BANK OF OREGON CITY UDEST vBANKINO HOUSE IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS PO&0.00 y C. G. APPLEGATH, . ::K A. PRASIL, S VAH MCAO OUTTCN WITH . ILVKHFULO, ronMCRLV oitiafiM and rmtm WITH MARSHAL FICLD, GHICAQO. MAKINO VOUR FORTUNE IN OUR NEW COLONIES. APPLEGATH & PRASIL FASHIONABLE FURRIERS Sealskin Garments a Specialty REMODCUNQ AND REPAIR1N0 AT MOOtnATC PRICt ALL WORK GUARANTEED f WE While Others Tinr to Follow OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE W. L. BLOCK, PROP'R NEW line of Fine Steel Ranges and Stoves, NEW Air-tight Heaters, NEW Hardware, NEW Portieres and Lace Curtains. Also a fine line of NEW Crockery, Hanging Lamps, Glassware and Tinware. I take pleasure in announcing to the public that I have put in a Pine Line of NEW Furniture, NEW , Carpets, NEW Matting, My Second-Hand Stock Of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves Is Always Complete Convince yourself by getting our prices before buying. Prices Cheerfully Given. Don't Forget the Place : M;0mCe OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF flonuments and" Headstones Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Silver Medal Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair - TO G. H. BESTOW FOB D00R8, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. 1; j- iOWBST CASH PniOES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. A. A 131 souto OgggQN.- gjty ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; IT is all within one mile of the center of ht city and is con nected by an improved plank road.' Healthy location, fine view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 13 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and ' bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. CLUBMAN, Trustee, 143 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. LEik.B,nL0HpniCES G. H. YOUNG Funeral Conductor And Undertaker C askets, Coffins, Robes, Living, ' Etc, Best Material. Lowest Prices. Next Door to Pope's hardware store. Main Street. Obbqon Cm, Oa. Portland, Oregon - R. L HOLM AN Undertaker; and , Embalmei Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins, robes, etc. Superior goods, Superioi services at most moderate prices. Next door to Commercial bank. . Okeqon Citv - - - Obbgoh SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To Watch Buyers for 30 DAYS; if " you never possessed a watch now is the TIME to own TIME of your own. 293 Morrison Street PORTLAND, OREGON N. WRIGHT, The Iowa Jeweler Charman Bros.1 Block THE Industrial prospects of new territory which recent events have brought in close relation with the United States such as Ha waii, Porto Rico and the Philippines- are attracting great attention In this country at the present time. Energetic and enterprising : young . American clerks, as well as those poorly employ ed or not employed at all, are scanning the outlook with considerable practical anticipation. The field Is worth study ing- Porto RIc leads foremost on the list as opening the greatest Inducements, because the Inhabitant of that beauti ful Island desire to become American ized as soon as possible. The extinction of Spanish rule means the rapid en couragement of American Institutions and the general use of the English lan guage. Outside of the few hundred French and Spaniards who control the plantations of the Island, every one of the million Inhabitants Is eager to learn the English language, and when he catches a word or phrase he memorizes It end repeats it promptly to a circle of admiring friends. The result is that the principal stores, hotels and business houses now have a sign reading, "English spoken here," and Interpreters are employed at a high salary. In fact, business men have been willing to pay almost any price for an American clerk or salesman. The demand Is so abnormal, however, that a reaction Is certain to come. The prospective clerk, therefore, ' should study and analyse the situation before he makes a move. - . It Is estimated that $150 would be ample for a young man of modest tastes to give his talents a fair show in Porto Rico, leaving enough money for the return trip, In case he found Ponce or Mayaguez not to tils liking. The rates to San Juan and those towns are $05 first class, $35 second class. The consuls are obliging; board relatively cheap; a room costs $10 a month and board about 40 cents per day. Amerl can money doubles the minute the vis itor arrives In Torto Rico; that Is, the rate of exchange gives $2 Porto Uican money for every American dollar. WHh a basic knowledge of Latin, an observ ant American can soon pick up Span ish. The natural wealth Is there, and the Americans seem the chosen ones to reallie on It. The "get-rlch-qulck" idea will vanish after a few weeks behind a counter in Porto Rico, however. It Is work, patience and economy that will win the palm there as everywhere else. As to the Philippines, It has been stated that Manila Is hotter than the Klondike. Getting there Is more com fortable, and health Is offered to the man without health in addition. If a young man starts out with an appoint ment from a House renciy to ao dusi- ncss In the far East, or even with a simple proper Indorsement, he can do well. New xork traders, especially those doing business in hemp, tobacco and sugar, are looking for a tremen dous development of trade with the Philippines, and say that the opportu nltv of a lifetime Is now presenting It self to young men of integrity and push. There will now be many oppor tunities in Industries that Spain has al ways frowned upon. The main thing for the prospective tourist to consider Is the Initial ex pense. It costs about ?400 to reach Manila. The best route la from San Francisco to Hong Kong via Yoko hama. The average hotel tariff at Manila Is $2 a day. Hawaii can be reached In twelve days from New York, the trip from San Francisco costing 75 on steamers, half as much on sailing vessels. Clerks at Honolulu earn as high as $125 per month, bookkeepers $150, mechanics up to $4 per day. Engineers list at $100, conductors $90, laborers $1 per day. Agriculturist are, however, most In de mand. Tie market for ordinary labor Is overstocked, but men with experi ence in managing plantations earn as high as $3,000 a year,, while overseers get up to $T5 per month. The small farmer Is offered superior Inducements. Coffee Is now the most promising crop, and from a seventy-five acre plantation after the fourth year a return of $10,000 may be counted on. It Is use less, however, to enter Into this coffee planting without enough funds to carry the planter till the land yields- develop ment Applicants for land' must be citizens by birth or naturalization,, and pay a fee of $2 on application, and $5 on the Isuance of ft lease. They can take trp from eight to sixty acres of land, must build a dwelling house, and' receive a lease for 090 years, or on appraised val ue can purchase the freehold; , " The soil Is loose and porous, the cli mate ideal. All kinds of vegetation can be raised, besides berries, which grow the whole year around. Rice, limes, oranges and pineapples grew freely. The banana trade Is a paying feature. In fact, the enterprising, painstaking agriculturist can hardly miss It In Hawaii WELL-BRED INDIAN MAIDENS. Two Cherokee Girl Who Would Be at Home in Society. The average man's impression of an Indian woman Is that she Is unkempt, of coarse appearance, entirely locking in all that partakes of refinement and generally tending toward still deeper degradation. It Is unfortunately too true- that the picture wDl fit too many females of the red-skinned race, but not all by any means. Notable as ex ceptions are the Cherokee women, two fair specimens of whom are pictured, They are Jennie Thomas and Ellen Thomas of Chelsea, I. T. In the Chero kee language their names are respec tively Wl&h-na-wa-ga and Lak-no-va- la, daughters of two well-to-do mem bers of the prosperous Cherokee tribe. Both the girls are well educated, of more than average good looks, viva cious and generally well-fitted to take CHBBOSBB GIRLS. their places In polite society. This they are In no mood to do, preferring the freedom and uneonventionallty of life as they find It In the place of their na tivity. The women of their tribe are almost always of fine figure and grace ful carriage, the only particularly no ticeable feature that perhaps detrocts In a measure from their good looks be ing the high cheek bones that are ap parent in even the sixteenth-blood In dians. The voice or the maian gin m neve hoarse or coarse, but low and 1 musical. CHAB. H. CACf.IED Geo. A. HabdiuS E. O. Gauukld A General Bunking Business Transacted Deposits Reoelved Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Seourltv Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available la Any Fart Oi the fforld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the - Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses a trays on hand at the lowest rates, tnd aoorra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any information regarding any kind ot stock promptly attended to by letter or person. I BOUGHT OB SOLD ' W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON C. 8. Seamann, M. D. J. W. Powsli, M. D POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. All calls attended promptly. Office hours: 8 to 11 a m. j 1 to 5 p. m. Nos. 9 and 10 Ohabman Block. DR. GEO. HOEYE, DENTIST, Office in Kelly Building, Main Street, Oregon Oitv. Bridge and' Obown Wobk a Specialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Pbqon City, Obeqos DR FRANCIS FREEMAN ' DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege ot Dental Surgery, 01 umuago. . with &, WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Poetoflice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 186k ). TUB PIOSEER EXPI1E8BBIAH AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Farts of the City OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CUT CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted'. Makes orl leotions. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bankopen from s A J.to4 P. M. D. C. LAI OV Rt 11 S, FEED J. MEYER, President. Cashier. C. L. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORNEYS AT LAW ; Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building . . OREGON CITY - . OREGON 6zo. C. BaowMSU J. U. Campbell BROWN ELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufletd Building Oregon City, Ore W. S. U'REN,- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C, SCHUEBEL , ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfdjtt SIb&oIat. OREGON CITY OREGON : C THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LlADINO INSCBANCI AOEKCY Or CLACSAMAS County Mniin tn I nan. Abstracts of Title Hade Drawing of Legal Doeumeuts a Specialty Office on east side or lain street Between 6ih and 7th OREGON CITY. - OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people ot Oregon City and vicinity, special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 19 a. m., 4 to p. m. OREGON CITY ... - OREGOH President, Vice-president Jashzer, I ' ilV 1 . . Look Here Youi looks -tell on you. ' Can keep It secret a while, liofnro its too late, go and see or write to this old doctor, lie has been treating such cases for over 2(1 vents and perfectly reliable. Furnish, es his medicine and tells no talcs.. Dr. Kessler of tho Old St. Louis Medical and Bnrplcal Dle ponsary, 2XI4 Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon,' positively guarantees to remove. TAPEWORM In any stage without loss of time from business DUrTTTin TIGHT Curod by an old German H ALU lllll llUjfll remedy. This remedy was sent to Dr. Kexsier by a friend In Berlin. It lias never failed, and we guarantee it. fiTTl OnDfd! Ulcers, ICancer, etc., cured, no. ULJJ UUnillJ diflorance how long affected. priTTr A (PTJ Diseases. This doctor guarantees to llll V nlll oureanycftseof Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Oleet. strictures cured, no diliercnce how long standing. Spermatorrhea, Loss of Manhood, or Sightly Emmisslons, cured permantly. The habit of Belt Abuse effectually cured in a short time. VflTTVP HluM Your errors and follies of youth iUUJNll KLtlN can be remedied, and this old doctor will give you Wholesome advice and cure you make you perfectly stiong and healthy. You will be amazed at his succcbs in curing Spermatorrhea, Seminal Losses, Nightly E in mis sions, and other cite eta. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS painful, difficult, to frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural dlscharsrcs, carefully treated and permantly cured. Piles, Bheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies and cures guaranteed Patients treated In anv part of the country by his home system. Write full Particulars enclose ten !c stamps and we will answer yon promptly, hundreds treated at home who are unable to come to the City. READ THIS Take a clear bottle at bed time and urinate in the bottle, set aside and look at It in the morning. If It is cloudy or has a cloudy settling in it, you have some klndneyor bladderdisease, and should be attended to before you get an incurable Dis ease as hundreds Die every year from Bright! Disease of Kid noys. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OP THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily, Pouth, North. 9:80 A. 11 1.40 A. M 1:00?. U 8:00 F.N. 6:62 p. If . 7:40 A.M. Lv Portland Ar Lv Oregon City Lt Ar Ban Francisco Lv The above trains stop at all station) betweer Portland and Balem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris bars;, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, and all iisilooa Iron Boseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. ROSfSBURG MAIL DAILY. 0:SOA.M. ,Lv Portland Art 4:80r.B 6:27 A.M. I LV Oregon City LvS:86M 8:20 r. u. Ar Roseburg Lv I 7: 0 M DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTS, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AMD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and COBVALLf g XAUTBAINDAIMrlKXCIFTSONDlY.) At Albany and Oorvaliis connect with train of Oregon Central A Eastern R. R. XPBESS TBAIH DA1LY(HCIPTSUNDAY.) 4 :M P M. Lv Portland Ar I S:25 A. U 7.80 P.M. Ar McMInnvllle Lv 5:0A.M 1:80 P. M. Ar Independence Lv 1 4:60 A. II KittM and tickets to enstern nofnta and Europe also JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULtJ and AC8TBAL1A, can b obtained from E. C BOYD, Agent, Oregon Clty B. KOIHLER, C. H. MAEKHAM, Manager, Asst. w. r. r. Agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. YOU OWE. It to yourself, yonr family, your friends and te all you benefit to carefiilfv and considerately In. vestlgate Ibe merits of VlbE ORE as a remedy for those wao need a cure. There is no experi menting;, no gnees work, no danger, no los of time. It h perfectly harmless, and may always Dtr renea on. it is ine queen oi cures, ror it reaches the mifut of all diseases, and will cure you when all other remedies have failed; after vou hav tried all catch-penny humbugs and frauds only to grow older and worse. Do not not neglect to give it a trial, for Vitee-OTe comes to the sick and the atnicted like the vision of the Eastern star to the wise men. un every packags ot the genuine will be found the red Ink signa ture oi Theo. Noel . Price S1.00 by mail. MKS. M. M. LAUKUY, Agent, VIOla. Ot. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY ' Go to C. F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. , Young. Man BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor ' Oregon City, Oregon j Pure Milk and Full Measua given; delivered to any j part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy and bo Cootb4S