THE FIRST VOTE. t. W. Corbett Received 36 Tiitm uni Judge Bennett 24 Forty-ix Required to Elect. Both branches of the legislature bal loted separately for United States sen ator Tuoaday. The result follows: ; Senate.' House. Total. Corbett ; 13 28 88 George. ..,,. ti 10 16 Williams 1 ( 4 ,, 5 Bennett.,;... 6 18 24 fcakin g... 2 3 .! :;.'. 6 Cotton ...k. 1 ... ' 1 Hewitt....... , 1 . 1 Dunne ....... s.,ir ; 1 - r 1 Eliia J... '' Ifi ! Tp !- -t" i vi. The Oregon senatorial situation was unchanged on first joint ballot taken Wednesday. Corbett again received 88 votes and the others v are , divided among minority candidates -to udlj the tame as the first day. '! ',. $ ' Routine In Two HomWiM' ,v ::,x. The routine work in both houses Tuesday:did not .develop, anything of (Treat im portance. 1, The senate tonouj rod in the) houw resolution (for anuinit vestigatjon of the books and accounts ttf the sjejoietary of state, penitentiBry,; Boldiorajt Home, state school land com: , miasioners and insane asylum. Arising to a question of privilege, BenatorFulton heatedly denied u state ment thjit the Clatsop, delegation is pr coIlusioB;with Seofofat? of jState-Ipoct; Dunbar fin thedistiibutioa of pnrtoiigae in the litter's office in the interest of the anti'-Coi bett men . f ? 'M " ' V. ' ; " ' 1 ' In the house, the bill to incofpqrate Condon, Gilliam county, was passed. ' Bills 'and resolutions were introduced in the house as follows: By Pordney, fixing the time of hold ing terms of court in the sixth Judicial district . By Myers, providing that a Joint committee be appointed to inves tigate the salmon industry of the state , and report at the next session, its ex pense not to exceod $500. This is a lubstitute for a resolution pa the same subject killed aflt!jweek.;j"j'(,,u.,1V) ' Moody of I Multnomah, i introduced two bills, one to repeal the present law authorizing the payment of taxes with county warrants, and, the other to pro vide that county warrants shall, be re deemed in the order of 'the date of the treasurer's indorsement upon them. . The bill authorizing the state to re fund to Lincoln county nearly $1,000, paid on account of property assessed in the1 Siletz - Indian ; reservation, which was recently decided not to be assessa ble by that county, passed without ob jection. ... Two more investigating committees were set on foot today, pne to investi gate the school land commission, and the other to examine into (he manage ment ot the state school for the blind. The Multnomah senators hold a meeting this afternoon and organized aB a committee, by electing Hoseltine ohitirman, . n . t , ., . . Following is the full text of the reso lutions introduoed in the housa by Jioss of Multnomah, providing for the rolobration of the 40th anniversary of Oregon's admission into the Union: ' "Whereas, There occurs in 18i9 the 40th anniversary of the admisvon cf 'Oregon as a Btate and the semi-rriwn-aial anniversary of the extension of the laws of the United Statos over the ;Oregon country; and, ; "Whereas, Tho appropriate observ ance of suoh anuiveisnry is conducive to creating and enlightening u true commonwealth spirit, fostering .-the; zealous study of its history 'tndliiFtittW tions by its people; therefore, be it ; "Resolved, That the speaker of the house appoint a committee of three, who, with two appointed by the senate, ahall constitute a joint committee to arrange for appropriate exorcises by the senate and house of representa tives of the legislature of Oregon, as sembled in joint assembly on the 14th day of February, 1899; and further be it "Resolved, That the governor be re quested to appoint a committee of ar rangements for the celebration of the semi-centennial annivorsary, to be held at Portland, Or., on Juno 15, 1899." ; .. - : 1 Curtis of Clatsop, introduced in the house, by request of ex-ltopresontative U'Kun, a joint resolution for an amend .uient to the constitution providing for the intitiative and referendum plan of making laws. By its terms, "the leg islative assembly shall have power to rotor any bill to the legal voters of the state for approval or rejection. . Five thousand legal voters of tho Btate shall have therluht and powor to propose uny bill or constitutional amendment to all the legal voters for approval or rejec tion. " It is made compulsory for the legislature to refer to the voters' every increase in an.vyipproprintion of public funds, every increase in salary of any public officer and every new appropiia tion of public funds. Bids have been oponed at the navy department for the construction of four harbor-defense vessels, Of the monitor type, authoriaed by congress at an ex Itouditure of fl.330.0Q0 lor each mon itor. Four per oent allowance was made in favor of the Pacific coast build era. From the fate of the bids, the lowest bidders for the four vessels were Nixon, Newport News, Bath and Union iron woiks, who eaoh bid for one mon itor. A podostrian succeeded the other day in setting foot in the course of five hours ami 40 minutes, in seven Ger man status, The percentage of dnrkfor black eyes ia 20.7 per cent anonwomen, while among men it is 13.8 -that is, of the whole number. , , America has eight towns named Ma drid, three of 'Which are considering the expediency of changing their names to something less poiutedy and aggres sively Cuetilliun. FAST WORK DONE.. Considerable . Koutlne' Huslness Tran ' siictHd Astoria Charter Amended. ' Much routine business was transacted in the two hours the legislature was in session Monday afternoon. ' The senate received four new bills, J one of which was finally passed under suspension ot, the rules an amendment to the Astoria charter to enlarge the powers of the common counoil. Twenty-eight bills were advanced through the second reading, and half a dozen resolutions were concurred in. The Astoria charter amendment also went through the bSuse, as did a bill to give Tillamook 'county two terms of court each year instead of one, and a bill to authorize' Cobs county to sell certain property that had been pur chased Jora courthouse site, but had beei fovind tmsuitablei A dozen new bills were intioduced in the hfiuse, eight others passed, second reading, and five resolutions were handled. f By the agreement of the senate to the resolution authorizing an investigation of, tlji ipsaier psylqw ;aWt$ t!it concur rence of the" house in a resolutlorl to in vestigate the Soldiers' Home at Rqe burgj the fourth investigation of the session Was set on toot, the others being of the penitentiary and of the secretary of state's offioe, which are already in progress. ' g j'9"e resolutions intr,odufced'.by $o$s,pf jMultnotbabianl ejagsidi ia (or arranging appropriate exercisos fat a joint meeting of, the two houses Febru ary 14, to 'celebrate the 40th anniver sary of the admiseion -of i Oregon as a state and the 60th anniversary of ex tending United States laws over Ore gon, tne governor being requested to appoint a committee for a semi-centennial celebration in Portland,' June 15. ; The last member jto appear at roll-call this session is Representative Donnelly, of Grant, who had been absent in Ten nessee and only arrived Monday,, 1 When the jf'tieral agent, , of , insur ance companies have an opportunity to read the bill introduced by Fordney of Wallowa, in the house, they will, it is understood, ', take viEttmediate' steps to defeat it. " The bill provides for1 the retention and investment of the legal reserve on all policies to be written in the future in the state A failure to comply with the provisions of the bill will entail a forfeiture of the license of the offending company., . i!. '. H I it' . ' The Senate. Bills were introduced in the senate Monday as follows: , ; By Kelly To repeal the act regulat ing the sale of adulterated food and medicines.' l:i'; M ' i. '.' i By Adams Providing for' the taxa tion of dogs and kindred subjects. By Mulkey To incorporate the town of Monmouth. . ,i t By , Fulton To amend the statutes relating to the incorporation of the city of Astoria; passed. ; ,i, -t . ' w " The Houib."."""" " -"'"" In the house Monday afternoon, bills were introduced as follows: : ; By Flagg To incorporate the oity of Salem. It provides for bonding out standing warrant indebtedness and aims to secure better sanitary conditions. By Stanley To reimburse the Omaha fair commissioners in the sum of $18,- ooo. . ; t s. i By Curtis Amending the general laws in relation to the administrative department so that the term of the gov ernor shall commence the second Mon day3 in January after his election. By Sherwin Amending the charter of Ashland; passed, f... By' Maxwell Amending, the miscel laneous lawi in regard 5 to the timef -holding elections in the fifth judicial diswiot.' : ' ' 'f' '"ri:-. , i,! ( By Stillmnn Compelling persons or corporations operating sleeping cars to keep upper bertha closud When not oc cupied, and imposing f 500 tine tor vio lations. ! '': !' : ,!. r ,;,' Bv Hobkirk A bill which is intend ed to remedy oertaip alleged irregular ities in the mannei in which the rec ords of Multnomah county are kept, and throwing the same open to the gen eral public ; Wado of Union, introduced in the senate a bill for an act giving prefer ence in appointment and employment to honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailois, in every department of the Btrtte, and in counties and cities and on public works. It is provided that age, loss of limb, or othei physical impair ment which does not in fact incapaci tate, shall not be deemed to disqualify them, provided they possess the busi ness oapaeity to discharge the duties of tha position involved. It is also speci fied that no such soldier or sailor now holding any such position, unless for a definite term, shall be removed, ex cept for cause shown after due hearing. The measure is not made to apply to confidential positions. Failure on the part of appointing officers to observe tho letter and spirit of the law is made a misdemeanor. Tho Baker City charter bill was the first measure to pass both houses. Its chief purpose is to relieve the present city officials of offioe. They were elect ed more than four years ngd, and then the oity ohurter was amended, and by inadvertence it failed to provide for any election. So tho mayor and councilman have had to continue to hold office, greatly to the euvy of politicians else where. The new oharter remedies the difficulty. An amendment to the code, Intro duced in the senate by Reed of Doug las, is to make it unlawful to fish for salmon in the waters of the Nehalem, Tillamook, Nestucca, Salmon, SileU, Yaquina, Alsea, Siuslaw, Umpqua, Coos bay, Coquille, Sixes, Elk, Chetoo, Rogue, Windohuck , or an? of their tributaries, or in any other streams ot bays of the state except the Columbia river and tributaries, from November 80 to December 80, and from April 15 to June 1, the emergency clause being attached A,HERO'S REWARD. iilent. Mills Given a Good Post for Gallant Work at San Jnan, Albert L. Mills, who has been appoint ed superintendent of the Military Acad emy at West Point, is the first lieuten ant to be so; honored. The superior, tendency of the Military Academy is a very responsible position as upon him depends the training that the' future officers receive.' Lieut. Mills' predeces-' sor In, command of the Academy was Lieut Col. Oswald II,, Ernst, a briga dier general, of volunteers, and an of-' cef of, that rank bad' usually , held 'the post The', responsible . appointment comes to Lieut Mills as a reward; for his gallant conduct during the" stunn ing of San Juan Heigh tsii Heiwas Gen," Young's chief of staff; -with the volun teer rank of captain, during the1 Santla go campaign,' and was severely woufid ed during the ' battW; of San Junn, hav-' iftg been sjioj: In the, head find, ,losing an' eye.: i Lieut,';, M,ills, ,)a,''fl' (.years ,,,pf .age and well fitfeoVEor, his Rw posit,, For, the last four years be has been ingtruc? tor of tactics and strategy In the Fort, Leavenworth s, Infantry , and '..Cafalrj, Sciiool, and he has been. on Uistructor, at. the Aeademyl . lie entered .the Acad emy lh 1S74,' being appointed from New York, became a second lieutenant in the First Cavalry June 13, 1879,, and received his commission, as .first lieu tenant January 23, 1889.M Major Gen eral Wheeler expressed tho opinion of the army when he telegraphed Secre tary Alger thanking the Secretary for the promotion. Vr,'.Yu.',".V,l.Y, i 'J,',' '.;.!' JUDGE THOMAS M. COOLEY. He ai an Eminent' Jurist' and Ai ' thorlty on Constitutional Law, ' Judge Thomas M.CooleyV who died at his home in Ann Arbor, Mich., re cently, was one of the most noted Ju rists and authorities on constitutional law In this country. Judge Cooleys mind hod long been affected and he had been failing physically ns well as men tally for some time past f . 5 s . Judge Cooley was born In Attica, Mich., 74 years ago. He began the study of law In 1842 and was admitted to the bo in Adrian, Mich. He quickly rose to tbe front rank in his professloa In 1850 he was mode professor of-law in the University ttf Michlgaa and, in 1864 was elected a justice of the State Supreme "Court to fill a vacancy. In J.800 he was re-elected for the full term of eight years, serving about a year as chief justice. He retired from the bench permanently in 1885. Judge Cooley is best known as the Author of , Snany legal publications of J great value. He also contributed nu merous, articles to cyclopedias and other periodicals. For three years he was lecturer on governmental subjects at Johns Hopkins University. He was receiver of the Wabash Railroad in 1S87, but resigned this position, at the request of President Cleveland to ac- JUDOB THOMAS M. COOLEY. cept an appointment as one of the mem bers of the Inter-State Commerce Com mission. The degree of LL. D, was conferred upon him by Michigan Uni versity and Harvard College. Dentil Duties In England. Attempts to evade the death duties act arQ causing queer complications in England. An old man transferred all his property by deed of wife to his young wife, not expecting that he would survive her. She' made a will leaving it to a former beau of hers, and then was killed on the hunting field. The husband was thus left dependeut on the lover's generosity. The Queen's Indian Servants. , When Queen Victoria has meals alone she Is entirely waited on by her Indian servants, with whom she Is able to talk in their own tongue. One of these, Munski Abdul Kareen, has been in her service ten years, and instructed her In his native language. Fish Can't Swim. Paradoxical as It may sound, there are several varieties of fish that cannot ewlm. In every Instance they are deep sea dwellers, and crawl about the rocks, using their tails and fins u legs. , f , ! . i; , MrM'iiii'u ,,!-l,"rr"'. tii.ii., AI.UEUT U MU.LS. - - V i SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Daniel Grim, plaintiff, vs. Mary P.. Grim, defendant. To Mary R. Grim, said defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear in the above-entitled court on the- first day of a term of said court to be begun and held next after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the publi cation of this summons, and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer, the complaint filed against you in the,; above-entitled suit on or before the first day of the said term of said court, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the court for the relief demanded ,j in 'the1' complaint herein; which Is for the' dissolution1 of the marriage contract r existing s between you and this plaintiff., ..,,' ,,,,! , (,, j,'h ,,, ,1 This summons is published In' pur suance of an order of court made by M C. George, Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, ' dated September 21)' l898; 1 T. A.- McBride, judge of the above-entitled court being,; Absent, j from,. Clackamas county.' ;.:.',.;",.; ..,.. !. ,'','.,'. ' r ,,! C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE. , :- w kiii "in, Attorneys for Plaintiff. f i$ 'MhmHvi't mrni ?Umt't bsh ivr j " .,!','!!! it0- ttt-lllik .. I j 1m vji'.t. 'SUMMONS, do -nif I -it',! n tv if Hi'"' i v I'M" i irJiiii i;":tj'i Sim ! In the Circuit Court for the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ann E. Black, plaintiff, vs. David A. Black, defendant. - , , , , , ; To' David A. .Black,' defendant " in the name of the state of Oregon: ' ' You are hereby required to appear' and an swer the complaint 'filed against ' you herein on or before the seventh day of November, 1898, that being the: first day of the next term of said court fol lowing the expiration of the time pre scribed for; the, publication of this summons, and If you fall to bo appear and answer Bald, complaint plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt:1 A decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing 1 between plaintiff and defendant and plaintiff's custody of minor child, and for such other, relief, as to the court may seem Just and equitable. .. .Tnts summons , Is served upon you by publication by virtue of an order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer, Judge of the circuit court' of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, in the absence of Hon. T. A. McBride from said Clacka mas county, ' which order was duly made on the 22d day of September, 1898. - BELL & GILLESPIE, ' ' i Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. John Duffy, plaintiff, vs. James Shaw, Betty Shaw, Charles Stratton and R, CL Craven, assignee of James Shaw, an Insolvent debtor; Henry Gans, L, E. Shultz, Sidney Smyth and T. R. Ran dall, defendants. : , . . To James Shaw, one of said defend ants. In the name of the state of Ore gon: .You are hereby required to ap pear in the above-entitled court on the first day of the term of said court to be begun and held next after the ex piration of six weeks from the date of the publication of this summons, and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled suit on or before the first day of said term of said court, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint in this suit, which is for the reforming of a deed made by you to this plaintiff on the lftth day of March, 1805, bo as to make the ! description ' therein read: ' The south 1-3 of the east or husband's half, etc, as described therein Instead the south 1-3 of the east y, of the hus band's half, etc., as described therein. This summons is published by order of M. C. George, Judge of the circuit court of Multnomah county, Oregon, made September "21, "1898", TXA. Mc Bride, i judge of the above-entitled court, being absent from Clackamas county. , i , C D. & D, C. LATOURETTE, ' v .Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Elizabeth A. Brown, plaintiff, vs. Homer C. Brown, defendant, i v , To Homer C. Brown, the above named defendant In the name of the Btate of Oregon: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit, the 7th day of November, 1808; and if you fail to so answer the said complaint in default thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in said complaint to-wit, to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such further and other relief as to this honorable court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published in pur suance of an order made In the above entitled suit for the service of the same by publication by Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge oi the above-entitled court on the 21st day of September, 1898. , WM. RE ID, Attorney for Plaintiff. : ': SUMMONS In the Crrcult Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamu. Charles M. Wet, Plaintiff, Vi. Annie West, Defenimnt. To Annie West, the above named defendant, f S THIS NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby commanded to appear and antiwar the complaint filed against vmi in the above entitled suit, by the first day of the regular term of this court next sucpeedinsr the expiration ot the time prescribed for the publication of this summons, to-wit, November 1th lS'.w, and if yon fall to lo answer for waut thereof the plaintiff will rplv to the court for the rllof demanded in the complaint, to-wit: For a decrw dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff and for the costs and disburse ments of this suit and for snoh other and further relief as to eo,nlty seemeth Just, l"ubllshed pursuant to an order signed by the Hon. John B. Oleland, judire of the circuit court for oountv of Multnomah, State of Orosrou, in the absence of the Hon. T. A.. McBrWe, ud(je of the above named eourt, from said Clackamas county, said order being dated the ilst day of Sepetmber, l5'' ' ' B.F G.W. SWOPR, Attorneys for Plaintiff. , ; ;. SUMMONS ' 1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Or 'gon for the Couifty of (Jliokamoe. - The Alliance Trust Company, lid,, Plaintiff, . vs. J. A. Chase, Annie A. Chase, his wife. Willamette Land Com pany, a corporation, Charles E. Wd Ladd. hie wife, Helen E. Yates, Sophronia V. Lewelllng, 1'he Security Savings & Trust Company, a oomoration, J. A. Cox, Charlotte A. Knrkwell, Lewis Eogers, Lucy Kogers, Clara E Morey, George A. Hard ing, N. O. Walden, H. II. John s' m, George S. Batty, James Hodges, Mary McGrath, I. Mathews. W. W. Irwin, A. N. Wright, W. II. Mandevllle, V. O. Harding, Annie R. MeGlynn, '' MeGlynn, Myra - P. iwsiman, Eastman, i . : tv t; no ,xweiiing, jonn x. uocn, ... . . ,ft Both, Frank A. Sleight, a . .s. ..'Sleight, LuoiusD. Rock well s.-cnBookwail, Amanda M. NeweU, hewull, (-. ',, i Defendants, ,,. I. . Chase, Annie A. Chase, Helen E. Yates, i.unnuue n.. nncjiwtii, James lloages, V.U. Harding, Annie It. MeGlynn MeGlynn, i myni r. jyisiinan, p.astiuan, Lucius O. Boekwell, .j,..... Bnckwell, Amanda M. I Newell i. Ntweil, of thrf dvfeudauts 1 above named, f k ( f() ' TN THE NAME OF 'rflE! STATE OF OMUOON: A You are horoby required to appear and au flwer the complaint hied against you tn the-atieve entitled cause by the first day of the o regular term of court alter the expiration of due publica tion of thiB summons, to-wlt, by Monday, Novem ber?, 18iw, and if you full to so.appoar and answer for wajit thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, lo-wtt: ha plaintiff have and recover of and from the defendants, J. A. Chase, Annie A. Chase, George S. Batty, George A.Hardinff, N.OiWatden and Willamette Land Company the sum of $4,900 with Interest thereon, from August 1, 1898. at 8 per cent per annum, and the futher sum of with interest tbereori from September 20th, JituSj at the rate of It) per cent per annum, and Interest on 8198.00 from February 1, 1H98, at 8 per cent per aunnm, and interest on J190.00 from August 1, 1898, at 10 per cent annum, and $600 at torneys fees, all in U. 8. gold coin, together with the costs and disbursements of this suit and a decree foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage upon that certain parcel of real property situated in the County of Claokatuaa, State of Oregon,; described as follows, to-wlt : ' 1 l Commencing at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter (n e of the northwest quar ter (n w of section twenty-eight 28) in town ship three , (8) south of range one (1) east of the Willamette Meridian) thence souUi seventy-two (72) chains and fifty (SO) links to a stone; thenoe tiorth seventy-eight (7S) degrees fitfeen 15) links east, forty-two (42) chains and fifty (50) links to a stake in the middle line of the east half (J) of section twenty-eight (28); thence north along the said middle line seventy (70) chains and thirty (SO) links; thence west twenty (20) chains; thence south six (8) chains to the sectiou line between sections twenty-one (21 )and twenty-eight (28); thenoe west twenty (20) chains to the place of beglnning.containing two hundred and eighty five (too) acres. Excepting therefrom lots 29, 35, 50, 54, 56, 50, Prunelana. And that said premises be sold and that out of the proceeds plaintiff be paid the said sums above specified and for a decree that the defendants in said suit, and each, be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption In said premises and every part thereof and for suoh other and further ,relief bb to the eourt may seam meet and equitable. I This publication is made by order of Hon. John B. Cleland, judge of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, acting In the absence from Clackamas County of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for said County of Clackamas, which order was duly made Septem ber 21, LS98. f FENTON, BEONAUGH & MTJIR, Attorneys for Plaintiff, : -,;(7",!(k SUMMONS . In the Clrcnlt Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Anna W. Mathews, , , Plaintiff, : "-.! ..'!' VS. n., t n,.,, nA rl. vjwigo n,. .cvtit.BU viola , 8. Dedman, his wife, Emil C. f jonnson ana .... . jnnusou , uis wife, and Angeline Berry, Defendants. To Emil C. Johnson and Johnson, Defend- i ants.' , , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are herebylrequlred to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause by ttie.flrst day of the next term of court after the expiration of the publication of this summons, to wit, by Monday, November 7th, 1898: and if you fall to so answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt, for judgment agalnHt George R. Dedman and Clara 8. Dedman for 1820.00, with interest from Decem ber 27th, 1895, at the rate of 10 per eent per annum; and j40.35, with Interest from May 14th, 1897, at 10 per cent per annum; and 175.00 as attorneys' fees: all in United Mates gold coin together with the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage upon the following described property In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Allot tract "B" Clackamas Blverslde, according to the duly recorded map and plat thereof . on file or record in the olllce of the Becorder of Conveyances of Clackamas County, state of Ore gon; and for the sale of said property to satisfy said judgment and barring and foreclosing you, and eaoh of yon, of all right, claim or equity of redemption in said premises and everv nnrt thereof and for such other and further relief as to i the court may seem, meet and equitable. inis puoucauon is maae oy orner oi tton. John B. Cleland, Judge of the circuit Court of the 8tateof Oregou, for the County of Multnomah, acting in the absence from Clackamas Countv of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, judge of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for said County of Clackama, which order was duly mado Septem ber 19th, 1898. . FENTON, BEONAUGH 4 MUIR, O, ,., Attorneys for Plaintiff. ;;;';, !; summons ;; , In the Ciroult Court of. the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Emma Caroline Opdycke, 1 riainun, vs. Henry Eugene Opdycke, Defendant, To Henry Eugene Opdycke, Defendant, ' IN THE NAME OF TOE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to apoear and answer the complaint filed'agalnst you in the above en titled suit on or before Monday, November 7th, A. D., 1SBS, that bcliir he first day of the first term of said court following six weeks publica tion of this summons, ami yon will take notice that if you fall no mpcar and answer said com plaint, for want theinof, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for In ala com plaint, to-wit; for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exitllng Iwtween plaintiff and defendant and for tha ear and custody of tha minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for suchoiher relinf as may Inequitable and for the oofts ana disbursements of tku null. Published by ordr of Hon. M. C, Oeorge, Jndne of the circuit court fof Multnomah county, bear ing date September n. im. In the absence of Hon, T. A. Mrllrlds, Judge of said circuit court for Clackamas county. ItOliEBT A. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for tha State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Sarah A. Watkin. plaintiff, vs. James P. Watklna, defendant. To James P. Watkins, defendant In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 7th day of November, 18U8, the same being the first day of the next regular term of said court. And if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony now existing ho.. tween the plaintiff and yourself, the oaiu ueienaant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. M. C. George, judge of said court for the fourth Juutcial district, Dated September 23, 1S98. V. R. HYDE, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Sept. 8th, '9 . SUMMONS. , In the circuit court ot the State t Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Elizabeth Wilkinson, plaintiff, ) -. VS. '.'.' William Wilkinson, defendant. , ' To William Wilkinson, defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Hut oa or before Monday, the 7th day of November, lc'W, the same being the first day of the next regular U rnv of the court following the expir ation of the time prescribed kt the pnbl'ca tlon of this summons, andT you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply te the court for the relief demanded In Hie com plaint, to-wlt: For the dissolution ot th marriage contract now existing between th Slaintiffand detendnnt, mid for the costs and lebursements ot this suit, s This summons is published against you by order of Hon. John TB. Cleland, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou fonli county of Multnomah, in the absence of the presiding Judge of Clackamas conntv. , . Dated this 6th day of September, 1898. f ) v B. P. Wslch, Attorney tor plaintiff. I Portland, Oregon, f SUMMONS lii 'the Circuit Court nfiUeState of Oregon, fot the County of OUtckamai. t : Annie Waenor. " I Plaintiff, -iiariia nauiu'r, - Defendant. ' To Charles W. Wagner, the above named defem :danu'',,;fi ( .)i-J ' i IN THB NAME OF THE STATE OP ORHGONt You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in theabove entitled milt, mi or before, tna first day of the Uext regular term of the above entitled court, to-wlt, the 7th day of November, 1898, and If vou fail to so answer the said oomplalnt, in default thereof the plaintiff will tako a decree against you for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wit: To dissolve the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such further and other relief us to this honorable court may Beem just and equitable; ' ! . This summons Is published in pursuance of an order made in the above entitled suit, for the service of the same by publication by Hon.' Thoa. A. McBride, judge of the above entitled court, oil the 21st day of September, 1898. Attorney tor natium j ., tit',;,;'-. SUMMONS . ( In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the'County of Clackamas, , . i Daniel Herlihy, i :: ' .. , Plaintiff,- ! " vs. '" ' Daniel Herlihy and Ellen Herlihy, his wife, Defendants! To Daniel Herlihy and Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendant. i-, v.,. .,-..) , .,. , N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed aginst you In, the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 7th day of November A D., l98. Thit same being the iiret day of the next regular term of the suld court. And It you fail so to answer, tor want thereof, the plaintltf will take judgment against you, the said defendants, for the sum of 8500.00 and Inter est thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per annum from the tith day of May, 1895, and for 10.74 with Interest thereon from iAprll 26th,' 1896, at 8 per cent per annum and for 15 20 with Interest there on from April 20th, 18U8, at 8 per cent per annum, and for (M attorney fees, ana for costs and dis bursements of this suit. - And you are hereby further notified that on your failure to appear and answer the said com plaint at the time aforesaid, the said plaintiff will, take a futher decree against you or the foreclosure of the mortgage mentioned In said complaint whloh was made to secure the pay ment of said note and interest and attorney lees, and other sums herein namad, said mortgage being executed by you on May 6th, 1892. covering the following described land, lo-lt: The e H of of the ne and ne Voi the se X of Beotlon 3, 1 1 s, of r 4 e, W. it. 4 said s containing 59 acres, more or less; excepting the reservations made In favor of the O. & C. R. R Co. In Its deed to Daniel Herlihy made the 88th day of February, 1891. Pursuant to an order of the Hon. M. C. George, judge of the Cl-cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, in the absence of Hon, T. A. McBride Circuit Judge' for Clnckamaa county, said order bearing dale September 21st, 1898. , t ! ROBERT A. MILLER, '' 1 ' j Attorney for plaintiff EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. 6:00 f.M. 6:52 p. M, T :4aA.M. North. 8:80 A. M 8:40 A. :00r. M It Portland ''' kt Lf Oregon City Lv Ar Ban Franolsco Lv ' The above trains stop at all stations hetweer Portland and Salem, Turner, Marlon, Jeder son, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Balsey, Harris burg, Junction City, Irving, JSugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, ' and all iitlonj from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. , , , -'J ,1 ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. 9:80A.K. . Lt f.,i ' Portland , Arl 4:S0r.n 6:27a.ii. Lv Oregon City Lv8:3F.M 8:20 P.M. Ar Roseburg Lv I 1: 0 " DINING-CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE, tULLHAN BVFFET SL&EPER8 . AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. ' f " i'i'-:iWs Gld Division,;:'.;'. Between PORTLAND and COBVALL1S " AILTRAtNPAIXYtBZOSPTSUMDAY.) .,'. At Albany and Gorvalils connect with train of Oregon Central it Kastern B, R. ,. IIPRISS TBAXH DAILYIEXCEWSUNDAT.) 4:S0P. M. I Lv Portland ' Arl 8:25 A. M 7.80 P.M. Ar 1 McMlnnvllle Lv 6:&OA.M 6:30 P.M. Ar Independence Lt4:60A.M Rates and tickets to eastern polntt and Jturope also JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU ind AUSTRALIA, can bo obtained from E. E; BOl'l), Agent, Oregon City R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM. ' Manager, Asst. G. P. A P. Agent Portland, Or, Portland, Or. MENIbscurtdl If yon suffer from any of tha 111s 01 men, coma to tne oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, OR. JORDAN CO., 1 081 Market SL Est'd 1882. 9 Young men and middle m u need men who are suffering fiom the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. , Nervous and Phvsical Ie t1 1 ll.r , I m lu ten ry ,Lnsl M un hood nallii9 0mplications; Wpfrmatorrhfra, Froslalorrbipn. (lenerrhara, Ulret, rrrqurnry of I'rliiatlng, ic. By a Combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty IHneageii of Wen. Hrphllla thoroughly eradicated from the ystim wlthoutualng Mrrruty EVUBV ma applying to ns win re ceive our Aoneti opinion of his complaint, H toifl (juaroutf r. a POSITIVE CUKE n every ecut vie undertake, or forfeit One Thonnnd Iollnr. ' Consultation FREE and strictly private. CBAHGES VERY SEASONABLE. Tmf Jtieji s peisonally or by letter. Send for book. The 1'hilot.ophy of StacriSffe tre lA valuable book for men.), . TIIT DB. JORDAH'S : Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest M usenm of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made: how to avoid sickness and disease. e are comiaiiallv adding new specimens. CATALOGUE MKR. ivlWwriti. 1051 Market Street San Francisco, Cat