Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 18, 1898, Image 4

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A. W. CHENEY Publisher
K. II. GAB BERT, Local Editor
Eatoredin Oregon CitypostolHceas 2nd-class matter
If paid In advance, per year 1 fiO
Six month! 75
Three montha' trial 28
"The dale opposite your address on the
paper uonotes the time to wntcn you nave paid.
OREGON OITY, NOV. 18, 1898.
The returns indicate that the silver
forces have gained everywhere except in
Washington. t
Governor Lord has issued his thanks
giving proclamation. A formal affair.
Let the turkey be fat on November 24
Late press advices are to the effect
that the labor problem In Cuba is a
serious one. The native Cuban, it is
said, absolutely will not work.
New York gave McKinley 268,409
plurality over Bryan. This year it goes
republican by 17,500 when the head of
the ticket is the hero of Santiago, too.
Koseburg Review.
Oongkkss meets the first Tuesday in
December and the first care will be to
devise means to enlargo the regular
army so the volunteer troops doing ser
vice may be relieved .
Ths majority of the republicans at
the last session of congress in the lower
house, over he combined opposition
was 47. In the congress just elected
the vole will be very close .
The New York World is publishing
some hot fac simile letters implicating
Abner McKinley, brother of the presi
dent, in negotiating contracts for ships
with the war department. It is proven
that his "friends" cleared $75,000 on
one deal .
The public debt of the United States
is something appalling to anyone who
has some regard for the welfare of future
generations. The entire debt aggre
gates about (1,000,000,000, or nearly $75
for each voter. The interest on this
equals $3.89 per voter and must be paid
Annually, and the principle will have to
be paid sometime
Prosperity is it? You've got it now
ingreut big gobs. In 1898 the United
States bought from foreign countries
goods to the amount of $516,052,844
while in 1807 we ere well enough off
to import goods to the value of $704,
730,412. Is a falling off in our imports
to the extent ot $148,677,508 in one
year an indication of prosperity?
Tub death of Archbishop Gross is a
calamity to the Roman Catholic church
and the Christian world generally. He
was a man honored by all and his ac
tions in life were sufficient facts that
he practiced what he preaches. His
death will be mourned and regretted by
all, and especially by the people of Port
land, to whom he had endeared himself
by hit affectionate and kindly bearing
Nothing succeeds like success. The
success of the consolidation of the
Herald and Oourier has exceeded all ex
pectations on the part of the manage
ment. New subscribess are coming in
at the rate of half a dozen a day, some
of whom have been life subscribers of
the other paper published in Oregon
City, showing that the publication of a
good county paper is appreciated. Ad
vertising has been coming in so fast that
we have been compelled to raise the
rates for foreign advertising besides re
fusing a large amount. Now is the time
to get your neighbor to subscribe. We
will make it right with you. Only $1 60
a year or $1.85 for Courier-IIorald and
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World.
The following was crowded out of last
issue :
Sai-km, Nov. 8. W. S. U'Ren, of
Clackamas county, is the second mem
ber to decline full pay for attending- the
attempted legislative session of lol7 as
allowed by the recent special session.
The certificate of Speaker Davis, of the
temporary organisation of 1897, certify
ing that Mr. U'Ren was in attendance
40 days, traveled 88 miles and in entiiUl
to $133 20 therefor, reached the secre
tary of state's oll'tee today. On the back
of the cei titleato was written the follow
ing :
"Hon. H. R. Klnoaid, secretary of
state: l'lense diliv. r a warrant for $l'S
in full satisfaction of tho within certiti
;ito of attendance on the 19th regular
session of the Oregon legislative assem
bly. It calls for $133 20, being mileage
and per diem for 40 days. As a matter
of fact I was in attendance longer thm
that, but as I understand section 12,
article 4, of the constitution of Oregon.
members of tliH hoiitin nr. Iuu-i'ii!L, I
titled only to mileage and live days'
wages, because there was no organiza
tion. Therefore please draw my war
rant for $-S 20, in full payment of my
claim Should have presented my claim
sooner, but did not receive my certifi
cate until last night. Yours trulv,
W. 8. U'Ren."
In a letter to a friend, accompanying
h e certificate, Mr. U'Ren says:
"George (Ogle) and I may'possibly be
the only members who so understand
the constitution, but I guess that makes
no difference. I did want very much to
draw it all anddeposit the $105 with the
treasurer of the State Direct Legislation
League, but nnally concluded that if it
was not mine to use it could not be
mine to give away."
The secretary of slate will issue a war
rant in favor of Mr. U'Ren for $28 20,
as directed.
The other member who declined to
accept pay for attendance at the at
tempted session of. 1897 is George Ogle,
also ot UlacKamas county. Ogle and
U'Ren refused $105 each voted them by
the special session in payment for their
services as members.
The money not being taken out of the
treasury, it will go to no special fund,
but will be treated as a surplus.
Concerning Local
Affairs Noticed by
Courier Reporter.
Howls are coming loud and deep from
Manilla, that a private in the volunteer
ranks, is considered of very little ac
count by the. officers. There may be
two sides lo the questiou.
The city council are having a great
time in the matter of the location of
electric lights. If the light now at the
head of Seventh street should not light
up the old stairway, some people say
there will be such a roar as was never
heard in Oregon City.
Main street is getting in a verv dirtv
and filthy condition. In many places
one has to wade through mud half a
shoe top deep to got across the street.
Unless this is remedied, it will soon be
difficult to tell whether Main street is
covered with a brick or mud pavement.
The grand jury at this term of the
circuit court have followed the instruc
tions of Judge McBride.and thrown out
many trivial cases brought before them.
By this policy they have saved the
county many hundreds of dollars,' and
the cause of justice has not suffered.
In his charge to the jury the Judge
stated that he had learned while prose
cuting attorney, that one the most pro
line causes oi expense in the court room
usually came from the work of the
grand jury.
It is now likely that the Oregon Oity
volunters will return home before
many days. Adjutant-General Oorbin
says that the policy will be to muster
them out and replace them with regu
lars. This, however, cannot be done
until after congress meets next month.
There will be a great time in the old
town of Oregon City when the boys
come marching home. Henry Reed,
until very recently comment editor on
the Oregonian, said there wculd be a
wet time when the soldier boys re
turned to Portland. This will not ex
actly be the case In Oiegon City, but
the boys will be given a roval welcome.
They never smelled the blood or smoke
of battle, but it was not their fault.
Although the boys have been gone sev
eral months, they are still missed from
business, social and fraternal circles,
and their presence again would tend to
enliven matters in the city. Adjutant
Oorbin, also recommends that the vol
unteers be re-instated in their old
places in the National Guard, which
would give Oregon City two military
companies one in the second regiment
and the other in the third.
Henry Cook is home from his survey
ing trip to Eastern Oregon.
A very interesting letter was received
from A. A. J. Brady at Manila, which
was crowded out of this issue. It will
appear next week.
The Clackamas county Endeavor Un
ion will hold its annual convention at
the Congregational church in this city
on Nov. 30th and December 1st.
County Clerk Dixon has issued mar
riage licenses to Oora Athey and Wil
liam B. Borland Nov. 11th. Mary E.
Jennings and Nicholas Birtchett on the
14th, Jennie Margaret Chambers and
John Miller on the 15th.
The marriage of Kathryn Latonrette
Warde to Charles Wesiey Pope, which
took place at the home of the bride's
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Latourette, on Wednesday evening was
an elaborate affair. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. T W. Butler in the
presence of about 60 invited guests.
The bridesmaids were Miss Ella Bailev
and Miss Scott, of Portland. The best
man was Dr. Will Parker, and the ush
ers. Charles U. Wilson and Will Lewth
waite. Miss Ina Chase was maid of
honor. The decorations were georgeous
and tastily arranged throughout, and a
splendid wedding supper was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Pope left immediately af
ter the ceremony for a short trip to the
Sound, and upon their return will re
side here. The bride is prominent in
musical circles, and the groom is a
member of the hardware firm of Pope
& Co.
An EjplanatioX
Editor Coi'RiKR-IfERAi.n: I dair tr
inform Judge Ryan that the copy of
Hill's code is my own, having pur
chased it before I became county com
missioner. If this is not satisfactory,
lean furnish proof when W. A. Hunt
ley returns from Manilla.
Frank Jagoar.
Canl of Thanks.
We desire to return our heartfelt
thanks to the many dear friends who so
kindly assisted and sympathized with
us in our sad atlliction, and may God
bless and keep you all from ever having
to go through the same sorrow, is our
prayer. M. F. Boyi.ks and Family.
1'. M. V. A. Notes.
One hundred people went to Portland
with tiu' basket ball tivim hriday to see
the game with the J'ortlann Dewevs
'Ihe scre stood 17 to 0 in favor of the
The . M. 0. A. week of praver has
been observed with many interesting
services. These will continue the re
mainder of the week, to which all are
Rev. Martin, of the Methodist church,
will address the men's meeting next
Sunday afternoon.
Thobest talent of the Portland Y.
M. C. A. will give an exhibition for tbo
benefit of the local association Friday
evening Nov. 25th.
Letters From Capt. Pickens, W. A.
A. McCord.
Manila, Philippines, Oct. 3, 1898.
Mrs. M. Jennie Sullivan. Treasurer
Meade Corps Volunteer Auxiliary,
Oregon Oitv, Oregon.
Dear Madame: I have the honor to
acknowledge receipt of P. 6. money
order for the sum of forty dollars ($40).
Many tnanics lor same. We did not
need the money as I had on hand nearly
$270, and besides we have something
over $60 in savings from our rations. We
now get more food than we can eat so
we sell the surplus and make a fund of
it for future, use. This money or fund
which has been forwarded us by kind
menus is tne cause ot considerable an
noyance to me. Some of the men think
I ought to dish it up to them and let
them spend it having a good time. I
have my own notions as to now it Bhould
be handled "and therebv hangs a tale".
Those kind of men think they are not
gcMiug wuat is tneir snare. xei an
the fresh bread, fresh beef and vegetables
they ate all the while we were in San
Francisco was bought out of that
money. On the "Sidney,' coming here,
I had to pay over $30 for meals for the
sick. In the comoanv I have organized
a hospital corps. The members are
sergeant fctUluiacher, Privates Norns,
Gerrard and Pointdexter. This is for
the men who are not ill enough to go to
the hospital but who need particultr at
tention as to food, etc. We have a
large chest (with a lock) and in It we
keep the good things, such as beef tea
in cans, soup, rice, crackers, eggs, any
thing in fact that we can find that is
good for sick men. One of the four men
goes on duty as nurse each day as there
is never a day with no sick.. So you can
see there is a little stream of good
things going into the chest and out again
all the time. If I should let this money,
which has been intrusted iO me, be
wasted, we would soon be without these
necessaries, and the Lord only knows
when we will get out of this sun baked,
fever-burnod blot which mars our fair
By the way, speaking of Rea Norris,
as one of the nurses, I want to partic
ularly mention his name. He has the
largest heart of any one I kniw, always
looking out to do something for a sick
comrade, and he does it like a profes
sional. Besides he is a thorough soldier,
doing his duty, and when things come
rough he takes his medicine like the
true soldier he is. Pointdexter also de
serves mention for care and kindness to
the sick With two or three exceptions,
I am proud of all my boys. There are
many who will receive mention later.
Kindly tell all who wish to, that they
can, with perfect safety, send money to
their friends by P. O. order, and if any
one wishes to send money to their rel
atives they can do so direct in their
name just as safely as if they were in
San Francisco.
It is very unhealthy here and we have
twelve to twenty sick in the company
nearly all the time. Six are now in the
division hospital, mostly Albany, Ore
gon, men. All. hownver. are o-ottino-
well fast and no one is dangerously ill
I think I have given you all the infor
mation possible as per your request.
We are all delighted to know that so
many at home think of us All the boys
unite in saying that there is no place
like Oregon and no peoole like Oregon
I also want to mention the fact that
the story published in the New York
Sun derogatory to this regiment is a base
fabrication, without one word of truth,
and is a little piece of spitework on the
part of a Mr. Davis, the Sun correspond
ent. His talk about the discipline in
the navy and among the regulars is
simply "rot", (excuse the word). I
think our regiment very favorably com
pares with any in the Eight Army
Again thanking you all for your kind
ness, I remain, very respectfully and
sincertly yours, L. L. Pickens,
Capt. Co. I., 2nd Oregon U. 8. Vol'ts.
Headquarters Second Regiment Oregon
U.S. V.,Ouartel de Espana, Manila,
P. I., September 29, 1898. Special
Order No. 158 .
Commanding officers of companies A,
B, C. D, E. F, G. H, I, K, L. and M
Second Regiment, Oregon U. 8. Volun
teers, will present to the commanding
officer for inspection on the 1st day of
October, an account of all company
funds, specifically setting forth all
moneys received and disbursed siuce
date of muster. By order of
E. P. Crowns,
1st Lieut. & Adj.,
2nd Reg. O. U. S. V.
Treasurer's report, Meade Corps,
Volunteer Auxiliary. Christmas benefit
ball for Co. I., 2d Regiment O., U. 8 V.
Receipts from all sources $101 00
Music $ 20 00
Cleaning hall 2 75
Material for decorating 2 05
Printing 2 25,
Miscellaneous (ribbon, pencils
and wax 2 62
Christmas box sent to Manila, P. I.
6 doz. pair socks $ 8 62
6 do, boxes writing paper 6 00
6 do, handkerchiefs 6 30
64 dot. safety pins 2 30
6 doz. cans poaches 9 00
B aoz. chow chow 18 50
0 doz. cakes toilet soap 3 24
6 doz. cans sardines 6 60
Freight on Christmas boxes to
San Francisco 3 50
Balance on hand.
.$ 91 73
t 9 27
100 pounds prunes donated by F. And
rews, of Oregon City, 'Or.
50 pounds prunes donated by Mr.
Batty, oi Canby, Or.
Mhs. M. Sullivan, Treasurer.
Death of E. M. Foster,
Woid has been received from Manila
of the death of Ernest M. Foster, of the
Fourteenth Infantry, 'fhe following
letter written by W. A. McCord to his
wife in this city, from Manila under
date of OetoW 11th, gives full particu
lars :
My Pear Wife: Today it becomes my
most saddest duty to communicate to
you the saddest news, and it is with the
most heartfelt reluctance that Idoit.
Vet it is a duty that must be performed,
and my dearest wife, you have a pain
ful part to perform in this dutv . You
will please do it in the verv easiest pos
sible manner. An ailwfse God has
deemed it best td remove one from our
Your friends may smile
But that tired feeling1
Means danger. It
Indicates impoVerished
. And impure blood.
This condition may
Lead to serious illness.
It should be promptly
Overcome by taking
. ... . Hood's Sarsaparilla,
.Which purifies and
Enriches the blood,
Strengthens the nerves,
Tones the stomach,
Creates an appetite,
And builds up,
Energizes and vitalizes
The whole system.
Be sure to get
Only Hood's.
midst, that to me was very dear, but to
that little wife was more dear.
Poor Ernest Foster died last night at
8:38 p.m. (October 10th). He was in
the hospital only five days, afflicted
with cerebril malaria fever. Upon my
own application I was allowed to go
to him, and had one other man from
the company to assist me (Mr. Appel) .
The company commander furnished us
with an unlimited supply of money to
purchase every necessity. Every care
and attention was given him that wrs
possible. I was by his side continually
to the last. He died very easy, but was
unconscious nearly all the time, and his
last words were, "I want a drink",
which I gave him. He was buried
this morning at 9:30 a. m. with all
military honors. You will communi
cate this to poor Clara and comfort her
the beet you can. The mail leaves in
half an hour so I must close with love
to my dearest wife and the company
i'oins their sympathy with mine to Mrs.
tester. I will write particulars next
mail. W . A. McCord.
A note was also received addressed to
Sergeant Biddle, from the attending
surgeon, thanking him for sending such
faithful men to care for Private E. M.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. H. Miller and
their daughter, Mrs. Clara Foster, de
sire to express their gratefulness to
those who so kindly looked after the de
ceased in his last illness, and say :
There is humanity among the regulars.
few cheap
reliable watches at
Younger' s
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr & Al uir.
. Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
"' Hand knite skirts, beautiful colors,
from $1.00 to $2.00.
' i , At the Racket Store.
i The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr A Muir.
Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat
ting. Oall at once and get choice of
patterns. Oregon Oity Auction House.
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. O.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
teed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
XXX Castor Machine oil cheaper than
any other place at A. Robertson's, the
Seventh street giocer.
For Sai.i Two yoke of well-broke
oxen. Also one heavy log wagon. In
quire of Herman Bros., Molalla, Oregon
The Oregon City Auction House has
just received the agency for the finest
range made which will be sold at yery
low prices.
Fob Sale A thoroughbred shorthorn
bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowty.
Currinsville, Oregon.
Underwear, ladies', gentlemen's and
childien's, all prices.
At the Racket Store.
Nottingham lace curtains, balance of
lot just received. Will close out at the
same old price. Oregon City Auction
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. O.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm,
Bohlander, proprietor.
Wanted A child under 10 yeary of
age to care lor. Apply at this oitice,
Younger, who has had a life-long ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
The greatest trimmed hat proposition
ever offered here or anywhere at Miss
For the next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and untriinmed hats at a
gieat reduction. Miss Goldsmith
The cheapest and best nlace in town
to get your bats trimmed is at Shively's,
on me mil.
Just arrived a consignment of centi
me old government Java vottee (green 1
in original mats. Regularly worth 35
cents per lb. uur price 25 cents.
A. Robertson,
Seventh street Grocer.
Prescription Druggist
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate.of Oregon, (or
Un County of Multnomah.
Esberg-Gunst Clear Company 1
vb t
Defendant, J
Silvey Stuart,
State of Oregon, County of Clackama, as.
tlon and ordir of Ba e. duly msiied out ol
and underthe seal ot the above entltred Court, in
the above entitled cause, to me duly direoted and
dated the 7th day of Oelober, 1898, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the
5th day ot October, 1898, In favor of Esberg
Gunst Cigar Company, Plaintiff, and against
Silvey Stuart, Defendant, for the sum of 1142.76,
and liie further Bum ot SIB .36, costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me U make sale of the real property
hereinafter described to satisfy the sum of $132.76
with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per
annum from Ootober 5th, 18U8, ana the futher
sum of iltUli, costs then due upon said judgineut,
and the oosts of and upon said writ.
Now, therefore, by vlrtul of said execution,
and order of sale, and in compliance
with the ootnmands of said writ, being uuable to
find anv personal property of said defendant's, I
did on the 10th day of October, 1898, duly levy up
on the following described real property of said
defendant, situate and being in the County of
Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wit: Alio!
lot three (3) in section four (4), township two (2)
south, range two (2) east Willamette Meridian, be
ing In the Clackamas county, Oregon, containing
thirty-three and 43100 (33 43) acres, and I will ou
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of
the County Court House In the city of Oregon
City, in said County and Stale, sell at public
auction, subject lo redemption, lo the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendant had on the date of said judgment or
since had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereol lo satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October 10, 1898
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Margurite Montgomery,
Robert A. Montgomery,
To Robert A. Montgomery, the above named de
You are I ereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 30th day of
Deoemher, 1898, that being the time set by the
court In which you are required to apDear and
answer said complaint aud if you fall so to
appear and answer the plaintiff will applv to the
lourt ior me renet prayea ror. (o-wit: f or me
dissolution the bonds of matrimony lbetweeu
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by order of Hon
Thomas F. Byan, judge of the eounty of Clacka
mas. , ,
Dal. this 9nd day of November, 1898.
I i Attorney (or PWntlff,
, Forilaud, Oregon.
1898, appointed by Ihe honorable eounty court oi
Clackamas county, Oregon, executor of the
estate of Ellia Hartt, deceased (commonly known
as Mrs. Watta. All nersons havinc claims aeainst
said estate are hereby untitled to present the
same to me, properly verified, at Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from date of this no
tice, October 13, 1898. a. E. HAKOBEAVES,
Executor ot Estate of Eliza Hartt, Deceased
Get Our Prices,
5th and Main Sts
We guarantee that all nlumblno- done bnv 111
will prove sHlisiactioh. you will find It a Dleasnra
to pay our bill.
Oregon City Mineral "ana Soda Co
All kinds of Flavored Soda Waters, Lem
on, Ginger, Sasaparilla, Cream, Vanilla,
kooi fieer, uircn tseer, isasapnnlla iron.
All kinds of Mineral Water and
Flavored Syrups
New Furniture
I have just received a fine lot of new
lurniture, which 1 am ottering at surpris
iniflv low figures. I jtot. it at a bargain
that's how I can sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets,
bedding, furniture in fact any and ev
erything you want for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
"V ou have to sell and pay you the high
est price. Call and see me.
Mais Strkkt
Oregon City
your Drugs at the Lead-
Drug Store in Oregon City
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Olackamas,
Hiram Straight,
i Plaintiff,
Trunk F. Tatro and Laura L. Tatro.
Defendants. I
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, bs.
lion and order of sale, duly issued out of and
under Hie soal of the above entitled Court, in
the above entitled cause, lo me duly directed and
dated Ihe 9th day of November, 18l8, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court ou
the 8th day of November, 1898, in favor of
Hiram Straight, plaintiff, and agaiiiBt Frank F,
Tatro and Laura L. Tatro, defendants, for the
sum of S1U3,1!5, with interests thereon at the legal
rate per annum from the 8th day of November,
188, and the further sum of S10.00, costs and dis.
bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me out of the personal property ot
said defendants, and if sufficient oould not be
found, theu out of the real properly belonging
to said defendants on and after the date of saiil
judgment lo satisfy Bald sum of 8113.25, and also
the costs upon this Bald writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and in compliance with the
cocmauds of said writ, being uuable to find any
personal property of said defendants, I did on
the 9th day of November, 1898, duly levy upon
all the delendanth' Interest In and to the
following described real property situate and be-.
ing in the County of Clackamas, and State of
Oregon, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12, block "C" of
Clackamas Heights, as per the reoorded plat of
Clackamas Heights in., the Recorder's Office of
Claokamas County, State of Oregon, (in Book 2,
Page 12) , and 1 will, on
1898, at the hour of one o'clock P. M,, at the front
door of the County Court House in the oity of
Oregon City. In said county and state. Bell at nuh.
llo auction, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, alt the
right, title and Interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
said judgment, or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, judgment order, deoree,
Interest, costs and all accruing costs. v
1. 1. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1898.
der of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court nf
the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas, dated Nov. 12, 1898, upon a judgment and
decree i f foreclosure duly rendered and made in
saidoourton the 8th day of November, 1898, in
the case of the Pactfio states Savings, Loan and
Building Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs.
Emma Millard and J. R. Millard, defendants
in favor of the plaintiff and against said defend
ants, I will, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on the
mhdayof Deoember, 1898, at the front door of
Die court house, in Oregou City, in said county
and state, expose for sale and Bell at public
auotlon to the highest bidder for U. 8. gold coin,
cash in hand, subject to redemption, the real
property In said deoree ol foreclosure described,
being situated in Clackamas county.
Stale ot Oregon, to-wit: Those portions
of lota seventeen tlT), eighteen (18), nine-'
teen (19), and twenty (20), in block numbered one
hundred and thirty-eight (138) ol the "Extension
1 of the Oregon Iron and Steel Company's First
Addition to Oswego," commencing at the north
east oomer of said lot seventeen (17) and running
thence southerly along the. west line of the alley
In said block to the south-east corner of said lot
twenty (20), Ihence westerly along the south line
of said lot twenty (20), a distance of foriy-eUiht
(48) feet, thence northerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary line of said lots to the north
line of said lot seventeen (17), thence easterly
along said north line of said lot (17) forty-eight
(48) teet to the place of beginning, as the said
lots are shown and designuted on the plat of the
axisusion 01 me viregon iron and Steel com
pany's First Addition lo Oswego," tiled January
8, 1892, and recorded in Book "4" of Plats at
pages 11 and 12, in the othco of the County Re
corder of Conveyances of said Clackamas Coun
ty, to satisfy the sum of 1206.26, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum
from November 8, 1898, and the sum of 135.00 as
attorney's fees, all In United States gold coin,
and the costs and disbursements of said suit
taxed at 122.75 and the costs of and upon said
writ. J.J.COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas Couuty, Oregon .
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, November 14, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Bessie Lavln,
Micniei Lavln,
ToMlchlel Lavln, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer Ihe complaint Hied against you In the
aoove enuuea suii on or before the 30th day of
December, 1898, that being the time Bel by the
eoutt in which jou are required to appear
and answer said complaint, and if you
fail to lo appear and answer the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for,
to-wit: For the dissolution of the bonds
0,n,?a,rlmun!r betwen plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Byan, jude of the eounty of Clack
amas. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1898.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oregon
.7 l. ,aptz. uPa hls Petition duly filed in
the District Court of the United States, for the
district of Oregon, has been adjudicated a bank
rupt. A meeting of his creditors, to prove their
debts, to appoint a trustee or trustees of his
estate and to take such further aotlon as may
lawfully be taken at the first meeting of his
creditors, will 1m held before me, at the County
tpurt room in County Court House, Oregon Cltv,
Clackamas County, Oregon, at 1 o'clock P. M., on
Monday, November 28, 18.
Beferee in Bankruptcy for the District of Clack
amas county, State o Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas. s"i w
Sarah E. Lynch, 1
vs. I
Thomas W. Lynch, 1
Defendant, j
To Thomas W. Lynch, Defendant.
the comnlH to aPI)ear and answer
Vs'n ?U,r bf,fore, lle SOln dy ' December,
. ,e "'M"1"! to appearand answer said
com plniiit, snd f you fil ,u to .ppear and answer
praed for, to wit; tot the dissolution ol the
dXnlm. U'a,rin'ny towee" PWwiff !S
This summons Is nuhlishwl hv nrfrn...
Thomns . Kyn. Judge ol the ebtuty 0f Clact
Daled tins 2nd day of November 1 !W '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Porllaud, Oirgon.
called warrant m the date of this notice
Jacob shade,
Treasurer of Clackamas, Or
Oregxn City, November 3rd, im