Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. l(NO. 1
T Of Bova' Evervdav and finndav Clothes.
OfSui'B and Iteelers everyone knows
The best are at A. B. Steinbach & Oo.'b.
Our Boys
Contains everything essential in the way of clothing
for little tots and bit; ones Oar Suits, Overcoats
and Reefers are the bent money can buy ; best
because many years' experience HAS taught ns
how to discriminate between best clothes and the
other kinds. '
"Your money back if you say so, ' first, last
and all the. time.
Boys' Suits and Reefers, $2.50 and up,
Boys' mackintoshes, from $2.00.
Largest Clcthiers in the Northwest Cor. 1st & Morrison, Portlard, Or
Since buying his Groceries
of MARR & MUIR, after
having traded for some time
at other stores. No stale or
inferior goods hpt.
Wagons, Doll Buggies, Dolls, Rocking Horses, Drums,
Horns, Cornets, Bugles, Cradles, Rockers, Trunks,
Black Boards, Iron Toys, Banks, Pianos, Games, Tin
Toys, Wooden Toys, Chairs, China Tea Sets, Toy Books,
Xmas Cards, China Flutes, Cups and Saucers, Xmas
Candles, Glass Ware, Vases,' Auto. Albums, Photo Al
bums, Jewelry and thousands of other articles for the'
Holiday trade, all at our well known Jow prices. Re
member our goods and prices can not be duplicated
even in the city of Portland.
for household ubo are amongst the
articles from our stock of Groceries
which are in constant demand. Their
lichness, fine flavor and other excellent
qualit ieb have made them prime favorites
with every housekeeper.
We also have sweet things in the
pnst'y line made fresh every day in our
Bakery besides the best bread in the city.
Bakers and Grocers
Opposite Postoffice, - Oregon City
Thpnksgiving was duly nheerved by
(he Mclalla people and the gobble of the
turkey is not heard as often as of yore.
On "Wednesday before Thanksgiving
there was a very ititetesting exercise at
the school houpe given by Prof. Coleman,
Mies SI aver and the pupils, consisting
of recitations, dialo20.es, etc.
" Our schorl is progressing finely. Prof.
Coleman ban a class in penmanship that
meets every Fridoy evening at the
school house. The professor is a
thorough penman. Thoe that can do
so would certainly profit thereby to join
his clats. ... - .-
As the close season fr killing deer is
near at hand those that enj iy hunting
sre taking the lust hunt of the season.
Deer seem to be more plentiful this fall
than for several years past. It is stated
bv experienced hunters in this vicinity
that cougar kill more deer in a course of
a vear than is killed bv hunters. It is
stated bv those in a position to know
that a full grown cougar will average
deer each week during the year and it is
certainly the case Judging Irom the sign
seen in the mountains that cougar are
increasinu rat'.er than dimiBhinii. The
Cougar is a very shy animal and is rarely
seen ' unless hunied bv does trained for
that purpose, and unlofs a bounty is
offered for them they will in a few years
almost snihilnte our deer. They seem
to prey almost exclusively on deer, and
nave no trnuoie apparently iu nayiiu
when thev choose. Thev scarcely ever
devour a deer entirely, feed only on the
choice narta and leave the carcass to
other animals.
Tt.e M.da'la DeoDle have decided to
have a Christmas tree this year. There
will be a meeting in a short time to
make the necessary arraingraenta.
M. Clifford has about given up his in
tended trin to California for the benefit
nf his health. ?
JMr. King's step-son and t wo daughters
enme nut from Portland recently to
spend Thsnkpgivint? and visit the old
home. The son. Mr. Tim. has only
inst returned from Alaska. He reports
thinjjR booming at, Skairaway, where he
has been at work. He expects to re
turn in a uhort time. .
John Bagby is still in the vicinity of
Offleld . There seems to bi some pecu
liar attraction for htm up there, wtncli
is it John, cougar or the widow ?
Otis Boyleand family, of Russelville,
were visMing home folk s recently.
Mrs. Boyles is having a porch built
onto her dwelling .
Uncle Thoma Jackson has gorte to
Portland to visit his aon from Grant
county, who is under the care of Or
Brown. His malady is pronounced,
blight's disease Hnd it inclinable.
It is reported that a parry from Port
land ccntemplnte potting in machine
pIihd in the old Moody f--toie twildiiig
A business of that kind might, do soine-
ihing during the summer time.
M'. Brixton and wif, of Fo: rest Grove
sre visiting thelatter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. Bobbin.
There will be no pork packing estab
lishment in our town this winter, so the
farmers in Huh vieui'V mutt-either
bacon their lngs or haul to Oregon C tv
There bus been some talk of building
a telewione line iiom nre in wieumi
Citv or to AlaiQiiani and eonmct, there
to the line from Sc-.tts mill to S tver'On
It would be much butter tho'Wi to have
a line ilireet to Oregon Oi'ythnnto have
o transmit by the wiy ot f-alem. . It
any company would buiin a line irom
Oregon (..'ity'to Wilhoit via Molalla the
people in thi-vicinny wo'il subscribe
liberally bv donaticid and tnkin st ck.
Such a line would lecninly iay clniing
the summer season l lennt M"lall.
Nov. 8()th, X Y Z.
, Highland.
Highland is still on top. though every
thing is quiet.
A shooting match was held at the
Highland postollice one day last week.
Mr. Geo. Harrington, recently from
Eastern Oregon, is still visiting with his
bi others, Albert and hd.
The coyotes are making an onslought
on sheep occasionally. Albert Harring-
-ill .1 .1 ! .. 1. L
ion lost iuree i lie oiner uigiit.
Our enterprising neighbor ,J.W. Jones,
is running his taw mill in good snape
. E. Elliott, a promising young man
from Multnomah county, is teaching
our public school.
Our neighbors should have their
minds refreshed to the tact that all the
state asks or demands in return for the
gift of free schoole, is good boys and
girls who will make good men ana wom
en, or in other words, good citizens,
who will uphold and obey the laws of
the land and teaching them to mind
and obey the rules of the school is but
the beginning of obeying the civil law.
According to statistics ou' criminals
are increasing at an alarming rate.
What is the cause of that? The answer
is simple. Parents are neglecting their
duties. As the twig is bent, the tree is
inclined. Cokrbsfondent.
November 29.
Fresh Stock of ,
Depot for HAY xud FEED
Willamette Block, Oregon City
Dealer In , . ; ,
. nd
. -mm'
Also Full line cl Mill Feed, Lime, Cement a:3 land Plaster.
A yery pleas nit ThanKsgi ving dinner
was held at' toe store. There were 55
present and the committee sent out 10
lunches for those who could not attend
In the morning Rev. Hawley, the M. E.
pastor, preached the Thanksgiving ser
mon, assisted by Kev. Butler.
Oralmel, Harry Hartnel!, Cora John
son and George Cramer are on the sick
list. : ' :
Rev. Que gave a lecture at th.i M. E.
church Saturday night and Sunday ad
ministered the Lord's Mipper
Mr. Foxe's six week old baby was
bnrried November 25th. IKev. ditner,
of Portland, pi ea, tied iulEnglisti and
German. ,
Every town ought. mi 1 to let these
gipsies and bears er, p, not even over
night They have beenaround here
inee Thanksgiving.
Marion Johnson's brother is here from
Illinois for his health.
The W. O. T. If. met at Mrs. Rick
man's with our president, Mrs. O. F.
Clark, in the chair, an i eight respond
tng to roll call.
Mrs. Rev. Hawlev and children were
the giieau. of Mrs, Paddock the 26th.
TKi exercises at our sehool was some
thing! extractor Thanksgiving, it
showed thorn hul bucu much practice
and we truly do return thanks to our
teachers for the p tasatil afternoon spent
with tittjin.
We find in our yard hollyhocks, roses
and filch tinei carysaniheinums all in
blooiiiHurrah I for Oiegun.
H. Longcoy n-ceiveil a very pretty
diploma as a special premium for ap
ples ami oeara exhibiutd at the exposi
tion tmld in Porliaod. '
Nov. i'8. Rosa Him.:1
Tarkplace Gladstone.
The vonnu peonlo swm to be enlnvtna them
selves, As on tlie mill hist, a surprise pnrtv whb
otien np on Miss Mubcile Kennedy In honor of
icr 17th birthday. fter speiirllnir many hours
in nlnvliiff 'im nil wttrft fnvitcil into A. dplf-
clous lunch of which wos enjoyed very much.
Messrs Bert Jewell and John Grinder returned
home the23st from Seattle, where they have beeu
spending the lust few mouths.
Mr. nnd Mrs, EM Rivers pave a social at their
home last Wednesday evening, vhich was en
joyed ty an present.
fieo Himler was seen wendini his way last
Wednesday eveniiic to the done with his best
ftirl. '1 hat's right, Oeoree, a brok en heart is soon
Johnnie Grinder has proposed ftxlne a M
wlk (rnm the corner of 1 . (Jonah's lot. by the
way of the blacksmith shop to the store for the
bouerlt of the ladies, as tt is getting muddy there,
That's right, Johnuie, think of the Indies,
Th youiiK Udles ofParknluce sot up a party
in honor of Miss Hduit Jewell of Glndst ue ou
Thsnksglviug evening. Refreshments were
served uiKOout eleven oxim'K to wincn mi am
ample Justice. Tho eventi K was spent in eames
and a lesson in geography and zoology, of which
prizes were given Marry Fleming won tne
prize, wnicn was a goiu ana crystal vase ana
Edgar Dempster toe booby prhia.
Mrs. Geotttine Invited a few of her friends to
eat turkey with Tier on Thanksgiving.
We undf rstand Ihnt we are to have presehing
every Sunday at the Parkplaee church. .
Miss Estelia Bracken, our almable school
teacher at Parkplaee, was united in uiurrliuie to
Henry entuusDury on mansegiviug evening,
both of Gladstone.
Miss Kate Smith, accompanied by Miss Iir-
land, from Oorvallis, is home visiting her par
ents, Capt. and Mrs. Pmith,
Louis Himler U mnking n-eporatlins to go to
his uncle's east of the mountains, where he in
tends to stay about three weeks.
Many friends are glad to learn that Percy
Cross' health Is Improving slnco he went back
east of the monutuhis.
Nov. 80. Manilla.
Hood View.
' Thanksgiving has come and passed.
It was a very pleasant day, the sun hav
ing shone all day.
Twenty people sat at the table of J.
P. Gage and enjoyed turkey, chicken,
etc. INoticeable among them was trio
face and hearty laugh of Hon. h. H.
Moses. :
A very heavy frost Thanksgiving
night followed by heavy fogs. .
The meetings at the Baptist church
the past week have bi en . well attended
snd much work has been accomplished.
Visitois from Salem, Bethany and vari
ous other placea were in attendance.
School closed Wednesday for the week,
H. E. flayes is plowing his potato
ground and preparing it for grain.
The Delker brothers spent Thanks
giving with their sister, Mrs. Sagert, of
Ida Francis spent the latter part of
the week at Elvville.
Henry Baker has recovered from hia
recent illness . . . .
C. and D. Peters have moved beck to
Frog Pond,
Mrs Conrad Priester, of Oregon City,
is spending a forinight with her mother,
l a l V
IMf B. cum u - -v
December 1.
Born, last week, to Mr. and Mrs Sthalolektr.
a daughter.
Mrs. Jane Baker Is still aulte 111 as Is also
Grandma Zumwalt.
Died, Sunday evening, November, 27, o'
whooping eough and lung fever, Little flora
Karber Buttson, youngest daughter olMr.and
Mrs. John Buttson.
Miss Kthe! Bjal. of Chehslem. Is spending the
winter with her sister, Mrs, Chas, Hanson, of
Miss Alice Baker Is home for a few days with
her parents.
Matt Bnker is putting new flooring In Ids house.
Chas. Baker Is finishing his new house this
Archie Seelv Is atlendtnii the Homes Business
College in Portland this winter.
November 28. Asa,
Ilazelia Svlwol Report.
Followina is report of school, district
No, 37, for the month ending Nov. 25.
Number of pupils enrolled 30, nnmber
of daya Uught 19, case of tardiness 0,
average daily attendance 25. Those
wh. were neither absent or tardy are:
Gruce Whitten, Florence HayB, Agnes
Lynnette, Milton, Carrol, and Verne
tifiip ev, E hel : and Leslie j Wl.itten.
VViniiold Baker, Pearl Long, Willie
Cirl and Louis i Weltnernnd tilfie Hnyg.
Visitors present du'ing the month, Miss
Adda Whitten, P.tron are invited to
visit the echoo! . Aura D. Thompson,"
For Sale Good farm, 4SJa' acres, good
mprovemetiis. John Lotz, Liberal, Or.
Here we are again, after enjoying a delightful
Thanksgiving dinner of Mast turkey and cranberry
sauoe etc. We are now rtady for work,
Miss lienor Palmnleer and Miss Ethel Jones have
returned home after a slant visit with friends.
The Oarfeld literary and debAtlnar society met
last Saturday evening and elected the following
ifnoer: President, Wm. Oattield; vice-president,
Wm. Davis; secreiary, Misl Madie Burneite: trcas.
nrer, Miss Ethel Jones; sargeaut at arms, Alex.
King 'Sperrron came down from the upper
hatchery on Hie Clackamas last Saturday fcnd re
lumed Sunday.
John T . Irvln has returned home for the winter.
Mr. Ira Davis is home on a short visit.
Born-On November 18, to Hie wife of John
lloneliune, a daughter. Mr, llonulione is seen oc
casionally gninlng slung Mnlu street in Stringtown,
wl h a broad grin on Ms (see. '
The people of Garfield mourn the loss of one of
their good neighbors, Frank Ijciiii.n, who died at
his home ou Monday m ruing last. Ho leaves a
wile and eight children. His remains were taken,
to Damascus for burial.
George Lockerby Is finishing up his house and
expects to have H completed by the time winter la
over, , , , -
Alex. Irvln was seen neivlna alomt the road at a
verv slow gait between Curriusvtlle and Uartleld,
holding the rilibunaof lour very Aue loosing horses. .
The wagon was eerlalnly very heavy loaded as he
knocked the bottom out of the roau as he went
along. ' Roxie.
H. T. Worli and Courier-Herald $1,85
Mountain View.
Mulino Notes.
PATENT FLOUR is made entirely
from old wheat and when use it yon do
not run the risk of having poor bread as
you do if you buy flour made by Tom,
Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat.
Pete Sager and family were visiting
friends at Highland a couple of days
last week .
Ed Bowman who is working in Port
laud, was vis.ting at home a week ago
last Sunday.
School is progressing nicely under the
management of Miss Florence Paity.
The basket social and entertainment
which was given at the Grange hall,
Saturday evening, November 20th, for
the benefit of the school, was a decided
success. The proceeds which were
$l(5.S5 will be invested in a bell for the
' Lone Pine" school.
Miss Iva Hariington, of Union Mills,
was the guest of Miss Florence Patty
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Effie Rauch of Can by was the
gust of Miss Madge Mulviy Saturday
night and Sunday.
Miss Clara Htin, who was visiting in
Portland, returned home k riday even
ing. AcL-omnanied bv a friend from
There will lie an entertainment, pie
social and dance at the Payne school
house Friday evening, Decern ber 2.
Even body invited.
The road between Mulino and the
plank road is very near impassable,
especially on Howard's hill The road
supervi-or should look after ihat part of
the road. ,
M. Daniels who was visi'ing
friends In Oregon City a couple of days
iHSt week reiurned home lant Sunday.
Nov. 29 : Pubsy.
In issue of Novemlwr 18th. in men
tioning the death of Mrs. Abigail Uo--d-rich
on Novembei 3-1. yon said that she
leit a husband mid three children when,
In fact i-he left besides a husband,
Turkey and c-un berry pie was the order of the
day ill Una bin g uu lhuiikg.vmg day, .
Ulllard U llelt went out to A. t,, Jon 'S, near
Minimi, la-t wevk W ;dnei-d to spend Thauks
glviDi , unu rt-iuniiu homeoll eiaturday.
Mrs siitun Ha ris snd children, of Oregon City
spent Tliuiik8iu-iig uuy in this burg among
lelalives and Irieuds
K. M a men. of KiuoMcv. Kaslern Oregon, was
in this burg 'iie day last week, and went out to
his larui ueui iliuluo.
Waller f'roye was in this vicinity ou Friday
Mrs. &. H. eoptr n i children spent Thanks-
giving i lit at arus.
There sre quite number on the sick list this
Week. .Mi, kiugo a.id cu.iilreu have beeu quite
pnuiiy. iirauduia W ilitur Issultering wun Isroe
throat. Mrs, Walt Currnll Is sick again. Hi's,
f 11. curraii and Norub are alsj leeliug quite
Mus I'ear! Currn wmt down town last Friday
tisiMiid a short Lima wlih her friend, Mrs, He-
Fariand, but ritumed Tuesdav to lake earaof
sic a at home.
Hiss Ida Francis and Mist J. Uowen were
among til teachers that dr vo out to bunnyslde
last Saturday to the aSKociatlon,
rtorn, November 27. to Mr. and Mrs. Haynes,
a daughur, weighing a-pouuds.
Lumber is being hauled to build a house
where the feed null stood,
Mlvs Mamie Klv started to her home In Califor
nia lest Monday evening, lirandina Carter, who
has bneii vMuug here a short time, went lo
Woodburn with her,
Mr. and Mrs Greenly, of Portl nd , spent Sun
duy with Mr.and Mrs, Murrow,
John Oillett killed his two hogs Tuesday.
Their welgli, was 231 and wl respectively.
Our postmaster has cigars and tobacco as well
as candy lor sale.
C. W Moray, lat' ly of Vancomer, Wash., who
is boardinir with Mr. (Jillett for a monni, la on
the sick list and is not so well 111 is week, havihf
t.ken a sereve 0 jld by going down to ivrtlan-
on Mood )
The-s will he pn aching agnin next Sunday at
tliecliure.il. All are cordiall invited,
y, hov.ai. '' u
I have abiiiid,inceof money to loan at
6 and choice loans will be made at 7.
O. H. Dvk.
Carloads of gotxls for Red Front, of
Ciurse table oil cloth 12o, Cabot W. 5c,
seamless hose 10c, tough mule-skin
gloves Jjfic, with calf front BOo, 9 oz.
Ovr,.lis 8oc. dress goods, yarns, under
wear, inacKintoBties, capes, umuroiiaa
and shoea at cut prices.
Ked Front Store, Oregon City,
A Mason & lluinliii chapel organ,
guaranteed in good order, price ii25,
easy terms given, at Oregon City Auc
tion house.
e Talk More
Than any other Department o! OUR Store.
It is because Prescription Business is our hobby. It
is the one thing WE have been trying to make more per
feet than another for the past eight years. Mow well we
have succeeded is shown in our record of nearly 6s,000
Confidence in THIS department can not be gained in
a few weeks or months, but once gained it lasts as long as
honest integrity lasts.
I'.trwe tn k spent a few d iy last week
vlilting hlskhtcr in 1'orlUnd
Mr and Mrs 0rif Mallett entertained a
number of friends fm Molalla Bnnrtay
Ml-s Blaiu-hr Oyer spent Thanksgiving at her
home la Owego
BKd Venney, who smiit tne summar In Ea tcrn
Oregon nnd WaaNiu on, ret'irned liome l ist
week from Seaiile, In re .if spent a few wm ki.
E'nitr Msvllle has gone loOregon City 10 work.
Mr. and Mrs.'.Wm. Uerhoiiser are the happy
puim-fors of a pair of twin daughters.
Mr, Kits is aide t. he out again alter long
George u odrich, the following nveiuina,.
children: Mrs. Daniel Tallrt, Joseph i The Lidlet' Aid ftsslety have bought new
L., Charles L., lie. rge E. and Fred C. j f'-r th. Mind.y schl. ,
i ..l,i..h I'horlpa f.rka in O'dg & The Thai.ksalvlnsd.iHe was most enjoyable 1
boodrtch. Charles works in " " .frair . judging from the r. port of ihosewhower.
Kino . tor instead of Fred, as stated. . ',
t.i i.. i..i. a MMt,.l,ll,Uun fnt. t r . ' . . . - , I
nne aieo icu uo kihiiui.j... - oinu a fleiaiio oi yonna peonie irom
We think
WE have gained the confidence of our customers an-.l
friends during these eight year?, and now that it is gained,
T we will try with fair treatment and honest prices to retain it.
i We have never put in any Prescription "just as good," as
is sometimes done. If we do not have in stock just what
your Prescription falls for we tell j ou so frankly.
I We Believe
This U one of the important factors of your confidence
in our Prescription Department.
C. G, Huntley,
Prescription Druggist
Hows; Mrg. Ad.lia P Palmer, Mtnnte L.
oodridge, Frank L. I albert, iJertna
i Tulliert and Ruby P. Goodridge
i Xov. 30. XX.
LilMral atlended the nocM at Mull"0 last Hallir-
day evening, and vol. tt a gieat emaess.
i A sw-lal li.lniiouiicwt for Ilecember lflth.
Th. procred. In fir the benet.1 of th seboo .
Mr. Paul Roethe was the lucky holder of ticket No.
, 2291 and iherefore is owner of tne Grapophone.
Liberal, Nov. 'f.iii.