Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 18, 1898, Image 5

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    Catching Things....
In chenille and tapestry, stand and table covers
25c, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
Better values were never offered in standard. Per
fect Oregon-made goods
The fluffy, warm ones, at $1.50, $2, $2.50. They
are good.
It is a well-known fact that we protect you in price
and quality.
, All we ask is an inspection after you look else
where. You will buy of us and save money.
Mc Allen & McDonnell
Cosmop olitan
Patterns Reduced to 5c, lOo and 15c
' Mrs. T. S. Mann gives lessons in em
broidery work. Samples on display in
Mrs. Sladen's millinery window.
The city council held a red-hot spec
ial meeting Tuesday evening to con
sider the matter of locating certain
electric lights. It was finally decided
on the mayor's vote to let the arc light
remain at the corner of Ninth and Main
streets. It was also voted to put in a
32-candle incandescent light at or noar
the foot of Singer Hill an arc light in
Kansas City addition, and two arc
lights at Elyville. Councilman Busch
introduced an amendment to put in
wo arc lights at Falls View, but was lost.
He called up the matter again- and it
was voted down. A petition is now be
ing circulated, and numerously signed.
Mr. Busch said that when they voted
lights for other outside districts, he
thought Falls View should have one.
0. D. Eby, the Molalla justice of the
neace. and principal of the Marquam
school, was married to Mies Jennie E.
Moore at Molalla Sunday. Tho cere-
monv took place at the residenee of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J.Moore, at high noon. Rev. J. M
Shulse, pastor of the Marquam Metho
diat Episcopal church, was the officiat
ing clergyman. Congratulations were
extended bv numerous mends, ana
splendid wedding luncheon was served.
Professor and Mrs. Eby left at once for
Marnnftm". where thev will occunv
neat cottage already fitted up for their
reception. Mr. Eby is one of Clacka
mas county's leading educators, and was
for some time principal of the Molalla
achool. The bride is a most estimable
young lady, highly esteemed by a wide
circle of friends.
Thomas Hague, a large cotton spin
ner and member of the board of alder
man, of Oldham. England, was in the
citv Friday visiting relatives. He is
cousin of Mrs. E. E. Oharman, Mrs. N
O. Walden and Mrs G. H. Wishart
whom he had not met for a period of
SO years. Mr.- Hague is making
tour of the United States and was
his wav to California, He is a close ob
server, especially of matters pertaining
to municipal government, and notes the
difference in the way those macters are
conducted in the two countries. In
England the Wealthy property owners
devote their time without compensa
tion to the promotion of economical and
effeo tive government. In this country,
how ever, Mr. Hague notices that very
ofte nit is the professional politician
and non-taxpaying element that domi
aat 68 municipal affairs.
a prominent attorney
in. Oregon City Tues-
S. T. Jeffreys.
of Portland was
Mrs. R. Prior is recovering from the
effects of a recent successful surgical
The Misses Dolan have rented out
their home here, and moved to Port
land Wednesday.
Jacob Schatz, harness uiaker and re
pairer, Main street, opposite Uatholic
church, Oregon City. .
Business chances and bargains in city
property. Call on or address William
Cantwell, Portland House, City.
Ben Munson and wife disposed of
their home at Parkplace, and on yester-
terday removed to scott s mius, wnere
they will make their future home.
I have abundance of money to loan at
X, and choice loans will be made at 7.
Give me a call if wanting money.
, . U. ii, DYE
Deputy Sheriff J. E. Jack went to
Salem Wednesday, and brought August
Wilbroad down from the reform school
to testify as witness in the Wyland case
The pastor of the Baptist church,
Rev. M. L. Ruffir. will preach next Sun
dav mornine on the "Bible as the Word
of God." and will show what the work
of higher criticism is in proving its his
torical accuracy. In the evening the
subject will be "Has Man a Spiritual
.Mature that .Lives alter Death."
Archbishop W. H. Gross, who went
to Baltimore last September, died there,.
auc iiis 8il-
in Portland
he deceased
p Gross f ggestcd
the K alen
and was lX.a in
the Catho'ics of
many who were
Weighing Things
Tim vnliiA nf nnr eroceries depends on
thrPB thlnir: How much vou Bet for
your money; how good it is when you
get it, and the price you pay for what
you get. We have sugars that are
cheap and sugars that are good. We
have coffees that will satisfy the appe
tite and the pocketbook. Staple goods
at less than staple prices. We give you
money-saving health-saving chances.
A. Robertson,
The 7th Street 6rocer
Monday morning.
archbishop of this did
ver jubilee was celebl
last April. Archbish
the , establishment
Home at Parkplace,
the highest esteem by'
Oregon City, and by
not ot that taith
The young ladies bf Mrs. Georee
Herrin's class gave he a surprise party
last Thursday evening The time was
delightfully spent in games, etc. The
voung ladies served refreshments, con
sisting of sandwiches in variety, cakes
pickles, olives, candy, fruit, lemonade
and tea. Those present were: Misses
Laura Beatie, Laura Pope, Hazel Pils
bury, Ream, Nora Ream, May Mark
Elma Albright, Knight, Maijorie Can
field, Ethel Caufleld, Jean White and
Clara Warno,r.
Joseph Curry and James Oonley were
fined $0 each by Recorder Curry in the
police court Saturday. The latter is
known as "California Teddy," and is a
professional bum, who has the bust
ness down to a scientific nicety. Teddy
was here over a year ago, Out a fM sen
tence was suspended, provided that he
would leave town and remain away for
a vear When his term of banishment
expired, he again made his appearance
and greeted old acquaintances in the
usual familiar way. He soon fell into
his old habits, and Officer Shaw
marched him off to the city jail, to
gether with his partner.
The funeral of Edward Boyles, whose
sad death was announced last week,
was held Sunday at the residence of his
parents near main street. The services,
conducted by Rev. M. L. Rugg, were
short but appropriate, while the choir
of the Baptist church rendered several
beautiful hymns suitable to the occa
sion. The large company of friends and
neighbors which gathered to the services
and the floral tributes which were num
erous and beautiful testified most elo
quently to the deep sympathy felt in the
community for the friends of the do
ceased in this hour of their great and
unexpected sorrow. The deceased was
one whose genial nature gained -him
many friends who share with the par
ents and brother and sisters in their
common grief. R.
A. M. Kirchem. of Loean. was in the
city Saturday. t
Joshua Gorbett, the Colton mer
chant, was in the city Monday.
F. M. Osburn, a prominent citizen of
Damascus, was in town Monday.
Born, in Oregon City, Nov. 14th. to
Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Sedl, a daughter.
J. F. Bowman and Joe Johnson, both
of Molalla, were in Oregon City Friday.
Mrs. T. J. Cleeton, of St. Helens, has
been visiting friends here for several
days past.
Don't let that cough rat chronic. Red
Seal Cough Cure will CURE 40 cents,
cut rates, at Huntley's.
G. E. Hargreaves will shortly make a
tour through the south of Clackamas as
agent of the Oregon Fire Relief Associa
tion. '
Miss Estella B. Parker, a Needy
school teacher, who was visiting her
cousin, Miss Echo Samson, returned
home Sunday. '
Ralph Young returned Friday from a
several months sojourn in the Palouse
country and Eastern Oregon. He left
here last April .
Mrs. Ludgate. mother of Wallace
Ludgate, has arrived from Canada,
and will be the guest ef her son during
the coming winter.
Joseph Francis, of Tualatin. Wash
ington county, was visiting his son,
Samuel V. Francis, of Elv. for several
days during the past week.
The Courier-Herald gives more news
than any other paper in the county and
at the same price as inferior papers. It
also has the largest illation.
Mrs. Mary E. McCarver, who was re
cently crippled by accidentally slipping
and falling on a sidewalk in Portland,
has recovered and returned to her nome
W. D. Hankins, a former well known
school teacher of Clackamas county,
is home on a visit from Eastern Oregon,
where he is engaged in a successful stock
Ernest Rands, who had an extensive
surveying contract in Idaho, returned
home Friday. During his absence he
was elected county surveyor by an over
whelming majority.
The regular meeting of Meade Corps
Volunteer Auxiliary will be held on
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the
Armory. All members are requested to
be present, important business.
Ten cayote scalps were brought in
from, the Bandy Tuesday, and bounty
scalp warrants were issued amounting
to $20, apportioned as follows: J
O'Dell, 7; F. R. French, 1: Willie
Kuhohansen. 2.
At the ball given in Portland Thurs
day night by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc
Cracken to introduce their daughter,
M'hss, the Sunday Oregonian says that
Miss Pratt was sweetly attired in white
mousseline de sole.
John Confer and son, Frank, returned
early in the week from a visit to the Jo
sephine county mines. Mr. uonter . re
ports much activity in quartz, and
states that there are some very rich
properties being worked.
Henry Meldrum, special examiner of
surveys, returned Friday from a trip to
Idaho. Mr. Meldrum has been ousy
inspecting surveys in various sections
of the country for several months
and will probab.y take a rest during the
Dr. C. Goucherand E.J.Hammond
of Muhno, were visitors in the city
Monday. Mr. Hammond has com
pleted the cleaning up of the Pleasant
View cemetery in the Molalla district
and now it presents a much improved
Rev. Joseph Schwiertlich, of Olarkes
organized a German Methodist Episco
pal congregation at the M. E, church
edifice Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
1 he new organization starts out with
flattering prospects, and services will be
held every Sunday at 3 o'clock:, con
ducted by Rev. Schwiertlich.
Silver Plate That Wears
Other brands are claimed to be "just as good" but
like all imitations, they lack the value of the genuine.
Burmeister &' Andr se n
The Oregon City Jewelers
Have always on hand a full assortment of Knives, Forks
and Spoons of this make.
Rev. Butler will preach at Ely next
Sunday at 2:30 p. m.
L. A. Nobel smarted Tuesday on his
return trip to Alaska.
E. D. Hartman. of Scott's Mills, was
in the city Wednesday.
C. C. Borland, a well known resident
of Oswego, was in Oregon City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kocher, of Mark's
Prairie, were in Oregon City Wednes
Mrs. K. L. Newton returned Tuesday
from a weeks visit with relatives in
Portland. ,
Rev. F. C. Butler, of Clackamas, will
reach in the chapel at Parkplace next
unday at 4 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grace visited
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin at their
Maple Lane ranch Sunday.
Daniel Greenwalt. who is extensively
interested in mining in Idaho, is visit
ing his sister, Mrs. A. R Doolittle.
Mrs. M. S. Lewis and H. A. Kaylor,
Molalla, were married on November 8th,
at the residence of Rev. T. P. Haynes,
he being the officiating minister.
Mrs. S. Goldsmith, of Eugene, is vis
iting her daughters, the-Missess Gold
smith and Mrs. M. Bollack. bhe will
be joined by Mr. Goldsmith the latter
part of the week.
R. B. Walker, of this city, has in
vented, perfected and patented a plum
and prune pitter that is quite a success.
He has had the machine on exhibition
during the week.
W. F. Hubbard, superintendent of
the Clackamas hatchery, now has 5,000,
000 salmon eggs from the Little White
balinon river in Washington, a part ot
which are already hatched.
It is imperative that social items for
the Sunday Oregonian should be handed
to the reporter before Friday afternoon.
Names of guests at parties are not
wanted, but are desirable for the local
The following will be the subjects of
sermons at the Congregational church
next Sunduy. At 10:30 p. m., "The
Kingdom and Will of .God r at 7:30 p.
m., "The Greatness "of God." Young
Peonies meeting at 6:30 p. m. The
public is invited to all services.
Since the last issue of this paper the
the head officers of the Oregon Na
tional Guard have changed the name of
Oregon City's new military company
from Company D, Third Reg., to Sep
arate Company F, the name of the old
company. The new uniforms ordered
by Captain Metzner will be along in a
few days, having been delayed by
mistake in the order.
JacobS. Rhoades, aged 83, died at
the home of hiB daughter, Mrs. Marga
ret Batdorff, Sunday, November 13th
He was buried from the Methodist
Episcopal church Monday at 11 o'clock,
m Kev. Harold Uberg delivering
the sermon. The deceased came here
from Kansas about nine years ago, hut
was born in Massachusetts. Among his
other children are Kate Thomas, of
Minnesota; Eliza Defenbaugh, of Mon
tana, and Charles and George Rhoades,
of Kansas. Mr. Rhoades had been a
member of the MethodiBt Episcopal
church for 70 years, he having been a
I Mackintoshes and Overcoats
Men's Twilled
Cape Mackintoshes
Men's Cotton
Covert Cape Mackintoshes.
Men's Tricot Box Mackintoshes,
all-wool, guaranteed water
proot .. .
Mon's Brown Mi-Wool Covert
Box Mackintoshes, strapped
and cemented seams, velvet
oollara, other stores $10, our
..$ 2.50
Boys' Twilled
Cape Mackintoshes..
i Extra Choice Mackintoshes 15 to $35
Every Mackintosh In our stock has been
made especially for ns, and we guar
antee absolutely WATERPROOF every
Mackintosh we sell at over ft,
Honey cheerfully refunded if goods are
not satisfactory.
Boys' Fine Drill
Nsvy Blue Mackintoshes .....
Boys' Ul-Wool Covert Cloth Box
Mackintoshes, strapped and
cemented seams, velvet collara.
Mn's Extra-Heavy Covert-Cloth
Box Mackintoshes, strapped
and cemented seams, velvet
collars, buffalo-horn buttons
other stores' 15, our price
Lieht-Weight Covert Over- O Eft
coats, all wool v www
Men's A 11-Wool Kersey Overcoats, OCftt
m.hr Mams' sift: nnr nricft W.vV
Men's All-Wool .Kersey Overcoats, 1fl ff T
other stores' 113.85, our price VVF
Young Men's Heavy Covert Cloth A Aft
Overcoats - av.vv
An Aleorfltit linn nf the celebrated
Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s Tailor-OE AA T
made Overcoats, tlo to... ., M.W -f
Boys' Navy Blue Reefer Coats, ages O AA X
4 to 8 years fi.UU i
3.00 t
3.50 1
Heavier grade Boys' Navy Blue
Reefer Coats, Met 4 to 8 years. . .
Boys' Cape Coats,
Boys' Topcoats, Reefers, etc J
$2 to $10
The remains of Edward Boyes, who
was accidentally drowned by going over
the falls in a rowboat on Wednesday of
last week, was recovered by a diver from
Portland at Saturday noon. The fun
eral occurred at the residence of the de
ceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Boyles, at 2:30 p. m., 8nnday. The
services were conducted bv Rev. M. L.
Rugg, of the Baptist church, which
were largely attended. The pall
bearers were Ed L. Johnson, Ed Reck
ner, ErneBt Hickman, Carl Grider,
Frank and George Brown. The inter
ment services at the cemetery, too,
were well attended. Edward Boyles
the deceased, was 25 years old the 19th
day of last April.
It was about 7 o'clock last Sunday
morning, and but very few
early risers were on the streets. The
night revelers had gone home ; the night
policeman had remained later than
"usual to see that all was well, but he
had no sooner reached, his home on the
bluff, when an unusual bcene occurred.
Pete Nehren observed Harry Clark, ac
companied by two squaws, all very
much intoxicated emerge from a back
alley and go out on the railroad traok.
One" of the squaws was in almost a nude
condition, and the whole outfit looked
HiUnifliit.fid generally. Nehren arrested
Clark after a tustle. and held him until
Chief Burns came up. A bottle of
whisky and an article of woman's un
derwear were found in the prisoner's
nocket. On Monday he was fined 10 in
communicant since he was 13 years old. Judge Curry's court.
A new line of Walker's sailor caps and
veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith.
For Rkst A house, barn and eiehfc
lots in Parkplace for $4 per month . In
quire at John Everhart's merchandise
store at Ely, Oregon.
A few more sacks of potatoes will be
taken on subscription at the Courier-
Herald oltice. All kinds of produce
taken on accounts and highest market
price allowed.
An illustrated health talk will ba
given to ladies in Shively's hall Friday,
Nov. 18th, at 2:30 p. m., by MrB. Lucy
Hitchcock, ot Portland, subject: "Are
inherited tendencies incurable ?"
On Tuesday evening 27 members and
ex-members of the Congregational
church choir gathered with Mrs. F. F.
White as captain, and surprised Mrs,
E. E. Oharman, one of the Oldest mem
bers'of the choir. The self-invited
guests carried dainty refreshments, and
the evening was spent very pleasantly
with games, refreshments, e'c. Those
present were Rev. and Mrs. T. W. But
ler, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Caufleld, Mr,
and Mrs. J. W. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Heinz,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Dye, Mr. and Mrs.
James Roake, Mrs. M. M. Charman,
Mrs. Lillian Shepard, Mrs. T. L. Char-
man; M laaes ivy Koake, Jean White,
May Mark, Echo Samson, Edith Wish,
art, May Wishart, Mertie Stevens j
Messrs. G. H. Bestow, Mr. Andrews
and Chester Roake.
The Housefurnishers
E. Sadie White sang "The Holy.
City" in a very charming manner at
the Presbyterian church last unday
evening, one excels in mis selection
and holds the undivided and interested
attention of her audience from begin
ning to end. This is a selection which
Miss Bloch, of Portland, often sings.
, Molalla Grange No. 40 celebrated its
25th anniversary last Saturday with
appropriate exercises, ana it proved an
eventful occasion in the history of
Clackamas county's most prosperous
grange oi tne ratrona of Husbandry
Only three of the charter members were
present, who aided in the first organi
zaiiou. iney are Mr. and Mrs.
Knotts and C. T. Howard.
J. Schwarts, the clothing dealer, who
was attached last week by San Fran
cisco parties, in order to give all his
creditors an equal show hied a petition
in tne united states conrt oi voluntary
bankruptcy. 11 is assets are about 15,000,
and his liabilities f'J.UOO. Miss Flor
ence Olsen, the referee in bankruptcy
for Clackamas county, will have charge
of the estate.
The following applicants for teachers'
certificates, successfully passed the ex
amination, held last week: First
grade Miss Sade II. Chase, Oregon
City. Second grade Miss Mattie Tel
leison, Logan J Miss Estelle IJ. Parker,
Needy. Third grade, Miss Emma
Wrigley, Logan J Knox Cooper, Carus ;
C. Smith, Lents; Georgo Fields, Sher
wood; Oscar McBiide, Middleton. The
following were recommended for state
certificates: Mrs. II. B. Kinearson,
Oregon City; Miss Aletha Phelps, New
Era, and N. V. Bowland, of Milwaukle.
Mrs. Ellen Walsh, of Milwaukie, has
just returned from a visit to San Fras
cieco, where she was called by the se
rious illness of her son, Frank, who was
among the first Oregon voluntas to
go. He first cnuglit the measles,
and while recovering caught cold which
caused Bright's disease and heart
trouble. He returned with her on a
30-day furlough and is getting along
finely. While in San Francisco Mrs.
Walsh visited the Presidio hospital
daily, and says the boys do not want for
anything and have the best of care.
Each ward in which 25 patients are con
fined, have four day and four night
Few Words to Prospective Buyers
Of Upholstered Furniture
' The first question dear lady you should ask after
entering a shop is, who made this couch or lounge, what is it
made of and can you guarantee the work?
Now, let us tell you, no dealer can do that unless the
work is done under his own eyes; lounges and couches are
made by contract in factories, and no manufacturer can
guarantee piece work Quite different with, us dear lady,
we will show you the lounge cover first, so you examine the
quality, then we will show you the springs, wool, hair,
or excelsior, as the case may be, and guarantee that either
material is used for a certain piece of furniture you may
Patronize Home Industry
Buy from a Responsible House like ours
And you are buying from th3 manufacturer
No middle man between you and us
Yc sell Bed Lounges, our own make
From $6.00 and upward
Protect your Eyes
and buy one of our fine table
lamps, it stands ftp-inches high,
has a large porcelain shade and
only 6o cents.