Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 25, 1898, Image 5

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    Great Special Sale
Five large casea of new Mackintoshes received today direct from
the largest rubber manufacturer in America.
Colors Black, Brown, Myrtle and Navy
Will be placed on sale at
$2.97, 3.47, 4.97 and 5.97.
Every garment warranted rain-proof. We will bIbo introduce
the new Mackintosh Skirt and Cape in cloth effects and , pin-head
checks. Any of the garments can be worn separate.
Four casea of ladies' and gents' umbrellas on sale at
75c, 85c, 90c and $1.00 and upwards.
Congo bandies and steel rods. Excellent values.
Mc Allen & McDonnell
161-163 THIRD and MORRISON .
Assessment Summary.
Assesor Lnoleno 8tout has completed the as
sessment roll for 1898. The total Is Bomethlnu
over .riU0,0U0 less than last year, as mortgages
-were not taxed and the assessment was reduced
on non-tillable land. Following isthesuramary:
Tillable land 71.084 acres.... l,(i98,55S
Non-tillable land, 893,818 acres 1,422,860
Improvements ou deeded lands 410,560
Town and oily lots f33,K0O
Improvements on town and city lols 223,105
Improvements on lann not deeded or pat. 1,13(1
ttnilrnaiin. 41.12 miles 103.610
Railroad Rolling stock W0
Telegraph and telephone lines, 93.88 ml . . 8,65
Merchandise andistock In trade 7(1.670
Farming Implements, wagons, eto 6o,795
ft re, n Knot a sallhnRt.a. MAI.inilRrv enirines.
Btn 155,196
Money 5'1
Notes and aeuounts 38,016
Shares of stock, 12 0 13,000
Hnnaehnlri liirnltiire. watches, lewelrv.
etc 59,870
Herses' and mules, 3496 71,870
Cattle, 7452 ,335
Sheen and Boats. 8008 9,770
Swine. 3946 8,110
Gross value of all property 14,393.420
Exemptions 285,090
Total taxable property 14,108)80
number oi pons, lira.
Jacob Schatz, harness uiaker and re-
bairer. Main street, opposite Catholic
church, Oregon Oity.
Weighing Things
Irs. M
The value of our eroceries depends on
three things: How much you get for
your monev; how good it is when yon
get it, and" the price you pay for what
yon get. We have suzars that are
cheaD and suears that are good. We
have coffees that will satisfy the appe
tite and the Docketbook. Staple goods
at less than staple prices. We give you
money-saving health-saving chances
A. Robertson,
The 7th Street Grocer
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent
tell you
why ?
(tMmMMMM 0Mi
The infant child of Mr. and Mn
J. Gleason died Wednesday.
"South Before the War", at Shive-
ly's, Monday evening. Fifty people.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kinnaird, of Farm
ington, Wash., are visiting his mother
and brothers here. Mr. Kinnaird is
railroad agent at that place.
The Redmen, of this city, will give a
home-talent minstrel show at Shiveiy's
on Monday, December 26th. After the
show a bnll will be given in Weinhard's
The Willamette paper mills gave their
emploveB, who support tamtlies, the
customary Thanksgiving turkey, and
all were given a half holiday. Tiie
Portland Flouring Mills also gave turk
eys to their employes.
The Sundav mornine service at the
Methodist church will be of special in
terest. The pastor will preach an &x-
propriate sermon , at the close of which
new members win ne taken into me
church. A splendid program is in
preuarat ion for the evening service, All
are cordially invited to attend these
County Clerk Dixon . and Deputy
Cooper have handled an immense
amount ot work during tne past toree
weeks. During the hrst week oi the
circuit court term, an extraordinary
amount of business was transacted in
the county court in addition to the rush
of work incident to tne regular term
the circuit court. No additional help
was help was employed, as was hereto'
fore the practice, Mr. Dixon keeping
the court record written up alone.
A iurvman fiom one of the outside
precincts, who attended the November
term oi me circuit court, was uiouun-
sing poultry raising with some friends
a few days ago. He told of a neighbor,
who tried mixing sawdust wun ine
chop fed to the chickens. It worked
xell that be led them sawdust alone.
Finally he set a heu with 13 of the saw
dust fed eggs, and when the chickens
were hatched, 12 ot them had woouen
legs and the 13th was a woodpecker.
A.Monner, a farmer hying up the
Clackamas, has filed a petition in the
United States court lor voluntary DanK-
ruptcy, and was adjudged a bankrupt
hv .indun Rellincer vesterdav. The
case was referred to Miss Florence 01-
sen. referee in bankruptcy. His liabili
ties are $1200, and his assets consisting
of farming implements, stock, etc
amount to about $750. He claims ex
emption of team, farming implements,
furniture, etc., amounting to $170.
J. F. Pasold, who is extensively in
terested in mining property in the
Bald Mountain district on the headwa
ters of the Clackamas, was in Oregon
City during the week. He and John
Mack have filed two more claims on a
new ledee in that district. Mr. Pasold
in an experienced mining man, thor
oughly familiar with every section of
tha north whs t For a number of years
he has had great faith in the Bald
Mountain mining district, and has at
last interested Spokane mining capital
ists in these mines. These parties are
nnttincr monev into prospecting and de-
f. , ... . V... u:i..
velopment, ana me iuiure iuukb unjiu
for the new district. Messrs. Pasold
and Mack have sent out over 200 cam
ples of ores from 17 ledges to the Black
Republican works in Washington, that
assayed on an average $21 per ton.
If the richness in these ledges holds out
in depth, it will be the biggest mining
camp hi the nortnwest,
Boy's Brigade drill, Friday, Dec. 2nd.
Henry Hedges was down ftom Bar
low Sunday.
Next Friday night at the Armory
Boy's Brigade.
L. Rogers, of Canby, was in Oregorf
City Saturday,
L. O. Caples has gone to Roseburg on
a business trip.
W. H. Engle, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City Saturday. .
S. and J. R. Gray, of Wilhoit, were
in the city Saturday.
The Boy's Brigade took the audience
by storm at the Portland Exposition.
Born, in Canemah, Monday, Novem
ber 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Nuthall, a
P. F. Morev and family were up from
Portland Sunday, visiting relatives and
friends. ...
H. Longcoy, one of the prominent cit
izens of Clackamas, was in Oregon City
Services will be conducted at the
Park place chapel next Sunday at 4 p. m.
by Dr. Butler.
C. G. Huntley returned Friday from
shoot down the river, and was loaded
down with ducks.
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
Fire and Accident Insurance
For Sale Good farm, 48a' acres, good
improvements. John tote, Liberal, Or.
Carloads of goods for Red Front, of
course table oil cloth 12c, Cabot W. 6c,
seamless hose 10c, tough mule-skin
gloves 25c, with calf front 60c, 9 oz.
overalls 35c. dress goods, yarns, under
wear, mackintoshes, capes, umbrellas
and shoes at cut prices.
Red Front Store, Oregon City.
Books, balls and dolls. We make a
specialty for the holidays at the Kaiket
D m't let that cough get chronic. Red
Seal Cough Cure will CURE 40 cents,
ut rates, at Huntley s.
Mrs. Julia Chamberlain Schultz, of
Seattle, was visiting her sister, Mrs. C.
B. Moores, during the week.
Two children of F. S. Baker, on the
West Side, have been very ill with
pneumonia, but are now much im
proved, i
Children's Cough Cure is as harmless
as milk but nevertheless we guarantee
it to cure their cough. Try it. 25c at
I have abundance of money to loan at
8 and choice loans will be made at 7.
Give me a call it wanting money.
(J. rl. Vys.
Mrs Ed. Fortune, of Portland, was in
Oregon Oity Monday on her way to
Needy, to visit relatives tor a tew days.
Mr. Fortune still resides at Roseburg,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldsmith, of Eu
gene, who were visiting their daughters,
Misses uoiasmitn ana Mrs. i. isot-
lack, returned home Wednesday morn-
F.dward Warren, supposed to have
been a former resident of McMinnville,
and who was here for awhile, a couple
of years ago, was recently arrested for
setting tire to Uanyon Ulty .
The following subjects will be pre
sented at the First Congregational
church next Sunday : AtlUwl) a. m.
A Contrast;' at 7:su r. m., "fen
knife Whittlers." The public is cor
dially invited.
The following grand jurors lor the
United States court, which convenes in
Portland December 12th, were drawn
from this county : J . H. Strickler, Or
egon City; John Kruse, Wilsonvillej
Jacob Uarless, Molalla,
Butteville Lodge, No. 59. 1. 0. 0 . F
has elected the following officers for the
ensuing term: Noble grand, George
W. Case; vice-grand, Millard JN.uris-
... L t? a n r 1 1 . .
ell , secretary, a. iu vuuo, ticno
urer, Charles Lempke.
William Galloway made a trip to his
week, and states that he has shipped the
Yamhill county fruit farm during the
product of his fruit drier, about 50,000
pounds, but has not yet received re
ceived returns for the same .
James Skirving, a merchant of Ben
ton, Iowa, was in the city for several
days during the past week, and may
conclude to locate here and engage in
business. Mr. Skirving owns several
hundred acres of laud near Clarkes.
Frank Lemon, a well known citizen
of Leon died Monday, aged 55. The
deceased leaves a wife and nine chil'
dren. The fnneral occurred at Damap
cus Tuesday. Mr. Lemon had lived in
Clackamas county lor about du years
Clarence Porter returned Friday from
an extended sojourn in Aiasna. ne
worked for awhile at the blacksmith
business at Fort Wrangel ; then went to
Dyea and was employed in the machine
shops. Later, he went to Skagway, and
from there he came home.
Clara Hodges, wife of William Hodges
aged 35 vears. 6 months and 25 days
died in this city Saturday morning, No
vember 19th. The funeral services
were held at the Methodist Episcopal
church Sunday at 2 p. m., and were
conducted by Rtv. Harold Oberg
The next meeting of the Clackamai
County Educational Association will be
held at Suiinvstue on Saturday, Novem
ber 26th . The program is as follows :
"Use of Pronouns," Prof. J. W. Gray,
"Corellation of Btudies," Prof. T. J.
Gary; "Diagramming," Miss Jennie
Rowen: "Methods of Teaching Frac
tions," Prof. J. C. Zinser.
F. G. Stinson, of Albany, is now
holding down a chair in P. G. Shark's
barber shop.
George Gray, of Wilhoit, was in town
Dr. J. J. Leavitt was in from Mo
lalla Tuesday.
0. Pembroke, of Canby, was in Ore
gon City Tuesday.
Dr. H. A. Dediuan, of Canby, was in
the city Wednesday.
W. F. Young, of Sherwood, was a vis
itor in the city Monday.
J . C. Bradley is in from his Powell's
Va Hey ranch for a few days.
J. R. Carr, of Stone, was a pleasant
caller at this office Wednesday.
It only costs 25 and 15 cents Boy's
Brigade at the Armory, Dec. 2nd,
George Dunlavy, the Marquam black
smith, was in Oregon Oity Monday.
John Lotz, one of the live citizens of
Liberal, was in the city Weddesday.
Remember the Boy's Brigade drill at
the armory, Friday night, Dec. 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pope have
returned from their wedding trip to the
Ira Dickev. one of the well known
citizens of Molalla, was in Oregon Oity
yesterday. .
Norman Marrs. who is in the grocery
store business at Ilwaco, is visiting rel
atives here.
Rom. at Clarkes. Nov. 19th, to Mr.
and Mrs. A.J. Ringo, a girl weighing
9 12 pounds.
Born, in this city Monday, Decern
ber 21st. to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gries-
sen, a daughter.
Steven Coalman, ono of the promi
nent citizens of Sandy, was a visitor in
the city Wednesday.
Born, near New Era, Wednesday,
Nov. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. David fen
man, jr., a daughter.
Miss Fannie Howell arrived from Loi
Angeles Tuesday, and will visit rela
tives here for a few weeks.
Mackintoshes and Overcoats
Men's Twilled
Cape Mackintoshes .....
Men's Cotton
Covert Cape Mackintoshes....
Men's Tricot Box Mackintoshes,
all-wool, guaranteed water
proof .
Men's Brown Ml-Wool Covert
Box Mackintoshes, strapped
and cemented seams, velvet
' collars, other stores $10, our
XExtra Choice Mackintoshes $1S to $25
Every Mackintosh In our stock hai been
made especially for as. and we guar
antee absolutely WATERPROOF every
Mackintosh we sell at over ft,
Monev cheerfully refunded if goods are
not satisfactory.
ape Mackintoshes-..
Boys' Fine Drill
Navy Blue Mackintoshes .....
Boys' Ml-Wool Covert Cloth Box
Mackintoshes, strapped and
cemented seams, velvet collars.
Men's Extra-Heavy Covert-Cloth
Box Mackintoshes, strapped
and cemented seams, vefvet
. collars, buffalo-horn buttons
other stores' SIS, our price
Men's Light-Weight Covert Over- R Rfl T
coats, all wool...... T
Men's Ail-Wool Kersey Overcoats, O Rfl J
nthar atnrna' 110: our mice ViUV y
Men's All-Wool Kersey Overcoats, 1(1 AA
other stores' S13.86, our price IV. VW
Young Men's Heavy Covert Cloth 1A AA
Overcoats iw,uu
An elegant line of the celebrated
Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s Tailor-OR AA
made Overcoats, 15 to... aiJ.vU
Boys' Navy Blue Beefer Coats, ages
4 to8 years....
Heavier grade Boys'
Reefer Coats, ajes 4 to 8 years
Bovs' Cape Coats,
Ages 4 to 8 years
Navy Blue Q AA
Boys' Topcoats,
$2 to
J. 0. Brown, who recently purchased
a farm near Viola, will engage m the
business of buying, feeding and selling
David Henderson, who holds a posi
tion as freight agent on the Skagway
Pass Railroad, arrived yesterday tor a
short visit.
W. D. Hanklns, who had been visit-
ing his parents for a couple of weeks,
left for his Eastern Oregon stock ranch
Wednesday. . ,
Verv interestinir union Thanksgiving
services were held at the Presbyterian
church yesterday. The sermon was de
livered by Dr. Rutler.
Fa.la View Lodge 159, A, O. U. W.,
will give a smoker at their hall
Saturday night. There will be muBic,
speaking and retresnments.
County Clerk' Dixon issued marriage
licenses to Mitda Linn and Charles
Shumway on the 19th, and Laura Clos-
ner and William Tucker on tne zist.
Ed McAfee, formerly a Salem drug
Mrs. I. D. Taylor and children, of
West Oregon City, have returned from
an extended visit to relatives in the
Fred L. Howard, ot Union Hall,
aged 81, was adjudged insane Deiore
County Ryan Ryan Wednesday, and
was sent to the asylum on the same
Mrs. Sarah McMurren, of Baker City,
has purchased two lots from Charmarj
Bros., at Clackamas Heights, and will
erect a dwelling thereon, and make her
future home here.
ti,o twA-vanr old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hodges, died at Canemah Wed
nesday, of membraneous croup, A lit
tle daughter of Mr. Hodges is also very
ill of the same complaint.
17 f. Amman, of Kincslev. Eastern
rwann. ia visiting relatives in this
nnnntv. He formerly resided here.
Mr. Ammen states that there was three
inches of snow when tie lett nome.
nr.utles from the internal revenue
n0ntnr'o nfflnn. made an inspection of
the county recorder's otnee tnis weea,
u,i fannif that Recorder Randall and
Deputy Dedman had properly
stamped all documents recorded.
Mrs. W. A. Huntley went to San
Franciseo Monday, to meet Mr. Hunt
ley, who is expected on the first vessel
f.m Manila. When Lieutenant Hunt-
lpv arrives in Oregon City the public
III Ul Irs. lAA.n It-ifa tvllfti taVaAllf
J. 8. Risley was up from Concord
J. R. Marks, of Marks Praire, was in
town during the week. He has retired
from the produce merchandise business
and is now engaged in farming. He
went East last summer for the an
nounced purpose of investigating the
Eroduce market, but returned with a
ride in a few week. Mr. Marks, how
ever, was a successful rustler for a good
market lor uackamas county produce.
Willamette Camp, Woodmen of the
Word, No. 148, elected the following
officers Tuesday evening : Consul com
mander, E. H. Cooper; advisor lieuten
ant, Elmer Lankins; clerk, J. K.Mor
ris; banker, r. G. Shark; escort, Eu
gene Kennedy; watchman, L. H. Feas
ter; sentry, John Shadle; manager,
Sol S. Walker; physicians, Drs. W. E.
Oarll and C. S. Seamann.
Rev. M. L. Rueg, who has been pas
tor of the First Baptist church for the
past four years, will deliver his farewell
sermons Sunday. On Monday Rev.
Rugg and family will take their depart
ure foi their new home at Urbanu, 111.,
a move not only keenly regretted by the
members of the pastor's large congre
gation, but by numerous lay friends,
and members of other churches. The
Baptist church has prospered and in
creased in membership under Rev,
Rugg, and he ranks with the ablest di
vines, that have ever held forts, in the
city. The family will be missed in so
cial circles, as Miss Edna Ruga's elocu
tionary talent was always in demand.
rfst: but for the Dast two years an at
tache of the custom house in Portland, j w(j be able to learn the
has accepted a position in Huntley's con(jition8 in Manila,
drug store.
The Housefurnishers
500 Rolls
Silver Plate That Wears
Other brands are claimed to be "just as good" but
like all imitations, they lack the value of the genuine.
Burmeister k Andrsen
Tie Oregon City Jewelers
Have always on hand a full assortment of Knives, Forks
and Spoons of this make.
Which we will sell at 10 cents per yard.
China Store
Is one where you
are privileged to
come in, look the
China over, and
handle it as much
as you wish with
out being Inipor-
tnnnri to nuv.
If you want attention you can have it. There are plenty 5
of clerks to answer questions, out we uae uiuna lovers m
and want them to come in and enjoy our stock
whenever inclined, and whether they wish to buy or not. S
The Invitation Is sincere to walk In ind look sronnd. TrxUy we are W
offering Hie greatest bargain ever onaren in wis luwn uameij w rr
piece finest Semi Porcelain Dinner Hat for $7 50.
Frank Welsh, who recently returned
from the Klondike country, called at
this office a lew days ago, and left a late
copy of the Klondike Nugget. It has
the usual ponce court newsr-accounis oi
claim jumping, and a graphic descrip
tion of the accidental Dtirning pi a catnn
occupied by the demi-monde. It also
tells ot numerous roooeries, ciaitn
jumping, and discussion of municipal
government for Dawson Oity.
Some time ago reports were current
that O. T. Watts, formerly of this
place, was drowned or had died in the
Klondike country. The rumor was dis
proved in this paper three or four
weeks ago. During the past week a let
ter was received from (i. T. Watts ad
dressed to his mother here, stating that
he has a mining claim 30 miles tip
Pelly river. He has found fine gold in
paying quantities and will work his
claim duiing the coming winter.
"Tlohn Oreen recpived a most encour
aging letter this week from George A.
Dveon. one of the active promoters of
the Lucky Boy mine in the Blue River
mining district in Lane county. He
gives the mot encouraging prospects,
and states that the new road is nearing
completion, and work is being pushed
on the nw mill. This mine adjoins the
one owned by the Oregon City com
pany, which is of equal richness. Things
are booming in the Blue river mining
Scotch Granite Ware is the
Ideal Kitchen Ware
The enamel covering is thin
that will not
Scale, Chip, or Discolor
:''. fv V. "!
4 ft!
-'1 U WW
7, lT
Is the Cheapest, for quality is remembered
long after the price is forgotten,
And every Piece
you buy is
And here is you
Your money is
not hazardlcy in
vested, you are
The price is only a trifle higher than the old
granitware, but is put up in such
That it will be an ornament on your dinner table
: In these showery
days when the frost is
on the pumpkin and
the fodder in the barn,
are the days when the
and its
Are in demand. Our
Oak Side Boards
Are beauties, indeed.
Wo sell them for - - - $1G.00
Wc have cheap Side Boards for $8.75