Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 28, 1898, Image 1

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COURIER, Vol. 16, No. 23
HERALD, Vol6, No. 1
si toss EXPOSITION COUPON $ito$5
J $io in MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHES at our store.
qt "ina.il umh him uiicij run i laiiu untuun
For the benefit of visitors to the Exposition. CUT THIS
OUT present it to us and we refund $i on each purchase, of
$io in MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHES at our store.
One price to all. Goods marked in plain figures. ;, v
Cor. Morrison and 2nd Streit, PORTLAND OREGON
13 is
Since buying his Groceries
of MARR MUIR, after
having traded for some time
at other stores. Nq stale or
inferior goods Icept.
q IrQpOFtarjt"
Royal makes the lood pure,
wbolesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
bovl pakino pownen co., nfwvobk.
To every one the baying of shoes in an
important step. The economical buyer
especially wants something that looks
elegant, but also something that does
not cost too much and will wear and
be comfortable. You will appreciate as
well as we that this demand fr not a
slight one, but we, in guaranteeing to
suit you, will run the risk of failure, be
ing confident of success.
for household use are amongst the
articles from our stock of Groceries
which are in constant demand. Their
richness, fine flavor and other excellent
qualities have made them prime favorites
with every housekeeper. . '
We also have sweet thingB in the
SBstry line made fresh every day in our
akery besides the best bread in the city.
Bakers and Grocers
Opposite Postoffice,
The donations toward the literary
hall that were collected, are in ttie
treasury of the society, $57 being the
full amount collected, $10 Having oeen
paid on Hie building lot ; there is at the
present time ti7 in the treasurer's
hands, $30 which is yet to be collected,
will be attended to at once. The so
ciety expects to have added sufficient
funds to the donations Dy spring, in
order that the building may then be
erected. The above statement was
made by order of the society and for the
benefit of those who were ignorant of
the wbtreabouts of the money collected
and the future course of the society,
William Fine was taken quite sick
the first of the week.
Miss Clara Kellogg, of Wasco, Sher
man ccunty, is visiting friends of this
place, She having formerly resided
The school is making good progress
and the term promises to be a very suc
cessful one.
Modern nimrods are very numerous
iu this community and the birds are
hardly given an opportunity to roost.
Oct. 26. Phoghkss.
A very pleasant evening was spent at
the residence of Mrs. Will Aldridge on
Seventh street last Saturday evening.
The occasion being in honor of Miss
Ana's eight birthday. The evening
was interspersed with music and games,
nmking the time fly by on eagles wings
as mirthful, laughing children chased it
only to quickly away. Mrs. Aldridge
spared no pains to make the evening
pass pleasantly for the little ones.
Refreshments were served by
Misf-es Luva Randall , Burness Adams
and Georgia Graoa. The delicious ice
cream and cake could not be excelled.
Miss Ana received a number of pretty
presents. After a most enjoyable time
all dispersed at a late hour. The invi
ted were:
Arthur ami Walter Deute, Vernon
Story, Bertie Boylan, Hope Barber,
Georgia Grace, Florence Grace, Grade
Dehm, Eva Mason, Olive Mason, Ona
Renner," Ethel Holmes, Nora Hamlin,
Marjorie Showers, Paul Showers. Mary,
Julta and Tony Maystriek, Ada and
Ella Miller, Monica Montgomery, Alga
McR'luie, Rhea Cole, Maude Cooke,
Berjiiee Adams, Claybourne Williams,
Hairy mid Whiter Williams, Graeie
Mow aid Zinzer, Lenva Raudall, Vada
IMIlott. .
Mrs. Steve Hutchison and daughter,
Athleen, , were visiting Mrs. G. W.
Grace Tuesday and VVeduesday.
G. W. Grace received a letter from
John Fairclough dated September 26th
Dawson Oitv. All were in good spirits
and comfortably settled for the winter,
expecting to work their claims which
they think will turn out well. The let
ter was brought out by Mr. Welsh.
Bob Rineo. ol Clarkes, was in the
city ilondav. ,
Miss Clara Barber, who has been
quite sick of late, is gaining strength
siowly. X.
Elyville. Ore., October 25.
Mountain View.
Oregon City !
Fresh Stock of
Depot for HAT and FEED
Willamette Block, Oregon City
gijmitsiwwifm '
Funeral Conductor
And Undertaker
Caskets, Coffins,
Etc. Best Material.
Robes, Lining,
Lowest Prices.
Next Door to Pope's hardware store.
Main Street. Obkgom City; Ob.
Gut Rate Druggists
Here are just a few of our Prices
Pima Prricei
Fierce'! Favorst Prescription fl at to 69
Carter's Ltrer Pills 25 15
Hood's SannparllU 1 00 69
BeoU's Emulsion 1 00
Alcock's Poroces Plasters .... 16
Palne's Ctlery Compound ... 100
Caitoria 8
Syrup Figs 60
Mrs. Wohler, of Portland, is visiting
with ber son and family at present.
F. M. Darling resumed teaching last
Monday, after a week's vacation. , ,
Mrs. lhail JNeison, . ol.. liberal. r was
visiting among relatives-and friends in
this vicinity Sunday and Monday.-
Frank Bullard is working iri Portland
this month, and his wife spent last week
visiting relatives out near aCrus.
Mr. Hall is building the chimneys on
bis new house this week,
John Gillett received 450 ll)B. of salt
fish last Saturday from Toledo, Lincoln
county, Ore., sent by Chas. Krieger,
and expects 100 lbs. of fresh fish the
last of this week.
Mrs. Elwood Frost went out to High
land Tuesday, to visit with her parents
and friends. Elwood doesn't like to
keep batch, so he is boarding with his
Mrs. Will Everhart is able to be out
again after a siege of typhoid fever.
T. W. Butler gave an interesting ser
mon here last Sunday and the church
was well filled too. There wag a good
attendance at Sunday schojl also. There
will be services again In about two
weeks at 2:30.
Rev. Stamp and family, have moved
into Duane Ely's house- with Mr. Mur
row and family.
August Frederich spent Saturday
evening and Sunday out near Car us.
Mr. Everhart was down at Parkplace
last week repairing his house on his
property at that place. Sauna.
Ely, October 26.
The young ladies of Liberal gave a
basket social in the town hall last Sat
urday evening. The result was very
gratifying to the promoters, as it was a
decided success, both lrom a social and
a financial point of view.
J. A. Hannegan is building a shed in
the rear of his store building, for the ac
commodation of his patrons, we presume
If appearance are a criterion, he is
making a success of his business at Lib-.
eral. ; , . . . ';..-.,
Henry Case, who is attached to Co
M., 23d infantry, wrote' from Camp
Mem nan,'. October 17th, that his com
pany expected to sail for Manila ihe
same day on the transport Senator.
. riuara who' httve potatoM yt to dig
are hoping tor more pleasant weather,
while those who have pioving to do
would like to see a good rain.
Miss Blanche Dyer, our school ma'am,
was visiting friends in Oswego, Sunday.
Mrs. Grace Look, of Meadowbrook,
was visiting friends here last week, and
attended the social Saturday evening.
Miss May Stipp, of Oregon City, spent
few davs with friends here the past
People along the Molalla river here,
are taking considerable interest in tne
course which the stream may take this
winter, and the effect which recent work
will have upon it. -v.
Liberal, October 24.
? Wf- "sf-T1 Tl W' 'A';1,!"
An Inviting Place....
To do clothes-buying is at our store. About
, every conceivable thing of fashion in Men:s
and Boys' Clothes is here and "your money
back if you say so," makes you feel that you
are not being fooled.
Unlshert worsteds, fancy lirown unci itray
. (lheviota, blues and blacks; timile of trust
worthy fabricsaud guaranteed
Men's Business Suits
$12.50 I
Fine, close-woven worsteds nnd woolen
eassiiiier 68 of latest popular designs; also
blin'8 and blacks, wade in same way as
above mentioned, but of finer fabrics. . . ,
Largest Clothier In the Northwest First and Morrison; Portland; Or
James Sheltz has now moved on W.
T. Williams' place and is ready to com
mence farming operations.
The Quarterly conference of the M. E.
church was held at Dover, 21st and 22d
inst., Bro. Waters presiding elder.
Misses Guasie Funk and Ida Yound
visited Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Funk last
Quite a number of our people are
complaining of the bad condition of
the roads between here and town, tfy
the way, if our Honorable County Court
could be induced to take a ride over said
road I am suie they would not ignore a
petiion of 64 signers but would open
their "hearts" and do something for us.
M. Behine and son, - Gilmore, have
taken a trip to the mountains on Roar
inir river to kill nvervthina in siuht.
They went loaded for .bear, but your
correspondent has pot heard of their
return yet. U.S.
Redland, October 23. ;
' ' : ' ' Illyhlatul.
You save dollars every time you step Into our store to buy, and our CuUBates extend over our
entire line of Goods, we are tne biggest Drug store in Oregon,
151 3rd St., Portland, Oregon.
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the, city
and but a IS minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
popularity. .
Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee,
Charman Bros.' Block
The few days good weather we have
bad, the farmers have been very busy
sowing wheat and digging potatoes. ,
The infant child of Fritz Mathias was
buried in the Damascus cemetery last
Sunday. A large number were out and
the bereaved parents have the sympathy
of the entire people who knew them.
George Hilleary 4a visiting relatives
here for awhile.
Mr. Udicher and ion are cutting wood
for J.W. Hilleary.
Mies Delina Newell is home from
Portland for a short time.
Ira Monger and family, late from
Eastern Oregon, have located with us
for the winter and are occupying the
Deubar building.
Geo. Derry has been dislocating some
of the large stumps on bis place here
A. C. Strange was seen passing
through here last Saturday on his way
to Oregon City. Miss Bula Strange ac
companied him.
Mr. Spaulding is completely disgusted
with these par'.s, and will: go back East
son, most any wnere out uregon.
"Many are the people and queer are
.l,ui. a.v. "
Boone Johnson has bis saw mill near
ly ready (or business, and will be ready
to accommodate one and all s xm.
Mr. Snider's new residence is nearly
completed, and it aud other buildings are
a credit to our town.
Mrs. M. E. Newell and son, took a
trip to Springwater Tuesday and
Prayer meeting at Eev3abn's Wednes
day evening and Sunday school at the
Rock creek scbooi noose every ounoay.
J. W. Hilleary and wife went to Port
land Saturday and attended the fair in
the evening.
Mr. Trot and family will move into
Mrs. Harland's residence instead of
moving to Oregon City.
October 21.
Our vicinity has been . visited by a
rain which has caused some pretty bad
roads. , .'. .
Our school is progressing nicely uu
der the management of Mr. Elliot.
Mrs. S.J. Jones and daughter, Pearle,
of Parkplace, were the guests of Mrs. O.
E. Martin, last week.
Mrs. James Parish gave a quilting bee
last Wednesday which was largely at
tended by the women of our neighbor
luiD, ifoiuu 10 viaiiiiJK memo miu
relatives in Oregon City.
J. W. Jones has purchased a new.
team, and is now busy hauling lumber
for a bridge by Willis Mayfield's plncev'
AT iaa Knru. HAplrnri it, viaifincr at:
Springwater this week.
Mrs. Ida Eckerson, of Portland, is
visiting her 'parents Mr. and Mrs. U.
Charles Jones has returned from
Washington, where he has been at
work for the paet year. - Hello, Snipe,
we are glad to see your smiling fnc9.
October 2i, kkuct.
The latest style in short corsets. Also
in other styles, at the Racket Store. .
The merchandise business of Thomas
Charman & Son having been sold, all
persons knowing themselves to be in
debted to the old firm, r Thomas Char
man personally, will call at the olil
place of business and settle or, make)
satisfactory arrangements (or same,
Af-r I ) days from this dateall accounts,
will be given our attorney for colit'C'on.
jAMKHf , J..OVMT, j
for Thomas Charman.
Oregon City, Sept. 80, 1808.
Ready made
Racket Store.
dress skirts. At the
(Quality in
The weather has been very nice for
the past week, and the farmers are all
very busy putting in grain and digging
tneir potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry were vi-ilors at
Oregan City Friday.
Frank Mulvey, of Portland, was visit
ing friends and relatives here a couple
of days last week.
Quite a number of our young folks at
tended the social at Liberal Saturday
night, and report having a fine time.
There will be another social given by
the Ladies Aid Society at Liberty Hall,
Saturday evening, November Sth.
Ed. Bowman, who is working In
Portland, came out home Saturday
evening, returning Sunday.
Miss Mabry McCown and Miss Blanch
Dyer, of Liberal, were visiting Miss
Mabry'i relatives at uregon uity sun-
W. L. Mulvey has been hauling hops
to Canby the last week for Paine Bros.
Miss Addie Ohristensen and Miss Iva
Harrington, were visiting Miss Madge
Mulvey, Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Force and family are
visiting friends in Portland.
Fred Woodside who has been work
ing in Oregon City is now working at
The Dalles, Oregon, in a lumber yard.
A party of men from Portland , ac
companied by Bud Smith, of Canby,
started for Canyon creek Sunday. When
they got a short distance above Mulino,
Mr. Smith's horse became unmanage
able and th rowed him and bis partner
from ihe bunev. hurting bis shoulder
and cutting him up considerable, besides
breaking the buuity quite badly. They
then thought they bad fun euough for
that day. so turned around and went
back home. Pansy.
Mulino, October 23.
The past week has been favorable for
farmine eenerally. and it seems every
body has taken ad vantage of the weather
in sowing, digging potatoes and picking
Miss Gussie Funk has returned from
Oregon City, wboie she has been assist-
ing her sister in moving.
Mrs. Widier has gone to Port Town-
send, where her husband Is at work on
government works.
Mrs. Geo. Hiclnbolliem and sons.
Charlts and Georgie, have gone to Mo
lalla to visit relatives.
Miss Hattie Gaskell has gone back to
Drugs I
and Chemicals
Has been our hobby. We have continually and
everlastingly been using every effort in our
power to so improve our service, that the first
thing our customers think of and admire when
referred to HUNTLEY'S DRUG STORE is
We would not sell anybody, or even allow
them on their own responsibility, to take from
our store, any drugs or medicines that we were
not positive were pure.
Cut-Rate Druggist
headquarters for
Robe tine, Dutard's
Skin Specific, Ore
gon Kidney Tea,
O z 0 mulsion,
Psychine and Cole-foote.
rff WW Y -
The Graphophone drawing will
take place Saturday evening, Novem
ber jth. Five numbers will be drawn
and registered. The first one gets
the talking machine if called for with- j
in two weeks. If not presented in
two weeks the second number gets k J
and so on until called for. The lucky t
number will be published after the
drawing in tnis spac.
Portland to work.