Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 21, 1898, PART 2, Image 13

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Cdl ' '
S'izce buying Ids Groceries
' of MAER $ J&UIR, after
having traded for some time
at other stores. No stale or
, inferior goods kept,
to Fred
Youv Choice
Of Toe
English ladies choose round toes for
, heir boots. American ladies prefer the
oes that point, but the point we make
t in both round and pointed toes and
V he fact that we furnish newer styles,
X nd better goods and give more perfect
tis faction for less money than any
her dealer. We you best shoe induce
en ts.
Fresh Stock of
First-Class .
Depot for HAT and FEED
Willamette Blook, Oregon City
for household use are amongst the
articles from our stock of Groceries
which are "in constant demand. Their
richness, fine flavor and other excellent
qualities have made them prime favorites
with every housekeeper.
We also have sweet things in the
SHBtry line made fresh every day in our
akery besides the best bread in the city.
Bakers and Grocers
Opposite Postoffice,
8. C. SKIDMORE -ft CO.
Cut Rate Druggists
Here are just a few of our Prices
Beoulas our Cut
Pierce's Favorste Prescription (1 00 (0 69
barter's Liver Pills 25 15
Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 01) 69
8cott's Emulsion 1 00
Alcock's Poroees Plasters .... is
Paine's Celery Compound .... 1 00
Uastoria . 85
Byrup Figs W
You save dollars every time you step into our store to buy, and our Cut-Bates extend oyer our
ntlre line ol Goods. We are Hie biggest Drug store in uregon.
151 3rd St., Portland, Oregon.
...ao to...
Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main Street, Oregon Cltj, Ore.
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city
and but a IS minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
Choice Lots rtfady for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CIUKMAN, Trustee,
Charman Bros.' Block
PAID CP CAPITAL, 150,000.00
Cms. H. CiurLiBD
Gio. A. HabdisS
E. Q. Cacfixld
At Oregon City, October 20, 21,
A General Banking Business Transacted
Deposits Received Subject to Cheek.
Approved Bills'and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrants Bought.
Loans Made on Available Securitv
Exchange Bought and ild.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in Any Part ol the
Te'leraphlc Exchange Sold on Portland, San
Fra ".Cisco. rhlraioarlNevr York.
? aid on Time Deposits.
. Transacts a General Banking Business
Song". De.ltTreceVed subject to chec k.
Bank open from . A. M. to P. M
If you have a Chronic Catarrh, con
sulfation ig free of charge.
Do von blow nine oa from the nose?
Are you troubled witu bleeding ol tl.e
Are the nostrils obstructed, making
breathing dilhcult t
Are vou hoarse at times;
Is the mucus dropping down from the
back of nose into the throat t
Isvotir nose Btopped up?
Is yonr hearing affected ?
Is vour throat sore at times ?
Do yon spit a good deal when rising
in tbe morning?
Do you hem and hawk to clear your
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which
leads into consumption.
Weak eves cured ; Cross eyes straiah
tened without operation ; Cataracts re
moved without a kmle; (classes fitted
where all others have failed: Rupture
and Hernia cured without trusses or
operation, sure cure for kidneys.
Chronic Rheumatism cured.
Do not fail to see the German Special
st. A friendly talk will cost you noth
ng. and is bound to result in a great
eal of good to you. Will return
Born, in Milwaukie, Oct. 17,
Berg, a son.
C. L. Gray, of Springwater, was in Or
eeon City Tuesday.
George Heath, of La Camas, is visit
ing friends in the city.
The obituary of the late Mrs. Frost
will appear next week.
Dr. T. W. Butler wilt preach at Ely
next Sunday at 2:30 p. m.
Hon. George Ogle, of Marquam, was
a visitor in the city Wednesday.
W. H. Henderson, of Highland) was
visitor to Oregon City Tuesday.
William Shannon, of Beaver Creek,
was a visitor in the city Tuesday
Miss Mabray MoCown was the guest
of Miss Blanche Dyer at Liberal, Sun
Dr. J. H. Miller has returned and can
be found in his office on 7th St., every
day. tf
A social will be held at tbe M. .
church on next Friday evening, the
28th inst.
Dr. J. Wallens, now located at Spring-
water, was in town for a couple of days
during the week.
County Olerk Dixon issued a mar
riage license on the 15th to Ada Ethel
Trullinger and J. D. Raney.
Mrs. D. O. Latourette left Wednes
day to attend the Baptist state associa'
tion convention at Brownsville.
The many friends of Mrs. W. L. Sni-
dow will be soiry to learn that she is
seriously ill.
Deputy County Clerk Cooper issued
a marriage license Wednesday to Ellen
R. Callahan and C B. Williams.
W. D. Bedford, a native of Great Brit
ain, was granted nis nnai ciuzensuip
yesterday by County Judge Kyan.
I. D. Trullinger and H. W. Shaw,
two well known residents of union
Mills, were in the city Wednesday.
J. Hardesty and son, former residents
of Needy, but now of esilverton, were
visiting friends here during the week
David Caufield, while on a scow in
the locks canal Wednesday morning,
dipped and fell, breaking one of his
J. G. Bonnett, of Milwaukie, has
closed down his carding mill for the sea
son, having disposed of the output in
Rev. F. G. Strange, of Ashland, who
had teen visiting his brother. County
Superintendent Strange, returned home
Over 80 pupils are now in attendance
at the Milwaukie school, and another
teacher will be added soon. L.L.Moore,
of Oanby, is principal. I
O. L. Barber, of Elliott Prairie, has
leased the Sladen dwelling, opposite
the Eustbam school, and moved his
children to the same this week.
August Sandstrom, aged 17, died at
the residence of Mrs. Winesett Wed
nesday. The unfortunate boy's parents
died several years ago. He leaves sev
eral brothers and sisters.
Rev. H. Hargreaves, pastor of the
Baptist church at Athena, passed
through the city Tuesday on his way to
Brownsville to attend the annual meet
ing of the State Baptist Association.
Mrs. F.P. McDevitt arrived Sunday
from Bandon. and is visiting her
mother, Mrs. E. F. Martin. Mr. Mc
Devitt, who has disposed of the Bandon
Recorder, will arrive the last of the
The Baptist Sunday school are mak
ing preparations "for an entertainment
on Hallowe'en eve, that will surpass
anything heretofore attempted in that
line. A hallowe'en tableaux will be
one of the features.
J. Shadle has purchased theX)regon
City soda works and removed the same
to a building near his residence on Wa
ter street, where he will carry on the
business of manufacturing aerated bev
eragea on an extensive scale. .
Mrs. Catherine Knight, aged 65, died
at Canby Sunday night, She was tie
widow of the late Dr. Charles Knight
and came to Canby from Missouri in
1870. She leaves four children, Louisa
Esther, Henry and Albert Knight
J. Do'.an brought in some fine beef
cattle for Oregon City butchers Wednes'
day from Canyon creek. He was ac
companied by John Wright, ex-county
Burveyor. Mr. Wright states that con
siderable plowing has already been done
1.1 that section.
Following are the subjects that will
be presented at the Congregational
church next Sunday: At 10:30 a. m
"Wisdom From Above" at 7:30, the
first of two sermonB on Naaman, will be
presented, the theme to be "A Great
Man, but Worthless." Christian En
deavor at 7:30. .
Mr. Morgan and Miss Morgan', of Ay
ershire, Scotland, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Gardner, of Oswego, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mark, Tuesday.
Mr. Morgan, who is the owner of a ma
chine shop in Scotland, was very much
interested in the manufacturing indus
tries and scenic beauties of Oregon City.
Mrs. Herman Suhr.'a sister of Mrs.
H.H.Chase, who went to Calilornia
some time ago, returned Wednesday
morning on the overland, and died at
2 o'clock in the afternoon. She had
been very ill for some time, and had to
be carried from tbe train to the carriage.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon.
Charles J. Dwyer, aged 71, and a
Grand Army veteran, died at St. Vin
cent's hospital in Portland Monday.
He was a member of Meade Post, G. A.
R., who attended the funeral here in a
body. Father Hillebrand . conducted
the funeral services from the Catholic
church. The deceased was a native of
Ireland, and an Oregon pioneer, having
carried on the painting business here
about 40 years ago.'.
Yesterday morning, Fred Clson fell to
the bottom of a well on Clarence Jack
son's place on the West Side, and sus'
tained severe injuries. Olson had been
cleaning out the well, and the attend,
ants were drawing him u with a wind
lass. When he was withai a foot or two
of the top, the ropes became misplaced,
and was thrown to tbe bottom, crushing
one foot into a shapeless mass, and
receiving other bruises. The foot will
probably necessitate amputation.
m a .
For Family Vie.
Fine California wines tokay, port and
sherry bv the quart or gallon. These
goods have been purchased by the barrel
and will be sold at an extremely low fig
ure. We have also choice brands of old
Kentucky whiskies, California brandies
and French biandies, put up especially ....... .unmatchep
for family use the best and the cheap
est. Thb Bismarck, Oregon City.
Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand.
Agents Wanted For one of the
best selling articles out. Big money is
being made by our agents. Over 4000
sold in Portland in three weeks. Plenty
of new territory. Apply to E. M. Ul
siioeffkr, Manufacturer, at the Jennings
donation claim, near Uregon Uity. ,
To Cure Constipation Forevei,
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartci 10c
or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money.
A Magnificent Road.
Dan Lyons, who had the contract of
building the Singer Hill road, has com
pleted his contract, and the road was
thrown open to the public last Friday.
Many people pronounce this the great
est improvement in Oregon City since
the suspension bridge was built. There
is an easy uniform grade for the entire
length of the roadway, and as a drive
way it is destined to become popular.
The roadbed has been given a coating of
crushed rock and packed with a heavy
roller until it ia almost like a floor.
Mr. Lyon's work on the Singer hill road
is universally commended, as is an in
dication that it pays to have a reliable
contractor do road work. He removed
a lot of rock and did some extra work
not required in the contract.
Our Soldier Boys.
Meade Auxiliary will give a ball on
November 4th, for the benefit of our
soldier boys in Manilla. The proceeds
will be used for a "Christmas box" for
the boys. First-class music will be fur
nished, and light refreshments served
during the evening.
Tickets, $1.
Refreshments, 15 cents.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to come and help make this a success.
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Wkll-Tbibd Rkmkdy.
Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. Xt
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy lor Diarrhoea, is
pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the ' World.' Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Two Millions a Tear.
When people buy, try, tnd buy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Cathartic at tre rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before flew Years, it
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the most delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug
gists 10, 25, oOc a box, cure guaranteed.
Bucklen'a Arnioa Salve. '
Thb Best Salvb in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, CornB, and all ofcin
EruDtions. and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
eive Derfect satisfaction or money re-
unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For
sale by Charman & Co. t
w wnvroN U
r v 1 a. -n 1
Educate YourBowM With Gascarats.
Candy Cathartic, cure Constipation
forever. 10c,25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
SelHng Agent for Chase & Sanborn's im
portations of Coffee aud high-grade
Teas. Main St., Oregon City.
A Delightful Entertainment.
A very interesting steropticon and
musical entertainment was given at the
Congregational church Friday evening
by the Y.P.8. C.E. and the Sunday
school. Dr. T. W. Butler manipulated
the interesting steropticon views, which
was followed by the musical program.
Vocal solos were sang by Mrs. J, W,
Gray and Mrs. J. Roake, followed with
on! not ? nna V.t ffia frtllrinrinn rtna.t.tla.i
j , .
Misses Ivy Roake and Echo Samson and '
Messrs. Herbert Chase and Chester
Roake G.H. Bestow, G. A. Heinz,
Lawrence Hornschuch and Chester
Roake. -'
Some interesting tableaux were also
The musical numbars were excellent,
and heartily encored.
After the program pumpkin pies,
doughnuts and coffde were served and a
pleasant social time was the order. The
attendance was very good.
No ripe
n '
n n ni Business
and easy to operate, ts true
of Hood's Fills, which are
up to date In every respect.
Bate certain and sure. All
druggists. 25c. 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent.
Go to A. C. Walls, Oregon Cityl
for rile and catarrh Remedies,
Cure guaranteed or money
It to yourself, your family, your friends and to
all you ornent to onreliiuy ana oonsiuerareiy 1
ventixate the merits of Vir.K ORB as a remedy
far t.hnun whn tiHAfi & fure. 'mere is no exDeri
mentlng. no guens work, no danger, no los of I
time. It Is perfectly harmless, and may always
be rellea on. 11 is u queen 01 curen, iur it
reaches the nitu ot all diseases, and will cure
you when all other remedies have failed after
you havo tried all catch-penny humbugs and
frauds nnlv to Brow older and worse. Do not
not neglect to give it a trial, tor Vito-Ore eomes
to the sick and the attllcled Ilka the vision of the
Eastern star to the wise men. On every package
ol the genuine will be found the red Ink signa
ture of Theo. Noel. Price ai.ou by man.
MRS. M. M. LaOROY, Agent, Viola. Or.
Shall we
tell you
Special Sale of trimmed hats Fridav.
Saturday and Monday. Oct. 21, 22 and
Z4, by Mrs. M. b. Hamilton at Red
Front Store Oregon City.
Fine Salt 65c per 100 lbs. stock salt
40c per 100 lbs, roast coffee 10c, fine
roast coffee with good spoon 0 lbs $1,
Rising Sun stove poiisn oc, Arm & tl
soda 7 lbs 25c, bird seed 5c.
(Red Front btore, Uregon City.
Wanted A child under 10 yeary of
age to care for. Apply at this oiflce,
. Found By Mrs. L. J. Arnold, an
overcoat. Books in pocket marked B.
G. Faust. Owner can get the coat at
this office by proving property and pay.
ing for this notice.
Lost In Clackamas Heights onhe
Holcomb road,a black worsted overcoat.
Finder please leave same at county
clerk's office in Oregon City and receive
$5.00 reward. E. F. Riley.
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
Fire and Aooldent Insurance
Carloads' of goods for Red Front, of
course table oil cloth 12c, Cabot W. 5c,
seamless hose 10c, tough mule-skin
gloves 25c, with calf front 50c, 9 oz.
overalls 35c, dress goods, yarns, under
wear, mackintoshes, capes, umbrellas
and shoes at cut prices.
Red Front Store, Oregon City.
Younger, who has had a life-long ex -perience,
will clean your watch for a
Just arrived a consignment of genu
ine old government Java toffee (green)
in original mats. Regularly worth 35
cents per lb. Our price 25 cents.
Seventh street (irocer.
Wanted 100 watches to repair at 1
each, at O. A. Nash's, Postoffice build
ing, tt.
Get Our Prices
atyoungs XHE BAZAAR
th and Main Sts.
New Furniture
I have just received a fine lot of new
furniture, which 1 am offering at surpris
ingly low figures. 1 got it at a bargain
that's how I can sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpetB,
bedding, furniture in fact any and ev
erything you want for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
ou have to sell and pay you the high
est price. Call and see me,
v Q. H. YOUNG,
Maih Street - - Oreqox Crry
Kob itt Livery and Sale Stable
Ontha Street between the Bridge andtbt
Double and single rigs and saddle horses a
ways on hand at the lowest rates, ind aoorra
alno connected with the barn for loose stock
Any Information reKrHnK auy kind of stock
promptly attended to by letter or person,
For a quiet place to hitch your horses
away from the motor line, and a place
to get a first-class job of repairing or
horse-shoeing, at bed rock prices, call
on 8. F. Scripture, shop on Filth street.
, 45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3:35 p. rn., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :62 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Bolton Dairy and b Convnced'
For FIrst-Cluss
Go to
Seventh' (St. Bakery
or stop his wagon
as it goes by.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and ,
TILL 1900 FOR $1.50?S
until Woo for II. W which gives yon the paim free
fur 4 months. Now is tlit time to lubsorlba.
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Hros. store
on upper 7th streeth.
D.C.LATOlJKEii.-.. chu