Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 30, 1898, PART 1, Image 8

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Fall and Winter Announcement
Suspension Bridge Corner, 7th and Main Streets, Oregon City
e heope&t plaee in regcn i to rvj oods, Icthing, eci$, dhoes, gats, furnishing ooos, roseries, factions, ,fe.
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A MPLE selections of the newest styles
have been made by us to meet
every necessity of the coming months, and
we recommend our new stock to you as a
most eenerously assorted and very com
plete line of seasonable and desirable goods.
As regards prices, better value for a
dollar has never been offered than we are
prepared to give you this season in goods
of unquestioned worth.
We represent all things as they are and
regulate the price by the true value' of
the article.
Unbleaclied Muslins
Atlantic LL, 36 in. wide, per yard
Best Cabot W, 36 in. wide, per yd .
House Lining, 36 in. wide, per yd.. . 2c
Holbrook Sheeting, 36in.wide,peryd 3c
Bleached Muslins
Lonsdale Muslin, 36 in. wide, per yd 7c!
Rutledge Muslin, 36 in. wide, per yd 5c
Twilled Muslin, 36 in. wide, per yd. I2jc
Lonsdale Camhrlc
36 inches wide, 10 yards for $1 oc
Indigo Blue, figured oil calico, per yd. 5c
American Light Colored Prints per yd 4c
Dark Colored, standard, per yd . . 4c
Turkey Red, figured, prints, per yd... . 51
Garnet, figured, prints, per yd.. ; 5c
B st American Indigo, heavy weight,
- 32 in. wide, 10 yds. for $1 00
Satine Finish Prints, per ya ;c
Apron, check, Ginghams, standard (
goods, per yd...". 4c
Shirtings, Tickings, Etc.
Domestic Shirtings, per yd 7c
Extra Heavy Shirting, per yd 9c
Napped Cheviot, best quality, per yd. 11c
Fast Black Satine, per yd , . . . . 9c
Better qualities 12, 15 and 20c
Black Brocaded Satines 15c
Art Denims, per yd 15c
Silkoline, plain orCoIored.per yd ... . ioc
White Shaker Flannel, per yd 5c
BetterGrades 8 and 10c
Straw Ticking, per yd 7c
Heavy Feather Ticking, peryd. 15 and 20c
Double Fold Ticking, 32 in. wide, per
yard 15c
Blue or'Brown Demins, extra weight,
per yd ice
iooz. Blue Demin, per yd. , . I2c
Gingham . . . 50c, 75c and $1 00
. Sateen .. ..75c and $1 00
Silk $1-25 and upwards
Cotton Hatting
Good quality, per pound 10c
Extra quality, per pound 15c
Sheet wadding, 2 sheets lor 5c
Blue or Gray Hygienic Flannel, per yd. 20c
Red Twilled Flannel, all wool, peryd. 1 8c
All W ool Eider Down Flannel, per yd. 30c
Red or Scarlet Pressed Flannel, all
wool, per yd 25c
White Skirting Flannel.. . .25, 35 and 40c
Heavy Checked Flannels, all wool, yd. 25c
Medicated 1 willed, all wool, Red
Flannel, per yd ' 25c
Australian Wool flannels, in toned
effects, per yd 35c
Outing Flannels
uting riannci, light weignt, per yd. 4c
H eavy Weight, per yd 7c
Reversible Outing Flannel, per yd. . 8c
Brown or Blue Mottled Outing Flan
nel, medium quality 8c
Heavy Quality , ioc
Canton Flannel
Light Weight, per yd 6c
Good Quality, per yd 8c!
Extra Heavy, per yd ioc
Colored, heavy quality, per yd ..... . 10c
Boys' Natural Wool Shirts or Draw
ers, sizes, 26 to 14.. 25c
Youths Heavy Fleeced Shirts or
Drawers.. .. 35c
Childs and Misses Natural Wool Shirts
15, 20, 22 and 25c, according to size
Childs' Union Suits 25c
Misses Union Suits 50c
Ladies' Unior: Suits. . . .50, 75c and $1 00
Misses Jersey Kibbed Vests, neeced. . 25c
Ladies Jersey Kibbed Vests, fleeced,
shaped waist, elastic cuffs.. , ...... 25c
Ladies Wool Plated Kibbed Vests.. 50c
Ladies All Wool Scarlet Shirts or
Drawers 75c
Mens Natural Woolall seams finished
shirts or drawers 40c
Mens' Heavy Weight, fleeced lined
shirts or drawers 50c
Mens Wool Shirts or Drawers, fancy
stripe, satin fly 75c
Mens' Medicated All Wool, Shirts or
Drawers Si 00
Our tivo specials:
R. & G.
Thompson's Glove
Nowhere can be
found more reliable
makes, a valuable
point is, to have the
best of the kind
made. We wish tc
call your special at
tention to the above
Cloakings and Casslmers
54 Inch Waterproof, per yd... . .... 45c
Cassimere, heavy quality, per yd ... . 50c
Jeans, per yd 20, 2$ and 35c
Ladies Cloth, black and colors, 50 in.
wide, per yd.... 40c
Black Broad-Cloth, for capes, etc., 54
inches wide ...75c and $1 00
Melton Cloaking, extra heavy peryd. 50c
i '
We have a most interesting varie y of
nice goods in this line. 1 lie values are
simply uncomparable, there is an ex
clusiveness and individuality to the stock
that will commend it to the most skeptical
Ladles' Wrappers.
In outing flannel, per
cale and calico we carry
complete line ranfjinn;
from 50c to $1 50.
Dress Goods
The dress goods manufacturers have
liappily combined pattern, material and
grade in harmony with favorable prefer
ences lor shade and color; we cap the
climax by showing an assortment so varied
in price as to meet the purse of all.
We are determined to make this depart
ment win, and you cannot fail to be
pleased with our selections and satisfied
with your own.
Black serge, 40-in. wide, per yd 25c
Navy Blue Serge, 40-in. wide, per yd. 25c
32-inch All Wool Mixtures, per yd.. . 25c
32-inch All Wool Suitings, per yd 25c
34-in. Black and Colored Cashmere, yd 1 5c
30-in.lilack and Colored Henriettas.yd 25c
Double fold Domestic Plaids, per yd. nc
Worsted Matalasse Bayaderes, illum
inated crystal cloth, etc., in variety
of colorings, per yd 50c
44-inch All Wool btorm Serge, navy
blue or black 50c
36-inch All Wool Black Soleil 50c
30-inch Black Brocaded Armour Suit
ing 2?c
40-inch All Wool Brocaded Fancies
oer vd trv
f " - - - j
42-inch figured Ltamine 35c
Ladies' Cloth Capes, $1.50, $2,$2.50and up
Ladies Plush Capes.. . .$2.50 and upward
Ladies' Heavy Jackets. . . .$4 and upward
House Furnishing Goods
wnue iviaroiea un uioiu, per yu lit
Figured Oil Cloth, peryd 12c
White Crochet Quilts. . .45, 75c and $1 oc
Scrim, per yd 5,8 and io
Window Blinds, Hartshorn rollers
with wide dado, paper.. . .' 20c
Window Blind", Hartshorn rollers
with wide dado, linen 40c
Unbleached Table Linen, per yd 25c
Turkey Red Damask, per yd 181
Turkey Red Damask, oil finish, Ger
man goods, per yd 25c
Bleached Table Linen, per yd , . 3S1
Bleached Table Linen, pure flax, yd. 50c
Yellow and White or Green and Red
Table Damask, per yd 50c
Cretones Twilled .... 8, 10 and I sc per yd,
Curtain Cretone, per yd 7c
Linen Napkins, bleached, per set. . . . 50f
Linen Napkins, -unbleached, fringed,
per set.; 25c
Cotton lowels... 5c
Cotton Crash, per yd 4c
Linen Lrash, per yd. ........ 7, 8 and 9c
1 urkish Towels 5, ioand 15c
Turkey Red Table Covers, 75c, $1, $1 25
Men's Furnishing Goods.
We handle only those grades manufacA.
ured by the best known makers,
Mens Cape Mackintosnes, $1 75 and upJ
Ladies Cape Mackintoshes, $3 50 and upJ
All our garments are double texture1
and color absolutely guaranteed.
Notions, Etc.
Pins, Eagle American, paper. ....... Sc
Large Safety rins 5c
Knitting Needles, set of 5 ioc
Hair Pins, assorted box 5c;
Bone Hair Pins, small size, per dz. . . ioc
Bone Hair Pins, large size, perdz. . . . 15c
Black Garter Elastic 5c
Ladies Hose Supporters, with belts.. 15c
Ladies'Hose Supporters,with shoulder
brace 1 5C
Misses' Hose Supporters 15c
Wool Soutache Braid . Black and
Colors, per bunch of 24 yds 25c
Ladies' Hair Nets Sc
Ladies' Heavy Nets ioc
Tape, medium and wide, 2 rolls for. . 5c
Finishing Braid, bunch 5C
Embroidery Silk, on spool, ic, 6 lor. . 5c
Knitting Cotton, per ball . . Sc
Black and Colored Soxony, per skein 5c
Fast Black Darning Cotton 2 balls for Sc
Curling Irons 5C
Curling Irons, large. ioc
All Silk Baby Ribboa, per yd ic
Combs .5c and upward
Aluminum thimbles 5c
Best thread, 8 spools for 23c
Velveteen Skirt Binding, 4 yds. for. . . 15c
Corduroy Skirt Binding, 4 yds 25c
Crochet Hooks, 3c or 2 for 5c
Money Purses 5c and upward
Elastic Arm Band, 5c
Bone Collar Buttons cc dozen
Mens' Turkey Red Handkerchiefs
Large size 5c
Rick Rack Braid, per piece 5c
Trimming Braids, in silk gimp, tin
seled and beaded effects, price 5c
per yard and upwards
Our new stock in this line is beyond
comparison with former -seasons. We
handle only first-class go'xls and can give
you trustworthy values.
oung Mens' nobby suits, prices $6, 7. $o
8.00. -
Mens' Satinet Suits, well made ami'
trimmed. $4 00
Mens' Melton Suits 6 50
MensVUl Wool Suits 8 5a
Mens' Extra Heavy Cassimere All'
Wool Suits 8 5?.
Our assortment from $10 to $15 is an
elegant one comprising Cassimere and
Worsted in fancy weaves.
Overcoats, Mens, Boys' and Children,
our stock is most complete.
Carpet Warp
Five-pound bunches, "Pride of the W t"
brand, black and colors, per bnnch, $1 00
Boys Wool and Fur Hats, 50c, 75, $1 00,
Mens' Hats' wide band, corded and .
bound 50c
Mens' Fedora Hats, wool. 75c
" " " Fur, with satin
lining , ...$l so
Mens' Fedora Hats $2,2 so, 3 co
Misses' Tarn O' Shanters .... 25, 40, 50c
Blankets and Quills.
Gray Blankets, cotton 65c
Heavy Cotton Blankets 1 14 .$1 50
Gray Wool Blankets $2 SO to 3 CO
Quilts. 45c to $2 25
. Boots and Shoes.
Ladies' Fleeced Lined Hose, fast black iocjl5rocaded Satins, per yd 50c
Ladies' Seamless Mixed Hose, 2 Changeable Silks, suitable for linings
threads heels and toes, 3 pairs lor. . 25c' Per 'd 25c
Ladies' Black Hose, double threads iSilk Velvets, black and colors, per yd. 75c
made from select Maco yarn, 2 pair 25c
Misses' and Children's Fast Black.
Chiius Srtunet Suits.
out $1 25
rMiiMi' facc!mir( niti l.fauv Wl'IOTIt.
will prove wear registers. $- 50. 3 3 5
In Bovs' clothing we handle the cele
brated "Kant wear out", bnmd. rants art
made with double seat, double knees anc'
elastic waist band. Workmanship is per
fect throughout.
Boys' Suits, long pants, siz-s 14 to 19
years, prices $3, 4, 5, in square or round
Ladies' Dongola Buttonpatent tip, $1 00
" I. Pebble Goat, Button, seam
less back. ..$1 00
German Grain, seamless back
and side .$1 50
" Ladies' Kanearoo Calf in
, lace or button $1
" Common Sense Lace, old ladies,'
comfort 1
" Kip, riveted bals, full stock .... I
Misses' Kip, riveted bals., full stock, 1
Childs' Kip, riveted bals., full stock, "I 00
Mens Genuine Satin, call bals., solid
leather, outer and inner soles and
counters 1 5
Same quality in Congress, hub gore, I so
Men's Plow Shoes, tap sole. I 23
" Kip Alexis, tap sole seamless
back, warranted solid throughout. . 1 50
Mens' Oil Grain Plow shoes, tap sole, I 50
" Split Boots, tap sole, saddle
seam 1 SO
Mens' Calf Boots,. ..$2, 2 50. and 3 00
Boys' Split Bals 1 00
" Buckel Shoes I 00
" and Youths' Dress Calf Shoes,
$1 25, I 50 and 2 00.
In Rubber goods, we handle only high
grade, known as first quality, which we
recommend to our customers.
ribbed hose, 3 pairs for..
Misses' Superior Black Ribbed Hose,
seamless, sizes 6 to 10, 2 pairs foi . ,
Boys' Bicycle Hose, 3 thread knees,
heels and toes, the best wearing hose
ever produced, sizes 7 to 10, per pair 25c
Ladies' Ribbed, All Wool Hose 25c
Ladies LasnmereAU vvooi nose.... 25c
Misses AH Wool Kibbed nose 20c
Misses' All Wool Cashmere Hose... 25c
Infants' All Wool Hose ioc
Mens' Seamless Soxs, ribbed tops 8
pairs for 25c
Men's 2-thread Knit, full shaped loot
and ankle, 3 pairs for 25c
Mens' Wool Soxs, seamless, 2 pair lor 25c
lien ' IImw Wool Soxs. per pair .. 20c
Cais and Jackets
Men's Cheviot Shirts 25c
Men's Twilled Duck Shirts 45c
Wool Knit, laced front Shirts. 50c
" Navy Blue Flannel Shirts $1 00
" Duck Coats, blanket-lined. . .$1 00
" " " rubber interlined, $1 50
" Suspenders, 10, IJ, 25, 35. 40 & 50c
Leather Suspenders. .. .25 and 35c
" Bicycle Caps 25c
" Black Satine Caps ioc
" White Shirts, linen bosoms. . . 45c
" Heavy Working Gloves, 25, 50, 75c
o-oz. Overalls, patent bntton,
patent reinforced stay 35c
Jeans I'ants. We carry the
Ox breeches, "Another pair
free if they rip," price 900,$!.$! 25
Sweaters, Cotton with sailor
collar 40c
' Wool ijweaUr, colors g'cen.
black or red $' oc
Pnrrw-nter aprons. ..; I?c
7 vjr
4 J V;-'. V 1
fry' l . ; t)
We nave entered into another contract
with Wm. A. Rogers, New York, which
enables us to distribute his silverware,
giving out scrip, with each purchase of 50c
md upwards, a rebate ol 10 per cent, and
redeemable as follows:
oc scrip obtains 1 Silver Tea Spoon.
" 1 Salt or Pepper bkaker.
" 1 Table Spoon.
" 1 Butter Knife
" 1 Napkin Ring.
" 1 Table Fork.
I Table Knife.
" 1 Childs' set, consisting of.
Knife, Spoon and Fork.
The following is a fac simtle tf
I guarantee the base of these goods
stamp id with my name and trade mark to
be 21 J0 Nickel Silver, the plating full
-.tandard weight of pure SiKer, and superior
.0 all other grxls having a sim'lar plate.
Wm. A. Rogkrs, Ntw York
75C "
1 00c "
1 00c "
$1 25"
$1 25"
$2 CO "
We show a superb stock which includes
only iiwxisofu pin oretl worth andsuperiortu
wJAv, ji.ii:. uiri, f LiUMSJUMi
Suspension Bridge Corner,
Cor. Seventh and flain Streets
x 1 -1
ft ...
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