Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 25, 1898, Image 4

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A, W. CHENEY. . . .
Ec tared In Oregon City poi tofflce as 2nd-class matter
It tI8ln advance, peryear 1 BO
Htx month) W
Three mouth)' trial 2o
CVThe date opposite your address on the
9upei donoles Ihe time to which you have paid.
OREGON OITY, NOV. 18, 1898.
The republicans now have an undi
vided responsibility, and it is best that
it be so. They only need rope to hang
themselves and ther now have a supply.
Portland Dispitch.
How happens it that ; Roosevelt's
"'Broncho Busters" are so promptly
paid off and discharged while thousands
of poor fellows who enlisted simply to
aid in driving the Spaniards out of Cuba
are retained against their will, to be
went perhaps eight thousand miles from
ihome to die in the deadly climate of the
Tub putting of the single tax into the
platforms cost California and Washing
ton bimetallists the elections. No more
experience will be necessary to teach
them one issuu, a vital issue, at a time
Eg sufficient. Breakdowns invariably
:we the result of unnecessary overload
ing. No one can hew on both sides of
tt&e line at once and the same time,
ajaiil the financial question is settled
reform forces should not scatter their
aiiergies on oiher issues, however im
portant . -
.John J. Lkntz, who stumped Oregon
11 the campaign last summer, has been
we-elected to congress. This is what an
exchange says of it :
President McKiuley gave an order a
Sew days ago directing General Brooke,
ftn Porto Rico, "to get the Fourth Ohio
Volunteer regiment to Columbus, Ohio,
(before November 5." This order was
Mttade with the view of changing the re
sult of the election in that district,
where John J. Lentz, who visited the
coast several months ago and made
speeches, was a candidate for congress on
the democratic ticket. The order, sent
by wire, was received at Porto Rico on
October 20 'Ihe 1130 active members
of the Fourth Ohio regiment were then
scattered among fifteen different pluces
on the island. The troop-ship Chester
was on the way to the island. An Illi
nois regiment was massed for embark
ation. The Chester arrived ; the Illinois
regiment did not embark, the much
ticattered Ohio regiment, hastily called
together at Uuayama, was put on board
:and reached New York on Saturday,
.'November 4th, and Columbus, Ohio, on
the 5th. So much fur the power and
political foresight of the president, but
Jelin J. Lenlz is re-elected and the
fscheme failed. 1 his was an order, an
.abuse of power, that President McKin
Joy should be ashamed of.
The last seven presidential elections
'have been carried alternately, with the
regularity of a four year clock, by each
-of 41)0 two great political parties. The
record is:
1872 Grant, republican.
1870 Tilden, democrat.
a880-Garfield, republican.
J884 Cleveland, democrat.
11888 Harrison, republican.
H802-Cleveland, democrat.
1890 McKinley, republican.
In 1900, according to the rule, the
president should again be a democrat.
Will history repeat itself. And who
will be the man?
Anna F. Goodyear, of Boston, ad
vances the following idea in regard to
land ownership:
As eVery one has a right to life, he
has a right to all indispensable to life,
.and, since land is necessary to obtaining
-tills, lie has a right to land enough from
YKhich to obtain a living or its equiva
lent. The nriiminl ownor of all land
was its Creator, and He gave it "to the
children of men." But might of arm,
or bitiln, or influence have now lodged
in Ihe so called possession of govern
ments, societies ami individuals all of
the earth's surface which would other
wise be available to another largo por
nioii of mankind. Thought can make it
clear to any one that every human be
ing has an equal right to the means of
comioit with the wealthiest.
A duty of the U. 8. Kovernment is to
secure to its people all their rights. It
is proposed that it form a plantation,
supply managers and enable all the suf
ferers from poverty to procure upon it
capital necessary to taking up ana cnl
tivating government land, or starting
other independent business.
.Education in agriculture is duo to
emake up for past deprivation of the soil.
The Oregonian speaking of the Brit
'isli as educators on tho newly question
says: "We have no time to learn the
truth and teach it. Two many pen
sions are yet ungranted and rural water
ways unimproved. Some surplus mil
lions will soon be tapped by appropii'
.ation bills and Hon. Expert Handshaker
and Now-For-a-Ntune must be adjured"
to get our 'ightful share of them.
"What a confession Bays some one,"
Yes, my friend "this is meant for a con
cession'1 and also as a claim on the party
for a share in the appropriated millions
yet to be tapped." In the face of great
-difficulties he has supported the gold
-standard. The advantages of the gold
standard can be proved even to the
silver mine owners, but the task will
no'1 likely to be undertaken unless
source, etc., come to our aid. "We
have no time to learn the truth and
teach it," because we must have our
share of the republican boodle. This
is a confession and a claim. " Have we
not been faithful in season and out of
season to the support of ihe gold stand
ard." This is followed the very next
day by an article entitled "Clerical silver
Cranks or Charlatans" which briBtles
with the vilest epithets against men of
wellknown probity. 1 have just read
an article of Mr. Bishee's in this
month's New Time, one of the gentle
men so vilely slandered, which com
mends itself for clearness and force of
argument, Catholicity of spirit and true
christian sentiment, and if anonymous
would no doubt have had the approval
of the Oregonian itself. Shame on the
Oregonian, if these servile sycophants of
the gold standard could show any signs
01 a conscience. After volumes 01
slander and abuse to have to confess
you can't show the advantages of the
gold standard without aid of the English
that is all we wanted, and the sold
standard will be irrevocably fixed be
fore there is chance for another election
The truth is wholesome for us if it
does come so abiuptly brutal. This is
veritably a machiavellian age for the
press, and the great mogul is his pro
phet. Argus.
Boys' Brigade Drill.
Company B, of Portland, first battal
ion, Oregon regiment, united boys' bri
gade of America, will give an exhibi
tion in Oregon City at the armory, Fri
day evening, December 2nd. This com
pany gave their drill at the Portland
Exposition before large and enthusiastic
audiences. The exhibition will consist
of the physical drill with arm move
ments, Kiven to music in tne school 01
the company. A skirmish drill with
attack and repulse, and the hospital
corps drill, showing how the wounded
are borne from the bloody front safely
back within lines, will be features. The
company is 30 strong and the hospital
corps enrolls 16 girls, who will appear
in tne regulation unitorm of army
nurses. The drill will be interspersed
with numerous musical selections by
local and Portland talent.
Admission, adults, 25 cents: children
under 15 years, 15 cents.
A few cheap reliable watches at
For best groceries at cheapest price go
toMarrA Muir.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr & Muir.
Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat
ting. Call at once and get choice of
patterns. Oregon Uity Auction House.
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to U. JJ. v. O.
The, Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark,' proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco ia kept.
Dan Willians has added tohis stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
XXX Oastor Machine oil cheaper than
any other place at A. Robertson's, the
Seventh street iriocer.
For Sale Two yoke of well-broke
oxen. Also one heavy log wagon, in
quire of Herman Bros., Molalla, Oregon
The Oregon City Auction House has
just received the agency for the finest
range made wnicu win ne soia at yery
low prices.
For Salb A thoroughbred shorthorn
bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowty.
Currinsville, Oregon.
We have 200 dozen handkerchiefs,
ladies,' gents,' and children's cotton,
linen and embroidered swiss,
prices at the Racket store.
Nottingham lace curtains, balance of
lot just received. Will close out at the
same old price. Oregon City Auction
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C, D. & D. O
Latourette. '
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Roval restaurant where ybu can gel
the host 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm
Bohlander, proprietor.
Younger, who has had a life-long ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
The greatest trimmed hat proposition
ever offered here or anywhere at Miss
For Ihe next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and untriiumed hats at a
gieat reduction. Miss Goldsmith,
We invite the general public to call
and soo our goods and note prices at the
Racket store.
Just arrived a consignment of gonu
ine old government Java Coffee (green)
in original mats, Regularly worth 85 I
cents per lb. Our price 25 cents.
Seventh streot Grocer.
Mrs. T. S. Mann gives lessons in em
broidery work. Samples on display in
airs. Slnden'B millinery window.
A new lino of Walker's sailor caps and
veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith.
For Rent A house, barn and eight
lots in Parkplace for fl per month. In
quire at John Everhart s merchandise
storo at iMy, uregon.
. Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at O. A. Nash's, Postottioe build
ing, tt.
Kn't bahv saeqiies, boots, mittens,
facimtors,all colors; also knit skirts, at
the Racket stcre.
l lit tl BEIT,
Change jof Climate
Breaks Down the Health of an
Oregon Man
What a Few Bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla did for Him,
, " Our home is In Clark county, Wash
ington. My little boy was taken with
asthma when only two years old, and
grew worse until he was five, when the
physician advised us to take him to a dry
climate. I resolved to go to the great
wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and work
In harvest, but I soon found my own
health was failing. I could neither eat
nor drink without getting sick. I wis
blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle of
Hood's Sayiaparilla and began taking it,
and in a few weeks I was well and able to
work every day. My little boy la now
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla with good
results." D. Pattee, Wasco, Oregon.
parilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. $i; six for as.
Hnnd' Pi11 d0 not purge' paln or
11UUU a flllS Brina. Drumrlsta. 2.V..
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Besale Lavin,
Mlchlel Lavin,
To Mlchlel Lavln, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon In the
above entitled suit on or before the 30th day of
December, 1808, that being the time set by the
couit In which you are required to appear
and answer said complaint, and if you
fail so 10 appear and answer the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for,
to-wlt: For the dissolution of the bonds
of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Byan, Jnde of the county of Clack
Dated this 2nd day of November, 1898,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Sarah E. Lynch, 1
Thomas W. Lynch, I
1 Defendant, J
To Thomas W. Lynch, Defendant.
lou are hereby required to appear and auswer
the complaint tiled against you In the above en
titled suit ou or before the 30th day of December,
1898, that being the time set by the oourt in
whioh you are reoulred to appearand answer said
complaint, and If you foil so toappearand answer
ine piainun win appiy 10 me court ior me reuei
prayed for, to-wlt; for the dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Kyau, judge of the county of Clack
Dated this 2nd day of November. 1W8.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1' Btianoe of an order and license of the county
Court of Clackamas Comity, State of Oregon,
made on this 21st day of November, 1898, in Ihe
matter of the estate of Clara I. lrvln and Lilly L.
Irvin, minors. It appearing to the court bene
ficial to said wards that the following described
real property be sold, to-wli s The north of
tne norm-east J4 or section a. townsnip 4 soutn ot
range 1 east of Willamette meridian. It Is
therefore ordered that the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
at the County Court Hnuse of CJack
amas County. Oregon , at the ofnee of the County
Judge of said County, is set as the time and
place ror hearing said petition, at which time
and place the next of kin of snid wards and all
icrsons interested in said estate are directed to
e present and show cause, if anv there be. why
license should not hn granted for sale of said
real property. It Is further ordered that a copy
of this order be published at least three successive
weeks in the Oregon Cily Courier-Herald, a
newspaper of geheral circulation 111 Clackamas
County, Oregon,
Dated this 2lst day of November, ihus.
County Judge.
W. W. IRVIN, Guardian. t
We guarantee that all plumbing done buy 111
will prove sotlsfactioh, you will find It a pleasure
(0 pay our dui,
New Furniture
I have just rfwivetl b fine lot of new
furniture, which 1 am offering at surpris
inaly low fiicures. I ot it at a bartruin
that's how I etui sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets,
betiding, furniture in fact any and ev
erything you want for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
"Y ou have to sell atid pay you the high
est price. Call and see me.
Main Stukkt' - - Oregon City
Oregon City Mineral M M Co.
All kimls of Flavored Soda Waters, Lem
on, Ciinger, Sasnpnrilla, Cream, Vanilla,
Koot lieer, I'.irch Ri-er, Susaparilla Iron.
All kinds of Mineral Water and
Flavored Syrnps
Go to A. C Walls, Oregon City,
for Pile and Catarrh Remedies.
Cure guaranteed or money refunded
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Deborah A. Bowen, V
James Shaw and Betty Shaw, his wife, I
James W. Shaw and Mrs. James W. I
Shaw, his wife, Henry Gans, Sidney j
Smith, T. P. Randall and L, &.
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the teal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 22d day of November, 1898, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In (aid oouit oa
the fitb day of November, 1898, In favor of
Deborah A. Bowen, plaintiff, and against James
Shaw and Betty Shaw, his wife, James W. Shaw
and Mrs. James W. Shaw, his wife, Henry Gans,
Sidney Smith, T. P. Randall and L. K. ScbulU,
defendants, for the sum of 12990.69, with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from
the 18th day of November, 1898, and the further
sum of $4A.35 as taxes, with interest thereon from
the 18th day of November, 1898, and the further
sum of 17o as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of 140.10 costs end disbursements, and the costs
of and npon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wlt: Being in section thirty-two, in
township two south, range two east, and section
Ave, in township three south, range two east of
the Willamette meridian, and being parti of the
claims of William Holmes and George P. Newell,
and boonded and described as follows: Begin
nlng at the north-east corner of the said William
Holmes donation land claim and from thence
running westerly along the north boundary line
of sr.irt William Holmes olalm twenty-six chains
and fifty links; thence south twenty-five ohains
and seventy-two links more or less, to the north
boundary line of Oregon City Annti according to
the duly recorded map and plat thereof; thence
easterlv along said north boundary of said Ore
gon City Annex thlrty-lhiee chains and ninety
three links, more or lees, to the north-east corner
of said Oregon City Annex; thence southerly along
Ihe east boundary line of said Oregon City An
nex eighteen chains and eight links, more or
less, to a point due east of the north-east corner of
tho Masonic burying pround as referred to in the
deed from James ( lark and wife to Patrick Duffy,
recorded in Book A, page 177 of the Records of
Deeds of said Clackamas County,; Oregon; thence
east twelve ohsins and -eventyfour links to east
boundary line of the said George P. Newell claim;
thence north along said east boundary line of
said George P. Newell claim thirty-four chains
and eighty links to a point in the south boundary
line of Ihe Eira Fisher donation land claim;
thence westerly along the south boundary line
of the said Fisher claim fifty links to the en
trance oorner of said George P. Newell claim;
thence northerly along the east boundary line of
said George P. Newell claim nine chains to the
north east corner thereof; thence westerly along
the north boundary of said George P. Newell
claim nineteen chains and sixty-seven links,
more or less, to the plane of beginning, contain
ing one hundred and forty acres, more or less,
excepting and reserving from the above described
premises a strip of land In the north-west oorner
thereof deeded by Patrick Duffy to T. P. Randall
for a public road by deed recorded In Book 32
l Page 446 of said Reoordsof Clackamas County.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with ti.e commands or said writ, 1 win, on
at the hour of 1;30 o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the County Court House in the city of Oregon
City, in said County and State, sell at public
auction, subjeot to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest whioh the within named
defendants or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereol to satisfy said exeoutlon,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1898
In the Olrrull Court of the State of Oregon for
the Countv of Olac kama.
The Security Savlnim and Trust Com-'
pany, a Corporation,
Sophronla V. Lewelllnn, S. Mathew,
Mary McGrath, trustee, W. W. Ir
win, Willamette Land Company, a
Corporation, W. 8. U'Reu, and F.
E. Olsen,
Rtfttfl Of Ol-PirOn. (talint.V nf Plnf.lran,nn
cree and an execution, duly IsRued out of
and under the seal of the above entitled court In
the above eutitled cause, to me duly directed
aud dated the 17th day of November, iww, upon
a judgment rendered and enlered in said court
on the 7th dav of Novpmber, 181)8, in favor of
The Security Savings and Trust Company, a cor-
v..n.,w, p.n,,,,,,,, niiu HKninKi, Noptironia v.
.ewcllln?. S. Mnthew. Mmv Mnn.u.i, ,.,,
W.W. Irwin, Willamette I,and Company a cor
poration. W. 8. U'Ken and K R nCn At..A.
"!Jt!,lortne s"m ' 3178-0u. and the further sum
of 200,X) as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of S12.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs
of am? upon this writ, commanding me to make
i "in luuowing aescriDed real property,
situate In the Countv of niAr.kamoa rt
F.PJ Sii' A numbered thirty-one
( ' .1 If"ikle, c,ackiun, county, Oregon, as
ici uiuuini pim. mereui on recora in the Re
corder's office of said county and slate, also that
tract beginning at a point 28-100 ohains south
and 7 60 100 chains east from the north-west
corner of the donation land claim of Hector
Campbell and wife in township one south of
rNKo uiic wsioi me mnameiie meridian, said
point being th north-west oorner of lot No.
seven according to the survey and plat made by
F. W. Campbell and on the south line of the
avenue Indicated on Bald plati thence south on
the line between lots seven and eight 2 70-100
chains to the south-east corner of that portion of
said lot eight, conveved by Alfred and M. E
Lewelling to Charles Wilson: thence east 5 6 100
chains to the west line of the land conveyed bv
f . iJcnciiuiK 10 u. narvey
in October, 1883; thence north along said Harv
ey's west line 2 70 1(0 chains to the north west
corner of said Harvey's land on the south side
line of said avenue; thence west along the line
of the avenue to the place of beginning con
taining one and seven-sixteenths (1 716; aeres
more or less: also lols numbered 1, 2,
23. 24, 25. 26, 27 and 28 of Pruneland, Ulacka
maa oonnty, Oregon, as per the official pint
thereof of record In the Kecordei'a office for said
county and slate: also that tract beginning at the
south-east corner of section nine, townhlp four
th ranse one east of the Willamette meridian;
thence north two hundred (200) rods; thenoe
west eighty (80) rods; thence north (401 rods:
thence west forty (40) rods: thence north eighty
(Ml) rods to said section line; thence west fortv
(40) rods: thence south three hundred and
(820) rods to the south line of said section nine:
thence east along said line to piece of beginning
containing two hundred and forty (240) acres
more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment, order and decrm mill in
sompiiance with the commands of said writ, I
wit,, Ull
1KU8, at tne nour or one o clock p m , at the
front door of the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In sid county and stale, sell at
public auction, suhject to redemption, to the
highest biddor, for U.S. gold coin cash In hand,
all the right, title and interest which tha viihin
named defendants or either of them, had on the
dale of the roortKage herein or since had in or to
the above desori bed real property or any pan
inereor, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing
t , , , J. J. UlKltVC,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1.S08.
In the Cirjnit Court of tho State of Ore(?on, for
Margnrite Montgomery, 1
vs. .
Robert A. Montgomery, I
Defendant. J
To Rolwrt A.Montgomery, the above named de-
- 011 ore 1 ereDv Teanirert to pper R1K) an
1 " airfunsi you 111 theabovi
ruunt nui. .mi nr uriore ine ;iiitn ilav n
December, 188, that being the time net bv th'
eonn in wnien you are required to .,wr anr
answer snul complaint ami If vnu fall .,
appear an1 answer the plaintlffwill apply to the
nrw,ir iue reuei prayeu ior, tn-wjt: For tha
w,.-..,..,.,., ,n iiuu.m 01 matrimony between
plaintiff anil defendant. ' ""een
This summons Is. published by order nfnon
Thomas K. Byan, judge of the county of Clacka-
Dated this 2nd day of November, 1S9S
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Portlaud, Oregon.
A Mason A Hamlin chapel oraa
the Oregon Citv Auction House.
lleaiiv? Sale!
I Wish to announce to
vicinity that I am closing
I Very Low Prices
Also Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
To make room for a large consignment of J
Boots and Shoes
Main St. - - Oregon City
In the Kelly Building, next to Bnrmeister & Andresen's
Willamette Building
To every one the buying of shoes In an
Important step. The economical buyer
especially wants something that looks
elegant, but also something that does
not cost too much and will wear and
be comfortable. You will appreciate as
well as we that this demand fr not a
slight one, but we, in guaranteeing to
suit yon, will run the risk of failure, be
ing confident of success.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orenon. for
the county of Olaukaniaa.
Hiram Straight,
Frank K. Tiitro and Laura L. Tatro.
Doienditnts. J
Stntoof Oregon, County of Clackamas, m.
Hon and order ut' iale. dulv inane I nut ut and
under liie senl of the above entitled Court, in
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the ath day of November, 1IW8, upon a
judgment rendered and entered In said court 011
tne otn aay 01 novemner, mm, in ravor 01
Hiram Straight, plaintiff, and against Frank r.
Tatro and Laura h. Tatro, defendants, for the
turn of $103,25, with interests thereon at the legal
rate per annum from the ath nay of November,
lwis. aud the further sum of ? 10.00, costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of aud upon this writ
commandinK me out of the personal property of
said defendants, and If sufllcler.t could not be
found, then out of the real property belonging
to said defendants on and after ihe dute of said
judgment to satisfy said sum of $113.2"), aud also
the costs upon this said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and In compliance with the
commands of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendants, I did ou
the 8th davuf November, duly levy upon
all the defendants' Itderest In and to the
following described real properly situate and be
ing In the County of Clackamas, and State of
Oregon, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12, block "0" of
Claokamas Hights, as por the recorded plat of
Clackamas HelKhts in the Recorder's OtUee of
Clackamas County. State of Oregon, (in Book 2,
Page 12), aud 1 will, on
lsiw, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at pub
lic auction, suhjvct to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, ail the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
said Judgment, or since had in or to theuhove
described real property or any part Ihereof. to
satisfy said execution, jinlmucnt order, decree,
luterest, costs aud all accruing costa.
J. 1. COOKE.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv. Oregon.
Dstid Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 9, it98.
Fine Salt 65c per 100 lbs, stoc k salt
4UC per IUO lbs, roast coftee 10c, fine
roast coffee with good spoon 9 lbs $1,
nisine un stove poiisn ec. Arm & H
! oda 7 lbs 2oc, bird seed 5c.
Red Front Store, Oregon City.
the people of this town and
ont at
& Quilts
By buying your Drugs at the Lead
ing Drug Store in Oregon City
Prescription Druggist
der of sale Usued out of tha Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas, dat 'd Nov. 12, 1898, upon a judgment and
decree of foreclosure d uly rendered and made in
said court on the 8th dav of November, 1898, in
the easa of Ihe Pacillo Stales Savings. Loan and.
Building Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs.
Emma Millard aud J. R. Millard, defendants ,
In favor of the plaintiff and against said defend
ants, I will, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on the
17th day of December, 18'A at the front door of
the court house, lu Oregon City, In said county
and state, expose for sale and sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for U. S. gold ooin,
cash in hand, subject to redemption, the real
property In said deoree of foreclosure described,
being situated in Clackamas county.
Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Those portions
of lots seventeen tl7), eighteen (IS), nine
teen (lit), ami twenty (20), In block numbered one
hundred and thirty-eight (LIS) ol the "Extension
of the Oregou Irou and Steel Company's First
Addition to Oawego," commencing at the north'
east oorner of said lot seventeen (17) and running
thence southerly along the west line of the alley
In said block to the south-east corner of said lot
twenty (20, thence westerly along the south Hue
of said lot twenty (20), a distance of forty-eight
(48) feet, thence northerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary line of said lots to the north
line of said lot seventeen (17), thence easterly
along said north line of said lot (17) forty-eight
i) leei to iuo piace 01 oegtnning, as tne saiu
ots are shown aud designated ou the plat of the
''Extension of the Oregon Iron and Steel Com
pany's First Addition to Oswego," tiled January
1, 1MI2, and recorded in Book "4" of Plats at
pagea 11 and 12, In the oitice of tha County Re
corder of Conveyances of said Clackamas Coun
ty, to satisfy the sura of 20fi.26, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum
from November 8, 18M, and the sum of JUo.OU as
attorney') tees, all In United States gold coin,
and the costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed at 22.75 and the costs of and upon said
writ. j. j. t;00KE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, November 14. lnilS.
Schwartz, upon bis petition dulv tiled in
the Uislrict Court of the United Slates, for the
dislrict of Oregou, has been adjudicated a bank
rupt. A meeting of his creditors, to prove their
debts, to appoint a trustee or trustee) of his
e-tate and to lake such further action as mar
lawfully be taken at the first meeting of his
creditors, will be held before me, at the Countv
Court room in Countv Court House, Oregon Citv,
Clackamas County, Oregon, at 1 o'clock P. M., on
Monday, November 28,
Referee In Bankruptcy for the District of Clack
amas county, State ol Oregon.