( 1. 1 m Ill' II i ww '" ' ' miA'- - . , ... l! J 1 CUT DOWN IN THE SENATE. . General Appropriation Bill Rdno4 848,000 Important Amendment. ' Tbe senate spent most of tbe day Fn day in, committee of. the whole consitl eriug the general appropriation bill, which was transmitted from the house the first thing In the morning. The committee did not finish its work until late in the evening, and its report was ratified in a hurry by the senate and the bill passed on so that the house could consider the senate amendments, which cut tbe total bill down by about $45,000. The bill was agreed to as it came from the committee, allowing pay for only five days for the members of the bousojtbatjfailed to organize. The house Lad amended tbe bill so as to allow pay for the fall 40 days, raising the appro priation from $31,000 to $38,000. The expense claim of tbe board of equalization was reduced from $7,750 to $4,450, and the Ashland normal acbool appropriation of $15,000 and the item of $1,080 for repair of the capital building were stricken ont. Proceedings In Detail. Brownell offered an amendmont to the resolution offered by him yesterday in reference to Secretary of State Kin caid's biennial report and providing for the printing of 600 copies of the same for himself, after eliminating all but the history contained therein. It was adopted ' The committee oh revision of laws reported upon the message of the gov ernor on bis appointments for the past two years, ratifying all exqept that of J. P. Robertson as trustee of the Oregon Soldiers' Home. The report was adopted. ' "' " Ry consent Brownell called np Wil liamson's bill facilitating the settle ment of estates, which was passed. The speoial committee on state print ing reported on an exhaustive investiga tion of the oonditon of the department. The roport was "adopted. The house concurrent resolution ap propriating $500 to George T. Meyers for services rendered on the Oregon commission at the world's fair was tabled. Courteeies of the senate were extend ed to Hon. N. U Butler, of Polk county. The senate spent tbe entire night session in the consideration of tbe gen eral appropriation bill. In the afternoon the claim of Captain John Mulhm and Indian war claims for the state, was knocked out. The claim of F. V. Drake for $340.93 for legal services for the secretary of state was also stricken ont, and the claim of John Hall for $0,690.09 for legal ser vices in recovering taxes was reduced to $500. Senator Simon was the prin cipal objector to these claims. V. T. Wright's claim fot $25,000 went through, bat not without a struggle, Fulton, Smith and Taylor advocating the justioe of tbe olaim, and Ilaynes, Eelley, Driver and Selling leading the opposition. Id the llouie. The feature of the proceedings in the house Friday morning was the indefinited postponement of Senator Maokay's pilotage bill. Tbe bill bad been niada a special order of business for 10:30, and when tho boar arrived a flood of oratory waa tamed loose in op position to its passage. A motion to . indefinitely postpone was carried by a vote of 37 to 84; absentees, 9. Curtis offered a resolution, which was adopteil, authorizing the secretary of state to draw a warrant in the sum of $500 in favor of George T. Myers, as i a testimonial for his services as world's fair commissioner. The testimonial was authorized by the legislature of 1895. The committee on elections, having under investigation the contested seats from Clackamas and Polk counties, was given until next session to report. The ooinmittee on investigating the affairs of the insane iwylum also naked for and was granted an extension of time to report until the next regular session. The senate bill fixing the time of holding court in the sixth judicial dis trict was passed. A joint sonata memorial petitioning congress to grant pensions to survivors of the Cnyusd wars was concurred in. A mosHiiKO was received from the govumor announcing the signing of the bill amending the dinner of Sodaville, uud Whalley's bill regulating loan so cieties. The house bold but a short session In the afternoon, and although several bills came up, only one was passed. Senator Mulkey's bill incorporating the town of Monmouth, having beeu reported hack favorably by the Polk county delegation, was passed without opposition, Senator Mioholl's bill to protect ho tel and boarding-house keepers, after being buffeted about for a time with motion to place it on final passage, postpone indefinitely, etc., was finally rotorred to the oommittoe on penal, re formatory and charitable institutions. Hcsolutions wore adopted favoring the drawing of a warrant In favor of Klla U. Hays, widow of K, R. Hays, deceased, clerk of the Benson house, for services, and providing for the pay of committee clerk who served before they were sworn in, A resolution was introduced requir ing member, when the legislature ad journs, to leave the desks and chair for the use of the next session, but a voto was not insisted upon. The house bills reported back favor ably by the committee to which they had beeu referred were: Massing!!!' bill to prevent expiration of taxes by limitation, and tbe bills of Bayer and Kuss amending Hill's code. Still man's bill, providing for the keeping up of upper berths of sleeping oar when only the lower births are occu pied, was reported on adversely. An adverse report wa also rendered on Flagg'i bill providing for the consolida- tion of the schools for the deaf and blind, with the recommendation. .THE SESSION ENDED. ' , . f The Appropriation Bill Passed, But ft Conference Wsi Necessary to Settle Difference.. , .., . The special session of the Oregon leg islature came to an end Saturday even ing at 6:80 o'clock. The general appropriation bill waa the subject of sharp contention, and for a time the prospect seemed good for a deadlock upon it. ' At this stage a conference committee was agreed upon, and it took up tbe matter of harmonizing the difference so as to be acceptable to tbe two houses, After more than an hour of hard work the Committee reported and the report wa adopted in both bouses without debate or question. . By tbe amendments of the conference committee, $3,310 were added to the appropriations in sundry small items, concerning whioh there was no dispute, and $32,237.75 was stricken out, leav ing tbe total of tbe bill about $1,222, 000. ; This is about $100,000 less than the appropriation bill passed in 1895, and there is included in it a large amount of interest and all the expense , of the attempted session of 1897, in cluding full pay for the members. One section was added to the bill di recting that the state printer should not hereafter print for the agricultural societies, etc., to an extent that would cost more than the appropriation should previously have been made for the purpose. ' In the Senate. After the senate bad concurred in the bouse resolution to publish and dis tribute 1,000 copies of the fish and game laws of the state, President Joseph Simon tendered hi formal resign tion as presiding officer, which was accepted. T. C. Taylor waa elected to fill the vacancy. A resolution waa offered to make the present staff of the senate permanent, but it was defeated. Tbe house bill providing for a sugar beet bounty in the state was called up by Senator Smith, read tbe first time by title, and upon motion of Reed in definitely postponod. The house bill relating to the boun daries of Wallowa and Union counties passed. House concniTent resolution No. 22, providing tor an extension of time for the joint committee to expert the peni tentiary books and acoounts to the regu lar session, was next taken up. A sub stitute was offered by Fulton, barring any work or expense between sessions on the part of this or any committee unless authorized ; carried. The Curtis sturgeon protection bill was next taken np and passed. The senate concurrent resolution by Mulkey, providing that a oommittee be appointed to examine the books of the state secretary, state treasurer and in sane asylum, be continued to the regu lar session, without expense between sessions, was adopted. The Salem charter bill wa taken up, and, after some discussion, passed. . , The committee on municipal corpo rations reported back the house bill regulating the manner of constructing openings of publio buildings, with a penal amendment. The amendment was adopted, the bill read a third time and passed. The committee on education reported Topping's house bill, providing for dis position of teachers' examinations, with amendments, and tbe same was adopt ed. The bill then passed. A resolution was passed extending the thanks of tbe senate to Senator Taylor for bis efficient service as chair man of the ways and means oommittee. The senate took a recess till 6:16, awaiting the return of the governor to sign the general appropriation bill, and at 6:20 adjourned sine die. The House. be house, after passing a number of resolutions, put in two hours Satur day morning in consideration of senate amendments to the appropriation bill. Resolutions were adopted authorizing the secretary of state to have published 1,000 copies of the state fish law for tho benefit of fishermen, and recom mending the continuance in office at the next session of all the officer of tbe house. The senate amendment to Stanley' bill providing for reimbursement of contributors to the Omaha exposition fund reducing the appropriation from $18,000 to $15,000 was adopted. After the noon recess another recess of two hours wa taken to give the con ference committee on the appropriation bill time to report. The appropriation for the cost of the last legislature caused over an hour's discussion in the conference oommittee. The amendment reducing the claim for salaries and expenses of the board of railroad commissioners from $31, 052.87 to $18,000 was oonourred in, af ter amending by adding $'J00. The amendment striking out the $15,000 appropriation for the Ashland normal school was not concurred in nor the amendment reducing the claim of John Hall to $500. The amendment striking out the claim of Captain John Mullan of $10. 540.86 for the purpose of giving the speoial oommittee an opportunity to in vestigate and report at tho next session was concurred in. When received the report waa adopt ed without discussion. The senate reported back as passed with amendments the house bill re quiring the doors of public building to open .outward and Topping' bill for the disposition of teachers' examina tion papers, also amended. A penalty was attached to tho former bill, and the time iu which examination paper shall be destroyed after examinations in the latter bill was extended from one to three year. Both amendment were adopted. The house did not adjourn till nearly 6 o'clock. WORK ACCOMPLISHED. BtUa pawed by the Legislature In Special Session. , , Tbe main object of the session were accomplished the election of a United States senator, the passage of tbe gen eral appropriation bill, and the aboli tion of expensive commissions and board. Tbe board of railroad commis sioners, the equalization board, and the dairy and food . commissioner, were dropped, all, of tbe laws carrying the emergency clause. That clause wa omitted at first in the case of the two boards, but the omission was speedily rectified. ' , The following measures have passed both branches of tbe legislature and have "been signqd by the governor: Moodv , of Multnomah To amend section 1037 off tbe code so a to per mit to practice in Oregon courts attor neys from other states that grant a like privilege to Oregon attorneys. 1 Young of Clatsop To prohibit tbe taking or killing of elk for a period of 11 year. . . Whitney of Linn To abolish tbe offices of railroad commissioner, with an emergency clause. . , Toping of Coos To authorize Coos county to convey certain county prop erty. 1 Freeland of Morrow -To change the time of holding circuit court in Mor row and Umatilla counties. Marsh of Washington To change the boundary between Washington and Co lumbia counties, transferring 11 sec tions from the latter to tbe former. ,.. Davis of Lincoln To reimburse Lin coln county for overpaid taxes. Maxwell of Tillamook To amend tbe code so as to provide semi-annual terms of oircuit court in Tillamook county. . Whalley of Multnomah To provide for a separate board for the transac tion of county business in Multnomah. Fordney of Wallowa To fix the term of court in the eight judicial dis trict. Myers of Multnomah To permit ex press companies to bring a many as four sheep at a time into the state without official inspection. Whalley of Multnomah To ohange the terms of circuit court in Multno mah county. Maxwell of Tillamook To regulate the fees to be oolleoted by the clerk of Tillamook county. Nichols of Benton To appropriate $25,000 for rebuilding mechanical hall Of the Oregon agricultural college.' Whalley of Multnomah To author ize Multnomah county court to lease the upper deck of the steel bridge in Portland Dufur of Wasco To change the time of holding circuit court in the seventh judicial district. Daly of Benton To authorize the county court of Benton county to estab lish and maintain a free ferry across the Willamette river at Corvallis. Daly of Lake To repeal the act pro viding for a board of railroad com mi a- skiners. Smith of Baker To amend the act distriot section relating to Eastern Oregon fairs. Dufur of Wasco-To amend 1786 of chapter II of title II of the criminal code, so as to add telephone poles, etc., to the list forbidden to be destroyed. Taylor of Umatilla To repeal the law for the state board of equalization. Dufur of Wasco To protect grouse and prairie chickens. Adam of Marion To authorize school districts to incur indebtedness for buildings or land for school pur poses. Morrow of Morrow To change times for holding circuit court in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Reed of Douglas To amend the salmon law so as to extend the open season on all bnt 'the Columbia river and tributaries. Porter of Claokaraas To amend the code in relation to publication of sum mons. Selling of Mnltnomah Fixing sal aries of the Multnomah county district attorney and othor officers. Euykendall of Lane Prescribing the qualification of voters at school election. Brownell of Clackamas To exempt from attachment 80 days' wages of la borers. Fulton of Clatsop To Provide for paying rejected volunteers who enlisted under the president's call for the Span ish war. Bills Passed by Both nouses. The following bills were passed both houses: by Bayer of Multnomah To regulate the doing of publio works. Grace of, Baker To amend the char tor of Baker City. Hill of Multnomah To create the office of clerk in justice court. Thompson of Washington To fix salaries of Washington county officers. Young of Clatsop To grant exemp tion certificates to members of the As toria volunteer fire department Flagg of Marion To incorporate the citv ot balem Gray of Lane To make the doors of publio buildings open outward. Stanley of Union To provide for a display at the Omaha exposition. therwin of Jackson To amend the charter of Ashland. Hawson of Gilliam To amend the charter of Condon. Wade of Union To amend the char ter of the town of Klgin. Gray of Lane To require town and cities to submit proposed charters or amendments to voteia. Whalley of Multnomah To amend an act to legulate building aud loan as sociations. Beach of Multnomah General ap propriation bill. Daly of Benton To reduce the legal late of interest from 8 to 8 per cent. bmith of Baker To leaulate the tftkillB of llinilltr rlilitlis mul nrnoeo.l inning ot .niniiiK Claims and proteeu - iifca iu mul m inutntuiuss to cluneals or the eauio. SUMMONS. In tire Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa. I Daniel Grim, plaintiff, va. Mary R. Grim, defendant j To Mary R. Grim, said defendant. I In the name of the state of Oregon: i yon are hereby required to appear In the above-entitled court on tne nm day of a term of said court to be begun and held next after the expiration of six week from the date of the publi cation of tills summons, and you will take notice that if -you fall to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above-entitled suit on or before the first day of the said term of said court, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the conrt for the relief demanded In the complaint herein, which is for the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between you and this plaintiff. This summons is published tn' pur suance of an order of court made by M, C. George, Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, dated September 21, 1898, T. A. McBride, Judge of the above-entitled court being absent tram Clackamaa county. , C. D. & D. C LATOUR.ETTH, ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. -.: SUMMONS. In Ore Clrcuft Court for tne State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ann B. Black, plaintiff, vs. David A. Black, defendant To David A. Blaci, defendant In the name of the state of Oregon: Ton are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed . against yon herein on or before the seventh day of November, 1898, that being the first day of the next term of said court fol lowing the expiration of the time, pre scribed for the publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff will apply to the court for tne relief prayed for, to-wit: A decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant and plaintiff's custody ot minor child, and for such other relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. This summons la served upon yon by publication by virtue of an order of the Hon. Arthur I Fraaer, Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, tn the absence of Hon. T. A. McBride from said Clacka mas county, which order was duly made on the 22d day ot September, 1898. BELL. & GILLESPIE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. John Duffy, plaintiff, vs. James Shaw, Betty Shaw, Charles Stratton and R. C. Craven, assignee of James Shaw, an insolvent debtor; Henry Gans, L. E. Shulta, Sidney Smyth and T. R. Ran dall, defendants. To James Shaw, one of saM defend ants. In the name of the state of Ore gon: Yon are hereby required to ap pear In tne above-entitled court on the first day of the term ot said court to be begun and held next after tbe ex piration of six weeks from the date of the publication of this summons, and yon will take notice that if you tail to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled suit on or before the first day of said term of said court,, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint in this suit, which is for the reforming of a deed made by you to this plaintiff on the Ifrta day of March, 1895, so as to make the description therein read: The south 1-3 of the east or husband's half, etc, as described therein instead the south 1-3 of the east V, of the hus' band's half, etc, as described therein. This summons 1b published by order of M. C. George, Judge of the circuit court of Multnomah county, Oregon, made September 21, 1898, T. A. Mc Bride, Judge of the above-entitled court, being absent from Clackamas county. C.E&D.C. LATOURETTK Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tne Circuit Court for the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas county. Elizabeth A. Brown, plain tin, vs. Homer C. Brown, defendant To Homer C. Brown, the above named defendant In the came of the state of Oregon: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above- entitled court, to-wlt, the 7th day of November, 1898; and if you fall to so answer the said complaint in default thereof tne plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wit, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such further and other relief as to this honorable court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published in pur suance of an order made In the above entitled suit, for the service of the same by publication by Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge oi the above-entitled court, on the 21st day of September, 189ft' WM. REID, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Crrenlt Court of the State of Oregon for the Connty of Clackamas. Charles M. West, Plaintiff, va. Annie West, Defendant To Annie West, the above named defendant. o Tint NAMB OF THU STaTE OF OREGON; You are herehv commanded to appear and answer the complaint Bled against you in the -above entitled suit, bv tbe first day of the regular term of this court next succeeding the expiration ol the time prescribed for the publication of this summons, to-wit, November 7ih. Iks, and if yu t il so to answer for want thereol the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief demanded tn the complaint, to-wits For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff and for the com and dlennrse menta of this snlt and for eueh other and further relief as to equity seemetb Just Published pursuant to an order signed by the Hon. John B. Cleland, Judge of tSe circuit court for county of Multnomah, State ol Oregon, in the .K..nM nf the Hon. T. A McBride. fudge of the alove named court, from saidlClaoksmas county, 1 M orJr itM ileX aay 0( Sep,tmber, i late, 1 B.F AO.W. SWOPS. Attorneys tor Plaintiff. SUMMONS In tbe Circuit Conrt of tbe State of Qrgon fox th County of Clackamas. The Aluanoe Trust Company, 1Am risiDun, vs. J. A. Chase. Annie A. Chase, bis wife. Willamette Land Com- any, a corporation, cnanes js. ,add. ladd, his wife, Helen & Yates, Bophronia V. Levelling. Tbe Security SavinKS & Trust Company, a corporation, 1. A. Cos, Charlotte A, Bockwell, Lewis Roeera, Lucy Refers, Clara B Morey, George A. Hard ing, N. O. Wal'den, H. H. John son. George 8. Batty, James Bodees, Mary MoGrath, L Mathews. W. W. Irwin, A. N. Wright, W. H. Mandeville, VO. Harding, Annie a. jncuiynn. McGlrnn. Mvra F. Eastman, Eastman, mi "jewelling, John Y. Both, , Botn, (Tana a. uieigni, filaiaht. LnclusD. Ruck- wefl, Rockwell, Amanda 14. He-welL r-eweu, i3 etm aura. To 3. A. Chase, Annte A. Chase, Helen E. Yates, tnarioue A. ttocaweu, James iiooges, v.u. Harding, Annie B. McGly an, UcGlynn, tlyra F. Eastman, - Eastman, Lucius D. Bock well, Beckwell, Amanda M. Newell ttcVeU, of the defendants above named. K TBB NAMB OP THE STATE OF OREGON: Yoa are hereby reaulrei to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause by tbe first c j of tbe next regular term of court alter tbe expiration of dne pi iutnca- tion of this summons, to-wit, by Monday, Noveny ber 7, 189, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff ?oV It: 1 will apply to the court for the relief craved lor prayed lor In tbe complaint to-wlfc That plaintiff nave and recover or and from the defendants, J. A.Chase, Annie A. Chase, Georee S. Batty, Georm A. Hording, N.O.Walden and Willamette Land Company the euni of 14,900 with Interest thereon from August 1, 1SS8. at 8 per cent per annum, and the futber sum oi rMM with Interest thereon from September 20th, 1898. at tbe rate of 10 per een t per annum, and Interest on S196.0O from February 1, 1898, at 8 per cent per annum, and Interest on 1196.00 from August 1, IRia, at 10 per cent annum, and (500 at torneys fees, all in U. S. gold coin, together with tbe costs and disbursements of this suit and a decree foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage npon that oeruuu parcel oi roat property ntuntw iu uie oouuty of Claokamaa, Btata of Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Commenoma at the northwest comer of the oonheait quarter (n s i) of the northwest qunr- ler tn w 4) ox section iwenty-eigm izaj in town ship three (3 1 south of range one (1) east of the Willamette Meridian; thence south seventy-two (72) chains and fifty CM) links to a stone; theuce north seventy-eight (78) degrees fltfeen CIS) llnlu eact, forty-two chains and fifty (60) links to a stake in the middle line of the east half OK) of section twenty -eight (28); thence north along the said middle line seventy (70) chains and thirty (30) links-, thence west twenty (20) chains; thence south six (fi) chains to the section line between sections twenty-one (21 j and twenty-eight of bWinnlEgontalnlng two hundred andeighty- nve rai acres, uxoepung mereirom ion z, so, Ul U U Dm.nAl.nA r,A ft. .., nAm,BAa W "l " . UUCIW, AUU .". ,.Vfcl.;0 be sold and tbat out 61 the proceeds plaintiff be nine sua some snore speoioea ana ror a 60 that the defendants in said sult,and each, be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in said premises and every pan thereof and for such other and further reliei This publication is made by order of Hon. to tne conrt may team meet ana eatuuoie. John B. Cleland-indgeof theC iroi mil Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of Multnomah, acting tn tbe absence from Clackamas County of Hon. 1 nomas A. Mcuriue, judge or tne circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for said County ot Clackamas, which order waa duly made Septem ber O, im. JIKBIVCI, lUtUJNAUUU cs mum, Attorneys for Plaintiff. , 6USIMON3 Tn (he Circuit Conrt of the State at Orenan. tor tbe County of Clackamas. Anna W. Mathews, Hainan vs. George R. Dedman and Clara O. imtlU.Ul IWI .1.1 V. Johnson and Johnson, his wue, and Angenne Berry, DefendaoQi ToImQ C Johnson and Johnson, Defund- anta. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause bv the first dav of the next term of court after tbe expiration of the publication of this summons, to wit, by Monday, November 7tb,189B; and if you fall to so answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit, for judgment against George R. Dedman and Clara 8. Dedman lor 1626.00, with Interest from Decern ber 27th, 1195, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; and W0.36, with interest from May 14th, 1S7, at 10 per cent per annum ; and 1175.00 as tttorneys' fees: all in United Mates gold coin together with the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage upon the following described property in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Allof traot "B" Clackamas Biverslde, according to the dulv recorded man and plat thereof on file or record in the office of the Becorder of Conveyances of Clackamas County, Stale of Ore gon; and for the sale of said property to satisfy said Judgment and barring and foreclosing you, and eaoh of you, of all right, claim or equity of redemption In said premises and every part thereof and lor sucn otner ana runner reliei as to tbe court may seem, meet and equitable. This publication is made by order of Hon. John B. Clcland, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stateof Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, acting In the absence from Clackamas Countv of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon, for said County of Claekamai, which order was duly made, Septem ber 19th, 1898. FENTOK, BEONAUGH 4 MTJIB, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Clronlt Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Clackamas. Emma Caroline Opdyeke, 1 riainuir, va. Henry Eugene Opdyeke, Defendant, To Henry Eugene Opdyeke, Defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: lou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed: against yoa in the above en titled suit on or before Monday, November 7th, A. D 1898, that being the first dtty of the first trm al said oourt 'following six weeks publica tion of this summons, and yon will take notice that if you fail to U appear and answer said com plaint, for want tf.eie.ol. plaintiff will apply to eld court for the relief craved for in said com plaint, to-wlt; lor a decree aiiaoivingme oonas oi matrimony now exiitlng between plaintiff and defendant and for the care and enstody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for sucnoiner renel as may t equiiame ana tonus eoiite and disbursements nf thle suit. Published by order of Hon. M. C. George, Judge nf the etrenlt court for Multnomah eouutv. bear ing date September 22. lsy8, in the aheenceof Hon, T. A. MoBrlde, Judge of said circuit court ror ciacaamas county. ROBERT A. MILLER. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for tie Stat of Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa. Sarah A. Watklns, plaintiff, vs. James P. Watklns, defendant. To James P. Watklns, defendant In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 7th day of November, 1SH8, the same being the first day of the next regular term of said court. And if you fall to answer, for vant thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween the plaintiff and yourself, the said defendant This summons is published by order of Hon. M. C. George, Judge of said court for the fourth Judicial district Dated September 23, 1898. v. r. irnjB. Attorney for Plaintiff. V ' ' Flxit publication 8ept 8th, US . SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the State ef Oregon, tor the county of Claokamaa. EUtabeth Wilkinson, plaintiff, 1 . vs. i William Wilkinson, defendant.) , To William Wilkinson, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, tbe 7th day of November, 1893, the same being the first day ot the next regular term of the court following the expir ation ot the time prescribed -r the publica tion of thl9 summons, and yon fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wlt t For the dissolution ot the marriage oontraet now existing between tho Slain tiff and defendant, and for the costs and lsbursementa of this suit. This summons is published against you by order of Hon. John Ji. Cleland, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon tor the county of Multnomah, In the absence of tbe presiding Judge of Clackamas county. Dated this 6th day of September, 1698. B. P. Wxxch, Attorney for plaintiff, Portland, Oregon. summons - ; . . " In (he Circuit Conrt of the State of Oreimn. fnt the County of Clackamas. Annie Wagner, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Wagner, Defendant ' To Charles W. Wagner, the above named defen aant, JN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: I You are hereby reauired to annear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on er before tbe first dav of tbe next regular term oi tne above entitled court, to-wit. the 7th dav of November. 1898. end if von fail to so answer the said complaint, in default inereoi tne planum wm taxe a decree against you for the relief prayed for in Baid complaint, to-wit: To dissolve the bonds of matrimonv now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such further and other relief as to this honorable court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published in pursuance of an order made in the above entitled suit, for the service of the same by publication by Hon. Thoa. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 21u day ol September, 1898. WM. REID, Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS In tbe Circuit Court of the State at Oregon, for the County ol Clackamas. Daniel Herlihy, Plaintiff, Daniel Herlihy and Ellen Herlihy, his wife, Defendants. To Dnnlel Herllhv and Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer tbe complaint filed aglnst you in tbe above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 7th day of November A. IX, 1898. Tbe same being the first day of the next regular term of the said court. And If you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against yon, the said defendants, for the sum of 1500.00 and Inter est thereon at tbe rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 6th day of May, 1895, and for 110.7s with Interest thereon from (April 2th, 1896, at 8 per cent per annum and for 5 .20 with Interest there on from April 2fith, 189, at 8 per cent per annum, and for (50 attorney fees, and for costs and dis bursements of this suit. And vou are hereby further notified that on your failure to appear and answer the said com plaint at the time aforesaid, the said plaintiff will take a futher decree against you for the foreclosnre of the mortgage mentioned in said complaint which was made to secure the pay ment of said note and Interest and attorney lees, and other sums herein named, said mortgage being executed by you on May 6th, 1892, co?eriug the following described land, to-wlt: The e H of of the ne lA and ne W of tbe se M of section 3, t 2 S, of r e, w. M., said s H containing 59 acres, more or iees; excepting the reservations made in favor of the O. fe C. B. B. Co. in its deed to Daniel Herlihy made the 28th day of February, 1891. Pursuant to an order of the Hon. M. C. George, indie of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon or Multnomah county, In the absence of Hon. T. A McBride. Circuit Judge for Clackamas county, sold order bearing date September 21st, 18S8. BOBERT A. MILLER, Attorney for plaintiff EAST JLKU SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route or THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. tenth, North. :00t. . t:iia-. Lt Portland Lv Oregon City Ar Ban Franelsco Ar :80 a. ttiOr. at The above trains stop al all stations betweep ' Portland and Salem. Turner. Marlon. Jeffer- son. Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris- knr J-.ini.tlnn rltv. Trvlnff. Eno'f.nA. Crpjwell. Cottage Grove. Drains, and all ftaUona from Boseburg to Ashland, inclusive. BOSXBURO MAIL DAILY. t:80A.M. ,Lt ' Portland Ar4:S0r.at 8:27 A.M. Lt - Oregon City LvlS Wrji t-SOt. at. I At Roseburg t 1 1: 0 M DINING CARS ON OGDEX ROOT. PULLMAN 1 UfPJtT 8L8MP&H8 AMD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. ' West Bide Division, Between PORTLAND aad CORVALLIS AILTAIDAIJ.TlIXCBrTSTJllDAT.) At Albany and Corvalits connect with train ot Oregon Central Eastern R. R. irBISSTlAIX DAH.TdXCirTSnifBAT.1 ' 4:50P.M. I Lt Portland Ar II.M AM 7.80P.M. Ar McMinnvllle Lt 5:ftOA.M SJO P. al. I Ar Independence Lv 4:60AM Rates and tickets to e intern points and Europe also JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU snd ATJBTBALIA, oaa be obtained from E. E. BOYD, Ageat, Oregon City B. KOSHLBR, C. H. MAREHAM, Maneier, Asst. G. F. P. Agent Portland, Ol. Portland, Or. can cured If yoa suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldeit Specialist on the Pacific Coast, i OH JORDAN ft CO.. ,1081 Market St Est'd I8S2. Yonnr men and middle , A atcea men who aresulTering ' I fiom the 0ecta of youihjul indiscretion or cx- t cesses in maturer year. Nervous and Phviicai AFeemiiy.smpoaeaey .s.oas natnbuoit i in all its complications: MDertnAtorrhnpiL. ' rreitauirrkcra, Uonorrhffa, Cileel, i rrequrnr? or t rtnailnc, etc by a ' comb, nation of remedies, of great curative pov i er, the Doctor has so an-ant'ed bis treatment ' icai ic win not only atlcird immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor doe not claim tn ' i perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and square Physician and Snrceon, pre-enuoaut ishismedaitv PlaeMoa of Hen. , ferpbllle thorout-)lv eradicated lr, m the I ytem wltbontuslni tltniari, - Mist mas aiipiviii o us wra re- t I CSlTeourfonatiofiMonof his complaint. tr twi truarantcf a rosin V CUM Km ST YV JorJeU One Thooband, Dollar. I Consultation FRKE and strictV private. ment oenonallv or bv !,, t i f- i "The Phlleeophy if I I free. (A valuable book for men.) TI"IT M. loanixa Great Museum of Anatnmr . i t0 foastano' Ww Mtuenmof its kind in the j v ana iera Bow wonderfully you "7 -"' ncicneas and cum e are commuenv adfiinf I new IIWinunL I uui or write. I0SI Market Street, San Francisco, Cat W