Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 23, 1898, Image 5

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Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand.
for a
C. D. Latourette is at Seattle
few days.
S. E. Card, of Boring, was in the city
during the week.
Mrs. C. H. Oanfleld left yesterday to
visit relatives at Albany ior a few days,.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford was in town
on a couple oi occasions auring me
Jake Guyer, of Carus, was looking af
ter business matters in the city Wed-
Grand millinery opening at Mrs.
Sladen's parlors. Sept. 22, 23 and 24.
Fine display of trimmed hats and bon
nets at the lowest prices. Everybody
cordially invited to call.
Sellinir Aaent for Chase & Sanborn's inv
portaiions of Coffee and high-grade
Teas. Matn St., Oregon City.
Younger, who has had a life-long ex
narience. will clean your watch (or a
.lust arrived a consignment of genu
in old iroverninent .lava Coffee (green)
in original mats. Rueularly worth 35
cents per lb. Our i ute 25 cents.
A. Robertson,
Seventh street Grocer
Born, at Maple Lane on September
15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swallow,
a daughter, '
Al Jones, of Mulino,. brought in a
load of fine prunes for Jacob's drier
Wednesday .
Mrs. Alice Weister, the Portland
artist, was visiting her many friends
here Wednesday.'
Mrs. Noble Heath, of La Camas,
Wash., was visiting friends in the city
during the week.
Fred Meindl left Monday to begin a
course of studies in the state normal
school at Monmouth.
MrsL. 0. Moore and children re
turned Tuesday from a visit to her par
ents at Brownsville.
Mrs. M. L. .Driggs, formerly of this
city, is the newly elected president of
the Portland VV.C. T. U.
Saturday, the Jewish New Year, was
generally ooserveu Dy me citizens oi
that faith in Oregon City.
George B. W ard, who has been min
ing in Josephine county for the past
two or thiee years, is visiting here.
Mary Sevick and Joseph Strege were
married at the court house on Sept
17th, and County Judge Ryan officiated
County Judge Ryan visited the new
countv bridge at Deep creek Wednes
day, and expresses liimself aa disgusted
with its location.
The county clerk issued licenses to
wed to Sarah Schofer and John Weber J
on the 16th. Elsie Blencoe and John J. I
Black on the 16th. - .
Claudius AVilliams, a brother of A. S.
Williams, arrived Tuesday from States
ville, N. 0., and will make Oregon City
his home for the present.
A giand patriotic entertainment and
social will be given at the Baptist
church on the evening of Sept. 30th,
under the auspices, of the Sunday
J. F. Offleld, of Molalla, was doing
the city Wednesday.
- Mrs. L. Guerin was visiting friends
in Woodburn during the week. '
, T. L. Turner, the well known Wilson
ville farmer, was in town today.
M. Phillips, of Clackamas, the well
known pioneer farmer, was in town to
day. ; '. ,
Mrs. J. G. Fehler and daughter, of
Portland, were visiting friends here to
day. Superintendent W. P. Hawley left the
first of the week for San Francisco on a
business trip.
D. W. Bridenstein, a well known
Springwater farmer, was in Oregon
City Wednesday. ,
C. Sullivan, of Corvallis, roadmaster
of the Oorvallii A Eastern Railroad, was
She was taken to the asylum in the city Tuesday.
At the meeting of the school board
held Wednesday evening, Ohamian &
Co. was awarded the contract for fur
nishing supplies to the city schools for
$143, their bid being the lowest.
R. M. Cooper, father of Deputy
County Clerk Cooper, was in the city
Wednesday. , He brought in his grand
son, Master Ray Cooper, who spent his
vacation from school with his grand
parents. Mrs. Cora E. Gibbs, aged 36, wife of
Thomas Gibbs, of West Oregon City,
was examined before Judge Ryan yes
terday by Dr.Oarll, and was pronounced
last night by Sheriff Cooke. Mrs. Gibbs
Roadmaster J. H. Wait, of the South
ern Pacific, was in the city yesterday,
and states that the company will fill
the driveway between the depot and
Courier building with gravel. This al
ley way answers the purpose of a street ,
and gets in very bad condition during
the winter.
The following subject will lie pre
sented at the First Congregational
church next Sabbath, at 10:30 a. m.
will be a harvest home service, when
the decorations, music and sermon will
be a celebration of the ingathering at
9:30 p. ra. "Gnats and Camels." Y.
P. S. O. E. meeting at 6 :30 p. m. Ser
vice at Ely chapel at 2 :30 p. m.
Grace Holt has commenced proceed
ings in the state circuit court for an ab'
solute dissolution of the matrimonial
bonds from her husband, E. 0. Holt, to
whom she was married in Vancouver,
Wash , December 27th, 1897. The
cause for action as set out in the com
plaint is that of infidelity. The; plain'
tiff also asks to be allowed to resume
her maiden name, Grace Whitlock.
Evening Telegram.
Three sailors, held as witnesses
against the officers of the steamship
Stetson, complained about their treat
ment in the Multnomah county' jail
and Judge Bellinger ordered them sent
to the jail here for confinement. Sher
iff Cooke declined to take them, as it
would necessitate the purchase of more
cots and blankets by the county. They
were sent -to the Washington county
jail where there is a superabundance of
Ex-Mayor Straight and Gip Wills re
turned Saturday from a pleasant pros
pecting trip up the Molalla.
It is estimated that the prune crop of
Oanby Prairie will produce 150,000
pounds of diied fruit this season.
Mrs. J. E. Barnett and daughter have
been called to Indianopolis, by the se
rious illness of the former's mother.
Mrs. H. 8. Strange has been looking
after the duties of the county superin
tendent during her husband's illness.
O. A. Aldredge and family, who have
been spending the summer at Lincoln,
Polk county, returned home this week.
Ex-Sheriff G. W. Grace, J. W. Grout
and J. D. Myers returned laBt nieht
from a prospecting tour in Eastern Oregon.-
C.T. Howard, the Mulino flouring
mills proprietor, was in Oregon City to
day, aad reports that his mill is run
ning on full time.
Mrs. Lena FenBka, of Muscatine,
Iowa, and Mrs. Charles Schram, of Sa
lem, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Cowing this week.
County Superintendent H. S. Strange
is still very ill, although he was much
better a few days ago. However, he ex
pects to be out again in a few days.
In calling attention to our splendid
advertiaing patronage, we ask you to
note that our general and local news
department has not been neglected.
The splendid displays of apples, pears'
grapes, etc., in the various grocery
stores, is a fair index of the quality an(1
quantity of Clackamas county fruit this
Miss Harriet Bray has returned from
Seattle, where (he spent the summer.
She began a term of school in the Rock
creek district last Monday,, near Da
mascus. V
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Prior were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. G. C Fields, this
week. Mrs. Prior, who is a sister of
Mrs. Fields, is prominent as a spir
itualist lecturer.
D. W. Reynolds has sold the Wile
hart barber shop to L. O. Moore and
Charles W. Wright, who took posses
sion of the same Wednesday. Mr. Rey
nolds intends to go east. - ..
Mrs. Mary F. Frey, who has been
visiting her daughters, Mrs. A. F. Par
ker and Mrs. J. R. Seiver, at Gladstone
for Beveral months past, left Friday for
her home at Boone, Iowa.
Miss Beulah Warner, of Medford, is
visiting her uncle, E, Warner, of Ely.
6he is on her way to Forest Grove,
where she expects to graduate at the
close of the present school year.
Fifty-six cents per bushel is being
paid for wagon wheat today at the Po it
land flouring mills here. : Wheat it
coming in at a lively rate, but only
small lots are being sold. The majority
of the wheat-growers are storing their
crop and holding it for better prices.
D. W. Klnnaird, special inspector of
govarnment surveys, has completed his
work in Southern Oregon, and leaves
tonight for North Powder river
valley in Eastern Oregon. The crew
that accompanies him are A. M. Kir
chem, Albon Meinig and A. J. Thom
son. L. Gray, who has been sick in an Or
egon City hospital, will be brought to
his Home at Marquam. He is not ex
pected to live. He has cancer of the
stomach and the doctorB entertain no
hope of his recovery. Mrs. Gray has
been with hicn in Oregon City. Wood
burn Independent.
A beautiful flag drill of all nations will
be given by the young ladies of the Bap
who ascertained that the holes in the
bottom of the craft could be stopped to
prevent leaking. This morning H. B.
Williamson, of Corvallis, with a force of
men began pumping water .out of the
partly submerged boat.
Numerous letters were received from
Cavite this morning, and it is' learned
that the Oregon Citv Volunteer Com
pany and one other were left at Cavite.
All the other companies had gone to as
sist in taking Manilla. Herman K.
Jones, who was regimental cleik, was
the only member of Company I, who
had the honor of being present at the
siege of Manilla. It is unnecessary to
state, that they keenly felt the disap
pointment. Will Logus sends George
Warner a native hand made Manilla ci
gar. '.'.V.;
Emma Caroline Opdycke has begun
a suit for a divorce from Henry Eugene
Opdycke. '
E. Charman celebrated his 37th
birthday this afternoon by inviting his
relatives to dinner.
Mrs. Charles Steel and Mrs. William
Hongyman, ot Portland, were visiting
Mrs. Bruce O. Curry during the- week.
The Pacific States Savings, Loan and
Building Oompany, has filed a fore
closure Ruit in the circuit court against
Emma and J. R. Millard, to recover
This morning . County Judge Ryan
made a final order that Phoebe Thur
ber, a minor aged 13, be surrendered to
the custody of the Boys and Girls Aid
Society of Portland. -
Chief of Police Burns, accompanied
by his family, went to Portland last night
and attended the celebration of the
50th anniversary of the wadding of hia
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Burns.
Sheriff J. J. Cooke today filed suit
against Clackamas county to recover
$20.68, claimed w be due as board for
prisoners. Last month the shot iff put
in a bill to the county court for $120.08,
board of prisoners for August. The
tist Sunday , school at the church on c0llrt cut the bUl down t0 $101i8'
Friday evening, Sept. 30th, followed by
an ice cream social. Admission to drill,
15 cents; ice cream, 10 cents. Don't
fail to see the drill and participate in
the royal time at the social .
It is very likely now that the Corval
lis & Eastern Railroad Company's
steamer W. M. Hoag, which struck a
rock in the upper locks canal about a
week ago, and was beached at the en
trance to the upper lock, will soon be
afloat. A diter was secured Tuesday,
Men, who use blasting powder, are
requested to take note of the challenge
appearing in this lame, by Rute & Co.,
ot Portland. ,
Ejpecil attention is called to the
"ad'' of Joseph Schwartz, the clothier,
Mr. SchwatB has a splendid line and
his prices cannot be duplicated in Port
land. ,
Rlpans Tabulos cure biliousness.
Of Thomas Charman & Sons' Stock of General Merchandise
, , . . . .
Amounting to 118,768.40
Having purchased the above stock at a gieat sacrifice, we have
placed the same on sale for the next thirty days at prices never before
heard of. The reputation of the firm for first-class goods is so long
and so well established it is unnecessary for us to call attention to it.
This is a chance which may never occur again for the people of
Oregon City and vicinity to secure for a short time first-class goods at
less than one-half their value. Any of this stock remaining on hand at
the end of thirty days will be removed. This is the time for you to se
cure the Choicest Bargains while the stock is complete.
Following is a partial list of the Bargains to be found in this Stock :
Per Yard
ThibX. American light and dark prints 3c
.Best American Indigo prints. 4c
AVitle German Indigo prints -c
.Heavy Outing Flannel 4, 6, 8 l-ic
Heavy quality Apron Ginghams
37-inch Percales ",7'
Checked and Striped White Apron goods .....4c
Heavy Cotton Flannel c
Heavy Shaker Flannel o
-Cheviot Shirtings 5, 7 and 8c
Best quality Cretones VToT
Heavy Bedticking 5 and 8 l-3c
Silkolinee 9 and 12c
lne White Wool Flannels 18, 20, 25 and 30c .
Navy Blue Flannel - W and 25c
fHMnch wide Bleached Table Damask 19 and lie
84-lneh wide Turkey Red Table Linen 12c
ffl-inch wide Turkey Red Table Linen 23c
Heavy Crash Roller Toweling 4c
4-4 Bleached Muslin
Cabot W Muslin c
46-liKh Plllo-w Case Muslin 10c
Double Width Sheeting "Vic
Sheet Wadding 2c per sheet
Cotton Batting 4c per roll
10-4 Grey or White Blankets.... 45 and 65c per pair
Bed Comforters ....35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 each
Per Yard
Best Marble Table Oilcloth 15c
Cnrtain Scrim c
Best quality Sftesia Dress Lining c
Best quality Cambric c
Best Crinoline o
Dotted SwIbs c
Nottingham Curtain Net v.l2V4c
Lace Curtains 65, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 per pair (
tOx36-lnch Towels .................8c
lure Linen Damask Knotted Fringe Towels.... 12 c
Per Yard
"New Plata Dress Goods 10c; 12Vic, 15c, 25c ,
tMj-inMi Thrfra Silica, all colors....... ....25c
Fancy figured Silks 35c and 50c
A Handsome Line of Novelties In Dress Patterns In
Black and Colors, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75,
$3.00, $3.25, $3.50 and $3.75 per pattern.
A large stock of Black and Colored Serges, Henri
ettas, Alpacas, Cheviots, Camels Hair, Mixtures
and Broadhead Worsteds, all at Sacrifice Prices
during this sale.. '
Velveteen Dress Binding ..4c per yard
Corduroy Dress Binding 5c per yard
Skirt Braids . 2c per roll
Belding's 100-yard Sewing Silk 6c per spool
Belding's Button Hole Twist lc per spool
Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton 3c per spool
Best Spool Linen 4c per Bpool
Crochet Cotton 3c per spool
Crochet Needles 2c each
Corset Clasps 4c each
Dress Shields 6c per pair
Thimbles lc each
Tooth Brushes 3c, 6c and 10c each
Pins r lc per paper
Safety Pins 2c per paper
Hooks and Eyes . . lc per paper
Hair Pins lc and 3c per box
Hat Pins 2 for lc
Metal and Bone Buttons 6c per doz
Best Quality Knitting Cotton 4c per ball
Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 4c and 6c
White and Colored Border Handkerchiefs, 1, 3 and 5c
Silk Baby Ribbon lc per yard
Metal Back Combs 5c
French Horn Combs 7c
Tablets 3c, 4c, 6c and 10c
Envelopes 3c, 4c and 5c per pkg
Lead Pencils 5c and 10c doz
Carter's Black Ink 3c per bottle
Tacks, 8 and 10 oz 2c per box
Vasallne ...4c per bottle
Best Toilet Soap 3c and 6c cake
.A large and complete stock of hats, including all the'
new shapes.
Boys' Hats 25c to 65c
Men s Hats ztc to z.uu eacn
Balance of our 20c and 25c Straw Hats for 5c each
We have by far the largest stock of Laces, Em
broideries and ribbons to select from In town, all at
Bargain Prices.
Laces from lc per yard upwards. Embrodlerles
all widths from lc to 50c per yard. Our Ribbon stock
In plain Moire and fancy Is complete:
No. 2, Satin and Gross Grain, all Bilk, per yard. 2c
No. 6, Satin and Gross Grain, an buk, per yara.
No. 7, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard. 6
No. 9, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard. 7
No. 12, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard. 8
No. 16, Satin and Gross Grain, all Silk, per yard. 10
Heavy Bone Corsets 35c each
Extra long waist heavy Satin Bone Corsets, 45c each
We are also showing the G, D., Warner's, Kid
Fitting Armorslde, and other leading makes of Cor-
Per Pair
Children's Heavy Ribbed Seamless Hose 10c
Boys' Heavy Ribbed, Fast Black Bicycle Hose..l2V4c
Ladles' Fast Black Hose 6c
Ladles Fast Black Cotton Hose, Seamless 9c
Ladles' Extra Heavy, Fast Black Seamless Hose.l2V4'c
Ladies' Fast Black, 40-guage, double sole Hose.. 19c
Ladles' Fast Black, extra heavy Ribbed Wool Hose,19c
Ladies' Fast Black, Wool Hose 16c
Ladles' Knit Vesta 5c, 10, 15c
Ladles' Knit Vests, long sleeves.... 23c, 25c, 35c 60c
Ladies' Union Suits 60c, 65c, 76c, 90c and $1.00
Ladles' Muslin Drawers 25c, 35c, 60c, 60c
Ladies' White Skirts 65c. 75c, $1.00 and $1.50
Night Gowns...'.. 60c, 65c, 65c, 75c, $1.00
Chemise 40c, 60c and 75c
Men's Laundrled Standard White 8hirta....50e each
Men's Extra Quality Black Sateen Shirts.... 40c each
Men's Heavy Wool Underwear 50c each
Men's Heavy Underwear Shirts and Drawers, 19, 25c
Men's Heavy Shaker Socks , .......15c per pair
Men's Heavy Seamless Socks ............ ,6c per pair
Men's Neckties 10c, 12Vfcc, 15c and 25c each
Men's Celluloid Collars 10c each
Men's Linen Collars 6c and 10c each
Men's Macklntoshe $2.00, $4.00, $5.00 to $6.50
Ladies' Mackintoshes $2.50 to $5.00
Men's $15 Suits for $ 8.00
Men's $17.60 Suits for 9.00
Men's $20.00 Suits for 10.50
Men's $25.00 Suits for 16.00
Men's $8 Overcoats for 4.60
Men's $15 Overcoats for , 8.50
Men's Pants 50c and upwards
Boys' $2.50 Suits for .....$1.46
Boys' $3 8uits for j 1.65
Boys' $4.60 Suits for , 2.45
Boys' $6 Suits for 3.40
, , SHOES.
A large stock of Ladles', Men's, Boys', Girls', and
Infants' Shoes closed out at a great sacrifice.
Ladles' $2.50 Shoes for $1.45 per pair
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes for $1.85 per ptflr
Ladies' $4.25 Shoes for ..$2.65 per pair
Ladles' $5 Shoes for $3.15 per pair
Men's $2 Shoes for , $1.15 per pair
Men's $2.60 Shoes for $1.35 per pair
Men's $3.25 Shoes for .$1.86 per pair
Men's $4 Shoes for $2.35 per pair
Men's $5 Shoes for $2.85 per1 pair
Men's $3.75 Boots for $2.35 per pair
Men's $4.50 Boots for .....$2.85 per pair
Men's $5.60 Boots for $3.25 pe pair
Boys' or Girls' $1.25 Shoes for 76c per pair
Boys' or Girls' $1.60 Shoes for 85o per pair
Boys' or Girls' $1.75 Shoes for 95c per pair
Boys' or Girls' $2.25 Shoes for $1.20 per pair
Boys' or Oirls' $3.00 Shoes for ; $1.75 per pair
A large and well-assorted stock of choice Fresh'
Groceries which we are closing out at the same re
duction as on the balance of the stock.
Purchasers of the Charman Stock of General Nerchandlss
Our Portland Store WHITE CORNER 173 and 175 Second St., Corner Yamhill