii'r.itlio Board of (lorn-. ,
minimi. -is fur the Sl of M'.uotil I - "
and rt.ivoi's.ty Lauds and fur the I - r
iuyei-tiiteilt of lilt fundi uiiniiltf - :
therefrom, '.)..,
Plaintiffs, , . :.
' VS.
j Tbomes (Hmrmun, Sop hit Churman
aim i iYu it. ' hnr,oiiii, , j . "
. Defendants, j
State of On ?on, County of Clackamas, ss.
and an ix.'eutioii, duly issued out of and
mider the soil of tin above en'iileil court, in the
above entitled court, in tin abow entitled cause, to
me duly directed ami dated thoiiOth day of Novem
ber, 18'Jtt, upon u judgment rendered and entered
in eitia court on the 2oth tiny of November, 1898,
in favor of William F. Lord, as governor, Harrison
Ji. Kincaid, as secretary of s'.iie, mid riiil. Met
scban, as treasurer, as ilie P-oard of Commissioners
for tiie Mule of School and University Land and
for the investment of the funds n rising therefrom,
plaintiils, and against Thomas Charuiao, Sophia
Charuian and Fred R. Charman, defendants, lor
the sum of 82778.05. with interest thereon at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum from ttie 2.rt h day of
November, 1898, and the further turn of 815.00 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of the follow
ing described real projierty, situate in the County
of Clackamas, Stale ol Oregon, to-wit: Beginning
at a uoint ii.fco chains south and 7.90 chains west
ol the south-west corner of section 0, township
two (2)south, range three f3) east of the Willamette
meridian, and running thence ensl 35.6o chains;
Ihcnte south 19. 75 chains; thence west til chains:
llo-nee north 59.31 chains: tiience south 60 decrees
east 32.1.9 cliaius; thence south 20 ohains to the
pheeof beginning, containing ll'350scres. Also,
beginning a', a point 5.8ft chains south and 7.110
chuins west of the south-west corner of said section
J'!; running thenoe east 20 chains; thence north
20 chains; tiieuce west 20 chains; thence south 20
chains to the place of beginning, containing 40
acres, and being a part of the donation land claim
No 45, of Taae Laswell, together wilh the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereun
to belonging or in any wise appertaining. Now,
therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment
oidcr and decree, and m compliance with the com
mands ol said writ, I will, on
at Ihe hour of 11 :3tj o'clock a. m., at the front door
ot the County Court Hou-e in ihe lily of Oregon
t ily, in said County and State, sell at public auc
tion, subject, to redemption, to the hiyliest bidder,
for XI. 8. gold coin cash in hand, ail the right, title
and interest which the. within named dcieiidnnis
or either of them, had ou the date of ttie mortgage
herein or since had iu or to the above described
real property oi any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judf ment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs. J. .1. COOK.K,
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. ;), IS'.HS.
In tiie CirruH Court of the State tif OrKtm. for
tlie County of Clarktimos.
Ada KiiiHh,
Lticy J. Fletclior, Lury J. FH'tt'hcr,
an inihwiilf, by Iittinai) A, lite, Ikt.
uunnllrin. and iirman A. Un
Kuimimii of Luoy J. Fletcher, an
Pefonuiints. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, f8.
itoo and an fxocmion, dulv isned out of and
undur the m?al of tho above entitled ron in the
auove oiuuusi rim ne, to me uuiv nirmcd and
1 tit Jio m h d;ty of Novoinber. lhlirt, upon a
jiulumciit reittlmtl and entered in (said court
on the Zird any of November, 1WW, In favor of
Ada Sudili, plfiiiikill, Hud imtiitmt Luoy FLelchor,
LncyJ. Fletcher, an JmtHHiK hy lieuian A, Lee,
her unniiaii, and Hwinan A. Lw, at (jnaidian of
Lucy J. rii'tcher, an inioeeilf. (ifiuiiddiitu, lor the
fiinii of tl'jO.WI, with IntoreHt (hercitn at the rato of
10 pur cnt. p-T annum from ttteHthday of March,
1M.7. and (hu (urtlwr mim of 10.78 tuxiea with iu
lert'ot iliureon from the O.h (Uy of October, 18'JS,
at the rate of 8 p'r pent, per annum
and th fun Iter aum of "0 00. an attorney a fp,
and thufutthoraum of $tu,tXI costs anddisburse-
mentH. anU th costs of and upon this writ, com
mnudinfr mo to make aulo of the following de
ftorihitU raal lroperty, aituate in the County of
Cluckauma, State of Urcgun, to wit: Beginning at
ap(dtu l'i.UH clmins snuili of tho north-eat corner
of donation land claim No. oH. In section VJH)
twonty-vinht and (20j twyiity-nine, in township (3
thrt e Konlh of range (1 oiu-efa-st of the Willamette
liieridiHn; tluiLif wtt 'T.N5 chtuos: thence south
10.7H chains; thenoe east ii7 MS cliainK; thence
north MI.7H t'huimi to the jtlnceof bt-iiiiilng, con
tuining lit! KiTOft, uion or less. Now, therefore, by
virtue of B'iW execution, jn'tmi'iit ordtsr and d
cri'H, ai'd in compliance with tho commands of
rtaid wrt, 1 will, on
at t!ie hour of two o'clock p. m., at the front door
of tin' County Court Hons.", in tlm City of (Jrcgim
City, in wiid rotin'y and !S late, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest hi-'dor,
for 1;. 8. uld cuin, ca-li in himd, alt ilie rKht, title
and liitert.(t which Ui withi'i-numcd deiendnritj
or either of tlnm. had on the date ol' the mortg i
hoivin or fux had in or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, inter ?t, ooais
and all net ruimr costs, J. J, OOOKK,
hhcritf of Clnckftina Cumuy, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 30, l8itS.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oreion for
the County of Clackamas.
liesslo bavin,
Mlchlel Lav I n,
To Mlchlel Lavin, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled suit on or neiore the .tutn day ol
December, 1HU8, that being the time set bv the
eotitt in which o'i are required to appear
and answer said complaint, and if you
fall so to appear and1 answer the plaintiff
will apply to the uourt for the rallef prayed for,
to-wlt: For the dissolution of the bonds
of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant.
una summons is pumisneii uy orner ot uon.
Thomas F.Kyan, judAe of the oounty of Clack
Dated this 2nd day of November, lBilg.
Attorney for Plaintiff
I'orlland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for
the County ol Clackamas.
Sarah K. Lynch,
Thomas W. Lvnch.
Defendant, j
To Thomas W. Lynch, Defendant
You are hereby required to appear and answer
tne complaint n ed affHinsl vou In the alaiva en
titled suit on or before the 30th day of December,
mat oeiug me urns sot oy me oourt in
whioh you are required to appearand answer said
complaint, and If you fall so to appear and answer
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayeu lor. u-wui ror tne dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony between plaiutiff and
This luminous It nnhllshed bv order of Hon
Thomas F, Kyan, Judge ot the county of Clack
Dated this 2nd day ot November. lfWt.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Otegon.
L' suaiiee of an order and license of the Countv
Court ot Clackamas Comity, Slate of Oregon,
made on this 21st day of November, lsos, in the
matter of the estate of Clara I. irvln and LIMv L
irvlu, minora. It appearing to the court bo'no
llelal to said wards that the following described
real property be sold, tn-wll: The north', ot
the north-east '4 of aeetinn 3. township 4 sooth of
riniife 1 east of Willamette meridian. It is
therefore ord'-red thai tho It ml Monday In Jan
uary, I,!;), at ihe hour tif lo o'dovk a. m
at Ihe County Court lb. use of CI .ok.
amas Coun'y. ut.-coii, at Ihe eiltee of the County
Judge of said County, Is sot as the lime auil
pis'a for hearing said petition, at which time
and pli-ee the next of kin of said wards aud all
la r.soos inuTi -stvd in mid estate sre di reeled to
be present and show rane, it any there bo, why
license should not be grained for snle of said
' real property. It Is further ordered that a Co-.y
of tins order be puirlsloHt at lea-t three successive
I weeks In the orvgoii Cuv CourieiMterald, a
i newspaper of general olrciiiatiou in cl ickumas
Coiiiite, ll-oson.
Dated tins 21st dav of November, lstis.
Countv Judge,
I V". W. iliVIN, Ciuanliau.
s'lft 'CI C t y puli i t it' , uplo
; p f i& i v y ,- !'utt i' ji u i
An American Girl"
One of Ilie han(!otiest pioces of colur
woik issued this year. Lith. nph d ,
with border oi army and navy emblems
cnihond in truld. Lcav-i ynur liamo
wiih your rlruaalit ami sk hint losavo
von a oupy or Hfiid 6 conta in stampa (or
otioti) 0. 1. HOOD & CO.,
Lowell, Mtisa.
(Mention this paper.
Hood's SarsapariHa is
America's Greatest Msdiclns
for the Blood and the
Best that Bloney Can Bay.
Hence take only Hood's
In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon or
the County of CUcknmas.
Alhln Floss,
Noah S. Kellogg, Maroissa J. Kelloutr
und Clackamas County, Oreiron,
Defendants. J
Slate of Oregon, County of Olackamas, ss.
JL eree and execution, duly issued nutol and
under the seal of the above entitled court,
in tlie above entitled cause, to me duly
directed and dated Ihe litith day of Novem
ber, lftHS, upon a judgment rendered and entered
in said court on the '21st day of November, 18y.S,
iu favor of Albin Floss, plaintiff, and at!Hin.t
Noah S. Kcllogtr, Murcissa J. Keilogg and Clack
amas Countv, Oregon, defendants, for the sum of
JToO.OO, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent, per antiiim from Ihe 27th day of Jauuary,
lsit?, aud the further sum of $24.50 with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, r-er annum
from tlie 1st day of February, 1'J7, and the
further sum of $ 111. CO with interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 5th day of
December, 1S07, and the further sum of 870 UO, as
attorney's fee, and the further sum of 117.00 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon
this wril, eoinmandinfr me to mako sale of the
following described real property, situate in the
Countv of Clackamas, Slate of Oregon, to-wit:
All of lots 15 and 16 In block 138 of the Oregon
Iron and Steel Company's Kxtension to the First
Addition to Oswego, in Clackamas County, Ore
gon, together witu the tenements, hereditaments
and nppurtenauc is thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining. Now. therefore, by vir
tue of said execution, judgment order and decree,
and incompliance with the commands of said
writ. I will, on
18H8, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., at. the front
door of the County Court House in thecilyof
Oregon City, in said t ouuty aud Stale,. Reil at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for (J. ft gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, tills and interest whioh the within
named deiendants or either of them had on the
date of tha mortgage herein or since had In or
to the above described real properly or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, dectee, interest, costs and all accruing
costs. J J.COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas Couniv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Or., November 20, 18118.
of the Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon
for Clackamas County, of date November 25
Iksm, upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered
In said court on November 22, 1898. in the case of
Anna W. Mathews, plaintilf, vs. George R. Hod
man snd Clara 8. Dedman, his wife, Emit C.
Johnson and Johnson, his wife, and Ange
lina Berry, defendnma, in favor of the plaintiff
and against the defendants, 1 will, at 1.30o'ckaik
iu the afternoon on the
at the front door of the Court House, in Oregon
I Itv, Oregon, sell at pubile auction, to the high
est'bidder, for cash in hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premises neserlbert in said decree ot
foreclosure, being situated in Clat-kainas County,
Stale of Oregon, lo-wit: All of tract "B"tlack
amas Riverside, ac'-ordlti!? to tiie duly recorded
map or plat thereof ou iile or record iu tho (.nice
of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas
County, State of Oreii-m, to satisfy the stun of
HS.atl. with interest from novemDer -a, mm. at
the rate of 10 per cent, per annum and 817;i)0
as attorney s lee with interest trom s inie date at
8 per cent, per annum, all in United Suites gold
coin, and the costs and disbursements or said suit
taxed at $.15.00 aud the costs of aud np-'U said
writ. J. J cookk,
Sheriff of ' laekoinos County, Oregon.
Dated November 20, ls'J8.
In Ihe Circuit fourt of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Wm. P. Lord as Governor, Harrison )
K, nun ant, as socralary o: Mate,
and Phil Meischuu, as Slate Treas-
urer. as toe uoi nioi commission
ers for ihe Sale of Sch. ml and Uni-'
vefsity bunds end lor the Invest
ments of tlie funds arising there
from, Plaintiffs, .
George Pfister, Anua Mary rster.
f , 1;. small, m. a. aiiiuii ano
itallilas Butala,
8tato ot Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an exeoutlon, duly Issued out ot and
under tlie seal oi the auove entitled court, iu the
above entitled csme. to mn iluiv directed and
dated the 2tith day of November, lstiS, upon a
lodgment rendered and enter in said court on
thelB'nuayoi aovemoer, lmn, in lavoror Wil
liam r. Lord, as governor, llamsou K. Kiucald,
as secretary of stats, and Phil Uelschan, as stale
treasurer, as the Board ot Commissioners for
the Sale of School and University Lands and for
the investments of the funds arising therefrom,
plaintiffs, and against George raster, Anna
Mary Pfister, E. C. Small, M. A. Small and
Mathiaa Butala, defendants, for the sum of
tJXiu.oo, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
ceut. per annum from the 12th day ol October,
1SU3. and the further sum ot 1122.02 taxes, and
the further sum of $200.00 as attorney's tea. and
the further sum oi f22eu costs and dlsbura.
ments, and the costs ot and upon this writ, com
maudlin me to make aale of the following de
scribed real ptoperiv. situate In the County ot
Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: All ol the
east or husband's half of the D. L. C. of Thomas
Ross and Margaret J. Boss, his wife, situated in
sections (4) lour and (5) five, township (6) six
south, range 11) one east ol tn w iiismetu merid
ian, save and except from the said east half of
this described tract, vis; Commencing on the
north boundary of the D. L. C. of Robert Allen
at a point which la ten chains and fifty links west
otlhe north-east oomer ot said olalm; thence
north 30 chains; thence west 81 chains and 30
links; thence south 30 chains to a point 6 chains
and 28 links east of th north-west corner of said
Robert Allen's claim; thence east to the place of
beginning and containing 93.99 acres. The part
alsive conveved amounts to 4. i acres; also .tie
lollowlna Isincluded In this deed of convnysnee,
vis: The west or wife's half of the aforesaid 1),
L. Cot Thomas Ross and Margaret J. Boss, sit
uated in T.8.S.. U. 1 K. and amounting lo 141.9
acres, more or less, excepting 40 acres here-to-fore
deeded tn Hiram Luterman off of the west part
of to mid Marearet J Rosa part of the above dee
scribed II. L. C . containing and amounting In all
1... titU d.M,1 ,tiv.v,.,i 'lo 14S ai-res and 100 sollare
nils, more or less Now. therefore, by virtue of
said execution. Judgment onler aud decree, and
!n e.ouiiilanee with the, commands of said writ, 1
will. on
S UTlilUY,THR Stst DAY OF DF.CKMHK.it, 1898.
at Ihe hour of eleven o'cha-k a. m.. al :the front
rtnnr of ill- Countv Court umise in me t,ity oi
Oroeon Cilv. iu said County and htuto, sell at
public auction, siH-ji-ct to redemption, to tlie
liwliest bidder, for l:. S. "ld coin cash in hand,
all the right, til'e and Interest wn'eh the within
nanu-d deti-mlants or ei'lier of them, bad on the
d .te oi the amrtgee herein or tmre ha t in or to
the above dev-ribt-d n-al property or any pert
thereof, to nsfifv s-t:-t exvoution, judgment
aider, decree, iuterwt. costs and a!l awruiug
,-osls. J. J. COOKK,
Sheriff of Clark.iroas Couu'v Oregon,
D-iUd Oregou City, Ore., Nov. 29, IMf.
n..j n.n;n TtonolJ (Mnrl
in Tims
dlill UJlUMTiUW-lU tTlilJ
.in tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor
the Comity of Clackamas.-. .
lebortb A. Howen, ' ) .
Plaintiff, . . , f
- v. .
James Show and BettyShaw, his wife, t
J.tUHW W. r-liaw and Mr--. .Itlincs W.
sti.'iw. ins wiic, Henry utius Sidney
Smith, T, I'. Randall und L.
State of Oregon, Couiity of Clackarans, ss.
cree iitid an execution, duly Issued out ot" and
under the M-al of ttie above entitled eoiTrt, in Hie
nliove entitled cause, to tne duly iliru ted and j
doted tile 22 t day of November, 1N"S. Unii
u judtjmciit ivntteruti and cnlorcd in?anU'ou;i on
the 18IU day of Xoveiuber. 18;18, iu favor if
Hehornh A. itowcti, plamtitf, aud atrti:is, Jumes
Shaw and IJetty Shaw, his wife, J.uuos W. Silitw
and Mrs, James W. Shaw, hia wile, j.tenrv twins,
Sidney Smith, T. 1'. Knmlnll and L, K. iichi.'U.,
deiendants, for the sum of 2 ii0.il9, with interest
thereon at the rale of 8 per cout. per annum ib.m
the 18th day of November, lf iw, and the fuitti-v
sum of 815.35 as taxes, with interest thereon f rom
Ihe 18th day of November, 18,(8, and the fnitlnr
sum of 8175 as attorney's fee, and the fuithor sum
of IM0.10 costs end d'sbursemeiiia, aud the costs
of and upon this w rit, conunanding me to n like
sale of the following described leal property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wif. Being in section thirty two, in
township two south, range two cast, and section
five, in township tlireesouth, range two east of
the Willamette meridian, and being parts of the
claims of William Holmes and George P. Newull,
and bounded and described as foliwws: begin
ning at the north-east corner of the said Willi.ini
Holmes donation land claim and from thence
running westerly along the north boundary lino
of said William Holmes oiaim twenty-six chains
aud hfty links; thence Soutu twonty-live chains
and sovenly two links, more or iess, to the north
boundary line of Oregon City Anntx, according to
Ihe duiy recorded map and plat thereof; thence
easterly along said north boundary of said Ora.
gon City Annex ihirty-thiee chains and ninety
three links, more or less, to the north-east corner
of said Oregon City Annex; thence southerly along
Ihe cast boundary tine of said Oregon City Au
nex eighteen cliaius Hd eight links, more or
less, to a pointdue eastof the north-east corner of
the Masonic burying f round as referred to iu the
deed from James i lark and wife to Patrick Duffy,
recorded in Book A, page 177, of the Records of
Deeds of ?aid Clackamas County, Oregon; thence
eavt twelve chains and eventy -four links loeast
hounilarv line of the said George P. Ncwall claim;
thence north along said east boundary line of
said George P. Newall claim thirly-foiir chains
and eighty links to a point iu tlie south boumbtry
line of the Ezra Fisher donation land claim;
thence westerly along the south boundary line
of the said Fisher claim fifty links to the en
trance corner of said George P. Newall claim ;
thence northerly along the east boundary line of
said George P. Newall claim nine chains to tlie
north east corner thereof; thence westerly along
the north boundary of said George P. Newail
claim nineteen chains and sixty-seven links,
mo-e or less, to the place of beginning, contain
ing one hundred and forty acres, more or less,
excepting and reserving from the above described
premises a strip of land in the north west corner
thereof deeded by Patrick Duffy to T. P. Handnll
for a public road by deed recorded in Book 82
fit Page -140 of said Records of Clackamas County.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said wril, I will, on
at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the County Court House in the city of Oregon
City, in said County and state, sell at public
auction, subject lo redemu.ion, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, nil the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants or cither of them, had on
the date of (he mo-tgaye herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thcreoi to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, dtc.-ee, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
J. J. CO"KE,
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 22, 18U8
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas
The Security Savings aud Trust Com-1
pany, a corporation.
Sophronia V. Lewelllng, S. Mathew,
Mary McGrath, trustee W. VV. Ir
win, Willamette Land Company, a
Corporation, W. S. U'Reu, and' F.
E. Olsen,
Stute of Oregon. County of Clackamas ss.
"creeand an exeoutlon. duly Issued out of
sun unuer me seal oi r.ne above entitled court in
tlie above entitled cause, lo me dulv directed
and dated the 17th day of November, istlS, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered in said court,
on the 7th (lav of November, 1KHS, In favor of
The Security Savings and Trust Companv, a cor
poration, planum, nod against Snuhronia V.
.ewollhie. S. Miilbinv. Matv M,.Gr.oh im,
W.W.Ir-ln, Willamette Land Comnaov. a on.-!
nttoil, W. li'lu-tl and F. R. Olo.',lpl,l.
ants, for the sum of 3178 00, and the further sum
of 2HO,nO as attorney's fee, ar.d the further sum
of f 12.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs
of anf noon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property
situate) in the County of Clackamas, stute ol Ore
gon to-wit: All of bloci- numbered thlrtv-ooe
(31) of Mihvaukie, Clackamas countv, Oregon, as
per the official Pint thereof on rw.,,',,i in f i, v.
(order's office of said county and slate, also that
iraci oHginmng at a point a 20-100 chains south
and 7 60100 chains east from the north-west
comer of the donation laud claim of Hector
Campbell snd wlie in township one south of
range one east of the Willamette meridian, said
point being the north-west corner of lot No.
s,evn according to the survey and plat made by
F. W. Campbell and on the south line oi the
avenue indicated on said plat; thence south on
Ihe line between lots seven and eight 2 70 100
chains to the soulh-east corner of that portion of
sain on, eigin, conveyed Dy Aitrea and M. K
Lewelllng to Charles Wilson; thence east s n inn
chains to the west line of the land conveyed bv
said Alfred and M. E. Lewelllng to D. Harvev
ill October, 1HS3: thence north alotnr i.H u,.
y's west line 2 70 W0 chains to the north west
corner oi sain Harvey s land on the south side
line of said avenue; thence west along the line
in nie avenue hi nie place Ol Deglrtnlng con
taining one ann seven-sixteenths (1 7-16) aores.
more or less: also lots numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6
23, 24, 25. 20, 27 and 28 of Pruneland. Clacka
mas county, Oregon, as per the official plat
thereof of record in the Becordei's office for said
county and state: also that tract beginning at the
south-east oomer of section nine, Itownshlp four
south, range one eastof the Willamette meridian;
thence north two hundred (200) rods: thenoe
west eighty (80) rods; thence north (40) rods;
thence west forty (40) rods: thence north eighty
(SO) rods to said seetlon line; thence west forty
(40) rods; thence south three hundred and twenty
(320) rods to the south Hns of said section nine;
thenoe east along said line to place of beginning,
containing two hundred and forty (240) acres.
mure or less, now, iiicreiore. oy virtue Of sain
execution, judgment, order and decrei, and In
somplianoe with the commands of said writ, I
will, on
1808, at the hour of one o'clock p m., at the
irnnt door oi tne county uonrt House In the City
of Oregon City, In said oounty and state, sell at
Enbllo auction, subject to redemption, to the
ighest bidder, for U.S. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, tills and interest which the within
named defendants or sillier of them, had on tha
date of the mortgags herein or since had in nr In
the above described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing
costs. j. 4, uuiitvr;.
Sheriff of Clackamas Conntv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1808.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor
me;numy oi uiaoaamas.
Margurite Montgomery,
Robert A. Montgomery,
To Robert A. Montgomery, the above named de
You are I ereby required to appear and an-
swer thecoiuplrtint filed aitninst you in theabove
entitled suit" on or before tlie Jbtli itav of
December, Ithw, that being the tiwe set by the
,.,-tllrt In which vmi art Pt,ujrt.,l Oi umw.ur n.l
; answer said conirdaint and if vim fail no to
anoear and answer the plaintiff will snplv to the
court for tha relief prayed for, to-wit! For the
dissolution the bonds of mutrimonv between
plaintilt and defendant. ' "
This summons Is published by onlrofTTon
Thomas F. Kyan, judge of the county of Clacka
mas. Dated this 2nd day of November, IS'lS.
It. P. AVElCil.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oregon.
A Mawn A Immlin chapel organ at
1 !tuOro:ion Citv Auction llottsu.
1 1 ti I i 1 0 If d I . -' u d I Ij i
More about
other ai tide
in our
i Y
Clothing Business is our HOBBY. It is
the one thing- WE have been trying to
show the public of this town and vicinity
that we can undersell any other store in
Because we buy for
only. ...
I Just Look
Men's all wool Brownsville Suits $6.00,
formerly $io.go.
All Wool and Worsted Black, only a few
left, regular price $12.00, now $6.90.
Fine Cheviots, good wearers, from $3.00 up.
Children's suits from 90 cents up.
Children's 3-piece suits from $1.90 up,
Dewey Style.
We Think
We have gained the confidence of our cus
tomers and friends during the short time
we have been located on Main Street.
In the Kelly Bld'g, next to Burmester & Andresen's.
FOR . .YOU-ass
i By buying your Drugs at the Lead
. ing Drug Store in Oregon City
Willamette Building
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Olackamas.
Hiram Straight,
Frank F. Tatro and Laura L. Tatro,
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
tlon and order of sale, duly issued out of and
under tlie seal ot the above entitled Court, in
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed ana
dated the Dih day of November, 18!8, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in said court on
the 8th day of November, 1898, In favor of
Hiram Straight, planum, and againstf rana .
rui.ro and Laura L. Tatro. defendants, for the
sum of 8103.25, with Interests thereon at the legal
rate per annum rrnm tne stn aay oi novemuer,
1H!8. and the further sum of 810.00, costs and dis
bursements, and the cosib of and upon this writ,
commanding mo out of the personal property of
said defendants, and if sufHctei.l could not be
found, liieu out of the real property belonging
to said defendants on and after the date of said
Judgment lo satisfy said sum of $118.23, and also
the costs upon this said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and in compliance with the
co mands of said writ, being unable 10 find any
personal property of said defendants, I did on
theBtn dav of November, 18H8, duly levy upon
ail the deiendants' Interest In aud to the
foiiowinff described real nrouertv situate and be
ing in the County of Olaokanms, and State of
Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 11 and 12, block "C" of
Claokamas Heights, as per the rooorded plat of
Clackamas Heights in the Becorder s Office of
Clackamas Comity. State OI uregou, tin hook i.
Page 12). and 1 will, on
1898, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at pub-
Uo auotlon, suweoiwi reaempuon, to sne nignesi
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
rleht. title and interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
said Judgment, or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, jungraeni oruer, oeoree,
Interest, costs ana an accruing costs.
Shell! of Clackamas Conntv, Oregon
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1898.
The Best Paper at Lowest Price.
As good as
of a weekly.
a dally at the price
During the Spanish-American war Tint Tiirick
aWkkk Wobi.o proves its great value by the
promptness, thoroughness and accuracy ot its
reports from all the seeues of important events.
Il was as useful as a dally to the readers, and it
will be of equal value in reporting tlie great and
complicated questions whicnare now before the
Anieiiean people.
It prints the news of all the world, having
special correspondence from alt important news
points on the globe. H has brilliant illustrations,
stone's by great authors, a capital, humor paite,
complete markets, depar'ments for the household
and women's work and other spec.al depart
ments i'l unusual uiteresi.
We olbr tun uncinalliil newspeper and
Coi HiKK-liKKALD together one vear f,i- si.ivi.
Ihe regular subscnptiou pri ot the two
j apcrs it r2 6o.
our CLOTHING than any
store. It is because
cash and sell for cash
, t ,
' . '
Prescription Druggist
A dor of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of
the Statu of Orojron, for the Oounty . of Clack
amas, dated Nov. 12, 1898, upon a judgment mid
decree of foreclosure duly rendered and made in
said conn on the 8th day of November. 18:18. in
the case of the Pacific States Savings. Loan and
Building Company, a corporation, plaintlli', vs.
Emma Millard and J. R. Millard, defendants,
in favor of the plaiutiff aud s'ainsl said defend
ants, I will, at 10 o'cloci in the forenoon, on the
17th day of December, 18U8, at the Iront door of
the oourt house, In Oregon City, in said county
and state, expose for sale ah I sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for U.S. gold coin,
cash in hand, subject to redemption, the rest
property in said deoree of foreclosure described,
being situated in Clackamas county.
State ol Oregon, to-wlt: Those portions
of lots seventeen il7), eighteen (18). nine
teen (19), and twenty (20), in block numbered one
hundred and thirty-eight (138) ol the "Kxtension
of the Oregon Irou and Sleel Company's First
Addition to Oswego," commencing at the north
east corner of said lot seventeen H7la,i,l rm,,i,,
thence southerly along ihe west line of the alley
In said block to the south-east corner of said lot
twenty izui, mence westerly along the south Hue
of said lot twenty (20), a distance of forty-eight
(48) feet, thence northerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary line of said lots to the north
line of said lot seventeen (17), thenoe easterly
aiong said norm line or said lot (17) forty-eight
(48) teet to the plaoe of beginning, as the said
lots are shown and designated on the plat of the
I'Kitanalnn tf l,a T. .1 n
. vo uiciuu ouu mm oieei uom
pahy s First Addition to Osweorn." filed Jinimn
8, 192, and recorded in Book "4" of Plals at
pages 11 and 12, in the office of tlie County Re
corder of Conveyances of said Clackamas Coun-
v, to sausiy in sum of 1206.26, wilh interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum
from November 8, 1898, and the sum of 135.00 as
attorney's fees, all in United States gold coin
nuu iud cowl buii uisoursements or said suit
taxed at 22.75 and the costs of and upon said
writ. J.J. cOfrk v.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, November 14, 1898.
In the Clrouit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas. 8 '
Mrs. Martha Rmgo,
W. W. H. 8amson and 1. E. Samson,
State of Oregon, County ot Clackamas, as
" decree and an execution, duly lasued out of
and under Ihe seal of the above entitled court. In
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated th. 6th day of December, )898,T npoTfju,?.
nienl rendered and entered in said court on thi 2"d
day of November, 1898, In favor of Mrs. Martha
K..,goplalutiff,'a.,d against W.W. H.Hamson and J.
i..: , . , "w sn,n of W87.75
with interest thereon at the rats ol 10 per cent per
?LnVmhrm ,he 'f? ;Uy of ""veinber, 1898, and
the further sum of 8.1O.OO as attorney's f,.e atid ih
further sum of $10 00 costs and disbursememt,
..id th.eoetsof.nd nnon till, writ, commandu'g
me to make sale of tlie following described real
property, situate in the county of Cladama
latent Oregon, to-wlt: "aikanias,
The east half ( ) of tho northeast nuarl
of section fourteen (14), township live ii ,.
er (Vi
t i. 7
range one (1 east of the Willaineite Mi-rtdian
being a part of the donation land claim of UVui v
and hlcanor fannwn, iu Claekemas countv (bv
gon, and cimtaii.lng eighty iwii ai-res
, !"-, tiierelore, by virtue of .,id execution
ltt.lgn.ent onler and decree, and , x ianei
wi:li the commands of said writ, I win, on
st the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., nt the front door of
t be county court hou. in .he ettv f H
(,.ty, in said conntv and slate, sell t' ..hii..
.ton .... to r, demptio,,. .o'the Well! IV
for ! i. 8 gold coin, cash to i,,i i, ., "
, title and interest which Ihe wiihi, ,,, V,'
J "' ''"'w f them had on the date ot I
'" l'"d in and to ,l,e .b,
the , sati-fv said w-utioo. i,, !,;.,. "'r'""f' "
imervri, c . sis at.u ail accruins costs
u .1 .,ii . "eciie.
Da:id, Oagon City, Ore., Dec. (i, ijs, k "