Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine n n n i .chest, always ready, al- aa a m ways emcient, always sai- gup 111 tsfactory; prevent a cold III W r fever, cure al) liver Ills, Sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 26c. The only Fills to take with hows sarsapariua. BARGAINS. For particulars apply at Coubier office, Oregon City, . , , crtn A four-room house and lot In Oregon WUUUcitv: eood location with fine vlow o river; young trees and shrubs; place cost over 9U0. GllflflTwo'good houReB and lot; house rented W UU vnear paper mill- Oregon City; will trade or sell on installment plan. ALUMINUM NOVELTIES ALUMINUM THIMBLES Lighter than a feather. More durable than silver Guaranteed not to tarnish. h hi i Price, in velvet lined case, 10 cents. charged. '' - M. Campbell, foreman : Oatta, Eugene Cumins; W. C. Thomas W. Dibble. H. H. George 0. Armstrong" COUNTY COURT. Proceedings of the Regular November Session. ALUMINUM TEA STRAINER A long felt want. size. Will Inst a life .time. Price 10 cents 2 for 15 cents OA flPPrC 360; eighty acres of land 10 OU tWjRLiii miles from Oregon City on Highland road; 1U aeret in cultivation; part brush land; good Bprlng water; sawmill on place, Keur eliurcu ana sunooi. A HOME FOR $10 PER MONTH. Consisting of K lots, good garden spot, running water the year round, 3 room house, good cellar, barn big enough for two cows and 100 chlokens, 12 blocks from court house. Price 00. 0 per cent Interest. (76 cash down. For particulars Inquire at this office. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. TILL 1900 FOR $1.50 until 1900 for 11.50 wh ich gives you the paper free ior i monine, now is ine lime to suDscnue. Shall we tell you why ? F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance r,o to A. C. Walls, Oregon City, fri- Pili and Catarrh Remedies, Cure guaranteed or money funded. re MACHINES. ALUMINUM JEWEL BOX A ISO PIN CUSHION jff' Our latest jT cents. f v. All three I es llluatra H STr.;'- A ed for 35 Thos. P. Ryani Judga) 8. Morton Commissioners- Address, L, B centa. paid. , EMEKSON (Minor), 12 K. Fullerton Avenue. Chicago, Ills. Life insurance is a good thine but bealta insurance, by keeping the blood ure wun Hood u isargaparilla, 18 still oetter. CIRCUIT COURT. Qrand Jury Discharged Court Will Continue Next Week. To Whom It May Concern A Snap, 1 Hiah Arm Household. 1 High Arm No. 7 American. 1 Singer. o wKaaW k Wilson. It agreeable easy terms will be given at the Oregon City Auction House. Probate Court. In the probate court Friday O. M. Idleman was notified to file a report of his receipts and expenditures as execu tor of the estate of Matilda Holt, de ceased, with the county clerk on or be fore the 17th day of November. Marga ret E. Freeman, Mary E. Herren and Sarah Gilraore, are beneficiaries of the estate, who asked for such petition. School Report. Report of the Willsburg school for the ninntli nndins November 4, 1898 : Total number of dudHs enrolled to .lut 41 nWnt nor Urdv during the month 13, pupils not absent nor tardy since enrolled 18, cases oi tarainens uur ina Mm month, fl. Dercent of attendance UO. Banking as named the following pupils averaged 95 and above in de portment: . Madalla Mason, Ralph wuu Unth Wills. Laura Atchison, Lorenio Lavegetto, Lillian Wills, Marie Koschnitiky, Bernhart Olsen, William Vlinkman. Clara Buchegger, Erwin WUU Wlllnna Shriner. Georgetto Borard, Samuel Driofs, Catherine Hnrhmro-ar. Bertha Klinktnaii, Etta Lnnlse Demeuther. Archie Wills, Myrtle Atchison, Dona Hohn and RuiraneW ills. 8. AUAU8, leacuer. Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon City for Pile and Catarrh Remedies Cure Guaranteed or money re funded. Carloads of goods for Red Front, of nurse--table oil cloth 12c. Cabot W. 6c, seamless hose 10c, tough mule-skin ttloves 25c, with call front 60c, 9 oi, overalls 35c. dress goods, yarns, unde wear, mackintoshes, capes, umbrellas and shoes at cut prices. Red Front Store, Oregon City. 1 Charles Heater, Gregory, F. Marks, Eichard 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern raciflo trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., nd 8:35 d. in., and arrives from Port land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :62 p. ra. Save time by using the quicker route. Wanted each, at O. ing. -100 watches to repair at $1 A. Nash'a, Postoffioe build, tt. vinA Rait nScDer 100 lbs. stock salt 40c per 100 lbs, roast coffee 10c, line roast coffee with good spoon 9 Ibi i $1, Rising Sun stove polish 6c, Arm A H. soda 7 Ue 25c, oira eeea oo. Red Front Store, Oregon City. (Continued from last week) Henry Jewell vs Annie H. Whitlock. ei ai, ana xioages vs Mess, dismissed Frank Dervell vs William Buckman: plaintiff given 10 days to answer. fcmiiy fcncKson vs Anders Erickson ( decree oi divorce on tne plea of deser tion. W. A. Hedges vs E. Parker, et al: Sheriff uooke ordered to make fore closure deed to plaintiff. Board of State School Land Commis sioners vs Thomas Oharman, et al ; de lauu. A. W. Lane vs Mary Lane J decree of divorce on the plea of desertion. Ida Grove vs P. W. Grove ; decree of divorce on the plea of desertion, and de fendant awarded the custody of minor cnua. H. W. Cook vs Ella R. Burghardt order for sheriff's deed. Gustaf Peterson vs Adam Troge sheriff '8 deed ordered. Popp vs Perkle J renlevin suit. Jury disagreed. Eliza A, Jobes vs A. B. Jobes ; decree of divorce on the plea of abandonment, and the minor child, Estelle, awarded to tne custody ot the plaintiff. Louisa A. Kester vs Charles Rains et al j decree of foreclosure for $580. Hedges vs Hess: dismissed. Minnie Criteser vs 8. J. Criteser; de cree of divorce on the ulea of desertion and the plaintiff awarded custody of uiinvi vim, iicij, jjuuti ami msiu. Henry Miley vs John Gordon, et al judgment and execution for balance deficiency after foreclosing a mortgage! Alfred F. Sears, jr.. vs Richard Glass pool, et al ; motion to dismiss overruled and delendants given until the next sit ting of court in Annl to file answer. Merchants Exchange National Bank vs Honorah Davoren, et al; stipulation oi settlement. Lizzie Mcradden vs Elsie Austin, et al; A. S. Dresser appointed guardian aa mum ior minor delendants. Pacific States Savings, Loan and Building Association vs Emma Millard et a; ; decree of foreclosure for $'.'06, The grand jury returned not true bills against Milo Miller, charged with committing rape on the person of Emma Strubaur, and Uassius Austen, charged with assaulting O. S. Herman. John Babsch pleaded not guilty to the indictment of assault with a dangerous weapon. The demurrer to the indict ment was overruled, and his tiial Bet for November 25th. E. E. Martin was arraigned for utter- ng forged warrants, but the iurv fol lowed instructions and brought in a verdict of not guilty, as the offense was committed in Multnomah county, he having sold the warrants to 0. F. Blvthat Portland. The iurv had not yet agreed on a verdict when this pa per went to press, on one of the charges of lorgery. O. K Leitiel vs John Glick : jury ver diet for plaintiff in the sum of $235. oeorge weber vs a. a. Kinearson defendant allowed until Nov. 20th, to answer plaintiff's complaint. Dr. U. nytter pleaded not guilty to two indictments for practicing medi cine without a license, and his trial was set for next Tuesday. Walter Wyland is on trial. The grand jury was discharged Wed nosday evening, and submitted the fol lowing report : "first We have inquired tnto all matters of crime brought before us, and have returned into court 11 true bills and five not true bills. We have also examined into a number of cases, which we do not deem necessary to set forth in this report. 'Second We have visited the countv jail and found the same in a neat and clean condition ; we have also examined the city jail of Oregon City, and find the same in a satisfactory condition, and. upon request we have visited the Mag dalen Home, and as fur as we were per muted to examine, we lound the same in a neat and clean condition ; we have called upon the various county officers and find them diligent in their work and obliging in manner, and we also find that there is considerable inc-onven ience in matters pertaining to the re cowers oince, and we would recom mend that those desks which are used for abstract purposes lie removed from the clerk's office, and that the west end of the county clerk's office be partitioned in a suitable manner and given to the recorder. We do not deem it advisa ble at thli time to employ an expert or accountant to examine into the books of the varioui county officers tor the reason that a complete report at this nme couiu not De nad. "And now having completed our la bora we most respectfully ask to be dia Be it resolved that at a reeular term of tne county court for the countv of t;iacfr am as fo the state of Oregon, begun in Oregon City, in said county and state Monday, the 7th dav of November. 1898. the same being the first Monday in said month and the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of said court. Present, Hon Thomas F. Rvan.iudge: Elmer Dixon, clerk ; J. J. Cooke, sheriff. Whereupon a term of said court is be gan and held on Wednesday, the 9th day of November, 1898, the Bame being the first Monday In said month and the time fixed by law for the first day of said term of court for the transaction of county bus'ness: Present, Thomas F. Rvan. udge: S. F. Marks and J. R.Morton. commissioners ; Elmer Dixon, clerk ; and J. J. Cooke, sheriff. The court convened according to law nd now on this day the following busi ness was had to-wit : - In the matter of the petition of Phebe Sharp for a road of public easement. The same waB withdrawn bv the pe titioners, they to pay the expense ol viewers. In the matter of the report of viewers on the petition of F. P. Larsen et al for change in the Oswego and Davton road. The potition granted and new road to be opened by work of petitioners and volunteer work, and old road to be vacated as soon as new road is in condi tion fit for public travel. In the matter of the Hood view road. Supervisor Heia allowed $40 to use in opening up the Hood View road In the matter of Supervisor Swafford re pairing the rock wo'konMolallaroad, the supervisor to take in crushed rock to fill up ruts on Molalla road. In the matter of the report of the county judge on acceptance of Parrett Creek bridge, the same was apuroved. in tne matter of tne county judge's re port in regard to repairing the Clackamas bridge, tne report was approved on let' ting contract to J. E. McCoy for $360. In the matter of the road work in dis trict No. 7, Buperyisor Asvhoff was per muted to use $26 more of his apportion ment in repairing roads in his district. In the matter of the petition of A Mather, for return of illegal assessment, the same was denied. In the matter of the transfer of tax certificates on lands purchased by county for delinquent taxes : it is ordered that upon the payment by any person of the amount bid for any piece or parcel of real estate by tne county judge in the name of the county at tax sale held on Oct. 22, 1898, with an addition of 10 per cent, the said countv judge shall make an assignment of certificate of sale given by sheriff to said person or persons. This order shall be good for one year from October 22, 1898. In the matter of the reduction of allowance made to Mr. and Mrs. Able, to be reduced to $10 per month from Nov. 1. 1898. In the matter of the further assistance of Mrs. Runyan, the same was laid over until next terra and present allowance discontinued to date from Nov. 1, 1898, In the matter of county aid for 8. Forsythe, $5 per month was allowed from Nov. 1. 1898. In the matter of Mrs. Randall's assess' ment in county addition on block 44 Oregon City, the same was raised to $900. In tne matter of trestle on Hubbard and Needy road, the same was laid over. In the matter of repairing Shipley road. Supervisor Baker ordered to fix chuck holes. ,'. In the matter of the re iter t of Super visor Bnckner on construction of bridge in his district the same was accepted In the matter of the bill .of J. E McCoy for repairing Eagle creek bridge it was ordered that he be paid $100 until bridge is inspected by oCmmissioner Morton. -In the matter of the petition of Judge Moreland for rebate of taxes on the Mc- Guire property at Milwaukie, the same. was denied. In the matter of opening the Forsvthe road, Suoervisor Holstrom was ordered to open the same. In the matter or the appearance ol J. , Cole and R. J. Moore to show cause why their assessment should not be in creased, their affidavits in response to order to appear and show cause why their assessment on property should not be increased, read, and it appearing from their affidavits that their property is properly assessed ; it is ordered that the same remain as at present on the tax roll. In the matter of compromise of taxes in case of Thos. W. Kellogg's property, the same was referred to district attor ney with instructions to make no com promise in said matter, as all matters pertaining to said taxes seem regular. In the matter of the taxes on the Clayson estate, C. W. Risley. chairman board of directors school district No. 28, appeared to represent school district No. 28, in the matter of setting asido the order whereby a compromise was made by county court in settlement of taxes In Charles Clayson estate, he contend ing in behalf of his district that such ac tion should be taken as district No. 28 never agreed, nor would they agree to any such compromise on that part of said taxes belonging to said school district. In the matter of the assessment of the Bull Run pipe line, the same was re ferred to the county judge. In the matter of the bond of Eli Williams, 'assessor-elect, the same was approved. In the matter of the report oi J. H Smith on the cut at Deep creek bridge. the Bame was accepted, and the matter referred to Commissioner Morton to have Supervisor Cooke make said cut and, fill in conformitv with plan of surveyor In the matter of increasing the allow ance of Mrs. Jane Roberts, a county charge, the present allowance of $5 in creased to $20, she being over 100 years old and bedfast. In the matter of the petition of James man et al, for work on Highland road, the same was disallowed, and the matter bf furnishing plank for improvements of that portion of said Highland road that has been graded by volunteer work was referred to the county judge to see it said road was properly graded, and with power to act in said matter of finishing Slid improvement. In the matter of the Dickey and Molalla bridges on Molalla river, the county judge reported how he found matters in connection with Molalla river at points above Dickey bridge and Wright'B Springs. It is ordered that the county surveyor be instructed to make a profile of said Molalla riyer above Wright's Springs as recommended by the county judge. - 1 1 the matter of bill of Oregon City hospital for treating Mr. Marlin and Clara Chambers, it was ordered that the same be sent to Salem for collection out of fund for non-resident poor. in the matter of increasing the allow ance ot J. H. Jonea and wife, county charges, the same was increased to $10 per month, to date from November 1, 1898, to be drawn in favor of Charles Llvesay.. In the matter of making an allowance for L. Freeman and wife, it was ordered that Mrs. Freeman have $4 per month to date from Nov. 1, 1898, tor three months, warrants to be drawn in favor of Mrs. C. J'. Parker. - In the matter of accepting the tax roll the same was approved. la the matter of the ul.entrs report lor the collection of taxes for the year 1897. the same was read, and the matter of examination of said roll left with judge to employ such help aa he may deem necessary to get a full and complete re port ot same. In the matter of replacing Mr. Irving's fence, the same was left with Uommis sioner Marks, with power to act. in tne matter of repairing the uiacna- mas riyer road, Byers' Hill and Uock Creek roads, the same was left to the county judge and Commissioner Morton with power to act. in the matter of the contingent fund, it was ordered that $100 be transferred to said fund. In the matter of improving the road in district No. 11 with corduroy, the peti tion was granted and it was ordered that 200 yards be placed on the Uushing mill road, Thomas Mann agreeing to haul the Bame. In the matter of expenses in justice of the peace courts, it was ordered that the deputy district attorney be requested to look into the matter of expense in bring' ing cases in justice of the peace courts, and b ine thera in those courts where the least expense will be incurred in the conducting of said cases, and that, they further be requested to see that In all cases brought where there is any doubt of conviction or where in their opinion the prosecution witness is being actuated by any other feeling than strict Justice. that they insist that said prosecuting witness give a good and sufficient bond to reimburse the county for all expenses in connection with such cases if con vie tion is not secured. And it is further ordered that no bills for expenses in justice courts be allowed unless the com plaint under whicn sain case was Drought was submitted to an approval of hy the district attorney or his deputy before the bringing of said cases. And it is further ordered that no bill of expense incurred in conducting any case in the justice courts shall be audited and allowed un lees accompanied with such statement of the case as well as the facts attending the place of arrest and the distance traveled by witnesses, constable and dir trict attorney or his deputies for which mileage is claimed. Ia the matter of ex-Commissioner Jaggars' copy of Hill's code, it was oidefed that the clerk ascertain if said qode is Mr. Jaggar's personal property or not, and if so, to make a requisition on secretary of state for one for Com missioner Morton. In the matter of the repairs of Clacka mas countv bridge, it was ordered tha upon its completion and acceptance by Judge Rvan. warrant to be drawn in favor of McCoy for the amount due, In the matter of Hill's codes, it was ordered that the county judge ascertain what a set ot Hill's code can De pur chased for. In the matter of the reports of officfrs for October of those received, the follow ing was approved: Clerk, $325.55; ie corder, $146 10. In the matter of mileage and per diem of countv commissioners for November term, 1898, S. F. Marks was allowed 5 davs and 36 miles, $17 60; J. R. Morton 6 days and 20 miles, $17.00. 1 In the matter of the payment of claims filed against Clackamas county. The county court having examined said claims and being fnllv satisfied, it is ordered by the court that the clerk shall issue warrants on the general fund in favor of the persons and for the amounts hereinafter specified in payment of said claim : J E McCoy $100 00 Maude Salisbury, clerks acc't. ... 20 00 Josephine L Peabody clerk's acc't 60 00 Ira M. Chase, clerk's acc't 05 UU State ys Kiolin, j p court. F T Griffith, dim att'y 5 00 State vs Van Tress, j p court. C Schuebel. i o 9 30 M e McCown, constable n w Gee Dunlavy, wit 5 70 Ernest Hartinan o u A H Logan, witness 6 70 L J Arnold, " .......... 2 50 Clarence Floyd, " 2 60 Ohas W Brown, " ,. 2 90 Clyde h,vana " 2 90 G BDimick, diet att'y 7 00 w urout, assessors acc't 36 00 .1 Stout, Ida Stout, ", " Eleth Cumins, " " G W Grace, " - M C famckland, coroner's tice.'t. G B Dimick, diet att'v M C Strickland, coroner. . . . M C Strickland. cornnAi r ,m EnosCahill, lumber 9 32 r-. IV . 1 . ... J 1 H.,U 1 1 O 11 uduiko .uiuugiiLuii, iuuiuer. , o u-t G B Dimick, diet att'y 5 nqnest ueorge Hilland W Scramlin, juror. George Lutherland, " , W Young, . E M Morris, A Klebe, George Walsch, Dr. Dead man, MreJoyner, x Pearl Palmer 108 00 54 00 64 00 36 00 6 60 .6 60 5 20 Road district No 14 JLSwafford $10 00 J Shelly 7 50 J Dixon 3 00 AMautz 3 00 BFLinn, lumber 7 40 Total... $30 90 Road district No 15 Labor on the eowland road. H Tabor! $2 00 A T How land 3 00 John Evans ... 1 50 40 1 70 1 70 wit , Frank Mathews, constable 3 50 Schuebel, coroner , 10 05 Dr Deadman, physician 6 00 G B Dimick, diet att'y 7 40 Prank Mathews, burial 00 R J Moore, Canadian thistle .... 6 00 J JJ Larkins, " " .... 900 U 1 1 Uo, court house 9 00 Courier-Herald, eta p 68 50 R L Hoi man, pauper 80 00 G H Young, " 10 00 R L Ruspell, " ." 5 00 J H Smith, surveyors ac't 14 00 A W France, road and bridge. . . 2 50 Wilson & Cooke " "... 7 15 Pope & Co, " "... 6 25 O C Iron Works " "... 2 14 GeoBRate&Co" " ... 12 60 J E McCoy " "... 40 00 Maude Salisbury, sheriff's ac't. . 14 00 Will L Miller, " " .. 16 00 Clvde Evans, " " ..' 24 00 .1 R Seaver, " " . . 9 00 I Selling, pauper 22 00 ,T Conke, board of prisoners. ... 82 48 W H Young, road and bridge. ... 6 00 Noblitts stables, road and bridge. 4 00 V Total .....,....$19 94 Road district No 16 Work on New Era bridge road, grading hill and labor on new bridge. WS Rider ......................$ 3 00 H H Gregory... 3 00 Walter Rider... , 1 SO A Staley and team 3 00 A Scheer.and team 3 00 C H Rider and team 8 00 EnosCahill, lumber........ 12 83 Total $29 33 Roftd district No 17 i S FGarrison $ 75 J Shull 1 5Q E Shull 1 50 Andy Knight 1 fift Wm Bissell 3 25 Albert Knight 75 Adam Knight 15 00 Ed Hutchinson ,, 18 00 Elijah Hutchinsun ,, 150 H (iiimore is in M S Fisher 12 00 Milo Lee 3 va J Tackleson 75 DR Dimick. IT 00 Total $90 no Road district No 18 Labor on bridena. graveyard and Lewis road. h WHornschuh . 2 on T Daniels 1 ijv W Daniels and team 2 25 M London , 75 BCasaday 75 LindsleyA Son !!!.'.!!'.!'. 3 25- R Hyde 3 00 Uunning & (Jampow indigent . i 1 : nA in nn I C H Isom, sheriff's ac't 48 60 .VUV 'i'H 5 T?riuo ' " 00 on Lor on Meadowbrook. Oregon City. uiiisi ri 100 '' "v I ITnmn Mill r1lJ - J "V..- fitt ' Mrs Winesett, pauper 4 25 """"" viands ami uregon yny 1.11 mtj uiniier ui tuo icpvito ui ouuer i t?Mw . visors for the month of November 1898. 7 The court having examined said report, r,Bf w v " I Xa 11 : - 1 1 iuni iy j. 1 ijiiiiaouu, ................. .1 ins : 1 u.. a 1 OGDean 1 firt the amoral districts are herehv ordered Jonn Denison 5 00 paid, and the clerk is instructed to draw warrants on the road lund and county fund for several amounts and in favor of the following named persons Koad district JNo. 1 Labor on Milwaukie and Baker's Ferry, Risley, Springbrook and section line roads. B F Tyler...... $45 00 Chas Frankhauser..... 40 60 E J Lyons 39 00 Walter Haeenberger 42 00 Henry Stuckey 9 00 R Scot t 12 00 R S McLaughlin 12 00 Joseph Polly 7 50 S M Miller 7 50 Deck Howlet. 7 50 John Abrahams..., 7 60 .Tease Coates 19 50 EJiSpooner 4 50 Paul Spooner , . 36 00 Hirrv Clifford 34 50 WIH Counsel and team 60 00 WK Payn 19 50 Total $448 25 Road (district No 2 Bridge work OK Cramer... $12 00 JB Cramer..' ; 7 00 JFRobbins 6 20 Total $24 20 Road district No 3 i Labor on Deep Creek hill, Hagen, Wlnstou and Union school house, Rock Creek, Baker's bridge roads and repair ing culverts and small bridges. Ed Burghardt , $ 6 00 Warren Greenwell 6 00 Henry Bock, bridge work 3 00 A W Cooke 14 uu A W Cooke, team and bridge work 2 25 E H Burghardt, lumber 3 85 Total $35 10 Road District No 4 H FCurrin $14 00 H F Cnriin. work and two teams 3 00 R A Wilcox.. 3 00 Gus Wilcox 3 00 Albert Barileraa 3 00 Chas Bartlema 3 00 Jas Oshnrn 2 00 fjpnrcm Forman 3 00 Roy Forman s w James Anderson a w Total $14 00 Road district No 21 Labor on Grav'n Mill, Jack Cutting road and labor on re pairing culverts etc. F M Naught. $5 60 R PCooper... 5 60 Birt Hubbard 2 00 C O Hubbard 2 00 Milk Creek sawmill 2 00 Total $17 0O Road district No 20 Material on tha Highland and Mountain Home bridges. F W North $ 6 00 H North 14 00 M O Gard 5 50 W OBuckner 28 00 O Welch ' 4 36 F Welch 135 F W North o 00 .T W Jones , 62 47 WCBuckner 1 80 Total $125 48 Road district No 23 Labor on Barlow, Canbv and Aurora Hill roads, Taylor bridge and culverts. John Gohra $ 3 00 August Dalman 4 50 Solomon Miller... 3 00 A Haeey 1 50 T J Miller 13 25 FH Hilton 3 00 Cole Bros.; 5 59 Total $28 25 Road district No 26 Labor on Mol alla and Nolan Mill. Soda Springs and Wright's bridge road. J W Thomas .$ 2 25 S L Dart 1 50 C W Dart 1 50 EEJndd 50 W P Herman 4 88 A .TSawtell . 9 75 RDaughtery 3 75 C Ansten 3 00 P C Miller 1 50 H Gahle 3 00 F Scott 1 50 J Johnson 75 L Steighman 75 J R Shaver 14 00 Total .'. $48 42 Road district No 27 Labor on Lutter- man hill. T Yocum, lumber 28 55 C K Qninn $ 4 00 TV 111 J HU& 1 OU Russell et al, for relief of David Morrii. $7 was allowed to date from Nov, 1, 1898, warrants" to be drawn in favor of John Stamp. In the matter of the petition ot Charles Rutherford for county aid for Mr. and Mrs. Kruger, $7 per month allowed to date from Nov. 1, 1898, warrants to be drawn in favor of Mr. Kroger until further ordered. In the matter of claims ot C. Stude- JP Miller, " 5 70 F J Ridings. " 6 7u Frank Ridings, " o w G G F Myers " 5 70 I D Larkins " 5 70 Sam Marrs, juror 1 20 J G Porter, " 1 20 J R Williams ' 1 20 P D Curran " 1 20 CC Williams " 1 20 G B Dimick, diet att'y 5 00 State vs Henderson, j p court. C S.-lmebol. i D 2 95 M F McCown, constable 6 50 G B Dimick, dist att'y 5 00 State vs Thompson, j p court. C Schuebel, Jp 5 95 Chas E Burns, con 16 90 G B Dimick, dist att'y 5 00 State vs Chute. C Schuebel, j p M F McCown, con Gottfried Wallace, wit. August Bottemiller, " . Fred Shnebel, " . Ernest Boyles, Total 72 35 Road district No 6 P Kenney $ 7 60 Elijah Coalman 7 60 Marvin Dickenson 3 00 F.H TCoffrir 3 00 E A Revenue 6 2a E A Revenue, team 7 50 1 H UAvmiB 12 00 Ed Koffer Br 1 00 J H Revenue 10 00 F A Meimng, spikes i JH Wewer 32 00 Total $87 f0 Road district No 7 Otto Aschoff $2 50 Adolf Aschoff 1 60 Adolf Aschoff, spikes 40 Total 4 40 Road district No 11 J A Jones, plank and work $18 13 Road district No 12 Graveling Milwaukie and Cnewell road. Frank Hntchms 00 E A Hartman 4 00 I D Larkins 4 00 W A Thomas 2 00 Geo D Cardew 3 00 Geo Pfiester 3 00 Edward Hubbard 2 00 C E Ycung 6 00 6 30 10 70 4 30 4 10 4.10 3 90 4 50 5 00 1143 90 George Clark.. Fred Gerber. .. Sam Gerber... P Willson Aug Hnber.... M II Reibhoff. W II Henrv Reed.. PT McCubina. W P Kirchem. O D RobinB . . : . 4 12 3 00 3 00 3 00 4 12 4 12 Brown 3 00 2 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 Joseph'Sprague I...W.H r.urher ' Jacob Gerber L Newkirk Wm Henderson, " G B Dimick, dep dist att'y. Courier, tax roll 1896 State vs Babecb, j p court W W Jesse, j p 8 90 Y M Mathews, con 12 80 F 8alnaker, wit 2 00 Edtnond Kinney, wit 2 70 Fred Howard, witness 30 Albert Shafer. ' 3 10 MrsAShafer, " 3 10 1 01 Swales ' J50 J R Heater Barney Fallert A J Oldenberg Wm Chenoworth P Kohle Henry Bolsmne J C Sprague ..... W H Bonney, lumber.. Total. 50 1 50 75 I 60 75 75 6 00 5 00 .$60. 61 Total ...,..$32 00 Road district No 30 Bridg work A Fortune $ 4 50 GHLocey..." 6 25 K Davis...... 4 60 F Manning 4 50 P Worthington 3 00 L Waldorf 4 60 T Fox with team 3 00 J R Hays 8 00 Road work C Shannon 7 50 O Shannon and team 3 00 C Ford 9 00 A K Ford s.. 3 00 F. Calkins. 8 25 G H Locey 6 00 J R Hays 10 00 Pope & Co., hardware 5 50 Fred Moehpke, lumber 122 15 Total $173 05 Road district No 31 Claus Peters $3 00 Don Gage 2 70 John Peters 75 P A Baker, spikes 5 25 George Saum, lumber 5 78 Total $17 46 Road district No 38 Labor on Bear Creek bridge. Gilbert Hougluvn $ 6 75 A Hougham 1 50 Lewis Hougham 31 10 Anton Mikkleson : 21 36 Stillman Andrews 21 35 Fred Wagner 2 25 Paul Dunn 14 25 Emmett Donalhue 12 00 Peter P Ua 43 60 Total $164 05