Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 07, 1898, Image 5

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    Attractive Designs in'
Opening week of our Fall Novelties.
Hundreds of new patterns to select from.
In black crepons, peroles, espanga
lines, whip cords, diagonals, almas
and velours moire.
In 46, 48 and 62 inches, fancy oorda, in
: oloth and illk effects, at
75, 90c and $1.35 yd
Exceptional valuei.
Several cases of new novelties, 38, 40 and
42 Inches, late and new and very attractive
material for street wear. Price '
33. 38 and 43c yd
Extraordinary values.
McAllen & McDonnell
of John Aldredge,
Dewey 1
Hobson 12
Sampson 0 2
Schley 0 22
Rev. H. Oberg will conduct services as
usual at the M. E. church, next Sun
day, morning and evening.
tv,o BWiff will woceed at once to
levy on personal property for delinquent lper man, was m Oregon City Mon
Miss Nora Wright, of Meadowbrook,
is visiting Mrs. Charles A. Fitch.
James Church, of Albany, was visit
ing his home here during the week.
Will Sagar has sold his cigar store at
Skagway Pass, and returned to his
home in this county.
George L. Hibbard, an Astoria news
taxes, as ordered by the county court
T. F. Cowing , member of Democratic
state committee, has received notice of
meeting: of said commitlee at Salem on,
the 14th.
As announced In this paper last week,
Miss Ada Randall and Rev. Arthur
Brown were married at the Oenttal
Point church, near New Era Tuesday,
Ttwy will reside at Skamockawa.
Your attention is called to the ad of
the Portland Dry Goods Store, pur
chaser of the Charman Btock of general
merchandise, in which they offer some
genuine bargains. They are disposing of
the goods at much less than cost,
M.Jacobs was severely burned about
the hip at the electric station Wednes
day morning by accidentally getting
againBt one of the machines. The shock
was a severe one, and he was removed
to the Oregon Oity hospital, where he is
on the road to recovery .
On Wednesdav meht. Oct. 12th, an
important meeting will be held at the
Salvation Army hall. Brigadier Stephen
Marshall assisted Dy tne neaaquarters
staff, will lead the meeting and swear in
different recruits as soldiers of the world
wide Salvation Army. Captain Ger
trude Barbe who has been in charge of
the Oreeon City corps for the laBt two
months will farewell.
A Challange.
As agents for a new stump-blasting,
bank-blasting and mining powder. (The
Califurnia Vigorit Powder) we challenge
the reoresentatives of any powder com
pany on earth at any time and place to
toot, thnii" nnwder aeainst ours fot
strength, superiority and cheapness.
This powder has been tested by Clacka
mas county and many individual citi
zens and is acknowledged to be K
cheaper than any other powder. Its
safety is one of the chief features of
Gbobok B. Rate & Co, Agents.
184 Madison St. (West end of bridge,)
Portland, Oregon .
A few cheap
reliable watches at
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
f mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. 0.
For Sai.k Two yoke of well-broke
nn Alan one heavy loaf wagon. In
quire of Herman Bros., Mola 11a, Oregon
C. A.
Wo Mrrv exclusive styles at lower
than anv other house in Oregon
Others may complete with us in quality,
but not in prices, ueua uuiuhuihu.
Wanted A lady wishes a child (under
in ooora tn take care 01. rriee reasuu'
able. For information call on
Willey at harness shop.
We sell millinery goods 25 per cent
aarr than anv other house. Miss
Fob Rbnt A suit of furnished rooms
with fireDlace. suitable for either lady
nr Gentleman on upper Seventh
opposite Marr & Muir's store,
Apply to
Pitcher's Castoria.
day on his way to Salem
Constable Meldruin McOown and
Henry Salisbury leave tomorrow for a
short hunting trip to Salmon river.
Miss Clara Fisher ieft Saturday for
an extended visit with Oregon City and
Portland friends. Corvallis Times.
Miss Hattie L. Phillips, daughter of
M. Phillips, was married to Alex M.
Robinson at Clackamas Wednesday.
Gradually the electric poles in the
city are receiving the required coat of
, 1 1 I .1 !1
paint oruereu oy me uny council
months ago.
Henrv Meldrum, special inspector of
surveys, is home from Montana, having
completed bis work of examining sur
veys in that section.
The Red Front Store ia to be lit up
with acetylene gas, G. H. Bestow &
Co., having been awarded the contract
of putting in a generator.
Mrs. G. T. Russell, of Oakland, spent
a day with her daughter, Mrs. Ira
Wishart, the first of the week. She was
on her way to a visit in the East.
Mrs. J. Goldsmith and two children
arrived from Eugene Wednesday, and
will be the guests of their eister-in laws,
the Misses Goldsmith, for a couple of
Doctors Powell and Seamann will oc
cupy the front rooms in the corner of
the second story of the Charman block,
formerly used as the U. S. register's
office. They will have elegant quarters.
1 Marriage licenses were issued to Mary
E. Hamiltan and Alvin P. Cannon on
the 3rd, Mary Drescher and J. R.
Richardson on the 3rd, also Mary
Campbell and William Graham on the
tame date.
Sheriff Cooke filed his semi annual
report Tuesday. It shows that 1128.
600 64 were received from April 1st, to
Sept. 30th. Of this amount $5,319 54
was county warrants, received and ap
plied on the payment of taxes.
Countr Superintendent H. S. Stranee
is said to be slowly recovering from the
effects of the severe surgical operation
performed on him at St. Vincent's hos
pital Tuesday. It is to be hoped that
he will meet with a speedy recovery.
W. T. Shanahan, corresponding sec
retary of the Oregon Humane Society,
will give a talk Monday evening at the
Willamette hall, on humane work, and.
also assist Miss Neita McCarver to or
ganize a local society here. All persona
lnieremeu 111 uie wura are requested to
meet at Willamette nan 7 :au p. m., Oc-
Lizzie Walker has filed a suit against
the Noblitts for $310, for alleged inju
ries received in the Wilhoit stage runa
way on July 11th. This is presumed to
be on a pur with the other suits brought
against Noblitts, as the same attorneys
are employed. The attorneys proba
bly want some fees.
The members of the M. E. church
visited Rev. Oberg in a body Tuesday
evening, and expressed their kindly ap
preciation of the return of their pastor
tor another year. The ladies brought
along refreshments, and the occasion
proved to be a most delightful social
time. The visitors left with the pastor
some substantial tokens of their appreciation.
Born, to the wife
October 3rd, a son.
Mrs. Anna E. Rhoades visited friends
at New Era Tuesday. '
Mrs. G. B. Dimick returned from a
visit to relatives at Needy Monday.
Mrs. Dr. E. A. Sommer went to Sa
lem Tuesday to visit for a couple of
day 8. ,
J. W. Smith, the Macksburg mer
chant, was a visitor at this office Wed
nesday. Dr. W.N. Ferrin, of Forest Grove,
was visiting friends here Tuesday and
Miss Utter left for Argentina, Kan
sas, Tuesday, where she will visit her
cousin for six weeks.
New Era will soon have a new school
building. The structure will be 30x50.
and is nearing completion. .
Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Miller returned
the first of the week from Jacksonville,
and will remain here for awhile.
Misses Elma Albrieht and Maud
Butler began a course of studies in the
Portland Business College Monday.
Miss Nora Burnett and G. F. 8. Ram-
merer were married in this city last Sat
urday, Justice Schuebel, officiating. ,
Assessor-elect Eli Williams has re
moved his family from Currinsville to
this city, an now occupies the cottage
on Eighth and Polk streets.
The Ohristian Endeavor Society of
Congregational church will give an en
tertainment and pumpkin pie social at
the church parlors one week from to
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodruff, of
Oolton, were pleasant callers at this of
fice Wednesday. They left an Im
mense carrot raised on their farm near
County Clerk Dixon has begun copy
ing the assessment roll, with Misses
Ina Chuse, Maud Salisbury and Josie
Peabody as copyists. It will take two
months to complete the same.
Miss Sophronia Griebler and W. E.
Childa were married at the Presbyte
rian parsonage Tuesday, Rev. A. J.
Montgomery officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Ohilds will reside at Gaston. The lat
ter ia well known here.
Captain J. T. Apperson went to Sa
lem Monday, to consult with the' legis
lative committee in reference to the
matter of rebuilding the mechanical
hall, recently burned at the state agri
cultural college at Corvallis.
Oregon City's new military company
completed its organization Monday
evening by electing the following offi
cers : Captain, Fred Metzner ; first lieu
tenant, Scott Godfrey ; second lieuten
ant, Adolph Willev. The non-com
missioned officers will be appointed la
Following will be the subjects of dis
course at the Congregational church
next Sunday : At 10 :30 a.m., "An An
tidote for Failure '," 7:30 p. m., "The
Wonderful." There will be a special
program connected with the Sunday
school at z 0 clock, it being rally Sun
day. The public are invited to all str-
vicea. Dr. Butler will preach at the
Ely chapel at 2:30 p. m., next Sunday.
Miss Matie E. Godfrey was married
to Frank E. McCausland at the resi
dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. W . N.
Godfrey, Bluff and Third streets, Satur
day, October 1st. Rev. A. J. Mont
gomery, pastor of- the Kirst Presbyte
rian church, was the officiating minis
ter. Mr. and Mi s. McCausland are oc
cupying the cottage on Madison street,
next door to the German Evangelical
A Portland young man claims to
have discovered a perfumed stone on
the Abernethy near this city, that is a
wonder. He discovered a stratum of
perfumed sandstone about four inches
wide in a cut made by the wagon road,
extending lor some distance about four
or five feet beneath the surface of the
ground. Zhe perfume is said to be of a
vanilla, Oregon May apple odor, or
something of the kind.
Aaron McDonnell, of Sherwood, had
a narrow escape from instant death
while operating a hop-baler at the Nel
son hop yard Monday. He was op
erating the crank when the catch broke
and the rapidly revolving crank struck
him in the forehead above the left eye,
cutting a gash several inches in length.
He was insensible for time, and when
he recovered consciousness, was moved
to town where the wound waa dressed
by Drs Seamann and Powell. Mr. Mc-
Connell expects to be able to go to work
again in a day or two. ,
The annual business meeting of the
First Presbvterian church was held
Monday evening. A. T. Muir and J.
w. McKay were elected elders, and
Professor J. C. Zinser. also, waa elected
elder to fill the unexpired term of Levi
Johnson. Ed F. Story was elected dea
con, F. O. Andrews trustee, Chris
Schuebel treasurer, and John R. Wil
liams. Sunday School superintendent.
The reports of the officers showed that
the past year had been the most pros
perous one in its history financially and
in the matter of church growth.
Dr. D. L. Paine died at his home in
this city Friday. September 30th, at 11 :
30 a. m.. of interstitial nephretis. The
funeral took place at the family resi
dence, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
and the services were conducted by Rev.
Harold Oberg, of the M. E. church.
The Workmen, Woodmen and Artisan
lodges each attended the services in a
body, and at the grave the ceremonies
were in charge of the A. O. U. W. The
deceased removed here about eight
years ago with his family from Brooks
yuie. ra., and had been very successful
in his profession, having accumulated
considerable property. At the 'time of
his demise, he was 53 years, 4 months
and 19 days old, and leaves a wife and
two daughters, Misses Kittie and Ida
The funeral was attended by a large
number of people, a fitting evidence of
the high esteem in jvluch he was held
in the community.
Albert Tozier, secretary of the Ore'
gon tre8s Association, who recently re
turned from Denver, where he attended
tne meeting ot the National Press As
sociation, was in Oregon Oity for a short
time wie otner evening. Me, also, at
tended the exposition at Omaha. Mr.
Tozier was largely instrumental in se'
curing the next meeting of the National
Association at Portland, which will
likely be held in July. There will, at
least, be 500 prominent newspaper men
present from every state in the union,
and a part of the program is to have
them visit Oregon City. The Oregon
Oity members of the state association,
are appointed a committee to see that
the national association is provided with
a substantial dinner when they come to
this city. Of course, they pay for what
they get, but should be treated with all
the hospitable consideration, that can
be mustered out. Mr, Tozier has a plan
that will advertise both Poitland. and
Oregon City almost a year in advance of
the great gathering of noted .journalists.
It is to furnish Eastern papers with
cuts of our scenery, manufacturing, en
terprises, etc., which could be gotten up
very cheaply.
Save Money
Bring this Coupon with you and we will
Allow you a Rebate of
On all your Purchases of Men's and Boys'
We Carry the Largest Stock of
Overcoats and Mackintoshes
in the City and our Prices are
Always the Lowest
The Popular-Price Clothiers
BEN 5BLLINQ, Minager
Corner Third and Oak Streets.
Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at
Get your fruit jars and jelly tumblers
at Harris' grocery.
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr & Muir.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy s
Last year's patterns of wall paper at
reduced Drices. Five and 10c notion
counters. At Bellomy & Busch.
F. I. Andrews, the market gardener,
has always on hand a large amount of
first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider
and cider vinegar. Give him a trial.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr & ftiuir.
Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat
tint?. Call at once and get choice of
patterns. Oregon City Auction House.
Monev to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. v. & JJ. U.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Dan Willians has added to his stock ot
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner1 Seventh
and Center streets
Fir and hard waoi Wanted on accouns
by the Oregon City Courier.
Try Prier's ice cream and ice cream
oda, pure fruit flavors. Fruits, nuts
snd confectionery of all kinds.
A high grade warranted sewing ma- 1
chine sells for $25 on easy payments at
Bellomy & Busch.
XXX Castor Machine oil cheaper than
any other place at A. Robertson's, the
Seventh street giocer.
' Fine Mason & Hamlin organ with
extra set of reeds for sale at a bargain at
Oregon Oity Auction House, W. L.
Block, Prop. .
The Oregon City Auction House has
just received the agency for the finest
range made which will be sold at yery
low prices.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best loc meal in the city. 2o3 f irst
Shark, proprietor, Bhaves for 10 cents. y
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. Bohlander, proprietor.
Some Good Things...,
Weighing Things
The value of our groceries depends on
three things : How much you get for
your money; how good it is when you
get it, and the price you pay for what
you get. We have sugars that are
cheap and sugars that are good. We
have coffees that will satisfy the appe
tite and the pwketbook. Staple goods
at less than staple prices. We give you
money-saving health-saving chances.
A. Robertson,
The 7th Street Grocer
Great Bargains!
at the Farmers and Mediate Store
Schram Building Main Street, OREGON CITY,-OR.
We have Special Bargains to offer you in CLOTHINC, Ladies', Men sort Children FURNISHINGS
Waltham and Elgin Watches
In Gold, Gold-filled, Silver and Nickel Cases, in all sizes.
The Latest Designs
In Rings, Ladies' and Gents' Chains, Breastpins, Studs, Cuff Buttons, Stick Pins and Silver Novelties
A Brand New Lot of Umbrellas
Just received from the East. Come in and get our prices. The best line ever shown in the city.
Silver Plate that wears
1847 Rogers Bros, is standard for quality. We have always on hand a large assortment of
Knives, Forks, Spoons, Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Fruit Dishes, Etc.
Our Line of Clocks
Is complete. We have the best makes only and guarantee every one of them.
Spectacles and Eye-Glasses
We have them in Steel, Nickel, Gold-filled and Solid Gold.
We test the Eyes free of charge with the Johnston Eyemeter.
In the Music Line
We have Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps, Accordeons, and all small Instruments.
Also parts and strings. '
A large assortment or BOOTS AND SHOES for Men,
Ladies' and Children A fine line of Wool Blankets.
Quilts ol every description. Rubber Boots and Shoes to
fit any body with Prices that will Astonish You.
Make it a point to see us before buying elsewhere.
Remember the place. Even if it is small we have the
assortment and can afford to sell cheaper, as those that
have big stocks with big expenses.
Main St., Bet Fifth and Sixth.
Come In and
Hear Our....
Eagle Qraphophone
No talking machine was ever before offered at so low a price. We sell it complete with Horn, Hear
ing Tube, Reproducer and Carrying Case for $12. Records 50c each, or $5 per dozen.
We Do Fine Watch Repairing I
Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed. g
- v