Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 11, 1898, Image 4

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a. w. cnEXErrFlIif
V1IAS. a. fitch f hdltm 8
K. II. OABBERT, Local Editor
The new charter of Monmouth hag
several new features, and is a modern
charter in all respects. It provides for
mayor and council, halt the council
going out each year, also lor sailing
property to pay for sidewalks and other
improvements, also for incurring $8,000
indebtedness to build water works pro
vided the voters favor such expenditure
by a majority vote. (That is the refer-
erendum.) No saloons will be allowed
in the town.
Entered In Oregon City postofllce aa 2nd-chtBs mutter
If paid In advance, per year 1 50
Six months , 75
Ittree motuhs'lrial .'
50The date opposite yonr address on the
paper denotes I be time to wnicn you, nave paid
OREGON CITY, NOV. 11, 1898.
Thk people of Elyville have not had
any representation in the city council as
yet. They are justly entitled to one or
more councilmen and it is expected that
they will ask for one at least at the com
ing city election.
On page two will be found returns of
Tuesday's election, as far as received at
time of going to press Nearly every
thing went republican, which party
will now have to bear the entire re
sponsibility for the running of the government.
Jos Simon is the fourth Jew who has
been chosen U. S. senator, and the only
ene ever elected in the northern states
Judah P. Benjamin, of Mississippi,
David Yulee, of Florida, and B. F
Jonas, of Louisiana, were the other
Israelites upon whom was bestowed the
A New York dispatch of November
3rd says the leaders of Tammany Hall
gathered the evening of the 2nd in the
Fourteenth street wigwam for the last
great meeting of the political campaign.
For the entertainment of the thousands
who filled Fourteenth street, Irving
place and Third avenue there was a bril
liant pyrotechnic display. This, like
the arrangements, totally eclipsed all
former efforts. Speakers' stands were
arranged at various" points and from
these the most prominent orators in the
party held forth and in all' the modern
Frederick 0. Schraub, speaking in the
igwam,oi the war, aeciarea tnai mc.
Kinley was weak and vacillating. Then
he added :
'To you suppose, mpn of Tammany
Hall, that if William J. Bryan (great
cheering) had been elected to nil the
place that William Mctumey rattles
around in, there would have been any
peace commission 7" 7
The scene that followed would have
armed the heart of the Nebraska
colonel had he witnessed it. It was six
minutes before the speaker could re'
Several cities in the United States
have had a section placed in their char
ter which virtually gives them the initi
ative and referendum. Why should
they not do so? It is a plain safeguard
against jobbery in municipal affairs
, This is a reform but little understood
by the general public, consequently, it
is denounced without investigation, but
its good features are becoming better
known and the people Bee no reason
why the right to repeal a law by ballot
would he a dangeous right.
Tits Oregon legislature has adjourned,
The 103 clerks who draw from $3 to $10
a day, are many of them continued on
salary from this session to the next
The peop'e aie beginning to want a law
which will allow them to stop such
wholesale stealing ot state money
There are persons drawing state money
as clerks at (10 a day, who could not
hold a job at fifteen dollars a week, and
work ten hours, and yet they get (75
week , and work only a few hours. Let
the next legislature give the people
bill for adoption of the referendum.
Mr. McKinley, one of the weakest of
of presidents, has yielded to the impor
tunities of the spoils-hunters and will
inva&e the ranks of those officials pro
tected by the civil service, says the
Jacksonville Times. This action has nc
been prompted by a desire for improve
ment, but because democrats fill the
positions. Mr. M. will soon make the
order taking about 6,000 employees out
ot the classified list. Strong pressure
was brought to bear upon him early in
the campaign, when republican man'
agers believed that opportunity
promise offices would be of material
assistance to them ; hence this flagrant
-violation of his promises to tht people
Concerning' Local
Affairs Noticed by
Courier Reporter.
Several newspapers are discussing the
advisability of removing the state fair
from Salem to Portland. Why not re
move it to Clackamas county? Glad
stone park would be a delightful and
convenient location; or to Marquam
where for 12 years, the Butte Creek
Agricultural Association has held the
most successful fairs in Oregon. The
state haB never made any appropria
tion for this fair, and it has always paid
its premium lists in tun.
Late letters from Manilla Indicate
that there is a shortage of medical sup
nlips. which implies that the trovern
ment war department has been derelict
in its duty, or some medical supply
contractor has worked his graft to good
advantage. The boys have given up
any expectation of returning home fo
some months yet, anu are making the
best of the surroundings. It is likely
if there had been better medical treat'
ment and nursing, deaths among the
Volunteers would have been fewer
The returning Volunteers from Ma
nilla, who have been dismissed on ac
count of disability or other causes are
telling some hard things on the stipe
rior omcers that is some oi them
According to the story of one who re
cently returned, a private is not con
sidered much of an individual No
complaint, however, has been made
concerning the officers of the Oregon
Uity Uoinpany.
Many of the firemen, who objected to
the passage ot the new ordinance regu
latins the fire department, were ira
pel led by teelings ot sentiment and as.
aociation. For many years the fire de
partmetit has been their idol of adora'
tnn; bonds ot friendship through long
periods of successful fire fightinir have
cemented the ties that bind them to the
old organization. The desire of the
city council was to bring them in closer
relation with the city, and it is to be
hoped (hat hereafter their relations will
be of a most amicable nature, In the
past, the boys have done most effective
service in fighting fire.
Edward Iiojfes Drowned. VlMe
Ed Brown Jumped and Saved
.? 1 Himself.
Wednesday morning: about 9 o'clock
Edward Boyles and El Brown were
swept over the falls in a small row boat.
lioyles stayed with the boat until it
reached the deep water below the falls
nd sank to rise no more. Brown
jumped from the hoaji and saved him
self by landing on the rocky ledae at the
f )ot of the fir.it fa'l. The tw J men were
were rafting driftwood and loas out of
the basin, and dumping them through a
chute in the in the breakwater. Thev
were towing a raft with the small boat,
and when the load reached the opening
at the breakwater a part of it gave
away. The suction caused the boat to
go over like a flash. Boyles was row1
mg and Brown was at the helm which
was headed down stream. Brown
hardly knows how the accident occurred
si quickly was the boat hauled over the
frightful precipice. The holes in his
rubber boots prevented them from fil
ling with water, and thus facilitated hit
Ihe river has been druuaed. but all
efforts to,- find Bovles's remains have
thus far failed.
upward Boyles, the drowned man is
son of .Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Bovles. and
was it years old fast April.
Our New Military Company
Company D, Third Regiment, Oregon
National Guards, of Oregon City, bids
tair to Decorae one of the crack com
paniea of the state Captain Metzner
and the other commissioned officers are
competent in every way, and now have
one of the best drilled National Guard
organizations in the regiment. They
are a nne loosing Dody ot soldiers, and
will present a sp.endid appearance whan
they get their new uniforms uext week.
following is the roster:
Captain. Fred Metzner first lieutenant. Scott
uonireyi second lieutenant, Aaoiphus wuiey.
Non-Com missioned Olhoers First Benreant.
oemur iJinKins; narvermaiter, Joe Austin:
Sergeants, M. L. Miller, Alfred Weed, Dave Fan
cner ann irea Jack, corporals- C. Orauer, Jit.
duel MCUuald, tf. Kali and W. Kali. Lance
Corporal, Joe ltoylau. Musician, Winnie Boy.
Privates, Jesse Allison, Frank Brown William
Bonner, Richard Bittner, Clement Bell. August
Brendle, Lewellen Bill, Henry Ca.ionan. Jake
Charles, James Charles, Roy Haines, Wlllard
Hamilton, Benjamin Hall, Edwards Jordan, An
drew McCoy, George Martin, James Pierce, Jake
raiiKratz, uiauae Kittennouse, Herbert staple
Jacob Straight. William Silver. John 8 mill
Louis Rail, David F. Wbiteman, Nicholas Waack
uulburt (auDlan, ueorge u. uiaric.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. ,
Bessie bavin, "
Plaintiff, I
Michiel Lavin, v ) W"
Defendant. J 1
To Michiel Lavin, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer the complaint tiled against you In the
above entitled suit on or oetore me awn any oi
December. 1S!8, mat hemg the time set uy tne
coutt in which you are required to appear
and answer said complaint, and if yon
nil so to appear ana answer tne planum
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for,
tn-wit; For the dissolution of the bonds
of matrimony' between plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published bv order of Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, Jnde of the county of Clack
amas. ....
Dated this ina day oi novemDer, mm.
Attorney for Plain tiff.
Portland, Oregon
In the Clriuilt Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Sarah E. Lynch, )
. Plaintiff,
Thomas W. Lynch, I
Defendant, J
To Thomas W. Lynch, Defendant.
. Yon are hereby reauired to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above en
titled suit on or before the 30th day of December,
1898, that being the time set by the ooun in
which von are reauired to appearand answer said
complaint, and If you fail so to appear and answer
tne piaintin win Hppiywuieuiturtiui mo icnui
prayed for, to-wit; For the dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and
This summons Is puDltsneo, oy oraeroi non.
Thomas F. Ryan, judge oi the county of Clack-
Dated this 2nd day of November. lf!8.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oiegon.
Office in Kelly Boilding, Main Street,
Oregon Oitv.
Bridge and Crown Work a Specialty.
All work warranted and satisfaction
C. 8. Bkamann, M. D. J. W. Powsll, M. D
All calls attended promptly.
Office hours :8tolta m . ; 1 to 5 p . m
Nos. 9 and 10 Charman Block.
flanndett Vf)rappeps,
adies' ests,
hildrens' (gj ndepw'ear,
eirts (onderweap.
All kinds of Notions at the lowest trices in
the city. Come and see. ,
Willamette Building
By buying your Drugs at the Lead
ing Drug Store in Oregon City. . . ...
Prescription Druggist
The following clippings from one of
Ihe brightest and best of the republican
gold ptandard papers, the HV Side, of
Independence, Or., shows that the de
wand ) r the Inlliitive and Roferen
dum is by no means confined to any one
party in Oregon.
One of our city councilmen who voted
against entering into a contract for city
water works and electric lights said he
voted against it because he wanted the
question, ot mat much importance, sub
nutted to a vote of the people that if
the people said expend IL'2.000, or any
other sum of money, in public improve
ments, he would favor it. By that vote
the gentlemen proclaimed himself ai
advocate of the Initiative and Heforen
dum principle, although ho does not
claim to lavor anything of the kind. 1
would seem that sentiment in favor of
that reform is growing without persons
UH'iuei'i vi'o knowing n.
Supposing the recent legislature had
passed a law for Independence that the
city council should issue fa) 000 in
bonds and buy a waterund electric light
plant. Suppose we had in use the ref
erendum system of making laws, sixty
voters of Independence could secure a
special election, by petition, and if a
majority i f the voters were opposed to
bonding our city for fW.OOO then it
would no longer be a law , If, however ,
no petition should be sent in for a
special election, it would become a law.
without any vote in three months after
its passage by the legislature. What is
the matter with such a state of affairs
in Oiegon? Wo will get the referen
dum. 'I he voice of all the people should be
the true governing power in city , county,
Htntu and national government, llow
. many people, know or will iare, what
l.iws were passed or not passed, at tho
legislature, six weeks from now; but
mipposiiig the people had tho right to
Now comes reliable information from
Manilla that the boys have plenty of
money, and do not want the people to
be at the expense of sending them sup
plies. Some of them are actually mak
ing more clear money than they were
here, provided they husband their
means carefully. They get everything
without cost, including food, medical
treatment, transportation, and clothing
upon which they save about 150 per
cent over the allowance. According to
these late reports, the various Emer
gency Oorps are throwing away a whole
lot of sympathy and charity When
the new recruits were in camp at the
1'residio, San Francisco, some of the
head officers of the Portland Emergency
Corps made a roar because the boys
were ill-treated- Later, it was learned
from the boys themselves that they had
no cause to complain of their treatment.
Had there been actual warfare all this
sympathy and help would have been
needed, and more too. The ladies de
serve great credit for their enterprising
devotion and heart felt sympathy for the
soldier boys; but it is now possible that
there are objects of charity that need
attention at borne.
A Lane county merchant, who was in
the city this week says the recently pub
lishod statements that China pheasants
are becoming scarce, is tho merest bosh.
lie says mat tne pheasants are more
plentiful than ever, but they have been
hunted so much that they are extremely
wua ami cautious, m lact, it la very
fli:iiv'uit to noia iiiein with a dog long
enough to get a shot.
It makes the indivi lual who runs the
rag in me oui cnurcn wrotny because
ho can't prove that the fusion member
of the legislature from Clackamas
county swiped somo spittoons from the
statehouse. According to the state
ments of several leading republicans and
populists, he pulled for the fusion legis
lative ticket before election, notwith
Circuit Court.
Circuit court for the November term
convened Monday. T. A. McBride
judge; T.J. Cleeton. prosecuting at
torney ; Himer Luxon. clerk; J. J
Cooke, sheriff.
The following were drawn as a grand
iury: M. Campbell, foreman; Neal
Heater, Uturles Catta, Ueorge Arm
strong, H. Gregory, T. L. Dibble, Eu
gene Cumins.
1. W. touts ana r. i. Miller were
appointed general bailiffs, and W. H
II. Samson grand Jury bailiti
There were 70 law cases and I'm eq
uity cases. 42 of which are for divorce,
were on the docket.
The following jurymen were excused
from attendance: Clarence Farr, L. E.
Wise, F.8 Baker, W. W. Aldredge,
John W. Wetzler, i. B. Johnson.
The Judge gave the grand jury ex
haustive instructions on the score of
economy and efficient work.
The trial of E. E Martin was set for
next Monday, and the case of Walter
Wyland Bet to follow. Tae Duck's trial
is set for next Tuesday.
The libel damage suit of W. 8. U'Ren
against L. L. Porter was dismissed.
Board of School Land Commissioners
vsD. W.Howard, etal; H. K. Stogs
dill was substituted for A. G.Stogsdill,
as one of the defendants.
Fred Schieve vs Balthazer Kurg, et al ;
receiver's sale confirmed.
D. 6. Clark vs J A Taylor et al ; J. W.
Montague substituted as plaintiff.
T, W. Sullivan, assignee of the Jose
phine Mining Company, was authorized
to sublet the properties .
J. H. Pomeroy vsD. D.Magone, et al ;
E. O. Maddock appointed receiver to
manage the interests of the Magonea
while the suit is pending.
Samuel Koake vs southern facinc
Railroad Company ; action for damages.
Plaintiff's demurrer overruled, but is
allowed until Nov. 15th to plead.
William MacMaster vs Jesse r, a.
Been, et al; deed of conveyance or
dered made by sheriff.
O. D. Thompson vs Mary A. Bobbins,
etal; Barton Jack, of Marquam, ap
pointed guardian aa litum of Carl B.
August Kanne vs Peter Both ; verdict
Icr plaintitt.
A. B. Marquam, assignee, sheriff sale
Jacob Stauffor vs H.M. Flanagan, et
al : sheriff sale confirmed.
Security Savings & Trust Oompany
vs Sophronia Lewelling, et at; torecios
ure suit for :U78.
Hiram Straight vs Laura L. Tatro, et
al ; judgment for plain tiff.
Henry Gans vb James Shaw, et al J
sheriff sale confirmed
II. E.Noble vs School District No.
100; default set aside.
S. Klinger vs George Saum ; plaintiff
ordered to make his complaint more
George J. Curnn, adinr.. vs II. Wehr-
heim. et al ; sale con aimed.
AlbinFloss vs N. S. Kellogg, etal;
default entered..
Osboni vs Osborn ; recoiver's sale
II. E.Hayes vs William Butcher, et
al: judgment foreclosure.
The grand jury reported true bill
against Ben Thompson, Robert Thomp
son and William Wallace, each lor lar
ceny, and not a true bill against Louis
llimler, charged with rape. Wallace
was sentenced to 30 days in the county
Decrees of divorce were granted as
follows: Konkle, Huffman, Gingler
folding, Sehmelzer, Grove, Young and
Lane. The tprague suit was with
drawn. E. E. Martin's case is set for
Monday. The petit juiy is discharged
until that time.
Seventh, Street, near 8.
Oregon City,
P. Depot,
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Work. : : Drawings made by description.
Portland, Oregon
Silver Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
few cheap
reliable watches at
For best groceries at cheapest price go
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Hand knite skirts, beautiful colors,
from $1.00 to $2.00.
.At the Racket StorQ,
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr & Muir.
Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat
ting. Call at once and get choice, of
patterns. Oregon City Auction House.
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. C.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A lull line ot cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries ana provisions a lull line of
feecl and bay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center Btreets
repeal any law, by the majority vote at standing he earned the republican
the ballot box, would not every law be
scanned carefully? We think so. The
peoptu would pass in judgment on good
and bud laws. The people are the best
judges of such things. Let the people
ticket at the head of his columns. He
probably wants to be on the winning
side now, or has lost some of his Canity
subscribers. The Can by Independent
says that it was a Marion county man,
who carried away the spittoons.
Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon City,
for Tile and Catarrh Remedies.
Cure guaranteed or money refunded
Just arrived a consignment of gena
ino old government Java Coffee (green)
in original mats. Regularly worth 35
cents per lb. Our price 25 cents.
Seventh street Grocer.
A Mason & Hamlin chapel organ
the Oregon City Auction House.
PATENT FLOUR is made entirely
from old wheat and when use it you do
not run the risk of having poor bread as
you do if you buy flour made by Tom,
Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat.
XXX Castor Machine oil cheaper than
any other place at A. Jttobertson s, the
Seventh street giocer.
Fob Sai.k Two yoke of well-broke
oxen. Also one heavy log wagon. In
quire of Herman Bros., Molalla, Oregon
The Oregon City Auction House has
ust received the agency for the finest
range made which will be sold at yery
low prices.
For 8ale A thoroughbred shorthorn
bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowtv.
Currinsvule, Oregon.
Underwear, ladies', gentlemen's and
chifdien'8, all prices.
At the Racket Store,
Nottingham lace curtains, balance of
lot just received. Will close out at the
same old price. Oregon City Auction
Mouse. i
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to U, j. & D. O
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where vou can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner oi Juaaison. Wm
Bohlander, proprietor.
Wanted A child under 10 vearv of
age to care for. Apply at this office,
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whereas, Brother Herman G. Fal-
lert, a member of Harding grange, P. of
II. No 122, Logan, Ore., has been called
by the Divine Master from the fields of
his early labors to the highest and best
life; therefore be it
Rfnohfd, That by the death of Brother
Failert this grange and tbii community
have lost a highly respected young
Resolved, That tbi subordinate grange
tenders its deepest t; mpathies to the
bereaved parents, brotlitr nd sister of
our deceased brother, and cr, sincere
condolence and sympathy wr their
irreparabl loss of a kind sou aud loving
brother, whose efticitnt care, protection
and exemplary life, they will greatly
Resolved, That tiis resolution be en
tered on the j mrnvl of this grange, aud
a copy be Bent f lie family of our lute
Brother and a cojy be sent to each of
the following ppers for publication:
The Oregon City Courier-Herald, Ore
gon City Enterpise aud the Northwest
Pacific Farmer,
Wixabd W. Austen,
FrEi Gkbrer,
B;i.lk Wilson, Committee.
Funeral Conductor
And Undertaker
Caskets, Coffins, Robes, Lining,
Etc. Best Material. Lowest Prices.
Next Door to Pope's hardware store.
Main Street., Oregon Citv, Or
Ds)Ir In-
Also Full line oi Mill Feed, Lime, Cement aofl Land Mer.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Multnomah.
Esberg-Gunst Cigar Company 1
Plaintiff, 1
Sllvay Stuart, f
Defendant, J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, ss.
Hon and order of sale, duly Issued out of
and underthe oal of the above entitled Court, In
tne ftoove entuieu ouae, to me amy airectea una
dated the 7th day of October, 18U8, upon a jndn-
meni renaerea ana enierea lu bbiu court on tne
6th day of October 1U8, in favor of Esbertr
Uunsl Cigar Company, rialntilf, and analnst
ilvev htuart, ueienuant, ror the sum ol i4'j.76,
and the further sum of Ui 35, costs and disburse
ments, aud the costs of and unon thU writ, com
manding me to make sale of the real property
hereinafter described to satisfy the sum of 1 132.76
with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per
annum from October 5th, lss)S, and the futher
mini of Slti.Ilf costs then due upon said judgment,
and the costs of aud upon said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
and order of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, being unable to
rlod any personal property of snid defendant's, I
did on the 10th day of October, IsM, duly levy up
on the following described real property of said
defendant, situate and being in the County ot
Clackamas, and flate of Oregon, to-wit: All ol
lot three (8) in section fonr (4), township two (2)
south, range two (2) east Willamette Meridian, be
ing in the Clackamas county, Oregon, containing
thirty-three and 43 100 (33 43) nores, and I will on
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of
trie county court House in the city or Oregon
City, in said County and fctale, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, lo Ihe highest
biijder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
rk'h.', title and interest which the within named
defendant had on the date of said judgment or
since; hai in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereol to satisfy said execution,
judgment oraer, decree, interest, costs ana all
accruing cos's.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Orcgoi
Dated, Oregon C'ilJ'. Oregon, October 10,
1 1 the Circuit Court nf lh St am i rw j.
the county of Clackamas. '
Hiram Straight, 1
vs. t -
Frank F. Tatro and Laura I. Tatro, 1
S'ateof Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
tion and nrrifr nf aalu H,1 lua.,. ... . a
- -- uuij iooiiuu uut ui nun
under Ihe seal of the al, live Rniiih.rl i ',,,,,., i
h above entitled cause, In me duly directed and
on, y ui novemoer, ist'S, upon a.
judgment rendered and entered in said court ou
5V, o. . mvemoer, isus, in favor of
Hiram btralght, plaintiff', and against Frank V.
Tatro and Laura L. Taii-n. Hi.fiwiu,o f., i,A
sum of S103.25, with interests thereon at the legal
reie per annum trom the 8th day or November,
1KW, and the further sum of DlU.oo, costs and dis
bursements, and the costn of ami n.n ihi. ui.,i
oommandiug me out of the personal nronertv of
said detenilants, and If sumViehi. uiM nm k
found, then out of tha real property
.u emu uuieuuanw on ana atter Hie date of said
judgment to satisfy said sum of tm.Vi, aud also
the costs upon this said writ.
Younger, Who has had a life-Ion j; ex
perience,. wilt clean your watch for a
A new line.)!" Walker's sailor caps and ' dollar,
veilings just ii. Miss Goldsmith.
Now, therefor, hv virtu a nt
and order of sale, and in compliance with the
eo-mands of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendants, I did on
the 9th day of November. 18 is, duly levy upon
all the defendant' interest In and to the
following described real pnnwrty situate and be
ng in the County of Clackamas, aud State of
Or,.g,,n, to-wit: Lots U and 12, bbwk "C" of
Uackamaa Heights, as per the recorded plat of
( ackamas Heights in the Recorder s Office of
Clackamas Coualy, State of Oregon, (In Book 2.
rage 12), and 1 will, on
ltww, at Ihe hour of one o'clock P M at th t,
door of the County Court H.u, i V, th? cit?of
Oregon City, in said county and state sell at pub-
hM,r?f!,.,nwJcCtM P'io". to the h gnJSt
bidder, for V, (..gold coin, cash in hand all tho
ri.ht, title and interest which the f with". wisES
defendants, or cither of them, had on the dV. r,f
,said Judgment, or since haa or to the a vi
described real property or any part tl "rf to
satisfy said execution. Judgmeut order dLorea
interest, costs and all accruing c.W '
ci.ifl? - , 3- J COOKE,
. Phetiff of Clackamas Countv. OreJon.
Dawd O regon City. Oregon, Nov. , l'.w.