Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 28, 1898, Image 7

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    vuiuuiou Ol All,
The most common of all ailment!
rrooi sports of all kinds are sprains and
bruises. The most common and surest
sure of them is by the use of St. Jacobs
Oil, which is prompt in its action.
I The Art of Walking.
To be thoroughly graceful long steps
Mid quiok Bhort steps should be equal
ly avoided, remarks a French woman.
A stiff walk is also very ungraceful
and that is the great fault of English
guls. The walk too stiffly and tak
too long strides.
Spanish women have a very pretty
walk, naturallv, as also have Italian
country girls and all aocustomed to
carrying weights on their heads.
' The French are also very graceful
walkers, r study your , walk, girls.
, Take danoing lessons to begin with and
then repeat your lessons before your
long toilet glass. A pretty walk is a
beauty in itself, and every one who will
can acquire this beauty. Do it, then,
at once now without losing another
day. ,
Good Blood
Makes Health
And Hood's Sarsaparilla makes good
blood. That is why it cures so many
diseases and makes so many people feel
better than ever before. If you don't feel
well, are half sick, tired, worn out, you
may be made well by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine.
Hoed'S Pills cure all Liver Ills. 26 cents.
An artist in a Kew York paper pic
tured the Vesuvius in action and en
shrouded in dense clouds of smoke from
her neumatio guns. That artist needs
to be informed that the Vesuvius uses
only smokeless air in discharging her
dynamite guns.
Dkaii Emtob: If yon know of a solicitor ot
canvasser In your city or elsewhere, especially
a man who has solicited for subscriptions, In
surance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or a
man who can sell goods, yon will confer a
favor by telling him to correspond with us; or
if you will insert this notice in your paper and
such parties will cut this notice out and mall
to us, we may be able to furnish them a good
position in their own and adjoining counties.
The Maledive Archipelago; west of
Ceylon, embraoes 14,000 coral islands,
few of which are more than six feet
above the level of the ocean and only
175 of which are inhabited.
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
The beantiful oolora seen in the soap
bubble arise from the fact that the
bubble, being very thin, refleots light
from the outer and inner surfaces of
the film.
FITS r"nnenUy Cured. Hofltsornervousnes
I I after flrsv day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat
Nerve Ilestorer. Send for FKBB .00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. K. H, KLUSiifi. Ltd.. iwo
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. '
It has been calculated that or id nary
gunpowder on exploding expands about
9,000 times, that is, fills a space this
much larger as a gas than when in a
solid form.
100 REWARD SI 00.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there ia at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all in
Stages, and that is catarrh. Hall'H Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beluga constitutional dis
ease, requires a Constitutional treatment.
Pall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
f1 tha avatu m VioiiiKtt ririuri-Awina iKa fmindn.
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
Strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
(or any ease that It fails to cure. Bend for list
Ol testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by druggists, 76o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A farmer near Cottonburg, Ky., has
i trained a terrier dog to remove the
worms from tobaooo plants.,
So Says Mrs. Mary Rocbiette of
Linden, New Jersey, in thla
Letter to Mrs. PinTcham.
f I was bothered with a flow which
would be quite annoying at times, and
-, t others would almost stop. : , -
i i naoit nrpsp.riDLions tnveu me uv iijt
' physician, but the
same state
of affairs
" After a
' time I was
taken with
a a,
that I was
obliged to
keep my bed.
Finally, in
despair. I
gave up my doc
tor, and began
taking your medl . s '
eine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by its use.
"LydiaE. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound has indeed been a friend to me,
"I am now able to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful medicine. I
was aa near death 1 believe as i coma
be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart had almost given out. I
could not have stood it one week more,
I am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine.
" I shall use my influence with any
one suffering as I did, to have them
use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Every woman that is puzzled about
her condition should secure the syropa
' thetie advice of a woman who under-
Stands. Write to Mrs. Pinkham at
Lynn, Maaa. and tell her your ills
Ben Couch SrraD.
In time. Bold
Tastes uooo. use f 1
by drngytM. t "
Cultivating in an Orchard.
Young fruit trees greatly need to
bave the soil about them cultivated.
In working about trees, however, the
whlffletree is almost sure to bruise the
bark, sometimes quite spoiling the tree,
unless the greatest care Is exercised.
The cut shows a neat little device for
avoiding this difficulty. A bit of old
trace is tied to the whlffletree and car-
rier about its end, as shown. It Is then
tied to the trace, when it will prevent
the whlffletree iron or wood from bruis
ing the bark of any tree It happens to
strike. The importance of preventing
Injury to young trees is recognized by
but few. If badly hurt, the tree never
fully recovers.
Harnesses to Fit Horses.
Whenever a horse is sold the harness
In which it has been used to working
ought always to go with the bargain.
No two harnesses were ever made to
Bt alike, and especially where the pres
lure comes on the shoulder or neck In
Srawing. The skin under the old har
ness has been gradually toughened by
pressure on one spot But with the new
harness the pressure is shifted, it may
be only an inch or two, but It comes
trhere the skin Is tender and will quick
ly break when exposed to the collar.
If the whole harness cannot go, be at
least sure to Becure the collar with any
new horse purchased, so that the ani
mal can work without being tortured.
The collar once used for one horse
never ought to be used for another.
Hnnse for Winter.
The cut shows a method of securing
great warmth In a house that can be
used either for poultry or for the stor
age of fruit in winter. An excavation
is made In a side-bill, as shown in the
first picture. A stone foundation wall
Is then laid and the house shown in the
second illustration erected. Not a great
amount of excavating is required, as
the earth that is thrown out helps build
up the bank that is to protect the house
on all sides. A drain laid below the
foundation, and brought around to the
south entrance, will take care of the
water that comes down from the higher
ground. '
Late Figs.
Pigs farrowed during Soptember will
got a good start before winter. Late
pigs are liable to be checked by severe
cold.' The most profitable pigs, how
ever, are those farrowed in the spring
and slaughtered late In the fall, as
they need not be kept over winter.
Farmers do no now give much atten
tion to raising pigs farrowed In the fall
unless they are patrons of a creamery
and have an abundance of material for
feeding, which only the pigs will con
sume. " ' ' : .i ; .; ;.' f
Gypy Moth,
The gypsy moth has made its ap
pearance in South Dakota, How it got
away from Massachusetts to the far
West, instead of spreading over New
England and the Middle States, Is un
known, but if the work of extermina
tion is not performed faithfully the
East will be Invaded from a Western
direction. The forests of the West
will be destroyed and the damage to
the entire country will amount to mil
lions, i
? Tie Handy Wheelbarrow.
The wheelbarrow Is very useful
about the stable and garden. tFor
wheeling out manure from the stables
the canal barrow, with flaring side
boards, Is best, as the manure can be
dumped from either side. For the gar-
den, the barrow with moveable aide
boards is the most convenient. In buy
ing a barrow, select one with a large
wheel and with a high front board. A
wide tire is also to be preferred; a
wide-tired barrow can be wheeled over
soft ground; a narrow one would cut
so deeply as to be almost impossible to
move. A canal barrow can be had fof
$2.50, and a good garden barrow will
cost from $3.50 to ?4. A strong, well
made barrow, that Is carefully built
and nicely painted, will answer every
purpose, and if carefully housed when
not In use will last for many years. It
will pay to buy a good one at the start.
The American.
Orchard and Garden.
Look out for the black knot on the
plum trees.
Cherry culture is' the simplest of all
fruit culture.
Wood ashes is a valuable fertilizer for
the raspberry.
Worm fruit in the orchard Is the best
disposed of by sheep.
Cutting of roses may be made aa the
wood acquires firmness.
Cut out every cane affected with rnst
among the blackberries.
Cutting out Is about the only sure
remedy for the peach borer.
Old bones buried near trees or grape
vines will have a goo effect.
Luck in planting is the result of good
common sense and judgment.
In budding, the scions should always
be of the current season's growth.
Cut off and burn all branches found
affected with the tent caterpillar.
Clear the raspberries and blackberries
out well, treating all useless sprouts as
Buds should always be taken from
bearing trees if possible, so as to be true
to name.
Every farm should have one orchard
for home purposes, proportioned to the
needs of the family.
A mound of earth built up hard and
sharp around the stem of young trees
will help to protect them from mice.
The orchard may be made to serve
two purposes, one the production of
fruit and the other as a range for poul
try. A Gate thnt Will Not Sag,
Most farm gates begin to sag at the
outer end after a little use, thus caus
ing oftentimes much inconvenience. If
the upright at the hinges can be kept
rigidly in place there is no reason why
a gate should sag if It Is properly con
structed. A proper construction Is shqwn
In the accompanying Illustration, two
braces being used, both of which hold
the outer end of the gate rigidly la
place. Farm gates are often made of
material too light to be strongly pinned
at the ends of the bars. This Is a rods
take, as secure pinning Is necessary In
order to give the braces a chance to do
their work.
An English Paper Bees in Us the Dom
inating Power of the World.
The London Spectator takes this view
of the future of the United States:
The future of the world will depend
greatly upon the political character of
Americans. When In 1950 they ar
200,000,000, and have absorbed, as they
will absorb, the swarms of Immigrants
whose presence now make continentals
doubt except Just after a great sea
fight whether Americans are English
men, their purposes, their ideas, theit
will will be to all mankind matter of
the gravest moment. They will be abl
if much stirred to crush any singls
people, except perhaps the Slavs. To
fit the Americans for that destiny the
first necessity is that they should, be
fore they are irresistible, have difficul
ties, dependencies, complicated and
urgent relations with the remainder ol
mankind. At present everything Is too
easy to them, and they live too much
to themselves, "comparing themselves
with themselves," as the Scripture has
It, till they have no Idea of equals, and
see their own powers as well as rights
through one medium and their rivals'
through another. They thought, not
out of boastfulness, but pure inexperi
ence, that they could crush Spain and
liberate Cuba In a fortnight The
Spanish war will teach them much, bul
to be fit for their great work Ameri
cans must learn how to govern as well
as how to be governed, must add to
their splendid patriotism the English
gift of cold and lofty tolerance; must
learn how to keep subordinate govern
ments as clean of corruption as theli
Supreme Court Is; must, above all,
learn the lesson none have yet learned
except the English, bow to keep dark
races subject while they are being edu
cated without Incessant menaces of
force. , They have to create a great
fleet, yet confine Its action to police
work; they have to enlist a great army,
yet preserve their own liberties fully)
they have to maintain a civil service
which can administer successfully, yet
remain all the time submissive, cordi
ally submissive, to the will of the toll
ers who pay for all. They have, In
fact, to exchange their role of prosper
ity for a role of greatness among man
kind. ' r: .::).
It is asserted that about 30,000 people
in Berlin bear better with their left eai
than with their right The constant uu
of the telephone Is given as the causf
of thhj peculiar development
11 Benefactress' Kind fiet.
From the Evening Hem, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. John Tafisey, of 180 Baker
street, Detroit, Mioh., is one of those
women who always know just what to
do in all trouble and sickness. One
that is mother to those in distress. To
a reporter she said:
'I am the mother of 10 children
and have raised eight of them. Sev
eral years ago we had a serious time
with my daughter, which began when
she was about sixteen years old. She
did not have any serious illness but
seemed to gradually waste away. Hav
ing never had any consumption in our
family, as we come of good old Irish
and Scotch stock, we did not think it
was that. Our doctor called the dis
ease by an odd name which, as I after
ward learned, meant lack of blood.
"It is impossible to describe the feel
ing John and I had as we notioed our
daughter slowly passing away from us.
We finally found, however, a medicine
that seemed to help her, and from the
Most of the Time She Wat Confined to Bed.
first we noticed a decided change for the
better, and after three months' treat
ment her health was so greatly im
proved you would not have recognized
her. She gained in flesh rapidly and
soon was in perfect health. The medi
cine used was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People. I have always kept
these pills in the bouse since and have
recommended them to many people. I
have told many mothers about them
and they have affected some wonderful
"Every mother in this land should
keep these pills in the house, as they
are good for many ailments, particular
ly those arising from impoverished or
diseased blood, and weakened nerve
Miss Jennie Flood, who has made a
gift of her country place to the univers
ity of California, is worth $7,000,000
and ia the richest unmarried woman in
the Btate. "
does cake smell
Too reach soda or per
haps alum or lime. Use
Schillings Best baking pow
der. - J
"Hunter stones" were seen in the
Rhine last winter. They appear only
when the river is very low, and the
date of their appearance is then cut
into them. They are believed to fore
bode a year of bad crops.
A Short Fig-ht.
The damp autumn nights and morn
ings stirs up sciatica, and then oomes a
tug of pain. Use St. Jacobs Oil, and
then comes a tug to cure it. It is a
short fight and the cure ia sure.
It is said that a striking outline of
the features of George Washington has
appeared in a knotty protuberance of a
tree in Portland, Me. It is not a cher
ry tree.
In the fall cleanse your syntem by using
Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purilier.
Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. Tiilc Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
Corks for bottles were first manufac
tured in Spain and Italy, some time
during the fourteenth century. Cork
aorews were contemporaneous with
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California. Fio By rut
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the Importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Califohkia Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio fcSraup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions ot families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Lei u villi, Kr. - new reaE. w.t.
Monty Spent on Cubans. .
In addition to the f 50,000 appropri
ated by congress and distributed by
General Lee for the relief of the people
ot Cuba, the central Cuban relief
committee appointed by the - president
distribnted food, medicines and general
supplies to the poor and suffering
Cubans to the cash value of $321,619.
Of this amount $175,032 was in oash
contributions and $146,587 in supplies.
The total shipments of supplies was
9,942,032 kilos, or S236 tons, of which
quantity 2,856,833 kilos were food, 66,-
753 kilos were clothing, 16,652 kilos
medicines and 4,864 were miscellaneous
upplies. ... " '
The Fields of Sport.
From the fields of sport we go to bed
and get up full of pains ttsd aches.
The next night, by the use of St.
Jaooba Oil, we are soothed to Bleep and
get up oured.
Smokers are less liable than non-
emokers to oontract diphtheria and
other throat diseases in the ratio of one
to 28. , So says Professor Eajak, of
Vienna, Austria.
If you want the best wind mill, mimes.
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
A Frenohman, M. Bleunard, uses
the X-rays for measuring the adultera
tion of flour with ohalk and sand.
When comine to San Franciso eo to
Brooklyn Hotel. 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Koom and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day; rooms 50 cents
to $i.uu per nay; single meals a cents.
Free coach. Ch'as. Montgomery.
The Austrian state railway carried
5,100,945 passengers and 2,593,641
tons of goods during the month of
TJso Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now,
Front and Everett Sts.
A Beautiful
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch told. These presents are in the form of :
ioautiful Pastel feitfc
They are 13x19 inches In size,
Lilacs and
, iGfuHifiWjrtriifrir
UT NT Oil...
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R, LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. .
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orlr
Inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpasslui
them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit.
One of these pictures pssi a m
Elastic SiaiCll
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, auel
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and ret a
beautiful picture. , . .
Bend tor Catalogue.
Golden Weddings, ' h
Only one out of every thousand mar
ried oouples ' live to celebrate their
golden wedding.
Shall We Keep the Philippine.
While public opinion is divided as to the
wisdom of keeping the Philippines, it Is,
however, all one way in regard to the wis
dom of everybody keeping their health.
For this purpose Hostetter's Stomach,
Bitters is widely used. This medicine is
both preventive and Cure for malarial
fevers and stomach disorders.
A ton ot gold ia worth 120.000. A
ton of silver, at the present rate per
ounce, may be said to be worth about
KootH Crowned.
Bridges Made.
Painless filling and extraction
Dr. T. H. White, 7oM"
Buy Direct
And save middleman's profits. Man's line tailor-made
Biilu.tXUo to $14. Fit guaranteed. Can.
logue, samples, self-measurement blanks, eta,,
mailed free. Address J. LAKDIGAN, McKay
building, Portland, Or. Mention this paper
Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldoit. Three
doses will make yof feel better. Get it irons
your druggist or an; wholesale drug house, o
horn Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle,
HfliriT Make money by BuccesfrU
lTJLll I speculation ia Chlaago. W$
1 1 II P 11 I tur aud sell wbeat oa mat.
fill Inll I gins. Fortunes have beta
made on a small beginning by trading In ftfc
ttires. Write lor lull particulars. Best ol rss
ersnee given. Several years' experience on tfca
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know,
ledge ol the business. Send lor our free refer
enee book. DOWNING, HOPKINS it Cl,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices trj
Portland, Oregon aud Seattle, Wanh.
$45 $45 $45 $45 $45
"Best Wheels on Earth."
With 10 per cent discount for cash. 1899 Idea,
fH.SO, i!, pa, with 10 per cent discount fbj
cash. Send for catalogue. Uve agents wantal
everywhere. 1
Iron Works...
Manufacturers of Marine and Stationary Engines ane
Boilers, Saw MilL Flour Mill, Mining and Dredgtnf
Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Watet
Wheels, etc. Agents for the John T. Nov Co. Flout
Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Co.'s Monitor Grate
Separators and Scourers. Dealers in Excelsior Bolting
Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cottoa and Leather
Belting, etc
Bend yotir orders direct to us ana got the bene
fit of manulacturors' prices.
Cawston & Co.
Successors to H. P. Gregory a CoJ
48 and 50 First St 304 First Ave S
Portland, Of. Seattle, d
and are entitled! as follows:
. , Wild
Lilacs and
Cm Blf f.r aiiMiarf
dl.chsrfas, taAftBa.fclMta.
IrriUtiuuS or alcrMiJ
01 so is BMBSrei
IrHtEvtssOHtniwBo. o'Polonoas.
rmubiM, and
I aot
VeiHCiMNATi.O . J "eaej y awBfc jisaa,
y , I kr .air., ', i
i J i so. or t oil.., 7,
V Clrealu Mtil .oe Nee
M. P. N. V.
0. aw.
M i im I u t dart. I
(Mswsti4 J
s)4 M rit'ttf.
HBir. WTltlUB to advertisers pleafi
meatlaa uus paper.