Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 28, 1898, Image 4

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A. W, CHENEY Publisher
A. ?r. CIWXKY) rdilon
CHAS. 1. FITCH f lMU'"8 .
X. II. GAUBEUT, Load Editor
Entered in Oregon City postoffice as 2nd-claus matter
If a&idin advance, per year .... 150
HI X months 75
Tiiree moulhs'lrial 25
XVThe date opposite your address on the
p4ir denotes the time to which you have paid.
OREGON CITY, OCT. 28, 1898.
The season of the Tear has arrived
when the proprietor H a newspaper
naturally expects to receive some com
pensation for his labors. The amounts
due at from subscribers are individual
ly small but tnken in the aggregate they
mount to (juices large sum. During
these hard times 11 taxes all one's ener-
(ties to keep a paper afloat. Please try It
to semi us a dollar or two on account, or
if you are unable to get ! he do lurs and W
have produce send or bring that and we
will allow you market price. If some
flettlecent is not made before November fl
1st the accounts of ihnte more than two
f ears in arrears will be placed In a eol.
ector's hands. Please settle or call and O
see publisher before that date.
In ooutolidaling the Coubikr and
Hkhald some errors miiy Have been
made in giving subscription creditand
we would kindly auk each subscriber to
T? notice the date opposite his name on the
J? paper and if it is not right call and see
2 or write us. The date denotes the time
Jf t which you have paid and not the time
2 J'"U subscribed or paid the uiuiioy.
Do the people untlerstunil that silver
ia ia be abandoned as a money metal?
This is the uliimate aim of the bankers,
money owners and newspapers that ad
vocate what they are pleased to term
the gold standard and sound money,
fay The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
As the law now stand not a single ounce
of silver that has been taken fiom the
mines since 183 can be coined into
money of any denomination. Do the
peop'e understand (his? Before 1873,
from the dawn of history, silver was re
Xirded as one of the money metals of
the world. Now legislation has stricken
it down. The adverse legislation of our
government alone has reduced the price
of silver throughout the world. The
silver in a dollar can be purchased for
fifty cenlp, and the silver dollar is to be
backed up by gold, demanding interest
bearing bonds. This is the program of
all the financial traitors of our country
who cloaking themselves in the garb of
angels, with hypocritical expressions of
deep concern for the masses have never
fought a contest in the open. Unless
the policy of our government is changed
tlienj will never be an ounce of newly
mined silver coined. Do the people un
derstand this?
Silver must either be restored to free
coinage or else hundreds of millions jf
dollars in gold bonds issued to fonn the
basis ol a 'sound" banking currency.
And the latter is what every banker,
corporation and plutocrat desires.
Odb erstwhile Brownell sheet at Ore
gon City, which is now fighting the
Above-named gentleman very bitterly, ia
getting very childish. Those who are
acquainted with him know what is the
mailer. Time after time he has been
promised by politicians the control of
the only republican paper in the county,
the Enterprise, but it now happens that
the Jiiicians are not able to deliver
thi als, in fact, they never intended
to, his rage and childish remarks
aboil lain gentlemen that are as
much above him and his treacherous
methods as he is above a Chinaman,
lie hasn't sand enough to publish his
UMirtious in his little one-horse organ
so he goes around the curbstones and
wakes them, saying somebody "told
luin so." In his sheet he claims to be
tho "leading paper," when, in fact, ho
loivn't do the business of the Canby
p:ier, nor get up an good a paper. But
this i not surprising when a newspaper
man does not rise above personal preju
dices and spite.
Misy may wonder why with wheat
t 50 cents Hour sells at !0 cents. There
are sevarul reasons why this is so, but
we will give only two. Mark Hanna
lias no ordered it. While millers pav
bti cents for wheat now, they aroBtiil
grinding ou wheat tlut cost them ninety
iits. When they finish tlio old 00
ccut stock they will begin on the 60.
cent wheat. See? Canby Independent.
After all the wheat has been bought
irom farmers the price will raise and
the mills will still charge SX cents or
more for llour on occount of tho in
creased price of wheat. "The former
jiays the freight." See.
A sos of Senator Driver was clerk of
the federal relations committee of the
neuate and drew fl5 pay, though he did
not hnve any work to do at all. This is
a sample of this clerk abuse, for whish
the people pay.
' Rtnkhkntativk J. W. Maxwell, of
Tillamook, will, in all probability, be
appointed receiver of public moneys at
Oregon City, in place of Judge Hallo
ws), whose term will expire next Feb
ruary. Tillamook Headlight.
Matters Concerning Local Every
day Affairs Noticed by the
Courier Reporter.
The state fair wants a deficiency ap
propriation from the legislature, and
the district fairs are maneuvering to
get help to maintain the credit of their
annual shows. There is something rad
ically rotten somewhere, tor the past
12 years the Butte Creek Agricultural
Association, has held its annual fairs at
Marquam in this county, . and their
sp:endid exhibits have always proved a
social and financial success. The lib
eral premiums offered have always been
paid in full, and the management was
never overwhelmed with indebtedness.
The Association has never asked for or
received any appropriation from the
state, and yet it has prospered. J
It has been suggested that the city
council get the use of the woolen mills
whistle for a fire alarm. Its shrill
shrieking could be heard all the way to
According to the various letters re
ceived from Manilla, the boys are anx
ious to come home. However, the most
of them appear to be enjoying them
selves to a certain extent, and the soir
ees that take place everv evening at one
of the company's hee.dqusrters, is an
indication that they are making tin
best of the surroundings.
The boys ought to live high at Ma
nilla, as a lieutenant writes to a Port
land friend. He says that in his quar
ters they have plunge and shower baths
with tile floors, a first-class "canteen"
for hop gold beer from Portland, and a
club room for officers. The best cigars
only cost, $3 per hundred, Mexican
money ; fine wine is 15 cents a gallon,
champagne $1 per bottle, and can buy
clothes at (3 per suit, all in Mexican
The old gossip who prints a hand-full
of papers every week in the old church,
is becoming a most noted rjrevarieator
in private and public life. He knew
he lied when he sneaked around and
told that the reporter of this paper
started a story about a certain promi
nent citizen. But he probably wanted
to pull this citizen's "leg" maybe for
enough to pay off the labor claims
against his measly sheet If he printed
his little rag at the same time the Ore
gon City newspapers were published,
and didn't swipe his news from the week
old papers and the Oregonian and Tele
gram, he wouldn't be in it. He lied,
too, when he said the Telegram repor
ter accused a Clackamas county legis
lator of stealing seven spittoons. The
item referred to stated that Mr. Hol
strom said it was rumored that such
was the case. The old gossip came to
the reporter and wanted to know which
member of the legislature was accused,
but the latter had learned by past ex
perience that it wasn't safe to tell the
Janus faced mug anything. Brownell
started him in business, by giving him
the tax-list two or three years ago, but
he has forgotten his benefactor.
A Plemunt Reception,
Rev, and Mrs. T. W. Butler were
given a delightful receptiou Tuesday
evening by the Ladies Aid Society of
the First Congregational church in the
church parlors, in honor of their 20th
wedding anniversary. About 150 mem
bers of the church were present besides
a number of invited guests, and it
proved the social event of the season.
The tables were prettily decorated with
ivy, cut roses and sprigs of red wild rose
buds, and the walls were decorated in a
similar manner.
The festivities begun by the presenta
tion of an eiegant Haviland tea set, a
token of esteem and appreciation from
the members of the congregation and
friends. Mrs. C. H. Dye made the
very neat presentation speech, which
was leehngly responded to by the pas
tor. Kev. A. J. Montgomery, of the
Presbyterian church, and Rev. M. L.
Rugg, of the Baptist church, each made
appropriate short addresses. A splen
did luncheon was served to all present,
the other features being of a social con
versation nature. .
Y. M. C. A. Xotea.
C. A. Willnv will tn I If at th V f
0. A. rooms next Sunday afternoon.
Donations Of bookft will lift oln.lltr en.
ceived at the reading room.
Additions to the nvmnnsium H'ill tin
made next week.
The basket ball bain heut t.lmTW-oua
of Portland by a score of 10 to one, last
Friday night. The Doweva wnrn mon
sters in size and weight, and expected
10 uo up me "country kuls" to a finish.
The Doweys were completely routed,
and when tliev reaehtvl Purtbiml . i,d.l
the sporting editor of the Telegram,
mite me oasKot hall plavers up at Ore
gon City were great, big gianti.
The next game of tho series will bo
played at Portland tonight. A car
load of people will go down to see the
gamo, if special rates can be seemed.
At the game tilaved b'ridnv ni.rlir Mil.
ton Price was umpire, and Joe Good
follow took his plitcej in tho to.uu.
A fine line of pattern hats at Shively's.
Hats trimmed to order a specialty,
Corner 7th and Madison on the hill.
Jacob SohaU, harness maker and ro
luiirer. Main street, nrmnaita iiatl,,;..
church, Oregon City.
If you wish to enjoy an evening of
side splitting laughter, go and Bee Gor
ton s New Orleans Minstrels. The first
part is a perfect revelation of modern
minstrelsy. Gorton's is the only or-
isaiutiuiuii in America producing genu
ine minstrelsy. Glistening with musical
genius and comodv. At Shively's on
Saturday. October Si). Tickets on sale
at Postotlke storo.
Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon City
for Pile and Catarrh Remedies.
r- . .
-ure guaranteed or money
Special Sale of trimmed hats Friday
Saturday and Monday. Oct. 21 mi,
& M". M. K. Hamilton 'aVRd
tront Store Oregon City.
Fine Salt lioo per 100 lbs, stock salt
40c per 100 lbsroast coffee m Tm
roast coffee with good spoon 9 lbs i"
Rising Sun stove polish (Jo, Arm A h'
soda 7 lbs 2.1c, bird seed 5c.
I Red Front Storo, Oregon City
Obituary Kot'tee. '
The following obituary notice of Mrs.
Annie Frost, now deceased, was una
voidably crowded out lasr week:
V i'h profound grief our entire com
munity received the sad intelligence on
Saturday that Annio Darling, wife of
Allen Frost, died at the residence of her
father, Marion Darling, of Ely, Octo
ber loth, 1113, aged 27 years. She was
possessed of an high order of intellect,
was well read, gracious and pleasing in
manner, lovely in person, kind in dispo
sition, sunny in temperament, and
womanly in all her impulses and con
duct. Her genial disposition won a
wide circle of friends, who were devot
edly attached to her. As a daughter
she was tender and devoted, and a tower
of strength to her parents. Asa sister
and wife she was wise in counsel and
helpful in action ; and as a friend she
was true and gave of her best. A few
weeks since her mother and only sister
accompanied her to Colorado Springs,
Colo., hoping that the change of cli
mate would prove beneficial. All that
loving attention could do, all that medi
cal skill could accomplish, were invoked
in her behalf, but in vain. The disease
resisted all remedies, and after months
of suffering life yielded up the struggle
and her gentle spirit went out with the
great unknown ; departed from this ex
istence buoyed by a sublime hope of
immortality, and was a noble Christian
girl Her life was spotless and her
death peaceful and calm. Who had
known her can douht that in a better
clime, freed from the shackles of mor
tality, she has found a perfect existence
where immortal bliss awaits the pure
is heart. On th following Sunday
Rev. T. W. Butler, of the Congrega
tional church, of which she was a mem
ber, conducted the services in a beauti
ful and impressive manner. She was
buried from her late home Sunday af
ternoon, and the remains were interred
in Mountain View cemetery, attended
by a large concourse of relatives and
friends. Sadly, her friends strewed her
gnve with wreaths of flowers until the
mound of earth was a mass of beauty,
fitting emblem of her young life so soon
ended on earth.
God's mighty plans for ns are far beyond our
mortal ken.
And ever as we try to search them out, we fail
But in the endless years to coma, we Shalt
know whv
The faie-Ht of rarih's Sowers are first to fade
and die.
Oregon City, Oct. 17th, 1S9S.
Decennial Celebration.
Sunday, October 30th, the First Pres
byterian church of this city will cele-
hratA th 10th annivttrfl'irv nf ita r.r,r,in
ization. Special services will be held
ao iuiiuhh; an me morning, a memo
rial Wrmnn : nt 3 r m rnmmnninii
service. In the evening the pastor will
give a Historical account ol the nrst de
cade of the church's life. All sr rnr-
dially invited to these services, espec-
: -! 1 .. 1 M T. 1 . .. . .
any, aiisu, an r resoyierians living in
various parts of Clackamas county, who
do not usually worship at Oregon City.
Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon City,
for Pile and Catarrh Remedies.
Cure guaranteed or money refunded
A few cheap reliable watches at
Get your fruit jars and jelly tumblers
at Harris' grocery.
For best groceries at chearjest urice co
to Marr& Muir.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Last year's patterns of wall paper at
reduced nrican. fiva And 1iV tint inn
counters. At Bellomy & Busch.
F. I. Andrews, the market snrdennr.
has always on hand a large amount of
first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider
and cider vinegar. Give him a trial.
Hand knite skirts, beautiful colors.
from $1.00 to )2.00.
At the Racket Store.
The most reliable goods at lowest
livine cash Drices are kent bv the orrvarv
store of Marr & Muir.
Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat
ting. Call at once and get choice of
patterns. Oregon City Auction House.
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. G.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
teeu and nay. uoods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
Fir and harj wji.I Wiriied on ajcouns
by the Oregon City Courier.
A high grade warranted sewing ma
chine sells for $25 on easy payments at
Bellomy & Busch.
XXX Castor Machine oil cheapor than
any other place at A. itobertaon's, the
Seventh street giocer.
Fob Sai.k Two yoke of we'.l-broke
oxen. Also one heavy log wagon, in
quire of Herman Bros., Molalla, Oregon
We carry exclusive stylos at lower
prices than any other house in Oregon,
Others may complete with us in quality,
nut not in prices, uelia Goldsmith.
The Oregon City Auction House has
just received the agency for the finest
range made which will be sold at yery
low prices.
Fon S.vlk A thoroughbred shorthorn
bull, nine months old. J. V. Dowry.
Currinsville, Oregon.
Underwear, ladies', gentlemen's and
childien's, all prices.
At the Racket Sfcire.
Nottingham lace curtains, balance of
lot just received. Will close out at the
same old price. Oregon City Auction
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C, D. A D. O.
Latourette .
We sell millinery goods 25 per cent
cheaper than any other house. Miss
When in Portland be sure and rail at
I'the Royal restaurant where you can get
tne Dost 10c meal in the city. 253 r irst
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohhinder, proprietor.
Wanted A child under 10 yeary of
age to care for. Apply at this office,
Notice is hereby given to the tax
payers of Clackamas county, that the
County Equalization Board for raid
county, will convene on the 21th of Oc
tober, 18'JS, and continue i:i session for
one week.- All property owners are re
quested to appear before the board and
examine the assessment roll, so that
any errors in assessment may be cor
rected. L. Stout.
County Assessor.
Carloads of goods for Red Front, of
course table oil cloth 12c, Cabot W. 5c,
seamless hose 10c, tough mule-skin
gloves 25c, with calf front 50c, 9 oz.
overalls 35c, dress goods, yarns, under
wear, mackintoshes, capes, umbrellas
and shoes at cut prices.
Red Front Store, Oregon City.
Trimmed hats, the latest Paris and
New York styles, at the lowest prices.
Miss Goldsmith's.
Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon City,
for Pile and Catarrh Remedies.
Cure guaranteed or money re
funded. Younger, who has had a life-long ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
dollar. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon,
for the County of Clackamas.
Robbins & Son, 1
PlaintifTa. I
vs. y
James Nelson,
Defendant, j
8tate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
decree and an execution, dulv lamed out
of and under the seal of the above entitled court,
In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed
and dated the 2-Jd day of September, lsiis,
upon a judgment entered in said court on
the 21st day of April, 1x87, in favor of .'Rob
bins & Son, plalntitts, and aealnst James Nelson,
defendant, for the sum of 17.34, with interest at
the rate ol 8 per cent, per annum from the 17th
day of April, 1'J7, and the further sum of 75
cents, costs and dtebursements. aud the costs of
and .iponthiB writ, commanding me out of the
personal property btlouirin to said defendant,
and if u Indent could not be found, then out ot
the real property belonging to said defendant on
and aftr the date of said judgment to satisfy said
sumotflT.31 and also the costs upon this sild writ
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order ana decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, being unnule to
find any personal property ofyuid defendant's, I
did on the 21 day of September. IS'.W, duly lew
apou the following described real property of said
defendant, adtuaie and being in the County of
Clackamas, and State of Oregun, to-wit: Lots Xos
two (21 and three (3)of sec 28. 1 4 s of r 2 e of W.M.,
containing 27.18 acres, also lhnt purt of the Har
rison Wright d I o No 88, sec 28. 1 4 sof r 2 e of the
w m, and more particularly dsi-nhed a follows,
to wit: Beginning at a point in the east line of
said elaim 38 s 17 degrees 55minutes e 27.72 chains
from the northeast corner thereof, and on the e
bank of the Mulalla river runuliig theuce s 17 de
grees 55 minutese Ti 21 chains tracing said eline
of said cluira So to the east bank of said Molalla
river, thence northeasterly and uortheasierly with
the meanders of said Molalla river to place of
beginning, containing ti.yH acres, more r less,
ali all that part of the Harrison Wright d 1 c No.
to, described as follows, to wi: Beginning at the
most easterly cor of said d 1 o 38 lu 14 s of r 2 e of
w in, running tnence s 14 degrees SS minutes trao
ine these boundary of said claim 18.17 chains to
to the ne cor of a tract of land heretofore sold to
Frank Jones thenee n 4o degrees 30 minutes w
along ne line of said Jones tract IS 41 chains to
sootnern corner of a tract of laud hereto;ore sold
to Elizabeth Coats, theuce along e hue of latter
tract and a tract of land heretofore sold lo Keu
bern Wrieht n 34 degrees e 20.56 chains, thence u
23 deg. 45 min. e to Molalla rive1, thence with the
meaudersof said Molalla river southeasterly to
its inter"tion witn e line of aforesaid d I c,
theuce a 17 degrees 55 minutes e to place of be
ginning ennuinii; 30 acres, more or less, all the
a'tove described land is situaU in Clackamas
county, Orexou, and 1 will, on
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of
the county court house, in the city of Oregon City
in said county aud stale, sell at public auction,
subject lo redemption, to the highest bidder,for
I'uiwu onv wiu uoiii, uanu in iinnu, all me
right, title and interest which the within
named defendant had ou the date of the
Judgment or since had in or to the above
described real properly or any part thereof, to
sail fy said execution, judgment order, decree
luierest, costs and all accruingcosts.
Hliorlfl of Claekamas Countv. Orpffon.
Daled Oregon City, Oregon. Sept. 2ld, 18'J.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Multnomah.
Esberg-Gunst Cigar Companyl
Silvey Stuart,
Defendant, J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
tlon and order of sale, duly issued out of
and under the seal of the above entitled Court, In
the above entitled cause, to me dulv directed and
dated the 7th day of October, 1MM, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court ou the
5ih day of October, 18'JH, in favor of Eaberg-
uunsv i.igar vompany, riaintilt, and against
."llvev KtimrL llefenrlMnt for tl.u sum nt au-i rl
and the further sum of S16 35. ousts and disburso-
menis, and tne costs or and upon this writ, com
manding me lo make sale ot the real nronertv
hereinafter described to satisfy the sum of 1132.711
with luierest thereon at the rate of percent per
annum from October 5th, lhu8, auc the hither
urn of tlti.3.", oosts then due upon said judgment,
and the ousts of and upon said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
and order of sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, being unable to
fiud any personal property ol said defendant's, 1
did oa Ibe 10th day of October, lsy8, duly lvy up
on the following described real property of said
defendant, situate and being lu the County of
Clackamas, aud State of Oregon, to-wit: All of
lot three (3) In section four (4i, township two (2)
south, range two (2) east Willamette Meridian, be
ing ill the Clackamas countv, Oregon, containing
thirty-three and 43 lou (St ii) acres, and 1 will ou
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of
the County Court House in the city of Oregon
City, lu said County aud Male, sell at public
auction, suhjeot lo redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the within named
defendant had on the date of said judgment or
since had in or to tiie above described real proper
ty or any part thereol to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October Id," 185(8
dcrsigned has been, this Ulh day of October,
lsim, appointed by the honorable County court of
Clackamas county, Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Kliza Hunt, dccenscdtcommonly kuown
as Mrs. Walts. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to preseut the
same 10 me, properly veritied, at Oregon Citv,
Oregon, within six months from date of this no
tice, October 13, 18HS. . E. HARiiREAVES,
Administrator of Kslate of Eliia llartt, Deceased.
Notice Is horeti? Riven'th! th nndersimiwl hu
bwn July .ptwintni administratrix of lb fsuie
of Frank Spulalc, ilecwwd, and all pontons having
claims airaiimt said deei-asod, or nquostixi lo
prestnt llinn with proper voucher at mv place of
residence in New Kia, Clackamas countv, Oregon,
n 0111 11 aix mourns Mom me uaic w mis nolle?.
Administratrix of the at. of Frank Spul.i,
Dated tills 3rd day of October, 1SS.
Consisting of 4 lots, pood pardrn spot, running
wcr me jr.r n'Uim, room nous?, fTIKhl Cellar,
nam Ititr enoneh for two cowa and inn rhiki.i-
la blocks from court house. 1'rlc. fcs). 6 per
wu, mwrwst. e ia vasu uown. rot particulars
iiKiuIr at this otlic.
flanndclt Vrappsrs,
(adiW sts,
hildrens' yndepwear,
ent's (cjfn&erfleai9.
All kinds of Notions at the Lowest Prices in
the city. Come and see.
Of Clackamas County can buy their Goods
and sell their Produce to advantage at
John Everharts General Merchandise Store,
. -
ELYVILLE, OREGON. A Large Stock ot Boots
and Shoes. Also Flour and Feed. Prices Guaranteed.
rBest Meals in the City...
"" Including Beer or Wine
s? 1I
Greissen & Hallwyler, Proprs
Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars-
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
,Work. :; Drawings made by description.
Silver Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
you ao 11
Dick and
A 131
Dealer In
Also Full line ol Mil! Feed,
3 vcaaa mcab eurrca
with a. aawKariKLD.
Sealskin Garments
a Specialty
dtmooiuKO no atramiHo
T ootaaTC mci
u moan auanaNTtiD
Portland, Oregon
PATENT FLOUR is made entirely
from old wheat and when use it you do
not run the risk of having poor bread as
you Duy nour made by Tom,
Harry of all kinds of wheat.
To Watch Buyers for 30 DAYS; if
you never possessed a watch now is
the TIME to own TIME of your own.
293 Morrison Street
The Iowa Jeweler
Lime, Cement anfl " Ififl Plato.
roaMtaur scaiaaia ana riTTta