Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 04, 1898, Image 7

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    It Cab Rm M .
.. Too melannhnlv Havo
hm rhenmatism come with them? It
oan be made to go right off by. the use
of St. Jaoobs Oil, which cures and leaves
uu irace Denina
Maoarnul With M......I
- A delicious way to serve macaroni
is to place it on thn uin r.io uu
- nun
lettuoe. the mayonnaise doing sauce
bdjvjuh ior uoia, ine macaroni is cut
j Into thin slices (mm
- -"uvmavua aim
cheese baked the day before. It ii
bcivwu uoia.
Every Action
And every thought requires an expendi
ture of vitality which must be restored by
means of the blood flowW tr m
and other organs. The blood must be
pure, non ana nourishing. It Is made so
by Hood's Barsaparilla which Is thus the
great strength-giving medicine, the cure
ur wettK nerves, scrofula, catarrh, and all
diseases caused by poor, Impure blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. urcuwBt meaicmo. Q: six lor (5.
Hood's Pllleoare Indigestion. 25 cents.
With Caucasian Honors.
Tin Lot. a prominent r.hinaao mo.
chcnt of Urass Vallev.
day, and at his funeral was honored as
are lew Chinese in this country. A
brass band headed the nrooeaninn anil
the pallbearers were white men who
Knew trie Chinese in his lifetime and
bad business relations with him. , He
left a family, the daughters of which
naa Deen nigniy educated in American
No household is complete without a hot-
lO rtfiha famn-na T..M VT HrLI .1 Tl
Is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec-
vuiuiBuuBu oy mi pnysicians. ixm t ne-
gleet this necessity.
Maori girls in the North Island of
, Kew Zealand are being tattooed by a
TTbAm - . - a . - ,
uicnoiH muunga ior f 10 apiece.
FITS .!?02BnaZ ??red- onororvoosne
V 5fter flrM d U89 o' D'- Kline's Ureal
Nerve Restorw. Send tor FB1K .00 trM
bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. KI.INli'ltiL u?0
Area street, Philadelphia, ""1 w
An English physician has discov
ered a way of producing looal anaes
thesia without the loss of consciousness
or the nsa of ether or oholroform. He
uses moderate onrrents of electricity
frequently interrupted.
To Car s Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c -
The rate at which Zulus can travel in
an emergency is astonishing. Some
will cover as much as 50 miles in six
hours. Eight miles an hour is an or
dinary pace.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
' Street, Portland, Oregon.
The polar ourrents are said to contain
less salt than those from the equator.'
In the fall cleanse your system by nslng
Dr. Pfuuder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
The horse, when grazing, is guided
entirely by the nostrils in the choice oi
proper food, and blind horses are never
known to make mistakes in their diet.
The readers of this paper wtll be pleased to
team that there Is at leant one dreaded disease
that seienoe has been able to cure In all Its
Stages, and that la catarrh. HaU'sCatarrh Core
la the only positive enre known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing lte work. The pro
prietors hare so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
o F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, a
Bold by druggists, 75o.
Ball's Family Pills are the best
Zoologists say that all known specie
of wild animals are gradually dimin
ishing in size.
Daughters Should be Carefully
Guided In Early Womanhood.
Trust BU1ICJU uirijuciiwy caum
from a mother's ignorance; or mora
frequently from a mother's neglect to
Broneriv instruct her daughter I 1
Tradition says "woman mustsuffer,"
and young women are so taught.
There is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration in this. If a young
woman suffers severely she needs
treatment and her mother should see
that she gets it.
Many mothers hesitate to take their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion; but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure
the most efficient advice without
charge. Mrs. Pinkham 's address is)
Lynn, Mass.
The following letterfrom Miss Maris
F. Johnson, Centralia, Pa., shows what
neglect will do, and tells how Mrs.
Pinkham helped her :
"My health became so poor that I
had to leave school, fwas tired all the
time, and had dreadful pains in my
aide and back. J was also troubled
with Irregularity of menses. I was
very weak, and lost ao much flesh that
my friends became alarmed. My
mother, who Is a firm believer in your
remedies from experience, thought per
haps they might benefit me, and wrote
you for advice. I followed the advice
yon gave, and used Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as
you directed, and am now as well as I
ever was. I have gained flesh and have
good color. I am completely cored of
vonga Brrup. TasM uooa. vm
In time. Sold by dnir1ta.
Some Bare lilrda.
We have many kinds of fowls de
scribed in the American Standard, but
we -have not exhausted the world's
stock by any means. Here are two
kinds which are remarkable for their
grotesquenesa The Sultans are all fuss
and feathers, aos the military style of
the cock's head-dress Is amusing along
with the air of importance put on by
tnls bird. The golden Padoas have an
unbalanced look, which tbrow doubts
on their business abilities. Indeed we
would put our faith oa the Transyl
vania hen, whose attention seems to be
given to worms and Its favorite grub,
rather than to any claim ft may hare
to beauty. The Sultans are Dnrw whfttv.
the Paduas are laced or spangled with
golden yellow and black and white, and
tne Transylvania have bare red-skinned
necks and brown Dlumaae on the
Wean Inst the Colt.
A spring colt ought to bs weaned be
fore the pastures have been destroyed
by froat - At the same time It should
be used to taking a little grain twice a
day while It Is still running at pasture.
The oat Is, of course, the beet grain for
colts, as It Is also for the horse. It does
not take much oats or meal to keep a
young colt thriftily growing during Its
first winter. If oats and earn are
ground together, without the cob, and
some wheat bran Is added. It will. In
most cases, make a better ration fed
with cut hay than could be got from
feeding oats alone. No corn and cob
meal should be fed to young colts, or, In
fact, to any young animal. The cob Is
extremely hard to digest, and at least
for all young stock has not enough nu
trition to compensate for the danger
from using It.
. Novel Self-closing Gate
An invention has recently been pat
ented by Dr. Peyton B. Green, of
Wytheville, Va., In which a simple and
ingenious device is provided for closing
a gate automatically.
Referring to the accompanying en
graving, It will be observed that, on the
1 lis
..m. I',!...
top bar of the gate, a roller Is journaled
which Is engaged by an inclined roti
fulcrumed at Its lower end on a fixed
support set at a proper distance from
the hinge-post. A weight is held on the
rod and can be fastened in any desired
position by means of a set screw. To
prevent the rod from leaving the roller
when opening and closing the gate, the
bracket in which the roller Is Journaled
Is provided with a loop.
When the gate Is swung open the free
end of the rod travels over the friction
roller and assumes nearly a vertical
position. As soon as the gate Is releas
ed, the weight of the rod pressing
against the roller closes the gate. By
changing the posftlon of the weight,
the gate can be closed with more or
less force.
Bait the Manure Heap.
Salt in the manure heaps will provs
beneficial. As kalnit contains a large
proportion of salt and also a percent
age Of crude sulphate of potash, it may
be mixed with the manure by turning
the heap over, care being taken that
ell portions of the manure be sprinkled
with the kalnit It prevents loss of
ammonia to a certain extent, and adds
aan to the manure, while salt at-
tracts moisture and serves as an aid to
prevent "fire-fanglng" of the manure.
Whenever manure is turned over the
coarse materials should be placed In
the center In order that they may b
more quickly decomposed. ;
Grape Tinea in 1'enoa Corners.
A great many fences are of no use as
barriers, because they surround lots
that are never pastured. It was on one
such that years ago we saw a farmer
trying to train a grape vine and make
a trellis of it. Of course all the work
of cultivating the vine which was
planted In the corner of an old worm
fence had to be done by band with
spade and hoe. But the experiment
succeeded until the fence rotted under
the mass of vines which covered it
Then the farmer was obliged to build a
trellis for his vine, which he might bet
ter have done at first Exchange.
Keeping; Milk Too Cold.
A representative of a Maine creamery
has been testing the skim milk of Its
patrons, and taking the temperature of
the tank in which the deep cans were
placed for cooling and raising the
cream. Very much to bis surprise, he
found that many of them keep their
milk too cool. He found the skim milk
most free from butter fat when the
temperature was nearest to 45 degrees.
At 30 degrees there was from one to
two-tenths of 1 per cent, more of butter
fat In the skim milk than when It was
kept at 45 degrees, or near that point
Seed Corn. ,
Select the seed corn while the stalks
are standing in the field. Much can be
done by selection. Over 160 bushels
of corn were raised on an acre In Nel
son County, Va., by a former member
of Congress by selection of seed. Borne
stalks contained from five ' to seven
ears,, and grew to a height of fourteen
feet This may appear remarkable,
and may not be repeated, but it shows
that In order to secure the largest yields
the seed corn must be selected every
year until the variety is made better.
Corn Meal va. Shorts for Feeding Plga
Experiments at the Indiana station
to determine the comparative value of
pure corn meal and a ration consisting
of equal parts of corn meal and shorts
showed that there was practically no
difference in the two foods when used
for fattening pork. The corn meal
used cost 65 cents per 100 pounds and
the shorts 70 cents.
To Keep Off Melon Bntra.
This yoar I have been more success
ful than ever before In keeping the
striped bugs off my melon vines. My
weapsn of defense was the sprinkling
of finely gifted coal ashes scented wltih
carbolic acid over the plants from time
to time. With me It proved a very ef
fectual remedy. Practical Fanner.
Good Gncrnaer Cow.
Princess May XII., imported 4-year-old
Guernsey cow, owned by J. N.
Greenshlelds, Danville, Que, won first
prize at the New England State Fair,
1898, and first at the Industrial Fair,
IS When to Use Phosphate.
All mineral manures need to be used
in damp weather or when rains may
reasonably be expected In a short time
after they are applied. When a long,
dry time follows, phosphate especially
Is apt to Injure the seed with which it
comes In contact, and if there is only
very little moisture the phosphate will
make the soil dryer. Worse than this,
the phosphate Is liable to revert Into in
soluble conditions, so that If moisture
comes later but little can be made use
of by the plants.
Turnip Growing; After Froat.
The turnip crop Is so hardy that llgnt
frosts not only do not kill the leaves,
but possibly by destroying weeds that
have before interfered with their
growth, they seem often to make ths
turnips grow faster. The roots some
times double In size after an early frost
followed by warm, moist weather.
There Is also an Improvement In the
quality of turnips after freezing weath
er, and It is usually a mistake to har
vest the crop until the surface soil la
the field has once been frozen.
Cars of Bee.
Feed only the best of granulated su
gar for winter provisions. Poor feed is
unhealthy aud will result In loss.
Feed sparingly at first In order thai
the queen may occupy the center combs
wtth brood, and then Increase the quan
tity. A worker bee is hatched in twenty
one days from the time the egg 1 laid.
Queens In sixteen, and drones in twenty-four
It is a good plan at this time to re
queen every colony that has la any way
a defective queen.
Arrangements must be made so that
the bees can pass from one comb to
another without going around in order
to secure food in winter.
In any colony that during the month
of September Is found queenless, a lay
ing queen should be introduced, as It Is
not safe to depend upon their rearing
one from the brood given their
" 1 m w
Rough Elder Telia How It Feels to e
How it feels to be shot dead is the
subject of some rather curious obser
vations on the part of a trooper of
Roosevelt's regiment, which was in
tended to be made up of rough riders,
but from force of circumstances was
transformed into an organization of
rough walkers in Cuba, This particu
lar trooper has been in the thick of the
fighting all the time, and he relates his
most peculiar experience in a letter to
a friend: .
"Tolstoi doesn't know anything about
being shot dead," he writes. "In that
description he gives he's away off.
There's altogether too much of it He
never went through it so how should
he know? The real thing is very short
and simple; anybody could do it This
is how I came to know all about It It
was the second day at San Juan, and
my troop was stretched out at full
length on its very much attenuated
stomach shooting over the top of the
hilL The Spanish were also doing all
the shooting that seemed to us neces
sary, and my own notion was that any
of us who got out whole would be
mighty lucky, for the Spanish aim may
be bad, but there is a whole lot of peo
ple in this vicinity who wish It were a
darn sight worse, the undersigned
among the number.
"The chap on my left was close up
to me and firing fast, getting up on
one knee each time he let off aud then
dropping back for a few seconds. Bul
lets were dropping all around and so
were men, and I had spotted one Span
lard who seemed to be responsible for
a lot of It Well, I was Just getting
a good bead on him when it happened.
There was a sudden shock that didn't
seem' to strike any place in particular
on my head, but all over It . My teeth
ground together and my eyes tried to
get out of their sockets and escape, and
no wonder, for my head was full of
flames. . Then everything went black
and I felt myself falling.
"'That's the end of me,' I thought
to myself before I lapsed into total
blankhess, and as I remembered it I
didn't care a snap.
"After that I rolled down the hill.
It might have been any length of time
for all I knew when consciousness be
gan to return. I wondered what world
I was in and reckoned that I ought to
have a, pair of wings ,of one kind or
another on my shoulders. It was some
thing of a surprise to me to find that
there were none there, "but my dismal
suspicion that maybe I had gone wrong
was followed by a surmise that I was
still in the land of the living. But I
bad felt that bullet go through my
head and I couldn't figure what right I
had to be alive at all. Besides, It was
no fun, for I had a headache that you
eouldn't have crowded Into a beer bar
rel. As Soon as I found I could move
I felt around for the bullet hole, but
couldn't find It While I was still
searching and getting pretty mad over
it (not being able to find an escaped
collar button Is nothing to not being
able to find a mortal wound in your
own head) a couple of fellows came
along, picked me up and poured some
water over me.
; " 'Look out,' I said, 'ltU get Into my
brain,' and I explained about the
"They explored and they couldn't find
any hole, either, and that made me
madder than ever, for a bullet that
goes clean through a man without leav
ing any opening to show for It is rob
bing him of the glory of dying for his
country. All the time my head was
feeling like the Inside of a mince pie,
but I finally crawled back to the firing
line and there they told me What hap
pened. The chap on my left In rising
to fire, had got a Mauser bullet through
his heart and In falling had swung his
gun with great force over In my direc
tion. The butt caught me Just behind
the ear, knocking me completely out
I've got a lump there now like the end
of a squash. (
"But It's a great thing to have had
the experience of being shot dead with
out compelling your family to go into
mourning." New York Sun.
Round the Corner. '
An amusing incident of Dr. Lvman
Boecher's student days was told In a
sketch of the fatnons clergyman, writ
ten by John Boss Dlx over forty years
ago, , '
One night ho was awakened by a
sound at bis window, as if some one
were drawing cloth through a broken
pane of glass. Springing np, he dimly
saw his clothes dlsapearing through
the broken window, a thief having
taken a fancy to them.
Waiting for no ceremonies of toilet,
young Beecher dashed out after the
burglar, who dropped the clothes at
once, and put himself to his best speed.
But Lyman was not to be easily outrun,
especially when thus stripped to the
After turning several corners, the
caitiff was seized and marched back
by the eager student. He ushered him
into his room, compelled bim to lie
down on the floor by the side of his
bed, while he, more comfortably en
sconced in the bed, lay the night long
watching him, the silence being broken
only by an occasional "Lie still, sir!"
In the morning the culprit was taken
before a magistrate, who was evidently
a lineal descendant of Justice Shallow,
The magistrate, after bearing the par
ticulars, asked Mr. Beecher "whether,
In turning the corners, he lost sight of
the man at all"
He replied that the man was out of
sight but a second,. for he was close
upon blm.
"Ah, well,'! said the magistrate, "If
you lost sight of him at all, you can
not swear to bis identity!"
So the man was, discharged. Mr.
Beecher met the fellow several times
afterward, but was never able to "catch
his eye."''-, , ..;.
II Beaatifal Girl's flffliction.
From tht Republican, Versailles, JWA
The Tuckers ol Versailes, Ind., like
all fond parents, aie completely wrap
ped up in their children. Their
di, tighter Lnoy, in particular, lias given
them moch concern. She is fifteen,
and from a strong, healthy girl; three
years ago, had become weak and kept
falling off in flesh, until she became a
mere skeleton. She seemed to have no
lile at all. Her blood became impure
and finally she became the victim of
nervous prostration. Doctor did not
help her. Most of ths time she was
confined to bed, was very nervous and
irritable, and seemed on the" verge of
St. Vitus' dance.
"One morning," said Mrs. Tuoker,
"the doctor told us to give her Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pals People,
which he brought with him. Hd said
lie ,was ' treating a similar case with
these pills and they were curing the
Dimuttd Their Daughter's Casejor JToiws. .
patient. We began giving the pills
and the next day oould see a change for
the better. The doctor oame and was
surprised to see such an improvement.
He told us to keep giving her the niedi
oine. We gave herons pill after eaoh
meal until eight boxes had been used
when she was well. She lias not been
sick sinoe, and wo have no fear of the
old trouble returning. We thini the
cure almost miraculous.'- ' , i 1
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 28th. day of April, 1897.
Justice of the Peace,
' These pills are wonderfully effective
in the treatment of all diseasus arising
from impure blood, or shattered norve
force. They ate adapted to . young or
old, and may be had at any drug store.
, ) Texas la a Great BUts. . '
A great many people want to know
how large Texas is in area. They look
In quite a number of alleged statistical
abstracts and never find the same fig
ures in two of them. The official fig
ures o( Texa's area are 262,696 square
miles equal to about 8. 9 per cent of
the entire area of the United Statsa and
territories. Texas is six times larger
than New fork, seven times as large as
Ohio, and 100,000 square miles larger
than the eastern and middle states, in
cluding Delaware and Maryland. Com
pared with the oountries of Euiope. she
has 84,000 square miles more than the
Austrian empire, 63,0000 mors than
the German empire, and nearly 70,000
square miles more than Francs.
The only two animals whose brains
are heavier than thai of a man are ths
whale and the elephant.'
While You Sleep.
Do not have too much air flowing
through your room at night, or'neural
gia may oreep upon you while you
sleep. But if it comes, use St. Jacobs
Oil; it warms, soothes and cures
promptly. m
Imitation ivory is now being exten
sively manufactured from the fruit of
a palm-like shrub called Phytelepbas
macrocarpa, which is about ths size of
an apple and possesses a hard interior
When coming to San Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 2(18-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Koom and
board $1.00 to J1.50 per day; rooms 60 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
Some insects are In a state of matur
ity 80 minutes after birth. . .
Mwuiuusg 1OVs
celebrated for mora 2
'than a century a a tjy
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh-forming
beverage, has our Q
well-known '3
Yellow Label g
on tht front of every $r
package, and our
trade-mark,"LaBelle A
Chocolariere,"on the v
Lack. . 2
& Dorchester. Man v
we carry in stofik a large inpplr of the above
Sell at ureal! t rl limit nru i-.
Write fur prlue-llnt and discounts.
.mi an sues vi
Front and Everett 8ts.
Jean Paul Richter: Men, like bul
lets, go farthest when tbey fare smooth
est. Washington Irving: Men aie always
wooing goddesses and marrying mere
When Roosevelt tuns for governor
his ranch experience will prove invalu
able in rounding up voters.
Henry Ward Beecher: The real man
is one who always finds excuses for oth
ers, bnt never excuses himself.
Frederich Nietzsche: All conceited
men I have' found good actors. They
play and wiBh that folk may like to
look at their playing.
The khalifa traveled so fast on his
camel that the English oould not ovei
take bim. ' Evidently his camel must
have got a hump on itself,
Bradford: It is a characteristic of
many men and a few women not to
come to themselves, till they have gone,
to everybody else and worn out their
waloome. . "
Eonore de Balzac. - It is absurd to
protend that one cannot love the same
woman always as to pretend that a good
artist needs several violins to execute a -piece
of music.
Marcus Aureliua: I have often
wondered how every man loves himself
more than ail the rest of men, yet seta
less value on his own opinion of him
self than .on the opinion of others.
. The largest room in the world is at
St. Petersburg. It is 600 feet long by
150 feet in breadth. It has been used
for military displays, and a whole bat;
talion oan completely , maneuver in it.
Richard Croker, the master meohanltt
of American politics, . is learning to
swim, 'It has been generally under.
Stood,' however, that among the Boating
voters Richard Welslead Croker hat
always been in the swim.
Captain D. C. Woodrow," of the Unit
ed States navy, has in his posses
slon the flag floated bv the Virginia!
on its ill-fated filibustering trip to Bam
tiagoinl878. It was taken from the
vessel by the captain himself, Decern-,
ber 28, 1878, just before the ship sank
while being brought baok to America.
"Thirty dollars or Bixty days; have
you anthing to say?' "No, your hon
or," said 'Boston Pete,' "unless it be
to synthetically remark upon the dual
ity of the cause and effect in your op-,
tional oommitment, Like your honor,
I shall take Judicial notice that time is
money, I have spoken."
- What Cuba's Loss Mmbs to Spain.
The loss of Cuba means to Spain the loss
of the very sustenance of ths nation. , la
the same way the loss of your appetite,
means starvation to your body. If any
reader of this notice wants to fullv enjoy
hearty meals, we can recommend tlostet-:
tar's Stomaon Bitters. It cures indiges
tion, dyspepsia and constlpatiou.
The fernjle brain commences to de
cline In weight after the ags of 80; the
male not until 10 years later.
.. . . -
Just the Tim.
This la Just the time of the year we
feel the muscles all sore and stiff, and
then is just the time to nse St. Jaoobs
Oil to relax them and to ears at onoe.
Piso's Cure for Consumption Is the only
oough medicine used in my house. D. 0.
Albright, Miiflinburg, Pa., Dec. U, 1808.
. The field at Waterloo Is covered with
orop of orimBon popples every year.
Root OrswneA. Brldrm Made. '
rainless lllllng and extraction.
Dr. T.H., White, gat
Send for Catalogue. .
Buy Direct
rnon th
And save middleman's profits. Hen's fine tall,
pr-made ulis,Srt.9s to lli Fltfuaiaitteed. Cala.
logus, samples, sHf-raeasuraineot blanks, etc..
mailed free. Address . I.AND10AN, iicKa
building, Portland, Or. Mentiou this paper
la it Wrong?
Get it Right1
Kseelt Rlffht!
Moora'fllaTMlad Hamad wltMnlt Tk.u
doses will make jou foel better. Get it from
our druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
otewari uoimoa Jrug Co., Seattle. ,
ttsyrg ths iriMi.
Vm Ills tl f, uutural
dli hn.u, InSsiiimiilloiui,
Irrunluu. ur ulmrailuat
or lauouut nrubriiM,
i CMBa
Irrara.M mvmsWs.
- - -.. riniM, sad uul aitrla
ImEvMi Ohiwcw On. (" or aoituuuus.
LOIomn,8," SJaM kjr itraarirMa
V B.S.. f"' la llslo wrapt"
w JT MrM, pr.pnj,
w Zr'jr'M tI "r ltil, Sa.7S,
i ii iV aa circular sast cm reque
N. r. N. V.
BIN writing to fciTrtlirt plna
Bifouosi tan paper
eonrejrers, both right and left, which wo will
elevator Duckets sua bolts.
Iron Works