Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 30, 1898, PART 1, Image 6

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' -
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of ft warrant for the collection of Delin
quent Taxes of the Assessment of 189'
In the County of Clackamas and State of
Oregon, which warrant Is now In my
hands, and Is in words and figures as fol
lntva viz.:
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
To J. J. COOKE. Sheriff of Clackamas
County, Oregon, Greeting:
t ,u nr fV.o fitata nf Oregon, vou
are hereby commanded to levy upon the
goods and onatteis or im Lmi.. r, , n
pavers tiamen in ine idiwhini ,
, ' A t nn than nnnn the Real
II iiiiiiu un i" ...... ---
property set forth therein or so much
thereof as snail sansry me
taxes so charged, with costs and expen
se!), and that yon pav over all money so
collected to the County Treasurer of said
County as by law required.
Witness my hand and the Seal of the
County Court this 6th day of September,
A' (Sell!)8' ELMER DTXON,
1 ' County Clerk.
Which warrant Is Rttaohd to the 11't
of unnnld and Dellnnnent Taxes for the
vear 1897 In said Clackamas bounty and
not having been able, after diligent
sefirch, to find any personal property
within said countv out of which to make
the taxes hereinafter mentioned. T have
levied unon the land described In the fol
lowing list, being tb property assessed
to the following as the same apnea's as
ppesed on said Delinquent Tax Roll, and
will, on
SATURDAY, the 2?d day of OCTOBER.
W. beginning at in o'clock in the fore
noon of said dav. sell at public auet'on.
to the highest bidder for cash in hand on
the day of sale, all nrone'ty described
below, or so much thereof as may be
npreosary to pav and satisfy the sums
taxed against said property in C'ackama
cnnntv for the year 1897. together with
costs and accruing copts of sale.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv. Oregon.
State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, as.:
T hereby certify that the above is a tru"
S"d correct copy and the whole thereof
of he original warrant for the col'ection
of Delinquent Taxes for th vear 1897.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Abbott. Isaac, estate nf TTnlvided
8,-IOths of Tonac Abbott estate.'
beginning NW. corner of section
'5, Tp. 4 8.. R. 1 E.: thence east.
80 rods; thence south 90 rods;
thence west 80 rods: thence
north 90 rods to heirlnnlng. ex
cept IS acres described in book
36. nnge 9, containing 5 scrs.
section ?S. Tp i P., P. 1 E !
slso, 8. V. of SW. V. of SW. V.
md B VI of N. U nf SW. H 0f
. . antr 1 nr untlnn 91 Tn i
S.. R. 1 E.. 221- acres
Abbott. Hanson North 46 acres of
w, y. of NW. Vt nf section 25.
Tn. 4 B . R. 1 E., acres
Ada , Florence East Oregon
1 75
9 23
Citv. lots 12. i. 14. 1. mocK z
'"t 1. 2. V. h'opk 4: lots . 7. 8
lock 5- l"s 12 13. 14, block 6:
lots 8 ' block 7 5 78
Arti""S wuiinrn P M-s T,nts !W.
"l . I". P'opk P"i"fi',"-n u-
Mtton to tbe cltv of Por'ard....
Akl"s. J W. Lot 4, block 121, Ore
gon Cltv
1 28
Albert ,T r.. d"iinl'sor TjOs
i 2. hick 'ots . 7. "8, .
0 91, V), 84. S5. 7. 38,
-'ock W, Mlnthorn "ddltlon to
he cltv e' Portlnnd 4 W
Al"o. Anna l'l. UOtS z, 4. oiock in.
Robertson .....
A!h"'bt Oeore. her nf PVn
nnl lot ? block 1. Ma'shfle'd..
Aid" P"ut Vo-ntflhl Pi-osorv.
lnn Co T,nts 7, 8. block 9, Ore
gon Cltv
Alp-ondor .T "'" o' "!eoge
ropk donation Inn plnlnn. be
Hnn at a point 490 fot o..tr,
end TO eet oast o' the NW.
rwpr of p'llti 411: thence enst
010 7 foot' tn-anpe soi 0 dp-r-roaa
1fi rotoi.loa oqat M1.1 feet!
ther-po orqt 10 4R fee' bonce
-r-t 7M feet' tt.or.oA 1D11.2 feet:
tttpmop w"t 07 fept f.lpnoe
norh n opt to he'Hnnl'"'',
rcctlon 22, Tp. 3 S R. 1 R..
W 22 eres ,
A1Ip npoiB w Pni of .T Mo.
Narv dotit'on i"d o,nlm No,
in Tn P P V,., 1t1 80 aorpi,
jMpn' ToVn WTof 1 i north H
r' lot f h'oov T nnerson's ad
dition to Perlf P'ico
11e E, W. Lot" 11. 12, block 7,
Souh 0orn City.....
Aroo A., M "The et M of PE.
n erpent seres sold to ate'H
wrnpr octon 9 Tp. 3 fl., R.
m., 0 ""s .!;'.;
lnrl-rn To)-n VW. V o SE. H
of or' V, of seotlnn 14, Tn, 4 S.,
Tl 9 E 10 SPrer
nei.' Torln " T.otsl, 2. block
"1 rirp(ron Pltv
rroontor, John P"rt of Csleb
THpnfp donation l"n plelrn No
(10 hetrlnnlnit nt W, corner of
plolnv fnerpp north 14.14 Chn1n:
thpnne eot S " PhalP"- thenpe
onth 11 1'' thence west f
rhnlns to her-"nrng expent 19
nore" In hoolr . nnfe" K end
1 end bnoV "0 none 109' 'n '"
tion. and 30. Tn. 1 P.. R. TC
1ft ppre" ,
'Atch'"on Porot-o'end Are'lnh Pr
of noore-e W"' don"tion land
plot hee-lnnlnff nt W porner
of nd ppnvoi'oo fo T.ool Atoh
tron hv Pnwinel Atchison, "r
thnnpe north 1 don.rep !TC roln
t.tor wet 1B pholnq- thenpe
phnln' thpnpp fl. 1 deirree
!W rMnntoB 1 pholn"' thenpe
oo.t to beginning. To. 1 P.. R. 1
m K
2 8
4 27
8 T
8 83
60 20
2 01
4 RS
2 os
2 05
K 00
Atb"v .tnmo T.ots 1, !. block 8fi.
Oregon City 1fi 40
Pnchlor a T 'ee o" of lots R
pnd b'opr "0. Orpiron Cv.,
TJophv C W.-VJi 1 of NE. I'l Of
.potion ?S. Tp. S.. R. 2 E., 40
Tinker xf XT 14 of ee.t U of west
H pf o(r 14 of .eotion 8, Tp. 3
P V 1 W,. "a sprpn ..
jinv- t tr of east H of
qt' w of eptnn 8, To. 3 B R.
1 xy n npre.
flaker Tnllpt Mr" -E""t U of E.
of .option 8 Vp. 8 P.. R. 1 W
wet u of SE. . except 4
norp. tO oonpt.r, .option 9. Tp.
a , n, 1 W i"H acre.
UnVor " I M "1'' .T"Het
Trp.t K o' PW V, nt Boction 9.
Tn 18, H. I W 80 aoro. . .
Ttnl' wininro Port of Cn'eb xphie
on.tlon lend dnlm No. M he
p.n,,lnlt "1 0 Pholp. west nf S"r.
pnrnpr o S"'d Cnln, No "9'
thpnoe e t "0"9 Ph"'n- thenpe
Worth 8S70 cb"lnS' thence wot
MT0 ebeln"1 thence soi'th 0"S
photn. to be"nln. ,,i'0".??
end 80, TP. I P.. R- 3 E.. 17H
B r P tS." and' TT 'Trip's rt C
T.nd1otnn donptlnn !n,1 plp'nv
wipnin mot phaln" "onth and
- Pheln ' of WE
of Plain, No M Jo 9 P . K l
,ppnc sotb ,,,",n'''';r:
..t -mi ph"'""- thence no-th
php- hence ee.t I4
ohelns 'O nclnnln" "ecHnns ?o
JPV . . . n. 1 F 20 acre.
i,.7n OJlf of PE. K and
Pn i 7 9 of except o "ore-
11 18
1 r,
2 W.
i 55
3! 60
21 3"
5 9'
16 51
1 o
38 90
and lots 7 o;. -
.potion in, i "
PaWorf. W-rK3jrtVti.
ore '
Bartel, C, B. Part of Jacob Grim
donation land claim, beginning
at NW. corner of lot 3 In section
20: thence east 13 rods; thence
south 57V4 rods: thence west IS
rods: thence north 17 1-3 rods to
beginning, section 20, Tp. 2 8., R.
3 E.. 1.33 acres
Barnes, C. F. All of James Bonney
donation land claim No. 53, in
I lackamas county, beginning on
east line of claim No. 53 where
said line Intersects Pudding
river; thence up center of said
river until the same then Inter
sects said claim; thence north to
beginning, section 36, Tp. 4 S.,
R. 1 W 20 acres
Barlow, J. 8. and W. Lots 1, 2,
block 22,' Canemah
Barney, C. E. Lot 1, block 23, Palls
View addition to Oregon City...
Barln, T. L. Lots 6, 6, block 15, '
Oregon City
Also, ft of east of NW, 4 of
west of NE. 4 of section 7,
Tp. 2 S., R. 4 K., 80 acres
Bauer, Margaret LotB 19, 20, Pleas
ant Little Homes No. 1
Bauman, J. P. and Henry L. C
South Mi of south of NE.
of NE. of section 33, Tp. 1 8.,
R. 3 E., 10 acres
Baumann, Emily L. Part of J. P. "
. Kagon donation land claim, be
ginning 1.24 chains north of SE.
corner of the J. P. Eagon claim,
To. 2 S., R. 2 E.; thence north
9.59 chains; thence west 8.21
chains to the center of Oregon
City and Mllwaukie roads;
thence south along center of
road 9.59 chains; thence east 8.21
chains to beginning, sections 5,
8, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.. 7.87 acres...
Beach, Gardner W. North Vi of
SE. y and Bouth of NE. of
section 23, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E IliO
ii ores
Beal, James F. South of north
ii of section 22, Tp. 4 S., R. 5
E.. 160 acres
2 65
1 77
2 66
1 10
5 96
2 65
5 30
i 30
Belshaw, W. D. Beginning at NE.
corner or donation lanci claim
No. 59; thence running south 2.36
chains; thence south 59 degrees
4 minutes west 25.50 chains to
center of county road; thence
north 30 degrees 18 minutes west
16.14 chains to the northern
boundary of said claim; thence
28 chains to beginning of sec
tion 8, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E 20 acres
Also, lots 1, 2, 3 and SE. 4 of SE.
except 2 acres section 5, Tp.
J 8 H. ! E.. 72 acres
Bellinger, Charles B. Part of Will
iam fliatiocK donation lana
claim beginning at westerly
corner of claim No. 39, Tp. 1 8.,
R. 2E. ; thence easterly on south
line of claim 10 chains; thence
at right angles 10 chains;
thence at right angles 10 chains:
thence at right angles to begin
ning, except 5 acres in book X
page 239, Tp. i 8.. R. 1 E-. S
Bennett, A. Lots 1, S. J. 4. block
54, extending to First addition
to Oswego
Bender, Alfred South , of SW. H
of SW. of section 4. Tp. 4 S-.
ME. J) acres
Bentley. W. L Part of Chart
1 3
a Si
t'nunps donation lana claim. Be
ginning 14.21 chains south and
17 chains east of NW. of section
4, Tp. I 9., R 1 E-; thene ut
3 chains: thence sooth 145
chains to the north line of Mat
lock donation land claim, west
on said line i chains, thence
north to beginning, section 4.
Tp. 2 S . R 2 E.. 5.3) acres
Berhendt. Juliu-SW. of NW. S
of section 5, Tp. 4 S., R. I E..
Bentler. John Part of William
Holmes donation land claim, i)
xlOO feet
Bentler. Robert J. Part of George
Abernathy donation land claim,
beginning at a point on south
boundary line of George Aber
nathy claim 24.90 chains wester
ly from north corner of Edward
Klsher donation land claim:
thence north 42 degrees east 14
chains to north boundary of said
claim as determined by Judg
ment of circuit court of state of
Oregon, Clackamas county:
thence westerly on said north
boundary line north 83 degrees
34 minutes west to center of
county road 11.70 chains; thence
south 42 degrees west along said
county road to south boundary
of said claim; thence easterly
along said claim line to begin
ning, less 4 acres on east side
of this tract sold by J. M. Tay
lor to Robert Flnley, containing
8'4 acres more or less except
therefrom lots 1. 2. block 8,
i it
s :
Frank Stokes addition to Oregon
City, section 29, Tp. 2 8., H. 2
E., 8H acres
Beverage, W. T. Lot 18, block 2;
lots 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 31,
32, block 3; lots 8 to 14 Inclusive,
block 4; lots 11 to 15 Inclusive,
block 5, Pleasant Little Homes
Blegr't ,3 J. O.-N ' VI' of ' NR.Jiof
suction 13, Tp. 1 8., R. 3 E.. 40
BInegar, J. A., Mrs. Part of Jessie
Moreland donation land claim,
east Vt of NE. Vt of NR. V of
section 15, Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E.. 20
Bingham, 'e.' w'.-Nw! 'vi'of section
Id, Tp. 4 B., R. 6 E 160 acres...
Blrdsel, R. M. Lots 7, 8, block 1,
Blrtchet, George SW, of NE.
20 50
6 59
17 23
6 I'O
2 07
and' BR. V of NW. K of section
6, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 K.. 80 acres 28 06
nirtohpt Chnrlea Part of the L. D.
Cross donation land claim, be
ginning at a point on north
boundary line of said claim, Bald
point being 10 chains west from
SE. corner L. A. Sealy donation
land claim, running thence south
1:1.25 chains; thence east 3.80
chains; thence north 13.25 chains
to suid north boundary line of
said L. V. Cross donation land
claim: thence west i.w cnauis.
tracing said boundary line to
beginning of sections 4, 5, Tp. 4
8.. R. 1 E 5 acres...
S 94
2 07
18 55
8 28
S 20
15 18
2 65
5 30
5 30
Ulaikwcll, Cella-Lots 1, 2, block
21, Windsor ..i-W.Vf";;
niinn, Julia K.-Bouth V4 of NW.
and SW. , and lot 1 of section
25, Tp. 1 8., R. 3 K.. 264 acres...
Blood, A. R.-Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. 8,
block 11, South Oswego..........
Bogus, James H. All of blocks 4, 5
and 6, Darnell's addition to Ore-
Afso" lohTl 'to' 16 Vnclusive biock
17; lots 3 to 8 inclusive, block 25,
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First
addition to Oswego........."....
Bogg, Henry L.-SV. of NR.
of section 16, Tp. 2 8.. R. 4 E.,
40 fiords ,iIiiiiii,,i
Bogges, James H.-NW. of sec
tion 12, Tp, 2 S., H. 6 E.. lt0
Abor,ewest i' of NE. 'vi'of 'section
IS, Tp. 2 8., R. 4 K.. 80 acres....
Holds, Dorcas-Part of H. Johnson
donation land claim, beginning
SW. corner of said claim,
thence north 46 rods; thence east
35 rods; thence south 4 rods;
thence west 35 rods to begin
ning, containing 10 acrea. Tp.
8., R. 2 K., 10 acres...
Bonney. George $ f
V and south H of 8 . 14 of sec
tion 8. Tp. 7 S.. R. 3 E. 10 .ores
Booth, Henry-Lot 7, block .0. Mln
thorn addition to the city of
BowersVHsabth-Lot's' 8. 9. biock
32, West Bide addition to Oregon
Bowman,"B. H.-AU of lots I and 4
of section I, Tp. I 8 R. I
3 acrea
3 13
5 30
1 42
14 Si
Part of I. Cranfleld donation land
claim, beginning at point 20 rods
east of SW. corner of 8E. VI of
section 9, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.;
thence north 16 rods; thence
west 20 rods; thence north 24
rods; thence east 35 rods 4 feet
to center line of the O. '& C.
R. R.; thence south, tracing
said center line of said railroad
to the Bouth line of' said section
9; thence west 12 rods 4 feet to
ueginning, section , Tp. 2 a..
R 2 E., 6 7-16 acres.:..,.......;..
Bowers, Lydla A. North Vi of NE.
A of section 3, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E.,
SO acres
Brandon, Thomas North Vi of lots
6, 7, 8, 39.80 acres Thomas Buck
man tract
Brannlelly, Peter NE. Vi of NE.
of section 35, Tp. 1 8., R, 4 E., 40
Brey, Rebecca C South 1-3 of
south Va of lot 7, block 29, Ore
gon City
Breeden, H. C. and Forbes, C. M
All of section 36, Tp. 3 S., R, 5
E., 640 acres
Bflsterfleldt, Anna Lot 3, block 4,
Broughton, George LotB 3. 6, block
9; all of block 14, Oregon City..
Lots 3, 4, 6, block 44, Oregon City
Strip of land between blocks 14
17 23
10 26
26 50
1 01
121 02
6 16
ana in Oregon City metes and
bounds to Oregon City at Main
and 16th streets
Broderlck, Ella 28x87 feet souther
ly part of described In book 67,
page 257, lot 4, block 2; lotB 2 to
3 08
o inclusive, diock iwi
Part of A. McKlnley donation
land claim No. 60, of, begin
ning at the most westerly corner
of claim No. 60 on right bank of
.. Willamette river; thence 8. 45 de
grees east to Intersection of
claim and Tp. lines; thence east
to line of second bluff; thence
northerly with line of bluff to
westerly corner of land de- 1
scribed In book O, page 612;
thence northwesterly along said
tract to O. & C. R. R.; thence
southwesterly to said railroad
and Willamette river to begin
ning, described In book 64, page
236, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 15V4 acres. .
Part or S. W. Shannon donation
land claim No. 70, 1-3 of, begin
ning 7Vi chains south of V post
between sections 25 and 26;
thence south 2.68 chains; thence
north 63 degrees west 27 chains;
thence north 12Vi degrees east
6.05 chains; thence south 56 de
grees east 27 chains to begln-
nln aDnpll, In Kr.nl, FLA nn
45 11
7 10
""6, in uun in, iiafia
317, Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E., 3 acres..
South Vi of SW. V off Bection 24,
Tp. 2 8.. R. 2 E.. 80 acres
5 IS
6 36
Brooke, E. D.-Undlvlded yt of lot
I, block 4, Marshtleld
Brockhart, Berthold-SE. of NW.
Vi of section 16, Tp. 5 8., R. 1
E., 40 acres
Brown, Leila Part of H. Johnson
donation land claim, beginning
at a point 310.69 feet north of
south end of the dividing line
between the east and west
halves of said claim; thence
south 340.62 feet to a stone on
the 14 section line running east
and west through section 22;
thence west on Vi section line
"06.60 feet; thence north to a
spring branch: thence down
branch to a point west of point
of beginning: thence east to be-
f Inning, sections 15 and 22, Tp.
S., R. 2 E.. 5 2-3 acres
Brown. W. C. and Mary West H
of NE. Vi and north H of NW.
K of section 6, Tp. 1 S., R i E..
160.59 acres
NW. of and west Vj of SE.
and SE. V of SE. V, of section
J. Tp. S S.. R. 4 E.. JTS.67 acres.
SE. V, of section 12. Tp. J S-. R. 4
E.. 16 acres
Brown. Elmer E- Lots ST. . block
. Minchorn addition to the city
of Portland
Bruce. Ancetta Lot of awctioa
It. Tp. i &. R. ! E. V acres....
Bryant, diaries W. All of C- W.
Bryant donation land claim, ex
cept i acres f'c eaaai. section
II. U. Tp. J 3.. R I Hi acre.
Buckmia. Ge5rg W. Lats K. Ii
bi.x'ft ti Wtair -
Bueiton.. Franis H. West 4 at wsst
5 of sei:doa X. Tl. 1 . R. i
m arn..
Burcafcaw. Jiaraa JTS. of j;
Da M Ts I s.. E I EL. IbO
Bareiicorf. Cart West i- (rf 53. i
nt teetioa & T. I i.r BL 4 SL,
ill ere -
Barney. Wtlliajn T N"E- 8? 3TSX.
of section J8. Tjc &, E. ls
E., aer-...
Burrwy. Wiliiara T. an.i 3i:airev
H. D. Ail nf section IK Tj 1
8., R. E.. ) acre
East n section 35. Tp. 1 8.. R. H
E.. a acres; west Vj of 8E.
and west Vi of NE. 4 and SW.
H of NE. V section M. Tp. 3 8.,
R. 8Vi E.. ' acres: SW. V4 c
Uon 26, Tp. I 8 . R. 4 E., 10
acres; all of section 36, Tp. 1 8.,
HIE.. 40 acres
Burhert, W. M. Holmes addition
to Oregon City. V4 of lot de
scribed thus: Beginning at NW.
corner of lot 1; thence east
along north line of said lot 50
feet; thence parallel with west
line of aald lot 1200 feet to south
side of said lot 1; thence west
50 feet to BW. corner of lot 1;
thence north on west line of
said lot 1200 feet to beginning:
deed described In book 42, page
154, lot 1. block 19
Backman, Hen 8. Part of Isaac M.
Foster donation land claim, be
ginning at 8E. corner of claim;
thence west 30.78 chains; thence
north 20 chains; thence west 19
chains; thence north 19.75 chains;
thence east 49.78 chains; thence
south 39.75 chains to beginning,
containing 160 acres, being un
divided Interest of above de
scribed school district, Tp. 2 8.,
R. 3 E., 65 acres
Cake, H. M. and W. M.-32V4 front
feet except back to railroad
limit and bounded on the north
by block 29, Oregon City
Part of the north Vi of George
Walling donation land olitlm,
beginning 31.60 chains south and
34.13 chains east from NW. cor
ner of claim; thence east 32.20
chains: thence north 44 degrees
west 4.50 chains; thence north
19 degrees west 4 chains; thence
6 degrees east 21.50 chains;
thence north 20 degrees 30 min
utes east 6.50 rhulns; thence
north 1 degree 30 minutes west
4.80 chains; thence south 75 de
grees west 5.55 chains; thence
south 72 degrees 30 minutes
west 26.90 chains; thence 10.01
chains to beginning, Tp. 2 8., R.
1 E.. 47.60 acres
Callls, John NE. 4 of SE. Vt of
section 16, Tp. 3 S., R. 5 E., 40
Campbell, J. N., and Btrous, R. F.
Lots 1. 2, 3, block 37, Oregon
Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition
to Oswego
Campbell, John Lois 3, 4, block 2,
Oregon City Annex
Campbell, John Lot 4 of section 29,
Tp. 1 S., R. 2 10.. 34.30 acres
Campbell, Horace North Vj of SW.
ii of section 28. Tp. 3 8.. R. 8Vi
E 80 acres; SR. Vi of the NE.
U of section 36, Tp. 3 8., R. 8Vi
E 40 acres
Capps, E. F. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, block
3: lots 8, 9, 10, block 6. Pleasant
Place addition to Oregon City;
lots 8, 8, block 3, West Side ad
dition to Oregon City
Capler, Hcrx-NW. Vi of NW. of,
section 21, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E., 40
Carson A." ' L! Loi s l',' i. ' block ';
lot 3 and undivided V of lot 2.
block 45, Oregon Iron & Steel
Co.'s First addition to Oswego.
12 82
3 71
1 99
15 90
13 90
4 51
71 U
J 3
i 31
21 2t
4 10
2 5
36 90
31 50
2 53
1 03
19 60
II 2! !
5 93:
Carson. Jonn it. or lots a. .
block 15, Barlow's First addition
to Barlow
Block 1. lrvln's Little Homes, 10
CareyTs. ' iV.-Lo't's 'H', '39.' 'io! 'ii! ' &
block 70; lots 7, 8. 25, 38, block 71;
lots 22. 23, block 72, Mlnthorn
addition to the city of Portland
Carlisle, C. A. Part of R. Howard
donation land claim, beginning
at a point 9.38 chains west and
26.25 chains north from SE. cor
ner of section 17. Tp. 4 8.. R.
E., the same being the NW.
corner of the school house lot,
school district No. 84. and fence
north along the Molalla road
3.22 chains; thence north 86 de
grees west 4.87 chains, along the
center ot said road; thence east
3 36
8.37 chains; thence south T.15
chains; thence west 3.50 chains
along the north boundary of
said school house to place of be
ginning, section 17, Tp. 4 8., R.
2 E., 8.6 acres
Cartwrlght, Harry-South Vi of SE.
Vi of section 11, Tp. 2 ., R. 2
E.. 82 acres
Carothers, L. V. Lot 3, block 23,
Carson, BJllza H. Lots 1, 2, block
86; lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, block 13;
lot 14, block 45, Oregon Iron &
Steel Co.'s First addition to Os
wego Carr, William Lots 22, 23, Pleasant
Little Homes, No. 1
Cartwrlght, Henry NW. Vi of sec
tion 18, Tp. 2 S., R. f E., 160
Carlson, A. 8.-SW. Vi of NW. 14
and NW. Vi of BW. Vi of section
8. Tn. E 8.. P.. 3 .. 78 acra..,,r
2 S3
7 C5
' 56
7 95
8 30
7 31
3 51
Cannon, jonn Wfi. i oi Bection a,
Tp. 1 8., R. 5 E 160 acres
Cashier, C. B. Part of Ezra Fisher
donation land claim, beginning
at NW. corner of land deeded
to Philip Tato, to William Ald
redge; thence east 450 feet; ;
thence south 250 feet to center
of Abernathy road; thence along
center of said road 50 feet
northerly to beginning, contain
ing 1 acre, Tp. 2 S., R 2 E
Cuutleld, K. G., assignee Lots A,
, B, C, D, E, east Vi of G, east Vi
of H, I, J, Buena Vista; 15
acres land In the Oregon City
claim, Clackamas county, lying
between Abernathy creek and
jvicxiaugnnn avenue, as shown
on plat of Buena Vista, and
easterly line of said claim and
easterly line of blocks 176 and
ill, in Oregon City, Tp. 2 S., R,
2 E.. 16 acres
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, block 1;
lots 1, 2, block 2; lots 3, 4, 6, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, block 2, Falrmount;
. lots 2, 4, block 36, Central addi
tion to Oregon City
CttUfleld, E. G., assignee Part of
the L. D. C. Latourette dona
tion land claim beginning at a
point in boundary line of said
claim, south 0 degrees 15 min
utes east 10.30 chains from the
NW. corner of said claim;
thence east 53.47 chains; thence
south 15 minutes east 6.88
chains north; thence north 81
degrees west 6.19 chains; thence
3'S 90
17 63
nuuiii o Degrees west a.io cnains;
thence south 88 degrees west
47.04 chains to west boundary
line of said claim; thence north
15 minutes west 9.94 chains,
tracing said westerly line to be
ginning, section 33, Tp. 2 8., R.
2 E., 46.66 acres .
Part of Ezra Fisher donation
- land clnlm No. 44, beginning at
a granite stone 18x12x10 Inches,
marked A, set In west boundary
line of said claim at a point
north 38 minutes east 23.15
chains distance from the SW,
corner of said claim, running
thence south 87 degrees 15 min
utes east 57.25 chains to a divi
sion line between husband and
wife's halves of claim; thence
north along said division line
8.75 chains; thence north 85 de
grees 61 minutes west 61.25
chains to a point In west bound
ary of said claim 30 chains
south, 38 minutes west from
NW. corner of said claim where
is set a granite stone 12x9x8
Inches, marked G. H. A.; thence
south 38 minutes west along
said west boundary line 10 chains
to beginning, section 32, Tp. 2 S.,
R. 2 E., 48.17 acres
Also, part of Ezra Fisher dona
tion land claim No. 44, Ivlng in
section 33, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., be
ginning at a point 13.25 chains
north 1 degree east and 40 chains
south, 87 degrees 35 minutes
east from SW. corner of said
claim No. 44: thence south 12.35
chains: thence 87 degrees 55 min
utes east 12.26 chains to the di
viding line between the hus
band and wife's halves of said
claim: thence north 12.35 chains,
tracing said dividing line:
thence north 37 degrees 55 min
utes west 12.26 chains to begin
ning, section 33, Tp. 2 S., R. 2
E.. 14.9 acres
Also, part of Exra Fisher dona
tion land claim, beginning at
1135 chains north 1 degree east,
4& chains south. 87 degrees 55
nsinates east from SW. corner
of said claim: thence south 87
degree minutes east 48.23
rtiiru to dividing line between
husband and wife's halves of
claim: thence north 8.15 chains
and tracing said dividing line;
thence north 87 degrees la min
ute west to point located 23.25
rhalns north 1 degree east 4.03
chains south 87 degrees 55 min
utes east from SW, corner of
said claim: thence south 1 de
gree east 10 chains to the place
of beginning, sections 32, 33, Tp.
2 8 R. 2 B., 44.34 acres
Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. block 16; lots 4, 5.
9, 10, block 17; lots 4. 5. 6, block
7; north Vi of lot 8, block 10,
Park addition to Oregon City...
Caufield, C. H., and Simpson, Clar
enceAll of section 9, Tp. 6 8.,
R. 3 E., 640 acres
All of section 15, Tp. i 8., R. 3
E., 640 acres
The north Vi of and north Vi of
BW. Vi and SW. Vi of. 8W. 14 of
section 3, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 E., 620
West Vi of west Vi. of section 11,
Tn. 6 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres
NW. 14 and west Vi of BW. 14 of
sec. 10, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 E 240
12 ?S
19 68
5 74
18 25
14 97
17 23
17 23
It 58
9 28
S 30
21 20
15 90
10 60
4 ?8
East of' N W.' ii ' and west' Vi of
ink. ot section i, ip. t B., it.
2 E.. 160 acres
Bouth Vi of north Vi and south Vi
or section 35, Tp. 4 a., k. a u.,
489 acres
West Vi of NW. Vi and south Vi
of section 21, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 E.,
400 acres
East Vi of section 4, Tp. 6 8., R. 3
E., 320 acres
Cawood, E. E. Block 2, Clackamas
Riverside, 7.8 acres
Charman & Son Part of I. M. Fos
ter D. L. C, beginning at a
point 6.85 chains 8., 7.90 chains
west of SW. corner section 26.
Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E. ; thence E. 35.50
chains; thence south 19.76
chains; thence west 61 chains;
thence north 69.03 chains:
thence south 50 degrees east
32.69 chulns; thence east 20
chains to beginning. Also, part
of Isaac Laswell donation land
claim, beginning at a point 5.85
chains south and 7.90 chains
west of BW, corner of section
26; thence east 20 chains; thence
north 20 chains: thence south 20
chains to beginning, Tp. 2 8., R.
8 E., Bust acres
Chapman, Blncoe 8E. 14 of section
14, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres...
Chase, James A. Lot 10, block D.
Apperson'a addition to Park
Chnrlson, E.-SW. Vi of NE. V and
31 70
7 95
S 30
4 66
61 31
8 J
90 '.0
NW. Vi of SE. Vi of section 16,
TP. 2 8., xt. 6 K..
160 acres.
Chamberlain, M. L.-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, block 97;
lots 39, 40, block 96, Mlnthorn
addition to the city of Portland
Chase, Sarah A. Lot 1. fractional
lot 2, lots 3, 4, block 34; lot 8,
block 6, Oregon City
Metes and bounds to Oregon City,
all the tract between west
boundary of block 34 In Oregon
City on easterly boundary of O.
& C. right of way wnere it pass
ni undpr the bluff.
I Chase, James W. All of block 166,
1 ' Oregon City; lots 3, 6, block 3S),
1JS! Oregon City i-'vy-
Chapman. Jessie A. Lot 9, block
15, Oregon Iron Steel Co.'s
First addition to Oswego
Chalmers. David All of blocks 61
and 62 and E. Canemah; part of
A. F. Hedges donation land
claim, beginning at a point at
the end and center of Hrst
street 30 feet from the SW. cor
ner of block lettered C. in the
town of Canemah: thence north
69 degrees east 780 feet to the
end and center of Fourth street:
thence at right angles south 81
degrees east to the north line
of Lawton's land; thence along
said line of Lawton's land 60 de
grees 15 minutes west to the 8E.
corner to a tract of land deeded
to Chalmers, Holmes and Val
entine March 16, 1SSJ, deed re
corded In book W page 37;
thence north 40 degrees 30 min
utes 4 chains; thence north 41
decrees west 10 chains to begin
ning, section t, Tp. 3 8. R. 2 E.,
1 Bection 31, Tp. 2 8., R..2 E., 12.69
Chllcote, W. P. and W. M. Lots 1,
2 of, except 10 acres in book 56,
page 331, section 33, Tp. 1 8., R.
3 E., 35 acres
Chrlstensen, Annie Lots 7, 8, block
5. Pleasant Little Homes. No. 3
23 43
' 5 30
2 65
6 81
9 C2
Clarke, G. W.-NE. Vi of NE. Vi of
section 28, Tp. 1 S., R. 3 E., 40
acres .
Clarke. George, Jr. Part of A Fos
ter donation land claim No. 43,
beginningat a point In the south
line qf said claim 20.30 chains
west of SE. corner of said
claim and running thence north
and parallel with the south line
of said claim 20.30 chains; thence
south and parallel with a line of
said claim 40.84 chains, to the
south line of Bald claim; ..tence
east, tracing the said south line
20.30 chains to beginning, Tp. 2
8., R. 3 E., 82.39 acres 6
Clark, Ward N.-SW. Vi of SW. Vi
of section 36, Tp. 4 S., R. 3 E.,
40 acres 2
Clark, W. J. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 39, 40,
oiock ii, Mintnorn addition to
the city of Portland 1
Clark, Will Lots 27 to 42 Inclusive,
uiuch so, Mintnorn addition to
I 80
the city of Portland 4 96
Clayson, Jane Two-third interest
in a part of James McNary do
nation land claim No. 38, de
scribed In book 62, page 59, con
taining 136.80 acres, except 5
acres, sections 7, 17, 19, 8, lo, 20,
Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E 87.86 acres - 34 45
Cllft, Jasper, heirs of Undivided
4-5 Interest, beginning at Vi post
on south line of section 35;
thence north 21.17 chains; thence
north 89 degrees 46 minutes west
6.08 chains; thence south 21.27
chains; thence 89 degrees 46 min
utes east 68 chains to begin- 1
ning, section 10, Tp. 2 8., R. 2
E., 10 acres..-. 2 12
Coleman, M. M. NE. Vi of SE. Vi.
except 6 acres in George Brock
donation land claim, section 16,
Tp. 3 S., R. 1 E., 36 acres 6 50
Collins,. Edwin Lot 11, block 8,
South Oregon City. 59
Collins, Margaret Beginning at
NE. corner of block 69; thence
3.55 chains; thence west to west
boundary of block; thence north
to NW. corner; thence east to
beginning, block 69, Clackamas
Heights 8 33
Collins, Emanuel George Block 49,
Clackamas Heights, blocks 68
and 60, except 3.13 chains off the
south portion of, Clackamas '
Heights 26 27
Comstock, Lester A. Part of the 8.
D. Franklin donation land claim,
beginning at NE. corner of
west Vi of section 15; thence
west on section line 7 chains 27
links; thence south 13.77 chains;
thence east 7.27 chains; thence
norm ii.ii cnains to beginning,
containing 10 acres, section 15,
Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W
Cone, Ans West part of west of
NW. 14 lying west of Pudding
river, section 12, Tp, 4 8., R. 1
W., 22 acres ;
Confer, John H. Fractional lots 7,
8, 9, 10, block 16, Falls View ad
dition to Oregon City
Congregational Church Lots 7, 8,
block 15, Oregon Iron & Steel
Co.'s First addition to Oswego
Cook, Alvlra-SW. 14 of NW. Vi, ex-
2 52
1 74
1 S5
2 07
coii acres in oook 01, page 3B1,
section 10, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W
west Vi of NE. Vi and SE. U of
section 9, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W., be
ginning at NW. corner of SE.
Vi of section 9; thence south 40
chains; thence east 15 chains;
thence north 40 chains; thence
west 15 chains to beginning, ex
cept 40 acres In book 51, page 64,
section 9, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W., 178
acres 31
Cook, B. 8. Lots 6 to 43 Inclusive
in block 9; blocks 10, 19; lots 1,
2, 3, 4, block 38; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, block 98, Mlnthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland 22 45
Cook, Horace N. Part of claim No.
56, beginning south 14.55 chains
and south 82 degrees 45 minutes
west 16.18 chains from NE. cor
ner of said claim; thence south
7.82chains; thence west 6 chains;
thence north 82 degrees 45 min
utes east 14.60 chains to begin
ning, section 34, Tp. 3 8., R. 1
E., 10 acres 3 0
Cophall, Robert Lots 8, 9, block 36,
South Oswego 1 26
Corporation of Oregon City Lots
3. 4, S. block 159; lots 6. 6. block
63; lot 8, block 15; lots 1, 8,
block 22, Oregon City 30 75
Corcoran, William East Vi of east
Vi of section 22, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 K,
160 acres 4 24
Cornice,- T. J. Lots 36 and 38 to 46
Inclusive, block 14; lots 1, 2, 20,
21, 45, 46, block 15, Mlnthorn ad
dition to the city of Portland... 4 95
Cornell, E. W. Lots 3 to 18 Inclu
sive, block 59; lots 3 to 8 inclu
sive, block 7; lots 6 to 13 inclu
sive, block 40; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, block 45: lots 1,
2, block 29; lots 7, 10, 11, 14, block
B, South Oswego; block 12, 6.26
acres, Oswego Heights 15 01
Cornelius, Charles W. North Vi of
8 W. 14 of section 14, Tp. 4 8., R.
5 E., 80 acres 2 65
Cotta, Charles SW. Vi of section 18,
Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160 acres 5 30
Covey, C. W.-SE. Vi of SW. 14 of
section 7, Tp. 6 8., R. 2 E., 40
acres 4 T9
Cox, Vernetta Bouth Vi of lots 6
and 7 and lot 8, 39.30 acres,
Thomas Buckman tract 7 31
Coyne, J. F. Lots 3, 4, 8.17 acres,
Atkinson II S3
Crawford, Clint Part of Albert
Fisk donation land claim (deed ,
not recorded), section 30, Tp. 4
8., R. 1 E., 35 acres 3 71
Cramer, J. R.-SW. 14 of SW. Vi and
east Vi of SE. Vi, and lots 1, 2, 3
of section 29, Tp, 3 S R. 3 E.,
194 acres 9 28
NW. Vi of NW. 14 of section 32,
Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 40 acres 2 12
187 acres off of westerly end of
David Cutting donation land
claim No. 56, sections 16, 17, 21),
21, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 187 acres.... 15 09
East Vi of east Vi of NE. Vi of sec- '
tion 31, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 40 acres 1 5)
Craven, Z. Lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
block 90; lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 31, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39, 40, block 91, Mlnthorn
addition to the city of Portland 4 96
Crlss, W. 8. All of section 10, Tp.
6 8., R. 3 E., 640 acres 26 50
Crelghton, W. H.-West Vi of NW.
4 of lot 4 of section 5, Tp. 3 8.,
R. E E., 81.19 acres 3 93
Cross, Orpha F. Lots 1, 2. block
20; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 124, Ore-
gon City 30 76
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, block 99, Gladstone. 3 20
Cross, H. E. Lots 3, 4, 6, 6, 7. block
100: lots 6, 6. 7, 8, block 124; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 8, block 145; lots :,.
1, 2, 7, 8, block 151, Oregon City;
lot 3, block 1, Darnall addition
to Oregon City 120 98
Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 17. Canemah. 6 21
Lots 5, 6, block 2, West Side addi
tion to Oregon City 5 00
Block J. Clackamas Fruit Lands,
2 acres g 22
Part of George Abernathy dona
tion land claim, beginning at
angular corner on south bound
ary of suid claim, which Is 5
degrees 15 minutes west 13.80
chains from the H. Straight do
nation land claim, running
thence north 5 degrees 15 min
utes east 3.S9 chains to a stake;
thence east to the dividing line
between the east and west
halves of said Abernathy claim;
thence south to south boundary
of said claim: thence north 80
degrees west to the place of be
ginning, containing 20 acres, ex
cept west Vi of above described
tract, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 10 acres. 7 10
SW. 14 of NE. 14 and west H of
SE. 4. and lots 1. 2, 3 and SE. Vi
of NE. 14 of section 30, Tp. 2 8.,
R. 3 E. Part of W. R. McCub
bln donation land claim, begin
ning at a point 20 chains west
from SE. corner of section 30.
Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E. ; thence north
20 chains; thence east 20 chains; '
thence south 3S4 degrees west
26 chains to section line; thence
west on Bection line to begin
ning, sections 29. 30. 31, 32,
Tp. j S . R. 3 E., 225 acres 33 96
All of William 8trickland dona
tion land claim No. 37, except
100 acres In book 64, page 304,
and 60.8 acres In book 64. page
305, sections 9. 10, 11, Tp. 4 S., R.
4 E.. 163.87 acres 19 88
Cully, John South Vi of south V ot
section 25, Tp. 2 8., R. S E., 160
Cunningham, James M. Lots 7, 8.
block 7, Apperson's addition to
Park Place. .........................
28. 29, 30, block' 10;' 'lots' 31 "to 'so
inclusive, block 10, Marchbanks.
Curry, B. C, assignee Barlow's
First addition to Barlow, west
erly 10 acres tn block 1, de
scribed thus: Beginning at the
south corner of block No. 1 of
Barlow's First addition to the
town of Barlow; thence 60 de
grees 6 minutes east along the
south line of said block No. 1
500 feet; thence northeasterly
Currie, Jennie Lots S3, 34, block 7;
lots 1 to 21 inclusive, and 24, 25,
parallel with and 600 feet dis
tance from the northwesterly
line of said block No. 1 to Mo
lalla river; thence with the
meanders of said river down
stream to the NW. corner of
said block No. 1; thence south
westerly along the westerly line
of said block No. 1, from place
of beginning, deed recorded in
book 62, page 43, block 1, Bar
low, 10 acres
Canavan, George H. Part of H.
Campbell donation land claim,
45x486 feet on west side of
south 12Vi acres of north Vi ot
west Vi of land set off to H. L.
Campbell by partition decree of
circuit court, Tp. 1 S.t R. 3 E.,
Vi acre
Crowley, D. W.-Undivlded Vi of
36V4 acres tn the J. D. Garrett
and Joseph Kellogg donation
land claim, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., Tp.
2 8., R. 2 E., Tp. 1 S., R. i if
168 acres j,,
Undivided Vi of lotB 1, A. 5, 6, li,
11, 12, 15, 16, Atkinson, 54.18 acres
Cautield, Simpson and Burney Be
ginning at the SW. corner of a
tract of land described in book
Z, page 72, and running thence
south 72 degrees 40 minutes west
10 chains thence north 50 de
grees west, following . east
boundary line ot said tract to
right bank of Willamette river;
thence NW. with right bank of
Willamette river to the NW,'
corner of Fred Rakers land;
thence south 69 degrees east,
tracing west boundary line of
Fred Rakel's land to place of '
beginning, section 1, Tp. 3 S., R.
1 E., 7.92 acres ....
Daberco, Frank-Part of John Con
"er. and wife donation land
?taL eg?nlfie at the "enter
of the 8. B. Kent road, where
the road changes its direction
from north to east, which point
Is about 18 chains south of the
south boundary of the Elliott
'and claim; thence
8tn Vi22 llnAs: thence Boutn
1636 links to the section line be
tween sections 14 and 22. Tp. 5
s T7- 1..w-'' thence east along
section line 1222 links to the cen
ter of the aforesaid road; thence
south 1636 links to the begin
ning, section 14, Tp. 5 6., R. 1
Dane. T.udwicr T.ota
tion 35, Tp. 2 S R.' 3 B., 64.5
Danllson, S. O. West Vi of"gE."'vi
of section 9, Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E., 80
Davidson, Emily Lots 6, 7," 'block
22; lot 10, block 12, Windsor
Davis, John, heirs of Beginning at
NW. corner of west Vi of east Vi
of NE. Vi of section 33; thence
south 59 rods: thence east 80
rods; thence north 59 rods to
corner of east Vi of east Vi of
NE. Vi of section 33; thence 80
rods W. to beginning, section 33,
Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 34Vi acres
Davis, J. P. Beginning at NW.
corner of section 11, Tp. 2 8., R.
2 E.; thence east 25 chains;
thence south 20 chains; thence
west 25 chains; thence north 20
chains to beginning, section 1L
Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 60 acres
Davis, Norris Beginning at a point
120 rods south of the NE. corner
o NW. 14 of section 2, Tp, 2 8.,
R. 2 E., on the line of county
road leading from Mllwaukie to
Eagle creek 40 rods; thence 8. 40 '
rods; thence west: thence east
. and parallel with said first line;
thence west 40 rods: thence
north 40 rods to place of begin
ning, containing 10 acres the
north 5 acres of above described
tract being the part conveyed;
also, beginning at the SW.. cor
ner of the west Vi of east V4 of
section 2, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E. ;
thence west, tracing the south
line of said section 20, 18 chains
to the Vi section corner on south
line of said section 10 chains;
thence east on a line parallel
with south line of said section
10.09 chains to a point equally
distance from the east line and
west line of said west Vi of east
Vi of section; thence north 10
chains from a point equally dis
tant from the east line and west
line of the said west Vi of east
Vi of said section; thence east
on a line parallel with south
line of said section 10.09 chains
to the east line of said west Vi
of east Vi of said section;
thence south 20 chains to begin
ning, containing 30.27 acres, sec
tion 2, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 35.29
Davis, Charles O. Part of Zumwalt
donation land claim, beginning
at the NW. corner of claim No.
61; thence west 6.40 chains;
thence south 17.07 chains; thence
west 22.60 chains; thence south
17.64 chains; thence east 22.46
chains; thence south 38.16 chains
to the north bank of river where
the east boundary of J. Zum
walt intersects the same; thence
north 72.60 chains to beginning,
except 15 acres, book M. page 17;
part of J. R. Shaw donation
land claim, beginning at mean
der post on line between sec
tions 27 and 28; thence south 60
degrees 24 minutes west 22.71
chains; thence north 74.62 chains;
thence east 19.39 chains; thence
south 10 degrees east 62.01
chains: thence south 62 degrees
west 10.50 chains to beginning,
except 2.83 acres In book V, page
261, and 4 acres to J. Epler'
through the court, Tp. 6 S., R.
1 W., 226.60 acres
Dawson, George Part of William
Fordyce donation land claim
(deed not on record), Tp. 2 8..
R. 3 E., Tp. 3 8., R. 2 E., 10
Deaver.Hattle Lot 6, block 1, West
side addition to Oregon City....
Deacons, A. E. Mrs. Part of I.
Cranfleld donation land claim,
beginning at a point situated
1.07 chains N. and 10 chains W,
of section corner to sections 8. 9.
16, 17, in Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.;
thence south on west line of
claim 17, 17 chains; thence south
65 degrees 40 minutes east 20.07
chains; thence south 24 degrees
15 minutes west 10.40 chains to
the north boundary line of land
sold to Martin Burllngame:
thence south 70 degrees east 9.25
chains to the easterly line of
tract commonly known as the
Asa Perkins land; thence north
40 degrees east 21 chains to
board In rock mound In edge of
swamp, being the NE. corner of
said Perkins tract; thence north
60 degrees west 42 chains to be
ginning, containing 55 acres, ex
cept right of way for road, part
of above In S. D., Tp. 2 8., It. 2
E., 54Vi acres
Dietrich, David South Vi of SE. Vi
of section 24, Tp. 3 8., R. 4 E?.
80 acres
De Shazer. Robert Part of 'it'." J.
Lamb donation land claim, sec
tion 16, Tp. 2 8., R. t E., 139.63
Dickson, J. F. Beginning at's'w.
corner of block 21: thence east
480 feet to the SW. corner of
block 22: thence north along
said west line of block 22, 250
feet to BW. corner of block 19
thence west following along
south line of block 18 to BW
cor?wrS,-8ald block 18 : thence
south 250 feet to the place of be
ginning, containing 1 acres more
or less, all In Holmes addition
j Ore8on City, lot 1, block 21...
DtKlf1on! T. L. and E. B.East Vi of
block 3 Apperson's addition to
Park Place
Dolan. John West Vi of SE."ii"of
section 4, Tp. t R. I E east
Vi ot 8E. 14 of section 6, Tp! t&.
20 !
5 ?0
3 25
89 01
33 48
10 65
8 03
14 03
3 10
2 65
63 60
1 32
8 U
26 06
4 64
13 23
26 66.