1 . " r. .: : X . city Library . JA-T TRADE. Karkct. Ha, 69 00c; Val , a pi.r bushel. ' . 3-45; graham, barrel. i40c; choice- . 32; brew t ton; nid' CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ANY OTHER - PAPER, IN THE COUNTY- -rrr lis. bo HJRIER ESTABLISHED MAY,' 1883 '.RALO ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 iNSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, 1898 1 OREGON 4CITY, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. '28, 1898. ,VQ.L. if NO. 1C. if era II. 5 , ,'. Of Boys' Everyday and Sunday Clothes, i ' , Of Suite and Heelers every one knows ; - The best are at A. B. Steinbacb. & Co.'s. ' Our Boys' -, Department ', v Contains everything essential in the way of' clothing for little tots :and big ones. "Our Suits, Overcoats - ,r -4 'and Reefers are the best money can buy;. best '. ' becausemany years' experience HAS taught us . ., how to discriminate between best clothes'and the other kinds. ". ' ' - v Tour money back if you my so," first, last '- . aiul all the . time. . , i ' Boys' Suits and Reefers, $2.50 and up, .' Boys' mackintoshes, from $2.00. . . r Largest Clothiers in the Northwest SANTA CLAUS . AT THE BAZAAR 3fel- Wa Sons, Doll Buccies. Dolls. Horns, Cornets, Bugles, Cradles,' Rockers, Trunks, Black, Boards, Iron Toys, Banks,:, Pianos, GiimeSTin Toys, Wooden Toys, Chairs, China Tea Sets, Toy Bogks,' Xmas Cards, China Plates, Cups and Saucers, " &mas Candles, Glass Ware, Vases, Auto. Albums, Photo Al bums, Jewelry and thousands of other articles for the Holiday trade, all at our well known low prices. Re member our poods and prices can not be duplicated even in the city of Portland. L A. PATTERSON & CO. FIKTH AND MAIN STEEET8 HAFRIS' GROCERY, Fresh Stock of First-Clasa. Depot for BAT nd FEKO H. STRAIGHT, Dalr In. Groceries and Provisions. i Also Fall line d Mill Feed, Lime, Cement aufl Land Plaster. FORM OLD WHEAT o. SOLD Our. 1st & Morrison, Portland j Or X ileal Since buying his Groceries ofMARR $ MUIR, after having traded for some time at other stores. ' No stale or inferior goods Jcept. .. Rockinsr Horsed... Drums'. THE SWEET THINQS for household use are amongst the articles from our stock of Groceries which are in constant demand. Their richness, fine flavor and other excellent qualities have made them prime favorites with every housekeeper. In. We also have sweet things in the netiy line made fresh evtry day in our akery besides the beet bread in the city. uriN7 rn I I mm I I mm V V Baker5 and Orocers Opposite Postofflce, - Oregon City THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES A3 PATENT FLOUR is made entirely from old wheat and when use it you do not run the risk of having poor bread as you do if you buy flour made by Tom, Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat. BY ALL GROCERS correspondence: ' ' . -'Sew lira ' ," ' We see io news from our pretty little village, and we. think it, shr-uld .take its place among the many other little vil lages, sp will send you a few HtuiS; The. New Era school is progressing" very nicely i under the management ol Mrs, Wells. : I .; ' "". .." ' ' ' Miss Caroline 'Bureoyne; vho is work ing lor Meier & Frank Cri. at Portland, was up lust Snndny to visit her folks. Miss. Mary. Wickham. is 'on the" sick list.,' . ' , Mr. Shaft hick' has discovered a gojd mine on Ms place ui .New Era, , ' Wilbur Newburv made a fivina trio to Oregon City last wee k on his wheel . Isaac Johns 'is onthe. sick list with several boils.. Thfcy say that boils are worth five dollars a piece,. but hesays he will sell bis for two fifty ' . The youiib' neoole of this pommunitv have orgimizcri n literary society. ' , ' . Herman Buraovne is home for a few days' visit. w . ; .' tv: ' John Bureoyne had a sbootina: match at his place last Saturday and till that were, present pronounced it a success. Mr. Wickham has taken a contract for a thousand cordsof wood. 1 v ; John and Sam Crader have'a contract for one hundred cords Of wood, and they are seen daily plying ax and saw and ae netting read) to visit their best Bins Ltinstmas. t , - , Mr. Banking was seen passing through our. city last ween. . ', '. . . . We, hear 'rumors ot- a weddinir.. Whoop them along, sonny, let's heat from another. ' ; For fresh groceries go to J. C. New bury. . M V . . , ' ' Sunday school at 3 d. n. Everybody invited. . We have excellent music fur- mstied by Miss Newbury. ; Wonder What keot Miss Mausie Wick ham and Miss Hattie Spulak home from Sunday school last Sundav. Can vou guessr Nov. 22, .' , The Tbipl'ets, ' . .;''" - Logan. . " ; Logan is situated about ten miles-east of Oregon City on the south side of the Ulnckamas river, t he Logan, neighbor, hood is. six, miles in. length from east to west and from two to three rniles in breadih from north to south- This is one pf the bist (arming . noiaminiities in lias pOuniy and is dotted here and (here with sonic of the finest farmf in the ' 'Ve have three public schools with a total enrollment of 173 children of school age on the desk's book, Mr. Fischer is the proprietor of fiourinjf mills at this place, which do considerable business We also have a general merchandise store and a blacksmith shou. Harding grange has a inembernhip of nearly 100 members and is one of the moat pros perous grange in this section of the state. The Ravenswood Baptist church and a Gtrman church ate excellent struct ures and religions services are usually well attended. " J. H. Brown is the efficient and ac comnioJating postmaster at this place. L. V. Hampton, our erst-while neijth ber, has married and expects to mske his future home among us Walter Rht pherd made a business trip to Portland yesterday. The Germans intend to build a par sonage on their chu'ch property. George B. Trotter, of Portland, visited friends heie lasthaturday and 8unday. Mrs J. Bahler, sr., is slowly improv ing in healthj Misses Emma Writfley and Mattie Tellfson wer succesnf nl' applicants for ceitiflcates at the last examination. Several cases of whooping cough are reported in this community, -Nov. 22. ' W. I have abundance of money to loan at 8 and choice loans will be made at 7. o a uaii ii naming money. O. H. Dye. Marquam. W. W. Irvin, of Barlow, wai In our burg last Kev. 8hnle was called upon to perform ucl uiwko wicuiuii; iuav ounuay, P. J. Bldtni & Snn aro dnlnir anma nn1Hna on th Bartman building Into which they will BojrOray. who came from Walubunr, With to be with hl lather, who la dangerously ill, haa ukci, uuiiiunueu w reiurn 10 mat place on ac. count of hla health. , O. n. Eby.our Khool tear.her. rtnrnd frn Molalla last week, but not alone as baa been hU custom, we euena our congiatulatiuna. The Ladies' Aid Society will glvs an entertain ment ana oyster supper Wednesday evening, November 23rd. Grandma Thompson will leave for Balera In a few days, where she will visit with her sod and uuiuecuus ineuus auring we Winter. Nov-21, Pat. liedland. gusan, tnvbeat gtrl! Tf you want a Hello. ?ini prweauie nenrnoornoixi u live In and while inks that don'tsteel your hen roosts while vou are asleep, for neighbors, conie to our burg and we will make you welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Augmt Funk spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Kullam. Jack Kullam. who has been to Eautorau Oregon the past summrr, return-id taut week and alter spending f o weeks with his brother, Jim, re turned to college at Portland for the winter to finish hit course. J. Lewis, of Sprlnawater. ment of Mr. Moorhnuae at Redland It. Z, anno . tou uioh Sunday and gave us some Mid facts. The rain of of the past week Is Just What has been wantrl for some time as nearly all the wells on tliis ridge are down to low water mark. There will not be more than oue-balf the wheat sown on this ridge as last year. A.M. Klrrh.ro has again made his anpearanee In Kedland as regular at the clock work. VYnaU, Ob, ebl Guss Fisher Is not coins- to star behind tha times. He Is now placing a cockle machine in his mill that will take out eorkle and wild peas, which will enable him W place a better grade of flour on the market. Mr. and Mr. Behlmer spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. h. Fnnk. Onr school Is going on nicely under Mr. Ruther ford's direetiou. The ciiildieu are just recover ing from a case of sore eyes, and bow comes cue of meaaies,bul we hope it Is nothing serions. Nov. 21. Susan's Bmi Uihl, Mountain View. link- Waldron and family Lave moved hito Mrs.1 Jiobert's house,, Melvin Smallev. ef GreshaKi.'w'as in thts burg again lastSunday, , . , ' , Mr. and Mrs. &.. L.'Jones and Miss, Burns, of Mulino, spent Saturday even ing afijongiriende in this burg. ,' , .Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Wivld"ron are sew ing for Mrs. Harrington. .', Jos. Francis went hack to" his home at Tualatift last Monday. , ' . - Grandma Waltlroa is vifiit.inor'with her liauKhteis and son this "week. ' ; ' Frank Kelloua and fmil.y have moved into the H. li. .Cross house next door to where they have Ueen living. V . . Christmas is in the near fntnrn. The PiWiday .school have lecided to have a Xmas tree, and the running committee pre out asking all whom they meet for money. . . , ,. Louise. Haas is sick thia"week and absent from school- , 1 ' v. . Hattie Kinir'o received some raw cot ton Tuesday Ironr her aunt, who lives in xexaB.' ....:, j. Clara Barbur was not so well Jast week as she has beenf . ; ; Miss Emma Tngle is visiting whh her sistur Mrs.;Will Everhart, a few days this week. , 4 i Edgar. MaV is puendine; tliis week with his aunt, Mrs. Ida Cooperi - J. tverhart is courting asain this week, as he, is one of the jurors for No vember term of court, i. , ov,23. " Sliubf l, Rev. H. E. Hornshuh and family re turned to their home at -Salem last Fri day. , Kmil Hornshuh', who has been away from home for the last three or four months, is home again, - - ; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lindari, of Sea side, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hornshuh. ' Miss Clara Beeson was laken to Ore gon City and placed in the d ictors care, blie has been sick for some time . There is some talk of dividing Beaver Oreek. precinct in two . road districts. it sueuiB everyone on tms Biue is in favor of the same. 1 . , ' . Miss "Ida, Gnenlher," who has been! staying at Oregon City, is home on a visit. . .' ,.: t i . Miss Emma Hornhuh returned from Canby, where she was visiting the last two-weeks. MLniuhm bought a new chopper and he Wi'H 4e ready t crind in a lew davs. Now, all this neighborhood lacks is a national bank to issuo bunk notes so the people would have it handy when they had to borrow money. ; . Fred Moehnke has taken the contract to furnish plunk for the half mile of road which was graded last summer. Those starched republicans must ad mit that those dod lawyers do know that. grass is green. Do you seethe point, Jake. fluv.22. Max. Stafford. On Wednesday the 16th, Miss Dora Athcy, of this place, and W. M. Bor land, pf Hazeha, accompanied by the parents of the young man and his broth er, Arthur, and wife, went to Oregon City, and at 0:45 a. m. were launched out in their little bark canoe by Jude Ryan, From the court house they went to the gallery and ere photographed, then back here to tin bride's parents' home, where the wedding fe ist was in readi nees. After doing j istice to the gooi things set before them the party enjoyed some time in mirthful talk. From there they proceeded to the home tf the groom's parents where more friends were awmting tl em, and where also a great feasi was spread. Here again they feasted on the choice of the land and visited until darkness came on, and with it numerous of their young friends, all proceeded to the hall where the floors were waxed and the fiddles gotten in readmesa and dancing reigned su preme the entire night through. There were about 100 present. Music was furnished by O. P. and W.S.Sharp, Dave Long, caller and manager. Many pleasant words were offered the young couple and they were made the recipi ents of many nice presents. J.Dickens and II. Gage arrived here Saturday evening, each with a team loaded with salmon from the Nestucca river. Many people went from here Friday evening, last, to attend the grange social at Oswego. John Gage and wife spent Sunday in in Oregon City. George Cline is hauling potatoes and pumpkins to Willamette and the wood camps. So much rain fell Friday that the creeks began to run for the first time this season and work out doors took a complete standstill. The Baptists will hold a conference hern this week. Fred Gross wi'l give a ball in Tualatin Grange hall on Thursday night. Some hail fell here on Sunday last. Kovember 23. Q. I". 31. C. A Note ...... The benefit to be given the Oregon City x. M. C. A. nromises to over shadow anything ever attempted on this line before. The talent is the pick of the Portland Y. M. C. A. and each man a master of his subject. It is hoped that parents, at well as young folks, wdl turn out and see the benefit of a thorough physical training. Sunday, Nov. 27th, at 4 p. m , Rev. J; Ware will speak to men only at the 1. M. v. A. Our rooms have been improved by the addition of a fine, new clock, the gift of Darmeisier a Auaresen. Arrangement have been made to to i Tlirfl Si tAlnnnrarv avmatiuainm tn lu ' used 'till the new building I, ieciired. CIliCUIT COVMT. Several Important Cases )iiosel Qfr-Cpurt Will - Adjourn . This Week.1 f ' i . .."(Continued from last week.) ' ' On the ihdictment against E. 13. Mar tin for forging county warrants, the jury failed to .agree", and were dis. charged. ' .William Barjow vs Wilhelmina' Kpeh ler ; sheriff sale confirmed."' - Harriet H. K. -Denison vt Paul A. Ozame;- sheriff sale confirmed. J. H. Pomeroy vs, D. 1. Maaone: E: C. Maddock, receiver, given permis sion to lease the hop yard on the Ma- gone premises to Ham Kee. i In the matter of the assignment of E. M. Hartman, A. B. . Marquam, the as signee, made his final report, which was tiled, . . -Minnie Reed has filed a suit for a di vorce .from Samuel L. Reed on the plea adultery, inhuman treatment, nonsup- port ana desertion Stephen. Bingham, who was. indicted for- selling liquors without license' at Molalla, pleaded guilty, His fine, how ever, wuB.remitted upon' pavment of $50 oosta. ;. . -,' Emma 0, Opdyke vs Henry E. Op dyke; decree of divorce and plaintiff awarded custody of inhv-r child. John Duffy vs James Shaw, etalj foreclosure for $600. Dan Lyons ys James Baty j decree of foreclosure for $400. '- . : Martha Rintro vs W. H. H.' Samson, et al ; decree of foreclosure for f 450. Thomas Charman va W. E. Mum power judgment for 183, In the suit of Henry Nute against Charles R, and. Charles W.' Noblitt for $3,080, damages and expenses 'on ac count of the Wilhoit stage accident. The jury returned a verdict for the de fendant. Thi attorneys tor the plain tiff, were granted the privilege of filing a motion for new trial within ten days. Adam T. Achison, of Newberg; was arraigned on an indictment charged with assault with intent to commit rune on tbe person of Elsie Roberts. The jury returned a verdict of simple as sault. ' . , .Court adjourned until Friday. , '' . "South Before the War." 'Manager Rhively has secured a most novel entertainment, Harry Marlell's realistic southern production, "South Before the War," and it is a most faith ful (portrayal of life below the Mason and Dixon line in anti bellum days. The cotton fields, the camp meettnu on Frog island and "the up-to-date cake wslk, interpreted by a company of fifty people. There is also the landing of the old famous steambiat, Robert E, Lee, and dancing of the most novel sort, including buck and wing dancing on the levee, making one of the grandest enter tainments to be teen this season. There is also a parade at noon. Shively's opera house, Monday, November 28. Tickets on sale at postottico store, 50 and 75c. We Tak ABOUT OUR IrrescpoaSetiaffieat Than any other Department of OUR Store. It is because Prescription Business is our hobby. It is the one thing WE have been trying to make more per fect than another for the past eight years. How well we have succeeded is shown in Our record of nearly 65,000 Prescriptions. Confidence in THIS department can not be gained in a few weeks or months, but once gained it lasts as long as honest integrity lasts. We think WE have gained the confidence of our customers and friends during these eight year?, and now that it is gained, we will try with fair treatment aid honest prices to retain it.. We have never put in any Prescription "just as good," as is sometimes done. If we do not have in stock just what your Prescription tails for we tell )ou so frankly. We Believe This ii one of the important factor of your confidence in our Prescription Department. C. G. Huntley Prescription Druggist . , , Mr. Paul Roethe was the lucky holder of ticket No. 2291 and therefore is ower of ttirijfap"6pTidii'c7" 1 "I COMMfcNTAkir.S. i. Matters day Concehiing Loco! f:vc; - ' Affairs NviKed by tht. . .- Courier. Reporter. ; Never before in the history of Gic.ftiM atnas county has there beta surh t-co-. ..- nomical and effective road vroik iis Js being done. now. County Jutlce .Uyau makes frequent tours of inspection trt: country, to "personally inspect neeld improvements and repairs, to roads anli bridged. He makes a special stud Si road matters, and is hecomiug conver sant with the actual needs of each dis trict. The commissioners, too, ar equally diligent in road matters, and are striving to do justice to each roach district in the County.' Road contracts and bridges are let to the lowest biddsv not all to One man as formerly. . , i". . . The' joint legislative committee ap pointed at the special session, was iib session at Portland' several days during: the past week, drafting, new school . laws to be presented at the regular term. The new bill as diafted will contain a provision that school books be selected by a committee of five appointed by thfr governor The aife .of children who shall ; be entitled to , receive public money shall: be raised irom 4 to G years-,, and the time for. taking the examina tion, extended to June.. It vfas' decided, to make county treasurers act as treaa uers of school districts, the clerks to d aw warrants on district funds This? . would obviate the ' necessity of district. " clerks filing bonds. . The patrous of school district No. 28rH are howling loud and deep because their children are being deprived of the ben efit of the sehool fund, tied up in the unpaid taxes of the Clayson estate. ,' The jury in. the damage suit of Nate against Noblitts, are to be co npli men ted on the verdict brought in. it. -was a case of malicious prosecution to bleed, the defendants out of damage? money. ProlHiUt Court, In the matter of the estate of Henry Wernheim, deceased, George J. Currinn administrator, filed his final account,, and the fit it day of the term in Jannary set as the time lor Hearing niial objec tions thereto. . The appointment of W.W. Myers am guardian of the estate of Maud U wUy, a minor, in place of Benjamin Rauey,, was confirmed. In the matter of the estate of Clurv and Lilly Irwin, minors, W. W. liwi. guardian, fiied a petition for the sale of. eaid estate, A citation was ordered.. Doll heads, largest size and lowosr prices than in Portland, at the Racket, store. Holiday goods at pi ices surprising an.fi styles to suit ali, at the Racket store. . lore