C'tv Ubrary V I 16 PAGES, 2 PARTS, PART 1 ri COURIER. Vol. 16, No. 19 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1898. HERALD, Vol.) 6, No. 10 ; " J . : Com City Herald xjr.l WJl C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOBNEY3 AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building ' OREGON CITY ; . 7 . . OREGON Jko. C. Bbowncu J. U. CaMPBIU. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Agkscy of Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east Hide of Main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, - ' - OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1805 j THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAVJ1AN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON W. S. U'REN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Seutftfyr 2Ibbo!at. OREGON CITY. - - OREGON NEWS FROM flANlLLA. Interesting Letters Written by Two High Privates. DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN,.-DENTIST. Atinta nt ihA Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery , of Otiicago. WITH PB. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Pottoffice Oregon City, Oregon. The Oregon Oity Troops Were Not at the Siege of Manilla, but They are Now Stationed There, and Dwell in Marble Palaces. J. D. Humphrey, who iB a private in Company A, Second Regiment, Oregon Volunteers, stationed at Manilla, writes to Charles A. Fitch an interesting let ter under date of August 18th. Jack has many friends in Oregon Oity, who will be pleased to hear from him. The substance of the letter is given as fol lows: I now take pleasure in writing you a few lineB in haste, as the mail goes out in the morning. We havn't had time for anything since Manilla fell by the wayside. We had no trouble, -what ever, in entering the city, but the troops that went through the trenches outside the city ' encountered quite a battle. Dewey tore their forts and trenches in side out, but not a shot was fired at the fleet. He turned the gatling gun into the trenches and fairly slaughtered the Spaniards. A little of this went a long way with the enemy, and they hat tened to get inside of the walls. Only 650 of the Oregon olunteers came to Manilla. The remainder are at Cavite, including the Oregon Oity Com pany. We landed from small boats in front of the city under cover of Dewey s guns, and had about 30 minutes march to the city walls, where they were wait ing to receive us at the gate. The gate is a large arch in the wal1 and bears the dnto of 1750. bo vou see it is quite an old city wall. We marched to the government build ings where there were 10,000 Spanish soldiers armed to the teeth. We raised the flag, and gave three cheers for Old Glory, and then pro ceeded to disarm the Spanish soldiers Almost every gun that was captured was loaded and cocked, while not a man of our regiment carried a loaded gun. When General Merritt, appeared on the scene he said that it was a great day for Oregon, marching in, as they did, with out a loaded gun and capturing the city. We had a load to carry during the siege, as each man was provided with 250 rounds of ammunition and three days' rations. pleasure of sleeping in the palace on the soft side oi a marble floor. Some of the b ys slept on the pile of guns. It is a wonder that we were not accidently shot, as we had to carry all the loaded j bathing purposes, the only drawback arms inside. The next day we went to ' being the prevalence of sharks and the artillery station where we disarmed j water snakes. We have killed several lRfVVlman Tullr ahftlir. Snaln Tint tlAV- ! Wfl.tAr fmnkafl nvoV aiv laof in lannil. .UUUU AC. -" " I ing arms and ammunition I They had The Spanish newspapers here say I a soldier goes into a store where they that if the Americans had the nerve to are making purchases, they at once ap- fight, they could do them up on short pear insulted and walk out. rder. The Philhpine women are the dirtiest The first night we had the honor and Ion earth, I believe. They chew and smoke tobacco, and go about very scan tily dressed. The Spaniards treat them with the utmost contempt and scorn. The water is fine for swimming and enough to last five years and engage in battle every day. It is a sight to see all the guns, cannon and ammunition that is piled up here. The Spaniards keep coming in every day, and, as a rule, are rejoicing over the surrender. They had some fine cannons of the lat est '97 patent, Krupp make, but they are all safe now under our care. I can't tell you much about Uie city, I I haven't been around very much yet. We are quartered in old Manilla, and it is an odd-looking place compared with our American cities. New Ma nilla is a little better. It hasn't many fine buildings, but some excellent stores. Everything is quiet here, as the insur gent leader is a prisoner on the Olym- pia, or we would have some fun with them. LETTER FROM ARTHUR 1I0LDE N. Arthur Holden writes an interesting letter from Manilla to Fred J. Meyer, under date of Aug. 20th. The follow ing extracts are taken from the letter : Friend Fred : I suppose by the time this reaches you the Spanish-American war will be a thing of the past, but you may like to get a letter just the' same. Company land three others of Sec. ond Oregon, did not have a hand in the capture of Manilla, and, of course, we felt very much slighted. I stood on high wall where I could see the whole performance at Manilla. Company I was moved into Manilla three days ago, and we have the finest birracks in the whole island.' The boys are all so well pleased in the new location, that they express a desire to stay two years. -.j. I took in the town today, and it reminds one of Second street in Portland to some extent. The people are a mix ture from all parts of the earth. The Spanish women are the prettiest I ever saw, but they are so proud, that when Here's What YouVe Been Waiting For A Chance Like This'to Lay In Your Winter Supplies of Clothing and Household Goods For the Least Money. Come. While The Weather Is Pleasant. Oregon City Cars Pass the Door Domestics, Compare Our Prices , With Otliers Cnbleaohed Muslin, per yd 4C Good Bleached Muslln.flnlshed soft for U4( needle, per yd.. , Heavy White Drilling, SO in. wide, per yd.. I t Good Pillow Muslin, 42 In. wide, per yd.. . .90 Heavy 1H Unbleaohed Bheeting, per yd... IOC 24-in. Unbleached Canton Flannel, per yd.. 4C iMn. White Shaker Flannel, ber yd 0C Blue Striped Bed Ticking, per yd......... BC Mn. Tnrkev Red Table Damask, fancy J5q 1 der.peryd Jackets and Capes, Latest, Styles, Lowest Prices braiieaoh . .. .,m . II .. nt Plush and Fur Capes, Fur "mL'C. 'hUdren'iand Misses lackets. 4Mn. Table Oil Cloth, in while and colors, Jgc best quality, per yard Underwear and Hosiery, Clieaper Titan Ever Before Ladles'long sleeves high neck Ribbed Rem J'fj ... ..H flushed, each Ladles, Fir Ecru Ribbed PanU, ankle rtWiinV Gray Scotch Random Ve,ts. I'antsQ V?!1?!:.--. ill sines, per garment .. Children.' White Merino Underwear, perjgg Seren.VFV.RIhbed Fast Black Hose, gl c fal colors, per pair ! " ' 01 Ladles Fait Black or Tan Hose, per pair . . 0;it Th.Etey" Fast Black Double Sole Hose.W (J to ladiet'! Ul. finish, per pair resets. All Styles, All Prices, Vaiaes That Van' t be Beat All Slset in Ladles' Strong Net Suram.rjgg DrXcorJluTco'rse'ts, Strong aud Durable.jgc AU,8e"e.Pm tetm Heavy Drab "contlllcCQ do'nh.. front steels. pair...... . French PitU-en or Heavy Prsb Ihe t orJeU? several style.. .U;I;5CC MPir price on Hay Drab rnntille Niir- mrflum waUl. per pair ....... Clothing for Men and Boys', Best values in rornana Odd lines. Man's Heavy Cheviot WorkingOC shirts, eaen.. . ......- Men's Heavy Jean Pants, well madeandCftA durable, per pair www Boys' Mixed Tweed Caps, in several styles. IQg each Men's Heaw Leather Suspenders, favorltesOKp for wear and comfort, per pair- ""v Men's Heavy Blue Dentin, copper rtvitedORn overalls, pel pair m-..v Men's Heavy Goatskin Working Gloves, OCa per pair...... ....''' Men's Scotch Random Underwear, goodlQit weight, well made, per garment wv Odds and ends In Men's light weight under OtC u7Aa p nr iru rrfiPllL - .. Men's Derby Ribbed Underwear, blue, grayRQA and natural, per patr........... wwv Boys' Heavy Blue Denim RlvltedlC Oftfi Overall, per yd 6Uw Boys' Strong Knee Pants, in dark oolors.OKj per pair...... Boys' Durable School Suits, in gray mixed OR goods, suit. ........ ........v-" Boys' Blue Cheviot Suits, double breastedjl Cf Styles, per suit. wl.wU All Wool Tweed Fall Suits, for boys, per JO nf uii............... ltt.ww Blankets and Comforters, - Every' one a Big Bargln, but First Buuers Oct tlie Best 10 4 Gray Blankets, per pair............ ........... 39c 10-4 White Blankets, per pair...... 50c 10 4 White Blankets, extra heavy. Per75( 11-4 Gray Blankets, big values, per p ilr. $1.00 Eitrn Lmm Grav or Tan Wool tilankets, fancy borders, tapedd1 1 KA f) ends, now marked -. 'T1 A.V, m Infants' Fancy Colored Crib Blankets, sllkOCn binding, eaol wvw Fancv Flowered Comforters Cotton Fllled,OC for single beds, each www Fancy Flowered Comforters, cotton n"e,Sn( three quarters siie, each.- h ....'-"' "nil Slse Comforters for Double beds, good "J t material, eotlon filled, light and warm, each lv For Home Made Comforters An endless assortment of bright colors lnt large figured comforter prints, per yd Medium Weight OutlngFlannels In neat dark 1 ox light stripes, per vd - New and pretlv patterns In Fancy Flowered Cretons, per yd.... tJ Good White Cotton Batting, per roll --0C Large Rolls Good White Cotton B.ttlngCl per roll 3lj xtra Large Rolls Bent Snow w nit HHtiins-, 1 - w from s ecks, per roll........-.- 1 ' All Colors In Zephyr tuflln. pr keln... 1 C Slroni White Knitting Co'ton. for Tnfllng,., per ball - v water snakes over six feet in length, but the salt water is so delightful that we can't resist the temptation of going in bathing. . I do not think any of the boys are homesick. Those that were inclined that way have gotten over it since we moved to Manilla. I fairly dread that trip back across the Pacific; you can't imagine how tire3ome it is lo eee only water for a whole month, besides a person never get over that dyspeptic feeling. When we landed here there wasn't a dozen that could walk a mile, and the major ity of us would play out after walking two blocks That is an indication of the effects of a long ocean voyage. I weighed 142 pounds on board the Syd ney, and after being in Oavite five weeks, tipped the scales at 167. Our drilling exercises are very light, just about enough to keep up an appe tite. 1 go on guard about once a week. I have not had more than two danger ous posts, and then was disappointed because I djdn't see anything. If one had plenty of money here he could make a good percentage chang ing coin. For a United States ten one gets $22 50 in Mexican Bilver coin j then by changing it back into small amounts at the rate of two for one. I have changed on as much as $20 in one day, witnout musing it a ousiness as some do. The tropical fruits one reads so much about, are hardly fit to eat here, and cost almost as much as they do in Ore gon. I searched all over the town of Manilla, and could not find a place to eat dinner. People do not eat regular tueUij here, but buy a banana, a piece of biead and something to drink, and consider that they have fared sumptU' ously. We Fit Trusses AND WE GUARANTEE THE FIT We have 2000 Trusses in stock to select from Why suffer from the effects of ill fitting trusses when you can be fitted perfectly by anexpert Remember we Guarantee a fit, also Re member the Name and address C K WOODARD & CO. WASHINGTOM 237 UNDER IMPERIAL HOTEL ST., PORTLAND A 131 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To Watch Buyers for 30 DAYS; if you never possessed a watch now is the TIME to own TIME of your own. 293 Morrison Street PORTLAND, OREGON A N. WRIGHT, The Iowa Jeweler To Cur Constipation Foreve , Take Cascarets Candy Cathartci 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fuil tocure, druggists reiund money. C. G. APPLEGATH, a mid euT-ria with a. siLvcnrtiLD. A. PRASIL, rORMsakV pietaNsa and,s(i WITH MARSHAL PIIID. CHICAQO. APPLEGATH & PRASIL FURRIERS - HODIUNO AND RtPAIRINO AT MODIRATC P.ICI v ALL WORK aUARANTEIO FASHIONABLE Sealskin Garments a Specialty , 134 THIRD STR " , PTLAND. ORE STB BlOOt B. STEINBACH & Grand Autumn and Winter Display of FASHIONABLES for MEN and BOYS Includes all the correct fashions and latest creations in CO.'S Copyright 189S hf Tbc Btclu-Bloch Osv. Suits and Overcoats Hats and Furnishings Stom m3) r Copyright 189S , by The Btcin-Bloch Co. TjTi-Q CTTTHTC. In the popular and stylish Serges, Fancy Cassimeres, Cheviots and Worsteds are shown which i-AjDlfl.O ajUAXa3 eciip8e any we ever had before both in quality and tailoring; and prices are such that the most economical buyer can be suited. , MENS' TOP COATS BOYS' WEAR An almost endless variety of Boys' Suits and Reefers are shown. Nobby Vestee, Sailor and Reefer Suits for small boys, school suits of durable Cheviot, and suits for young Prices $2.50 up to $15. Fine Coverts beautifully lined Kerseys, Beavers and Freezes are shown in'Jall the different shades of Tan; Black and Blue. , Mens' Hats The leading styles shown in derbys add Fedoras, black, brown and pearl, and a large variety of hats and caps for boys men Special mention is made of ok"31ji')J)" suits in blue serge, and cadet mixture. These are beautifully trimmed in military and navel styles gold braid and embroidery. Neckwear We have the season's newest and best fit fine silks. K trer We guarantee every garment in our store; and cheerfully refund the money paid if anything we sell proves uisatis!actcr7. New Idea" Patterns, Lat est Styl s,any Garment Oc SHAHAHAH ? Cor. First and U salmon Sts. A Portland,. j Oregon! Cor. First and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, ORE 3 ON