Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 07, 1898, Image 2

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. .'...PubUsner
interesting Collection of Items , From
; Many Places Called from, the Frees
-' Reports of the Current Week. I
j A report from General Otia to thfl
department states that the total numi
bet of deatlis among the troops at tbe
Philippines in three months was 87.
The state department has issued ,?s
circu'ar instructing the United Statel
consulates to half-mast their flags Is
memory of the late Ambassador Bayard,
A wn3nn4 ia ''rt... ! L Li
United States Senator Quay. Himseii
and son and other prominent Pennsyl
i vanians are charged with having used
1 state moneys from the People's bank to
speculate in stocks.
Thirty miles from Murfreesboro,
Tonn,, four prominent men were assas
sinated by John Hollingsworth and
. several of his friends, who fired upon
uiem irom .amnusn. ,,, iioillngswortn
was later captured and shot by a posse.
General Fitzhugh Lee's corps will go
to Cuba this month. The . general
rtAflit.Vl nf'Vila Anniman1 ia avnttllnn
The camp at Jacksonville, Fla., is well
i -watered and in splendid sanitary condi
tion. Cuba, the general thinks, will
' be divided into military departments.
" Captain Dreyfus, whether guilty or
, Jnnooent, has certainly oaused a verha-
and Paris was in a turmoil all Sunday.
Crowds, scuffle, uproar and arests was
the programme of the day. About a
score of people are said to have been'
seriously wounded in the various free
, fights. .,, . . ,-: , ... ,. .;i ,, ,., i
Secretary Long, upon advices received
at the state department, which show
the existence of threatening conditions
i in China, has ordered Dewey to send
two warships immediately from Manila
to a point as near the Chinese capital
as possible for a warship to approach.'
The vessels selected are the Baltimore
nd Petrel. ' '.') ,,. ,., ,
.' Bertha Beilstein killed her mothei
in Pittsburg, Pa.; and later put several
bullets into her own bndv. from tha
effects of whioh she cannot reoover.
The only explanation the girl has given
for her terrible deed were these words:
IIT . T.I ,1 t
i -was uruu or me. u neia no pleas
ure for me. I wanted to die and did
not want mother to live and fret over
my death. For that reason I killed
V'Ofl'man exports to America are said
to be decreasing.
In Wisconsin it is estimated that
Kff AAA AAA J L I , . .
puu,iuu,uvu piutj truL't) uttvtt uuen ue
Itroyed by fires.
Spanish forces are preparing to leave
Cuba. Marching orders have been
given at several points.
An authentic report received at San
Francisco, says the seal herds of the
northern waters are being rapidly ex
terminated. 1 "
It is reliably reported that the ulti
matum of the powers to Tnrkey regard
ing the island ot Crete, has been pre
sented to the sultan.
Advices from Van, Turkey, say fight
ing occurred at Alashgord between
Turks and a number of Armenians
from Russia, About 60 Armenians
were killed.
A Quoboo speoial says that Skagway
or Dyoa are. to be placed under British
administration, and that Canada will
be allowed access to the Yukon by way
of Lynn canal undor the treaty now Do
ing porfeoted at Quebec.
It is estimated that the total hop
crop of Washington this season will be
between 27,700 and 80,000 bales. A
considerable portion of the crop has
boon already contracted for on a basis
of 10 and 11 oents per pound.
Fire, supposed to have originate)
irom forest fires, burned half of Cum
berland, Wis., causing a proporty loss
pHtiinatod at f325,000. About 25
families are homeless. Five children
are reported burned to death. A large
caw mill is among the bufldings
burned, throwing many out of employ
ment. Rain saved the entire city from
being burnod.
The steamship Gaelio has arrived in
Pan Francisco from Hong Kong and
Yokohama via Honolulu, bringing the
congressional commission from the lat
ter place. In speaking of the work ol
the commission Senator Culloin said:
"We have done ai much as was possi
ble in the time at our disposal, and w
have covered the ground thoroughly.
When we meet in Washington we will
go to work at once on a report."
Senor Agonoillo, the Philippine rep
resentative who has gone to Washing
ton to ask tliat the insmgents be heard
ttv tha linAi-n rninmiuuinmtra nt Pa.i.
has made public a translation of the
Philippine constitution, which Aguin
ldo wag to have proclaimed at Mala
Los. By this constitution-Aguinaldo
formally renounce! the title of dictator,
and assumes that ot president of the
revolutionary government of the Phil
ippines. '' Minor Mews Items.
Union book and job printers through
out the country will soon be ordered
out on a strike to secure a nine-houi
working day.
Put id Christie Murray, in t London
newspaper, revives the suggestion thai
monument to George Washington b.
erected in England.
General Shatter has been assigned
to command the. department of tin
East. Hi! headquarters wilfv bo sil
4Joveruor's island, New York,
Yellow fevet is reported to be spread
ing in Mexico. S f (
( Wisconsin fores) ; fir &V have ' been
quenced by r-in. ;.s j. ,'" -1 j
.Omaha's fall festival opened with a
grand street pageant.
...Eight thousand people attended the
peace jubilee at Washington.
" I five cases of yellow fever and one
death were reported at. Jackson,, Miss.
The fourth annual festival of, moun
tain and plfiin has been opened at Den
ver. ',..,,.' ,.' ;.'-':,.,"".X ;'! '
Wolff ,& Z wicker, Portland (Or. ) sh ip
builders, have announced their inten
tion of building a drydook. ;;.'; ,
:-. A fierce engagement between the In.
dlansand soldiers took place' at Boy-Ah-We-Ge,
Shink point,; Minn.v- The
Indiana are reported to have killed 10
soldiers. Tho . Indian ' loss is : not
kfiown.'.',1 ' ' ,'" : v'"
The Paris peace commission Is ap
parently divided regarding the disposal
of the Philippines. Further instruo
tions have been sent the American com
missioners. ! Washington officials ad
mit that the Philippines question must
be settled before consideration of other
terms is entered upon. ' ; '
News from the storm-strioken dis
tricts along the Atlantio coast is com
ing in gradually, and it is probable that
100 lives . have bc-en lost. News by
war of a boat, is that 50, people were
drowned at Fernandina, Ga. Camp
bell island : was inhabited by about 40
colored people. It IB reported that all
but three were drowned. , '
The second annual Walla Walla
valley fruit fair opened in Walla Walla
under most favorable auspioes. The
street parade included- a troop of the
Fourth cavalry, members of the city
council, the fruit fair officials, war
veterans, high-school cadets, business
floats and hundreds of Bohool ohildren.
It was witnossed by 10,000 people. ,
.i The fourth annual- fruit fair of the
Inland' Empire opened in Spokane
under ' auspicious i circumstances.
Nearly 10,000 people passed through
'the gates. The exhibits are fully up
to those of preceding years, in many
instances, surpassing them. Every
county of the east side of the moun
tains, exoept Walla Walla, is ' repre
sented, many by elaborate exhibits.
,:'At the joint session of 'the Dnited
States and Spanish military commis
sions, the Spaniards, according to a re
port circulated , in Havana, declared it
was impossible ' to evacuate the island
immediately, while the American com.
missioners insisted that their instruc
tions called for an immediate evacua
tion.' After a two hours' conference
the joint commissions were unable to
reach any definite agreement.
A London special from Bombay sae
a ferry-boat capsized while crossing the
Andus river, and 100 passenger! were
The Hawaiian Star says the new gov
ernment of Hawaii is to be territorial
in form, with one representative in
congress. m
Dr. David J. Hill, of Rochester, N.
Y., has been appointed first assistant
secretary of state to succeed John B.
Moore, resigned.
The Fans Figaro states that Count
D'Aubigno, French charge d'affaires at
Munich, will leplace M. Canibon as
minister at Washington, Cambonwill
go to Madrid.
Thirty thousnnd people were present
to witness the launching of the battle
ship Illinois at Newport News, Va.
Many prominent persons were presenl
from the national capital.
The American authorities in Manila
have invited all the schoolteachers tc
resume the instruction of their olasses,
The schools have been closed since the
surrender of Manila to the Americans.
A. P. Swineford, ex-govornor o)
Alaska, while in Chicago deolared the
prospectors vho hvs rs,urnd goldless
from that region wsre unsuccessful be
cause of lack of foresight in failing til
prepare for life in a new country.
Ia consequence of serious disorder!
duo to the presence of the insurgents
in the vicinity of Manzanillo, General
Lawton has dispatched thither the
steamer Reina de Los Angeles with one
battalion of four companies from the
Third immunes under Colonel Day.
Evacuation ia well nigh completed
and the Stars and Stripes will soon
wave over the entire island of Porte
Rico. The Spanish and Amcrioan com
missioners have worked in puifeot har
mony. The Spanish made no attempt
to delay the carrying out of the terms
of the protoool, but on the contrary
were anxious to return to Kpain.
Isaao Schlesinger, his wife and two
children were held prisoners 14 hours
at their home in West Taylor street,
Chicago, by a crowd of 200 boy a. Dur
ing most of this time the family were
compelled to go without food, as their
lardor whs empty. They were in con
stant fear that an attaok would be
made upon them.
In the case brought by Governor
Pingreo, of Michigan, to compel the
Michigan Central railway to sell mile
age tickets at a flat 3 oents, the Wayne
county district court holds that the
company, under its special charter, hat
a right to fix its own tolls, and that
this is a vested right whioh the state
must pay for if it takes it away.
There are 800 patients in the divi
sion field hospital at the Presidio, San
Francisco. ' ' ' - ' ' 1 s i ', - j t
Colonel Charles William! has .been
appointed chief quartermaster for Ha
vana and otht province! of Cuba.
l j t r. i ; t "
? Colonel W. J. Bryan has recovered
from liia attack ol fever"and will join
hii regiment t Jacksonville, Fla. 'J
vTha Second array corpi will be ship
ped from Camp Made to Aniiltoa,
The B,attle-Shir3j Christened
by' kiss" Nancy-1 Letter?--'
The Ceremony Took Place at Newport
Kewi : Before 40,000 Spectator
ProgreM on the Wlaeomin. n;r-j
Newport ' News, "Va., Oct. 6. Amid
the enthusiastic plaudits of nearly 40,
000 intently interested people, ' the
shiill salutation of steam whistles from
many boat! and tugs, and ;the strains
of ,. "The, Star Spangled Banner," the
first-chiss battle-ship Illinois slid into
the water today."!! The launch was a
brilliant success in every particular,
The sponsor of the vessel, Miss Nanoy
Leiter, of Chicago, was aocompanied by
Governor Tanner, of Illinois, and his
staff, in full uniform, and a orowd ol
prominent Chioagoans. '
- Notable among the vessels in the har
bor was the United States dispatch
boat Dolphin, having on board Assist
ant Seoretary of the Navy Allen and a,
party Of Washingtonians. t
'The approach of the christening
party was greeted with tremendous
cheers, and as Miss Leiter and her at
tendants ascenfled i(ie gaily decked
platform, and while the workmen were
figaged in knocking away the last
eel blocks, all eyes were upon the
young lady of Chicago. : . ,
: 'Suddenly the painted mass of steel
quivered, then slowly began sliding
toward the water. Just as the motion
fairly began, Miss Leiter,' who had been
standing with the christening bottle
poised in the air, let it swing sharply
against the bow. simultaneously utter
ing the words: "I christen thee Illi
nois," and then amid deafening ap
plause, the waving of banners and the
din of steam whistles, the gaily deco
rated hull, with more than 100 persons
aboard, glided gracefully into the
James river and slowly floated out into
the stream.
Among the distinguished spectators
were: Governor John R. Tanner, of
Illinois; Governor Taylor, of Virginia;
Mayor Carter . Harrison, of Chioago;
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen,
Mrs. John A. Logan, Naval Construc
tor Hichbom, designer of the vessel;
Assistant Secretary of WarMeiklejohn,
Captain Paget, British naval attache;
General Mestrago, Russian naval at
tache; Mr. Kennedy, Italian naval at
tache, and Mr. Bonfre, French naval
attache. ,
At 4 o'clock a grand banquet was
spread to the distinguished guests.
Covers were laid for (00 persons. :
The Illinois will be the biggest, most
powerful, and probably the most effec
tive battle-ship in the navy.
Larger than the Iowa anddavier
than the Oregon, the Illinois is still so
designed that she will be able to enter
any harbor open to the smallest battle
ship, while in the matter of speed she
will rank with any of them. The most
striking difference between the Illinois
and the battle-Bbips now in service is
the high freeboard of the former, en
abling her to fight her guns from their
great elevation above the water in seas
so heavy that the guns of a lower vessel
would be submerged and useless.
Splendid seagoing powers are also ex
pected to result from this increased
freeboard, by which is meant the height
of the hull above the water line. The
dimensions of the Illinois follows:
Length on load water line, 368 feet;
beam, extreme, 73 feet i inches;
draught on normal displacement of 11,
625 tons, 23 feet 6 Inches; maximum
displacement, all ammunition and
stores on board, 13,825 tons; probable
speed, 16 knots; normal coal supply,
800 tons; coal supply, loose stoiage,
1,200 tons; full bunker capacity, 1,400
tons to 1,500 tons; complement of offi
cers, 40; seamen, marines, etc, 449.
The main battery will consist of four
13-inch broech-loading rifles ill Hioh
born balance turrets, oval in shape
and placed in the center line of the
vessel, and 14 6-inoh rapid-fire guns.
The seoondary battery will consist of
16 6-pounder rapid-fire guns, six 1
pounder rapid-fire guns, two Colt guns
and two Bignal guns. She will carry
four torpedo tubes.
There are two sets of triple-expansion,
twin-sorew engines, each in its
own separate water -tight compartments.
The collective indicated horsepower
will be about 10,000, with 120 revolu
tions per minute; stroke, 4 feet.
The first keel plate of the vessel was
laid February 10, 18S7, not quite 20
months past, and the percentage of
work completed to this date, based on
the vessol fitted ont and ready for sea,
is now reported between 63 arid 54 per
cent. The contract price was $3,695.
000, and the date of completion is
stated to be October 5, 1899.
Launching of the Wisconsin.
San Francisco, Oot. 6. The battle
ship Wisconsin is to be launched from
the Union iron works on Novembor 26,
and preparations for the event are al
ready under way. It will be made a
gala occasion. The governor, many
other publio officials and a delegation
from the state for which the vessel is
to be named will be present. The
young lady who is to christen the ship
has not yet been chosen.
Fire In a Smelter.
Butte, Mont., Oct. 8. Flames start
ed in tlm ore bins of the Montana Ore
Purchasing Company this morning,
and before the fire was under " control a
loss ot $12,000 had been done the smel
ter. The origin was in one of tho bins
in. the smelter-room. The prinoipal
damage wa! to the bins.
Madrid, Oot. 6. The cabinet today
decided to maintain the war tax, but
to abolish the Ux on expoita
Peace' Commlimloner Entertained at
Klysse Palace. My --:-
Paris, Ocfer6.Tha session of the
American commission i began at 10
o'clock today, and lasted until? o'clock
in the afternoon, General Morritt de
tailed to the commissioners his person
al views and those' of Rear-Admiral
Dewey legarding" the ' physical.' geo
graphical, .moral and political condi
tionr'revftilin ti the -Philippine
islands. -General - Merritt's exposition
of his personal views was not finished
today. He will meet1 the commission
again tomorrow,when he will continue
to disoharge his errand here.: :j i.
The Spanish commissioners were re
ceived at 4 o'clook; this aftenoon by
President Faure at the Elysee palace.
The members were introduced, by the
Spanish ). minister, Senor,. Leon y Cas
tillo, and : Senor Rio expressed . the
gratification of the commission at meet
ing the president of France. , , . '
At 4:45 P.i M., Immediately follow
ing the reception of the Spaniards, the
members of the American peace com
mission were received by the president
at the Elysee palaoe. Goneral Porter
received the ' commissioners on ' the
Bteps of the court of honor and they
prooeeded to the grand salon. Presi
dent Faure, surrounded by a few mem
bers of his official household, received
General Porter, who introduced Judge
Day and the other members of the com
mission in turn, after which Judge Day
presented President Faure with a cable
message from. President McKinley,, It
was dated September 30 and it was ad
dressed to "His Excellency, M. Faure,
President of the Republic," and was
signed, "William McKinley,. President
of the Dnited States.'1 It read as fol
lows: ' . -;! " .': V' -v '
"On this occasion, when the com
missions of the United States and Spain
are about to assemble at tho capital of
France to negotiate 'peace, and when
the representatives of this government
are receiving tho hospitality and the
good will of the republic, I tender to
you my most friendly personal greeting
and the assurances of my grateful ap
preciation of your kind oourtesies to the
American commissioners."
President Faure, in replying, cour
teously , expressed his appreciation of
the cordial sentiments uttered,' and
heartily reciprocated them., President
Faure said that everything possible
would be done for the, comfort of the
commissioners, and concluded with say
ing: i
"As the name of Lafayette is held
dear in the United States, so is the
name of Washington revered in
Franco." ' ' -'
The president then added that he
would immediately transmit his replv
direct to President MoKinley.
Machinery of La Grande Factory
Operation Flrt in Northwest.
La Grande, Or., Oot. 6. -La Grande
is rejoicing over the successful opening
this morning of. the first beet-sugar fac
tory in the Northwest. The wheols of
the vast and intricate pile of machinery
were set in motion at 7 o'clock by Su
perintendent Granger, and 80 minutes
later the first juice mado its appearance
at the vent of the big vat. The first
refined sugar will be ready by Thursday
night for market, and La Grande wiil
then use home-grown and manufactured
sugar. The plant cost $500,000, and
the machinery weighs 2,500,000
pounds. .Everything worked as smooth
ly as if it was an old ana tried institu
tion. It is estimated that this year's
crop of beets will keep the factory em
ployed 100 days and nights, and the
total output will be 30,000 tona of
Beets are coming in lively by team
and rail.
A number of citizens have bid for
the first "pound of sugar.
Professor Cordes, one of the Ger
man experts, who is here now, says
thot this is the best first-year crop of
beets, with the greatest percentage of
saccharine matter, ever known any
where. Notwithstanding all this, some
of the largest growers have lost heavily
on the orop because of their inexperi
ence and the extra expense of cultivat
ing the large tracts. Another vear
they will manage differently, and an
ticipate profitable results. The acreage
is contracted for five years.
At a meeting of the Commercial
Club tonight, it was deoided to hold a
jubilee celebration on Saturday of next
week and invite the Portland Chamber
of Commerce and members of the legis
lature and business men to be present.
The O. R. & N. will make a speoial ex
cursion rate for the occasion.
Ttis Uonet on Uls Claim.
Voncouver, B. C, Oct. 6. Alex
Stafford, of Lethbridge, Alberta, just
returned from the Klondike, reports
the fiuding on his' claim of several
tusks and bones of mammoths and mas
todons. One pair of tusks was nearly
10 feet long and seven inches in diam
eter. The socket of a hipbone was like
a soup bowl in size, about eight inches
across the top.
With Red Crone Supplies.
New Yoik, Oct. 6. The steamer San
Antonio, which was loaded with Red
Cross supplies for Havana, and then
held at this port awaiting a settlement
of the question of dutie! charged by
the Spaniards on relief supplies, sailed
today for Key West. She will bemet
there by Miss Clara Barton,. who will
direct her futuie movements.
' Death In a Well. (
' Paola, Kan., Oct. 6. A report comes
from Somwset, 18 miles from here, of
the suffocation of three men in a well
on the farm of James Hamer. After
an explosion of dynamite in the bottom
of the well, William Ballard, Burt Pur
vii and John Gatlln went into the
well, one after the other. When no
sign came, from the-, men below Bob
Coffey was lent down, with a rope tied
around hii body. Coffey, too, suc
cumbed to the deadly gai,,
Being Rushed by the Amer
icans at Paris.. J.
Eeport of Retention of the Philippine!
Stupefies Madrid-Will Begin to the
- Verge of Hostilities..
' t r ' " ? '
' ' - ' r 'f .... -:.!f SH'.1 - 3 j
' Paris, Oot.v 5.Major-Generaj Mer-'
ritt reaohed Paris today. The Ameri
can peace commission held a .session
this morning preparatory to a second
meeting with the Spanish commission
ers this afternoon...
! Today's session lasted until 4 o'clock,'
at which hour the commissioner! ' ad
journed to meet at 2 o'clook next Fri
day afternoon, such interval being. de
sifbd and neooessary to allow separate
consideration by each commission of
matters before the joint commission.
The interval will he thus filled with
work by each commission, the ultimate
results being so facilitated. . The sec
retary of tha Spanish commission will
arrive tonight, and the' interval will
also be employed by the secretaries
jointly in maturing plans for the work
of procedure. While the American
commissioners were at luncheon today,
General Merritt called at' their hotel,
but did not wait to see the commission.
He will call again tomorrow to see
members of the commission. ,
- The Spanish and American commis
sioners will be reoeived tomorrow by
President Fauro. The hour fixed for
the reception of the Americans is 3:45
in the afternoon. General Merritt will
accompany the Ameiioans to this func
tion, which will be held at the Palaoe
de Elysee. . i , ,
The opinion is now held that the
work of the commissioners may be fin
insbed within a month from the pres
ent time. While it is the general im
pression that today's meeting was
again devoted to . preliminary work,
and that' the ' adjournment to Friday
was taken only to enable the secretaries
to draw up a schedule; ot ; work, the
representative of the press learns that
the session was highly important, and
that the Americans' have made a de
mand of such character that the Span
iards find it necessary to ask for an ad
journment in order to enable them to
consult with the government at Madrid.
It is believed that the question con
cerns the Philippines, and it is known
that the Americans are highly pleased
at having go soon reached what they
consider a very important phase ot the
negotiations, and consider the two ses
sions thus far held as very satisfactory
to America.
The fact that a member of the com
mission expiessed the belief that work
would be oompleted within a month
indicates a happy frame of mind.
In the Spanish camp great hopes are
built on what they believe General
Merritt will advise, namely, that the
Philippines are incapable of self-government,
and that the whole situation
does not warrant Amerioa in taking the
responsibility for the entire t Philip
pines. The Spanish commissioners are
quite ready to give whatever America
asks in the way of coaling statioiiSj but
will resist more, to the verge of a re
newal of hostilities.
Madrid Worried.
Madrid, Oct. 5. The reported inten
tion of the United States government
to retain the whole of the Philippines
has Dreated almost a state of stupefac
tion here, and it is semi-offlcially an
nounced that the Spanish government
has resolved to vigorously combat any
action which, it is olaimed, the terms
of the peaoe protocol preclude. Gen
eral Rios, governor of the Visayas
islands, reports to the government an
other defeat of the insurgents. ' The
Spanish volunteers, he says, also . re
pulsed an insurgent attack on the town
of Basan, and killed 31 of the attack
ing force.
Reported Scheme to Form a Combine
of Warship and Gun Factories.
Cleveland, O., Oot. 5. An evening
paper cays one of the most gigantio pro
jects for a combination of capital is be
ing examined in this city. It is noth
ing lees than an attempt to unite the
warship building interest and armor
plate and gun-making interests of the
world into one great syndicate. Men
of international reputation in the
finanoial and manufacturing world are
in the deal. The projectors claim
they can raiseaoapitalof $200,000,000.
Among the Clevelanders who are in
the deal is said to be Colonel Myron T.
Herrica, president of the Society of
Savings, and Robert Wallace, president
of the Cleveland Ship Building Com
pany. Dr. Gatling, the famous in
vetor of guns, has been here in confer
ence with other men in the deal. Arm
strong, the inventor of the guwhich
bears his .name, has also been here.
Andrew Carnegie la one of the chief
men in the negotiation. Robert Wal
laoe is now in the West with several
foreigners. Before he returns he will
Btop at San Francisco, and the proprie
tors of the Union Iron Works will be
approached as to whether they will
come into the deal.
Killed His Wife and Himself. '
Indianapolis, Ind., Oot. 4. This
evening Robert Lasb, a desperate char
acter, went to 824 Court street, where
hii wife was stopping, and, calling her
into the hallway, shot her dead. Lash
then killed himself with the same wea
pon; The tragedy was tbe culmination
of many quart els. $ j -i - : 4
i : "' I ? ;
J In tha hotel! built in China for tbe
use of foreigner! the highest stories are
the most expensive because the Dree-
iMk- ,3 HO .YTIO
Vq THOUSANDS. i;:ARE i,?ICK,;. f
Critical Condition of the Army In
Forto Klco. . .
Ponce, Porto Riccv-Oot. 8. It is the
Well-grounded and! almost unanimous
opinion of; the 'medical staff of the
American army in Porto Rioo that the
condition of the volunteef forces here
necessitates their immediate removal
north...- Sioknesa is increasing, and has
been increasing duiing the past three
weeks at an, alarming jrate; "i Today 'the
sick, report showa .ovei2, 700 iii. hos
pitals or in quarters, out of a total com
mand 6f 10,000 men; that is, oyer 25
per cent of the troops are on the sick
list This, however, does not ,mean
that there is an effective strength of
7,500 men. The J soldiers discharged
from the hospitals as fit for duty are in
nine cases out of ten incapable of serv
.loo, and. if ordered On', duty are alrnost
invariably back in the hospitals within
a few days.-' ,!!n'-::'1 j i
" The medical offlcerB have found that
the convalescents do not, and seeming
ly ' cannot, recover. Jheir strength' in
this olimate, and for this reason they
are being sent north as rapidly as pos
sible, several hundred leaving every
week. ' 'l':--' ! i
.. i;.
Several Lives Were Lout in Wisconsin
j s . Woods.
Cumberland.; Wis., Oot. 5. Tho
tXMlies of a man and a boy were found
today in the woods between Araena and
Poskin Lake, burned beyond recogni
tion. Several persons are still missing.
Peter Ecklund, who was seriously
burned by forest fires, was brought to
this city today in a critical condition,
and it is thought he 'cannot live. A
4-year-old daughter bf Rudolph Miller,
and tha 7-year-old son of Nels Swanson
were found in the .woods, 1 miles
northeast of Almena, so badly burned
that they cannot recover. :
Mrs, Frank Ileinrichmeier, at Poskin
Lake, died this- morning, as a result of
fright and exhaution in. fighting fires.
Relief rooms were opened today, and
relief is . being extended to starving
families.. The fire is still roaring on
one side of this city, but the gieatest
danger is believed to ; be over, Near
the town of Johnston. Polk oountjs,
eight miles distant, heavy loss of farm
property ia reported today, and fires
are still raging.
Thousands of Tons Have Entered Ger
many Without a Certificate.
Berlin, Oct. 5. A most important
revelation regarding American pork was
made by the German goveinment an
nouncement in the semi-official press
today, that it has received information
showing that American pork had en
tered Germany without certificate.
The United States embassy confirms
the report that the discovery had been
made that thousands of tons of Ameri
can pork have been imported through
a number of custom houses for yeara
past without certificates. . The embassy
has requested the' foreign office to in
struct the custom house to insist in
every case upon a certificate.
No American firm is implicated in
these transactions, whioh explain the
alleged discoveries of trichinae in
American pork. German dealers in
American pork offered in July last a
reward of 1,000 marks for a case of
human trichinosis due to American
pork, and three months have passed
without anybody claiming the money.
Foreign Ministers at Peking- Hold an
Kinergenoy Meeting.
London, Oct. 5. A Rpecial dispatch
from Shanghai says that telegrams from
Peking have been detained two days.
The last telegram received, acoording
to this dispatch, announced that the
foreign ministers had held an emer
gency meeting. The German warsliip
at Kiau Chou. it also stated, had start
ed hurriedly for Taku the. day before.
Marquis Ito, who, it is understood,
is visiting China, for the purpose of
arranging an offensive and defensive
alliance betweu China and Japan, has
left Tien-Tsin for Shanghai, owing to
the impossibility of prosecuting nego
tiations duiing the crisis.
The foreign ministers, it is stated,
forbade any foreign residents going to
Peking. It is expected that Sir Claude
MacDonald, the British minister,
shall surrender Kang Yu Wei.
Yamantsu, leader of the rebellion,
in the Sze Chuon provinoe, has issued
a proclamation ordering the extermina
tion of all foreigners.
Mob Mi-Vaelng- Foreigners.
London, Cat. 5. The Peking oorre
spondent of the Daily Chronicle, tele
graphing Saturday by way of Shanghai,
says: "A mob is menacing foreign
ers. Tbe wife of the Italian minister
was attacked yesterday, while on her .
way to church, and several Americans
conyng from the railroad were wound
ed by stones.
"The foreign ministers have sent a
collective note to the government, ask
ing for the suppression of these out
rages, and the punishment of the cul
priA." Wheels Moving Again.
Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 5. The Wash
ington mills started up in all depart
Besnts this morning, after a partial
shutdown of several weeks. About
4,600 hands are now employed.
' Klondike on the Discovery. ,
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 4. The steam
schooner Discovery arrived at midnight
from Alaska with 100 passenger! and
about 150,000 in gold dust. Tbe trea
sure was owned by a few men. A.
Helwertb is credited with $15,000 and
George MoCoid fl0,000. Dan McDon
ald, .a brother of Alei' McDonald, ' the
mining king, is said to have- brought
out $10,000. H : Jf $
Croesus, of ancient times, possessed
about $20,000,000.