I ' s " The Bent Time. No autumn or winter ia so good btn Bay be bad for rheumatism. The worst time lor it is the best time to buy and use St. Jaoobs Oil to ours it, because it cures promptly. Pocket niters attached to the end of 18 or 20 inches of rubber tubing are re sent valuable additions to the tourist's outfit. The biker addicted to the "century" habit or the camper is now protected against insects when drinking from a mountain spring or wayside brook. No danger of imbibing snakes except in the time-honored", road house way. Pure Blood Good Digestion These are the essentials of health. Hood's Barsaparilla Is the great blood purifier and Btomach tonic. It promptly expels the Impurities which cause pimples, sores and eruptions and by giving healthy action to the stomach and digestive organs it keeps the system in perfect order. , Hood's SarsaparilTa Is Amerloa's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for5. Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell,Maa. Hood's Pills onre Sick Headache. 25o. f IN THE ANIMAL WORLD. I The organs of smell in a vulture, and a carrion crow are so keen that they can scent their food for adistanoe of 40 miles. The wings of birds are not only to aid locomotion in the air, but also on the ground and water. One bird even has claws in the "elbows" of its wings to aid in climbing. The elephant does not smell with his trunk. His olfactory ngrves are con tained in a single nostril, which is in the roof of the mouth, near the front. Humming birds are domesticated by placing in their cages a number of . paper flowers of tubular form, contain ing a small quantity of sugar and water, which must be frequently renewed. Of this liquid the birds partake and quiok- . ly beoome apparently contented with their oaptivity. " Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. A fossil bog oak, weighing 40 tons, whioh geologists assert to be 10,000 years old, has been dug up at Stock port, England, in exoavating to lay a ewer. The corporation of ' the town wants to blow it up with dynamite, in Bpne oi protests Irom soientino men thronghont England. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It Is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne- A woman of Belfast, Me., pawned her best bonnet in order to obtain money to pay the license tax on her pet dog. An Afrioan fat, used for domestic purposes, is the soil of a species of beetid. It resembles hardened cocoa nut oil. TUMOR EXPELLED. Unqualified Success of Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Elizabeth Whkexock. Magoo 11a, Iowa, in the following letter de scribes ber recovery from a very criti- en.1 condition: ' ninn Mdb Prvrniu' T lian Vui.- taking your Vegetable Compound, and am now reaay to sound its praises It has done won ders for me In relieving me of a tumor. Mv health has been poor for three vears. Change of life was working upon me , I was very r much bloated 1 and was a bur May a nrulf Wm troubled with smothering spells, also palpitation of the heart ana mat Deanng-aowu inov ni1 cnnlA not be on mv feet much. " I was growing worse all the time, until I took your medicine. ' Afte faWinor three boxes of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed from me. "My health has been better ever since, can now waitt quite a aisianco and am troubled no more who paipua nr. tVio honrt nr hln&tin.ir. 1 rCC .ommend your medicine to all sufferers Irom female troubles." It la h&rdlv reasonable to suppose that any one can doubt the efficiency Of Mrs. Finkham"s meinoas ana meui cine in the face of the tremendous vol time of testimony. VETERANS If von made a home stead entry prior to June 22,1874, for lees than 160 Korea, von are entitled to an additional entry which la assignable and worth something Widows and minor ornhan of deceased sol dlera hare same right. I will buy it. Do not waits postage unless you made an original' entry as stated above. JKKK COLLINS, Helena, Montana. Buy Direct FROM THE WOOLEN MILLS Ana lavB miuuiciuiu n ,.,.-. ....... or-made sulis,$3.95 to 111. Fit guaranteed. Cata logue, samples, self-measurement blanks, etc., mailed free. Address J. LANDMAN, McKay a U4i.M.nt a fa,'a Ane tall. building, Portland, Or. Mention wis paper BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. Send for Catalogue. urn i riunir nr. sao Market st. HILL st nnUlt UU. Sn InsneLe,., !U.& WniH, til ELSE rwL&. All U Cough Syrup. TeeweGood. TJi In time. Fold by druggists. I.M-M.TI:.TV 1 A ,T Sf Good Guernsey Cow. The cut shows the Guernsey cow, Miss Bobolink, 2157, A. G. C. C, bred and owned . by Mr. N. I. Bowditch, South Framlngham, Mass. Prom Oc tober 1, 1896, to October 1, 1897, she gave 12,437 pounds of milk, average test 4.8 per cent, butter fat. This equals 59G.98 pounds butter fat, or 690.46 pounds butter for one year. Compar ing this performance with that of other animals of the same breed. It is seen that Miss Bobolink has made the sec ond best milk and butter record of any Guernsey, and has nearly equalled the best record. The best records now stand: Cow. jt 4t o, as a- Lily Alexandre' (1059) 12.856 T.2 5.47 Bretonne (3660) ..11.218 602.01 907 Miss Bobolink (2157) 12.437 i.3 506.98 696.46 Fantlue Second (3790) 9,748 5.84 516.60 602.60 Only one test. " In addition to the above performance; Miss Bobolink was milked three months longer, and gave from October 1, 1S07, to January 1, 180&-2.480.5 pounds milk, which tested 5.3 per cent, butter fat, or 153.37 pounds butter, making the total record for the fifteen months: 14,917.5 pounds mllk-849.83 pounds butter. -The picture from which the cut was made was taken January 23, 1898, or after fifteen monhs' work, yet on that day she gave twenty-one pounds milk. Growing Corn After Corn, In all Eastern corn growing the usual rotation never allows two corn crops to succeed each other without several years intervening. The corn Is always planted on clover or grass sod, and after It some small grain fellows for one or perhaps two years when the field Is again seeded, and after two or more years the corn comes in the rota tion again. So If corn smut appears In one crop It has no chance to propagate except what la blown Into adjoining fields, or Is carried to the barn and so disseminated through the manure pile. In the West the growing of corn after corn on the same land was continued so long that the fields were filled with smut and the land had to be seeded down bo as to allow the smut (pores to die out Growing corn ater corn also developed the burrowing worm, which is hatched In the tips of ears while ten o'er, and eats Its way Into the corn while In Its succulent stage. This worm has Bometlmes appeared In Eastern States where a great deal of corn is grown. It Is probably true that no crop can be ex. cluslvely grown in any section without sometime finding an insect enemy or some fungous disease to destroy It So though two cyops of corn will not ex haust the soil more than would a crop of small grain after the corn, and In most cases not so mncb, it is not best to put them together. The corn stubble is necessarily left naked during the fol lowing winter, and is therefore subject ed to more freezing and thawing and more washing away on the soil than If the land were seeded quickly after it- American Cultivator. A Twin Cucumber. -Mr. Alex. Weir, Kavonsworth P. O. Muskoka, Ont, writes to the Montreal Herald and Star, as follows: I have A. TWIIf CUCUMBER. taken the liberty of forwarding you twin cucumber which I raised this year, and It Is the first I have uiet with In all my growing as a gardener. Prod net a of Wild Land. Aside from Its crop of.trees with which uncultivated land Is mostly cor ered, it also produces nuts, berries and other fruits which are always in their season to be found In city markets. The whortleberry and Its near relative, the huckleberry, are always grown wild, as they need just the dampness and shade that they find In forests and low, wild land. But the wild blackberries and raspberries still constitute a considera ble portion of the fruit sold In city mar kets. In most cases this self-grown fruit Is regarded as the property of whoever wishes to gather It The huckleberry patches are, however, often reserved by owners of the land, and those, wishing. the fruit must pay for It or, as is usually done, dividing it after It Is picked. The Great American Hog. An organization of German meat Im porters favorable to the American hog shows that In fifteen years there were 8,003 cases of illness from trichinae and 20 deaths. Of these, 1,242 cases and MISS BOBOLINK. 102 deaths were from the , eating bt European pork examined In Germany. There was not one case against the American product, and a reward of $238 has been offered for a single In stance of trlchlnaed American pork. Butchers and Packers' Magazine. . Geeae Mnat Graze. The goose Is as much a grazing ani mate as a sheep or a cow. Green stuff being Its natural diet, the transition in winter to grain exclusively Is more violent than In the case of hens, which, In a state of nature, do not feed prin cipally upon herbs, but upon insects, seeds and a little of everything. Of course, geese will not starve In winter and early spring, even If allowed noth ing but grain, but the greediness with which they will devour snch fresh food apple parings, cabbage, potatoes, etc., for shows the urgency of their need it. In cider-making time a few bushels of seedling apples, that will keep well, should be laid by In the cel lar for the geese. It Is worth all the trouble just to see the evident enjoy ment with which they eat them, to say nothing of the promotion of their thrift. Let the young goslings out on some fine grass plot and see them pick. At night they will come np with their crop and neck full up to their mouth.' Give them grass. Farmer's Voice. Begln Eight with Turkeys. They are as easy to raise as chickens if one has the right stock. But most people pick out all the largest birds to market at Thanksgiving and Christmas and keep the small ones, with the im pression, I supposethat they will grow If given time. This is a great mistake, as In a flock you will always find a few better developed, bigger-boned birds, and these invariably have the constitu tion we need for breeding purposes. To make a success select the best hens In the flock; good deep, blocky birds, with big bone and short legs, and dispose of the long-legged, loose-built ones. I find the Bronze the hardiest but a cross with the wild would perhaps still further improve them. The biggest drawback with the wild cross Is, they are hard to keep near the home and are easily frightened. Having selected your breeding stock, which Is best to do In the fall, winter them and let them run out all the time. Alex. Johnston. Lost Chicken House. Here Is the plan of chicken coop built of logs. First lay the sill logs and toe nail on the corners, making the logs by 4 by 8 feet and 2 by 0 by 8 feet. Spike these two together and brace RTJBBTASTIAL POULTRY HOUSE. from the Inside so they will be perfect ly plumb. Now start putting up the logs, one side at a time, or build all sides evenly as you go. Drive a spike Into your 2 by 4 and 2 by 0 In sills and into your logs as fast as you go, so as to hold them in place. You can put round log in the corner 6 Inches In di ameter and 8 feet long. After the house has been built spike the 2 by onto this and also the plate logs. Peel the logs. A. L. Lord, American Agri culturist. ' Harveatinic Apples. The harvesting of apples Is one of the most important duties connected with the crop, xne time nns gone oy wnen apples could be shaken from the trees or picked up from the ground as wind falls. The best success in keeping them over winter is when not a single apple In a barrel is bruised or Injured in any manner. Just as soon as the skin Is broken the apple begins to de cay, and for that reason they must be carefully picked by hand and handled in a manner to prevent the slightest In jury as the decay of one apple will soon affect all. Apples that are not perfect ly sound when harvested should not go Into barrels, but be mnde Into cider. Farm Talk. The United States is about the only country which has no established har vest customs. In some 'parts harvest celebrations are held, but we have no traditions such as they have abroad. Much has been said of late In regard to the wholesomeness of apples, and Tarls specialist says that women who want to have clear complexions ought to eat three or four apples a day. They act on the liver. Clay makes a better stable floor than planks, for It contains a little dampness which conduces to good feed, and the horse finds Irregularities In Its sur face, and by placing the heels on the higher surface the tendons are relaxed, giving them needed rest, while In plank floors the slant Is backward, making the animal stand with the tendons al ways on a strain. Farm Journal. The editor of the Wool and "Cotton Reporter, Mr. Bennett, of Saugus, Mass., says that bis farm in Freedom, Me., which be purchased and stocked with sheep a few years ago. cut when he began about forty-five tons of hay of an Inferior quality. This year it has cut nearly 200 tons of the highest qual ity. People laughed at him when he began, but now he Is doing most of the laughing. Experiments In feeding and In com puting the value of eggs show that If no estimate Is made for labor one dozen eggs can be produced at a cost of about 6 cents for food, or about hi cent per egg. If all of the food allowed to hens was converted into eggs the profit on a dozen eggs would be large, even when prices are very low, but much depends on whether the hens convert the food Into eggs, flesh cr support of the bodies. R Vigorous Battle. ' From tfu Sew Era, Oremaburg, Ind. The following is a straightforward statement of facts by a veteran of the late war. No comrade Will need fur ther proof than their friend's own words, as here given. Squire John Castor, of Newpoint, Ind., is the narrator, and an honest, respected oitizen he is, too. He said: 'I have been troubled with rheumatism in all my joints, ever since I went to the war. It was brought on by my ex posure there. It came on me gradu ally, and kept getting worse until I was unable to do any work. I tried Beveral physicians, bnt they did me no good. They said my trouble was rheu matism resulting in disease of the heart, and that there was no cure for it. Nevertheless 1 had lived and fought the disease for thirty years, . and did not intend to die, simply because they said I must, so 1 hunted up some reru- J Want to Swear to That. edies for myself, and finally happened on Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I asked some of my neighbors about the medicine, for it had been used by several persons in the com munity, and they recommended it very highly. I procured a box. The pills helped me right away, and I continued taking them. I commenced taking them last fall, and finished taking the sixth box a few months ago. I am not bothered with the rheumatism now the medioine has cured me. I oan most oertainly recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People." These pills are not only good for rheumatism, but are valuable for any disease that arises from impoverished or bad blood. They do not aot on the bowels. 1 . - Mrs. Thackara. General Sherman's daughter, who resides in Havre, Franoe, her husband having been made the American consul at that port, writes that she has been elected a member of the board of managers of the Havre So ciety for the Protection of Animals. The members of the board are chiefly men, there being only two women be sides Mrs. Thackara. s Mangosteen from , the Moluccas are now sold in the London markets. They are said to taste like a combination of strawberry, nectarine and pineapple When conilnir to San Francisco go to Brooklvn Hotel. 208-212 Bush street, American or European plan. Koom and board $1.00 to $ 1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $i.ou per nay; single meats zo cents, ifree coacn. (Jlias. Montgomery, When J. A. Paulsell, a veteran of both the Mexican and oivil wars, and now 82 years old, married a woman of 22 years a few days ago, he used novel wedding ring. It was of brass and was made from a bit of cannon used by the Mexicans at Chapultepeo and destroyed by the Americans. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money If it fails to cure. 2oc. Eobert Quinoy and wife, of Parkers burg, W. Va., have separated because of the latter's fondness for onions and the former's inability to stand the smell of that vegetable. The husband is seeking a divorce, and the wife ia with her parents. They have several ohildren. " I believe my prompt use of Plno's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy Wallace, Marquette, Kansas, Deo. 12, 18'JO. Thirty years ago there were only two dozen explosive compounds known to chemists; now there are over 1,000. ' Tender Flesh.. The more tender the flesh, the blacker the bruise. The sooner you nse St, Jacobs Oil, the quicker will be the cure of any bruise, and any bruise will dis appear promptly undei the treatment of the great remedy. Compressed air as a motive power is to be practically applied very soon in New York city on a somewhat extensive scale. By the last of February some 22 oars will be put on the lines handling the West Twenty-third and East Thirty-fourth street ferry traffic, all propelled by this power. The storage reservoirs will be expected to carry enough energy to send eaob car at least 20 miles. The last safe retreat of the beaver in , the United States is the canyon of the Rio Grande, between Eagle Pass and El Paso, a distance of about 300 miles. Cnpid, Instead of Davy Jones, kid naped Miss King, whose mysterious disappearance from Coney island re cently oreated such a stir, and now she has returned alive, well and a blushing bride, seeking the parental blessing. The largest organ in the world is in the Cathedral of Seville, Spain. It has 63 pipes and 110 stops. The Well-Known tea of the Pacific Coast is Schiltingt Best. Well-known for goodness and money back if you joa's-Wfs-U ' PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. NotwitBtanding his 70 years, George MaoDonald, the novelist, is slowly re covering from the effects of the sun Btroke received in August. If all the aooounts ate true any right minded man would rather be a plain American oitizen than emperor of China. The former has a great deal more fun. Some of the suits for damages grow ing out of the loss of the steamship La Bonrgogne, of the Campagnle Generate Transatlantique, are based on the alle gation that the captain of the ship, Dleoncle, was insane, that be had prophesied that he would goto the bot tom with his ship, and took no measure, either to avoid the disaster or to save the lives of his passengers. It'a Tour Own Fault. How long have you had lame back? It's your own fault. St. Jacobs Oil would hae cured it promptly, and will cure it now, no matter how long it has remained neglected. 1 Taking the average depth of the ocean to be three miles, there would be a larer of salt 230 feet if the water should evaporate. If vou want the best wind mill, numos. tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sizes, boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. . The new cable whioh has been laid across the Atlantio weighs 650 pounds to the mile. This is the biggest of all the nables. ... ' tT Permanently Cured. Ho fits or nervoiisnes III" after first day's use of Dr. Kliue'n ureal Nerve Restorer, Send for FKJiK ma.00 trial botUe and treatise. DR. R. BU KLIN it, Ltd., M0 Mob street, FliUadelpula, Pa, China has undeveloped petroleum land covering an area o! 60,000 square miles and coal and iron over 21,000 square miles. The coal formation alone has been estimated at 13,470 miles. , 100 REWARD BIGO. The readers ot this paper will be pleased to tearn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is me only positive oure Known to tne medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and irivlnir the natlent strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing us work. J lie pro prietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Collars lor anv ease that It fails to aure. Band fur list of testimonials. Address F. J . C H EN BY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Hail'sl UVlLTUKKiabB, (UU. u? ruis i are the best. BEE HELP FSl"JEAl BED "CALTHOS'V Prof. Laborde's French Cure tcf Lost Manhood ' 5 Days Trial Treatment Sent Absolutely Frea l JT.. I by Sealed No helps you, mora of the medicine can be purohaaed. If It doea not hrlp, no harm la dona anJ no money paid out. Vou can send your name with the full knowledge that It will be kept from all. Addreas applications for trial treatment, etc., to the VON MOHL CO., 171 U Cincinnati, O. Largest Importers of stnnclnrd I'repnratlonai In th U. S. ft A l ....STEEL SPIRAL CONVEYERS.... Ws carry In stock s large supply ol the above conyeyers, both right and laft, which w will sell at greatly red uceil prices. Also all sixes ol elevator buckets and holts. Write fur price-list and discounts, Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett 8ts. LL. -.PORTLAND, OR. YOUR LIVER ""K .fT&Jrsss. I U U 1 1 LI I Lll Keep It Right "o.r.ir frSSSSS MW.E,,..lrtedywllldolt Three fZl,?SZu. ''vllZlTXfc doses will make yon leal bstur. Got It lroin KarHiEvAst Ohiiucim Oo. ' aotaoqoua. jronr druggist or any wholesale drug boast, of V'V oioisti,o .11 h rOTist, Tom Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. D.a.a. if sent la plain wrapper, . oX S, vl bf press, prepaid, fat TEETH WITHOUT PLATES fes'Jgfraa, Itoote Crowned. Bridges Made. V.V.H.V, , HO, 46 't. . rainless filling and extraction. ., , Dr. T. H. White, BQflr WSLSStiBLZXr"-pU"" Miss Theodora Cowan, of 8ydney, Australia's first woman sculptor, was a student under the American, Hiram Powers, and has exhibited two pieoes of her work in the Grafton gallery. Activity of Tesuvlua. Much anxiety has been caused in Naples by the renewed activity of Mount Vesu vius. There is little likelihood that it will do any serious damage. On the other hand thousands die daily from stomach disorders, who might have survived had they resorted to Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. It is the greatest tonio known for stomach and digestive organs. The inhabitants of the Marquesas island are among the most expert tat' tooers on earth. v THE EXCEILENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrdf Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As ths genuine Syrup of Pigs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to( millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far ia advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name ot the Company CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal LOUISVILLE. Kj. MKW YORK. H. T. Mail to all Sufferers C.O.D. or Deposit Gchemo Th only preparation known to aolaru which reall eurea Lost Manhood la "CALTHOS,"' the marvelous FrencS remedy discovered lv Prof. Julea Laborda. It Is controlle in thla country by the Von Mold Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, aconcernwhloh occupies a hla-a and honorabla pluee In.th world of medicine. It la one, of the moat responsible house In Cincinnati, aa any one who la acquainted In that city will testify. The Von Mohl Co. tnvltea all men suffering- from Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, Varicocele or Weakness of an nature In the Nerves or Hernial OrKana. to eend their names and receive a Ave day- tia itment. T 'Is will prove the won derful vitalising power of "CAI.THOS." After uslna; It Ave days the sufferers will find new vigor In their organs, new force In their muaolfs, new blood in their veins, new ambition, and rapid pmsrees toward U: buoyant feelings and sensations of younarer days. This liberal free offer la genuine. There la noawlndllng C. O. D., or deposit scheme connected with It. The flv days' treatment Is ent by sealed mall to all on reuuest, wrapped In a plain package, and printed Instructlona ao company the medicine, so that each patient becomes his own doctor and cures hlmsMf at home. It doen't make any difference what caused the weak fieaa whether had hablta in youth, or exoess, or over work, or buatneaa troubles. "CALTHOS" will effeot cure, no matter what big name the dlaeaaa may be oallal by doctors. The Von Mohl Co. treats all eorreapondenca In perfect confidence. Under no condition will It make publio the name, of the thousanda who have written testimonial telling of their restoration to robust manhood after oiher medicines proved worthless. "OALTHOB" Is regular! used In the French and grman armlea. and the soldiers In thone countries have coma to tie perfuct models oi rtrengih and vitality. Cure are effected at all agea from 2u to 80 years. There la no case (except where the stags of epllepy or Insanity haa been reached) which It will not radically, quickly and permanently cure. Sexual weakness doee not cure Itself. It grows worse from wees) to week. F.ach day aggravate the mental and physical anguish. Send tndav for Ih rlvedtiv.' trljil lN.tn,..i if i. $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 18990 BICYCLES 'Bast Wheels on Earth." . 189. Ideals ta.m, $"25, t'KI. Send lor catalogus, , Live ggenta wanted vsrjwb.ers. FKKI T. MKUKIM CYCLIC CO., PORTLAND. SPOKANE. TACOMA.