Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 30, 1898, PART 2, Image 14

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A. Scene at Once Pathetic and Tragic
-While He Proclaimed His Inno
cence the Mob Shouted "Traitor!"
"Jndael" "Wretch!"
Now that the Dreyfus case" Id , once
more prominently before the world a
world by the way, which, In the main
has always considered the French cap
tain Innocent, a brief glance at the aw
ful scene attending his ''degradation
may be interesting. " 1 "
Dreyfus was a captain In the French
army and, in secret court, was convict
ed In 1894 of selling plans of the min
ister of Irar to the German govern
ment Among them were plans fbr'thfe'
mobilization of the French army on
the eastern frontier in the event of
war. He was sentenced to every con
ceivable degradation that military men
could Inflict on a soldier, and to life
Imprisonment on the terrible Devil's
Island. '
Surrounded by a guaid of four artil
lerymen, accompanied by a lieutenant
of the Republican Guard, Alfred Drey
fus was brought put from the small
building 'In which he had been : coa ;
fined. Gen. Darras lifted his sword
and uttered the command "Carry
arms!" which was repeated from com
pany to company. .Tt& troops "executed
the movement Hearts- almost ceased
to beat, and all eyes were directed to
ward the disgraced soldier. Between
the forms of the artillerymen could be
seen clearly the gilt stripes and glit
tering sword of the captain, distin
guished at a distance by the black
sword knot at the hilt of the sword.
Dreyfus walked with a firm step. The
group started toward Gen. Darras and
a clamor went up from the crowd. The
group stopped. Again there was si
lence, this time tragic
The cannoneers accompanying Drey-
tus stepped back a little; the con
demned man appeared detached from
the group. The clerk saluted the gen
eral lu military fashion and, turning to
Dreyfus, read In a distinct voioo the
sentence condemning him to exile and
Imprisonment In a fortified spot and to
military degradation. Then the clerk
turned to the general again and made
the military salute. Dreyfus listened
In silence. Then, la distinct voice, but
with a touch of emotion, Gen. Darras
said: "Dreyfus, yoo are unworthy to
bear anna. In the minis of the French
peoplo, we dcrudo you."
Dreyfus raised both his arms and
holding his head blh cried In a loud
voice, in which thw was, not the
slightest tremor: "I am Innocent I
swear I am Innwxut, Long live
France r
"Death to Mmr shotrted the crowd.
Meanwhile the adjutant had swiftly
torn the bauds from his cap, the
stripes from his sleeves, the buttoua
from his dolman, the numbers from
bis collar, and from hla trousers the
red band which, he had worn since he
entered the polytechnic school The
word remained. The adjutant drew
It and broke It across bis knee, A
snapping sound and the two pieces fell
with the rest to the ground. The sword
belt was next detached and the scab
bard fell in Its turn. V
It was finished. The seconds seemed
a century. Never was there an im
pression of acute anguish. Again, with
out sign, of emotion, the voice of the
condemned man rose: ,.,
"You degrade an Innocent man!" .
Next he had to pass before his for-
mer comrades and subordinates. He
strides over what were the insignia of
his office, which two gendarmes will
presently pick up, and places himself
before the four cannoneers who load
him before Gen. Darras. The little
group, with the two officers of the Re
publican Guard at the bend, start to
ward the band placed before the pris
on vehicle and begins to march along
the line of troops, at a distance of about
a yard. Still Dreyfus walked with head
erect The crowd shouts "Death to
Dreyfus ts handed over to two gen
darmes who put him In the prison ve
hicle. The coachman wbtps up his
horses, and the wagon starts off, sur
rounded by a detachment of the Repub
lican Guards, preceded by two with
drawn revolvers.
The condemned, man win rich, cul
tivated, a favorite with many officers,
and the head of a charming household.
From this position be fell In the eyes
of Frenchmen lower than the vilest
criminal that ever went to the Jail or
to the guillotine, ,
Other Trials
But the case did not rod with the
conviction of the Hebrew soldier.
Doubts existed as to his guilt and final
ly bis brotner Mathlen accused Couut
Esterhazy of being the author of the
memorandum. A court martial acquit
ted Esterhazy. Then came the sensa
tional charges preferred by M. Zola
against the officers of the French army,
In which he claimed that Dreyfus was
innocent and that the offlocrs had con
spired to Injury htm... Zola was prose
cuted by the government and sentenced
to a year's imprisonment and a fine of
8,000 francs after one of the most re
markable, unjust and scandalous trials
ever held In any country. He appealed,
was again tried and again convicted.
Then he flod to Switzerland to escape
the penalty.
Meantime the matter had been dis
cussed In the French Chamber of Dep
uties. It seemed as though the affair
would excite the mercurial Frenchman
to civil war aud the situation was crit
ical when M. CaTalgnac, minister of
war, pledged his honor as a soldier that
Dreyfus was guilty and that there was
unquestionable documentary evidence
to that effect This acted as quietus
on the public mind.
t Cavalgnac then began an Investiga
tion on hla own part of the documents
in the case. One of them was unsigned
and he called Lieut Col. Henry, who
was one of the main witnesses against
Dreyfus, for an explanation. Henry
then .confessed that the document was
a forgery, and afterward he committed
suicide. It transpires that the forged
document was the chief reason why the
court martial found Dreyfus guilty.
The members of the court were unde
cided as to the man's guilt or Innocence
when tb forgery by Henry was Intro-
duoed. . It turned the scale and the un
fortunate soldier was condemned. '
Up to the time of Henry's confession
the people In the main were opposed
to the opening of the Dreyfus case, be
lieving that there could be no wrong
in their beloved army. Bui after that
there was a revision of public senti
ment ,'.
Educating Farmer.
The Danish Government aided by lo
cal agricultural societies, has begun or
ganizing excursions among the "house
men," or farmers of moderate means,
to model farms and creameries In dif
ferent parts of the country. It is believ
ed that this form of education will tend
to elevate the standard of small farms
and be a welcome old to many who can
Dot afford to travel for educational, or,
in fact, for any other purpose. Money
spent in the Interest of agriculture and
of the farmer's education Is wisely ap
A Queer phrnb.
The people of Honolulu are very
much interested la a natural curiosity
which there exists In the shape of an
algarobtt bush, or honey mesqulte,
which la growing upside down. This
remarkable plant Is the property of C.
p. Reynolds, who drove an algaroba
branch Into the ground, small end first.
as a support for a vine. To his surprise
the branch threw out other branches
and leaves, all inclined toward the
ground, and tt Is still growing luxuri
Wood Ashee,
The land loses fertility every time tt
is cleared of timber. The remedy Is
to apply wood ashes freely to the land,
which restores the mineral matter tak
en away. Newly cleared land contains
hunwa and nitrogen, the top soil some
times being very rich, according to the
kind of timber grown on the land. If
more trees are to be grown tt will be
an advantage to Belect some variety
different from that which previously
rnvimh1 fru In nil
Serving- a Good Purpose.
Caller I sent you a poem about three
weeks ago. What have you done with
Editor I'm holding It Every little
while lately I get to thinking that we
are uot getting out as good a paper as
we ougni to, ana then I take that poem
and see how much worse the sheet
might be, and that makes me cheerful
again. Say, how much'U you take for
If a woman Is a good cook and man
ager, her husband prospers and soon
gets eo well off that they are able to
hire a girl to do the cooking, and then
they have poor things to eat, and suffer
like the rest or us.
A few years ago, women refused to
"talk" before a girl as old as eighteen;
now girls of sixteen are regarded old
enough to hear the gossip and girls .of
twelve are not ordered out of thejoom
wnen wey stray in. ,
After a girl reaches sixteen, she be
gins to advertise by the parties and
picnics she gives how much money hex
father has, and how little sense her
mother baa.
A man never baa as much trouble
with hla mother-in-law as his wife has
with hers.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
The Alliance Trust Company,
Ld., -
vs. -
J. A. Ohnse, Annie A. Chase,
his wife. Willamette Land Com
pany, a corporation, Charles E.
Ladd -.. Ladd, his wife,
Helen E." Yates, Snphronla V.
Lewdliug, l'be Security Savings
& Trust Company, a corporation,
J. A. Cox, Charlotte A. Rockwell,
Lewis Rogers. Clara E. Morey,
George A. Harding, N.O Walden,
H. H. Johnson, George 8. baity,
James Hodges. Marv McOrath,
I. Mathews, W. W. Irwin, A. N.
Wright, W. H. Mandeville. V.O.
Harding, Annie R. McGlynn,
McGlynn, Myra F.
Easthain, , Eastham,
Eli tewelllng, John Y. Roth,
Roth. Frank A. Sleight,
. ' . '. . . Sleight, LuciusD. Rock
well Rockwell,
Amanda M. Newell
To J. AChase, Annie A. Chase, Helen E.Yates,
hanotte a. kockwii, James Honges, v.u.
Harding, Annie H. McGlynn, McGlynn,
Myra F. Eiulham, Eastham, Lucius 1).
Rockwell, Rockwell, Amanda M.
Newell, NtWell, of the defendants
above named. , i . . .
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you In the above
entitled cause by the flrst day of the next regular
term of oourl after the eXDiration of due publica
tion of this summons, to-wit, by Monday, Novem
ber 7, i8s, ana it you ran to appear ana answer
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the complaint,
ro-wii: mat planum nave ana recover oi ana
from defendants, J. A Chase. Annie A. Chase.
George 8. Batty, Oeorge A.Harding, N.O. Walden
ana Willamette i.ana company tne sum ot ?4,uuu
with interest thereon from August 1, 1898. at 8
per cent per annum, and the futher sum of
g-246.97 with Interest thereon from September 20th,
18U8, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and
Interest on IliXi.OO from February 1, 1898, at 10
per cent per annum, and interest on jl'Jii.OO from
August 1, 1898, at 10 per cent annum, and 8500 at
torneys fees, all in U. 8. gold coin, together with
the costs aud disbursements of this suit and a
decree foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage upon that
certain parcel oi real property situated in the
county of Claokamas, State of Oregon, described
as follows, to-wit :
Commencing at the northwest corner of the
northwest quarter (n e ) of the northwest quar
ter (n w )4) of section twenty-eight '28) in town
ship three (3 south of range one (1) east of the
Willamette Meridian: thence south seventy-two
(72) chains and fifty (50) links to a stone; thence
north seventy-eight (78) degrees fitfeen (16) links
east, forty-two (42) chains and fifty (50) links to a
strike in the middle line of the east half (Va) of
section twenty-eight (28); thence north along the
said middle line seventy (70) ohains and thirty
(80) links; thence west tweuty (20) chains; thence
thence south six (6) chains to the section line
between sections twenty-one (21)and twenty-eight
(28); thence west twenty (20) chains to the place
of beglnning.contalnlng two hund ed and eighty
five (285) acres. Exceoting therefrom lots 29, 85,
50, 54, 55, 56, Pruneland. And that said premises
be sold and that out of the prooee ls plaintiff be
paid the said sums above specified and for a
decree that the defendants in said suit, and each,
be barred and foreclosed of all right, claim, or
equity of redemption in said premises and every
part thereof and tor suoh other and f urther relief
as to the court may seem meet and eouitable.
This publication is made by oraer of Hon.
Johu B. Clelaud, judge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for tne County of Multnomah,
acting in the absence from Clackamas Countv of
Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of the Circuit
uourt oi me Htateoi tiregon, tor saitr uounty of
Clackamas, which order was duly made Septem
ber 21, 1898.
. Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne uounty oi uiaokamas.
Anna W. Mathews.
ftonroa U Tlnftman and Plftrn
8. Dedman, his wife, Emil C.
Jonnson ana Joimsou, me
wife, and Angeline Berry,
To Em 11 C. Johnson and Johnson, Defend
You are hereby ren ulred to acnear and an
swer the com plaint filed against you in the above
entitled cause by the first day of the next term of
court after the expiration of the publication of
this summons, to wit, by Monday, November
7th, 1898; and If you fall to so answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for
judgment against George R. Dedman and Clara
S. Dedman for 81826.IX), with interest from Decem
ber 27th, 18'.)5, at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum; and 440.35, with interest from May 14th,
1897, at lu per cent pfr annum; and 0175.00 as
attorneys lees; all in united mates gold coin
togother with the costs and disbursements of this
suit, and for a decree foreclosing plaintiff's
mortgage upon the following desceibed property
in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
All of traot "B" Clackamas Riverside, according
to the duly recorded map and plat thereof on
nie or recorded in tne otnoe ot tne iteeoroer of
onveyances of Claokamas County, state of Ore.
gon; and for tne sale ot said property to satisfy
said judgment and barring and loreoiosmg you,
and each of you, of all right, claim or equity of
redemption in said premises and every part
thereof and for such other and further relief as to
the oourt may seem, meet and equitable,
This publication is made by order of Hon. John
. Cleland, Judge of the Circuit Court of the
state oi Oregon, ior tne coun'yoi Multnomah,
acting in the absence from Clackamas County of
Hon. Thos, A. McBride, judge of the Circuit
uourt oi tne state oi Oregon, ior said uounty oi
Clackamas which order was duly made oeptein
ocr I'Jtn, isim.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county oi (jiacnamas.
Emma Caroline Opdycke, 1
nenry Eugene Opdycke,
Defendant, J
To Henry Eugene Opdycke, Defendant.
Von are hereby required to appear and answer
tne complaint niea against you in tne above en
titled suit on or Delore Monday. November 7th
A.D., 1HD8, that Doing the first day of the flrst
term of said court 'following six weeks publica
tion of this summons, and you will take notice
that If vou fall o to appear and answer said aom-
plaint, for want thenof, plaintiff will apply to
said conrt for the relief prayed for In said com
plaint, to-wit; ior a nocree dissolving tne nonus oi
matrimony now existing between plaintiff and
defendant and for the care and custody of the
minor cnuo. oi piaintin aim attendant, ana lor
such oilier relief as may be equitable and for the
costs and disbursements of this suit.
Published by order of Hon. M. C. George, lunge
of the circuit court for Multnomah county, bear
ing date September 'a. ibsw, in the absence of
Hon, i. A, McBride, Judge of said circuit court
ior uiaokamas county.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas,
Sarah A. Watklns, plaintiff, vs.
James P. Watklns, defendant
To James ' P. Watklns, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
Monday, the 7th day of November,
1808, the same being the flrst day of
the next regular term of said court
And if you fail to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree
against you for the dissolution of the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and yourself, the
said defendant
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. M. C. George, Judge of said
court for the fourth judicial district.
Dated September 23. 1898.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Daniel Grim, plaintiff, vs. Mary P..
Grim, defendant.
To Mary R. Grim, said defendant
In the name of the state of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear in
the above-entitled court on the first
day of a term of said court to be begun
and held next after the expiration of
six weeks from the date of the publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above-entitled suit on or
before the first day of the said term of
said court, then the 'plaintiff herein
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in the complaint herein,
which is for the dissolution of the
marriage contract existing between
you and this plaintiff.
.This summons is published in pur
suance of an order of court made by
M. C. George, judge of the circuit court
of the state of Oregon for Multnomah
county, dated September 21, 1898, T.
McBride, judge of the above-entitled
court being absent from Clackamas
C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ....
Attorneys for Plaintiff.'
In the Circuit Court for the" State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Ann E. Black, plaintiff, vs. David A.
Black, defendant. i . ' . ,
To David A. Black, defendant. In
the name of the state of Oregon: You
are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you
herein on or before the seventh day
of November, 1808, that being the flrst
day of the next term of said court fol
lowing the expiration of the time pre
scribed for the publication of this
summons, and if you fall to so appear
and answer said complaint, plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for, to-wit.: A decree of this
court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and plaintiff's
custody of minor child, and for such
other relief as to the court may seem
just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by virtue of an order of
the Hon. Arthur L. Prazer, judge of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Multnomah county, duly made and en
tered on the 21st day of September,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas,
John Duffy, plaintiff, vs. James Shaw,
Betty Shaw, Charles Stratton and R,
Craven, assignee of James Shaw, an
insolvent debtor; Henry Gans, L. E.
Shultz, Sidney Smyth and T. R. Ran
dall, defendants.
To James Shaw, one of said defend
ants. In the name of the state of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear in the above-entitled court on the
first day of the term of said court to
be begun and held next after the ex
piration of six weeks from the date of
the publication of this summons, and
you will take notice that if you fail to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above-entitled suit
on or before the flrst day of said term
of said court, then the plaintiff herein
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In the complaint in this suit,
which is for the reforming of a deed
made by you to this plaintiff on the
19th day of March, 1895, so as to make
the description therein read: The
south 1-3 of the east 2, or husband's
half, etc., as described therein instead
the south 1-3 of the east V, of the hus
band s half, etc., as described therein.
This summons is published by order
of M. C. George, judge of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, Oregon,
made September 21, 1898, T. A. Mc
Bride, judge of the above-entitled
court, being absent from Clackamas
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Elizabeth A. Brown, plaintiff, vs,
Homer C. Brown, defendant
To Homer C. Brown, the above-
named defendant. In the name of the
state of Oregon: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit, on or before the flrst day
of the next regular term ,of the above
entitled court, to-wit, tne 7 th day ot
November', 1898; and if you fall to so
answer the Bald complaint, in default
thereof the plaintiff will take a decree
against you for the relief prayed for
in said complaint, to-wlt, to dissolve
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff, and for
such further and other relief as to this
honorable court may seem just and
This summons Is published in pur
suance of an order made in the above
entitled suit, for the service of the
same by publication by Hon. Thomas
A. McBride, Judge oi the above-entitled
court, on the 21st day of September,
1898. . WM. REID,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Crrcuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the county of viackamas.
Charles M. West,
Annie West.
To Annie West, the above named defendant.
You are hereby commanded to appear and
answer the complaint filed against vou in the
above entitled suit, by the first day of the regular
term of this court next succeeding the expiration
of the tlm prescribed for the publication of this
summons, to-wit, November 7th. lstw, and If you
fall so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief demanded In
the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony existing between you
and the plaintiff and for the costs and dlhure
ments of this suit aud for such other and further
relief as to equity seemeth Just.
Published pursuant to an order signed by the
Hon. John B. Cleland, Judsre of the circuit court
for county of Mnlinonuh, State of Oregon, in the
absence of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the
above named oourt, from said Clackamas county,
aid order being dated the iUt day of Sepetinbe'r,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication Sept. 8th, '08
In the circuit oourt ot the Stale ef Oregon,
lor tne county oi uacKanias.
Elizabeth Wilkinson, plaintiff,
William Wilkinson, defendant. )
To William Wilkinson, defendant: In the
sme of the state of Oregon; You are hereby
required to appear and answer the complaint
nu-u against you in tne above entitled sui' on
or before Monday, the 7th day of rinvembnt,
1898, the same being the flrst day oi II. next
regular t-rm of the court following the expir
ation of the time prescribed for the pubPca
tlon of this summons, and If you fail so to
appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to
wie conn ior ine reuei CMmanaen in me com ,
plaint, to-wit: For the dissolution of the
marriage contract now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs and
disbursements ot this su t. .
This summons In nnbiisthed fumbist, -vnu lv
order of Hon. John B. Clelaud, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
conntv of Multnomah, in the absence of the
presiding Judge of Clackamas count,. I
Jjatect this Hth day of September, 18i!8.
a. tr. wsloh, Attorney ior piaintm, j
l'ortland, Oregon.
In' the Circuit Conrt of the State of iWimn. tor
the County of Claokamas, . : '' .
Annie Wagner, 1 '
, i-iaintia, f.
; ' "i VS.'.- :.'C V I .i'
Charles Wagner, ' ' ' i
Defendant. J
To Charles W Wagner, the above named deftn
uaui. ;
You are bereby reonlred to annear and in;
swer the complaint filed against vou in the above
entitled suit, ou or before the first day' Of the
uei reguinr term oi tne aDove entitled oourt,
to-wit, the 7th day of November, 1808, and if yon
fall to so answer the said ootnplalnt, lu default
thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against
yon for the relief prayed for lu said complaint,
to-wit: To dissolve thebondB of matrimony now
existing between you and the plaintiff, and for
such further and olhor relief as to this honorable ;
court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published in pursuance of an
order made in the above entitled suit, for the
service of the same by publication bv Hon. Thoa.
A McBride, judge of the above entitled court, ou
the 21st day of September, 18s8.
.. WM. KEID, i
,, , ., Attorney for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of firptmn titr
the County of Clackamas.
Daniel Herlihy,
Daniel Herlihy and Ellen
Herlihy, his wife,
To Daniel Herlihy and Ellen Herlihy, his wife,
- You are herebvi reauired to annear and an
swer the complaint filed aglnst you in the above
enutiea sun on or oeiore aionuay, tne 7tn day of
November A. D., 1898. The same being the first
day of the next regular term of the said court.
And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the
piaintm will take Judgment against you. the
said defendants for the sum of $500.00 and inter
est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
irom tne om aay oi may, isao, auu ior Kiu.74 with
interest thereon from 'April 20th, 18U6, at 8 per
cent per annum and for 85 20 with interest there
on from April 26th, 18U8, at 8 per oent per annum.
auu iur tou tutor uey xees, ana ior costs ana ais
bursements of this suit.
And you are hereby furlher notified that on
your failure to appear and answer the said com
plaint at the time aforesaid, the said plaintiff
will take a futher decree against you for the
foreclosure of the mortgage mentioned In said
complaint which was made to secure the pay
ment of said note and interest and attorney fees.
anu otner Bums nerein named, said mortgage
being executed by you on May 6th, 1892, covering
the following described land, lo-u tt: The e H of
of the ne lA and ne y. of the se i of section 8, t 2
s, of r 4 e, W, !., said s H containing 59 acres,
more or less; excepting the reservations made in
favor of the O. & C. R. R Co. in its deed to
Daniel Herlihy made the 28th day of February.
Pursuant to an order of the Hon. M . C. Georae.
Judge of the Ci-cult Court of the State of Oiegon,
for Multnomah county, In the absence of Hon. T.
A. McBride. Circuit Judge for Clacnamas
county, said order bearing date September 21st,
Attorney for plaintiff.
The Shasta Route
Express Trains Leave Portland Daily.
9:80 A. M
6:40 A.
1:00 r. II
6:00 P.K.
Lt Portland Ar
Lv Oregon City Lv
Ar Ban Franolsco Lt
6:52 P.M.
The above trains (too at all stations betweer
Portland and Salem. Turner. Marlon. Jeffer
son, Albany, Tangent, 8hedds, Halsey, Harris
burg, Junction City, Irving, Kugens, Creiwell,
Cottage Grove, Drains, and all telloni Irom
Koaeburg to isntana, inclusive.
9:80A.M. ,Lv Portland Ar 4:J!0P.M
5:27 A. M. Lv Oregon City Lt 8:8 r.u
8:20 P.M. Ar Roseburg Lt I 7: 0 M
Attached to all Through Trains.
West 81a Division,
At Albany and Corvalils connect with train
of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
4:50P. M.
7.80 P.M.
Lt Portland Ar:25A.M
Ar McMlnnvllle Lt 5:dOA.M
Ar Independence Lt 1 4:60 A. M
8:80 P. M.
Rate! and
ticket) to eastern points and
Aurvpu niou iArn, vuxiio, uuiiuL
and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
E. E. BOXD, Agent, Oregon City
Manager, Asst. G. F. A P. Agent
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
ft peril J You can
rri uIlIi i be cured
I 1852. '
1 middle j
re suffering 1
I from the effects of youthful indiscretion! or ex-
cesses in maturer year. Nervous and Physical
ueDinir,iiupuiene7 jnannto4 j
in all its complications; Mnermatorrhera,
Freauency of lTrlnatlnw. oie. hv e. I
combination of remedies, of great curative pow- .
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment '
mat ii win not ooiy anora immediate reliel nit ,
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to '
I pertorm miracles, but Is well-known to be a fair
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
' in his specialty UUeanesi of Men.
Hvphll Is thoroughly eradicated trom the
9) Nirm wiiiiuiiiusing nvreMry
GVEKV MAN applying to OS will re-
ive our annexe optmon or nis complaint.
Wtvilltiuaranteea POSITIVECUMKi I
I every eate we undertake, or jorjeit One
i Consultation FREE and strictly private.
Blent rswrr-inalrv liv ltta C-A L.-i.
xne rniioMopny or Marriage," I
in wuiuii ooot ior men.
VISIT DR. lasnics
Great Museum of An atom v ,
the fineit and largest Museum of its kind in the
worio. umf ana learn how wonderfully you I
. are made; how to avoid sickness and disease.
e art continually adding new specimens. I
widLutfta iitu: uui or write,
" 1061 Market Street San Francisco, Cat
I L- & " Ton suffer from any of the
1 j' ills of men, come to the oldest
I 9Vf A 1 Specialist on the Pacific Coast,
1 frt. Jk DR. JORDAN ft CO..
Ill IS 105 1 Market SL Est'd
t I t$ Young men ant
k A lured men who a