Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 09, 1898, Image 10

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    Weighing Things
Tlie vflliiH f f niir urocmit's deponds on
threo tliinu: How iniicli you nut for
your money; liuw ttond it iswlieu you
get il, and the nve vm) jiuy fur what
you get. We have smart) that re
cheap and Biigara tb"t ate good. We
have coffrfpg that will satinf) the appe
tite and the pockethook. Staple poods
at less than staple prices. We five you
money-siving heakh-Buviiig chancea.
A. Roberison,
The 7th Street Grocer
At L. Jones, of Muliuo, was a visitor
in Oregon City Wednesday
J. W. Smith, the Maekshurg mer
chant, was a visitor in the city Wed
nesday. Ernest Rands was appointed county
surveyor by the county court Wednes
day. For 10 days 1a li a rubbers will he
given with every $2 i0 pair of shoes.
Krausse Bros.
Mrs. J. M. Poorman, of Woodburn,
was visiting Mrs. tieorgi A. Harding,
during the weeK.
Rev. J. B. Early will preach morning
and evening at the Baptist church, Sun
day. All other services at unual time.
Frank Wlnslow, who spent the sum
mer at Athena, lias returned and re
sumed his old place in Young's second
hand Btore.
David Henderson left Tuesday for a
visit to his old home in Maine, where
he expects to spend the greu'er part of
the winter.
Miss Mabel Mollcnbeck who name
down from Seattle, to attend Mis.
Mrs. Hedges' funernl, is visiting rela
tives here.
George Turney, ol Ctuieimth, vho was
an apprentice on u vessel nt the Samoau
Ijlands, returned home th s icek hiiv
l ig received his discharge ufter a year's
J. D. Lee, of Portland, state organi
Barofthe grand cabin of the Native
Sons of Oregon, was in the city for a
couple of days this week, interviewing
native born sons. Ho exnects t or
ganize a local cabin in two or three
The Presbyterian Y. I'. S. C. E. will
open iheir bn.aar on Friday evening,
Dec. Kith, ami will hoi i open until
Mouldy evening, Uc. iilth. Come and
buy your Xtiiiir presents on Seventh
stteet, one door Iroin (jreeu'a barber
The ladies of the Methodist chureh
will will hold a Christmas sale of use
ful articles, suitable for holiday pres
ents. Look out fur further announce
ments, and do not buy your presents be
fore you have Been and priced the
goods of timet) eniei prising ladies.
Mrs. N. E lloxtor will lecture at the
Baptist chureh next Sunday evening in
tulutli of i he Florence Crittenden Home
of Portland. It is hoped that all who
can will attend, especially adults. She
will explain the work among fallen
women, us curried on hy the home.
The committee uppoiuted by the
president of the Auxiliary to arianpe
the program lor the leception ten
dered Lieuteii nt Huntley on Tuesday
evening, take Una epportunity ti ten
der their siuceie thanks to the ladies
and iientieman who bu kindly assisted
them on this occasion, and by their
efforts made the mime a social success.
Miss Nellie M Dunick was married
to Frank W. Fry, at the home of her
parents, Mr. and .Mrs John B. l'im
ick, two miles east of Hubbard nt high
noon Wednesday, Deo. 7th. The otlici
ating clergyinau, was Rev. J. M
ehulne, who perlounea the ceremony
in the presence of huut 5U quests. The
bride is the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Dimick, and the groom is
the only son of Mr. and Mrs. George
M. Fry, of Hubbard.
For Bargain in Toys and Holiday
Presents, attend the sale of the Uhar
nian stock tt the old Hand on Main
stieot Great i-ttle of Men's Clothing at
the Sacrifice Sa.e of the Charmun slock.
Men's suits 8 t O
Men's 17 60 suits lor. . .
Men's f-0 suits i -r
Men's knits tor
Men's overcoats for..
Men's $15 oveioo..ts lor
Vote of Thanks Extended to
Mayor Can field.
The last regular meeting of the pres
ent city council was held Wednesday
evening, the mayor and all the mem
bers beinir present. A petition signed
George H. Hon on and many others for
an arc light on a prominent place on
1-allsView addition, was read. Coun
cilman Husch urged that 'lie petition be
granted. Councilman Koerner. how
ever, moved 'that ihu matter be post
poned until the next meeting tor the
consideration of the new council, which
'the recorder's report for the mmtb
of November showed tlia- 'hr. e dninkb
had been fined; also live burial permits
The committee on streets and public
property, reported that the plans and
specifications for the pioposed roai
from south Wain street to Center on
the bluff, were not completed.
The following bills were ordered paid :
Bruce Curry, recorder $ 25 00
Charles Burns, chief of police . (SO 00
E L Shaw, nightwatchman ... 60 00
P Heminelgarn, b'd prisoner. 11 00
F T Griffith, city prosecutor ... 7 SO
Pupe & Companv, hardware... H 13
l) H V iabart, sup. sewer con. . 9 0:)
Caleb Cross, special policeman 2 00
T M Miller, special policeman. 2 00
C G Huntley, supplies 5 30
1) Lyons, sewer work 276 50
Electiic Light Company 180 00
Water commission.... 12 07
Election expenses . . . . 40 00
W L Snidow, street 115 15
G W Chinch ' 149 Bo
B F Smith, Abernethy bridge . 298 17
TS Lawrence, Elv sidewalk... 55 35
H H Johnson, eUl 18 50
O N Greenman, hauling 5 15
George Broughton, lumber. . . . 23 98
Wilson & Cooke, hardware. ... 4 50
Press, printing 24 25
1 Weilne', lnb.r 2 On
11 E Maris, labor...... .... 10 00
The finance committee reported that
they had employed the city prosecutor
to bring suit against the Southern Pa
cilic Rail load Company, to establish
the title to a strip of land along the
bluff adjoining the railroad right of way.
The matter of putting in new electric
lights ordered, w.s discussed, as the
contract between the city an 1 the Elec
tric Company had not yet been found,
and it could not yet bi determined
what proportion of the expense of put
ting in new lights, the city Miould bear.
The ordinance legulatiug the fire de
partment was placed en i s final pas
sage, and approved.
An ordinance was lead for the first
time atithoiiziug the c m nittee on tire
and water to pu chase 500 feet of hose
mid two nozzles for the fire department
An ofhclal canva-s of the vote was
made, and the result of Monday's
eleciou announced.
An universal vo e of thankB was ex
tended to Mayor Oatilieid, for his elli
cient services during the p ist twoyeais.
In Ids response appieciating their good
will, he complimented the com c'.l on
the f --ict that the receipts had exceeded
the expenditures during ihe v.int three
Mrs. Rhoda A Gray and f imily, of
Mari)uam, desiie to express their
'hanks to many fiiends W kindnesses
shown during the late i'lness of Allen
A pa r of rubbers with every $2 50
pairol ladies' shoes for It) days. KrauBSe
Latourette Elected Mayor by an
Overwhelming Majority,
The result of the election Monday,
was as follows:
Mayor Charles D. Latourette, inde
pendent citizen.
Treasurer II. E. Straight, non-partisan.
Oouncilinen first ward Frank Bnsch
ami J. W. Powell, both independent
Councilman second ward C. G
Huntley, independent, and E E. Char
man, non-partisan.
I The election win a brilliant victory
for the independent citizens ticket, who
secured ti e mayor ami three members
of the council.
In the first ward 315 votes were
polled, and in the second 338 , making a
total of 053 cast, nine less than last year.
In both wards Latourette received a
total vote of 418, and K ierner a total
vo:e of 224, giving the former a majority
of 194 votes.
The vote in the first ward was as fol
lows: Mayor Latourette, 232; Koer
ner, 101. Treasurer Straight, 162;
George Hyatt, 103. Cuuncilmen
Busch. 239; Powell, 201; Zumwalt, 185
The vote in the second ward was as
follows: Mayor Latourette, 186;
Koerner, 123. Treasurer Straight,
167; Hyatt, 142. Oouncilinen Hunt
ley. 175; Harris, 106 ; Roake, 104;
Charman, 171
Tlie members of the central commil
teee of the independent citizens ticket
were J. 0. Bradley, C. Schuebel, D. W.
Kinnaiid, Bruce O. Curry and G. B.
Dimick. -
For Sale A fresh J(
Kidder, Mt. Pleasant.
rseycow. George
A Singer sewing mftohiiin at the Ore
gon City Auction House.
Holiday goods at prices surprising and
styles to suit all at the Racket store.
The largest assortment of millinery
ami lower prices than any house in Ore
gun. Miss Goldsmith.
Beau i '"nl fur rus for the holidays at
Oregon City Anctlni House.
Do you wan' to subscribe for any pa
per or magazine at publisher's rates,
We are the agents. L. A. Pattkkhon
it Co., The Bazaar.
To Cur Cnnatliiatliiii FnrevfM,
T ke Oasitarets Candv Cnthartei 1Mi
or 2-ic. If C. C. C. fi.il toctire, drmjgi-ts
refund money.
Ileum) 1 Hloiiil.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beamy without it. Casearets Candy
Cathartic clean your blood and keep it
i le in, by sthriim up the lazy liver and
driving all impurities from the body.
Begin to-day to banish Dimples, both',
blotches, blackheads, ami lluu sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cabarets
beauty for ten cents. All drnggisis
atisfaciion guaranteed, 10c, 20c, 50c
Special Cash Sale for 10 days only.
W o will give a p ir of rubbers with ev
ery pair of ladies' shoes at 60 up
ward. Krans-e Bros.
Fraternal Notes.
Ori gon City Assembly No. 7, of Arti
sans, elected the lollowing new olficors
Thursday evening: E. H. Cooper, mas
ter arnean; John Everhart, superin
tendent ; G. 0. Bacon , ins ructor ; MVs.
Mattie Rmgo, senior conductor: J. 1.
Searle, secretly; Mrs. B. F Linn,
master of coremon es ; M rs Flora Oos-
per, junior conductor ; i-c.ivierner, treas
urer; Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. O. 0.
Bucon, field commanders.
The Masons have hoisted a new flag
above their building.
'Willamette and Abernethy Robekah
lodges had made arrangements for a joint
meeting to rec- ive their president last
Thursday evening, and were disap
pointed when she failed to put in ap
pearance. Mrs. Sopha E. King, state organizer
of the Women of Woodcraft, acc mp
led by her husband,. visited Solar Circle
a frw evenings ago
Wacheno Tribe No.' 13, of the Inde
pendent Urder of Redmen, elected the
following oliieets Saturday night:
diaries Woodward, t-achem ; V. It,
Snidow, s nior sagamor; Al F. Mc
Gown, junior sauamore ; N. M. vtoody,
keeper uf record; E Matthias, keeper
of wampum; O. W. Kelley, prophet.
Falls City Lodge No. 59, A O. U W.,
eltcted the following new oiticers Sntur-1
day night: 11. llanitin. ma ter work
man; W. M. Hurt, foreman; Samuel
K iuke, overseer; ilirry J. nroing re
corder; N. O. AicLoughlin, financier;
W. B. W iggins, receiver; v . .VI. bhee-
han, ou side guard.
The new Iv elected oflicers for Meade
Relief O.irps are as follows: President.
Mrs. 1'. W. touts; senior vice presi
dent, Mrs Lulz; junior vi. e-prest lent,
Mrs. .1. Sh die ; treasurer, Mrs. I. W .
Sullivan; chaplain, Mrs Margaret Wil
ms : conductor, Mrs. Belle ilarJing;
guard, Mrs. l'ted Metzuor. 1 elegates
to Hie conve .tion a' McMiimvide
Miss Jennie E Rowtn, first delegate;
Mrs. Kmimi Ciiutield, seiond d legate ;
Mrs J. Doreinus, third delegate ; Mrs,
.1. Khadle, fourth deleg-.te; .Mrs, M
Williams, firet alteri ate; Mrs. Straight,
second alternate; Mrs. .1.0. Bradley,
third alternate; Mrs. Rogers, fourth
Camp No. 50(13, Modern Wo dinen i f
America, elected the following ne.v of
tico s lu-sday night: G. it. Maple,
venerable consul ; hu b . Story, advisor ;
Thcuus Cliamberh.iu banker; L. O.
Moore, ce rk ; Frank Co. iter,
esc-it; 0. Rowland, watchman
Bruce Curry, sentrx ; J hn Tuouipson
manager for th ee ears; Bruce Curry
nianaaer f .r two years; Dr. M O.
Strickl. ltd, delegate to camp conven
Meade Po.st No. 3 G A. R , electe I
the loll iwmg new officer li'eilne day
night: George A. tlirhng p Mt coin
inai.der; .1. hha ll-. senior vice com
mander; O A Cheney, junior vice
commander ; .lulus I'rieswr, uiiurter
master; .1. D renins, chaplain; Al L
Wiloniihbv. surueoii; C. it. Uauchy
otlicer ol th- day i O. is Horn, out
s'.leuuard; A. . Fruncc, .1 .lartin
J. Ai, Tavlo , delegates to grand en
ampment; aliern.ites, O i- Horn
J. D renins in d J. P iesier; council of
udminihtration, Al. b. it illuugiihy uiu
I. R. W I liains.
And the prices ar unoted so ridicn
lonsly low that it will pay you to call.
uutia Goldsmith.
Until Jan 1st, 1899, we will sell
every hat trimmed and uiit'hnmed at
25 ner cent less than cost Miss Goldsmith.
Books, bulls ond dolls. We make
specialty for the noli tas at the 1U. ket
t) 00
10 50
15 00
4 50
8 50
,50c and upwaids
veilintts. at
irnameuis, ribbons ami
a ureal reducion. Miss
For Over Fifty Years
AnOi.dani) Wku, Tiiiki KniicrY
Niiitlimg yrnll hsa
tn-ed lor over
Hflv vesrs hv mil-
Men's pants.
A large and we'l as"r ed ftK-k of ebo'ce j H-.iir of mothers for their ehildren while
Fresh Groceries, h - h we r- cIomi g j teething, with petieet ueeeM
out at the following pices wmle toey i jomlier, ihe ehi'd, nofteim the vums
las i allays all pnin enies w ind eohe. and le
1-lb cans baking powder 15c each the best reniedv for Diarr'-iea. Is
Worccstire sauce 12'uC per I oltle
Pepper box, blue 2 ' per box
Pearline 8c perpuckuge
Corn starch 7 per package
Baking soda 8o per package
Sapollo 7c per package
Large bottle pickles 15c er ttottle
Choice raisins 4c per pound
Choice teas 25 and 53o per pound
100-pound sack Stock salt , 40c
60-lbsackda'ry salt 85c
and all other roieiies at ll.e same re
duction. Charman & Son's stot k, Main
street, Oregon tPy.
Special inducements to ladies Call
and buy pair i f J 60 shoes and get
pair t rubders frte, Krsuse Bros
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist
in every part f th World. Twenty
Ova cents a bmile. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
mas snoBpers
1 JL
' If you are puzzled WHAT TO '
GIVE, come to Charman & Co's.
Drug Store and see our Perfumery
display. If names go for much
you jyill see all the world-famous ,
Perfumes. Your favorite odor in
" here. With these go Atomizers at
all prices, from 2$c upward. ,
We also have Xmas Cards, Gold
Pens, Toilet Sets, Cuff and Collar
Boxes Xmas Books, Knives, Ra '
zors, Fine Stationery, Etc.
Christmas Candies in boxes,
from 5c to $t.6o. Xmas Tree '
Ornaments, Candles, Etc.
Cut-Raie Druggists,
One Cent buys any of these :
Klsh Linn
ttrnchft Hook
2 Lewi Pencils
8 Penhnld.-M
8 Slate Pvnclls
7 Clothes Pins
1 Wanln.be Hook
Box 5 Crayon.;
Card Hooka and Eyes
Paper Neeaie
1 vd Silk llaby Ribbon
1 Hilt Pin
Paper of Fins
Bancli of Matches
f ponge
Good Killer
One Handkerchier
Five Cents bays any o! these:
1 bottle Vaseline Mucilage, large bottle
Bottle blaok Ink (3 times usual rIzd)
B uilt' Rwl Ink Penoil witu iock
l Wash Pall 1 Harness Snap
I Awl t patent Awl Haft
10c Iwix Stioe Nulls Dig bar'iar Map
Hnr Blue Mt. T.illnt Soap Box of Bluing
ar Snni-hine bot scouring) rtatn nriuK .
Cau deviled Hum t an Sardines
1 Hi Glo etareh . 1 lb Mixed Hi d Sef d
1 ran Uest Axle lii-ease 1 ounce Lemon f xiract
1 ounce Vanilla Kitraot 1 ounce Cough Medicine
1 ox pure IVetor Oil 1 oz. Ammonia Liniment
4 oz. lust Sewing Machine Oil. (Bring bottle). .
tin suove we nave you auoui uau price.
Pkirof Haimonv. Ked Bell, Dixie, or (in-at Smoke
I Hair Net
Hall Knitting Cotton
Box Hilrplm
k lb Mixed Candy
21 inset Note Paper
2 lbs Sulphur
I bulls naming uotion
IDo Pencil I'ab et
1 aoo Noye.
Hunch Finivliinir hraid
1 large Hod or blue Uukdf
i lb Mixed Tacks
2 pkg Knvelopes
Pair Curling Irons
1 1 omb
I ball Silk Pateen
luV Ink Tablet
hot. beet Bone Collar Htns
Bacon, H! jc upi Breakfast Ba on, I24n; dry salt
meat, ti He.
Our 40o Gunpowder and uncnlored Teis compare
with 60 and tUt ens. No advance for war tax.
Our fiOc uucol red lea yo.i ciu mach elsjwliere
for about 76c
Chocolate. 2nc per lb. Cocoa, 2oC per can.
Candles, lfto per dozen.
With lOlnHiic St.irch which equals o.llulotd. we
give a beautiful C.iromo.
Btuesione, 5o lb.
Flour, ! sHCk, M 25 bairel Graham, 80o suck
Bulk Washing Powder, !ki lb. Beats Gold Dust
and is one-qnarier cue iP'-r. Sample free.
Iti to 1" p mud llrv Hiainil-lt. d.-'igar, 81.00.
Brown Sugar '20 1 1 22 pounds fir Ouo Dollar.
PretU tjoieliinent S-.-ts, i epper and salt (tilled)
with Iray 10c Mug and muxiard, Hie.
Kllie Maple Syrun, bulk ,20 quart.
Currant Jul )'. 4i- lb; bring pail.
Fine Black Pi s, 7c lb
S-edl- Itabliis. 7c lb,
feeded Kaislus, ltlc p mnd packige.
Cleaned Currant-;, ltlc pound package.
Tomatoes or i :orn. 8 c ns 2-"o.
Door Lock, 2oc. Butt Hinges, 100,
Copper Kiveta and Set, 10 1 box
Steel Hammer, STw: uul price, 50 to 00c.
Axe and hnmlle, M0u; Nails, 3,' 2c.
Cott-in ClotliHslline, inc.
(obb er'e Set. oonshting of Shoe Hammer, S
Awls and Handles. Sh Knife, S Lasts and Stand
Tacks, etc., atl for 80o.
Best Rubber or Leather Cement, loo.
8 le Leather Kuds, half usual prlcenf Malf Soles
Butter Parchment (best) 25 sheets oo.
Tin Cup, 2o up Water Pail, 150.
Konr 0 -quart Milk Pans, 2oc.
Coffee Poti, loc up.
HV trndt for Fo'atoes xn any quantity,
Oa(, Wheat, Onions, Timothy Hay,
Butter, Eijyn, Vhick, Etc.
Plumbing ot a house shoud be mc A ) only y
those skilled in thatbuslues. poor joo means
untold trouble and iperience .
(eulleruen ot ladles ! Havel fcrrfsponslblt
tlabllslitd houso III Orrion. Munthly Mi au
saiears. Pniltlon su-adT- Kelerenco, Ba
elwM sell aaVlrvsiwsd siamped envelop. Tbt
Doiainlu Cusuptey, Dept. Y.Cblcau
UesnMi r ladle la travsl lr rasiislbl
MlaiWwl kouM a OroM. Meaialy tt.M a4
txp-ae. Paolitoa attaay. RsferenaV Baclaai
all-a4lrta4 4aiBi t a ?!, Tks DasslatM
Qasaaaay. Pat X.Cktaai.
..GO TO..
8ei" and Tapioca, 6 lbs, 25c.
Arm A Hammer -oila, 7 lbs, 25c.
Woe, HOC lb; BittleAx, 8"w.
Corn Cake, iw: llaU Kali, 20c lb.
ttur,4Ao; Popular Price 25o.
Best t 'oe anut, 2io r lh lu bulk.
Boat Umiiurl Pepper, Ginger. Mustanl or AU
splci 2oc per lb in bulk.
Itising un stove Polish, (to,
lienuea. uuexoelled for mush S lbs 2-"xi.
Whole Wheat f.our, 50 Ibs$l.(i0.
Vmt Kolled uats, no hulls, 7 lbs 25c.
Fin Svrtip. In 2 gallon wood pall, 7-VJ.
Looking Molasses, lite pillon. bulk; very fine
New Orleans, our gallon; Tip lop Table Syrup, HHs
gallon In bulk.
Table -alt. 100 lb ftic: flnest Salt for dairy use,
Vc for 50 ll: sl.wk salt, 40c per KM lbs.
t)ai Unas! CofT.-. bu k. 12aci Columbia Hoist
llo i Ym mile Coftet-iip.ain fiva with each pound).
II lbs 1. We think this to be much belter than
Fbuekla'K. Fine Ureen Coffee, 120; Java (a snap)
'4 . Wilt match our li1,r Roast Coffee against ills
Dsn I la to line: -ur 2i I oltiw against 2
g-HsIs, and our 25o blend against SUM Cotf.-e else-
"s' gallons Coal Oil, 80c; bring can.
A gallons ' '" ln an, 81 05.
Pure laf Laid, loc lb, bulk: bring pail No Star
or Fr- st sccoud-grade Lard. Try ours and you will
use an other.
Baby iio, 25c up; small sizes 20c.
"Wear Besister ' eich l Shoes are world-beaters
111 wearing quality. We buy from makers and our
protlts as husy, general merchants are about one
fourth less than shoe houses.
Ladles' 0(w w-re 4l:l and $2.00. Sizes 2 to
ljuiiea' Fine Shoes, sizes 2 to S, formerly 12 00
and $8.00. now il.Oo.
Ladies' Kangaroo Calf. 1. 50.
Uulles' UougoU, lace ol button, solid goods, tt.oO
Ladles' 2.2"i and 2 oOStvllsh Shoes at $2.00.
Ladies' 1 00 Sooes at tit).
1 ., inr gra le II -aw School Shoes, 5 to S, 75c.
I a lies' full stock C df shoes, ai.ii.
Humble kip and Oregon Bts at F.astarn prices.
Men s Plow Show, 1 2'i to f.. 0
O ir2.i) and 1 21 fnlt atook Kip Shoes keep
the feet dry and wa ir for years
Men's SI 50 Logger Shoes for 2.7(S
Men's Ui.OO alt Polloe shoes, 2.5!l,
Men's Fine and Coarse Shva, he kind that wear,
fully 10 per cent under Portlaud prices.
Child's and Mlse' Bllhbers (oil stock) 10 and
I V). New stock Oenta' and Lsdiw' Rubbers and
K'lbbvr Boots at close pii.ua. B y' Heavy Rubavra
Dry Goods..,
Fresh stock of desirable goods at close oash price
Ihe most desirable Linings, the prettiest Trim
. tulngs all at prices whioh make our Dry Good
couuier tlie busiest place iu town.
Plaids and M xid Goods, Just In, Wio.
8(1 inch Half Wool, 2no.
All Wool Serges, 45-Inch, 50o.
Blauaets, 7nc up.
Fine assortment of Silks In plain, changeable
and brocad s, at 85e to l.'2ft per yard.
A uice variety of Fancy Trimm ings, wide Braids,
and Kancy Jet Trimmings, Velveteen and Cordu
roy Binding.
Linings in great variety
Hosiery direct from the rnnkers at special value
.Misses' hcav ribbed Hose, 10c up.
Oood Oil cloth, colored. 12c ner yard.
LL Muslin, 411,0 lip; Cabot W. 5c.
Shaker Flannel and Outiugs, 5o.
Cambri Muslin 10c.
lnsdde Muslin, 14 yds $1 .
Cotton Batta, nice quality, 12c lh.
Silkollne, 10 to 12!.jC ;
l.ace Curtain g -ods, per yard 25c.
Bed Spreads, 75c up.
Chenille Table Covers, 25c.
' Nice lot of Blankets and Comforts. "
Umbrellas from the maker, 4ite up.
Klegant Umbrellas at $1.25 to ti.
Knitting Yarn, 72c lb. Black Saxonv, 5c skein
STAN HARD PATTERNS, Bestatid Cheapest, ns
less cloth, 5c to 20c each.
Fine stock of i-ilbert'a Linings and Sateens (th
best) direct from Faolory.
Manufacturer's sample Hosiery, fine and medium
goods, at out prices.
Handkerchiefs from faotory, child's, 1c up. .
Ladies' Handkerchiefs in cheap, fancy and elab
orate designs. Sure to please you,
Kid and Cashmere Gloves.
Ready Made Waisla and Skirts.
Mackintoshes at cut prioes.
Fascinators, 35c up.
Mittens, Leggings, Corsets, Dress Shields, etc.
Chpos and Jackets at Eastern prices.
Doll Bargainsl Dolls, 6o, 7c. 8c and loc. Kid
Body Dolls, 15o, 25c. 85o and. 50c. Dressed Dolls,
2m; iip. Klegant Dressed Dolls, 3 feet long, $t.
Picture Bo iks (paper and linen), Story Books,
Poems. Dictionaries, 10c up.
Kin large Illustrated books, Cuba, Hawaii,
American Navy, etc , 75o.
Fancy Perfumery, Toys, Cellnlold Novelties,
Stamped Goods, Ktc.
Hea's Clothing and Underwear at close cssh
pr e.. Wnlie lann.lri d Shins, Mo; Collars, 10c;
i 'tiffs, lie: Uesvy Overall", :ioc; Heavy Duck Coati
$'.25: Heavy Knit Overshoe, 5ile grail for 400i
Cotton, Lisle end W-mi Socks at Eastern prices;
i.I itps direct fr in Factory, rare birga n at 25c,
50 and 75c, lalicr two having oatf and buck palms;
Warm Mittens. 10c up, Fur-trlmned, warm Kid
Gloves. 7-ic: (til t.'loilnng, Mackijiiahes, Valises,
Telescopes, Bij Tags, Sb iwl straps, eli.
Cut Prices nn Ladles' T-immed Hals.
Nice lot of Fna, C .pa. Baby Bonnets, Ribbons,
Veilinva. -tc
Popular, Stylish Goods at Lowest Price.
'0 R
Court House Block
Oregon City, Oregon