Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 30, 1898, PART 2, Image 16

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    3TOTJ ;
flannelctt )pappep, gibbon,
ladies' ests, aces,
Children' (Underwear, Harris,
Unt' (gfriderwear. poieru
All kinds of Notions at the Lowest Prices in
. . the city. Come and see.
While Others TRY to Follow
tI take pleasure in announcing to the public that I have put in a
Fine Line of NEW Furniture, NEW Carpets, NEW Matting,
NEW line of Fine Steel Ranges and Stoves, NEW Air-tight Heaters
NEW Hardware, NEW Portieres and Lace Curtains. Also a fine
line of NEW Crockery, Hanging Lamps, Glassware and Tinware.
My Second-Hand Stock
Of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves
, Is Always Complete
Convince yourself by getting our prires before buying.
Prices Cheerfully Given.
Don't Forget the Place
Main Street....
Opp. Postofflce
will reoolve the paper till 1J00 for 11.60. Old To Bend news from their respective neighbor.
uuKmuure uuu uy paying uy iwrenia uavv it Ht ' uihkim w tug wreKon uicy UOURIKB. liloeral 10'
ame prloa. ) ducements. Write for them.
Absolutely Pur
wrtu. uaam fowptn eo.. miw vo .
riountaln View Items.
Teachers' fleeting.
The first meeting of the Clackamas
Oounty Educational Arsociation since
the summer vacation was held at Da
mascus last Saturday. In the absence
of Superintendent Strange, Vice-Presi
dent T. J. Gary presided.
The gathering proved to be both a
pleasant and profitable one, and a num
her of interesting discussions were held.
H. M. htalnaker made an excellent
talk on school management . l-
In the absence of Miss Emma Starch
ier, of Clackamas, who was to have led
in the discussion of "Composition," the
subject was ably bandied by Miss Ella
lioehike, n. ft. tnbson. Mrs. L. M.
Hedges and others. :
N. W. Bowland, of Harmon v. gave a
splendid dissertation on "History for
Beginners." .
A. C. Strange, of Orient, made an ex
cellent talk on "Civil Government."
The residents of Damascus and vicin
ity gave the visiting teachers a splendid
bHsket dinner, which was duly appreciated.
n. L.ee, ot south Mount Tabor, was a
visitor at the meeting, and made some
appropriate remarks.
It was voted to hold the next meet
ing at Carus on the fourth Monday in
Prof. Gibson took out a wagon-load of
Oregon City teachers, consii-ting of
Misses Kate Porter, Jennie Rowen,
Ella Boehlke, Lizzie Mac Donald, Lizzie
Shipley, and Prof. T. J. Gary.
Miss Eula Strange is the capable
teacher of the Damascus school . and
the board of directors is J. H. Boring.
Chris Weddeler, William Buchinan and
F. M. 08burn, clerk.
Red and Happenings.
John Weismantle has rented his farm
to Ed Leek, share rent, J.'Fullam's
ti ne having expired.
James Shuitz has rented J. S. Wil
liams' place, Mr Mnrdock, the former
renter, having purchased a farm near
Macksburg. .
A number of our people attended the
wood sawing bee at Kev, Moorehouse's
on the 22nd.
William Stone and D. C . Richardson
have sold their sheep, owing to the in
loads made in the flock by the cayotes .
Charles Rutherford begun school in
District No. 75, Monday morning, i
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Funk Kpent a few
days last week visiting friends and rela
tives at Molalla and Canny. They re
port a most enjoyable visit. .
Mrs. Caudonau, of El wood, was the
guest of Mrs. Taylor last Tuesday even
ing. G. W. Grace and J. W. Grout have
returned from their trip in Eastern
J. V. Green has returned from his
trip to the mountains and is now driv
ing the delivery wagon for Marr & Muir.
Mr. Soners and family, of the Aber
natbv, spent Sunday with Mr. Gillett
and family.
W. Hall is havi ng a dwelling house
built this week, the carpenters are from
West Oregon City.
Mrs. Will Everhart has the typhoid
fever. Dr. Seamman is in attendance).
Mrs. Engle. of Molalla, is staying
with her daughter, Mrs. Everhart, this
week, t
Miss Mollie May is at home for a few
weeks visit.
Bert Ringo had the misfortune to cut
his hand duite badly last Monday so
that he cannot work at the milt this
this week.
F. M. Darling wdl begin tea china
school at Beaver Creek next Monday,
October 3.
; Ma. and Mrs. Frank Lane, of Meadow
brook, were the guents of Mrs. Ringi
last Monday. They expect to g to To
ledo, Lincoln county, soon.
Mrs. Elmer Cooper rode out tip Mu-
li no last Sunday and spent the day with
Mm. Goucher.
Clyde Pierce and family will move
into F. M. Darling's house this week.
Ely, Ore., Sept. 28. Salina.
riulino Notes.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney G. ,B.
goes to Barlow Saturday, to prosecute
John Babsch for dangerously wounding
Edmund Kinney with a shotgun.
High qualities in millinery at low
prices at Miss Goldsmith.
A National .Drill and entertainment
will be given at the First Baptist church
on Friday evening, September 30th. be
ginning at 7 :i J o' clock p m. 'I he leature
of the evening will be a National drill by
the young people representing in cus
tomes and flags various nations, among
which Spain will be duly represented.
Besides there will be recitations and
singin g of a high character. At the close
o f the literary exercises ice cream and
cake will be served, and a general good
time is exptcted. Admission 15c for
adults and 10c t or children.
A Hindu meeting will be held in the
Salvation Army hall oh Wednesday night,
October 5th. Hindu costumes will be
represented, and Captain Barhe wili give
a talk on the Salvation Army work in
India. Captain May will be present,
and will no doubt greatly add to the
interest of the meeting. A most pront
able and . blessed time is expected.
Every body welcome.
Nottingham lace curtains-; balance of
lot just received. Will close out at the
same old price. Oregon Uity Auction
Insure in a first-class companies
With an eperenced agent.
Quite a number are on the sick list in
this neighborhood, suffering from sore
throats and colds.
Mis R. Goucher, who got her arm.
broken a couple of weeks ago, is slowly
W. A Woodside to k a load of hoga
to Oregon City to Mr. Darnell Tuesday.
Bruce Darnell intends to start East of
the mountains the last of the week.
Every one is sorry to Bee Bruce leave as
it will be rather quite when he is gone
Mr and Mrs-. August Erickson and
family were the uuests of Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Sunday.
Frank Mulvey. of Portland, was visit
ing his parents Tuesday and Wednes
day. -
A verv i.leaKxnt party was given by
Miss Ida W odtdde at her home lust
Hamnlav evening, ihe evening was
soent in dancing, a large crowd was
p-enent and everybody enjoyed a Very
pi. asant tune.
0. T Howard was a Portland visitor
M s-. L. A. Bunch and Miss Maggie
Mmvev were 'he guest of Miss Effie
Ranch, of C'anhy, Monday.
Mr and Aire. C. T. Howard enter
ta mil qu et a number of (fiends Sunday
C ihh. Daniels who has been visiting
her tdt-ier at Salem f r ihe last couple ol
weeks relumed home Saturday.
There will be preaching at the Grange
Hall Fndav evening, at 7 :30 p. m. and
Sunday afternoon at. 8 p. m. by Mrs.
.In". YVilkersoit, of Oregon City.
Mulii.o, Sept. 28. Pansy.
"Ren ember the Maine." and see the
Xaii mill Drill ai the Baptist church Fri
day evei ing.
Shall we
tell you
why ?
: ;
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable . n ..
oregon city, oregon, i. t. UonafdSOIl, Agent
On the Street between the Bridge and thi fire and Accident Insurance
Double and single rigs and saddle horses k
ways on hand at iho lowest rates, ind aOorrk
aUo connected with the bam for loose stock PTTPAPPCT CTftPP TW TftWNf
Any Information regarding any kind of stock iWMnXbOl OiUft&iN lUWH
promptly attended to by letter or person. .
Get Our Prices
IS THE TIME to clean th and Main St3-
house and repaper your "
rooms and paint your S
house and . For First-CIass
ft . Go to V
IS THE MAN to do . Hm f
. . . (( v. F. HENNIQIGS I
the painting and papering I
in a first-ciass shape at Seventh St. Bakcrg I
very low prices. -Leave or stop his wagon I
orders at Ely Bros, store i as it goes by.
on upptr 7th streeth. ksa
Since buying his Groceries
of MARR $ MUIR, after
having traded for some time
at other stores. No stale or
inferior goods kept.
-The Housefurnishers
Ladies and Gentlemen
This week we will sell Carpets to you,
and not talk politics. If we offer you aj
Brussels Carpet worth 75c for 55c, we do
not want to explain to yon nign ami
low tariff; we will only talk Carpets.
"In five years 1 used 20
brooms at 25 cents eachi
Total cost, $5.00. I have
used my "BISSELL." ,
sweeper five years It
cost $3 and is good
for five years more."
I have already saved $ 2.00 in cash still
have my sweeper and have also had the
benefit of ease, pleasure and convenience;
have saved my time, labor, carpets, health
and curtains all by use of a "BISSELL."
We sell other brands for (1.50.
Our assortment of All-Wool Ingrain Is Just Great I
Wall Paper
We announce herewith that from now
on We whl trim all Wall Paper bought of
118 FREE OF CHARGE, regard leosoltiuality
i ou know tliat Wall Paper has advanced,
but in tqiite of that we will sell :'5c
Spring iiMiteuitt lor 5c km on a loll as
long as aiock lasts.
10 Piece Tcilet Setter $2
Best Plain White Ware
-. . ...:ix
(A H
- " - . )
si . i- '
Splendid Selection of
Th necessary for you to be successful in
fulfilling yourdnily dutie, mid that, you
caniv t.' uet ii'l -sa your bed is in tne
verv best condition. We have solid iron
beds, good wire springs ami nil kinds ol
mat trfHMwfi rend v f"1 y iur service Also
a complete stick of fine wool blankets
and quili at all prices.
Maple Cheval Bedroom Suits 3 pieces
B " i , .11 -r r. -H
"': i'(i ijil'ilWiA'aoJ" , .
B-Hole m
From 29 to $49
Remember the Place
Believe your nwn rjvn it.r a Inok
imd e il we're not lowest lor ihe lft-i
(imihiv lleHiing S'ovk. I w io ine will
tin nl v exprcs the win ol oik styp
fide ihe p:eent hencnii in ii li.pHiinoii
with fi riner years. No new reason tor
ti. either: vou see. tha old reason in
gaining momentum with each new cub-
Hyou want te sr.d a fm - dollam tr.
eompletey. ur kitilen mtn nils d n't
mmsiolooB over our tine stock. We
eil for insiHiice a food grsnile nn ihat
meaMiie 10 inches across lor llTeenu
O'lieia to prutn-rtioii.
We Sell Cheaper
Than Others
Main St., Opposite the Court House