AT THE CKET will jlannelett VfWpe Mies' et, hildrens nderweat9, ent's All kinds of Notions the city. WE LISA IE! LOW PRICES While Others TRY to Follow OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE W. L. BLOCK, PROP'R I take pleasure in announcing to the public that I have put in a Fine Line of NEW Furniture, "NEW Carpets, NEW Matting, NEW line of Fine Steel Ranges and Stoves, NEW Air-tight Heaters, NEW Hardware, NEW Portieres line of NEW Crockery, Hanging Lamps, Glassware and Tinware. My Second-Hand Stock . Of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves Is Convince yourself by getting our prices before buying. Prices Cheerfully Given. Don't Forget the Place FREE TILL 1839 SS will reoelve the paper till 11HI0 for (I. AO. Old Miliwrllivra can by paying up arrears huve It nt same pile. OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE ii LADIES' DESK, $3 50. This Oak Combination Book Case, $13.00 fifS 'Bps STO jj-insro ibbc partis, osiepy at the Lowest Prices in me and see. and Luce Curtains. Also a fine Always Complete Main Street.... Opp. Postofflce CORRESPONDENTS WANTED 10 send news from their respective neighbor- nooiia mi me orciron uity COUKIKB, Liberal 111 uuceiueuui. n rite lor mem. BELLOMY & BUSCH The Housefurnishers w lift!! ROCKER, $2.50 Serviceable Bed from $1.50 up Circuit Court. The following new cases have been filed in the circuit court: Hiram Straight, executor of the will of Hiram A. Straight, deceased, has filed a foreclosure suit against H. M. Oake, trustee, et al, to recover $10,000 wiih 10 per 'Cent, interest from July 9th, 1890, leBS $4,744 interest paid on the principal. The receiver of the East Side Railway is made a party de fendant in the suit, for the reason that a right of way was granted to said com pany since the land was sold. ; H. E. Noble has filed a suit to recover $67 50 from school district No. 106, with interest at 10 per cent, from September zotn, ioyz. me maeDteciness was in curred on account -of purchasing the New Education," and the claim was subsequently assigned to Noble. J. N. Harrington, executor of the last will and testament of Joseph Walton, deceased, has begun a suit against John B. Jackson, et al, to recover money. Sarah E. Lynch has begun a suit against Thomas W. .Lynch, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing Vlfitwttun tViom Tim rlainllfP am ta fondant were married in Coos countv in I November, 1878, and the complaint al leges that the defendant deserted the plaintiff in August, 1895. 'The State Board of School Land Oom- m'ssioners have brought a foreclosure suit against George Pfiester, et al. Dan Lyons has filed a foreclosure suit against James Baty and wife to recover $400. C. D. Latourette has begun a fore closure suit against James Baty, et al, to recover $778. , Clackamas Letter. Mr. Richard and family have returned to Clackamas after trying Southern Ore gon and many other places for the past two years to find some place that would suit them for a home. Fred H. Mohr, from Eastern Oregon, is visiting his father and sisters. Mrs. M A. Clark and Mrs. A. Talbert are quite The former is C9, the lat ter 88 years old ; both crossed the plains. Air. Parks and family have returned to our (own for the winter. Lust week the V. O. T. TJ. wet at Mrs. P. 0. Humphreys, whose home was beautifully decorated with .autumn leaves, ivy and silver; 10 were present and an extra good meeting was held We expect snon to have more hew books to pass around through our country. Maxie Webster and family aie home again for the winter. . Mr. Heath has gone to Wamic to visit his daughter, Mrs. Wheeler. ' Mr. and Mrs. Curry were glad to get back from Virginia to their little Oregon home. Mr. Roots girls went bank again to Holmes business college the 15th Cut K iJWMIWi", - fU5T MOW TO COOK A THAT'5 WiAT ALL DO M TH5 FIRST THING 15 AND THEN THE FIRE MU5T GLOW. oont sfoil the meat and waste the fire. but hav2 a Wire Gauze Door put on your range and roasts will ta5te BETTER THAT e'R BEFORE! SBM"V " 'v ' , "T ' "r ' $3 Cook Stove, All the apples and potatoes are being looked after now. The latter are very small. ' , October 17th. ' Rose Hill. Shubel. Mrs. Staben had the misfortune to fall and break one of her arms and badly bruise the other While coming out of the barn. . Burt Cummin's cut quite a gash in his hand while cutting cordwood for Mr, Burgbart. It will lay him up for Borne time. Mr. Bluhm is building a barn and moving his hop house to the same, in which he will put a chopper. He is going out ot the hop business and he thinks one year with another there is more in raising grain than hops. After teaching one month the board of directors have engaged Martin Mas- singer to teach the rest of the term. There was some objection, particularly by some who never see the inside of the school except at school meetings. Give the boy a chance. Martinis all right. Miss Ella Hernt-huh went to Albany with Ler. rttndma' Mrs Grimmer, to stay for the winter Rev R. Staub and wife returned from Bethany, where they were visiting a week or more. Miss Lena Heft is home from Portland on a visit Bill Moehnke is building a barn for Mr. Daniels. Wm. Beeson and J. B. Beeson and family returned Sunday from Southern Oregon; where they were visiting their danijliter, Mrs. George Traylor. They went with the team, taking very near a week to make the trip. They were gone about five weeks. E. F. Guenther returned from Wilhoit, where he was helping to open a coal mine, uave not learneu witn wnat sue cess. October 10. Max. REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. E L and J M Hamilton to M Bark, lot 2, blk 37, Co odd; $187. J and C A Krop to N Eash, 36 a, sec 7, 5 s, 1 e; $80. J E Cooper to L Botermundy, Y a Marshfleld; $200. S S Wise to G B Wise, 2 a, J P Eagans elm ; $200. 8 E Spaulding to H Wirth, 30 a, J Ohitwood clin ; $1300. 8 C Laurance et al to C G Norberj," lot3, blk 140,0 C; $650. C Moser ve to J J Tinnle.lots 9 and 10, blk 51, Gladstone; $1. TJ S to J 8 Howlaud, lot 1, blk 26, O O ; patent. J C Frost to F Weiss, lots 11 and 12, blk 12, Gladstone; $05. ROASTQUITE WELL, NOT KNOW. TO GET YOUR MEAT, .$6.50 and upward 5 .J??' ' "Ik.. 1 A Schoth to F A Ely, tract in Holmes elm; $20. ; . " . W Walton to C Ely, tract near blk 46, page 449, deeds ; $20. M Halverson to M Pederson, 10 acrs, Led elm; $246. M Scheer to A A Englebart, 2.48 acrs, sec 33, 3 s, 1 e; $300, . Hti-s of M Summers toWL Little, nly 52 feet, lots 1 and 2, blk 54, Ore gon City ; $700. J Weismandel to O Striker, w of nw M, sec 8, 4 s.2 e; $800. : J Lantz to G Lantz, v of e of eft of neV, sec 15, 5 s, 1 e; $300. H Stock (by admr) to R Hart, lots 6 and 7, blk 16, Park add ; $1. H Gans to J Duffy, tract in Holmes elm; $500. W O Holt to M E Jones, 5 acrs in G Abernethy elm ; $1. . II Lee to M and H Halverson, 5 acres in P Lee elm ; $100. ' I Reickhardt to Thos Chat man, lot 3, blk 8, Hay warden; $80. H Stock to K Hart, lots 6 and 7, blk 16, Park add ; $250. H Hart to C Hart, lots 6 and 7, blk 16, Parte add; $250. ; U S to P Bouney, e of seK. sec 2, 5 s, 3 e; patent. J A Thayer to G B Dimmick, lot 8, blk 155, OC; $750. W Atkinson to J Atkinson, 2.4), seo 25, 1 s, 1 e, also lot 12, blk 20, "Robert son"; $1. NOTICE 10 TAXPAYERS, Notice is hereby given to the tax payers of Ulackamas county, tnat uie County Equalization Board for said county, will convene on the 24th of Oc tober, 1898, and continue in session for one week. All property owners are re quested to appear before the board and examine the assessment roll, so that any errors in assessment may be cor rected. 1j C3TOUT, Countv Assessor. Notice. The merchandise businoss of Thomas Oharman & Son having been sold, al! persons knowing themselves to be in debted to the old firm, or Thomas Char man personally, will call at the old place of business and settle or make satisfactory arrangements for same, After 30 days from this date all accounts will be given our attorney for collection. James P. Lovktt, for Thomas Charman. Oregon City, 8ept. 30, 1808. makes photo but tons and photo leweiry of every description. Call and see samples and get prices before trusting your photo graphs with agents. There is just as muuu (iitierence in pnoio uutons as thtre is in photographs. O.ill and be convinced. High qunlities in millinery at low prices at Miss Goldsmith. Shingles, lumber and wood wanted on accounts by the Coumeh-Herald. OREGON CITY OREGON Side Talk with Prospective Carpet Customers These introductory notes to a brief list of some of the stock we have gotten ready for the fall and winter time differ noticeably from the ordinary furniture and carpet advertisement in that every word we say is strictly lived up to when you get inside our doors and have dealings with us. Our new designs from the manufactures are of a class of their own, and present a striking contrast to the cheap, gaudy goods of the man who claims to sell "cheaper than others." Our carpets are bought for cash and 'way above the character of stock picked up on auction sales. We have still a few choice patterns of Soc Brussell Carpet on hand. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate taw Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ... OREGON Geo. C. Bbownhu . J; U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aokncy op Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Dooumeuts a Specialty . Office on east side of Main street Between 8th and 7th OREGON CITY, - : - ' OREGON JH, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional servicos to the people ol Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronio diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY OREGON fj. N. GREENMAN ; (Established 1865 THE PIONEER EXFKESSMAN AND DRAYMAN , Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY OREGON W. S. U'REN, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite HuiiUey's, OREGON CITY - - OKiitiUH C. SCHUEBEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' 2)eutfd)er Slbbrrfat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN, . DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH 1)K. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Postoffice Oregon City', Oregon. WANTED -TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVl W gentlemen or ladles to travel for respnnsiblt established honso in Oregon. Monthly tW5 au expanses. Position steady. Reference. Bn close self addressed stamped envelope. Till Dominion Conipmy, Dept. Y.Chicago. T1TANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVl " leiltlei gentlemen or lames to iravoi ior reponiii established house In Oregon. Mommy imw vti efi-addresK'd stsmped envslop. The Domini; rosltwn swaay. iveierenoe. uciwi Company, Deo. Y, Chicago. I