TJava It Handj. B cried out in agony, and they ran to the neighbors for help. Soiati'ja was torturing him. ; Better ran for Bt. Jacobs Oil, or have it handy. It. is known to oure the worst oases, and cure effeotnally. The Power of Thongl.t. The power in man to think is the es sence of his soul. Thought can de stroy, thought can save. Prentia Mil ford said: "Thoughts are things." Can you see this thought called things? By intuition man perceives that thought are thingB; by intellect he realizes the thing, the effects. The power of thoughts has fathomed the depth of the heavens and brought us the com forts and luxuries of our present civilization. Catarrh In the Head Is an inflammation of the mucous mem hmtiA linintf the nasal nassAe!.. Tr. u caused by a cold or succession of colds, combined with impure blood. The way to cure it is by purifying and enriching the blood with Hood's 8arsaparilla. This medicine cures catarrh when all other preparations fail. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla It America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for S. Hood's Pills cure constipation. 25 cents. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The United States has 427,668 coke ovens; Pennsylvania 26,910. . The capital invested in cotton mills in South Carolina now amounts to $18, 614,000. It is estimated that 85 per cent of the silk goods need in the United States ere the products of our own factories. The laboi press announces that E. V. Debs has severed his official connec tion with all labor unions, and will take the leoture platform. A writer in an exchange 'declares that 600,000 men now do the work.with the aid of machinery, which needed 16,000,000 to do a few years ago. The membership of the Cigarmakers' International Union is taking a vote oo a proposition to abolish the out-of-work benefit and toi reduce the death benefits about 20 per oent. A good many of the New England cotton mills may be making silk a few years from now. Some of them have caught on already to the advantages of making the change. It is reported that English machine builders have oontracts for the equip ment of many cotton mills in India, including 11 mills being established in Ahmedabad, where six more may be in progress of construction. Ko household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. The original manuscript copy of America's national hymn, "My Coun try, 'Tis of Thee," written in 1882 by Samuel Francis Smith, is now in the famons Vatican library in Borne. A t one time it was owned by David Pell Secar, of Bridgeport, Conn., having been persented to him by the author. The Eev. Dr. Maher, while visiting Mr. Secar a few years ago, saw it and suggested that it be sent to the Vatican library. The collection of meteorites in the Paris natural history museum repre sents 463 distinot falls, FITS permanently Cured. H o flts or nervousne m after lira, day' use of Dr. Kline's Ureat A erve Restorer. Bead for FKKK ,00 trial bottle and treatise. I) ft. B. H, KLUMJi, ltd., m hoi sweet, riuiaueipma, ra. Women eat so little and so irregu larly tat it is a wonder it has never occurred to Uncle Sam that they would mAlrA onnri onLliara THEY WANT TO TELL These Grateful Women Who Have Been Helped by Mrs. Pinknam. Women who have suffered severely and been relieved of their ills by Mrs. Pinkham's advice and medicine are constantly urging publication of their statements for the benefit of other wo men. Here are two such letters: Mrs. Lizzie Hbverlt, 258 Merrlmao St., Lowell, Mass., writes: " It affords me great; pleasure to tell all suffering women of thebenefit I have received from taking Lydia E. Pink ham's VegetableCompound. Icanhard- ly find words to express my gratitude for what she has done forme. My trouble was ulceration of the womb. I was un der the doctor's care.' Upon examina tion he found fifteen very large ulcers, uuvucittuea toaome good, j took see-- eralbottleof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, also used the Sanative Wash, and am cured. Mr. Pinkham's medicine saved my life, and I would recommend it to all suffering women." Mrs. Amos Trombleat, EUenburgh v Wi . yM writes: TV0011 cold at th me my baby Wag born, on,,! J ..! 7 'us me to have milH weeks. Doctors did me no gao i surely tVought I would die I was al- Jadycametoae,meandUTeo?Ihe benefit she had derived from ul W v Lydia E. Pinkham-. mit. . fln? B1to7 '. 1 did so, and had taken onlv half a v, , hie to sit in a cha three hottl.. t . IMSr wltlnl ' ""u u mj own work. j uuw ln penect Health.11, Keeping Oat the Cold. Hundreds of farm buildings that con tain shivering and unthrifty stock all through the winter months could, at al most no expense whatever, e made very warm and comfortable. Open foundations and absence of any closed foundation whatever cause much of the coldness of farm buildings. Cheap hay and swamp grass abound in almost all sections. If a large quantity of this is cut and put about the building and held there In the manner shown in the cut, the wind would very effectually be kept out Two strips of boards, with lathe nailed to them every fifteen Inches, will keep the hay very snug. When winter is past the hay can be used for bedding BARN BANKED WITH HAT. during the spring months. American Agriculturist ' Packing Fmlt for Market. The degree of ripeness should deter mine the time of gathering the fruit Host kinds of pears have a better flavor if picked as soon as their growth Is completed and permitted to ripen off the tree. All the fruits should be han dled carefully to prevent bruising, and very particular care should be taken with the tender fruits. The sorting should be carefully done, according to size and color, the wrapping to follow, but all the fruit should be permitted to cool before either is undertaken. Throughout this work, the less han dling that Is given the longer its condi tion will remain good. The packing should be done in such a way as to hold the fruit protected from Jostling and bruising while in transit to market but yet It should not be packed so closely as to prevent the air front circulating through it freely, Only such fruits should be packed as are thoroughly sound, free from blem ish, of good shape and of reasonably good size. Tender and soft fruits especially should be cooled as soon after being picked as practicable. The wrappers should not be close enough in texture to confine within them the moisture that comes from the fruit by evapora tion, or the fruit will be apt to mildew. This is often seen on oranges wrapped in a paper of close texture. The changes goinjt on in ripe fruit generate heat and this should be counteracted as far as practicable. It is said that even In a well-refrigerated car the heat liberated from the fruit will often more than counterbalance the cooling. effect of the Ice. Hence, It is Important to have rapid transportation to market Before the heat generated by ripening process causes decay. Texas Stock and Farm Journal Roo-jt for Chickens. As the chickens obtain size, they may be taught to go to roost In some room that is not occupied. Here they will be always under cover and safe at night from their enemies. Make the roost of broad strips of board, to pre- 8WINOIHO BOOSTS. vent crooked breast bones, and to re duce the risk of vermin use the plan of hanging the roosts shown In the cut The strips rest on horizontal wires, to which they are stapled beneath, and are held firmly up by wires from the ceiling. Exchange. Rtnne Ranklna- for Barns. In banking up against the walls of basement barns, and especially In hniidinir un a passageway to the en trance, there is always strong tempta tion to use stones piled in loosely as a hnou where stones are over plentiful on the farm. Yet this usually proves a mistake. Rats will mvanamy eneci . iivWmpnt among such stones, and they will In time work through Into the barn basement Besides, rains win -ach riirt unions the stones, and It will require oonstant attention every year to keep the passage way so uiai ioaueu wagons can be driven over it In the peach orchard, and wherever this fruit is eaten, the seed, or as It is usually called, the "pit," will common ly be thrown upon toe ground, where . . frosts will crack It and enable the germ, to come forth. Even If not covered at all, the root naturally strikes into the Soil, so that it is ready to Supply moisture whenever the growing shoots demand it These seedling peach trees are quite common in out-of-the-way places. Sometimes a valuable new vari ety is thus produced, though our experi ence or natural peach trees grown from the seed Is that most of them are nnor. It is a safe proceeding to bud the young tree wnen tt has grown from spring until July or August. In that way you may know in advance what class of fruit you may expect to pick. Ameri can Cultivator. Pitting Potatoes. Potatoes keeD better In a nit than anywhere else, but chey must be well protected to prevent zero weather from catching them. . They should nev er 'be covered deeply enough to allow them to become at all heated or they will Btart to grow. The first covering should be not more than six Inches deep, and this should not be Increased until the ground has frozen enough to bear up a man. Then put on a cover ing of straw, over the soli already on, and put on more soil, patting it down to make tt shed rain. Leave the pit until actual winter has come and the ground is well frozen, and then over all put a foot of fresh manure from the stables. Don't be afraid of driving the frost In, for this will not happen. Keep the manure on until the Dotatoes are need- ed in the spring, for the covered pit will. .. A a, , ..... ' uui uiuw out nor wiu tne manure allow it to freeze any more, and the' potatoes will not sprout until time for planting in the spring if left in the pit Potatoes that are to' be used for seed should be placed In a pit by themselves so as to leave them undisturbed- until taken out to plant Farmer's Voice, Fnn Bath for Fowls "' . It. is not alone the acid weather in winter, but even more the lack of sun light during Its short days, that re stricts egg production at, this season. Plenty of sunlight Is as 'essential as warmth to make the heus lively and healthful.' But the single glass narrow windows, often only a single pane, and that covered with dust and cobwebs at all seasons, and with Ice In winter, do little good. What are needed In all henhouses are large windows with an extra frame and glass with a space of enclosed air large enough to All most of the south side of the building. Keep the place where the sunlight falls free from manure and fill this with sand or coal ashes. Fowls will dust themselves here, and basking In the sunlight they will soon begin to lay. Vn'unble Knarlieh Bull. An English newspaper says that the celebrated bull Merry Hampton has recently been purchased by Mr. Dus tin, of Illinois, for the handsome price of 300 guineas. Merry Hampton Is from the herd of Mr. Peterkln, of Dunglass, one of the group of Ross shire breeders, who are so well known at the great English shows. Farm Profit. When does the farmer make a profit? There are hundreds of farmers who have become 'wealthy, yet they have handled very little money and hare had difficulty in meeting their obligations. There Is one bank account which they do not draw upon, and the deposits ac cumulate for years, and that Is the soil. A fanner takes a poor farm, works It adds manure, and receives but little over expenses, but every year his farm has become more fertile and also In creased in value. In ten or more year the farm may be worth five times the original cost, and It represents just as much profit as though the farmer had received money. All farms are, to a certain extent banks of deposit, where the profits of the farm slowly accumu late. "Mad Itch." Some farmers cut corn and throw It over to the hogs, stalk and all, which I always thought was a waste. The hogs will chew the sweet out of the stalks and spit them out In wads. 11 cattle and sheep have access to the same pasture they will gather up these wads and eat them, which Is almost certain death. In a few days they will begin rubbing their heads and necki on every tree and fence they come to, and continue rubbing till they die. Sometimes they will rub the flesh away to the bone. The fine fibers col lect around the root of the tongue and cause an Irritation. In this country people call It "mad ltch.H-Mrs. H. B. Hudson. The Imperial family of Austria is de scended from Kudolph Vou Hapsburg, fierman count, born in 1218, who wai elected king of Germany in 1273. The mate line died out la 1.40 with Emperor Vari VI.. whose only dauehter. Maria Theresa, gave ber band to Duke Franz of Lorraine snd Tuscany, afterward tr i.or Frans I. of Germany. He there by became the founder of the new nous of Hapsburg-LorralDa. MKRRT HAMPTON. QUEEN COUNTED THE WASH. An Kxperlence of Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland frith a Washerwoman. Annie O. Knlper has an article In the St. Nicholas on "Wllhelmlna, Queen of Holland." ; The author says: The young Queen has necessarily more than other children always had a good many lessons to learn, a good many tasks to perform, a good many duties to go through; but she has had her holidays as well as other children, and certanly enjoyed them quite as much. She, of course, particularly liked the Christmas holidays, and the pleasant surprises they brought with them, and one of her special pleasures was to prepare a Christmas tree for an elderly court lady, of whom she was very fond. The wlater of 1805 made no excep tion to the rule. Queen Wllbelmlna's old friend was, under some pretext or other, Induced to go out. Her retreat ing footsteps were eagerly listened for; then the girl queen of 15 years gave strict orders that no one should Inter rupt her or enter the room while she was busy with the tree. The lackeys bowed low, and promised obedience; the tree and the decorations and the presents were carried Into the old lady's room; then the Queen, left alone, began to work. She had been busy for some time, now and then standing on tiptoe to fas ten a bright bit of orange ribbon on a higher branch of the tree, when there was a knock at the door. With Indig nant eyes the Queen looked up, or rath er looked down, from the tree to the door. Who was It that dared trouble hercontrary to her most positive com mands? She knitted her brows, and went on with her work, feigning not to have heard, the knock. Surely they would not dare to repeat it? Hark! there It was again. It was too bad! She quickly walked up to the door, opened it a very little bit, and asked impatiently, "Why did you knock? Who Is It?" ,v The answer was- given without the least hesitation,- - "It Is me, the washer woman." . ' The washerwoman! Queen Wllhel mlna was perplexed. She did not wish any one to see the tree, and could not send for the court lady, or any of her attendants. So opening the door, she said kindly: ' ' ; ' ."Well, come ' In and put down the basket, but don't look around." The woman did as she was told. She had never seen the Queen of Holland, and etlie felt perfectly at ease In the presence of this youug girl, almost a child, who was very simply dressed In some dark woolen winter material. ' "Good afternoon, missy," she said. "Where shatl I put the things?" "Put thorn? Has the basket to be Unpacked?" "Why, of course It has, missy. That Is always done." "Oh, indeed! . Then put the things somewhere, and make a little haste, please." 'The woman nodded and obeyed. When the baskirt was empty, she hand ed the Qwen a bit of paper, and said: "Yon -will see that the things on this list are all there,, won't you, missy?" "Missy" began to eujoy the Joke. She consulted tihu Hat, and counted the things to see that all was correct Then she kindly: "It Is all right You can go now." But the washerwoman was not satis fied. ' "Go?" she repeated Indignantly. "No, Indeed. I shan't go. I'll be paid first The lady always pays me directly." "Does she, really?" asked the Queeu. "Indeed she does. You can ask her, If you like." The Queen saw that she would have to act her part of "missy" to the end. She found the situation amusing, and casting down her laughing eyes, she took out her purse, and counted the money Into the laundress' hand. "That's all right and thank you kind ly," the woman said, taking up her bas ket, and going to the door. Then, wltn a glance at the half-decorated Chrlsi mas tree, she added good-naturedly: "And I wish you much pleasure. Good by, missy." " A gay, musical laugh rang through the room when "missy" was alone again. Her Majesty, the Queen of Hol land, was, Indeed, not awustoined to be addressed by that unpretending title. How her sympathetic mother must have smiled with pleasure when the tree was ready, and the Queen of 15 years ran away to tell her what bad happened! . Sailors Explode Sharks. The men In the fleet blockading Ha vana beguiled the weary days by shark fishing on somewhat novel lines. The men fasten a small dynamite cartridge to the end of a wire attached to an elec tric machine. A lump of pork Is at tached to the cartridge and thrown overboard, and as soon as the creature swallows the bait the current Is turned on. the, dynamite explodes, and the shark is blowu to pieces. Inanltlng. Pretty Girl Did you see the way that man looked at me? It was positively insulting. Big Brother Did he stare? Pretty Girl-Stare? Why, no. He ran his eyes over me and then glanced oil at some one else, Just as If I wasn't worth a second thought New York Weekly. ' . A u.l Mrs. Oldham Is your husband still your Ideal of a man? Mrs. Youugman No. My Idol has been shattered. We were at a dinner party night before last, and when I slipped my olive seeds over to have hlra put them In bis pocket be refused to take tbem. It a never safe to put reliance In any woman who refers to her marriage as he result of a "girlish whim.'' Importance of Drudgery. i . Drudgery is essential in all good work. Some drudgery must precede high effort and attainment in any and every sphere. Mixing colors is the drudgery in the greatest artist's paint ing, as surely as in that of the young beginner in his profession. He who is not willing to do the needful drudgery in the work he undertakes will never be a sucoess in any high realm of his aspirations. No man who is not ready first to tread the lower rounds of a '.ad der can ever hope to stand by and by at the top. S. S. Times. Confession of a Millionaire. A millionaire confessed the secret of his success in two words hard work. He put In the best part of his life gaining dollars and losing health, and now he was putting in the other half spending dollars to get it back. Nothing equals Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for restoring health. It gets at the starting point the stomach and cures dyspepsia and indigestion. Reed pens split at the end like quill pens, have been found in Egyptian tombs, dating probably 2,600 years be fore Christ. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. If a woman catches cold wearing a thin dress to a reception her husband escapes public censure, but if she oatohes it hanging out clothes all but his dearest friends stop speaking to him. Stand By In Need. Every living thing has pains and aches sometimes, and the aches and pains of humankind have a friend in St. Jacobs Oil, which Btands by in need to cure and restore. . When a girl goes around from town to town cooking oatmeal or a new kind of panoake flour at a grocery store Bhe is called a "demonstrator." The word is so good that Atchison girls are using it Instead of the word "oooking." Atohison girls no longer cook potatoes they "demonstrate" them. They also give demonstrations in dishwaBhing. 1,1 '' i When coming to San Francisco go" to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.60 per day; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day j. single meals 28 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. Ate Hli Dinner in a Graveyard. As a Brooklyn Fifth avenue trolly car stopped the other day at the sta tion adjoining Greenwood cemetery an old man in the rear of the car startled the other paesengeis by exclaiming in tones loud enough to be plainly heard: "In the mdst of life we are in death 1" Following the direction of the old man's eyes, the other passengers saw a cemetery employe seated on a low white stone at the head of a newly made grave.' A tin dinner pail was fiimly held between his knees and from it he was eating his noonday meal. Near him playing in the grass was a little girl, probably the man's daughter. N. Y' Snn' 1 " ' If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, tilows. wnffnim. hnlla nf nil ivt- boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, rortiaua, uregon. It is an inexplicable fact that men buried in an avalanche of snow hear distinctly every word uttered by those who are seeking for them, while their most strenuous shouts fail to penetrate even a few feet of the snow. . Two bottles of PIbo's Cure for Consump tion cured tne of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., March 28. 1305. Exports of cottonseed products for the first five months of this year far exceed those of the 12 months of 1898. A French doctor has invented an electric helmet, inside of whioh is a small motor that vibrates strips of steel, the motor making 600 turns per minute, This whizzing is supposed to cure nervous headache and put the sufferer to sleep. HOW'S TIIIST We offer One Hundred Dollua Reward for in? cue of Catarrh that can not he cured by Hairs itiarrn i;urc. We the underaiKned, have known tf.J. Cheney for the put 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bunlntm transaction and fin ancially able to carry out any obligation tnaUs i Wr A Tr)AX, Wholenale Dru(rlti, Toledo, O. Wai-dino, Kinnan ft Marvik, Whnln.alA Ilpit.rrrl., . T,.lwlA r Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoti'nB directly on the blood and mncoui surfaces of tnesystoi. rrlce 76c per botlle. Buld bjr ail druggists. Testimonials In. Hall's Family mu :to tbbest. ....FLOUR MILL MACHINERY..., Warehousa Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Wheels. Supplies of all Kinds. Me carry In stonlt a lare supply of the above conreyers, both rlirht and left, whioh we will ell at greail reduced price. Also all sizes of elevator bucket and bolu. we w Write lor price-list and discount. Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett Sts. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right Keep It Right Moore's Revealed Reined j will do It. Three doees will make you leel better. Get it from your drunrlst or an? wholesale drug bouse, or iron Btewart Holme tirug Go, Seattle. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Root Crowned. Bridge Made, faluleie fillleg and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, ?0&or!r; Don't Mind atha Wrathnr. There is one thing that does not mind the weather, and that is rheuma tism; and one thing that does not mind rheumatism is St. Jacobs Oil, as it goes to woik upon it and cures right off. Character From Sorrow. Over and over again the old truth comes back to us, that no man is good for much till he has suffered a great sorrow. The baptism of pain is one of the instrumentalities whioh God uses for purging away the dross of our na tures and making us lit to be partaken of the inheiitance of the saints in light. Not those who have escaped the fiery trial, but those who have gone through it and come out unhurt aid glorified, are to be envied. God knows what is best for us. Therefore He sends first one affliction and then another upon us. Sometimes, because He sees it to be necessary, He lifts the very floodgates, and allows wave after wave of mis fortune to sweep over us. If we have the right stuff in us, we shall be helped and not harmed by these seem ing calamities. Christian Advocate. ITEMS OF INTEREST, The Porto Eicans demonstrate their patriotism by shouting for freedom and feeding themselves. At the Storzzi palace in Rome, Italy, there is a book made of marble, the leaves being of marvelous thinness. Bangor manufacturers are sending oanoes of birch and canvas to Pales tine, Japan, India and China. If the earth were not enveloped with atmosphere, the tomuerature on the surface would be about 830 degrees be lot" zero Fahrenheit. In building nests birds usually avoid the use of bright colored materials. which would add to the chances of the enemy in locating them. In 1897 South Africa Imnorted $1,437,634 worth of bioycles. In the civilization process the wheel seems to take preoedenae of the railway. " ': THE EXCaiENCE OF SYRUP OF FI5S is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it la manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syru Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing th true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs 1b manufactured by the California Fio Sirup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Bvkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far In advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rilANCUCO, CaL Louisville, k,. MKw tork. m. t. VETERANS If yon made a horn stead entry prior to June 22,1874, lor leas you are entitled to an additional mi try, which la assignable and worth something. Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol, dlers have same rlRht. I will buy it. Do no waste postne unless yon made an orinlual entry as stated abov. JJlKK COLLINS, Helena, Montana. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL. , ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIED. Bend for Catalogue, WILL I FIKCK CO. .22 ESSS $45 $43 $45 $45 $45 1899 s&kc BICYCLES; "fiat Wheel on Karth." " l 1890 Ideal r.-2.M, $a," $30. Bend for catalogue. Live agents wanted everywhere. FRED T. MKKKILL OTCLK CO., PORTLAND. SPOKANE. TACOMA. Write tor Prices -PORTLAND, OR. CURE YOURSELF! 1 bi-4, . . . a . iot unnatural ol.eiMiis, InlUmni.tion,, of nuooes iujiirnM. V - ' : - - - ., i,u. vau u wEvim QhIM'Bi(H or polsonou. VOiscimitTMi.f l "m r oniiiiii, - J r?' ,D '' wrajr. I'.' "P'.,l, (J ClJ, or I botilw, ti.ra. V CirouUr sent ou rwjiMet, M. P. N. V. NO. 48 'M. w BE!f writing to advertUore pleaat Mi- m m trtatar. I'raeania laauiliia