at. 16 PAGES, 2 PARTS, PART ........ City Court aid COURIER, Vol. 16, No. 19 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAYSEPTEMBER 30, 1898. HERALD, Vol. 6, No. lO Oregon $i to $5 EXPOSITION COUPON $i to $5 PAYS YOUR EXPENSES GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 30 For the benefit of visitors to the Exposition. CUT TH I S OUT present it to us and we refund $i on each purchase of $io in MEN AND BOYS CLOTHES at our store. One price to all. Goods marked in plain figures. FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE s Cor. Morrison and 2nd Strett, PORTLAND OREGON 8. C. SKIDEMORE & CO. Cut Rate Druggists We offer special inducements in every branch of onr business Brushes of all kinds, Combs, Rubber Goods, Soap, Prefumery, Sponges and Chamois. Selection of PURE DRUGS, and Compounding of Prescriptions a Specialty. ' The oldest druggists in the Northwest, doing business for thirty years enables us to under stand the peoples wants. ' ''' Remember our Price$ are the Lowest , 151 3RD STREET, NEAR MORRISON ST. PORTLAND, OR. G. H. YOUNG Funeral Conductor And Undertaker Caskets, Coffins, Rnbes, Lining, Etc. Best Material. Lowest Prices. Next Door to Pope's hardware store. Main Street. Oregon City, Or. JLJ)NE?TWONT (iraiiilione Free AT HUNTLEY'S with every 25 cent purchase (Drug Store cr Book Store) we give you free one chance in the new GRAPOPHONE v It will cost you absolutely noth ing for these tickets keep them until after the drawing. Come in and hear the latest marches before it goes. Free . We rait Your Trade In school books and school sup plies, too. . For over seven years we have been the acknowledged headquarters in Clackamas county for everything in this line. We sell every school book at exactly the price the American Book Co. advertises it for, and you can send the children to us and know abso lutely they will be asked no more than you would be for the same book. That's worth something. 1 Huntley's look Store COMMENTARIES. Matters Concerning Local Every day Affairs Noticed by the Courier Reporter. Last Monday was the holiest of all Jewish holidays Yom Kippur, or the day of atonement, and was generally ob served by the Jewish residents of Ore gon City. It is considered the Sabbath of Sabbaths, and is the only day iu the year when the entire congregation of Israel is commanded for holy convoca tion, to abstain from all worldly affairs and to pass the day in fasting from eve to eve. In the temple of old it was the function of the high priest after offering the special sacrifices of the day to con fess his own sin before God, and then to confess the sins of the people. Yom Kippur is observed on the 10th day of the seventh month of 'Teshri.' ' . ' The Oregon City Volunteers all ex press delight at having their quarters changed from Cavite to Manilla, not Withstanding their keen disappointment in not being permitted to participate in glory of the taking of Manilla. Some oi them even express a desire to remain there during the full term of enlistment, but the novelty of the new situations will soon likely wear away, and they will again long for a drink of Willam ette juice pumped out of the basin. From present indications the mem bers of both houses are in a fair way to swamp the legislature with bills. If all pass that are being introduced at this special session, there will be .but little need of the regular session in January. The Courier HfiRALD gives more lo cal new 8, and far exceeds any other pa per in Clackamas county in circulation, 'the Courier has always been considered the best advertising medium in Clacka mas county, and its list was growing rapidly even before consolidation. Legislative Holdups. Contest proceedings were begun in the house Monday by John Denison, re publican candidate for the legislature in Clackamas county, to unseat George Knight, silver repubcalin representa tive. The claim is based on erroneous voting, in that, voters made one mark for three legislative candidates in brack ets. Such votes were cast on both sides and were counted for but the one candi date before whose name the mark was made, Denison claims 24 plurality on errors in 31 precincts. George G. Bing ham, of Salem, is Denison'a attorney. Capital Journal. Reports from Salem indicate that the opposition to Oorbett are scheming to prevent a caucus believing that they can encompass his defeat in this way. It is probable that some of the members known to be ardent supporters of Mitchell, knew of this scheme when they surprised their constituents by an nouncing that they would support Oor bett, provided he was nomiaated in the caucus. There are said to be about 200 appli cants for clerkships swarming around the corridors of the capitof building. It is likely that about 150 of them will return to their respective homes with out having secured the coveted plums. Representative Kruse has introduced a bill to increase the facilities for the alleviation of suffering and for the pre vention and cure of disease, and repeal ing all acts in" conflict therewith. Mr. Kruse has also introduced a bill Dro- viding for the nomination of candidates for United States senators, by the qual ified voters of the sta te. Senator Brownell introduced the first bill in the senate to abolish the rail road commission, which has reached a second reading. Among other bills he has introduced is nne providing for a con vention to formulate a new state consti tution. Senator Porter is chairman of the committee on public lands, and is also a member of the committee on assess ment and taxation. Senator Brownell is chairman of the committee on rail roads, and is also a member of the com mittee on elections. Mr. Porter is, also a member of the committee on educa tion. The members of the house com mittees were not appointed when this paper went to press. W. W. Smith is doorkeeper of the sen ate, and Bruce C. Curry is mailing clerk of the house. r V SOLE AGENT J In Oregon City for the in .LIUM McKittrick the Shoe Man. 1 THE FARMERS- Of Clackamas County can buy their Goods and sell their Produce to advantage at John Everhart's General Merchandise Store, ELYVILLB, OREGON. " A Large Stock ot Boots and Shoes. Also Flour and Feed. Prices Guaranteed. OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF rionuments and . Headstones Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Portl and, regon Silver Medal Awarded at Portland Mec hanics1 Fair PAPPR PPPP BV paying 11.50 now you riirjjR miili K8t Orernm City Coubikk one year and either the Tolodo Blade, the I'll delphla Farm Journal or oua ot the Portland arm papers Iree. TILL 1900 FOR $1.50 gSSM until 1U00 forll.60 whloh gives you the paper free or 4 months. Now is the lime to subscribe. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy and b Convnorit' M-M-i Go to Huntley's J-IUNTLEY'S JVIOTTO " IS : " Treat a Customer so wlte lhat he will Feel Like Apologizing td Himself if he Trades Elsewhere.". I here s no half way in the Drug business. When a druggist is half bad, he is bad; when a drug store isn't a good drug store to patron ize, it's soon a dead drug store; when drugs are not good, they're bad. Huntley's store is run with the idea that there is nothing so bad as half bad, and there's nothing so good that it is not worth while to keep your eye open for something better. But the biggest thing in the drug busi ness is CONSCIENCE. A druggist who hasn't a big conscience about him every day in the year and every hour in the day is the druggist you want to look out for. He will give , you "the next best thing to VWf that," because he can make a few cents on that next best. He will put V. in a five-cent drug in your prescription when be should put in a twenty- cent, and 1 e'll make you pay the same. He will guarantee every Patent .Medicine on his shelves. You never hear him say " I believe it's good," or "I hear it's good," but it's always "Nothing better; cured a friend of mine." You never heard of a prescription being sent back to Huntley's becsuse it isn't right. Conscience has made it risrht. Look at Huntley's List of Cut Rates and see if you are paying more than you should for your Patent Medicines: Cut Rfoulab , Pkicb Fkk'b Hood's Sarsaparilla 75 100 Ayer's Sarsaparilla 75 1 00 Red Seal Sarsaparilla 65 1 Begg's Sarsaparilla 60 100 Dewitt's Sarsaparilla 1 Oregon Blood Purifier 70 1 00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 70 1 00 Pierre's Medical Discovery 70 100 Paine' Celery Compound. 80 1(0 Piokham's Compound 85 100 Pluhham's Blood Purifier 85 Cuauiberlalu'a Cough Remedy '. 75 40 40 25 75 Red Seal Reug's 8 tt'ii Emulsion Warner' Safe Cure 1 00 Ayer's Pills 20 Carter's Pills . 20 Williams' Pink Pills 40 Comiiound Cathartic Pills ......... 15 Peiuvlan Ague Cure 75 100 1 00 60 60 50 1 00 1 25 25 25 60 25 1 00 These are a Few oi Huntley's Prices since the War Tax-Why Pay More? C. G. HUNTLEY, Send Us Your Mall Orders. Original Cut-Rate Druggist, OREGON CITY OREGON OREGON CITY, ORE. tt