Koehler, W., Mrs. Block A. Bar low' First addition to Barlow.. Kaeppe, Bernard Part of N. Bell donation land claim, sections 15 and 16, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 E 25 acres 13 fS 3 18 Kline, Luclnda Lots 7, 8, block 3, Windsor 2 07 Knnke, Fred Lot 4, DlocK lz, Ore gon City Annex vu Knight, Joseph Part of the L. P. Cross donation land claim, sec tions 4, 6, Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E., 87 acres 61 21 15 Knott, P., and Mack, Sarah North hi of SW. Vi and NW, Vi of BE. Vi of section 10, Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E 120 acres 11 63 Kuchenburg, Kate East Vi of SW. hi of section w, J p. a., a. i a. 80 acres 4 24 Lacy, a. J. Part of section IS, Tp. SB., R. 1 E.; part of section 7, Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E., 27 acres 3 74 I Force, James E. SW. Vi of sec tion 34, IP. I a., k. a a., m acres - like, Samuel East Vi NW. Vi and north Vi of NE. Vi of sectfon 3, Td. 7 S., R. 2 E., 160 acres 5 30 5 30 Lamb, E. J Mrs. East Vi of SW. Vi and west Vi of BE. 4 of ec ton 18, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 E, 160 acres , 10 82 Lantz, Gideon NW. hi t section IB, Tp, 7 S., R. 3 E., 160 acres.,. Lane, Steven A. North Vi of SB. Vi and SE. Vi of SE. Vi of section 32, Tp. 4 S., R. 3 E., 120 acres.. Lamoureux, Elsie L. Lots 21 to 40 Inclusive, block 29; lots 1 to 30 Inclusive, block 36, Mlnthorn ad dition to the city of Portland,. Lane, Edson L. Part of George Brock donation land claim, be ginning on west boundary line of George Brock donation land claim No. 46, 830.5 feet south of the NW. corner; thence south 66.72 feet; thence north 58 de grees 22 minutes west 196.62 feet; thence north 57 degrees 67 min utes west 122 feet; thence north 46 degrees 22 minutes west 219.76 feet to a point 303.73 feet east of SW. corner of claim; thence east 318.27 feet; thence north 1926.06 feet; thence west 622 feet to beginning, Tp. 3 S R. 1 E., 28 acres Lathan, Frederick W.-NE. Vi of section 2, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160 LaverTy, A.' R-NW.' bf'NW.' 'vi of section 27, Tp. 6 S R. 2 E., 40 acres Lavagette, C Part of Geo. Wills donation land claim, beginning on the north line of Geo. Wills donation land claim 8.75 chains east of the SE. corner of Jacob Wills donation land claim; thence south 2.50 chains; thence north 89 degrees 45 minutes west 1 chain; thence south 20 degrees west 1.65 chains; thence south 61 degrees 80 minutes east 5.53 chains; thence south 25 de - grees west 1.67 chains; thence south 89 degrees east 2.16 chains; thence south 64 degrees 45 min utes east 16.73 chains; thence N. 14.94 chains; thence north 89 de grees 45 minutes west to begin ning, except 13.64 acres In Mult nomah county, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 6.4 acres Leaman, Mary, Mrs. Lots 29, 80, block 16, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland Leach, P. P.-SW. Vi of NW. Vi of 5 30 690 4 64 133 8 40 62 section 36, Tp. z H., it. D a., vi acres 1 99 SE. Vi of section 16, Tp. 2 S., R. 7 E., 160 acres 5 30 Lehigh, Wm. F. Lots 5, , 7, block 86; lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 8H; 1-8 of lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 177; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 9Vi. Ore gon City 20 69 Lehigh, W. F. and J. V.-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 76; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 77; lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 79; lot 1 and fractional lot 8, block 84, Oregon City; all fractional lots under the bluff In Oregon City; all land west of Water street, and between that street and Willamette river, oeing in front on riverside of blocks 6. 7, 8, 9, Oregon City 44 68 uetit u. 1, tuinimea nv u, m. Leltzl)-8E. Vi of NW. Vi and west hi of NW. Vi of section 30, up. 4 B., rt. s n., iw acres it a le. A inert wock i, Oft acres, Barlow Lee, Harriet Lots 2. 3, 4, 5, . block 9. Mnrchbanks Lelsk, E. W.-Lot 8, block 3. Wind sor: enst Vi of lot 7, block 3, Windsor Leland, C. E.-Lots 36, 37, block 84; lots 1 to 15 Inclusive, block 85. Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland Lnt. George P. Part of the C. Hackett donntlon land claim, beginning 10 chains west of the SE. corner of section 14, Tp. 2 8.. R. 2 E.; thence south 40 chains; thence 20 chains; thence north to the Clackamas river; thence east 20 chnlns; thence south 40 chnlns tn the begin 1 79 1 26 1 53 5 27 ning, combining xuu acres, xu. 6 S R 2 E , Lent',' George P. South' 4" of 'Nw! Vt of section 36, Tp. 2 8 R. 6 E., 80 acres Leonard, I P. Tot 10. block 14; lot 16 96 2 65 7, block 123, Kalis View addition to Oregon City 7 17 Lots , 10, block 7, Edgewood..... 6 32 lewla, W. H.. estate of Part of the Allen Mntoon donation land claim, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres 12 60 Lewis, H. R.. trustee-T-ots 11, 12, 13, 28, 29, 30. 31. 82. 33, 34, 85, 86, Mock 87, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland Lewelllng, Bophronla V. Beginning nt the BR. corner of section 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E. ; thence north 200 rods; thence west 80 rods; thence north 40 rods; thence west 40 rods; thence north 80 rods tn siild section line; thence west 40 rods: thence south 820 rods to south line of said sec tion 9: thence enst along snld line to beginning, except acres In book 57. pnge 193, and 4 ncres in bonk 62. pne-e 6. section 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 177Vi ncres... 18 82 Lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 7:' lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 8; lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 9; lots 1 to B Inclusive, block 10; lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 11: lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 32; lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 13; lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 1': lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block IS; lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 16; lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 17; lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 1R; lots 1 to 12 inclusive, block 19; lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 20; lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 21: lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 22: lots 1 to 13 Inclusive, block 23: lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 24: 49x169,48 feet on enst side of block 1. except land In book 57, mure 9(17. hlnclr A T,ArlHnir Pnrk 79 Lindsey. J.-NW, U of SE. H of tlnn in Tn B . TL 1 U! . M acres 8 Linn, W. T. Beginning at the NE. corner of BW. V4 of NW. hi of section 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 8 K.: thence west 26 2-3 rods: thence south ISO rods: thence east 26 3-S rods; thence north 160 rods to beginning, containing 86 l-S acres: also, beginning at NW. corner of BW. hi of section 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 K; thence south 30 chains; thence easterly 13 33 chnlns: thence northerly 80 chnlns: thence west 13.33 chains n Hirlnn(n Motion i. Tn. 4 R.. R. 8 B.i 40 acres Limine. Alfred-SB. U Of BW. H of .aril Inn rl Tn. I 1. H 1 K.. 40 acres Unrt. Frederick Lots L 3, block 5. Robertson Lister, T. K Lot 18, block 5, Pleas ant Little Homes. No. 8 Lockerby. Mary E. East hi of SW, V of section . Tp. 4 8 , R. 8 B., 80 acres.. ' t .. ltenrv NW. U of section IS. Tn. 6 8.. R. 1 W., 160 acres 20 Lognn, J. A. Block 4, 5 acres; block 5, 8 acres; block 8, I acres, Clacknmas Pnrk 10 Logan, J. A.-Beglnnlng on the south line of the Oeo. Willi do. nation land claim at the BE. corner of B. F. Glover's land; thence north to the NE. corner of B. F. Glover's tract; thence south 89 degrees east, 16 chains; thence north SO decreei west. 1 23.40 chains to north line of land of James Masser, conveyed to him by George and Sarah Wills; thence on said north line 10.25 chains to east line of claim southerly on said line to. SE. corner of claim; thence west erly on south line of claim to beginning, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 50 ' acres. Part of the Geo. Wills donation land claim, beginning 18.50 chains north of intersec tion of section line between R. 1 and 2 E., with the south line of the Geo. Wills donation land claim; thence east 20 chains; thence north, 1.67 chains; thence west, 20 chains; thence 1.67 chains to beginning, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., 3 1-3 acres; begin ning on east line of Geo. Wills donation land claim 14.94 chains south of the NE. corner; thence south, 8.24 chains: thence west, 24.20 chains; thence 50 degrees east, 8.75 chains; thence north 75 decrees west. 6.05 chains: thence west, 2.24 chains; thence north 42 degrees west, 2 chains; thence north 62 degrees west, 3 chains; thence north 25 degrees west, 4 chains; thence 45 degrees east, 4 chains; thence north 60 degrees east, 2 chains; thence north 35 degrees 28 minutes eaBt, 6.70 chains; thence south 89 degrees 15 minutes east, 8 chains; thence south 20 degrees west, 1.65 chains; thence south 61Vi degrees east, 6.50 chains; thence south 25 degrees west, 1.57 chains; thence south 89 de grees east, 2.16 chains; thence south 64 degrees 45 minutes east, 15.73 chains; thence south 89 de- ' grees 16 minutes east, 11.67 chains to beginning, 6 acres In Multnomah county, Tp. 1 S., R. O T7 JO an-no 111 1K Long, o D. Part' of John W.' New man aonation iana ciaim, Detu ning at a point 22.73 chains west of the NE. corner of section 25, Tp. 5 8., R. 1 W., where a bottle Is deposited 10 inches deep; thence north 60.30 chains to the north boundary of said claims; thence west 16.03 chains to the NW. corner of said claim; thence south 11.40 chains; thence west 20.15 chains; thence south 101 chains to the SW. corner: thence east 36.72 chains; thence north 62.40 chains to beginning, except that part of above de scribed parcel of land lying south of Butte creek and in Marlon county, formerly deeded to Adolphus Myers, sections 24 nnd 2K. Tn. 6 8.. R. 1 W.. 291 acres '. 71 18 Long, R. H. and Bhuitz, ti. u. am. i.i nf SW. Xi of section 15. Td. 4 SI. R. 2 E., 40 acres 6 30 Lovell, Samuel L. West Vi of west H of NW. Vi of NW. Vi. of sec- Ion 29. Tn. 3 8.. R. 2 E.. 10 acres 56 Love, W. 8. Lots 1, 2. Pleasant Little Homes, No. 1 56 Loverldge, Charles Lots 9, 10, 11. 12 l.lnch 46. Oresron Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego.. 10 25 Lucier, Joseph All of Joseph Lu cier Homestead entry east of Butte creek, section 30, Tp. S., R, 1 E., 15 acres Lyons, Joshua, estate of SE. Vi of NE. Vi and SE. Vi of, except 79 fitfAA nnntlnn 1s Tn. 4 8.. R. 4 E.. 128 acres 8 35 M Mack, Mary Beginning at SW. corner of block A; thence east 166.40 feet; thence north 203.40 feet; thence west 31 feet; thence southerly 209.20 feet to begin ning, block A in Darling s addi tion to Oregon City 4 10 Maddock, Frank South H of SE. of section 24, Tp. is., fc... acres 530 Magone. D. D., and Henrietta Part ot w. carmen aonanon ian claim, beginning at the NE. corner of Walter Carmen dona tion land claim In Tp. 1 8 . R. 1 E.; thence south on east line of claim to line between husband's and wife's H thereof; thence west to a point from which a line running north and parallel with east line of said claim to north line thereof would Include 30 acres: thence north from said point parallel with east line of said claim to north line thereof; thence along north line to beginning, sections 5 and 8. Tn. 1 8.. R. 1 E.. 30.44 acres.... 15 77 Part of the George Walling do nation land claim, undivided ft interest In the following de scribed land: All of claim No. 62 down to Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., in south end of said claim, de scribed as 80 acres, bounded north bv a line far enough north of south line of said claim and parallel therewith to include 80 ncres between those lines and the east and west lines of said claim, except 25.60 acres In book 35, page 220, sections 23 and 24, Tn. 2 8.. R. 1 E.. 80 acres 69 00 Undivided interest in the D. D. Tompkins donation iana ciaim described thus: Beginning at the NW. corner of D. D. Tomp kins donation land claim: thence south 49 degrees SO min-" utes enst 28.71 chains; thence east 66.75 chains; thence north 36 degrees west, 9 chains; thence north 22 deg. west, 8.70 chains: thence north 9.88 chains to the NE. corner of said land; thenoe west along north line of said claim 84.10 chains to beginning, except 22.30 ncres in book 33, page 91, Tp. 2 8., R, 1 E., 68.75 acres 40 61 Magone, Edward Part of D. D. Tompkins donation land claim, beginning at the NE. corner of Wllllo Ann Hughes land In P. I. Tompkins donation land clnim In Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E. and 2 E.; thence south 4.22 chains; thence east 37.97 chains to Wil lamette river: thence north with meanders of river 2.61 chains; thence north 27 degrees west, 1.80 chains; thence west 37.15 chains to beginning, sec tion 30, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 15.90 acres ' 13 80 Mnllory, Lucy A. I,ots 1 and 2, block 70, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland Mann, Wm. Lot 1, block 29 Q, Clncknmns llelgnts Manstleld, M. Lots 13 to 24 Inclu sive, block 66: lots l to 8 inclu sive, block 67, Mlnthorn addi tion to the city of Portlnnd 4 96 Marqunm, A. B.. nsslgnee North or pi-;, it or section is, xp. o S R. 2 E 80 acres 3 18 Part of R. Allen donation land claim, beginning 9.65 chains west nnd 7.50 chnlns south of the NE. corner of claim No. 62: thence north 60 degrees 50 min utes west 3.06 chains; thence . south 41 degrees west, 8.30 chains; thence south 50 degrees 61 minutes east, 3.06 chains: thence north 41 degrees 8.30 chains to beginning, sections 4, 9. Tn. ( 8.. R. 1 E.. 1 acre 36 2 52 Marquam, Bertha and Palsy Part ot A. Marqunm aonnuon inna claim, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 B., 1 acre; part of R. Thompson donation land claim, Tp. I 8 R. 1 B 3 acres 37 Markham, M. P.-Tits IS to 40 In clusive, biock , Mintnom au- Hltlrtn tn the cltv of Portland... Marlay, J. K. South H or and NE. H or section sb, up. i o k. E.. 480 acres 2120 Marlay, P. H.-Fast H of BW. 4 and NW. H of sw. 4 or section 21. Tn. 2 8.. R. 4 E. 120 acres t Beginning at NE. corner of sec tion 12. Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E.; thence south 20 chains: thence west 50 chains; thence north 20 chains: thence east 60 chnlns to begtn ntng. section 12, Tp. 2 8., K. 1 E., 100 acres SI 80 T !9 S 93 Martin. Wm. D. -Part of 8. W. Shannon donation land cinim, beginning 825.9 feet north 63 de grees west from the SE. corner of claim No, 70; thence north 25 minutes west 104.5 feet: thence south 90 degrees 35 min utes west 187.5 feet: thence south 63 degrees enst to begin ning, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., VI acre.. Martin Bon-Block 4. 60x100 feet. Parting's, addition to Oregon City Marshall, Arthur P. Tots 5, 6. block 30, Oresron Iron Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego.. Marshall. Wm. H. NE. U of, ex cept west H of NW. U of NR. U of and S00x!00 feet, section Si Tp. 3 8., R. I E., 140 acres Masters, W. T. North Vi of NE. u and BE. Vi of NE. Vi and NE. & of SE. hi of section 30, Tp. 1 8., R. 6 E., 160 acres , Matlock, Wm. T., heirs of Lot 4, block 10, Marshfleld Mathews, Charles, estate of East 5 30 1 14 Vi of NW. hi and NE. Vi of SW. 14 OI I section 33. To. 5 S.. R. 1 K.. 120 acres 10 87 Mathews, Wm. Lots 5 to 22 Inclu sive, block 88, Mlnthorn addi tion to the city of Portland 4 96 Marx, John A. and Fred L. Lot 16, block 4, West Gladstone 71 Maxon. G. W. Lots 1, 8, 16, block 9, Marchbanks v 75 May, Susan B. Lots 1, 2, block 2, Beat's addition to New Era 80 Mattlson, John Part of C. Rich ardson donation land claim, be ginning at a point 29.86 chains west of the SE. corner of claim: thence west 19.36 chains; thence north 20.56 chains: thence east 19.37 chains; thence south 20.53 chains to beginning, section 6, Tn. 2 S., R. 3 E.. 40 acres 5 30 Matlock, Claude C Part of Mat lock donation land claim, 1-3 in terest In Mill tract, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.. 31-3 acres 86 M. E. Church, South Lots 8, 9, block 8, Pleasant Hill addition to Oregon City 11 27 M. E. Church, North North 61 feet of lot 5, block 25, Oregon City; west part of lot I, block 25; lot 2. block 25 63 54 Meeklns, J. B. Beginning at a point 5.88 chains south of hi section post on the south line between sections 19 and 30, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W.: thence west 7.20 chains to te, stake from which a . red fir 15 inches in diameter bears south 71 degrees east 14 links; thence south 14.08 chains to a stake; thence east 9.95 chains; thence north 14.08 chains; thence west 2.75 chains ' to place of beginning: part of the south hi of W. W. Weeks donation land claim, section 30, To. 3 8.. R. 1 W.. 14 acres 4 35 Meier, Anna Block 73, Pruneland.. 8 68 Meredith, Catherine Lot 10, block 49, uregon iron steei uo. 8 First addition to Oswego 1 38 Melslnger. C East hi of NE. hi and NE. hi. or Hrj, hi and hw. vt of NE. hi of section 20, Tp. 2 S.; R. 6 E.; SW. hi of NW. hi and NW. hi of SW. hi of section 21, Tn. 2 S.. R. 6 E.. 240 acres 23 85 Meldrum, John Part of Isaac Las- well donation land claim, be ginning at the SE. corner of said claim; thence west along south boundary of said claim 67.37 chains to the SE. corner of the tract of land containing 40 acres conveyed by E. B. Fel lows and wife to W. W. Strick- ' land; thence north along the east boundary of snld tract 20 chains to the NE. corner of Bald tract; thence west along the north boundary of said tract 20 chains to the west boundary of Bald Laswell claim; thence north along said west boundary 16.55 chains: thence east paral lel with south boundary of said claim 74.36 chains to the left bankof Clackamas river: thence with meanders of said left bank south 55 degrees east 88 links: thence south 51 degrees east 6.20 chains; thence south 60 degrees east 8 chains to the meander corner in the east boundary of . said claim: thence south along said enst boundary 28.13 chains to hesinnlnar. Tn. 1 8.. R. S E.. 272.87 acres 21 63 Mensies. Wm. Part of Geo. Wills donation land claim, beginning on Tp. line between R. 1 and 2 E., 175 chains north of south boundary of Geo. Wills dona tion land claim: thence north with said line ITS chains; thence west 15 chains: thence south 173 chains: thence east erly 1 chains to beginning. KMtlnn Tn. 1 8 B. 1 E-- 2 acres SSS Merrick. W. H- Lots 1 to 7 Inelu- i wve. diock m: iojs z. . mots I 5. Mllwaukle Height S 71 1 Meverve Chart Lot S M. block j 51. Gladstone 32.78 I Miller. Will L.-LW L 4. b4ock 4. Shannons addition to Uregon ! City Miller. Samuel. e''e of Begin ning at the 8W. corner nt in claim No. 70. Tp. I 8.. R. 1 E : thence south 63 degrees east 1 G chains: thence north 13 degree east 11.90 chains; thence north 53 degrees west 7.40 chains to west line: thence 14.40 chains to beginning, Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E., 5.90 acres Minor. James 8outh 4 of SW. H and south hi of 8E. V4 of section 22. Tp. 4 8.. R. 4 E.. 160 acres.... Mitchell, V.. B. Lots 1. 2. block 4. West Bide addition to Oregon City Mock, Orlando J. Lot 6, block 90. Gladstone Montague. J. V. W. SW. Vi of sec tion 12, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E.. 160 Moody. Gil'lVe L. i SW.' Vi' of section 14. Tn. 4 8., R. 3 E.. 160 acres.... Moore. Chnrles Lots 1. 2. block 2. Oregon Iron ft 8teel Co.'s First addition to Oswego Moore. A. H. Iit 5. block 20 A. Falls View addition to Oregon City Moore. James heirs of Part th James M. Moore donation land dnlm, being a parcel of land 50 feet wide lving alonir the north boundary line of Robert Moore donation land claim, and ex tending from low wnter nrnrk in the Willamette river to a line 20 feet eastward of the nresent canal of the Portland Genernl Electric Co.: also, a parcel west of snld cnnnl lvlng alone- the snld north boundary line of said Robert P. L. C. 50 feet and extending from a line 20 feet west of the present canal and locks westward to the top of the bluff. See deed In book R. Page 544. Tn. 2 S.. R. 1 E 2 07 4 21 2 42 71 5 30 8 48 17 25 Moores. CI B. Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland: All of blocks 7, 8, 21. 22. 35, 36. 50. 63 and lots 1 to 8 Inclusive in block 64, and lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, block 6, and streets as vacated by county court, 80 acres Moores, C. E. Lot 2, block 44, Ore gon Iron Bteel Co.'s First ad dition to Oswego Moores, George Block 102, 6 aores, Friends' Oreoron Colonv 53 32 55 Morrln, Martha Lots 9. 10, block 6. Oregon Iron ft Steel Ce.'s First addition to Oswego 5 52 Moss. R. E. SE. 4 and E. Vi of SW. V,, and lot 4. section 30, Tp. 4 8.. R. 6 E.. 2S0 56 acres 9 28 Munch. George ana lizr.ie iots is. 20, block 7, Oregon City Annex. Murnhy. Thomas J. Pnrt of Oeo. Brock donation lnnd claim. 4165.90 feet south. 1146 feet east of the NW. corner of claim: thence east 833 feet; thence south 259 feet: thence west 6T0 feet: thence south 161.26 feet: thence west 2S3 feet; thenca north 420.26 feet to beginning, section 22, Tp. S S., R. 1 E., 6 acres 1 23 163 411 Munlev, M. O. Pnrt of J. P. Gar rett and Joseph Kellogg dona tion land claims. 7-12 of undi vided H ot 40lVi acres, except 65 acres, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E.; Tp. 2 8.. R. 2 E.; Tp. 1 S.. R. 1 B., 98 acres . Munley, W. A -4-12 of undivided V- I 68 54 88 23 or pan or J. u. unrrei anu Joseph Kellogg donation land claims. Tn. 1 8., R. 2 E.: Tp. 3 8.. R. 2 E.; Tp. 1 8., R. 1 B., 56 acres Munlev. Mary N. 1-12 of undivided H of part of J. P. Garrett and Joseph Kellogg donation land claims. Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.: Tp. 2 8.. R. 2 E.i Tp. 1 8., R. 1 E.. 14 acres Mathews. F. M. NW. of BW. H and 8W. H of NW. i of section 26. Tp. 4 S.. R. 1 E., 80 acres Mt. Hood and Barlow Road Co 31 36 24 miles ot rond over tnscaae Mountains south of Mt. Hood.. McBrlde. T. A. All of block 34, ' County ndditlon to Oregon C'ty. McCarver, Julia A., estate of Part of M. M. McCarver donation land claim, beginning at south westerly corner of claim; thence north 44 degrees east on north westerly boundary of claim 14.22 chains: thence south 47 degrees SOmlnutes east 22 chains; thenco south 44 degreea west 27 chains; 205 276 5 30 thence north 47 degrees 30 min utes west 1.75 chains to SW. boundary of claim; thence north 31 chains to beginning, contain ing 38.61 acres; also, beginning at a point In southeastly bound ary of said claim 40 chains from the most easterly corner of said claim; thence north 47 degrees 30 minutes east 16.50 chains: thence north 44 degrees east 6.75 chains; thence north 47 degrees 30 minutes west 6 chains; thence north 44 degrees east 3 chains; thence south 47 degrees 30 min utes east 22.36 chains; thence SW. on south boundary of said claim 10.50 chains to beginning, containlne: 17.83 acres. To. 3 8.. R. 2 E., 54 acres 23 SO McCleland T. K. Lots 3, 4, block 70, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland McCombs, Jacob S. Lot 1, block 36, Central addition to Oregon City McCormack, Fred H. East V4 of SE. hi of NE. hi of section 15, Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 30 acres McCormack, Johnson Lots 2, 3, 4, block 179, Oregon City McCully, J. B., and Croasman, A. B. SW. hi of NW. hi and north hi of SW. hi and SE. hi of SW. hi of north of Butte creek, sec tion 29, Tp. 6 8., R. 2 E., 140 McCo wn, C.' W. North 'hi of' north hi of NE. hi and SW. hi of NE. and lot 1 of section 23, Tp. 5 S., R. 1 B 784 acres McCown, M. F. Lots 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, block 9; lots 1, 2, 16, 17, block 17, Gladstone McCown, Malcomb S. Lots 3, 4, 5, 12. 13. 14. block 6: lots 6. 7. 9. 10. 62 4 10 2 78 4 10 504 I 33 8 38 11. block 9. Gladstone 11 71 McPonald, Alexander Lot 2, block 14, Talbert's addition to Marsh fleld 1 42 McDermit, W. I. Lots 4, 17, block 8, Oregon City Annex 1 23 McDermott, Henry, estate of Lots 1, 8, block 46, Oregon City 10 24 Mcuonaia, Maggie worm 1-3 ot block 50, Clackamas Heights.,.. McPonald, Jemina North hi of 1 42 east hi of east hi of Claim No. 37, except 2 acres described in book 37, page 374, section 31, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W., 38 acres 11 31 McFarland, Kelly Part of the I. Crantield donation land claim, beginning 14.38 chains west and 74 rod's 10 feet south of the NE. corner of 8W. corner of section 9, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 B.f thence west 10 rods; thence south 7 rods and 10 feet: thence east 10 rods; thence north 7 rods and 10 feet to be ginning, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., hi 'acre. - McGregor, L. Part of the S. Mc- Mahon donation land claim, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., 2.25 acres McGuire, W. H. and H. P. Part 1 14 4 95 of Lot wnttcomo donation iana claim, section 35 and 36, Tp. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 12 acres 124 00 Mcuee. isawara w. hi oi section 34, Tp. 5 S., R. 3 E.. 160 acres... Mclntlre, Pomlnick SW. hi of SE. 5 30 hi ana jnk. li or bh. or sec tion 5, Tp. 4 S R. 3 E., 80 acres Mclntlre, John North hi of west and south hi of NE. hi and SE. hi of NW. hi and NW. hi of SE. hi of section 26, Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E. ; SW. hi of SE. hi and SE. U. at SW. U of section 23. Td. 2 S R. 6 E., 400 acres 24 46 McKenzie, William South hi of NW. 4 of section l, Tp. i a., R. 4 E., 80 acres Lot 6 of section 13, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E., 28.83 acres McKlnney, Anderson SE. hi of NW. hi and NE. VI of SW. VI of section 26, Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E., 80 acres McMahon, Richard Lots 3, 4, block 22, Canemah McNary, H. P., and Meredith, B. F. Lots 11 to 40 inclusive, block IS. and lots 1 to 20 inclusive in block 29, and streets as vacated by county court in Mlnthorn ad dition to the city of Portland, 5 30 1 58 20 22 1 77 4.Z3 acres 3 10 j McNary. H. P. All of block 1 and lots 1 to 10 inclusive in block 28. and streets as vacated by the county court in Mlnthorn addi tion to the city of Portland, 4 acres 3 10 McGlynn. Anna, and Estman, Myre South 1-3 or soutn or diock 31. and north Vi of north Vi of block 30. Prunelands 2 95 Nelman. William SE. V of section 26. TP. 4 B., K. 4 fci., 16U acreB... o ui Nelson, Ruth Part of A. P. Smith donation iana ciaim, Deginning at SW. corner of A. P. Smith donation land claim, north 21 1-3 rods, east 15 rods, south 211-3 rods, west 15 rods to beginning, containing 2 acres, Tp. 2 S., R. . 2 E 1 42 Newman, Hiram F., heirs of SE. Vi of section 6, Tp. 4 B., K. o m.. 1A0 ncres 5 SO 3? Nodstrum, Sarah 8. Lot 8, block 6, Barlow Noe, Mnttle Lot 1, block 17, Bolton Nolan, Viola Lots 48, 4, neasanr Little Homes, No. 1 North Pacific Camp Meeting Asso ciationWest Vi of block 22, 2Vi acres, Oak Grove Northrup, Fannie 8. Lot 16. block 13, Oregon Iron A Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego Northrup, F. E. Lot 6, block 36, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego Northrup, Fannie H. Lots 13. 14. 15, block 28, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego.. Noyer, Peter Beginning at theNE. corner of the SE. Vi of NW. Vi of sectlon30; thence west 8 rodB; thence south 80 rods; thence east 3 rods: thence north 80 rods to beginning, section 20, Tp. 4 S., R. 2 E., 1V4 acres....... Nichols. A. S., trustee Part of H. Straight donation land claim, beginning 44 links north 58 de grees west from Vi post on south line of section 20. Tn. 2 8., R. 2 E.: thence north 84 degrees west 16.25 chains; thence south 6 de 56 2 93 grees west l.iw cnains; rnence north 82 degrees west 11.25 chains: thence south 61 degrees west 10 chains: thence south 54 degrees west 12.50 chains; thence south 74 degrees west 7.35 chains to confluence of Clack amas and Willamette rivers; thence up Willamette river south 33 degreea 30 minutes east 1.70 chains: thence south 71 de grees east 3 chains; thence south . 15 degrees enst 6.50 chains: thence south 23 degrees east 6 chains: thence south 85 dugrees 35 minutes east 39.50 chnlns to center of Oregon City nnd Port land road: thence north 26 de grees 30 minutes enst with cen ter of said road 15 chains; thence north 12 degrees 40 min utes enst 19.13 chains to begin ning. Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 150 acres 93 159 75 Ochs, Frank-SE. V4 of 8W. H of section 21, Tp. 3 8, B, 5 E., 40 O'Conner, W. M., heirs of-SE. J4 of NE. Vi of section 24. Tn. 3 8., IK; SW. M and south V4 of NW. Vi nnd SW. H of NE. Vi "J sectiorf 19, Tp. IB., R. 1 E.. 320 38 42 Oetken, Wlllle-Pnrt of the George Crow donation land claim, Tp. 1 8.. R. 1 E.. 12 acres. 20' Offleld. G. W.-NW. 4 or NW. 14 or " section 30, Tp. 7 S.. R. S E., 160 . acres Oglesby. 8. J.-Lot 8 of section SO. Tp 4 B.. R. 1 E.. 27.76 acres 8 Ogle. Charles-Block 29. 5 acres. Oleson, H. A.-SF. Vi of section 36, Td 4 S . R. 6 E.. 160 acres Olson T. E. Lots 3 to 8 Inclusive, b"ock 15; lots 5, 6. 7. , block 1 : Mllwnukle v- :-":;,' - 14 7 84 Part of LiOl wniii-imm land claim, beginning 35 feet south of center of Jefferson and Irving streets in the town of Mllwnukle 4 chnlns enst, 1S.3S chMns north of V4 section , pot between sections 35 and 3V thence north 75.5 degrees east 17.20 chnlns to dividing "nf of claim No. 38: thence northerly on said dividing tine 9H chains: thence west 56 links; the nee north 26H degrees chains: thence soutn 80 degrees west 13.37 chains: thence north 10 degrees west 193 chains: thence south v 80 degrees west 1117 chains; thence north 10 de- 16 12 19 90 61 50 grees west 1.38 chains: thence south 80 degrees west 4.24 chains to center of Irving street ; thence south 10 degrees east 13.22 chains; thence parallel with cen ter line of said street to south line of Jefferson street, Tp. 1 S., R, 1 E., 20 acres 58 90 Omerea, Julia South Vi of NE. Vi and SE. hi of section 30, excepc land described in book O, page 217, and book T, page 130, soutn of SW. Vi and NW. hi of BW. and 10 acres on or tne nortn side of SW. hi of SW..V of sec tion 30, Tp. 5 8., R. 2 E., 349 acres North Vi of NE. hi and north hi 57 24 of N W. hi or section 31, Tp. & B., R. 2 E.. 160 acres... 10 60 East Vi of NE. hi and east V4 of Bin. ana east t or east ft or NE. V4, except 30 acres in sec tion 36, Tp. 5 S., K. 1 E., 170 acres 11 26 Oscharty, August North Vi of SE. hi of section 29, Tp. 3 S., R. 6 E., 80 acres 5 93 Osborn, F. R. South hi of section 36, Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E., 320 acres.... 11 93 Osborn. Charles NW. Vi of section 27, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160 acres.... 5 30 Osborn, R., and Ferrin, Ella L. Part of 8. McMahon donation land claim, beginning 14.67 chains Bouth of Vi post on west line of section 28, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.; thence west 20.98 chains to . county road; thence south 27 de grees W. along road 3.11 chains; thence east 22.38 chains; thence north 2.77 chains to beginning, section 28, Tp, 1 8., R. 2 E., 6 acres 1 96 Ozane, Paul A. South Vi of, except 60 acres described in book 56. page 320, and 160 acres in book 61. Dace 171. section 11. Td. 3 S.. R. 1 W. 100 acres 15 90 Page, James H. Part of Hector Campbell donation land claim, beginning at the NW. corner of P. Hathaway donation land claim; thence north 18.23 chains to south line of avenue laid out by F. W. Campbell for Alfred ana juary ieweuing; tnence east along south line of said avenue to west line of land for merly owned by A. F. Miller: thence south along said west line to south line ot Hector Campbell's donation land claim; thence west to beginning, ex cept 6 acres described in book 39, page 147, Tp. 1 8., R. 1 E., 24 acres 60 76 Painter, Elizabeth and Fred Lots 1 and- 8, block A, Canemah 4 26 Paine, Edward W. North Vi of SW. Vi of section 14, Tp. 4 S., R. 2 Tel., 80 acres 5 30 Paine, E. W. and Ellen East Vi of NE. Vi of SW. Vi and NW. V4 of SE. Vi section 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 2 E., 60 acres 10 95 Paine, E. W. and P. F. Part of F. T. Howard donation land claim, beginning at SW. corner of claim; thence north 127 rods 15 links; thence east 65 rods; thence south 123 rods; thence east 12 rods: thence south to south line of claim; thence west to beerlnnlnir. section 5. Td. 4 8.. R. 2 E., 52 acres 10 65 faimateer, wm. bvv. oi w. of section 25, Tp. 3 ., R, 4 E. : also, beginning 13.35 chains south of BE. corner of section 23, Tp. 3 S., R. 4 E. ; thence south 6.65 chains: thence east 4.25 chains: thence north 30 degrees west to I beginning, section 25, Tp. 3 S., i R. 4 E 41V4 acres; NE. Vi of NE. Vi of section 26, Tp. 3 8., R. 4 B 40 acres; also, beginning at Vi post on east line of section 26, Tp. 3 S., R. 4 E.; thence west 9.50 chains: thence north 5.10 chains; thence east 9:5C chains; thence S. 6.10chainsto be- rnnlng. section 26, Tp. 3 8., R. E., 4.75 acres 12 27 Paquette, Monlce NW. Vi of SW. 4 of, except 31.73 acres in book 62, page 218, section 24, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 E., 8.30 acres 53 Paquette, 8. E., Mrs. Lot 4, block 48, Oregon City 25 32 Parish, Thomas J. West Vi of TJW V. of section 10. Tn. 4 8.. R. 3 E.. 80 acres 12 88 Parrot, Richard East Vi of NW. VI of, except 20 acres in section 19, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W., 60 acres..-.. 7 28 Parmer, Fred Lots A and B, block 1, Parker Hill addition to Ore gon City 1 72 Parker, Benjamin F. NW. V4 of section 20, Tp. 1 S., R. 6 E., 160 acres 5 30 Parker, James T. East Vi of SW. Vi, and lotB 3 and 4 of section 18, Tp. 1 S., R. 6 E 154 acres... 5 03 Pasold, Albert-SB. Vi of section 32, Tp. 5 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres 6 18 Patterson, F., trustee Lot 16, block 4ft Orpf-nn Trnn & Steel Co.'s FlrBt addition to Oswego 1 33 Payne, W. 8. Part of 8. McMahon donation land claim, beginning 1153.59 feet south of SE. corner of section 20, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.; thence east 520.08 feet; thence south 16.59 feet; thence west 520.08 feet; thence north 16.59 feet to beginning, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., .20 acre 3 27 Pease, Justin Lot 8. block 140, Ore- on City; part of Wm. Holmes' onatlon land claim, .75 acre.... 11 27 Pease, A. A. Part of 8. 8. White donation iana ciaim, Deginninx at a point north 47 degrees 45 minutes west 10 chains distance from a point on the southeast erly line of the donation land claim of 8. 8. White, which point Is Bouth 42 degrees 16 min utes west 14 chains distant from the most easterly corner of said claim and running thence north 47 degrees 45 minutes 10 chains to a line between W. B. Partlow and Kellogg helrB: thence with said Una south 42 degrees 15 minutes- west 10 chains; thence at right angles with said line south 47 degrees 45 minutes east 10 chains; thence 42 degrees 15 minutes east 10 chains to beginning; also, be ginning at a stone in the road leading from John Howlands to Oregon City, said stone being north 11 degrees 30 minutes west 24.60 chains distant from the most corner of 8. 8. White donation land claim, and running thence south 42 degrees 15 minutes west 6.58 chains; thence at right angles and south 47 degrees 45 minutes east 8.61 chains; thence at right angles 42 degrees 15 minutes east S.44 chains to the east line of said S.S. White donation land claim; 15 thence nortn n Degrees ou min utes west 4.22 chains on said claim line to place of beglimlng, section 7, Tp. 8 8., R. 2 E.. 10 acres 18 w Lot 7, block 8, Windsor............ 1 21 Pease, Allison-Lots 7 and 8, block 164, Oregon City..... 43 09 Peek. H. O.-Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, block 5: lots 13, '14, 15, 16, 17. block 6, Pleasant Little Homes. No. 3. Part of the Joseph Gar ret donation land claim, begin ning 80 chains west and 43.30 chains south of the NE. corner of claim No. 38, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.; thence east 18.63 rods; thence south 43.40 rods; thence west 4 83 18.53 rods; thence nortn m. rods to beginning, sections 31 and 32, TP. 18., R. 2 E.. sec tlons 6 ana , ip. i. K seres Pendleton, Michael-East Vi of NE. u R ml easi or sc. - wi D tlon 20. Tp. 5 8., R. E., 160 lPAl 0 08 Petterson, O. A.-NW. V4 of section 8, Tp. z 8., xv. i jou Petengen, George H. Lot 7. block 26, Oregon Iron A Steel Co. s First addition to oswego....;.. Peterson, Loran Part of W. F. Eastham aonanon inu bond for deed frorn Peter Ms sen). Tp. 5 S., R. 1 W..J acres.. 6 96 Peterson. Charles E. - BW. or BW. hi or section ia, ji i - 1 E., 40 acres..... .-.V'lV," Phelps. Louisana Part of the Able Matoon donation land claim, beginning at the NE. corner of claim: thence south 67 degrees 45 minutes west 44 chains; thence south 80 degrees 30 min utes west to right bank of Clear creek: thence with meanders of snld creek up stream to the NW. corner of a tract of land conveyed bv Able Matoon and . wife to E. G. Matoon by deed described In book V, page 24; thence north 64 degrees 40 min utes east 23.79 chains; thence north 16 degrees east SO chains to the east boundary of said claim; thence north 22 degrees 54 15 minutes 17.80 chains to begin ning, west Vi of above described land In sections 24, 25 and 26, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 B., 50 acrea 11 OS Phelps, O. 8. Part of the Able Ma toon donation land claim, begin ning at the NE. corner of claim; thence south 67 degrees 45 min utes west 44 chains; thence south - ' ' 20 degrees east 6.61 chains; thence south 70 degrees east 4.36 i chains; thence south 80 degrees 30 minutes west to right bank of i Clear creek: thence with mean ders of said creek to the NW. ' corner of a tract of land con- veyed by Able Matoon and wife , to Hi. u. Matoon by deed re corded in book V, page 24; t thence north 84 degrees 30 min- ! utes east 23.79 chains: thence north 61 degrees east 30 chains I to the east boundary of said claim; thence north 25 degrees 15 minutes west 17.80 chains to place of beginning, east Vi of the above described land in sec tions 24, 25, 26, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 58 acres 5 56 Phillips, C. M. and Cora M. Lots 110, 111, 112, Friends' Oregon Col- . ony 59$ Phillips, Benton Beginning 20 chains south and 80 chains west of NE. corner of section 32, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E. ; thence west 10 chains; thenco south 10 chains; 1 thence east 10 chains; thence north 10 chains to beginning, except 5 acres, deed described In book 33, page 423, section 32. , Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 5 acres S 50 Phillips, E. Lots 19, 30, 31, 32, block 15; lots 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 35. 36. . 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, block 42, Mln thorn addition to the city of Portland 5 27 Price, Herman J. and Nancy West Vi of NW. Vi of section 11, Tp. 3 8., R. 5 E.,80 acres 2 65 Price, Hallie East hi of NW; .hi of section 21, Tp. 4 8., R. 4 E.. 80 acres (89 Plke.Henry East V4 of NE. Vi and SW. Vi of NE. Vi and NE. V4 of SE. VTof section 26, Tp. 2 8., R. 5 E., 160 acreB 6 63 Pillsbury, John G. Beginning 17.24 chains north and 124 chains west from the Vi section corner Detween sections au ana 31, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E. ; thence 38 degrees 40 minutes east 12.50 chains to the Willamette river; thence north 28 degrees east along river 3.20 chains: thence 40 de i grees 40 minutes west 11.80 chains; thence south 39 degreea west 2.50 chains to beginning, Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E., 3 acres 1 22 43 Pillsbury, Martha Part of lot 7, block 28; lot 6, block 3, Oregon City 53 30 Part of the Samuel Miller dona tion land claim, beginning at a - point 17.22 chains south of NE. corner of claim No. 58; thence west 42.62 chains to dividing line; thence south on said line 16.28 chains; thence east 42.52 chains to the east line; thence north 16.28 chains to beginning, containing 65 acres, Tp, 2 8., R. 2 E 22 43 Platts, E. A. South Vi of section 36, Tp. 2 8.. R. 7 E., 320 acres... 10 60 Plummer, Leonard V. All of block 45, Shannon's addition to Oregon City 5 IT Pope, Charles W. West Vi of P. H. Good donation land claim, sec tion 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 320 acres 34 TJ Pope, Wm. H. Part of Isaac Las- wen donation iana claim, oe glnnlng at a point In north boundary of said claim 2.50 chains east from the NW. cor ner of said claim; thence south 2 chains; thence west 2.50 chains to the weBt boundary une of said claim; thence south along 1 said west boundary line 41.45 1 chains; thence east parallel with south boundary line of said 1 claim 74.36 chains to the left ' bank of the Clackamas river: . I thence with meanders of said ' left bank down stream north ' 65 degrees west 152 chains: ' thence north 35 degrees west ' 8.74 chains; thence north 25 de- ' grees west 7.24 chains; thence ' north 6.92 chains: thence north 25 degrees east 7.37 chains to the SE. corner of a tract of land ' conveyed by W. H. Pope and ! John W. Meldrum to G. W. Grace; thence west along the 'v south boundary of said tract conveyed to G. W. Grace 31.60 chains to the SE. corner of Bald tract; thence north 20 chains to the north boundary of said Las well claim; thence W. along said north boundary 37.60 chains to beginning, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E., 445.96 acres 19 4S Porter, W. W. and L. A.-East Vi of NW. Vi of section 20, Tp, 6 S., R. 3 E., SO acreB 7 29- Powell, Jacob Lot L, 15 acres, Clackamas Riverside 11 50 Poyser, W. B. Part of H. Straight donation land claim, beginning at SE. corner of claim No. 42; thence north 5 degrees 15 min utes east 4.60 chains; thence 81 degrees 30 minutes west 27 chains; thence south 5 degrees 15 minutes west 4.50 chains; thence south 84' degrees 30 min utes east 27 chains to beginning, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., .35 acre 13 54 President and Trustee of the Tual atin Academy and Pacific Unl - verslty Lots 27 to 38 inclusive, block 81, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portlnnd S 72 Putkamer, F. W. Lots 1, 2, S, 4, hlwlr M 71 QiihrifvlRlnn nf Clank. amas Heights 2 33 Putnam, A. M. Lot 1, block 34, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'B First addition to Oswego 1 04 Rands. W. J. Lots 5, , block 7. South Oregon City 1 18 Rankins, Wm. Lots 3, 4. 6, block 2, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego I 80 Ravely. Angelina, estate of West Vi of SW. Vi and SW. hi of NW. hi of section 16, Tp, 2 B R. 3 E., 120 acres 15 41 Raymond, P. H. Lots 6 to 19 In clusive, block 99, Mlnthorn ad dition to the city of Portland. . 4 C4 Reed. Rebecca J. C East Vi of SW. Vi and west Vi of SE. hi of section 6, Tp. 2 B., R. 5 E., 160 acres 6 63 Rees, Arthnr-SE. Vi of BW. Vi of section 36, Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E., 40 ACr68 timminmit 2 C5 Refiling, A trustee West Vi of NE. Vi and east Vi of NW. V of section 34, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E 160 acres- 78 17 Refiling, Axel. Lot Whltcomb Island, section 3t, Tp. 1 B., rv. 1 E.. 15 acres 9 30 Reynolds, Paniel W. Part of L. P. c ijatouretie aonanon iana claim, beginning at the NW. corner of claim No. 45, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.: thence north 88 degreea east 53.50 chains; thence south 15 minutes east 12.15 chains: thence west 53.49 chains to west line of said claim; thence 15 minutes west 10.30 chains to be ginning. Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 60 acres. Part of Ezra Fisher do nation land claim, beginning at ' the SE. corner of claim; thence north 24 chains; thence west 87 degrees 16 minutes west 66.70 chains; thence south28.40chalns; thence north 88 degrees east 55 chains to beginning, except all of the above tract which lies north of Abernathy creek: also, beginning at the NW. corner of donation land claim of L. P. C. Latourette In R. 2 and 3 S.. 2 B.; thence north 9 chains: thepce B. 4.24 chains; thence south 87 degrees 55 minutes east 12.26 chains; thence south 7.90 ' chains; thence south 88 degreea west 16.50 chnlns to beginning, sections 28, 29, 31, 32, Tp. 2 &., R. 2 B., 152 acres 69 56 Rice, Vivian and 8ylvester Part of the McMahon donation land claim, a strip 8 rods wldex40 6 72 vo 5 SO 117 11 00 1 rods, Tp. 1 8.. R. 2 E., 2 acres.. 1 12 Kucner, rrea be. or section z, Tp. 3 B., R. 5 E., 160 acres 5 SO Beld, Mary E. Part of R. Arthur donation land claim, beginning 40 chains south 20 chains west of the NE. corner of claim: . thence south 40.20 chains: thence west 20 chains; thence north 40.28 chains: thence east to be ginning, except 11.08 acres in sections S3, 34, Tp. 2 8 , R. 3 E.. 80 acres 16 28 Rlggs, Maggie Part of F. M. Rlggs donation land claim, section 23, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 12 acres J 58 BJnearson. Helen B. M. Part of P. M. Rlnearson donation land claim, Tp. I S., R. 1 .; Tp. 2