..f OBJ 2 City Court OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER ,7, 1898? HERALD, Vol.6, No. 1.1 COURIER. Vol. 16, No. 20 Oregon . ' ,vr si to $5 EXPOSITION COUPONS i to $5 PAYS YOUR EXPENSES GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 30 For the benefit of visitors to the Exposition. CUT THIS OUT present it to us and we refund $i on each purchase of $io in MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHES at our store. One price to all. Goods marked in plain figures. FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE Cor. Morrison and 2nd Strett, PORTLAND OREGON S. G. SKIDMORE & GO. jsa-Cut Rate Druggists We offer special inducements in every branch of onr business Brushes of all kinds, Combs, Rubber Goods, Soap, Prefumery, Sponges and Chamois. . Selection of PURE DRUGS, and Compounding of Prescriptions a Specialty. , ...' , The oldest druggists in the Northwest, doing business for thirty years enables us to under . stand the peoples wants. Remember our Prices are the Lowest 151 3RD STREET, NEAR MORRISON ST. PORTLAND, OR. G. H. YOUNG"- Funeral Conductor And Undertaker Caskets, Coffins, Robes, Lilting, Etc. Best Material. " Lowest Prices. Next Door to Pope's hardware store. Main Street. . . Oregon ,City, Or. ' Damascus. A great deal of rain has fallen here ths past week and the farmers are get ; ..notioau ahniif. trfit.tihff the nlowine done and potateesldug, as yet but little plowing nas oeen aone auu jw uuimuon dag, many claiming there will not be many either on account of the dry weather continuing so long at a time. The memberB of Damascus grange re poit having had a good meeting laat Saturday. We are informed that all the members present is desired at the next meeting, as some important busi ness is at hand, and all will be in terested. A nVwinnintt mill 10 til hfi Sfit UD at F. Bates place soon by Epperson Bros., of Sandy ridge. They have a large chopper and will be run by steam. , ! Miss Strange went to Oregon City Saturday, to be with her brother Supt. H. S. Strange who is quite ill. Instead of Miss Strange teaching in H,u ITninn rliafrint. HTlfl nftminS tb.6 lU- rectors as it appeared in last weeks paper in the teachers meeting, Miss Strange is teaching in the Damascus dis fl. M.Mnrrv. Theo. Schmidt and Oren Griffin are the directors. ATiao T.ona TWrW. of Portland. 18 making n extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Wm, Buchman. 4 n 'Womoll has t.hfi nleasure of showing a new map of Oregon. Any oae in need of a map of Oregon will do well to see it before purchasing one. J. W. Hilleary is our postmaster at ln.f Yn ViatTim. i"f. mnvni) last Saturday. laauj o itT"H w ' -. - - He has it neatly arranged in his store building under tne grange nan. Waiter Smith has gone to Hood River on a week's visit, mostly to see the place and see their nice fruit. Sunday school and preaching at the Rock creek school house every Sunday. G. ,W. Feather ent to Portland Sat urday after a load of merchandise. F.r1 Rifr has ninvnd on the Osborne place, which he recently purchased. Damascus, uci. 4. vajk. Logan. No. 122, Logan, Oregon, and acted as an assistant teacher in the Lower Logan school laet year. He leaves a father, mother an only brother, five sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. The remains were laid to rest in Pleasant ' View. Cemetery, Arthur's Prairie, last Tuesday afternoon. The pall bearers were : Paul M. Kir chem, George A. Kohl, Edwin Gerber, Alfred Swales, Henry Kohl and Norval Kirchem, all of whom were his school mates. The flag on Hardings Grange hall and thd flag on the Lower Logan schoolhouse were placed at half mast in honor of the deceased. The funeral procession was one of the largest ever witnessed in this commu nity. The grave was beautifully deco rated with flowers by schoolmates and friends of deceased. .Logan, Oct. t. Con. !? . 1 Canemah. .ijiinls'toronto 1 1 Ti;o4Hoi.miiii fj TTallort. onn nf Mr. l.l 11 . II . V . . ui.v.v) ' and Mrs. B, Fallert, died at Logan Sun day afternoon, October 2, 1898, aged 16 years, 1 montn ana i uay. jliiu uu lama ( a At nth ViV tllM ftP.r.i- dental discharge of a shot-gun in his Th charge of shot entered the riant side beneath the. ribs and rano-fid nnward destrovine the riuht lunii. Death was instantaneous. He was a boy of bright intellect and pos- . j i i i .... seesea nouie iraiis oi unarui.iui . , standing of Hardings Grange, V. of H AT HUNTLEY'S with every .2$ cent purchase (Drug Store or Book Store) we give you free one chance in the new CRAPOPHONE It will cost you absolutely noth ing for these tickets keep them until after the drawing. Come in and hear the latest marches before it goes. Free , The school is Drouresiins: finely under the management of Miss Sade Chase as principal, and Miss Lavinson as as sistant. The attendance is greater at the present than it has ever been in tfee past. The schoo. year will no doubt be a very successful one. It may he neces sary to create a third room before the winter is over. The Canemah literary society held a meeting at Stokes hall and the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing term of one menth. bdward bmith, president; Harrv Freeman, vice-presi dent; Eden Blanchard, secretary; Willie Stokes, assistant secretary; Thomas Lindsay, treasurer; William Marshall, sargeant-at arms, and Harry Freeman, Ada Quinn and Nellie Kel logg, members of the executive com mittee. The subject chosen for the first diccussion " Resolved, That the United States acted properly in enter ing upon the war with Spain." Samuel Stevens as leader of the affirmative and J. E. Hedges leader on the negative. It was not determined where the coming discussion will be held, but a committee was appointed to rustle a place ot meet ing which will undoubtedly be carried out. There are not sufficient funds for the erection of the new building and consequently the project will be post poned until the required funds can be secured. The organization will be car ried on in one way or another during the coming winter. Miss Emma Blanchard, of Browns ville, is visiting, friends and relatives at this place. Mr. Bradley has returned from East ern Oregon, George Bo'.ton, one of the people who U.i.'nt t0 Alaska in tne spring, nas re- turnei with no encourage ureut whatever for that country. Mrs. W. L. Miller who has hwn in Southern Oregon Xor souuf time past returned home Tuesuay , Mr. Tabor our efficient rcidmaster, has been doing road work in this neigh- oornood. Jonas Toppington fcnonded to go visiting the other eveniitg, but the large dog that greeted him at the gate caused him to change his mind With all haute. Canemah, Oct. 4. Phourim, Monntaln View Item. . t Mrs. Lottie Sager Keabler, was the guest of Mrs. Gillett a few days last week and is now working for Mrs. Walker, near the 7th street bakery. Sam' Francis is. at home this week with a very so'e face, caused by working in the magnesia at the paper mill. J. N. Miller is also absent from the mill with a sore hand. Mr. Savage and family returned home Monday after an absence of six weeks. Harry Everhatt and is mother, came in from Molalla Sunday, to spend the day with their father. . There was no Sunday school last Sun day on account of the funeral of Dr. Paine. John Francis, of Portland, was here in this burg a little while on Sunday evening. v George Bishop, of Maple Lane, who is working in the woolen mills is boarding with Mr. Newman now since the tauddy weather began, Allen Frost got a letter from his wife in Colorado this week, stating that the climate there is injurious to her, and that she has to leave there immediately. Ely, Ore., Oct. 6. Sauna. Royal make the food pure, wboleiom sad dellciocM. FGYOZfl Absolutely Pure ROVAl BK1N(1 POWOEH CO., NPWVODK. Tableaux "A Pyramid of Beauty" by many young ladies. Song, "Waiting" -Mrs. Nellie Gard- ner. ... , , The recitations were superb and many of the singers were encored. After the entertainment was over a bounteous supper was spread, and the many-hungry guests reveled in hot coffee, oyster soup, cold fowl, confectionery, etc., etc. A large force of men are engaged in putting down the plank road from the school house south to the foot of the Spangler hill. Cob. Oarus, October 4. Cams. V The enterprising ladies ot Carus, not content with purchasing a bell for the school house and fencing the Bchool grounds, held on last Friday evening a very successful entertainment for the purpose of supplying the school with needed apparatus, etc. The affairnetted the ladies the sum of $17.80. The following is a part of the pro gram. Cornet solo Fred Lindsay, ; Recitation, 'Phebe" MiasE. Irish. Song, "Juanita"---Mrs. Spence, Miss lAiiu nayward. Recitation, "T,he Picket" Miss B Byland, t Song, "The Bird" Mrs. Lindsay. ' Recitation, "Entertaining Sister's Beau" Vada Faust. Song, "The Old Harper" 0. H. By land, with Blanch By land as organist. Cotton. F M Baker and Robert McKay killed a 300-pound black bear this week. J A Gorbet has his new store nearly ready for business. Mr and Mrs W H Woodruff visited the county seat Tuesday. Notice.. TI,o morlianrilan hnsinnss of Thomas, Oharrnan & Son having been sold, all persons knowing-themselves to be in debted to the old firm, or Thomas Char- man personally, will call at tne om place of business and settle or make satisfactory arrangements for Bame, After 30 days from this date all accounts will be given our attorney for collection. J AUKS P. LOVBTT, for Thomas Charman. Oregon City, Sept. 30, 181)8.. . 4.' - For a quiet place to hitch your horis away from the motor line,' and a pla.:e to get a tirst-class job of repairing or horse-shooing, at bed rock prices, call on S. F. Scripture, shop on Fifth street. mm mmwmmmmm n X mm ----- You Should Insist on Your Dealers Guaranteeing 'Soon t t t X T- . i MM hi Wil 1 1 ot Your We wa In school books and school sup plies, too. For over seven years we have been the acknowledged headquarters in Clackamas county, for everything in this line. , We sell every school book at exactly the price the American Book Co. j advertises it for, and you can send the children to us and know abso lutely they will be asked no qjore than you would be for the same book. That's worth something. - Trade Huntley Tooth Bushes The cheapest Tooth Brush is a guaranteed one. When a maker quarantees things it is usually because they don't need a guarantee. If any ot our 25c brushes shed ft bristle in two months we'll give you one for it. We mean It. We slso have others from 5c up. . . . . . . Rubber Goods Don't last forever-We have several tiim-ii found it necessary to replace a leaky hot water bottle or a fountain fyringe, not ex actly because we were to blame, but through a defeat in work manship. But we always replace any thing of the kind if you Give us a chance . X HAIR BRUSHES We have always guaranteed ever hair brush that sold fur 50 cents or over. Never had but one brush come back ainl tl. at wasa$2u0 one. , We fore (strange as It may seem) as glad U have a chance to replace it as our customer whs to havu it replaced, We don't tell our customer one thing and mean another, so it is Bood to have a chance once in a whilo to prove wo mean what we say, even if it does cost stmething. , This wetk we have a shipment of several hundred brushes coming direct from the manufacturer, which1 we bought at a close price for cash, and our customers will get the bonelit. Look at HuntleyJs List of Cut Rates and see if you are paying more than you should for your Patent Medicines: X i Cut Rfoular Trice Pkiob Pinbham's Blood Purifier Chumberlaln's Cough Remedy.. unfley Book More Castoria , 30 Malted Milk 90 Talcum Powder Pear's Soap secnted J5 Beef Iron and Wine 73 Electric Bitters 40 Kennedy's Discovery.. 30 Lsne's Family Medicine 35 Blue Peal Vaseline 05 Paine's Celery Compound 80 35 1 00 25 25 1 00 &0 1 50 50 10 1 00 85 1 0O 75 1 00 40 51) lied Beal ' " . " 40 60 Begg'a " " 2-5 50 Scott's Emulsion 75 100 Warner's Fafe Cure.. 1 00 1 25 Ay er's PIHs 20 25 Csrter'sPllls 20 25 Williams' Pink Pills 40 50 Compound Cathartic Pills ...i... 15 25 Peruvian Ague Cure.. 75 1 00 X If we forget to give you a Grapophone Ticket with everg purchase Dou't hetitato to rmtnd u of it C. G. HUNTLJBY, Original Cut-Rate Druggist, Send Us Your Mail Orders. ORECON CITY OREGON OREGON CITY. ORE.