16 PAGES, 2 PARTS, PART 2 City. CoUri COURIER, Vol. 16, No. 22 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1898. HERALD, Vol6, No. 13 Oregon Herald, Look Here Young Man Youi looks tell on you. Can keep it secret a while. Before Us too late, go and see or write to this old doctor. He has been treating such cases for over 20 years and perfectly reliable. Furnish es his medicine aud tells no tales. , Dr. Kessler Of the Old St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dis pensary, 230 Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon, positively guarantees to remove. TAPEWORM In any stage without loss of time from buslnesr . DUTJTTMAWllT Cured by an old German nflJilJlll.nl It) ill remedy. This remedy was sent to Dr. Keller by a friend in Berlin. It has never failed, and we guarantee it. flTTI OODrC! Ulcers, .Cancer, etc., cured, no UJjJJ UUlUjlJ difference how long affected. TJTJITT A IPTJ Diseases. This doctor guarantees to flli V A 1 Jj oureany case of Syphilis, GonorrheH, Gleet. Strictures cured, no difference how long Standing. Spermatorrhea, Loss of Manhood, or Nightly Kmmissions, cured permantly. The habit of Self Abuse effectually cured in a short time. VfiTTWP HirU Your errors and folliesofyouth 1UU11U llliUl can De rerueaiea, ana tins oia doctor will give yon wholesome advice and cure you make you perfectly stiong and healthy. You will be amazed at his tuocess in curing Spermatorrhea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Emmis sions, and other effects. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS painful, difficult, to frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges, carefully treated and permantly cured. Files, Bheumalism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies and cures guaranteed Patients treated in any part of the country by bis home system. Write full Particulars enclose ten !c stamps and we will answer you promptly, hundreds treated at home who are unable to come to the City. READ THIS Take a clear bottle at bed time and urinate in the bottle, set aside and look at it in the morning. If it Is cloudy or has a cloudy settling in it, you have some kindney or bladder disease, and should be attended to before you get an incurable Dis ease as hundreds Die every year from Bright Disease of Kidneys. DepaT FOB Fast Mail 8:00 p.nv. BpokaM fly 2 i) 1- TIME SCHEDULES From Portland. Salt Lake. Denver, ft. norm, umana, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, aud East. Dalles I ocal Daily Fx. Sunday . 8 00 p. "1. Sunday 10:00 p. m Walla Walla, Spo kane, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Du luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Hast Dalles, Itonnleville Mnltnnman. Falls Cascade Locks, Hood Kiver, Arrive from Fast Mail. 7:20 a.m. Spokane Flyer 11:15 a. m :00 p.m. Ocean Stsamshlui From Cortland. All sailing dates subject tocnange.i For Jan Francisco- Fall Tct. 0.11. 14, 17, fO, Cft, e, 29 Dalles Local Daily Ex. Sunday 1:80 a.m. Sunday 7:00 a. m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. Columbia River ttsamcri. To Astoria and Way Landings. 8:00 a.m. Ex. Sunday Willamette River. Oregon City, New. berg.Salem it way landings. 7:00 s. 11 tuea., Tkor. and 8: 8:00 a.m. lues., Thar, and Sat. V. Rlpitria :4o a. u.a Daily Ex.Saturday Willamette and Yam hill Hlvers. Oregon City, Day ton,li vvay Land ings. Willamette River. Portland to Corral, lis it Way Laud ings. Snake River. Rlparia to Lewlston 4:00 ii. m. Ex. Sunday 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday 8:30 p. m. Mini., Wed. and Fri. i IOW are the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well? Do they get all the benefit they should from their food? Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are (they hearty and robust in 'every way? If not, then give them Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil with hypo phosphites. It never fails to build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. It is just so with the baby also. A little Scott's Emulsion, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby plump and prosperous, it furnishes the 'young body with just the material necessary for growing bones and nerves. All Dmsrclsts. roc. and tr. Scott & Bowne, Chemists, N.Y. ft Jury List. Sheriff Cooke and Olerk Dixon on Wednesday drew the following list of jurors for the November term of the circuit court for Clackamas county : H. Gans, farmer, Oswego. Eugene Cumins, farmer, Beaver Creek ALUMINUM NOVELTIES AMJMIKUM THIMBLES Lighter than a feather. More durable than silver Guaranteed not to tarnish. Pr ic e 8 cents. Price, in velvet lined case, 10 cents. ALUMINUM TEA STRAINER A long felt want. size. Will lust a life time. Price 10 cents 2 for 15 cents ALUMINUM JEWEL BOX AND PIN CUSHION Sti&ffiWt&iiS.' Our latest. tzjip-.i i-wrjW, Vi size Prlr- 30 V9iiiJltJkr cents. All three fir" J- as mustrat Mltrf; cent.. Pos XWj paid. George Knight, Neal Heater, George Armstrong, Daniel Talbert, A Andre, L E Wise, E. P. Carter, John Burns, E. B. Stark, G. W. Waldron, O. L. Barber, Canby. Pleasant Bill Viola. Clackamas Cascades Damascus Soda Springs Canby Milk Creek Abernetfiy iViarqum W.-W. Aldredge, laborer, Oregon City S. Wheeler, farmer, ' Abernethy Fred Gage, " Clackamas Clarence Farr, butcher, Oregon City E. M. Hartman, farmer, Marquam John W. Wetzler, laborer, Milwaukie J. E. Morton, farmer, Damascus F. S. Baker, farmer, West Oregon City T. L. Dibble, ' Molalla M.Campbell, " Barlow Nick Darnell, " Milk Creek Chas Catta, dairyman, West Ore. Oity S. B. Johnson, lumberman, Damascus John Everhart, farmer, Molalla George Kidder, A. M. Lovelace, A.V.Davis, H. Gregory, Canemah Damascus Soda Springs New Era tion of parallel work on the bars. On Sunday, October 23rd, Mr. F. Walters, will have charge of the 4 p. m. meeting, to which all are invited. There will be extra music. The membership has been increasing at an average rate of 10 persons a week for some time, the result of persistent effort of those having some of the de partments in charge. The class in elbow work meets Thurs day evening at 6:30 sharp. All are invited. . Decennial Celebration. Sunday, October 30th, the First Pres byterian church of this city will cele brate the 10th anniversary of its organ ization Special services will be held as follows: In the morning, a memo rial sermon: at 3 p. m., communion service. In the evening the pastor will give a historical account of the first de cade of the church's life. All are cor dially invited to these services, espec ially, also, all Presbyterians living in various parts of Clackamas county, who do not usually arorship at Oregon City. DIRECTORY ' Fob Sale A thoroughbred shorthorn bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowty. Currinsville, Oregon. Nottingham lace curtains, balance of lot just received. Will close out at the same old price. Oregon Oity Auction House. Address, L. B. EMERSON (Minor), i 192 B. H'ullcrton Avenue, Chicago, Ills. Livery W. II. YOUNG'S & Feed Stable Probate Court. G. E. Hargreaves was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Eliza Hartt, deceased, commonly known as Mrs Watts. Ollie Kate Geer was appointed guar dian of Earl Victor Geer, a minor. Elizabeth A. Paine was appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of D. L Paine, deceased, upon the petition of her daughters, Misses Kittie and Ida The property to be administered upon is valued at $2,000. E. A. Sommer. J. P. Lovett and Sam Selling were ap pointed appraisers. i s i Y. M. C. A. Notes. There will be a game, of basket ball and other entettainment at the armory hall, Friday night. The game will be between an Oregon City team and the Dewey jrs., of the Portland Y. M. O. A., which will be the first of a series to be played for a silver trophy. A fine lit erary and musical program has been prepared, and there will be an exhibi- COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge T. F. Ryan Clerk of Courts Elmer Dixon Shero J. J. Cooke Reoorder .. T. P. Randall Treasurer Jacob Shade Assessor ... Luciene Stout School Superintendent U.S. Strauge Surveyor Coroner M. O. Strickland Commissioners . I S. F. Marks I K. Morton Deputy Clerk E. H. Cooper " Sheriff J.F. Jack " Keoorder Ed. Dedman Surveyor : " Assessor Mrs. L. Stout County Court meets on first Wednesday after firs Monday of every month. Probate Court meets on first Monday of every month Circuit Court meets on third Monday in Aprlland first Monday in November CHURCHES. First Congregational, corner Main and Eleventh streets Rev. T. W. Butler, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school after morn lng service. Prayer meeting every Th urs any evening at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meetlnn Y P. S. C.E. every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets Rev. M. L. Rugg, pastor. Morning service, 10:30; Sunday school, 11:45. Evening service, 7:30. Regular prayer meeting Thursday , evening. Monthly covenant meeting every Wednesday evening preceding first Sunday iu the month. St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and river Rev. A Hlllebrand. pastor. On Sun day, mass at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Every Sunday German sermon after 8 o'clock mass. At all other masses English sermons. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Vespers, Apologetical subjects and benediction at 7:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh streets Rev. II. Oberg, pastor. Morning service at 10:45, hunday school at 10:00, Evening service at 7:80, Epworth League Sun day evening at 0:80, prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:80. Class meeting after morning service. Firs' Presbyterian, corner Seventh and Jefferson streets Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. m. "lid 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 8:00. Evangelical, German, corner Elghtand Madison streets Rev. J. Evlch, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sab bath school everv Sunday at 10 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting every weunesoay evening. United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce streets , pastor, services second and fourth Sunday mornings and the preced ing Saturday in each month at 11 a. m and 7 p. in., and the first Sunday afternoon of each monui at Fans view. St. Paul's Episcopal, corner Ninth and river- Rev. H. L. Idleman, pastor. Sundav services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Fridays, evening prayer with address, ai :ou. Evangellcal-Lutheran.Zton Congregation, corner f.ignm ana jenerson streets Kev. f . sack, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Services at 10:80a. m. and 7:30 p. m. German Lutheran, Ohio Synod, corner of Eighth ana j. i. jiuams sireei-Kev. truest J. w Mack, pastor. M. E. South Rev. W. L. Mallov, pastor. Third Sunday at United Brethren Church. Congregational, Elyvllle Services second and fourth Sundays at 8 p ni,, by Rev, Butler of rurm cnurcn, uregon uity. Free Methodist Rev. J. W. Eldrldge, pastor, Preaching first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m Prayer meeting Every Thursdiy evening. Services held in Congregational church at Klyvllle. Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, 0. K. 8. Mason io Tem ple on Tuesdays. Willamette Camp No. 148, W. of W. -Second and Fourth Tuesdays In Redmen'a ball. Falls Grove Circle No. 32, W. W. Redmen's hall Tuesday evenings. Wacheno Tribe, No. IS, I. O. R. M. Tuesday eve ning at Keamen s nan, jaggar ouiiciiiig. Meade Post, No. G. A. R. First Monday of each mouin ai n uiKmeiie nail Meade Relief Corps, No. 38 First and third Fridays or each month in vv illnmette hall. St. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A. Every Tuesday evening at their hall. United Artisans, No. T Willamette hall every luursuay. Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.-A. O. U. W. hall upper sevemn street, on shcouu uud fourth Mondays. Oregon City Board ol 1 rade At court house on Monday in each month. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of earn mourn at fountain engine nouse. Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wcdnesduy in euoh month at Fountain engine house. Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each jiiuiiui at i.aiaraoi eugiue nouse. Oregon City Hose Co. No. 2 -Hose house on the nitune tmra luesnay ol each monm. ML View ,11086 Co. 4 Hose house at Klyvllle. COUNTY. Iron Lodge No. 135, A. O. U. W. Every OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor E. O. Canfleld Recorder ..... ...... -Bruce C. Curry Chlf of Police . C.U. Bums Treasurer H. E. Strnluht City Attorney F. T. Griffith Street Commissioner W. L. Stiidow Sup't. of Water Works W. H. Howell CityEnitlnner D. W. Klnualrd Councllmen R. Koerner, C. D. Latourelte, Frank ISuscll and 11. D. Wilson of First Ward; James Roake. II. E. Harris, A. W. Millu and Fred Metz ner of Second Ward. Council meetsflrst Wednesday of each month. SOCIETIES. List of All Societies in this County With Meeting; Place and Date. OREGON CITV. ' Falls City Lodge No. 159 of A. O. U. W.-Evory Saturday evening in A. u. u. w. liall on Sev enth street. Oregon Lodge No. 3, T. O. O.F. Every Thursday evening at uaa fellows' nan. Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O, F. First and third Tuesdays at Odd follows' hall. Willamette Rebekah -Degree Lodge No. 2 The second and fourth hriduys lu l.O.O. v . hall. Abernethy Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 80. Tues day evening at I. O. O. F. hall. Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M Regular communications on first and third Saturdays. Mvrtlo Lodge No. 24, D. of H. Every Friday In A. O. U. W. hull. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con vocation third Monday. . Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A. -Willamette hall on second and fourth Fridays, hursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W.-Flrst and third Saturdays at school house, Molalla. Gavel Lodge No. 56, A. O. V. W. Second and third Saturday evenings at Knight s ball, Canby. Clackamas Lodge, No. 57, A. O. U. W. First and liuro. niouua s at strlle s hall, Clackamas. Sunrise Lodge No. 48. A. O. U. W. Second and lourth Saturday at Wllsonvllle. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Every Tuesday evening. Rebekah Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F., of Oswego Thursday evenings. Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1, O. O. F. Odd Fellow's nun. uswego, every Monday evening. Lone Pine Lodge No. 53. A. F. & A. M., of Logan. General Pope Post No. 62; G. A. R First Satur day ot eaun month at urange nail, Huimo. General Crook Post No. 22, U. A. R. School house at Needy on Hint Saturday in each month. Star Lodge No. 95, K. of P. Every Wednesday evening in uastie nau. Canby Lodge No. 504, 1. 0. G. T. First and Third Saturday evenings at Knight s iiall, Canby. Oswego Lodge No. 448. 1. O. G. T.-Every Friday evening in new nan in old town. Canby Spiritualist Society First and Third Sun- aays oi eacn moiun. New Era W . O. T. U. First Saturday in each month at their hall in New Era. Sprlngwater No. 203, P. of H.-On second Satur day atter iuii moon. Canby Board of Trade Knight's hall, Canby, on nrsi ana uura rriaays. Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of H. Their hall at vt right s image on tne second Saturday ol each month at 10 a. m.. Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of H. l ast Saturduy of each mouth at their hall la Wllsonvllle. Warner Grange No. 117, P. of H. Fourth Satur day of each mouth at their hall In New Era. Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. ol II. At hall In Marquam second Saturday in each month. Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H. Second tjfUur day In each month. Damascus (irango No, 200, P, of H.Flmt Satur day In mouth in Damascus school house. Teael Creek No. 255, P. ol H. Third Saturday in each month. Boise (Orvllle) No. 255, P. of H- Second Satur day iu month. Highland No. 261, P. of A. First Saturday )u month. . Barlow No. 282, P. of H. First aud third Satur day lu mouth. Semtnritu of SnHettei are kindly rtqueslni to ut(ft the editor oj any chixnyc in pluia or meeting date. 4:80 p.m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. Lv. Lewlston 6:45 a. iu. Daily Ex.Saturday F. E. BOJTALDSOjr, Agent, ' Oregon City. W. H. HURLEURT. Gsrferal Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. jimiiiifiiiiitnimitmmiii in: illinium iiiii 111111U E SOME PAPERS GIVE I 1 ALL THE NEWS s I PAST OF THE TIME, I AND SOME PAPERS I GIVE PART OF THE NEWS I ALL OF THE TIME. THE CALL I IS THE ONLY PAPER I THAT GIVES I I ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME I Has the best looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON BARGAINS. For particulars apply at CouniER office, Oregon City, OCflfY-A four-room house and lot In Oregon WvJUUoity; good location with fine view o river; young trees and shrubs; place cost over 900. Oil ftftTwo good houses and lot; houses rented OllUUnear paper mill - uregon City; will trade or sell cn installment plan. VATTD DPTfP An 80-acre farm, bout lUUn rIUVEi2U miles southeast of the onrthouse. at a baraain; titlj perfect; also two IniH nnn In South Orevon Cllv and the other In Oregon City proper; title perfect. All this properly musi Desoto, icrms easy: mni nine prices. Anvone that wants to buy will find It to his interest to investBatejthls. Job Printing at the Courier Ollice. TfTAKTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIV! Is ,11 1 le men or ladles t' travel f' r mpnnslMi established house In Oregon, Monthly Hi u Position su ady. Refcrenre. f.ti close silt dlres"d stamped envelope,. Th Dominion Ccnipitiy, Dept. Y, Chicago. SVBSCRimOK PBICI INCJXPINQ POSTAGE Daily Call, including 8unday 12 mo $6 00 s " " " " ' 8 00 J ' 8 " 1 50 S ii i 1 " 65 Punday Call 12 " 1 50 s WVrklv " 12 " 1 6(1 S " M 6 " 75 S Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 60 s Delivered by carrier, every day. 660. mo. W. 8. LEAKE, Maauac . s 1 s 'uiiiKMiiiiiMiuiiiiimiiimiiiii.iiHiiiiiiMiiiiiMiir T'TiVTl'D-TRl'STWOriTITY AND ACT! VI Vf (rutli-mm or I irfl - irvl nr rri unnlblt CstsbUeUd hnn In M."-tM A.IS am esivne. IW'Ion si.-nit R.-tVrti.on. Ki rW self-ddres'-il Sltu("-i1 riimloye. 'li.c Louiiumi Company-l't'. Y ClvCi 1.0. peg Dili a 01 TO READERS OF r3lr,aa COURIER-HERALD The COURIER-HERALD is the leading paper of Clackamas county; it gives twice the reading matter of any other, in fact, more than all others in county combined; has the largest circulation and best advertis ing patronage; is county official paper; is not controlled by poiiticians; is independent and believes in reform for the common people. Now is the time to SuOscrlW. New Time and Courier-Herald $1-75 N. Y. World and " " 1.8$ Country Gentleman " " 200 If Pay $2.00 for COURIER-HERALD for 16 months and you get the Week ly Oregonian for 1 year Absolutely Free YEARS' EXPERIENCE 7r A Tnot Marks -4" Desion r'rrni cos-vbioht jtc. Anvone sending a sketch and description may qnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention l probablT patentable. Communlc. ttonmtrietlroonfidontud. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest airencr for securing patents. Patents taken tbrouia siann i peeiat notice, without charge. In tht Scientific American, A bandsoeislr lllurtrated week If. rsrsaat rte eolation of nr srteutUlo Innroal. Terms, S3 s Kr: roar months, $L Bold kyall aswsdealsra. Branch Omos, fl IK, Washington, O. C. Oae of the Courier-Herald's Presses .. urn yws m' ' sm.nn up. -'r mv i ' fimrmr , imss wssws !S;irv " :imiwii.iwiww rw, . wmmi. .fwnirt.i.iinsni.ii'.'i "-