Baves Time and Money. It is delightful weather to breathe fresh, invigorating air, but take oare oi lumbago, or else St.- Jacobs Oil must take care of it and cure it promptly. It saves time and money. t When He GoeB. "Does your husband ever go to church, Mrs. Badger?" : "Oh, yes, he goes quite regularly in the winter time." "Why does he go in the winter time and not at other times?" , "Well, you see, he generally has the quinsy when the weather is raw and thinks he is going to die." Chicago Evening News. ;;flieiBestv;; Medicine Money Can Buy Is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It contains more curative power, is prepared with greater care by educated and experienced phar macists. , It. has the greatest sales and effects the greatest-cures. ' It is the medi cine you should take to purify your blood and make yourself strong and healthy be fore colder weather comes. Hood'sSarsaparilla Sold by all dealers. Price, tl. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills cure Indigestion. 25 cents. ' A Principle of Life Illustrated. There are oertain plants the dod der, for instance, which begin life with the best intentions, strike true roots into the soil, and really appear as if they meant to be independent for life. But after supporting themselves for a brief period they fix curious Booking disos into the stem and branches of -adjacent plants. And after a little ex perimenting the epiphyte finally ceases to do anything for its own support, thenceforth drawing all its supplies ready made from the sap of its host. In this riarasitic state it has no need for organs of nutrition of its own and nature . takes v them away,-, Thence forth the ddd&r Is a plant without a . ..... ... v. ,, . . . root, wiuioua, :iwig, wunoui a ieai, and having a, stem bo useless as to be inadequate to beat its own weight. Prof. Drummond. Schillings Japan J ,. - Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong; Ideal Blend Tea An inch of rain falling upon an area of one square mile is equivalent to nearly 17,500.000 gallons, weighing 145,250,000 pounds, or 64,844 tons. The- stability - of the "solar system demonstrated by Laplace from New ton's law of attraction, is shown by M. H. Poincare to be a mistaken inference, overlooking the modern conception ol energy. . - When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to S1.60 per day j rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day ; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery, Coronium, known hypothetically ai a constituent of the sun, has been dis covered by Professor Nasini, of Padua, in voloanic emissions. It is a gas ap parently muoh lighter than hydrogen. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure, and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Furlough and Leave of Absence. With the return of the volunteers from active duty the terms "furlough" and "leave of absence" have been em ployed frequently, and in many in stances improperly. A furlough is a permission given by a commissioned officer to an enlisted man or noncom missioned, officer to be absent from duty for a .certain length of. time. Leave of absence is the term used when a like permission is given to a com missioned officer by bis superior. New York Tribune. - Longfellow: "Faith alone can In terpret life, and the heart that aches and bleeds with the stigma of pain, alone beats the likeness of Christ and can comprehend its dark enigma." Established 1780. Baker's Chocolate, celebrated for more jjjj than a century as a g delicious, nutritious, "31 and flesh-forming beverage, has our Q well-known & Yellow Label r on the front of every and 3 trade-mark,"LaBelle Chocolatiere,"on the back. gi NONE OTHER GENUINE. MAOl ONLY BY VALTER BAKER fc CO ltd, 2 Dorchester, Mass. Si gMamrsiizu a -poof) iJ, urum vimrry Hg Best . ' Fairione Lincoln Fheep. Fine' pastures make fine flocks, and this fine Lincolnshire sheep is reared on the richest pastures of , the world, as. well as fed on the succulent roots grown on the fertile farms. Recently thla sheep has come lno the forefront as an Improver of the native flocks of Australia and South America, the half-bred mutton rhaklng the finest shipping mutton for the English mar kets. The ram whose portrait Is given was purchased from the leading flock in Lincolnshire, England, for the sum of one thousand pounds sterling, an amazing figure' for something .over three hundred pounds of mutton. But the animal was unquestionably worth it, for its destination is to more than double the value of thousands of the poor sheep of Argentina, and to odd T.INCOLX RAM BIBT. ten times its cost to the profit of the shepherds of these great plains for all time to come. ' Clover Falls on Clover Sod. Almost all -farmers know that it is not safe to plow a clover sod, or,. In fact; any other sod in the fall, and then sow wheat with the. expectation oi get ting a clover catch from seed . next spring. There have been various rea sons assigned for this, the old one be ing that the clover sod while it te rot ting in the soil "poisons" the land, for clover until the rotting is completed. But it Is quite as impossible to seed, with clover on any newly plowed sod, and that disposes of the clover-poisoning theory. The true explanation seems to be that when a-sod of any kind is de caying under the furrow it allows the soil above it to fall down, thus destroy ing the slight hold which the young clover plant has, and obliging it to re gain its hold before the leaf wilts and kills the root Clover win come up well enough on a clover or any other kind of sod, but unless there are al most constant rains daring the spring little of h will live. Even a timothy seeding does not do well on a newly plowed sod, though In young plants the proportion of leaf to root is much less in the grass than it is In any kind of clover. A Haying- Device. It is a difficult thing to get on and oft a load of hay; and yet both opera tions are often necessary with each load of hay that is drawn in. Moke a light ladder and hinge it at the rear end of the hay rack, so that it can be inclined forward on the floor when not in use- When ready to load set up the ladder and the hay will keep it firmly back against the back end of the rack, LADDER FOR HAYRACK. ready for use either in ascending the load, or in coming down from it New England Homestead. Remedy for Fleas. I notice some one asks bow to rid a barn of fleas. It seems to be not gen erally known that salt will kill them. When I was a boy, father's place be came infested with fleas from pigs sleeping at the barn, and they nearly drove me crazy. I heard In some way that salt would kill them. I suppose I used a peck of salt, scattering it freely about the barn and house, and at the expiration of a week we could not tell that a flea ha ever been on the place. All gone. Since then I have cleared our home of them several times. One ap plication always does the work. I have also recommended It to others who have used it with equal success. Salt scat tered over a carpet and swept off before It melts will clean it of both fleas and dirt. I am never bothered with fleas now unless I get them away from home. 1 know there are many people who would willingly spend the price of a bar rel of salt to be rid of the pests, and salt is never failing. J. W. Trisler, M. D., in Practical Farmer. Remedy for Striped Bag. , To save squash and melon vines from attacks from the striped bug, take a small stick or stake, less than two feet long, and stick in the ground, slanting so the top of stick will be over middle of MIL Take a strip of heavy paper one foot long and one Inch wide. Dou ble one end and tie a string around it and tie Other: end or. string to stick, so that the lower end of paper will just clear the plants; the passing freezes will keep it fluttering and twisting ev ery minute, and the striped bug never tarries When something Is moving so close above hrm.-rPractical Farmer. Ptone Fences. While the stone fences common in all sections where stone abounds cost nothing for material, ' and with hard work are therefore within any one's ability to construct they are not usual ly very satisfactory. Horned stock soon learn that the top stones can be easily displaced and then the fence can be' jumped. -The best way to stop jumping is to place a barbed wire over the fence, fastening it to stakes firmly in the ground. It may seem cruel, but the stock must learn not to jump, and they won't get hurt But when sheep have learned to jump a low stone wall, even a barbed wire over it will not stop them. There must be several Wires, so close together that the 'Sheep cannot get their heads between. That wljl stop the first sheep, and no one of the flock will try to jump after the leader has turned back. V Straining: Milk. There are some points about strain ing milk that are not generally thought of, and therefore the milk is not wholly cleared of its bacteria. In the ' first place 'it is Important that the milk should be put through the strainer and set vrtiere its cream is to rise, as soon as posslble.after it comes from the cow. It often accumulates bacteria very rap idly If left in stables exposed to ;foul odors. Besides, if left long some of the cream will rise and will be so mixed with .the milk that what does not cling to the strainer i cloth or .wire will not rise as . ergidi-4ffx';'Thy-9tnta:et-should be: thoroughly washed by dip ping It first id cold wttter and moving It rapidly through both' ways, so; that bacteria will not adhere to the under side, as they are apt to do if the rinsing water is merely poured on the, strainer from above. Then repeat this process with water pretty, near scalding heat. In that way if there are any bacteria on the strainer they, will be killed. :; . A "Kept-Shut" Gate. A great deal of loss occurs each year from accidents that come from ' the leaving open of some gate. It may be one's own or a neighbor's Btock that does the" damage it was the fault of the open gateway. . The cut shows a GATE THAT WILL STAT SHUT. gate that will always stay shut, unless one holds it open. A stout spiral spring pulls the gate to, whichever way It Is opened, the spring being attached to the extended upper rail of the gate as shown in the sketch. Plant Lice. . As these Insects do not eat the leaves or buds, internal poisons like london purple or parls green, do not affect them, but something which kills by contact must be used. Perhaps the best and simplest of the remedies Is good whale oil soap solution. This Is made by dissolving one pound of a standard whale-oil soap in seven gallons of water. . The above is an extract from the Popular Edition of Bulletin 130, of the New York Experimental Station. Oth er remedies mentioned are kerosene, emulsion, kerosene water mixture, to bacco decoction, concentrated extract of tobacco, and pyrethrum or PeTslan insect powder. Spray from below, as the lice choose the under side of the leaves, and spray thoroughly. Vlck's Monthly. Sprouting Potatoes. ' While the sprouting of potatoes under ordinary conditions is very objection able, they may be so sprouted as to ma terially advance their earllness. This is done by placing them, stem end down, in single layers in shallow trays on the floor in a light and moderately warm room. Thus placed they will send out short, stubby, green sprouts, which will remain in that condition for weeks. Such potatoes, planted with out breaking the sprouts, will grow Im mediately and produce an early crop. Turns Upside Down. The quince roots so readily by bend ing over the top and covering it with earth that it Is easily possible to re verse the natural order and make the tree after two years live with what were its roots in the air. These roots will then put forth leaves, and the year following will bear blossoms and possi bly fruit. But for several years the tree set upside down will require to be propped, as the original growth was largest at the ground. Poison to Hogs. Towdered soaps, now so largely used by hotels and laundries, are Injurious to pigs if fed to them in swill. The Cornell station found that in many cases death resulted from poisoning by the excess of free alkali in swill. Small amounts of powdered soap produce no immediate bad results, but It Is not safe to feed the animals. The proper dispo sition of dish water Is the sewer. Bnsty Nails for Borers. The writer has some fine apple trees that have borne fruit for a long time that when first set out were greatly damaged by borers; In fact many trees were destroyed before some friend sug gested driving a few rusty nails In trunks near the ground where they work. Since doing this not a borer has ever troubled them. C. 8. H. SOME LATE . INVENTIONS. An insulating caster and . electric switch for use on , tables and chairs fitted with electric apparatus has the wheel made of glass, with a metallio contaot arm pivot'ally seoured to the frame of the caster to form an electrio connection with a floor plate. Umbrellas and parasols can be car ried without the necessity of holding them in the hands by using a new car rier, consisting of a rod with clasps at each end adapted to grip the umbrella, the rod being fastened to the belt by oords or a chain ending in a hook. Street cars can be easily replaced when derailed by a new device consist ing of a curved plate to be clamped to the side of the rail with a cross groove at the top, which slants toward the rail to allow the car to slido down in place when it reaches the top. ' To prevent the stealing of hats, coats and umbrellas in restaurants and other public places a Wisconsin man has designed a raok with a metallic frame to close over a set of hooks, the frame being hinged at the top and locking in a socket at the bottom to be released by a key. An Englishman has patented a col lar whioh will be appreciated by every one who wears starched collars, the por tions around the buttonholes being lined with a nonstarchable material, like flannel, covered with a thin layer of the linen, whioh will not receive enough of the starch to make it stiff. .. Mice cannot get at matches in a newiy patented safe, which is formed of a revolving drum with a pivoted lid on one side held in a closed position by a weight heavy enough to turn the cylin der until the lid is at the bottom, the safe being, revolved by hand to cause, a match to slip under the lid anil fall out. Lamp chimneys are prevented from falling off the burner by a simple wire attachment formed of an ellptical loop made of - Spring - wire to slip over the top of the chimney until it; presses on the widening part, two wires running to the under side of the burner to hold it in plaoe. , . . , ; . A Kaee Against Fire. ' The crew of a steamer from Spain dis covered in mid ocean that flames were rag ing in the hold. For ten days they bravely fought the flames. If men would fight as persistently againut disorders of the stom ach, there would be fewer premature deaths. The best weapon for such a right is Hostetter's Stomach Bittwr. ; - Bug weaving is an art older than the Pharaohs, and the history of the first loom lies shrouded in oblivion. - Baay Work. Too muoh exercise leaves one a prey to soreness and stiffness, but it is easy work for St. Jacobs Oil to get the muscles back into proper shape and cure the distress. The height of the mountains in the moon has been measured. One haa an altitude of 83,000 feet, and several are upwards of 80,000 feet in height. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ah aruggists refund money it it tails to cure. zoc. The feminine enthusiasm over Schley surpasses that displayed toward Hob- son to a degiee which suggests an in olination to make a distinction between a lieutenant and an admiral. FITS Permanently Cured. Ko flwnr iwrvmun.. IIS after first day's use of Dr. Kline's ureat Nerve Restorer. Send for FKKK S).QO trial bottle and treatise. DR. R. H, KLLNK, Ltd, 930 The violet, for modesty and shy un- obtrusiveness, isn't in it with a girl who is wearing an old hat when every one else has on new millinery. Italy's Accession of Territory. Italy has had 294 square miles of land added to its territory in the last 70 years by the advance of the delta of the Po into the Adriatic sea. The measurement has been made by Pro fessor Marinelli, who carefully com pared the Austrian surveys of 1823 with the Italian surveys of 1898. -New York Sun. The total number of chemical works registered in all parts of Germany is a.144, witn iao,4u employes. TWO GRATEFUL WOMEN Bestored to Health by Lydla EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Can Do My Own Work." Mrs. Patrick Danehy, West Winsted, Conn., writes t "Dkab Mrs. Pinkham: It is with pleasure that I write to you of the benefit I have derived from using your wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was very ill, suffered with female weak ness and displacement of the womb. "I could notsleepat night, had to walk the floor, I suffered so with pain in my side and small of my back. Was trot bled with bloatinjand at times would faint away; had1 a terrible pain in my heart, a bad taste in my mouth all the time and would vomit; butnow, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham and her Vegetabls Compound, I feel well and sleep well, can do my work without feeling tired; do not bloat or have any trouble whatever. "I sincerely thank you for the good advice you gave me and for what your medicine has done for me. "Cannot Praise It Enough." Miss Gkrtib Dunkw, , Franklin, Neb., writes: I suffered for some time with pain ful and irregular menstruation, falling of the womb and pain in the back. I tried physicians, but found no relief. ' I was at last persuaded to try Lydis E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and cannot praise it enough for what it has done for me. I feel like a new person, and would not part with your medicine. I have recommended it to several of my friends." AN AFFAIRS NATION-( It hiwbeen of Americcvns thtvt they &rec nation oF dyspeptics" and it is true ( that few are entirely free from disorders of the digestive tract, Indigestion, Dyspepsia., . Stomach and Bowel trouble , or Constipation. The treatment of these disease with cathartic mediutus , too. often ag c 1 pjravates the trouble. i THE LOGICAL TREATMENT '-is the use of a remedy that will build up r the system, thereby enabling the various ' ' organs to act as' Mature intended they should. Such a remedy v found in Dr YfilliamsV Pink Pills for Pale People Mere is the proof, , In Detroit there ore few soldiers more popular and efficient than Mas 1 R. Davies, first sergeant of Co. B. His home Is at 416 Third Avenue. For four years he was a bookkeeper with the wholesale drug house of Farrand, I Williams & Clark, and he says : "I have charged up many thousand V orders for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but never knew their worth until I used them for th cure of chronic dyspepsia. For two years . ,, I suffered end doctored for that aggravating trouble bnt could only be . 1 helped temporarily. - jf i "I think dyspepsia is one of the most stubborn of ailments, and there 1 j is scarcely a clerk or office man but what ia more or less a victim. Some days I could eat anything, while at other times I would be starring-. Those distressed pains would force me to quit work. I have tried. many C , treatments and remedies but they would help only fbr a time. A friend induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and after tak. ing a few doses I found much relief and after using several boxes I was , cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am f pleased to recommend them." Dttrcit (Miek.)JmnuU. v 1 The genuine package "o-Wys bew tht U ntmex ! to Ml drugitv oi sent rpottpaM on receipt of pvUt,50 per the Dr.rtiHi&m& Medicine to., Schenectady, N.Y. You will find Coupons like this in.... THIS COfrON Cutthtsoiit and send or Good fof $ 40 rr01l, '..vT 'V- MM Allen Name ca . ' 209-211 1st St., Address Portland, Or. E VERYON E can have a piano now, ....FLOUR MILL MACHINERY.... Warehouse Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Wheels. Supplies of all Kinds. Write for Prices We carry In Btock a lare;e supply of ths above conveyers, both rlRht and kilt, whioh we wlU ell at pre&tly reduced prVues. Also all sizes of elevator buckets and bolts. Write lor price-Hat and discounts, Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett Sts. Bow She Had Learned. The young woman had just caught the maid servant in a prevarication, and she was properly indignant. "Mary," she said, "how did you learn to lie?" The servant thought it over for a ruinate and then she said: "you know that little dude that calls here so often!" "You mean Mr. Brimby, wh"j I dislike so intensely?" "That's the one, "returned the maid. "You know what I have to tell him every time he calls?" "Certainly," "Well, that's how I learned to lie." Chicago Post. Avoid the Night Air. Avoid the night air when damp and cold, and you will often avoid having neuralgia, but St. Jaooba Gil will cure it no matter what is the cause and no matter how long it has continued. . A nrnnnflH hnn hnan rnrantlv naytantaA by whioh thin sheets of absolutely transparent otluloid are silvered by a similar process to that formerly, used on eland. If ycu want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, tee or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. The United States contains 85,467 drug stores. Contrary to general belief, "Big Foot" Wallace, the most noted Indian fighter that ever lived in Texas, is still in the flesh. Bright and chipper, though somewhat feeble, be attended the state fair at Dallas' recently, com ing from his home on the lower. Rio Grande, BOO miles away. Wallace, who is now 83 years old, began fighting In dians and Mexicans in Texas in 1834 and has lived in the Lone Btar state ever sinoe, how s inisf " We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh thut can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 1. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known V.J. Cheney for the past 16 years, and believe him porlfctly ! honorable in all business transactions and flu and ly able to cany out any obligations made by their firm. West A Tbijax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.dino, Kinnak A Marvin, Wholeiale I)rug7lst, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act I11K directly on the blood and mncous surfaces of the system. Pries 75c per bottle. Bold by aii drugplst. Testimonials free. , Uall's family puis -to the best. I Paper made from seaweed is a grow-! ing industry in France. It is so trans parent that it bai been used in place of glass. ' - Piso's Cure for Consumption has been adod-send to me. Wm. B. MrClellan, Chester, Florida, September 17, 1896. Gilding is easily applied to signs and decorations by a new brush, which has a reel on the handle on which the metallic leaf is wound, one end being inserted under the tip of the brush, which slides along and deposits the foil ou the surface underneath. Portland Oregonlan, Tradesman, Telegram and Times) Also In your local town paper. ' - Be Quick About It. If yours Is amoni the first 100 coupons reaching; us It wtllbs acoepted as part payment, undor our easy In stallment plan, tot a first-class new piano. .Take Your Choice Knabe, Fischer, Ludwlg, Klngnbury, or Hardman they are the best, retailed at f2u0, up. . and & good one, too. .PORTLAND, OR. War Romaitoea. First Volunteer I hear Bill's foil dead in love with that girl that nursed him. ' Second Volunteer Bight you are. He got mashed on the beautiful way she always stuck hor little finger out when she fixed his bandages. Indian apolis News. There are 280 glaciers in the Alps said to be over five miles in length. IF Don't neilect yourself! It li tht perfect llttliiK rruxa appllod in season whluii effects a cure; ths lmprfiot nover; 'J.OOO styles to ulect fmrn enables us to guar, antue a fit, or do chargu; If your rtrunsrist does not keep them write us for directions for self measurement: onrresoondenca confidential and trusses sent se cure from observation, to any address; money refunded If no satisfactory, t). II. Wnodard '., Expert Trnss Fitters, 1M 8econd St., Portland, Or. WORK FOR ALL Men and women are making from 8.f to J7.6U per day selling our Hoods. No experience necessary. Sond two cent stamp for a free 'Hmple. ItlDIt fc CO., Ul'i First St., rooms I & 18, 1'ortland, Or. VETERANS If you rtiHdea home stead entry prior to June 22,1874, lor less than lftft sflmi. you are entitled to an additional entry, wnicn is axsiKname ana wortn something. Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol, diers have same right. I will buy it. l0 not waste poxtngo unless you made an original, entry as stated above. JsjKh COLLINis, Helena, Montana. YOUR LIVER S3 Moore's Revealed R emedy will do i t. Three doses will wake you feel better. Get It from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or from Stewart fc Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND OYMNAtlUM SUPPLIES. Bend for Catalogue. WILL I FIKCK GO. Baa Jfrauolsoa "BUY the genuine SYRUPOFFIGS ... MAITOFACTUBBD BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. rr-SIOTf! TUB SANK, CURE YOURSELF! l ltKsX ..I'm Hl( 4 for uiiD.rurs! ' Is 1 to S if.?.. VI dl.diarsti., lliOamni.lluus, '.bm.4 irm&iK'fis vr ulcrttluus BUi.a. Painless, and 110 1 wiria TheEmss Cmwat Oo. or Boiaouous, CPM,. uy, r o.ri "wy II .10, or St O. S.. 11 in plain wrsppar, praH, pr.p.i.l, tot t hottlx, sv.rt. ssut on nuiMtta N. r. N. V. MO. 4-'8. WHEN writing to advertisers pleas wtaatlua h' Bser.