Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 21, 1898, PART 1, Image 7

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    R. I E 160 acres; south of
BE. hi and SB. hi of 8W. hi of
section 33, Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E.. 120
acres 15 87
Dolan, John SW. hi of NW. 14 of
section 9, Tp. 3 S., R. 6 E., 40
acres; NW. of NE. hi of sec-
tion 16, Tp. 2S., R. 6 B., S2
AfirAH pnat U. nf HP1 1 nf aan-
; tion 8, Tp. 2 S., R. 5 E., 80 acres',
north of NE. of section 17,
Tp. 2 8., R. 5 E., 80 acres 20 14
North hi of NE. hi and SW. 4 of
. w. 4 ana west or sw. 14 of
section 11, Tp. SB., R. i E., 200
North hi of SW. hi of section 5,
Tp. 2 S., R. 4 E., 80 acres
South hi of BE. 14 of Bection 32,
Tp. 1 S., R. 4 E., 80 acres
Doney. Helen M. SW. hi of NE. hi
and NW. hi of NE. of section
25, Tp. 2 S., R. 5 E., 80 acres....
Doores, J. W. Part of the Robert
Allen donation land claim, be
ginning at a point on north
boundary of said claim 6.08
chains from NE. corner thereof;
thence north 89 degrees 30 min.
; west on north boundary of said
; claim, 8.50 chains; thence south
49 degrees 9 minutes east 6.49
, chains to side county road lead
ing to Silverton; thence north
40 degrees 61 minutes east, 6.51
7 95
10 95
l 20
3 I
' chains to beginning, Tp. 6 8., R.
1 E., 1 acres 6 U
Dorchester, Daniel Lots 1 to 12 In
clusive and 31 to 40 Inclusive,
block 83; lots 14 to 35 inclusive,
block 84; lots 24 to 29 inclusive,
block 80, Mlnthorn addition to
the city of Portland 15 82
Dowler, E. J. Part of Hector
Campbell donation land claim,
undivided hi of the 10-acre tract
being the north hi of SE. hi ot
lot set off by decree of the cir
cuit court to W. B. Campbell as
80 acres, said tract being in seo-'
tion 25, Tp. 1 8., R. 1 E., and
section 30, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., and
being a part of the H. Camp
bell donation land claim, section
30, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., 5 acres 7 76
Duffy, Thomas and M. J. Lots 6, 6,
Vtlnnlr 4.1 Mlnthorn nririiHnn tn .
the city of Portland fiz
Beginning 20 chains west of the
post on east line of section 3,
Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.; thence south
27 chains; thence west 18.50
1 chains; thence north 7 degrees
45 minutes east, 28 chains; thence
east 15 chains to beginning, ex
cept 21.16 acres, dook m, page a,
section 8, Tp. 2 S., 2 E., 26 acres.
Duffy, A. E. and wife All of the H.
Wright donation land claim
north of Molalla road, Tp. 4 S.,
R. 2 E.L 4.72 acres
Duniway, H. R. Lumber Co. Lots
16, 17, block 42, Mlnthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland
Duncan, Charles Part of George
Wills donation land claim, north
hi of land described thus: Be-
1 ginning 7.26 chains south of SW.
corner of NW. of section 81);
thence east on south line of
George Wills donation land
. claim, 20 chains; thence north
19.06 chains; thence west 20
chains; thence south 18.54 chains
' to beginning; also, north hi of
land described thus: Beginning
" .on south line of George Wills
donation land claim 28 chains
ast of west line of sec
tion 30, Tp. 1 S.. B.IE.: thence
' north 19.06 chainB; thence east
10 chains; thence south 19.31
chains to south boundary of
1 said claim; thence west, 10
chains to beginning, Tp. 1 S., R.
s V. - 2R acres
2 60
43 40
NW. 14 of, except 10 acres sec
tion 36. Tp. 4 S., R. 4 a. 150
Dupuls, Eugene Lot 14, block 30,
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First
addition to Oswego............... 1
Durhan, R. L. Lot , diocs. w,
. Dutcher, Mary Ann Lots 2, 3, 4,
block 144. Oregon City
18 46
Duvall, Frank, and Dahes, Baran
A.-Part of William Knight do-
' nation land claim, beginning at
a stone in the center line of
Howard's mill and Canby road
where south of P. Lee's dona
tion land claim crosses the same
In section 4, Tp. 4 S.. RU,
thence north 78 degrees 15 min-
. . e Aholna- thsnm anuth
26 degrees 46 minutes, 8 chains;
thence south 78 degrees 15 min
utes west, 6 chains to center
line of Howard mill road;
thence N. 26 degrees 46 minutes
west, 8 chains to beginning, sec
tion 4, Tp. 4 S.. R. 1 E.. 4 acres.
: DcLashmutt, Ellz abeth-AU of do
nation land claim No. 65, Tp. 3
a.. R. 8 E., and 58, Tp. z B.,
I 20
3 E.. except 20 acres in dook to
naee 1. and 40 acres in book 55,
pale 246, section 5, Tp. 9 8.. R..
3 E., section 32, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E.,
246.43 acres Vi" "
Dresser A. 8., and Mundehall, a.
One-third interest in a part of
James McNary donation land
claim In book 62, page 69, sec
tions 7, 8, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.. 43.91
17 09
Drajer, Annie-Lots 7. 8. block 3,
Lots B and 6 of section 32. Tp. 3
1 33
Lot 6 ot section 14. Tp. J8..R.1
11 r fil taa TO
Lot'l of section 4. Tp. 2 8.. R. 2
claim, belng.94 Interest in lot 5
... of section 36, TP. 2 8., R. 1 l n
O.IU V'I .... ,7 ..ont K
re. of secUon'19. Tp. 3 8. R.
SW. hi ot section 29, Tp. 3 B.. K.
3 E., 240 acres...
lfi Canemah; lot 6, diock 1,
First addition to Canemah;
metes and bounds, part of A. F.
W. am. ? V7, ' tj
bTk8 32. page 364. and book 46.
23 07
Dicker. George F.-H;
tlon to, beginning at f w-i?r."!i
of block 21; thence east . 480 feet
to SW. corner of block U.
thence nortf 1 along west llneof
Aid block 22, 2oO feet to ovv.
cSrnerof block 19; thence wes
potat outh'88 degrees west, 35
Jhains, and north 35 degrees
79 degrees east, 19.63 chains 10
26 66
naii -"Tits 11, 12. blocs
wards, J. J. M,
Edwards, J.r.-"'." 87 Mln-
fh:orn addition to the city of
Edwards, H. E
24, Canby . . . . 'Ji '' NE.
Ekevstan. Edwara-- -.- T
adjoining hi of NW.
Emmott, James NW r r. E..
hi of section 5. Tp. 4 B., K- i
oflW Winston.
A. t a fCt E.; thence norm
outh i ts chains
chains; men .r i Td, I
to beginning, tectlon 21. iP-
a. R. .nShVnrV. 1 I.
KJll V . a.l,i
27, au, mnu to 4g ln-
slvc in pioc o. Mtre!u
county court In
English, J. W.-Lots 15, 16, 17,
block 2; lots 22, 23, 24, block 6;
lots 6, 7, 8, 9, block 6, Pleasant
Little Homes, No. 3
Erb, Ira Lots 42 to 47 Inclusive,
block 69: lots 8. 9. 10. 12. 32. 33.
2 SO
34, 35, 36, block 70, Mlnthorn ad
dition to the citv of Portland...
4 96
Espig. E. E. West hi of section 16.
ip. 1 a., a. i Hi., so) acres 111 mi
Estes, O. B. Lots 9. 10, block 5.
Pleasant Little Homes. No. 3.. 56
Evans, Thomas A. SE. hi of sec
tion 12, Tp. 3 8., K. 5 E., 160
5 30
Everest, Mary E. Lots 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 41, Pleasant Little Homes,
No. 1
Egason, J.-NE. hi of SW. hi of
section 36, Tp. 5 S., R. 2 H., 40
Eves, Milton W. Lot 3.- block 2;
lots 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, block 3; lots 4,
5, 6. 7, 8, block 4; lots 3, 4, 6,
block 6, Beal's addition to New
Exon, J. W. Lots 3 to 8 inclusive,
block 2, Darnall's addition to
Oregon City..,,,
12 30
Falkman, A. V.-fiW. of NW.
ot section 36, Tp. 2 S., R. 4 E.,
40 acres 1 59
Farrar, S. Lots 7 to 48 Inclusive,
block 23; lots 1 to 30 Inclusive,
block 34, and streets .as vacated
in county court In Mlnthorn
addition to the city of Portland 10 86
Fennett, Elizabeth and Louis M.
Lot 12, block 32, Oregon Iron & .
Steel Co. 'a First addition to Os
wego 4 76
Flerens, J. F. Undivided hi interest
In west hi of SE. hi and east hi
of SW. hi of section 30. Td. 2 8..
R. 5 E., 80 acres 5 30
t lannagan, 01. Metes ana
bounds to Oregon City: Begin
ning at the Intersection of Har
rison and Ninth streets, thence
north 35 degrees 25 minutes east
167 feet; thence south 54 degrees
35 minutes east, 540 feet; thence
south 35 degrees 26 minutes
west, 176 feet; thence' north 04
degrees 35 minutes west, 510 feet ,
to beginning. exceDt book 36.
page 150, 1 acre 8 29
Fletcher, Lucy J. Part of the C.
Pendleton donation land claim
No. 58, beginning 16.03 chains
south of the NE. corner of claim
58, Tp. 3 S., R. 1 E.; thence west
27.86 chains; thence south 10.78
chains; thence east 27.85 chains;
thence north 10.78 chains to be
ginning, Tp. 3 S-, R. 1 E., 30
acres 13
Fletcher, John A. SW. hi of sec
tion zu. td. & .. xt. 1 hi., iw
acres 5 30
Ford, Sarah, estate of Part of
west hi of R. H. Whltton dona
tion land claim. Td. 2 S.. R. 1
E 90 acres 10 22
Ford. O. C. estate of All that
part ot east of the Foster and
Milwaukleroadof the following:
Beginning 12.63 chains south and .
12.50 chains east ot the NW. cor
ner of section 15; thence west
- 33.16 chains; thence south 48
chains; thence north 33 uegrees
east 45 minutes; thence east 8.50
chains; thence north 10 chains
to beginning; part In section 16,
sections 15, 16, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E.,
15 acres 6 oQ
Forbes, Fred Part of , George
Abernathy donation land claim,
beginning at a point marked by
iron pipe on the south boundary
line of the donation land claim
of George Abenathy on the di
viding line between me nus- ..
band's and wife's halves of said
claim, running thence north
along said dividing line 12
chains; thence east 7.23 chains;
thence south 13.30 chains to the
south boundary line of said do
nation land claim; thence west
7.35 chains along said south
boundary line to place of begin
ning, Tp. !.,KI E., acres.
TTnahiirc N J Ita 8. 9. block 41.
Houtn uswego "i
Forsythe, Clara-NE. hi of SB. J4
or section i, ip. i o., n. i a.,
40 acres 3 98
Foster, James South hi of south hi
of SE. hi of section zu, up. s a., a.
2 V... 40 acres
Franklin, A. A., trustee Part of B.
a. Rogers aonauon iana ciaim,
beginning at a point on the
north boundary of claim No. 39
on weBt side of and perpendic
ularly distant 14.44 feet from
center line between the rails of
railroad track now laid by East
Side R. R. Co.; thence south 62
degrees west, 17.34 chains; thence
south 50 degrees east, 2.93 chains;
thence north 62 degrees east.
17.14 chains; thence north 46 de
grees 17 minutes west, 2.94
nkalnA tf hocrltinlllf, Tn 2 R . R-
2 E.. 5 acres 2 65
Franklin, William H. All of the
following land which lies north
of Butte creek in NE. hi of SE.
hi and NW. hi of SW. hi ot east
hi of SW. hi of, except east hi
TJT 1. nf V. nf aAPtinn 31.
" Td. 8 8.. R. 1 E., 60 acres t 63
Friedenthale, Daisy East hi of NE.
17. nrul Intn 1. 3 nf section 14. Td.
6 E., R. 1 E., 141.27 acres 13 25
Frietag, Augusta Lot (, diock s.
Bhaw s f irst aaaiuon 10 ureguu
Tnhn c Ta 11. 13 hlnck 12.
west uiaasione j. ii
Frutth, F. H. Part ot jn. j. Lamo
donation iana ciaim, seciiona in.
IB. Tn. 2 S.. R. 8 E.. 100 acres....
10 60
Funk, George R. Part of Hector
UampDeu aonauon ianu cuum,
beginning at a point which Is In
the center of that part of said
claim set off by partition decree
of circuit court of Oregon for
Clackamas county, which point
16.75 chains west and 29.30 chains
south of the NE. corner of said
donation land claim as a point
of beginning; thence west paral
lel to the north boundary line of
said donation land claim 16.75
chains to the west boundary
line of said tract so set off to
H. 8. Campbell; thence north
along the west boundary line of
said tract 7.76 chains to a point
22.25 chains south ot the NW.
corner of said tract so set off;
thence east parallel to north
boundary line of said donation
land claim, 16.75 chains to a
point due north of the point of
beginning; thence south parallel
1 with the east boundary of said
claim 7.75 chains to beginning,
90 Tn 1 B .. R. S E 7
Freeman, George W. Part of Wm,
Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 5 acres i
Mot Anv nnnn nnn ih.hu
5 30
rioKriol x MW V. nf section 36.
TP. 4 H., xu 0 .., iw aures
Gabrlelson, C. D. Lots 1 to 38 in
, elusive, block 78; lots 15, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, block
77; lots 1 to 11 Inclusive, block 81.
V nthnrn Ailriftlnn tn the Citv Of
Portland 18
Gaffe. Theodore A. w w. hi oi sec.
ZU, xp. I n. i a.,
Ganma, Frank, and WIffle, John
South hi of SE. hi ot section 86,
Tp. 1 S., R. 3 E., 80 acres
Garbade, T. A., assignee Undivided
interest In 2 acres off south
end of west hi ot SW. and
nart nf MAntlnn ft. Tn. t R. 2
.E., 2.1 acres
24 2;
Garrett, weine is. ana n.-rn oi
Thomas Garrett donation land
claim, beginning at 8W. corner
of A. Jackson donation land
claim; thence south 37 rods;
north to south line of A. Jack
son donation land claim; thence
west to beginning, Tp. ( 8., R. 1
E., 20 acres
Garrett, Ellen and Thomas. Jr.
Part of the Thomas Garrett do
5 30
nation land claim, a strip oi
land consisting of 18 acres off of
the north side of the south side
of the south , being of uniform
width and extending the entire
. length of the said north of
the Thomas Garrett donation
land claim, sections 34, 35, Tp. 5
8., R. 1 E., 18 acres
Garrett, Thomas, Sr. Part of the
Thomas Garrett donation land
claim, section 35, Tp. 6 8., R. 1
E., 64 acres
Garrison, Llela May, et al. Lots 1.
2. block 23, Canby
Gard, M. O. and Caroline Part of
the Exra Fisher donation land
claim, beginning 81 degrees west
4.25 chains, and 28 degrees 10
minutes west, 14.77 chains from
NE. corner of claim No. 44, Tp.
4 w
15 DO
2 8., R. 2 E.; thence south 28 de
grees west 10 minutes west 4.50
chains; thence south 30 degrees
30 minutes east, 1.62 chains;
thence 67 degrees 30 minutes east
2.85 chains; thence 28 degrees 10
minutes east 5.46 chains; thence
north 61 degrees 61 minutes
west 4.33 chains to beginning,
consisting ot 2 acres, Tp. 2 S.,
R. 2 E., 2 acres .' 3 25
Garder. Anna Beginning at hi sec
tion corner, between sections 27
and 34; thence west 20 chains;
thence north 25 chains; thence
east 40 chains; thence south 25
chains; thence west to begin
ning, section 27, Tp. 4 8. R. 2 E.,
105 acres a 18 12
North hi of the John Welch do
nation land claim, sections 33,
34, Tp. 4 8., R. 2 E., 160 acres.... 14 16
Garbade, John SW. hi of section
22, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres 7 82
Gault, Anne Lot 12, block 43, Ore-
cnn Irnn & Steel Co .'a First ad
dition to Oswego 2 24
Gault, 8. A, Commencing at a
point S&hi degrees east, 1108 feet
from monument situated at the
Intersection of Ninth and Harri
son streets in Oregon City, run
ning north SShi degrees east 152
feet, north 64 degrees west, 270
feet, south 35 degrees west, 152
feet, south 64 degrees east 270
feet to beginning 19 53
German M. E. Church Lots 6, 7,
block 3, subdivision of tract 3
and east hi of tract 2, Oak
Grove 49
Gerome, George, estate of Lots 3,
4. 6. 6. block 7. Canemah 12 78
Georee.A. H. Lot 14. block 8. South
Oregon city as
Georce. Sarah Lot 13. block 8.
South Oregon City B
George, Elizabeth, Mrs. Beginning , '
at leet west ana zu reet nortn oi
the NW. corner of block in
Root's addition to the town of
Marshfield; thence south 8 rods;
thence west 10 rods; thence
north 8 rods; thence east 10
rods to beginning, section 9, Tp.
2 8.. R. 2 E.. V acre 1 14
ueopiera, Aaam rart ot cnristian
uearaorn donation iana ciaim,
beginning 10 chains north of .
v. post on west line of section
25, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E.; thence north
18.18 chains; thence east 11
chains; thence south 18 chains;
thence west 11 chains to begin
ning, section 25, Tp. 1 S., R. 2
E., 20 acres 5 30
Gibbs, Thomas 64x196 feet block
110, lots adjoining Gladstone
P.j 71
Gilbert, PhoebePart' ' of "George
Brock donation land claim, be
ginning at NW. corner of claim;
thence south 830.60 feet; thence
east 622 feet; thence north 339.81
feet; thence east 941 feet; thence
north 490.7 feet; thence west
1563 1-3 feet, to beginning, sec
tions 15. 16. Td. a 8.. R. 1 E..
21 1-3 acres 3 30
Gilbert, R. W., admlnlstrator-Part
or A. v. ssmun ana cnaniy
Phillips donation land claims,
sections 4, 6, 8, 9, Tp. 2 S., R. 2
E., 65 acres
Gllham, M. C Part of Jacob Scott
donation land claim, beginning
at NW. corner of NE. hi. of
SW. hi ot section 34, Tp. 1 B., R.
2 E. ; thence south 20 chains;
thence east 5 chains;, thence
south 3.72 chains; thence east 16
. chains; thence north 5 degrees
east 23 chains; thence west 23.90
chAlns tn beflnnlne-. section 84.
Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 60 acres 33 93
Glnaser. G. F.J,ots 29. 30. block 3.
Pleasant Little Homes, no. ... so
Glasspool, Richard Lots 4, frac-
tn Oreenn Citv 2 46
Glen, Robert South hi ot lot 4, lot
. . blnr.k 20. Robertson 1 40
Gooley, Edward Beginning at NW.
corner ot ism. A or section o;
thence south 80 rods; thence
east 40 rods; thence north 80
rods; thence west 40 rods to be-
irlnnlnir awtlnn 8. Tn. 6 8.. R. 2
E.. 20 acres 80
Goodrich, A. J. NE. 14 of section
16, Tp. 4 S., 6 E., 160 acres....
Goldstone, Morris Part of J. H.
Moore donation iana ciaim, db
glnnlng at the NW. corner of
NW. hi. of section 25; thence
south 80 rods; thence east 20
rods; thence north 80 rods;
thence west 20 rods to beginning,
section 25, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 10
1 33
Joshua NE. hi of section
8, Tp. 6 8., R. 8 E., 160 a
7 29
5 96
Goddard, E. C SW. hi of section
TD. 1 B.. K. D K., it9 acres....
Grant, H. M.-SE. of SE. hi of
section 26, Tp. z a., u. ta., w
1 99
Green, Annie NW. of SE. of
section 16, Tp. 4 a., k. s m., w
acres "
2 65
Gregory, Fannie H. Blocks 36, 36,
37, 38, 39, 50, 61, 63, Pruneland....
Grider, Melvina West of NW. hi
29 60
ot section 1, Tp. 3 s., a. z u., u
17 49
Grlgg, B.-East hi ot section 16, Tp.
7 a., rt. 4 m., tuv acres iv
Grim, Ralph C. and Hattle Begin
ning at y post on tne norm line
of section 17, Tp. 6 S., R. 1 E.;
thence west 5 chains; thence
south 40 chains; thence east 20
chains; thence north 40 chains;
thence west 15 chains to begin
ning, section 17, Tp. 5 S R. 1
E., 93 acres 14 18
Gulseppe.Tavelli NW. of section
2t Tp. Z ., xv. 0 ta., lou acres.... a ou
Graham, J. W. Bond to J. A. Mooro
.nnth u. nf SW. V. of section 16.
Tp. 3 B.. R. 1 W., 80 acres 21 20
Gladstone Real Estate Association
Blocks 22 to 103 inclusive and
fractional blocks C to H, Glad-
stone Lots 1 to 6 Inclusive,
block C; lots 1, 2, 3. block D:
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, block E; lots 1
to 6 Inclusive, block F; all of
block H; all of block 22; all of
block 23; all of block 24; all oi
block 25: all of block 26; lots 1
to 13 Inclusive, block 27; lots 3, 6,
7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, block 28; lots 1,
2. 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 29; lots
3, 4, 6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
block 30; lots 1, 2, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10.
11, 12, block 81; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8,
9, 10, 13, 14, 16, block 32; lots 1, 2,
8, 4, 6. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
block 33; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, block 34; lots
1, 2, (, 4, 5, 6. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
15, 16, block 35; except lots 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, block 36; block 37; .
block 38; block 39; block 40;
block 41; block 42; block 43;
blosk 44; block 47; block 46;
except lots 9, 10, 11, block 45;
. lots 1, i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14.
15. 16, block 48; lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 8.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, block 49; all ot
13. 14, 15, 16, block 51; all of
block 52; all of block 53; all of
block 54;
block 56;
block 68;
block 60;
block ,62;
block 64;
block 66;
block 68;
all of block to; an oi
all of block 57; all of
all of block 59; all of
all ot block 61; all of
all of block 63; all of
all of block 65; all of
all of block 67; all of
all of block 69; all of
S 30
block 70; lots 3 to 14 Inclusive,
block 71; all of block 72; all ot
block 73; all of block 74; lots 1
to 14 Inclusive, block 75; all of
block 76: all of block 77; all of
7 23
block 78;
block 79;
block 81;
block 83;
block 84;
block 85;
block 87;
block 89;
lots 4 to 14 inclusive,
all of block 80; ail ot
all of block 82; all of
lots 2 to 15 Inclusive,
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive,
all of block 86; all of
all of block 88: all ot
lots 1. 2. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13, 14,
block 90: all of block
91; all of block 92; all or block
93; all of block 94; lots 1, 2, 3, 4.
5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, block 9":
all of block 96: all of block 97;
lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 10, 11, 12, block 98:
lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5. 10, 11, 12. 13, 14,
block 99; all of block lliO; all of
block 101; all of block 102; all of
block 103, Gladstone. Lots ad
joining Gladstone Park Lot 105,
1.13 acres; lot 106, 1.62 acres; lot
107, 1.79 acres: lot 108, 2.24 acres;
lot 109, 2.36 acres; west hi ot lot
110: lot 111, 2 acres; lot 112, 3.21
acres; lot 113. 2.2 acres; lot 116,
LI acres; lot 117, .8 acres; lot 118.
hi acre; lot 119, .61 acre; lot 120.
.49 acre; lot 121, .61 acre; lot 123,
12.43 acres; lot 124, 2.66 acres;
lot 126, 2.06 acres; lot 127, 2.06
acres; lot 128, 2.06 acres; lot 129,
2.86 acres: lot 130, 14 acres; lot
131, 4.32 acres; lot 132, 1.36 acres;
lot 135, 6.47 acres: lot 134, S.6I
acres; lot 136, 25.40 acres, lots
adjolnkig Gladstone Park; 73 3-10
4 61
4 35
10 1
acres, Gladstone Park; Mill Re
serve, Gladstone Park; lots land
2, block 3, Ha warden; lots 1 to
6 inclusive, Hawarden; block A,
Hawarden 605 03
Hablghorst, E. H., trustee East hi
block 4, 2.85 acres. Oswego
Heights; lots 4, 6, 6, 7, 14. block
36, houth Oswego 3 97
wacKney, Elizabeth South of
south ot NW. hi of section 21,
Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 40 acres 4 63
Hahn, William Undivided of lot
i, diock 40, uregon iron & steel
Co.' s First addition to Oswego.. 09
Hammond, A. E. Lot 1, 6 acres;
lot 2, 6 acres: lot 15, 4 acres: lot
16, 2 acres. Rosewood 8 48
Hannlng, August NE. hi of NW.
'A of section 4. Td. 2 8.. R. 4 E..
40 acres 3 98
Hamilton, John West hi of NW,
hi of section 22. Tp. 4 8.. R. 2
E., 80 acres 8 51
Hanson, Ole, estate of AH of the
jnw. 4 oi east oi xiutte creek,
section 32, Tp. 6 a. R, 2 E 59
acres. 2 52
Hansen, Peter, and Oatman, H. B.
-BE. hi of NE. hi and east of
SE. hi and NW. hi of SE. hi of
section 21. Td. 3 8.. R. 4 E.. 160
acres 7 95
Hansee, riannan Part of Robert
Cautleld donation land claim,
beginning 22 chains north ot
SW. corner of claim No. 53, Tp.
3 S., R. 2 E.; thence 20 chains;
thence 15 chains; thence west to
line of claim No. 45; thence
southerly on claim line 2 chains;
thence south to beginning, sec
tions 8, 9, 16. 17. Tp. 3 8.. R, 2 E..
35 acres 3 93
Harding, u. A., and Walden, N. O.
. Lots 3, 4. 9. block D. Aooer-
son's addition to Park Place.... 2 66
Harger, E.. Mrs. Lots 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
block 3, South Oswego 8 11
Part of the R. F. DeLashmutt
donation land claim, section 6,
Tp. 3 S.. R. 3 E... section 32. Td.
2 S., R. 3 E.. 264 acres 23 14
Hardesty, 8. W.-North of NE.
14 oi, except t acre, dook its,
page 333, section 6, Tp. 5 8., R.
1 E., 78 acres 23 63
Hardesty, Marguerite, heirs of
ran oi J. wrignt aonauon iana
claim, beginning at the SE. cor
ner of Marguerite Hardesty 210- "
acre tract on south boundary
line; thence north between Har
desty and Levi Bobbins' tract
40 rods; thence east 32 rods;
thence south to section line 40
rods; thence west 32 rods to be
ginning; deed recorded in book .
41, page 91; also beginning at a
stone monument In south
boundary line of said claim No.
39, the same being 29.95 chains
east of the SW. corner of said
claim, and is the SE. corner of
R.J. Moore's land; thence north
70 degrees 45 minutes east, trao
lng said R. J. Moore's east
boundary line 257.12 rods to the
NE. corner ot the said R. J.
. Moore's land: thence north 88
. degrees 16 minutes east, tracing
the north boundary line of said
claim 96.80 rods; thence south
247.60 rods to the south boundary
line of said claim; thence west,
tracing said south boundary Una
ot said claim 174.66 rods to be
ginning, consisting of 210 acres;
deed recorded In book 40, page
240. sections 15. 16. Td. 6 8.. R, 2
E., 218 acres , 72 44
xiariman, juary jane ran ot a.
Marquam donation land claim,
beginning 20 minutes west 26.06
chains, north 98 degrees 45 min
utes east 2.90 chains from the
NW. corner of claim; thence
north 89 degrees 45 minutes east
43.16 chains; thence south 13.84
chains; thence west 24.06 chains;
thence north 33.30 chains; thenoe
west 4.56 chains; thence 33 de
grees 15 minutes west 3.55 chains;
thence west 8.50 chains; thence
north 42 degrees west 5.90 chains f
tnence nortn zu minutes east i.zi
. chains, Tp. 6 S., R. 1 E., 43.74
acres; part ot R.' Allen dona
tion land claim, beginning 3
chains south and 18 rods 14
feet NW. from NE. corner of
claim No. 42; thence SW. 8 rods;
thence SE. 109 feet: thence NE.
8 rods; thence NW. 100 feet to
beginning, except hi acre, book
62, page 205, section 4, Tp. 6 8.,
R. 1 E., hi acre 14 81
Hargraves, Richard West 100
acres in William Strickland do
nation land claim, sections 9, 10,
11, Tp. 4 S.. R. 4 B., 160 acres.... 12 19
Hargraves, Holden Part of Will
lam Strickland donation land
claim, sections 9, .10, 11, Tp. 4 8., .
R. 4 E., 80 aores 7 42
Lot 1 of section 11, Tp. 4 S., R. 4
E., 19.97 acres 66
Harris, Patrick-West hi of 8B.
of section 9, Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E 80
acres 7 69
Hatch, Trllla E. Lot 7, block 6,
Pleasant Place addition to Ore
gon City 161
Hatch, H. W. Lots 37, 38, 39, block
92; lots 21 to 33 inclusive, block '
91. Mlnthorn addition to the city
of Portland i w
Hatch, D. C-East of NW. hi
and NW. of SW. and lot 2
nf AHnn 3ft Tn. 4 ft. R. E K-.
160 acres 7 95
Haughan, James, estate of Part of
J. B. Leabo donation land
claim, beginning 112 rods north
and 86 rods east ot SW. corner
of section 36; thence north 145
rods; thence east 114 rods;
' thence south 143 rods; thence
west 64 rods; thence south 6
rods; thence west 50 rods; thence
north 3 1-5 rods to beginning,
sections 36, 36, Tp. 8 8., R, 1 E.,
104 acres 43 73
Havlns, Charles A. Part of 8. W.
Shannon donation land claim,
beginning 7.25 chains south and
7.60 chains west of NE. corner
of claim; thence north 80 de
grees 15 minutes west 87.60
chains to line between east and
west hi of claim; thence north
39 chains to north line of claim;
thence 19 degrees east on
north line of claim 48 chains;
thence south 13.95 chains to be
ginning, except 15.96 in book 31,
page 419, TP. z D., iv. a., ov.
Hawthorne. Rachel Part of Wm.
and cnanty rnunps aonauon
land claim, beginning at SW.
corner of NW. hi ot section 34,
Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.; thence north
26 rods; thence east 80 rods;
thenca south 38 rods 6 feet;
thence west 78 rods 13 feet;
thence north 12 rods 6 feet;
thence west 20 feet to beginning,
section 34, Tp. IB, B.! E., 19
acres ;
11 02
Hayes, Fred Part of Joseph Ma-
roone aonauon ianu ciaini, t-v
S.. R. 1 B., 15 acres...........
Heckman, Andrew O. SW. 01
SW. or section z, -ip. o o., jv.
1 E.. 40 acres
Hefty, Henry J.-8. of BE. of
section ao, ip. o., xv.
anrAM .. . ...............
T?na4nlr atar T.ntl 1. S. block 8.
" " - : . '
Oregon Jiiy Annex...............
Henness, Augusta Lots 1, 2, 1, 4,
diock lit, uregon uiijr v
Hendee, D.-Part of Lot Whltcomb
donation iana Claim. DeKinnniK
at the corner of Nursery lot
conveyed to Beth Lewelllng and
Ross Merrick by Meek Eddy:
thence south 10 degrees east 1.86
chains; thence 89 degrees 30 min
utes west 6.40 chains; thence
south 2 degrees 15 minutes east
2.70 chains; thence south 42 de
grees west 6.30 chains to Wll
amette river; thence down river
with meanders of at low water
mark 16.16 chains to SW. corner
of Miller and Lambert's land;
thence north 69 degrees east
18.S0 chains; thence north 85 de
grees east 5.36 chains to Port
land and Mllwaukle road: thence
southerly across creek and up
Mill pond to beginning, 1 acre,
l lww.lr 11 r.atra K Tn. 1 fl. R. 1
E., 16 acres
Henderson, David E Lot IS, block
12; blocks to 14, West Glad-
Hendrlcks',' R. J Lot s ' 8 'to 'ti' In
clusive, block 17; lots 25 to 43 In
clusive, block 12, Mlnthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland....
Hess. A. J.-West of the BE, hi
ana K. t oi nvv. oi aeciwu i, -Tp.
4 8., R. 9 E., 160 acres.. ......
Hess. Fred-Lot 10. block . Park
addition to Oregon Cily .......... 10
Hess, Maria C-NW. Vl ot BE. J4 ,
of section 1, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E.,
40 acres.. 3
Hill, J. W. NE. hi of section 34.
Td. 7 8.. R. 3 E.. 160 acres....... S 30
Hinds, Flngle 8. BE. hi ot section
iz, Tp. o a., xv. a ti., m acres... b
Hoffman, Ira L. West of the
jxm. 14 oi section t, rp. z a., xi.
4 E.. 78.26 acres 5 96
Hogue, H. A. Lots 40 to 48 inclu
sive, diock 47; lota z to 12 inclu
sive, . block 66, Minthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland 6 2)
Holght, C. W. South of lot 8.
lot 7, diock 2, x'arKer Hill addi
tion to Oregon City 1 90
Holmes, H. R. All of blocks 11 and
IS; lots 1 to 29 Inclusive, block
39, Minthorn addition to the city
of Portland 27 12
Holm, J. 8. Part of George Wills
donation iana claim, beginning
at SW. corner of land formerly
owned by David Price, but now
owned by F. Bailey; thence
weBt on east line ot Bailey
tract 7 chains: thence easterly
parallel with line from Jeffer
Sotl'B corner to Bailey's corner,
14.30 chains to west line of
Johnson's land; thenoe south on
said west line to beginning, sec
tion 25. Td. 1 8.. R. 1 B.. 10
acres , .... 19 45
Holman, Wm. LotB 1, 2 of section
35. Td. 4 S.. R. 2 E.. 13.63 acres.. 1 4&
Honeyman, Mary A Lots 1. 2,
diock ; lots 31, 32, block 2,
Pleasant Little Homes, No. 3.... 139
Hoover, L. D. Lot 1 of section 34,
Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E., 29 acres.. ! 43
Horton, S. E., Mrs. Lots 8, 9,
block 10, Gladstone 193
Hopkins, Henry Beginning at a
point on westerly boundary line
of claim No. 39, south 15 min
utes east 32.83 chains from the
NW. corner of claim; thence
, north 88 degrees east 20.35
chainB; thence south 26 degrees
30 minutes west 6.15 chains;
thence south 45 degrees east 1.26
chains: thence south 88 degrees
west 6.48 chains to beginning,
section 4, Tp. 3 8., R. 2 E., 10
acres 5 sa
Hoff, Nora A. Lot 13, block .
Hosford, Cynthia H.-South of
SW. U of section 1. Td. 4 8.. R.
4 b.,
1 E.. 80 acres 7 29
Houser, W. T. Undivided 1-3 Inter
est in bw. ot he. hi oi sec
tion 27, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 K., 13 1-3
acres 66
Howes, W. M. Lots 7, 8, 9, block
9: lots 1. 2. block 10. Windsor.... 6 18
Howas, A. J. NE. hi of NE. of . ,
section i, Tp. b t, m., w
acres 1 69
Huber, John NE.' of NB. of
section u, Tp. a H., K. z ti., w
acres 3 98
Huelat. BeDtlmus. estate of All of
block 162. Oregon City 9 42
Humphrey, James Part of 3. Bul
lock donation iana claim, begin
ning at a point 14.49 chains west
ot the hi section corner between
sections 15 and 16; thence west
25.60 chains to the center of sec
tion 16; thence south 4.11 chains;
thence east 13.90 chains; thence
south 22 degrees west 8.07 chains;
thence east 12.81 chains; thenoe
north 6.95 chains to beginning,
Td. 2 8.. R. 1 E.. 1189 acres 12 19
Hunsaker, Ada Lot 1, block 6, Bar
low i
Hungerford, J. C Part of Lot
wnitcomo aonauon iana ciaim,
described in book 52. page 347,
section 36, Tp. 1 S R. 1 E,. 10
acres 21 60
Hume, Peter Lot 12, block 28, Ore-
on iron & steei co. s x irai aa-
itlon to Oswego 86
Husband, Thomas NE. hi of NE. .
u or section t. id. d b.. il i hi..
40 acres 1 90
TTnhor Ohm-lea Part nf section 20.
td. v a., xt. z xu zu acres i w
Hahn and Carson Lots 3, 4, block . .
15. 8.66 acres. Barlow i rs
Hamilton, Elsie B. Block 13, At
kinson 13 95
Holden, August South ot NW.
of SE. hi of section 20, Tp. 6
S., R. 3 E., 20 acres 1 35
Hibernla savings aanK unaiviaea
Interest lot A, 11.2 acres; lot
1, 5.2 acres; lot 5, 8 acres; lot 6,
5.8 acres; lot 10, 6.2 acres; lot 11,
6.2 acres; lot 12, 6.3 acres; lot 16,
10 acres. Atkinson 33 18
Ingraham, James H. NW. of
section 13, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E., 160
I. O. G. T. Lot 5, block 37, Milwau-
JIq , ,,
Irvin W. 'w.', administrator North
7 95
2 36
oi ne. . oi section , ip.
a, R. 1 E.. 80 acres 10 60
Irvin, Aggie 687 feetx250 feet, sec
tion 13, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 W 3.37
acres; part of block 16, Barlow.. i 25
Irving, Robert-NE. hi ot NE. hi ot
Bection 6, Tp. 2 B., R. 1 E., 40
acres .. 25 18
Jackson, Frederick, estate of South
of BW. 4 of NE. hi ot sec
tion 34, Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 20
.Tawhsnn. Rosalie North of NW.
hi ot section 36, Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E.,
80 acres 8 SI
Jenne, P. P.-NE. hi ot NB.J4 of
section 29, Tp. 1 8., R. 4 E 40
Rcrni D 48
Jenning, John F. Part of the Jen-
2 S., R. 1 E.; Tp. 2 8., R. 2 K.,
10 acres
Part of the Jennlng's donation
lanA rlnlm. Tn. 2 H.. R. IE.: Td.
10 98
2 8.. R. 2 B.. 50 acres 31 14
Jennings, W. A. Part of the Jen
nings donation land claim, Tp,
9 h R i M Tn. i 8.. R. 2 E..
20 acres 20 01
Jennings, Wm. B. Beginning at
thA NE nnrner of tract deeded
to Georgia P. Meldrum, north
21: dpirreea west 78 links from the
BE. corner; thence south 60 de
grees 61 minutes west 69.88
chains; thence north 70 degrees
39 minutes west 9.30 chains;
thence north 63 degrees 61 min
utes east 65.72 chains; thence
south 43 degrees 46 minutes east
n nhalna: thence south 26 de
grees east 3.22 chains to begin
ning, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E.; Tp. I
8., R. 2 E., 40 acres 26 70
lonninn Martha Part of the Jen.
J, . 1 llm Tn
o u n 1 1,1 . Tn S H R. J M..
m acres 19
Jemlson. Chattln Lots iz, is, n, i,
16, Pleasant inline nomes, no. x
Johnson, J.-East of BE. of
section u, TP. i o., xv. e a., ov
Johnson, Hiram D. Part of A.
Wrignt donation iana ciaim, us
scribed iti book 69, page 59, Tp.
8 8., R. 8 E., acre..............
Johnson. Wm.-BW. of NW. hi
and NW. A oi ow. 14 ana mi
hi ot BW. hi and NE. of sec
tion 17, Tp. S 8, B. I E.. 230
Johnson, H. H., trustee Part 01
8 83
tne J o. xiowiana aonauuu ianu
claim, beginning south 46 de
grees 16 minutes east 30.14
chains from the west corner ot
claim No. 46, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 B.i
thence 46 degrees 15 minutes
east 10 chains; thence north 43
degrees east 40 chains; thence
north 46 degrees 15 minutes west
10 chains; thence south 43 de
grees west 40 chains to begln-
. n.. a a Iv 1 l." Ill anrt.u
4 24
- m
Johnson, Amy Part of H. Johnson
donation iana cmnn, uegm"s
49 chains north of BW. corner
of said donation land claim In
Tp, 2 S., R. 2 E.; thence north
44 rods; thence east 40 rods:
thence south 44 rods; thenoe 40
rods to beginning, sections 15,
22. Tp. 2 B., R. 2 11 acres....
Johnson. Franklin Part of H.
Johnson aonauon ianu tiunu.uo
glnnlng 60 rods east ot the NH.
corner "of the NW. ot BB.J4
ot section 16, Tp. 2 rf., R. 2 E. ;
thence west 20 roils; thence
south 40 rods; thence east 20
rods; thence north 24 rods;
thence east 55 rods; thenoe
north to Clackamas river: thence
down said river with meanders
to a point due north; thence
south to beginning, sections 15,
22, Tp. 2 B., R. 2 E 53 acres
Johnson, Victor-East of BE. hi
of section 9, Tp. 2 B., R. 4 E.. 80
acres ,
Johnson, R. W. Fractional lot 1,
block 2, Marshfield
Johnson, Peter T.-Part of the O.
P. Goodall donation land claim,
beginning at the NE. corner of
the BW. of the BE. of sec
tion 19; thencesouth 13.36 chains;
thence west 1L44 chains; thence
north 13.33 ctuans; thence east
H (0
U 16
11.24 chains to beginning, section
19, Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E., 15 acres.... 11 R
Johnson, H. H. Part of Hezektah
Johnson donation land claim,
beginning at the NE. corner ot
BE. hi of SE. hi of section 16, Tp.
2 8., R. 2 E,; thence east 26
chains north to Clackamaa
river; thence down said river,
with the meanderlngs thereof,
to east line of said section 16;
thence south 29 chains to begin
ning, except 66 acres in book 6L
page 10, section 16, Tp. 2 8., R.
2 E., 30 acres; part ot James
Winston donation land claim,
beginning at NE. corner of
James Winston donation land
ciaim in section 15, Tp. 18., B.
2 E.; thence south 15.40 chains; , '
thence west 30 chains; thenca , t
north 15.40 chains; thence east
to beginning, .containing 46
acres, section 15, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E. 2S K
Part ot George A, Abernathy ta-
nation land claim, beginning at
the NW. corner of tract of land
described in book 43, page 363;
thence east 15.75 chains: thenca !
avutb 85 degrees west 3 chains . ,
to north line ot donation land .' ,
claim No. 44; tnence easterly on
said line to point south of be- ,
ginning; thence north to begin
ning, containing 10 acres, S0C
' tion 28. TP. t o.( it. 2 ij.T.j.,,-m- If
Part of J. S. Howland donation f
land claim, beginning south 46
degrees 15 minutes east 30.14 ,
chainB from west corner ot
claim No. 45, Tp. 3 S., R. 2 E.;
thence south 40 degrees 15 min
utes east 10 chains; thence north
43 degrees east 40 chains; thence
north 46 degrees 15 minutes
west 10 chains: thence. Bouth 43
degrees west 40 chains to begin
ning, containing 40 acres, sec
tion 18, Tp. 3 8., R. 2 B 11 M
Johnson, Grace Part of R. C.
Crawford donation land claim,
beginning at a point In the south
line of section 16 In the center
of road leading from Oswego to
Aurora; thence northerly along
center oi roaa iz. roas; tnence
west 33 rods; thence south 33
rods more or less to the center
of the Bridgeport road; thenoa
easterly along center ot the
aforesaid roaa 17 rods more or
less to center ot Oswego road:
thence north on center of road
to beginning, section 16, Tp. I
B R, 1 E., 6 acres 1 1
Johnson, Willis E. and C. A. Part
of the Charles Walker donation
land claim, beginning at the
NW. corner of claim; thenca
south 78 degrees east 22.67
chains; thence south S3 degrees
east 7.60 chains: thence south
87 degrees 10 minutes west 10.42
chains; thence south 7 degrees
45 minutes west 14.90 chains:
thence to a point 34 degrees 8
minutes west 7.13 chains from
last-named angle; thence south
85 degrees 30 minutes west 8.25
chains: thence north 1 degree
east 28.28 chains to beginning,
. containing 38 acres, section 2,
Tp. 8 B., R. 2 E... S 31
Johnson. Bamuel-NW. hi of SW. hi
ana tots a ana oi seotion ZD.
Tp. 3 8., R. 8 E., 79.95 aores 7 88
JohnBon, J. De Vore Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
block 67; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 6, 6,
block 50; lots 1 to 8 inclusive,
block 6L Metes and bounds to
Oregon City, beginning at the
NE. corner of block 21; thenoe
up the bluff on extension on
NB. boundary of block 21, 66 feet
to Intersection of westerly line
ot Center street; thence south
westerly on west Hue ot Center
street 86 feet to the north
boundary of block 42; thenoe
west on boundary of block 42
and extension of same 101 feet
to Intersection ot southeasterly
boundary of block 42 under oluft:
thence north on boundary ot
: block 21 to beginning, book 8L
page 244, records of deeds Ore
gon City 169 11
Johnson, W. C Lots 5, 6, block 67,
Oregon City 423 32
Johanson, C. H.-NW. hi ot NB. hi
ot section 16, Tp. 2 ti., R. 4 E
40 acres 4 04
Jones, Samuel, assignee SW. hi of
N W. hi ot Bection 1, Tp. 6 8., R.
' 8 E., 40 acres 1 89
Jones, J. W.-NE. hi of SB. hi of
section 33, Tp. 8 ti., R, 1 E 40
acres 7 71
Jones, Elizabeth NE. ot section
10, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E., 160 aores.... I 30
Jones, George C, Jr. East hi of
east hi of section 26, Tp. 1 8., R,
8 E., 160 acres I JO
Jones and Stuart NW. of SW.
and BW. hi of NW. hi and
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, except Interest
in lot 4 to the Willamette Falls
Co., section 36, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 K.,
150 acres 103 50
Jones, I. B.-West of BE. and
E. Of BW. hi ot section 4, Tp.
7 8., R. 2 E., 160 acres; west '
ot NE. hi of .section 9, Tp. 7 B
R. 2 E.. 80 acres 7.. I 61
Joslyn, Mary E. Lots 14, 13, block
. 86, Gladstone 173
Johann, C. B., Mrs. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
block 6, South Oregon City 38
Junior, Adam Part of, beginning
at tne NE. corner ot section 8u,
chains; thence south 150 rods;
thence east 40 chains; thenoe
north 150 rods to beginning, sec
tion 35, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E. 160
acres, 10 11
Kalman, Angll-North of NB. M
of BW. h ot section t, Tp. 2 8.,
xt. a., zv acres...
Kanaga, John I.-East of NE. hi
nag a w ii is . uaok 71 11
and NE. V of NE. hit and BE.
of NW. hi ot section 30, Tp. 7 8.,
xi. 1 m., iwi acres
Kayser, Frederick BE. hi ot sec
tion 21, ip. 4 a., it. a m., iw
Kayler. George L.-NW. hi ot NB.
A ana B. 01 KHi. h oi section
25. Td. 6 B.. R. 2 E.. 120 acres.... 1 42
Keen, i. W.-Lots 81, 22, block 14,
Mintnorn addition to tne city 01
Portland CI
Keen, J. M. Lots 38 to 48 Inclu
sive, block 13; lots t to 26 Inolu
Hlze, and lots 31, 32, 87, block 16,
Mlnthorn addition to the city ot
Portland 11 It
Kelly, James K. Lots 1, 2, block 6;
lots 1, z, diock id, xioimeis auai- .
tlon to Oregon City. Part of
block 19, all of block 20, Holmes
addition to Oregon City 82 N
Kelly, Penumbra, and Ward, J. P.
pari 01 w. carmen aonauon
land claim, . beginning 11.90
chains south of hi corner be
tween sections 6 and 8, Tp. 2 B.,
R. 1 E.; thence south to NE.
corner of 1 acre tract sold by
W. Carmen to 8. D. No. 13, de
scribed In book D, page 120;
thsnce west 6 chains; thence
south 2 chains; thence east 5
12 09 chains; thence south to center
of section 8; tnence nortn a ae
grees 30 minutes west 35.77
chains to SE. corner of Charles
Brown donation land olalm:
thence north on east line of salii
claim 28.10 chains; thence south
89 degrees 40 minutes east 36.22
chains to beginning, section 8,
Tp. 2 B., R. 1 E., 100 acres 26 60
Kelly, Arcnorn, estate of West
ot NE. of section 29, Tp. 1 B.,
11. 4 E.. 80 acres 21 94
17 70 Kellogg, Nora S.-Lots 2, 8. 4,
block 26; lots 1, 2, block 28; lots
7, 8, block 13, Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.'s First addition to Os
wego; lots 15, 16. block 138, Ore
gon Iron & Steel Co.'s First ad
dition to Oswego 41 88 ;
Kekel, John and Julio Part of, be
irlnntKir at HW. nnrner nf HR. 14
21 13 of section 4; thence east 20
chains; thence north 36.86 chains
to the south line ot county
road; thence north 68 degrees
west 69 links; thence south 16
degreeswest 27.30 chains; thence
north 59 degrees west 13.88
chains; thence 17.20 chains to
beginning, section 4, Tp. t a.,
R. 1 E., 35 acres
Kerns. Thomas J. South of
north of NW. hi ot section 20,
Tp. 4 8., R. 4 E., 40 acres 6 65
Klnnpv. Knrfln-
h-North of NE. hi
12, Tp. 6 8., R, I E..
13 vi ot section
80 acres.
Iflnnev. Kirk J.. and Koefnd. Elurt
1 9t! -Lots 36, 37, block 71, Mlnthorn
addition to the city of Portland
2 14
Kistner, George W.-BE. hi of NW.
U An4 Nl! U nf UW U nf aon-
flon 8, Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 80 acres 4 60
Kistner, Delia Z.-NE. hi of BW. hi
and BE. hi ot NW. hi ot section
5, Tp. I 8., H. I E., 80 acres t 83
Koch, Orlanna A. All of block 4,
Oak Grove.... 4 64.
t 58
t 84
Portland, cre.