'.Fa A (HI I Vftllf lUa ruAA Upon rich, pure, nourishing blood by tak ing Hood's Sarsapanlla, and you will be free from those spells of despair, those sleepless nights and anxious days, those , gloomy, deathlike feelings, those sudden starts at mere nothings, those dyspeptic symptoms and blinding headaches, : Hood's Barsaparilla has done thk for many others it will cure you. '! Hood's Sarsaparilla s America's Greatest Medicine. tl; six or $5. Hood's PUIS cnre Sick Headache. 25 cents. Can't Please Everyone. A woman who keeps house to snlt berself and family saya one of the most diffloglt and also one of the most necessary lessons for a housekeeper to , learn is, in order to be successful, she must assert her individuality; it is uBelesB to trv to rleA t is surprising to notioe how many jthinga in our homes are done directly with an eye single to our neighbor. Detroit Free Press. I believe Piso's Cure is the only medi cine that will cure consumption. Anna M. Boss, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, 1895. H' Certain butterflies have very trans parent wings and these are thought by Hasse to be. even more effeotual for protection than conspicuous "warning" stripes or other markings. ' There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, . and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure . with Iniml trpntmant TmnMia1 n rnn...i.in Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires oonstltu- ,an.n.a., Il.llla . U r ett.i tiuaiuii,uh unit VtttUU VUTU, DIUU- ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress, F.J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 780. . Ball's Family Fills are the best An Australian physician, 0. J. Mar tin, has expressed his conviction that it will soon be possible to procure a serum that will neutralize the poison of snakes. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes, boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrieon street, Portland, Oregon. ( The increased use of aluminum in the arts is being recorded constantly In the technical press, and posBibly ita most recent application ia for printer's type- ' No household Is complete without a bottle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It Is a pure nd wholesome stimulant recommended by all physicians. Don't neglect this necessity. Laige numbers of flintlock guns six feet long are made in Birmingham, England, at f 1.60 each, and many of these weapons find a ready market in Darkest Africa. FITJ l"rmanenUy Cured. No floor nervtrasuee ill" after Ural day's use of Dr. Klioe's Great Nerve Itestorer. Send for FBKB K4.00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. E. H, Kf.M 030 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa, The prinoipal ingredient of Spain's new and mysterious explosive is be lieved to be printer's ink. Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. It seems almost too bad, but young Alfonso XIII probably will have to learn his geography lessons over again. As a rule, a man's hair turns gray Bve years sooner than a woman's.. SINGULAR STATEMENT. From Mrs. Bank to Mrs. Pinkham. The following letter to Mrs. Pink ham, from Mrs. M. Rank, No. 2..1S4 East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., ia a remarkable statement of re lief from utter discouragement, She says: " I never can find words with which to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has dona forme. " Some years ago I had womb trouble and doctored for a long time, not see ing any improvement. At times I would feel well enough, and other times was miserable. So it went on until last October, I felt something terrible creeping over me, I knew not what, but kept getting worse. I can hardly explain my feelings at that time. I was so depressed in spirits I that I did not wish to live, although I had everything to live for. Had hys teria, was very nervous; could not sleep and was not safe to be left alone. " Indeed, I thought I would lose my mind. No one knows what I endured. " 1 continued this way until the lost of February, when I saw in a paper a testimonial of a lady whose case was similar to mine, and who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I determined to try it, and felt better after the first dose. I continued taking it, and to-day am a well woman, and can say from my heart, 'Thank Ood for such a medi cine.'" Mrs. Pinkham Invites all suffering women to write to her at Lynn, Mass., or advice. All such letters are seen and answered by women only. YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Get It Right Keep It Right Hoore'i Revealed Remedy will do it. Three doses will make yon teel better. Get it from your druggist or any wholesale drug houae , or bom Stewart t Holmes Drug Co, Seattle. WHEAT Make money by lucceiful peculation In Chicago. We bur and sell wheat on mar gins. Fortunes bare been made on a small beginning by trading in in. tures. Write for full particulars. Best of r ere nee given. Several years' experience on the C hi caro Board of Trade, and a thorough know. ledge of the bU'lnPM. Send for our free reler rnre book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon and Seattle. Wash. SUSS 1 wHtunui else fails. 3 Beat Cough Syrup. Tuu Good. in urn, no n nr nruraiftUL 1 - tl .4 The Dob Under the Wagon. "Come, wife, said good old Farmer Gray, mt on your things, 'tis market day, : And well be off to the nearest town. There and bock ere the sun goes down. "Spot? No, we'll leave old Spot bemno." But Spot he barked and Spot he whined, And soon made up his doggish mind To follow under the wagon, ; Away they went at a good round pace, And Joy came Into the farmer's face, "Poor Spot," said he, "did want to come, But I'm awful glad he's left at home He'll guard the barn, and guard the cot,. And keep the cattle out of the lot," "I'm. not so sure of that," thought Spot, The dog under the wagon. The farmer all his produce sold And got his pay in yellow gold; Home through the lonely forest. Harkl A robber springs from behind a tree; "Your money or else your life," says he. The moon was up, but he didn't see The dog nnder the wagon. . Spot ne'er barked and Spot ne'er whined; But quickly caught the thief behind; He dragged him down In the mire and dirt. And tore his coat and tore his shirt, Then held him fast on the miry ground; , The robber uttered not a sound While his hands and feet the farmer bound, And tumbled him into the wagon. So Spot he saved the farmer's life, The farmer's money, the farmer's wife, And now a hero grand and gay, A Bllver collar he wears to-day. Among his friends, among his foes And everywhere his master goes He follows on his horny toes, The dog under the wagon. The Advance, ' . The Avrfihlre Caw. This old breeed from the County of Ayr, Scotland, needs some one to blqw its horn; the breeders don't seem Inclined to do it even when given a special Invitation. The breed sr-ems specially adapted to the northern part of out country, as this more nearly re sembles Its native home. Daniel Web ster is said to have kept Ayrshire, on his farm at Marshfleld, Mass., and he recommended thean specially for New England. Professor Sheldon divided the breed into two classes, one repre senting the butter and the other the cheese type. At the Vermont Experi ment Station, in 18D3, Rena Myrtle 8530, a farrow cow, made the largest milk and butter record ever obtained at the station from a cow of any breed In one -ear-12,l"5 pounds of milk, producing 648 pounds of bnttes. The average production of cheese In Scot land is from 500 to 600 pounds per cow, , The secretary of the Ayrshire Breed ers' Association, a M. Winslow, sums tip the qualities of the Ayrshire, by saying that she is noted for vigor, hardihood .and for producing a maxi mum quantity of good milk from a minimum quantity of food. The aver age weight of- the cow Is about 1,000 pounds. The Ayrshire bull Is highly recommended to cross on Jersey cows. In the language of the breeders, the Ayrshire nicks well with the Jersey. The cut represents the Ayrshire cow, Rose Clenna, the property of C. M. Wlnalow & Son., She has a record of 7,768 pounds of milk and 454 pounds of butter In 365 consecutive days. She took first premium at the Vermont State Fair last year for the largest amount of butter fat from one day's milking. There were thirteen cows In competition. To Kilt Tree Borer. When borers have made their way Into trees, some hot water at a tempera ture of 140 to 160 degrees, or as hot as can well be borne by the hand. Injected Into the holes they have made will de stroy them. Such a temperature will not Injure the tree. With a syringe and flexible rubber tube with a small nozzle enough water should be forced np to make sure that the borer Is killed. All Insects can be killed by applying water to them at a temperature not high enough to be injurious to vegeta tion. Bcete for Ensilage. One or the other, if not both, should be produced on every farm where stock of any kind and be It only one cow ls kept Beets come handy even for fattening stock. Says Prof. Curtlss, of the Iowa station: "From our experience here in the use of beets In finishing cat tle of high quality for the block, I have no hesitancy In saying that the intro duction of roots and the beet product into our fattening rations will result In a vastly better product All of the cat BOSK CLBJfJJA. tle that have been marketed by the Iowa station and killed with such good , results nave been finished on a ration', consisting in part of roots. The use of . root crops enables the feeder to make a better and more desirable carcass or beef than can be -made on dry feed alone. The animals fed roots are mel lower to the touch, evener in their flesh, and in better bloom than It Is possible to obtain on dry feed, and the gains are larger and more economically produced." We also find beets a fine auxiliary food for pigs, and can winter them very cheaply on this diet , For Watering Fowls. A well-made watering fountain for poultry Is the best arrangement for watering fowls, but these are more or less expensive. Some substitutes are shown herewith. A gallon "canned ap ple" can may be attached to the wall, as shown, or a lard pall may be hung upon a nail within reach of the floor. Better still Is the third device, which permits water to be poured into the pail each day from the outside, and is up where the litter will not be DEVICES FOB WATERING FOWLS, scratched Into it. Make the platform on which the pail rests broad enough so that a fowl can fly up and stand up on the edge while drinking. Where fowls and chicks run at large there can be no better drinking fountain to be placed out of doors than the familiar device of filling a tin pail, can or other vessel, according to the size desired, and inverting it over a flat dish a lit tie larger In diameter. This supplies clean water as fast as it Is used, and cannot be soiled. The Aaparagn Beetle, The asparagus beetle has nearly de stroyed the asparagus Industry In some localities , Many remedies have been suggested, among them applying lime freely over the bed late in the fall, after the tops and bed have been burnt over, with another liberal application of lime In the spring. Some growers claim that where the rows were hilled up two feet and the young shoots cut off as soon as the tips appeared above ground, no damage was done. Cutting the shoots was also continued until quite late. Where shoots were allowed to grow until 2 or 3 inches high before cutting, the beetles attacked them. It may be stated, also, that If all shoots are cut when Just appearing the aspar agus stalks will be found tender from the tip to the butt, and of much better quality than when the tops are "green,1 and If the rows are hilled the cutting of the shoots is done with more ease than .when the level culture method is practiced. The suggestions given are worthy of consideration by those who have had the beetle to contend with this season. Killing Canadian ThUtlea. To kin Canadian thistles, let them come to bud, or flower; put heavy chain from right end of doubletree to plow beam, at where the coulter is, or should be; leave slack enough to loop in furrow, Just ahead of the turning furrow slice; have a good plow that will turn the furrow, and with a steady team you will cover thistles completely, and as they will have used all theft vi tality In maturing flowers for seed, will" benefit the land as green manure Farmers' Voice. For Mending Hose. The accompanying Illustration repre sents an Ingenious article for mending hose. A piece of pine or other soft 0 c. ' wood, hollow, cut " 1 A" 8 lnchpa lnnir and turned to In at A, 1 inch at B and luches at C will fit the ordinary size of bose. For larger or smallet sizes the wooden connection is made to correspond. To repair the damaged portion, slip each end of the hose half way over the connection. So long at the Joint Is fairly tight no wiring ot tleing Is necessary, as the water soon swells the wood, making a tight Joint Cabbage Worm. Sprinkle cabbage liberally with road dust and the worms will come up and drop off. As cabbage heads from the inside this will not Injure them. They may need a second application. For worms on cauliflowers, sprinkle with fine salt Agricultural Epltomlst Horticultural Notes. The English ivy does not harm a tree on which It grows. 1 See If a little less water on Irrigated land will not be better. Fruit when placed In cold storage should be firm and hard. Sprinkling plants with water when frost Is expected will protect them. Pears to be put In cold storage should be picked before they begin to ripen. Watermelons ought not to be grown on the same ground oftener than three years. The grape vine trained to a single stake has never done Its best in our ex perience. Tomatoes are so hardy that they may be transplanted even after the fruit begins to set MAKf OU Ft bWIiillUTfi B. ;: 'r: .. ., , f Not Difficult or; Expensive to: :Hhve . . 't . Porel Cfear Water, $ A home-made filter for . purifying drinking water for domestic uses scribed as consisting of an ordinary a, , decanter, a lamp glass such as i;an . .'. be purchased any cMm. tf here for a ew cents, by way of a funnel, and a piece of sponge or cot ton wool Some people prefer 'cot ton wool because it can be thrown away after a time and renewed at a nominal cost. If a sponge is chosen It ought to be tak en out often, clean ed in hot salt wat er and afterward rinsed In cold. The sponge or cotton wool Is placed for the distance of an Inch In the lamp shade. This Is then covered by a layer of fine white sand, which has been washed very clean and placed In a fine lawn bag. This must be packed through the top of the glass and spread out to fit across by the old of a long pencil or a skewer. On top of the sand must be placed a layer of animal char coal whlca has been thoroughly wash ed by putting It in an earthen vessel and pouring boiling water upon It This layer should be at least an inch deep, and sihould be well pressed down upon the layer of sand. The filter Is now ready for use. Water is poured Into the lamp shade and allowed to perco late slowly through to the decanter be neath. After a time the charcoal will get clogged, and a little must be taken from the top and boiled for a few min utes and then spread out before the fire. It will then be as good as ever, and can thus be cleansed indefinitely. From time to time also the whole ap paratus will want cleansing, and the whole of the charcoal, as well as the bag of saad and the cotton wool or sponge, will have to be taken out and thoroughly boiled, or, better still, re placed with new material. Here is one of the best home-made baby's food procurable. Get the best cow's milk obtainable and sterilize it every morning as you receive It Use 8 ounces of it 3 of boiled water and half a teaspoonful each of bouvtnlne and sugar of milk. Persons who dream all night long and wake up tired with a headache should read some light amusing mat ter before retiring. A foot bath and sipping a cup of hot milk, cocoa or malted milk Just before getting into bed will also help quiet the Bystem. There Is no known cure for con sumption. One of the remedies that materially mitigates the disease and helps to stay its progress is beechwood creosote. After meals take two tea spoonsful of this mixture! Pure beech wood creosote, one drom; compound syrup of hypopkosphltes up to six ounces. Shake bottle well and take dose in a wineglass of water. In stings use pure vinegar or wet to baccos In snake bites, where severe shock occurs. Internally administer am monia or other stimulants, externally burn the wound with caustic. Always under the direction of a physician. SOLDIERS' MAIL-BOX. Parts Paper Shows One Fastened to a Tree In ehafter'e Camp, The artist of IIllustration, Paris, saw many things around Santiago last month that caught his fancy, and 15 onii or ruafteh's camps. among them was the little matter de pleted a United States mall box fast ened to a tree In one of Shatter's camps. Willing to Pall. Mamma Why did you strike little Elsie, you naughty boy, you? Dick Well what did she want to cheat for, then? Mamma How did she cheat? Dick Why, we were playing at Adam and Ere, and she had the apple to tempt me with and she never tempted rue but went and ate It all np herself 1 V3. Ax'"0 14 Km. WWm Furniture for Battleships. The iumitnreflof the battleships Kear Barge ; and Kentucky, Orders for the making of which have', Just 'been re ceived at the, Portsmouth navy-yard, is to cost nearly $100,000. Chicago Tri bune. X - PROPOSED ALLIANCE WITH ENGLAND. If the Unrted States"1" and England should form an alliance, the combined strength would be so great that there would be lit tle chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like manner, when men and women keep up their bodily strength with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, there is little chance of attacks from disease. The old time remedy enriches the blood, builds up the muscles, steadies the nerves and increases the appetite. Try it. The cost of fuel on steam railroads Is about 10 per cent, of the operating expenses and on eleotrio roads it is about 6 per cent. THE EXCELENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig. Svbup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sirup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get Its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN FRANOISOO, CsL IiOUIBVILUC Kt. NEW TORE, N. T. ATLAS EKQINKS AND BOILERS. 4 w irvx U . IIS A. G. LONG, FIRE APPARATUS 2 WATERWORKS SUPPLIES 171 FOURTH ST.. 0PP. FIRE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS, PORTLAND, OB "Champion" Chemical Fire Engines, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Hose Carts, Steam era, Fire Hydrants, and a full stock of Fire Department Supplies. "Knyatone" Waird Cotton Fire i-, having a record for long service that cannot be equailed. It is the best made; tend for a sample and you will learn why. Unbouok Klre Ktlnulilier. The "Babcock" is the recognised standard ex tinguisher universally used In the Fire 1 apartment Service. Every extinguisher leav ing this plant Is tented M pounds to the wiuare inch, although tho working pressure it only ab..ut luu pounds. Made oi heavy solid copper, with a spun topi no riveted )olnts bat a shutoff notzle, whereby the operator can control the stream, this being the most essential point in a fire extinguisher. Hew are of any Are extinguisher not having a shut-off, lest It be a cheaply con structed machine, not capable of confining the pressure generated. Cheap Imitations are on the market, made oi light material, with riveted iolmt. and to cheaply Con structtd as not to be abla to bold the pressure were it ouunued tot bat a moment. REDUCED PRICES 0 CAL. 6IZE $30 OO 3 OAU 8IZI tlB.OO IneludlbC Supply of Chemical Charget with Each. A Beautiful In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to QIVE AWAY a beautiful present wifii each package of , march sold. These present are ia the form of loQutiful Pastel PiGiurool Tbey are tjxig Inches In aire, Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. allC00!', 11 15 W" t mm or rm 3.Crfu '""ar. BINGCR These rare pictures, four In number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing uicm in utamy, hhiucm ui ctnor auu One ot these pictures win De given away with each package of purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. " ALL ROGERS KEEP EUSTI3 STARCH. ACCEPT 1(3 INSTITUTE Steep your tea: don't boil !t Directions in every pack age of Schillings Bat. Almonte, Ontario, has a woolen mill factory which nses compressed air aa motive power. V Exposition Visitors at Portland. To those visiting Portland and the great exposition who are in need of the latest devices ' in orown and bridge work, also in filling teeth, we desire to state that you can have this work done in from one to two days while in Port land, and the time neoessary to do tiria work will not keep you from attending the exposition, and the pain will not be so as to unfit you for enjoying the same. Crowns restore teeth and bridges do the same without plates. Dr. T. B. White, No. 271V Morrison street, oor net Fourth, Poitland, Or. From the wefl-lnown Portland Business College serves as a life long testimonial of thoronttn S reparation for an office position. The Intro, uctlon of "Arntiitrunft's Combined Theory and Practice ol Oookiueping" enables u to do better work now than ever before. Invenl. gate. Call, or wrlto. A. P. Armstbono, Prin cipal, Portland, Oregon, tlm unlet SOlatt, Ne 9tafi)rirf)ten", In foldie tfreife einjufuhren, in twicn (8 bi8 nod) ni$i (jtiuigcnb Mamit roar, ftnbm rcir e-3 con leijt on his gum 1. anuai 18U9 fret an afle bicjenigtu, tseld)t fftr bal nadU jabt unfere Wtonntntcn rsetben unb btn SPetrao bufilt, $2.00, i$t einttnbttt SJlan laffe fi ?Uol)e.5iummtn fdjiden. German Publhhing Co., Portland, Or. WILL I FINCH CO.'S lpl2?J7hcM Plain ot with Cutter. The best needle In the man, kel Used by all sock seweriL For aala hv &u bm. era! merchaudlse stores, or by triU. A FINCK CO., 820 Market Street. Sao Francisco, Ok CURE YOURSELF! Use Big for unoatunl akKliargtu, Intlanxuatluns, trritailoui or ulcoratloni of mucous niembriknfia. PnlnlrM, and not antrta geut or poisonotM. Sold by Drog1at pr sent la plain wrapper, bjr express, prepaid, tot tl.ftO, or 8 bottlm, W.7S. Circular sent on request. So. 40, M. P. M. D. BEN writing to advertisers pleaao mention mis paper. 1 Cawston & Co, (accessor! to H. P. Ore 901 Col 48 and 50 First St., Portland, Or. 304 First Ave, S Seattle, Vaih, I Present and are entitled aa follow.! Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. stuck will so BR03C9 f 10 1 10 I tUj.J M J OarDH)d W 4IW Dot to Irloian. F W rrt,eon aoowUm. TSlTHtEvHis OhwichOq. s ui ctnor auu artatic merit. Elastic Starch ariuuc merit.