f ATTENTION A MHMMMtMMMMMMt We We We sell the Bain Wagon from $55 up sell the Oliver Chilled Plow from $6 up sell the Oliver Steel Plow from $6 up We keep all the extras for Oliver Plows and we sell them at just the same as they are sold everywhere. Spring Tooth Harrows from $15 up Spike Tooth Harrows from $6 up Steel Harrow Teeth at Bottom Prices "SUPERIOR" STOVES AND RANGES ' Both Cast and Steel. ' Air-Tight Heaters of all kinds at all Prices . DAV QrrirYYTTnC! ATT C1Tr7T7IO UUV UIW V XUKJ, J3..LJ.LJ OXZJJUO CITY FATHERS TALK. THE BEST STOCK f,tFThe above Stoves wa sell below Portland prices IK EXT 30 UTS We will sell Graniteware at cost. Tin and Copnerware at a Bargain. ! Don't fail to Bee our Union Barn Door Hangers with the Lawrence rail. 36 Clothes Pins for 5c Ammunition a Specialty We have the Best Stock of Cutlery in the Northwest. WII BOM '& COOKE No. 5 Commercial Bank Block, Oregon City City Council Acts on Several Impor. tant Matters. The meeting of the city council Wed nesday night was one of more than us ual importance. Mayor Oau field pre sided, and all the members of the coun cil were present. In the absence of Recorder Curry, M. E. Bain was elected recorder pro tem. The recorder's report for the oast month showed that B. L. Holman had paid $5 for a billiard table license, and Bellomy & Busch $1 69 for express li cense.' Five burial permits had been issued. The following bills were ordered paid : W L Snidow, street. $97 30 Electric lights 164 15 Wilson & Cooke 4 65 Ed Story 1 60 Charman & Co, cement 2 50 George Broughton, lumber 1 04 Press, printing 11 00 Pope & Co, hardware 30 70 James Roake 17 50 Ed Shaw 60 00 Charles E Burns 60 00 Bruce Curry 2o 00 FCGadke 125 H E Straight, treasurer 40 00 M F McCown 100 White Bros 10 00 Water commission 23 50 J H Smiih, engineering 11 50 L Dickleman so 10 City treasurer's quarterly report was read and referred to finance committee. The treasurer reported that he had transferred $3,500 of the money col lected as road tax from the county from the road fund to the general fund as re imbursement for money used on the county roads for the past two years. On motion tne same was approved, Liquor licenses wero granted to A. Knapp, John Riley. J. N. Miller and I. G. Rambo. The recorder was ordered to draw a warrant in favor of Dan Lyons for $1500 on account of the Singer Hill improve ment. The ordinance passed giving H. W. Ross a quit claim deed to certain lots in Oregon City. The ordinance authorizing a franchise for a street railway to W. H. Burg hardt, agent, was ordered published. An ordinance reorganizing the fire de partment was ordered published. It requires that the chief engineer and as sistant, shall be elected by the council; the chief engineer to receive a salary of $10 per month, and make reports to the fire commission. The ordinance propones to abolish the board of fire delegates, and place the department in the hands of a com mission composed of the mayor, recorder and committee on fire and water. The street committee reported favor ably on an ordinance to build a road from South Main street to Center on the bluff. E. E. Charman having se cured $865 in private subscriptions tow ard the expense of said road. The same was ordered published. A petition was granted to put in an arc electric light at the corner of Main and Eighth streets, the expense to be paid by private parties . The street committee were authorized to repnir the sidewalk leading to Ely from Seventh street. OF DRUGS H. STRAIGHT,!" GADKE- Plumbing and Tinning. Dealer In . Groceries and Provisions. Also Full line of Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Laijfl Plaster. 4 Hot air furnaces anil Hop pipe. Jobbing of All Kinds ' a Specialty. Wilson & Cooke's Olu .stanU OREGON CITY OKEGON. IF YOU insist on having the cheap, glossy, fading Pictures we could make them, but we would be asham ed to stamp them with oar name. We pride ourselves in making THE BEST at a reasonable price. That is What You Want t THE LEADING Ib the inark of the best store. Our Drugs are the best, absolutely pure, and always fresh a sure guarantee of the strength of medicines made from them. Gold Aluminum Table Ware Given Away With every purchase you will receive Coupons to the amount of your purchase, which will be redeemed as follows : Any One of the Following : For Si7 Sft in Cflni)0HS Teft Spoon, Fruit Knife, Egg Spoon. Salt Spoon, Five rui ,ou 111 luupuns o,c)oc Te gpooD) After D , ner Coffee Spooni Individ. ual Salt or Pepper, Individual Butter Plate. , For $.00 ill COUpOnS 0ran Se Spoon, or Soda or Lemonade Spoon. Fnr Hl in fniinniK Table Spoon, Table Fork, Butter Knife, Dessert Knife, rui HI tUU"UUb QyrterPork, Napkin Ring, Bon Bon or Sugar Tongs, Soup Spoon, Dessert Fork, Sugar Spoon, Dinner Knife. For $33 in COpOnS-Jy8nhge1Wdo,) Nut Picks, One Gravy Fnr th1 in f ftlinnn"! Soup Ladle, Medium Ladle, Oyster Ladle, FJsh Fork, rui $DD 1M VUUyuilS 0hlfd.8 Cupi Crumb Knlfe, Fish Knife, Pie Knife. - C. A. The Prescription Druggist HKRDINC OREQON CITY, ORE rilEMIUM AWARDS Of THE FARMERS- Of Clackamas County can buy their Goods and sell their Produce to advantage at John Everhart's General Merchandise Store BLYVILLB, OREGON. A Large Stock ot Boots and-Shoes. 'Also Flour and Feed. Prices Guaranteed. I t V SOLE AGENT J , i In Oregon City for the (I u ill. LI 18 85 81 I McKittrick Shoe Man. j Best Meals in the City... Including Beer or Wine Unite Cveek Fair, Near 3Iar- ' quant; Sept. SO and Oct. 1. Best, brood niaro. Henry Barth. first DrcmtumS John Nicholson, second. Host Koailsti'r, Hart Kobhhrs, first premium, liest colt, under 8 months old, John Nicholson. first promiiiui; J. P. Miller, Kin-owl. Best a-year-oltl welding or lilly.Heiiry Birtli,(irst premium; J. T. Kosp, second. , llest shorthorn Dim, any niro, s, l. Jiouait, first. premium; John Hough, second. Best heifer calf, under 8 mouths old, Jus. Juck soii, first premium. Best bull cull, yearling, A. t. jactt, nrst premium Best milch cow, S. T. llobart, first premium. Best buck sheep,' Shrupahiie, M. Iiuubine, first premium . Best buck sheep, OtswoM, W. H. Pr.iko. first; host buck, Merino, V. 11. Drake, li;si: best ewe, Shropshire, W. 11. Drake, first; ;. H. Robbius, second; best ewe, Cotswold, W, If. Drake, first; 3. T. llolmrl. second; best lamb, under Ik mouths old, Shropshire, li. II Robbing, rirsl; Jliirt Unb urns, second; best lamb, uuder H months old, Otswold, I. f. i.arHn, first; V. U. D-nke, second Best Dear, ruiana uiiinn, jotin tiaugn, first premium; bwliilg, under 8 months old, 1'olund China, K. J. Hidings, first premium Best buck uoai, W. 11, lirake, first premium; best ewe tioat, W. tl. Buike, first; best kid goat, V. H. Drake, first and sucond premium). Best trio ohickens, Brown Leghorn, Mrs, P. Odilnl, lust f.ieuuum; best trio chickens, Hy inoiiiii H i Austin 'lay lor, lirsl; Mis. S. 'i'. Ho uit, sci o.iu; best trio emckens, Hrumah, H. T. aaiivin, rir.-i;iRst pair fuikeys, H. si. Skirt In, Ural, uesl pair titei-u, V . rn Young, first; Vlck Young; seeonii; ue.-t jji.r ducks, Mrs. L, Woolen, tir.il, VEIiETAUI.KS ti largest carrots, Mrs Wast Palmer first uteiulum, John Davis, second; 0 largest table beets, Mrs Aliha Nieholson, first premium; bestti rutabagas, Clay Lurkins, first; H tiest table squashes, Bert Mubbaril, Hist, 1''. J. Kidiut;n, second; i largest slock squashes, A li Logan, first; ;! hirgost sugar beets, L kiriu first, Clay Larklus socond; tj largo.t eabliae, A II .Marquain, first, M. J. White, second; but one-fourlh bushel metchamabie potatoes, Clay l.arkins, first; u largest potatoes, Clay Lurkins, first; Aiclue Hubuard, second; tl ti largest onions, John Davis, first, Lille Hicks, second; 6 largest ripe tonuio rs, ilia A V Davis, first, Mary Albright, second; b,'sC ltl-pounds grapes, Archie Hubbard, first, altlia Nicholson, second; best one buiilii bu-liel 1 aer apples, ilrs. Wast Palmer, first, T O Hidings, second; best i'ourtli-h'!hel fall apples, T. O. Ki.iu, first, Mrs Wa.-h Pi lmer second. Cuutiuued next we.-k. n 25c Greissen & Hallwyler, Prop'rs MAIN STREET, ORECION CITY Best Wines, Liquors and Cigarsfs OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF flonuments and Headstones Estimates furnixlu'd on nil kinds of Marble, firanite and Building Work. :: Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, fSi!tiu.r Portland, regon o PHOTOGRAPHER Near Court house Oergon City For Futility Vn. Fine California wi e8 tokay, port and sherry bv the quart or gallou. These goods have been purchased by tbe barrel and will be sold at an extremely low lit;- lire. e have also choice brands of old Kentucky w hiakiea California brandies and French brandies, put up especially tor tiitniiy use the best anu the cheap est. 1hk Hismahck, Oregon Ctty. TrfinTT M Tl Tifl lirinhu'rihlnvnnvi iur me vrem'ii ny Coi'iK till I'.mu at N you will be sent tne Week ly ureKuumu nor jv:. i jeai . iois oner in limit ed. Thriee-R-Week X. Y, World at same price. FKOJV1 OLD WHEAT PATENT FLOUR is made entirely from old wheat and when use it yon do not run the risk of having poor bread as you do if you buy flour made by Tom, Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oreftou CUT, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. fry Holton Unlijr and b Coaiwnl' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Nolle Is horehy given'thal the umldmlgnwl ban bn (Inly appoint)) administratrix of Hie MUle of Frank Spulak. (li-ac. mid all psnoim havi ng olalnia axalunt Mill iIm1, or requmilHt to Dnmnl lhm with promr Touch at mr nlac ol rMtdn in New Era, Clackamai roiinlr, Oregon, wllnin lx munipt iioa me nai ni mi nolle. KATII HPI'LaK. Admlnlntrmtrlx of the etale of Frank Spulak, avrewea. Dated this 3rd lr ot October, lt98. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD INSURE IN THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY On account of the benefita of the famous non forfeiture law of Maecluiett8 which applies only to companies chartered by that state. This law secures to the policy holder a definite contract of insnrani'e. Id case of the non-payment of any premium alter the second year, whether such lapse of payment be intentional or accidental, the status of the insured with tne company is fixed by this law without action or negotiation, hence forgetfulness will not result in the total Ions of one' policy and the accumulations thereon. In many instances the paid up value allowed by this law is more than the net cash paid for premium, thus securing to the policy bolder the ultimate return of every dollar paiJ for his Insurance. This law removes the objection so often taised against life insur ance, that "once in it is hard to icet out," as a rithdrawal under its provisions does not necessitate a sacrifice of one's whole interest in his policy. H. C. CO LTON, Manner Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of ComnWce PORTLAND, OREGON