Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 30, 1898, PART 1, Image 2

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li J
if f
I 15
? I
Koehler, W., Mm. Block A, Bar
low' First addition to Barlow.. 13 S3
Koeppe, Bernards-Part of N. Bell
donation land claim, sections 15
, and 16, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 E., 25
acres 8 IS
Mine, Lucinda Lots 7, 8, block 3,
Windsor ., 2 07
Kllnke, Fred Lot 4, block 12, Ore
gon City Annex ,.. 61
Knight, Joseph Part of the L. D.
Cross donation land claim, sec
tions 4, 6, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 97
acres 21 15
Knott, D., and Mack, Sarah
North 14 of SW. 14 and NW. 14
of SB. 14 of section 10, Tp. 4 S
R. 1 E., 120 acres 11 93
Kuchenburg, Kate East of SW,
14 of section 13, Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E
80 acreB 4 24
Lacy, A. J. Part of section 18, Tp.
0 8., R. 1 E. : part of section 7,
Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 27 acres 3 74
La Force, James E. SW. 14 of sec
tion 34, Tp. 7 S., R. 3 E., 160
acres B 30
Lake, Samuel East NW. 14 and
north 34 of NE. 14 of section 3, '
. Tp. 7 8., R. 2 E., 160 acres 5 3)
Lamb, E. J., Mrs. East hi of SW.
14 and west 14 of 8E. 14 of sec
tion 18, Tp. 5 S., R. 3 E, 160
acres 10 82
Lantz, Gideon NW. 14 of section
15, Tp. 7 S., R. 3 E., 160 acres... 5 30
Lane, Steven A. North hi of SE. 14
and SE. 14 of SE. 14 of section
32, Tp. 4 S., R. 3 E., 120 acres.. 5 93
Lamoureux, Elsie L. Lots 21 to 40
inclusive, block 29; lots 1 to 30
Inclusive, block 36, Minthorn ad
ditlon to the city of Portland.. 6 60
Lane, Edson L. Part of George
Brock donation land claim, be
ginning on west boundary line
of George Brock donation land
claim No. 46, 8.10.5 feet south of
the NW. corner: thence south
66.72 feet; thence north 58 de
grees 22 minutes west 196.62 feet;
thence north 57 degrees 67 min
utes west 122 feet; thence north
46 degrees 22 minutes west 219.76
feet to a point 303.73 feet east
of SW. corner of claim; thence
east 318.27 feet: thence north
1926.06 feet; thence west 622 feet
to beginning, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 E.,
28 acres 4 64
Lathan, Frederick W. NE. 14 of
Bection 2, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160
acres 5 30
Laverty, A. P. NW. 14 of NW. 14
of section 27, Tp. 6 8., R. 2 E.,
40 acreB , 1 S3
Lavagette, C Part of Geo. Wills
donation land claim, beginning
on the iforth line of Geo. Wills
donation land claim 8.75 chains '
east of the SE. corner of Jacob
Wills donation land claim;
thence south 2.50 chains; thence
north 89 degrees 45 minutes
west 1 chain; thence south 20
degrees west 1.65 chains; thence
south 61 degrees 30 minutes east .
5.53 chains; thence south 25 de
grees west 1.67 chains; thence
south 89 degrees east 2.16 chains;
thence south 64 degrees 45 min
utes east 15.73 chains; thence N.
14.94 chains; thence north 89 de
grees 45 minutes west to begin
ning, except 13.64 acres In Mult
nomah county, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.,
6.4 acres g 40
Leamnn, Marv. Mrs. Lots 29, 30,
block 16, Minthorn addition to
the city of Portland 62
Leach, D. P.-SW. 14 of NW. 14 of
section 36, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E., 40
SR. 14 of' section 16,'Tp.' 2's'.','r.''7
E., 160 acres 5 30
Lehigh. AVm. F. Lots 5, 6, 7, block
86; lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 88:
1-3 of lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block
177; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 914. Ore
gon City 20 69
Lehigh, W. F. and J. V.-Lots 1, 2,
3. 4, block 76: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block
77: lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 79:
. lot 1 and fractional lot 8, block
84, Oregon City; all fractional
lots under the bluff In Oregon
City: all land west of Water
street, and between that street
and Willamette river, being In
front on riverside of blocks 6,
7, 8. 9. Oregon City 44 68
Lee. P. T. (Clsimed bv D. M.
Lett ill BE. H of NW. 14 and
west V. of NW.'14 of section 30,
Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres 14 31
Lee. Albert Block 16, 614 acres,
Barlow 1 79
Lee. Harriet Lots 2. 3, 4, 5, 6,
block 9. Mnrchbnnks 1 26
Lelsk. E. W. Lot 8, block 3. Wind
sor: east 14 of lot 7, block S,
Windsor 1 55
Leland, C. E. Lots 36. 37, block 84;
lots 1 to 15 Inclusive, block 85.
Minthorn addition to the city of
Portland B 27
Lent. George P. Part of the C.
Hackett dnnntlnn land claim,
beginning 10 chains west of the
SE. corner of section 14, Tp. 2
S.. R. 2 R. ; thence south 40
chains; thence 20 chains; thence
north to the Clackamas river'
thence east 20 chains; thence
south 40 chains to the begin
ning, continuing 160 acres, Tp. 2
8., R. 2 E 16 96
Lent, George P. South '4 of NW.
14 of section 36, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E.,
80 acres 2 65
Leonard, L. 1". Lot 10. block 14; In
7, block 123. Falls View addition
to Oregon City 7 17
Lots 9. 10, block 7. Edgewood 5 32
Lewis, W. H.. estate of Part of
the Allen Matoon donation land
claim, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 12., 160
acres 12 60
Lewis, H. R.. trustee Lots 11, 12,
13, 28, 29, 30. 31. 32. 33, 34, 35, 36,
block 87, Minthorn addition to
the city of Portland 3 78
Lewelllng, Hophronla V. Beginning
at the 8E. corner of section ,
Tp. 4 8., R. 1 K.j thence north
200 rods: thence west 80 rods;
thence north 40 rods; thence
west 40 rods: thence north 80
rods to said section line: thence
west 40 rods: thence south 320
rods to south line of said sec
tion 9: thence east along said '
line to beirlnnlng. except 22'fc
acres In book 57. page 193. ind 4
acres In hook 62 pit ire 6. section
9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 K., 17714 acres... 18 82
Lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 7:
lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 8;
lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block :
lotB 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 10;
lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 11:
lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 12:
lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 11;
lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 1':
lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block II;
lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 1:
lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 17: -lots
1 to 12 Inclusive, block 18;
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 19:
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 20:
, lots 1 to 13 inclusive, block 21:
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 22;
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive, block 23;
lots 1 to Inclusive, block 24:
49x169.48 feet on east side of
block 1. except land In book 57.
nage 267, block 6, Lewelliny;
Piirk 79 36
Llndsey, J. NW, i of BE. H of
section 19, Tp. 2 8.. R. 1 E.. 40
acres , g 37
Linn. W. T. Beginning nt the NE.
corner of 8W. 14 of NW. 14 of
section 9, Tn. 4 B., R. 3 E.:
thence west 26 !-S rods; thence
south 160 rods: thence east 26 2-3
rods: thence north 160 rods to
beginning. containing 26 t-3
acres: also, beginning at NW.
corner of SW. V4 of section 9.
Tp. 4 8., R. IK; thence south
30 chains: thence easterly ISM
chains; thence northerly 30
chains: thence west 13.33 chains
to beirinnlnir. section 9. Tn. 4 8..
R. 3 E., 40 acres 7 29
Llndhe. Alfred-BE. of SW. H of
section 27. Td. S 8.. R. 4 E.. 40
acres 3 98
LWrt. H'rerterlcK Lots 1. S. block 6.
Robertson 1 24
Lister. T. E. Lot 16. block R. Fleas-
ant Little Homes. No. S S7
Lockerby, Mary IS. East hi or BW,
ii of section 6. Td. 4 8.. R. t E..
80 ncres I 52
Lonir. Henry NW. 14 of section 28.
Tp. 5 S R. 1 E., 160 acres 20 54
Logan. J. A. Block 4. 5 acres;
block R. B acres: block ft. S acres.
Clacks mns Park 10 70
Logan. J. A. Beginning on the
south line of the Geo. Wills do
nation land claim at the BR.
' corner of B. F, Glover's land:
thence north to the NE. corner
of B. F. Glover's tract; thence
south 89 degrees east. 16 chains;
thence north SO degrees west,
S3. 40 chains to north Una of land
of James Masser, conveyed to
him by George and Sarah Wills;
thence on said north line 10.25
chains to east line of claim
southerly on said line to SE.
corner of claim; thence west-
erly on south line of claim to
beginning, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., 50
acres. Part of the Geo. Wills
donation land claim, beginning
18.50 chains north of intersec
tion of section line between R.
1 and 2 E., with the south line
of the Geo. Wills donation land
claim; thence east 20 chains;
thence north, 1.67 chains:
thence west, 20 chains; thence
1.67 chains to beginning, Tp. 1
S., R. 2 E., 3 1-3 acres; begin
ning on east line of Geo. Wills
donation land claim 14.94 chains
south of the NE. corner; thence
south, 8.24 chains: thence west,
24.20 chains: thence 50 degrees
east, 8.75 chains; thence north
76 degrees west, 5.05 chains;
thence west, 2.24 chains; thence
north 42 degrees west, 2 chains:
thence north 62 degrees west, 3
chains; thence north 25 degrees
west, 4 chains; thence 45 degrees
east, 4 chains; thence north 60
degrees east, 2 chains; thence
north 35 degrees 28 minutes
east, 5.70 chains; thence south
89 degrees 15 minutes east, 8
' chains; thence south 20 degrees
west, 1.65 chains: thence south ,
5114 degrees east, 6.50 chains;
thence south 25 degrees west,
1.57 chains; thence south 89 de
grees east, 2.16 chains: thence
south 64 degrees 45 minutes east,
16.73 chains; thence south 89 de
grees 15 minutes east, 11.67
chains to beginning, 6 acres in
Multnomah county, Tp. 1 S., R.
i-E. 42 acres Ill 15
Long, G. D. Part of John W. New
man donation land claim, begin
ning at a point 22.73 chains west
of the NE. corner of section 25,
Tp. 6 S., R. 1 W., where a bottle
is deposited 10 inches deep;
thence north 50.30 chains to the
north boundary of said claims;
thence west 16.03 chains to the
NW. corner of said claim;
thence south 11.40 chains: thence
west 20.15 chains; thence south
101 chains to the SW. corner;
thence east 36.72 chains; thence
north 62.40 chains to beginning,
except that part of above de
scribed parcel of land lying
south of Butte creek and in
Marion county, formerly deeded
to Adolphus Myers, sections 24
and 25, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 W., 291
acres 71 18
Long, R. H. and Shultz, E. C.-SE.
Yt of SW. of Bection 15, Tp. 4
1 8., R. 2 E., 40 acres 6 30
Lovell, Samuel L. West of west
14 of NW. 14 of NW. 14 of sec
tion 29, Tp. 3 8., R. 2 E., 10
acres 56
Love, W. 8. Lots 1. 2. Pleasant
Little Homes, No. 1 56
Loveridge, Charles Lots 9, 10, 11,
12, block 46, Oregon Iron & Steel
Co.'s First addition to Osweeo.. 10 2!
Lucler, Joseph All of Joseph Lu-
cler Homestead entry east of
Butte creek, section 30, Tp. 6 S.,
R. 2 E., 16 acres 70
Lyons, Joshua, estate of SE. 14 of
NE. 14 and SE. 14 of, except
72 acres, section 19, Tp. 4 8., R.
4 E., 128 acres 8 35
Mack, Mary Beginning at SW.
corner bf block A; thence east
166.40 feet; thence north 203.40
feet; thence west 31 feet; thence
southerly 209.20 feet to begin
ning, block A In Darling's addi
tion to Oregon City 4 10
Maddock, Frank South hi of SE.
01 section 24, Tp. 4 B., tl. a bj.,
SO acres 5 30
Magone, D. D., and Henrietta Part
or w. carmen donation land
claim, beginning at the NE,
corner of Walter Carmen dona
tion land claim In Tp. 2 8., R. 1
E.; thence south on east line of
claim to line between husband's .
and wife's 14 thereof; thence
west to a point from which a
line running north and parallel
with east line of said claim to
north line thereof would include
30 acres; thence north from
said point parallel with east
line of said claim to north line
thereof; thence along north line
to beginning, sections 5 and 8,
Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 30.44 acres.... 15 77
Part of the George Walling do
nation land claim, undivided
Interest in the following de
scribed land: All of claim No.
62 down to Tp. 2 S., R. 1 E in
south end of said claim, de
scribed as 80 acres, bounded
north by a line far enough north
of south line of said claim and
parallel therewith to Include 80
acres between those lines and
the east and west lines of said .
claim, except 25.60 acres In book
35. page 220, sections 23 and 24,
Tn. 2 8.. R. 1 E 80 acres 69 00
Undivided Interest In the D. D.
Tompkins donation land claim
described thus: Beginning at
the NW. corner of D. D, Tomp
kins donation land claim;
thence south 49 degrees 30 mln
uteB east 28.71 chains; thence
east 66.75 chains: thence north
36 degrees west, 9 chains; thence
north 22 deg. west. 8.70 chains;
thence north 9.88 chains to the
NE. corner of said Innd; thence
west along north line of said
claim 84.10 chains to beginning,
except 22.30 acres in book 3.1,
page 91, Tp, 2 8., R. 1 E.. 68.75
acres 40 61
Magone, Edward Part of D. D.
Tompkins donation land claim,
beginning at the NE. corner of
Willie Ann Hughes land In D.
P. Tompkins donation land
claim tn Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E. and 2
K.j thence south 4.22 chains;
thence east 37.97 chains to Wil
lamette river: thence north
with meanders of river 2.61
chains: thence north 27 degrees
west, 1.80 chains; thence west
87.15 chains to beginning, sec
tion 30. Tp. 2 S R. 2 E.. 15.96
ncres 13 80
Mallory. Lucv A. Tots 1 and 2,
block 70, Minthorn addition to
the city of Portland C2
Mann, Wm. Lot 1, block 29 O,
Clackamas Heights 51
Mansfield. M. Lots 13 to 24 Inclu
sive, block 66: lots 1 to 8 Inclu
sive, block 67, Minthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland 4 96
Marquam. A. B.. assignee North
H of SE. 4 of section 12, Tp. 6
8., R. 2 K 80 acres 3 18
Part of R. Allen donation land
claim, beginning 9.65 cholns
west and 7.50 chains south of
the NE. corner of claim No. 62;
thence north 50 degrees 50 min
utes west 3.06 chains: thence
south 41 degrees west, S..10
chains: thence south 50 degrees
51 minutes east, 3.06 chains:
thence north 41 degrees 3.30
chalnB to beginning, sections 4,
9. Tp. a, R. 1 E., 1 acre i 52
Marquam, Bertha and Palsy Part
of A. Marquam donation land
claim, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 B., 1 acre;
fart of R. Thompson donation
and claim, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 E., 84
acres 4 11
Markham, M. P. Tots 13 to 40 In
clusive, block 86, Minthorn ad
dition to the city of Portland... g6S
Marlay, J. K.--8outh H of and NE.
4 of section 36, Tp. I 8.. R. 5
K. 480 acres 21 20
Marlay, P. H.-East 14 of SW. 14
and NW. 14 of SW. U Qf section
21, Tp. 1 8., R. 4 E, 1M acres 9 28
Beginning at NE. corner of sec
tion 12, Tp. 2 8., R. I K.j thence
south 20 chains: thence west 50
chains; thence north 20 chains;
thence east 50 chains to begin
ning, section 12, Tp. 1 8., K. I
E., 100 acres 31 80
Martin. Wm. T. Part of 8. W.
Shannon donation land claim,
beginning 825.9 feet north 63 de
grees west from the SE. corner
of claim No, 70; thence north
25 minutes west 104,5 feet:
thence south 90 degrees 35 min
utes west 187.6 feet: thence
south 63 degrees east to begin
ning, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 14 acre.. 86
Martin Son Block 4, 50x10 feet,
Darling's addition to Oregon
City 2 05
Marshall, Arthur D. Lots 6. g.
block SO, Oregon Iron & Steel
Co.'s First addition to Oswego.. 2 76
Marshall. Wm. H. NE. H of, ex
cept west U of NW. 4 of NE.
4 of and 200x200 feet, section 24,
Tp. J 8., R. 8 E.. 140 acre 5 30
Masters, W. Y. North 14 of NE. 14
and SE. hi of NE. and NE.
of SE. hi of section 30, Tp. 1 8.,
R. 6 E., 160 acres 5 3)
Matlock, Wm. T., heirs of Lot 4,
block 10, Marshfleld 1 14
Mathews, Charles, estate of East
Yt of NW. 14 and NE. of SW.
14 of section 33, Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E.,
120 acres 10 87
Mathews, Wm. Lots 5 to 22 Inclu
sive, block 88, .Minthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland 4 95
Marx, John A. and Fred L. Lot 15,
block 4, West Gladstone 71
Maxon, G. W. Lots 1, 8, 16, block
9, Marchbanks.. 75
May. Susan B. Lots 1, 2, block 2,
Seal's addition to New Era 80
Mattison, John Part of C. Rich
ardson donation land claim, be
ginning at a point 29.86 chains
west of the SE. corner of claim;
thence west 19.36 chains; thence
north 20.56 chains; thence east
19.37 chains; thence south 20.53
chains to beginning, section 6,
Tp. 2 S., R. 3 E., 40 acres 5 30
Matlock, Claude C Part of Mat
lock donation land claim, 1-3 in-
" terest in Mill tract, Tp. 2 8., R.
2 E., 3 1-3 acres 86
M. E. Church, South Lots 8, 9,
block 8, Pleasant Hill addition
to Oregon City..,, 1127
M. E. Church, North North 51 feet
of lot 6, block 25, Oregon City;
west part of lot 1, block 25; lot
2, block 25 63 54
Meekins, J. B. Beginning at a
point 5.88 chains south of 14
section post on the south line
between sections 19 and 30, Tp.
3 S., R. 1 W.j thence west 7.20
chains to a stake from which a
red fir 15 inches in diameter
bears south 71 degrees east 14
links; thence south 14.08 chains
to a stake; thence east 9.95
chains; thence north 14.08
chains; thence west 2.76 chains
to place of beginning; part of
the south 14 of W. W. Weeks
donation land claim, section 30,
Tp. 3 S., R. 1 W., 14 acres 4 35
Meier, Anna Block 73, Pruneland.. 3 68
Meredith, Catherine Lot 10, block
49, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s
First addition to Oswego 1 38
Aieisinger, c East Yt of NE. 14
and NE. 14 of SE. 14 and SW. 14
of NE. 14 of section 20, Tp. 2 S.,
R. 6 E.; SW. Yt of NW. Yt and
NW. 14 of SW. Yt of section 21.
Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E 240 acres 23 85
jneiurum, Jonn Part of Isaac Las
well donation land claim, be
ginning at the SE. corner of
said claim; thence west along
south boundary of said claim
67.37 chains to the SE. corner of
the tract of land containing 40
acres conveyed bv E. B. Fel
lows and wife to W. W. Strick
land; thence north along the
east boundary of said tract 20
chains to the NE. corner of said
tract; thence west along the
north boundary of said tract 21
chains to the west boundary of
said Laswell claim: thence
north along said west boundary
16.55 chains; thence east paral
lel with south boundary of said
claim 74.36 chains to the left
bank of Clackamas river: thence
with meanders of said left bank
south 55 degrees eaBt 88 links:
thence south 61 degrees east 6.20
chains; thence south 60 degrees
east 8 chains to the' meander
corner in the east boundary of
said claim; thence south along
Bald east boundary 28.13 chains
to beginning, Tp. 2 S R. 3 E.,
272.87 acres 21 63
Menzles, Wm. Part of Geo. Wills
donation land claim, beginning
. on Tp. line between R, 1 and 2
E., 3.75 chains north of south
boundary of Geo. Wills dona
tion land claim; thence north
with said line 3.75 chains;
thence west 2.66 chains; thence
south 3.73 chains; thence east
erly 2.66 chains to beginning,
section 25, Tp. 1 S R. 1 E., 2
acres 3 36
Merrick, W. H. Lots 1 to 7 inclu
sive, block 53; lots 2, 3, block
58, Mllwaukle Heights 3 72
Meserve, Charles Lots 9, 10, block
51, Gladstone 33.78
Miller, Will L. LotB 1, 4, block 46.
Shannon's addition to Oregon
City 1 73
Miller, Samuel, estate of Begin
ning at the SW. corner of
claim No. 70, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E. :
thence south 63 degrees east 3.65
chains; thence north 13 degrees
east 11.90 chains; thence north
53 degrees west 7.40 chains to
west line; thence 14.40 chains to
beginning, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 5.90
&CT6S 2 07
Minor, James-Souih ii' of' SW.' ii
and south 14 of SE. 14 of section
22, Tp. 4 S.. R. 4 E., 160 acres.... 4 24
Mitchell, E. B.-Lots 1, 2. block 4,
West Side addition to Oregon
City 2 42
Mock, Orlando J. Lot 6, block 90,
Gladstone 71
Montague, J. V. W. SW. 14 of sec
tion 12. Tp. 2 S., R. 6 E 160
acres 5 30
Moody. Gillie L.-SW. 14 of section
14, Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E., 160 acres.... 8 48
Moore, Charles Lots 1, 2. block 2,
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'a First
addition to Oswego 1 38
Moore, A. H. Lot 6, block 20 A,
Falls View addition to Oregon
City 7 99
Moore, James, heirs of Part the
JameB M. Moore donation land
claim, being a parcel of land 50
feet wide lying along the north
boundary line of Robert Moore
donation land claim, and ex
tending from low water mark
In the Willamette river to a line
20 feet eastward of the present
canal of the Portland General
Electric Co.: also, a parcel west
of said canal lying along the
said north boundary line of said
Robert U. L. C. 50 feet and
extending from a line 20
feet west of the preaent canal
and locks westward to the top
of the bluff. See deed in book
R, page 544, Tp. 2 S R. 1 E 17 23
Moores, C. B. Minthorn addition
to the city of Portland: All of
blocks 7, 8, 21, 22, 35, 36, 60, 63
and lots 1 to 8 inclusive in block
64, and lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, block 6, and streets as
vacated by county court, 30
acres 32 55
Moores, C. E. Lot 2, block 44, Ore
gon Iron & Steel Co.'B First ad
dition to Oswego 86
Moores, George-Block 102, 5 acres,
Friends' Oregon Colony 93
Morrln. Martha Lots 9, 10, block 5. '
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First
addition to Oswego i 52
Moss, R. E. SE. Yt and E. Yt of
SW. 4, and lot 4, section 30, To.
4 S., H. 5 E., 280.56 acres 9 28
Munch, George and Lizzie Lots 19,
20, block 7, Oregon City Annex. 1 23
Murphy, Thomas J. Part of Geo.
Brock donation land claim,
4165.90 feet south, 1146 feet east
of the NW. corner of claim;
thence east 833 feet; thence
south 259 feet; thence weBt 550
feet; thence south 161.26 feet;
thence west 283 feet; thence
north 420.26 feet to beginning,
section 22, Tp. 3 8.. R. 1 E.. 6
acres 1 03
Munley, M. G. Part of J. D. Gar
rett and Joseph Kellogg dona
tion land claims, 7-12 of undi
vided H of 40114 acres, except 65
acres, Tp. 1 8., R. IE.; Tp. 2 8..
R. 2 E.J Tp. 1 8.. R. 1 E.. S
.' acres 54 88
Munley, W. A.-4-12 of undivided H
of part of J. D. Garret and
Joseph Kellogg donation land
claims, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E.J Tp. 2
8., R. 2 E.J Td. 1 8.. R. 1 E.. 56
acres 31 36
Munley, Mary N. 1-12 of undivided
H of part of J. D. Garrett and
Joseph Kellogg donation land
claims, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E.; Tp. 2
8.. R. t E.J Td. 1 8.. R. 1 E.. 14
acres , 7 84
Mathews. F. M. NW. 14 of SW. 14
and 8V. 1 of NW. H of section
26, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 80 acres 16 12
Mt. Hood and Barlow Road Co.
24 miles of road over Cascade
Mountains south of Mt. Hood.. 19 90
McBrlde, T. A. All of block 34,
County addition to Oregon City. 61 50
McCarver, Julia A., estate of Part
of M. M. McCarver donation
land claim, beginning at south
westerly corner of claim; thence
north 44 degrees east on north
westerly boundary of claim 14.22
chains; thence south 47 degrees
SOmlnutea east 22 chains; thence
south 44 degrees west 27 chains;
thence north 47 degrees 30 min
utes west 1.75 chalnB to SW.
boundary of claim; thence north '
31 chains to beginning, contain
ing 38.61 acres; also, beginning
at a point in southeastly bound
ary of said claim 40 chains from
the most easterly corner of said
claim: thence north 47 degrees
30 minutes east 16.50 chains:
thence north 44 degrees east 6.75
chains; thence north 47 degrees
30 minutes west 6 chains; thence
north 44 degrees east 3 chains;
thence south 47 degrees 30 min
utes east 22.36 chains: .thence
SW. on south boundary of said
claim 10.50 chains to beginning,
containing 17.83 acres, Tp. 3 8.,
R. 2 E., 54 acres 23 90
McCleland T. K. Lots 3, 4, block
70. Minthorn addition to the city
of Portland 62
McCombs, Jacob S. Lot 1, block
36, Central addition to Oregon
City 4 10
McCormack, Fred H. East 14 of
SE. 14 of NE. 14 of Bection 15,
Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E., 30 acres 2 78
McCormack, Johnson Lots 2, 3, 4,
block 179, Oregon City 4 10
McCully, J. B., and Croasman, A.
B. SW. 14 of NW. Yt and north '
Yt of SW. 14 and SE. Yt of SW.
Yt of north of Butte creek, sec
tion 29, Tp. 6 S., R. 2 E., 140
acres 5 04
McCown, C. W. North 14 of north
4 of NE. 14 and SW. 14 of NE.
14 and lot 1 of section 23, Tp. 5
S., R. 1 E., 7814 acres 8 3")
McCown, M. F. Lots 3, 4, 5, 12, 13,
block 9; lots 1, 2, 16, 17, block 17,
Gladstone , 8 38
McCown, Malcomb 8. Lots 3, 4, 5, '
12, 13, 14, block 6; lots 6, 7, 9, 10,
11, block 9, Gladstone 11 71
McDonald, Alexander Lot 2, block
14, Talbert's addition to Marsh
fleld 1 42
McDermlt, W. I. Lots 4, 17, block
8, Oregon City Annex 1 23
McDejrmott, Henry, estate of Lots
1, 8, block 46, Oregon City 10 21
McDonald, Maggie North 1-3 of
block 50, Clackamas Heights.... 142
McDonald, Jemina North 14 of
east 14 of east 14 of Claim No.
37, except 2 acres described In
book 37, page 374, section 31, Tp.
3 8., R. 1 W., 38 acres 11 31
McFarland, Kelly Part of the I.
Crantield donation land claim,
beginning 14.38 chains west and
74 rods 10 feet south of the
NE. corner of SW. corner of
section 9, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E. :
thence west 10 rods; thence "
south 7 rods and 10 feet:
thence east 10 rods; thence
north 7 rods and 10 feet to be
ginning, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 14
acre 1 14
McGregor, L. Part of the S. Me
Mahon donation land claim, Tp.
1 S., R. 2 E., 2.25 acres 4 93
McGuire, W. H. and H. P. Part
of Lot Whitcomb donation land
claim, section 35 and 3b, Tp. 1
S.. R. 1 E.. 12 acres 124 00
McGee, Edward NW. 14 of section
34, Tp. 6 S., R. 3 E., 160 acres... 5 30
Mclntire, Dominick-SW. Yt of SE.
Yt ana mti. Yt or bk. Yt 01 -section
5, Tp. 4 S., R. 3 E., 80
acres 9 97
Mclntire, John North 14 of west
14 and south 14 of NE. 14 and
SE. Ii of NW. 14 and NW. 14 of
SE. ij of section 26, Tp. 2 8., R.
6 E.; SW. 14 of SE. 14 and SE.
14 of SW. 14 of section 23, Tp.
2 S., R. 6 E., 400 acres 24 46
McKenzle, William South 14 of
NW. Yt of section 1, Tp. 3 8.,
R. 4 E., 80 acres 5 30
Lot 6 of section 13, Tp. 3 S., R.
3 E., 28.83 acres 1 58
McKlnney, Anderson SE. Yt of
NW. 14 and NE. 14 of SW. 14 of
section 26, Tp. 4 S., R. 1 E., 80
acres 20 22
McMahon, Richard Lots 3, 4, block
22, Canemah 1 77
McNary, H. P., and Meredith, B. F.
Lots 11 to 40 Inclusive, block
28, and lots 1 to 20 Inclusive in
block 29, and streets as vacated
by county court In Minthorn ad
dition to the city of Portland.
4.23 acres 3 10
McNary, H. P. All of block 1 and
lots 1 to 10 Inclusive In block 28,
and streets as vacated by the
county court In Minthorn addi
tion to the city of Portland, 4
acres 3 10
McGlynn, Anna, and Estman, Myre
South 1-3 of south 14 of block
31, and north 14 of north 14 of
block 30, Prunelands 2 95
N .
Neiman. William SE. 14 of section
26, Tp. 4 8., R. 4. E 160 acres... 5 57
Nelson, Ruth Part of A. P. Smith
donation land claim, beginning
at SW. corner of A. P. Smith
donation land claim, north 21 1-3
rods, east 15 rods, south 21 1-3
rods, west 15 rods to beginning,
containing 2 acres, Tp. 2 S., R.
2 E 1 42
Newman. Hiram F., heirs of SE.
' Yt of section 6, Tp. 4 8., R. 5 E.,
160 acres 5 SO
Nodstrum, Sarah 8. Lot 8, block 6,
Barlow 32
Noe, Mattie Lot 1, block 17, Bolton 8q
Nolan, Viola Lots 48, 49, Pleasant
Little Homes, No. 1 56
North Paciflo Camp Meeting Asso
ciation WeBt 14 of block 22, 214
acres, Oak Grove 1 99
Northrup, Fannie 8. Lot 16, block
13, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s
First addition to Oswego 86
Northrup, F. E. Lot 6, block 36,
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First
addition to Oswego 86
Northrup, Fannie H. Lots 13. 14,
15, block 28, Oregon Iron & Steel
Co.'s First addition to Oswego.. 2 93
Noyer, Peter Beginning at the NE.
corner of the SE. Yt of NW. 14
of section30: thence west 8 rods;
thence south 80 rodB; thence
east 3 rods: thence north 80
rods to beginning, section 20,
Tp. 4 S., R. 2 E., Vk acres 35
Nichols. A. 8., trustee Part of H.
Straight donation land claim,
beginning 44 links north 58 de
grees west from 14 post on south
line of section 20, Tn. 2 8., R. 2
K.j thence north 84 degrees west
16.25 chains; thence south 6 de
grees west 1.03 chains; thence
north 82 degrees west 11.25
chains: thence south 61 degrees
west 10 chains: thence south 54 .
degrees west 12.50 chains; thence
south 74 degrees west 7.35
chains to continence of Clack
amas and Willamette rivers:
thence up Willamette river
south 33 degrees 30 minutes east
1.70 chains; thence south 71 de
grees east 3 chains; thence south
15 degrees east 6.60 chains:
thence south 23 degrees east, 6
chains: thence south 85 degrees
35 minutes east 39.50 chains to
center of Oregon City and Port
land road: thence north 26 de
grees 30 minutes east with cen
ter of said road 15 chains;
thence north 12 degrees 40. min
tttau Anat is is phRinR to begin
ning. Td. 2 8.. R. 2 E 150 acres 159 73
Ochs, Frank-SE. Vi of SW. Yt of
section 21, Tp. 3 S, R. 6 E 40
acres wv
O'Conner, W. M., heirs of SE. 14
of NE. 14 of section 24, Tp. 3 8..
R. 2 E.J SW. VI and south 14 of
NW. Yt and SW. 4 of NE. 14 of
Bection 19, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E., 320
Oetken. Willie Part of the George
Crow donation land claim, Tp.
2 8., R. 1 E.. IB acres
Offleld. G. W.-NW. Yt of NW .14 of
section 30, Tp. 7 8., R. S E., 160
4 83
38 42
20 72
4 21
Oglesby, 8. J. Lot 8 of section 30,
Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 27.76 acres 8 06
Ogle. Charles BlocB at, 0 acres.
Oteson, H. A SE. 4 of section 36,
Tp. 4 8.. R. 6 E.. 160 acres
Olson. T. E. Lots 2 to 8 Inclusive,
block 15; lots 5. 6, 7. 8, block 14:
ntM 1 ,i R Inpliistve. block 31.
S 66
5 96
Mllwaukle i
Part of Lot wniicomo oraamra
land claim, beginning 35 feet
south of center of Jefferson and
Irving streets in the town of
Mllwaukle 4 chains east, 18.3S
chains north of Yt section post
between sections 35 and 3b:
thence north 75.5 degrees east
17.20 chains to dividing line of
claim No. 3S: thence northerly
on said dividing line 9A chains;
thence west 56 links: thence
north 264 degrees west 1.92
chains: thence south 80 degrees
west 13.37 chains; thence north
10 degrees west 1.93 chains:
thence south SO degrees west
13.37 chains; thence north 10 de-
grees west 1.38 chains; thence
. Bouth 80 degrses west 4.24 chains
tocenterof Irving street: thence
south 10 degrees east 13.22
chains; thence parallel with cen
ter line of said street to south
line of Jefferson street, Tp. IS.,
R. 1 E., 20 acres 58 90
Omerea, Julia South 14 of NE. 14
and SE. 14 of section 30, except
land described in book O, page
217, and book T. page 130, soutli
14 of SW. 14 and NVV. 14 of SW.
hi and 10 acres off of the north
side of SW. 14 of SW. 14 of sec
tion 30, Tp. 6 8., R. 2 E., 349
acres 57 24
North 14 of NE. 14 and north 14
of NW. hi of section 31, Tp. 5 S.,
R. 2 E., 160 acres 10 60
East 14 of NE. Yt and east 14 of
8E. hi and east 14 of east 14 of
NE. 14, except 30 acres in Bec
tion 36, Tp. 5 8., R. 1 E., 170
acres 11 26
Oscharty, August North 14 of SE.
14 of section 29, Tp. 3 S., R. 5 E.,
80 acres 5 9S
Osborn, F. R. South 14 of section
36, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E., 320 acres..., 11 93
Osborn, Charles NW. 14 of section
27, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160 acres.... 5 30
Osborn, R., and Ferrln, Ella L.
Part of S. McMahon donation
land ' claim, beginning 14.97
chains south of 14 post on west
line of section 28, Tp. 1 S., R. 2
E.; thence west 20.98 chains to
county road; thence south 27 de
grees W. along road 3.11 chains;
thence east 22.38 chains; thence
north 2.77 chains to beginning,
section 28, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E 6
acres .-. 1 9ii
Ozane, Paul A. South hi of, except
60 acres described in book 66,
page 320, and 160 acres in book
61, page 171, section 11, Tp. 3 S.,
R. 1 W.. 100 acres 15 90
Page, James H. Part of Hector
Campbell donation land claim,
beginning at the NW. corner of
D. Hathaway donation land
claim; thence north 18.23 chains
to south line of avenue laid out
by F. W. Campbell for Alfred
and Mary Lewelllng; thence
east along Bouth line of said
avenue to west line of land for
merly owned by A. F, Miller:
thence south along said west
line to south line of Hector
Campbell's donation land claim;
thence west to beginning, ex
cept 6 acres described in book
39, page 147, Tp. 1 S R. 1 E 24
acres 60 76
Painter, Elizabeth and Fred Lots
1 and 8, block A, Canemah 4 26
Paine, Edward W. North 14 of
SW. 14 of section 14, Tp. 4 8., R.
2 E., 80 acres , 5 30
Paine, E. W. and Ellen East 14 of
NE. 14 of SW. 14 and NW. hi of
SE. Ii section 9, Tp. 4 S R. 2
E., 60 acres 10 95
Paine, E. W. and D. F. Part of F.
T. Howard donation land claim,
beginning at SW. corner of
claim; thence north 127 rods 15
links; thence east 65 rods;
thence south 123 rods; thence
east V rods; thence Bouth to
south line of claim; thence west
to beginning, section 6, Tp. 4 S.,
R. 2 E., 52 acres 10 65
Palmateer, Wm. SW. 14 of NW. 14
of section 25, Tp. 3 8.. R. 4 E.:
also, beginning 13.35 chains south
of SE. corner of section 23. Tp.
3 8., R. 4 E.J thence south 6.65
chains; thence east 4.25 chains;
thence north 30 degrees west to
beginning, section 25, Tp. 3 8.,
R. 4 E., 4114 acres; NE. 14 of
NE. 14 of section 26, Tp. 3 8., R.
4 E., 40 acres; also, beginning at
14 post on east line of section
26, Tp. 3 8., R. 4 E. ; thence
west 9.50 chains; thence north
6.10 chains; thence east 9:5C
chains; thence 8. 5.10chalnsto be
ginning, section 26. Td. 3 8.. R.
' 4 E., 4.75 acres 12 27
Paquette, Monice NW. 14 of SW.
4 of, except 31.73 acres In book
62. page 218, section 24. Td. 6 8..
R. 1 E., 8.30 acres 53
PDmtalta O Vlxo T nl A V.l 1,
48, Oregon City 25 32
ransn. I nomas j. west 01
NW. 14 of section 10. Td. 4 8..
R. 3 E., 80 acres 12 S8
Parrot, Richard East 14 of NW.
14 of, except 20 acres in section
19, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W 60 acres.... 7 28
Parmer, Fred Lots A and B, block
1, Parker Hill addition to Ore
gon City 1 72
Parker, Benjamin F. NW. 14 of
section 20, Tp. 1 S., R. 6 E., 160
acres 5 30
Parker, James T. East 14 of SW.
Vl, ana lots 3 ana 4 oi section
lis. Tn. 1 8.. R. 6 E.. 154 acres... 6 03
Pasold, Albert SE. 14 of section 32,
X J. U Oi, IV. O rJ.t OltTB. ...... V 1
Patterson, F., trustee Lot 16, block
48, Oregon Iron Steel Co. s
First addition to Oswego 1 38
Payne, W. 8. Part of S. McMahon
donation lana claim, beginning
1153.59 feet Bouth of SE. corner
of section 20, Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E.;
thence east 520.08 feet: thence
south 16.59 feet; thence west
520.08 feet; thence north 16.59
feet to beginning, Tp. 1 S., R.
e i, itf avi7 0 &
Pease, Justin Lot 8, block 140, Ore
gon City; part or wm. Holmes
donation land claim. .75 acre 11 27
PeaBe, A. A. Part of 8. 8. White
donation land claim, beginning
at a point north 47 degrees 45
minutes west 10 chains distance
' from a point on the southeast
erly line of the donation land
claim of 8. 8. White, which
point Ib south 42 degrees 15 min
utes west 14 chalnB distant from
the most easterly corner of
said claim and running thence
north 47 degrees 45 minutes 10
chains to a line between W. B.
Partlow and Kellogg heirs;
thence with said line south 42
degrees 15 minutes west 10
chalnB; thence at right angles
with said line south 47 degrees
45 minutes east 10 chains; thence
42 degrees 15 minutes east 10
' chains to beginning: also, be-
f tinning at a stone in the road
eading from John Howlands to
Oregon City, said stone being
north 11 degrees 30 minutes
west 24.50 chains distant from
the most corner of 8. 8.
White donation land claim, and
running thence south 42 degrees
15 minutes weBt 5.58 chains;
thence at right angles and south
' 47 degrees 45 minutes eaBt 3.51
chains: thence at right angles
42 degrees 15 minutes east 3.44
chains to the east line of said
8.8. White donation land claim;
thence north 11 degrees 30 min
utes west 4.22 chains on said
claim line to place of beginning,
Bection 7, Tp. 3 S., R. 2 E., 10
acres 16 86
Lot 7, block 8. Windsor 1 31
Pease, Allison Lots 7 and 8, block
164, Oregon City 43 09
Peck, H. O. Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
block 6; lots 13, 14, 15; 16, 17,
block 6, Pleasnnt Little Homes,
No. 3. Part of the Joseph Gar
ret donation land claim, begin
ning 30 chains west and 43.30
chains south of the NE. corner
of claim No. 38, Tp. 1 8.. R. 2
E. ; thenceeaet 18.53 rods; thence
south 43.40 rods; thence west
18.53 rods; thence north 43.40
rods to beginning, sections 31
and 32, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., sec
tions 5 and 6, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.,
5 acres ( 72
Pendleton, Michael East 14 of NE.
14 and east 14 of SE. 14 of sec
tion 20, Tp. 5 8., R. I E., 160
6 63
Petterson, O. A. NW. 14 of section
8, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E 160 acres....
Petengen, George H. Lot 7, block
26, Oregon Iron A Steel Co.'s
First addition to Oswego
Peterson, Loran Part of W. F.
Eastham donation land claim
bond for deed from Peter Nis
sen), Tp. 5 S , R, 1 W.. 8 acres..
Peterson. Charles E. SW. H of
SW. K at section 19. Td. 4 B.. R.
1 E., 40 acres 11 to
pneips, ixiuisana ran or me Aoie
Matoon donation land claim,
beginning at the NE. corner of
claim, thence south 67 degrees
45 minutes west 44 chains;
thence sonth 80 degrees 30 min
utes west to right bank of Clear
creek: thence with meanders ot
said creek up stream to the
NW. corner of a tract of land
conveyed by Able Matoon and
wife to E. G. Matoon by deed
described In book V, page 24;
thence north 84 degrees 30 min
utes east 23.79 chains; thence
north 16 degrees east 30 chains
to the east boundary of said
claim; thence north 22 degrees
15 minutes 17.80 chains to begin
ning, weBt 14 of above described
land In sections 24, 25 and 26,
Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E., 50 acres U 03
Phelps, O. 8. Part of the Able Ma
toon donation land claim, begin
ning at the NE. corner of claim;
thence south 67 degrees 45 min
utes west 44 chains; thence south
20 degrees east 6.51 chains;
thence south 70 degrees east 4.36 j
chains; thence Bouth 80 degrees
30 minutes west to right bank of '
Clear creek; thence with mean
ders of said creek to the NW.
corner of a tract of land con-
veyed by Able Matoon and wife
to E. G. Matoon by deed re- J
corded In book V, page 24; I
thence north 84 degrees 30 min
utes eaBt 23.79 chains; thence
north 61 degrees east 30 chains
to the east boundary of said
claim; thence north 25 degrees
15 minutes west 17.80 chains to
place of beginning. eaBt 14 of
the above described land In sec
tions 24, 25, 26, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E.,
' 58 acres 5 55
Phillips, C. M. and Cora M. Lots
110, 111, 112, Friends' Oregon Col
ony 5 98
Phillips, Benton Beginning 20
chains south and 30 chains west
of NE. corner of section 32, Tp.
1 8., R. 2 E.J thence west 10
chains; thence south 10 chains;
thence east 10 chains; thence
north 10 chains to beginning,
except 6 acres, ,deed described
In book 33, page 423, section 32,
Tp. 1 S., R. 2 E., 6 acres 3 5
Phillips, E.-Lots 19, 30, 31, 32, block
. 15; lots 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 35. 36.
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, block 42, Min
thorn addition to the city of
Portland 5 27
Price, Herman J. and Nancy-!-West
14 of NW. hi of section 11, Tp. 3
8., R. 5 E., 80 acres 2 65
Price, Hallie East of NW. 14 of
section 21, Tp. 4 8., R, 4 E., 80
' acres 6 89
Pike, Henry-East 14 of NE. 14 and
BW. 14 of NE. 14 and NE. 14 of
SE. 14 of section 26, Tp. 2 8., R.
' 5 E., 160 acres 6 63
Pillsbury, John G. Beginning 17.24
chains north and 124 chains
west from the 14 section corner
Detween sections au ana 31, Tp.
2 8., R. 1 E.; thence 38 degrees
40 minutes east 12.60 chains to
the Willamette river; thence
north 28 degrees east along
river 3.20 chains; thence 40 de-
grees 40 minutes west 11.80
chains; thence south 39 degrees
west 2.50 chains to beginning,
Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 3 acres 22 43
Pillsbury, Martha Part of lot 7,
block 28; lot 6, block 3, Oregon
City 53 30
Part of the Samuel Miller dona
tion land claim, beginning at a
point 17.22 chains south of NE.
corner of claim No. 68; thence
weBt 42.62 chains to dividing
line; thence south on said line
15.28 chains; thence east 42.52 !
chains to the east line; thence
north 15.28 chains to beginning,
containing 65 acres, Tp. 2 8., R.
2 E 22 43
Platts, E. A. South 14 of section
. 36, Tp. 2 S., R. 7 E 320 acres... 10 60
Plummer, Leonard V. All of block
45, Shannon's addition to Oregon
City 5 17
Pope, Charles W. West 14 of D. H.
Good donation lund claim, sec
tion 9, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E., 320 acres 34 71
Pope, Wm. H. Part of Isaac Las
well donation land claim, be
ginning at a point in north
boundary of said claim 2.50 '
chains east from the NW. cor
ner of Bald claim: thence south
2 chains; thence west 2.50 chains
to the west boundary une of '.
said claim; thence south along. I
said west boundary line 41.45 '
chains; thence eaBt parallel
with south boundary line of said '
claim 74.36 chains to the left
bank of the Clackamas river:
thence with meanders of said
left bank down stream north '
55 degrees west 152 chains: !
thence north 35f degrees west '
3.74 chains; thence north 25 de- !
grees west 7.24 chains; thence ;
north 6.92 chains; thence north '
25 degrees east 7.37 chalnB to the '
SE. corner of a tract of land I
conveyed by W. H. Pope and !
John W. Meldrum to G. W.
Grace; thence west along the :
south boundary of said tract
conveyed to G. W. Grace 31.50
chains to the SE. corner of said
tract; thence north 20 chains to
the north boundary of said Las
well claim; thence W. along said
north boundary 37.60 chains to '
beginning, Tp. 2 S., R. 3 E. ,
445.96 acres 19 48
Porter, W. W. and L. A. East 14
of NW. 14 of section 20, Tp. 5 S.,
R. 3 E., 80 acres 7 29
Powell, Jacob Lot L, 15 acres,
Clackamas RIverBlde 11 30
Poyser, W. B.-Part of H. Straight
donation land claim, beginning
at SE. corner of claim No. 42;
thence north 5 degrees 15 min
utes east 4.60 chains; thence 84
degrees SO minutes west 27
chains; thence south 5 degrees
15 minutes west 4.50 chains;
thence south 84 degrees 30 min
utes east 27 chains to beginning,
Tp. 2 S R. 2 E., .35 acre 13 5t
President and Trustee of the Tual
atin Academy and Pacific Uni
versity LotB 27 to 38 inclusive,
block 81, Minthorn addition to
the city of Portland 3 72
Putkamer, F. W. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
block S9 B, subdivision of Clack
amas Heights 2 13
Putnam, A. M. Lot 1. block 34,
Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'B First
addition to Oswego 1 04
Rands, W. J. Lots 5, 6, block 7.
South Oregon City 1 18
Ranklna, Wm. Lots 3, 4, 6, block
2, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s
First addition to Oswego S 80
Ravely, Angellne, estate of West
14 of SW. 14 and SW. 14 of NW.
Yt of section 16, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E.,
120 acres 15 41
Raymond, P. H. Lots 6 to 19 In
clusive, block 99, Minthorn ad
dition to the city of Portland.. 4 4
Reed. Rebecca J. C East 14 of
8W. 14 and west hi of SE. 14 of
section 6, Tp. 2 8., R. 6 E., 160
acres 6 63
Reea, Arthur-SE. 14 of SW. 14 of
section 36, Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E., 40
acres 2 05
Refiling, A., trustee West 14 of
NE. 14 and east hi of NW. 14 of
section 34, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 160
acres 78 IT
Refiling, Axel. Lot Whitcomb
Island, section 35, Tp. 1 8., R. 1
E., 15 acres 9 30
Reynolds, Daniel W. Part of L. D.
C. Latourette donation land
claim, beginning at the NW.
corner of claim No. 45, Tp. 2 8.,
R. 2 E.J thence north 88 degrees
east 53.0 chains; thence south
15 minutes east 12.15 chains:
thence west 53.49 chains to west '
line of said claim: thence 15
minutes west 10.30 chains to be- I
ginning, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 60
acres. Part of Ezra Fisher do
nation land claim, beginning at
the SE. corner of claim: thence
north 24 chains; thence west 87
degrees 15 minutes west 55.70
chains; thence south28.40chalns:
thence north 88 degrees east 55
chains to beginning, except all
oi tne atove tract wnicn lies
north of Abernathy creek; also, '
beginning at the NW. corner of '
donation land claim of L. D. C.
Latourette in R. 2 and 3 8., I '
E.j thence north 9 chains;
thence E. 4.24 chains; thence
south 87 degrees 65 minutes east
12.26 chains; thence south 7.90
chains: thence south 88 degrees
west 16.50 chains to beginning,
sections 28, 29, 31, 32, Tp. 2 8.,
R. 2 E., 152 acres 69 56
Rice, Vivian and Sylvester Part of
the McMahon donation land
claim, a strip g rods wldex40
rods, Tp. 1 8., R. t E., 2 acres.. 1 12
Ruchef. Fred SE. 14 of section 2,
Tp. 3 8.. R. 5 E., 160 acres fi 30
Retd, Mary E. Part of R. Arthur
donation land claim, beginning
40 chains south 20 chains west
of the NE, corner of claim:
thence south 40.20 chains: thence
west 20 chains? thence north
40.28 chains; thence east to be
ginning, except 11.08 acres in
sections 33, 34, Tp. 2 8., R. 3 E.,
80 acres ig 8
Riggs, Maggie Part of F. M. Riggs
donation land claim, section 23,
Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E 12 acres 3 5S
Rlnearson. Helen B. M. Part of P.
M. Rlnearson donation land
claim, Tp. 2 8.,- R. 1 E.; Tp. 2
mm''" w ''"'