DELINQUENT NOTICE OF TAX EXECUTION. Notice Ir hernhv orlven that bv virtue Bartel. C. B. Part nf .Tnxnk nii of a warrant for the collection of Delln- f donation land claim, beginning quent Taxes of the Assessment of 189' at NW, corner of lot 3 In section in tne uounty ot ciacaamas ana mate uregon, which warrant is now in which warrant Is now In hands, and is in words and figures as fol . lows, vi.: ; , Btatepf Oregon, County of Clackamas, 88. : To jij. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas . Conntv. Oresron. Greeting: :,' In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to levy upon the ' . goods and chattels of the Delinquent Tax finyers named in tne iouowiinf ubl, ami f none be found, then upon the Real property set forth therein, or so much . ' thereof as shall satisfy the amount of ' taxes so charged, with costs and expen- ges, and that you pay over an money so , ' collected to the County Treasurer of said County as by law required. ". Witness my hand and the Seal of the County Court this 6th day of September, A D 1898 (Seal.)' ELMER DIXON, ' County Clerk. i Which warrant Is attached to the list of unpaid and Delinquent Taxes for the ' ' year 1897 In said Clackamas Countv, and ..,. not having been able, after diligent search, to find any personal property i within said county, out of which to make ' the taxes hereinafter mentioned, I have levied upon the land described In the fol lowing fist, being the property assessed to the following as the same appears as . sewed on said Delinquent Tax Roll, and will, on , SATURDAY, the 22d day of OCTOBER, 1898. beginning at 10 o'clock In the fore noon or said any. sen at pupiio auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand on the day of sale, all property described below, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay and satisfy the sums taxed against said property In Clackamas county tor tne year ltwi, togetner witn , costs ana accruing costs or saie. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. : I hereby certify that the above Is a true ana correct copy ana tne wnoie tnereor, of the original warrant for the collection ot Delinquent Taxes lor tne year 189V. J, J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Abbott, Isaac, estate of Unlvtded 3-10ths of Isaac Abbott estate, beginning NW. corner of section 25, Tp. 4 3., R. IE.; thence east 80 rods; thence south 90 rods; ' thence west 80 rods; thence north DO rods to beginning, ex cept 16 acres described in book 36, page 430, containing 46 acres, section 25, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 E .: I also, S. Vt of SW. 14 of SW. ' and 8. H of N. 14 of SW. 14 of the 8W. of section 24, Tp. 4 8., R. 1 B 2214 acres $ 1 76 Abbott, Hanson North 46 acres of E. 14 ot NW. 14 of section 26, Tp. 4 8. , R. 1 E 45 acres 9 S3 Adnms, Florence East Oregon City, lots li, 13, 14, 16, block 2; lots 1, 2, 14, block 4; lots 6, 7, 8 block 6; lots 12, 13, 14, block 6; ; lots 3,4, block 7 , 5 78 Adams, William 8., Mrs. Lots 39, 40. 9, 10, block 69, Mlnthorn ad dition to the city of Portland.... 1 V8 Aklns, J. W.-Lot 4, block 121, Ore gon City 8 49 Albert, J. H., administrator Lots 1. 2, block 94; lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, St, 32, 33, 34, 36. SB, 37, 38, block 93, Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland 4 66 Albee, Anna E. Lots 3, 4, block 16, Robertson 2 48 Albright, George, heirs of Frac- tlonnl lot 2. block 2, Marshflold.. 4 27 ,..-'"Ald'n Fruit, Vegetable & Preserv ing Co. Lots 7, 8, block 9, Ore gon City 8 20 Alexander, J. W. Part of George iirock donation mna claim, be. Kinntng at a point 490 feet south and m feet east of the NW. corner of claim 46; thence east 910.7 feet; thence south 60 de grees 15 minutes, eaHt 6S1.16 feet; thence east 1926.46 feet; thence west 760 feet; thence 1011.2 feet; thence west 607 feet; i.ience north 1275.20 feet to beginning, section 22,A Tp. 3 8., R. 1 E., 65.22 acres 8 Allen, George H. Part of J. Mo Nfirv donation land claim No. 3S, Tp. S., R. 2 E., 1.11.80 acres. 60 29 Alien, John II. Lot 1 and north H tit Int ft block 7 AtmArflnn'M Ad dition to Park Place 1 42 Al en. M. W. Lots 11. 12. b ock 7. South Oregon City t 06 Amo, A., Mrs. The east H of SR. li, except 20 acres sold to Stella Warner, section 9, Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E., 60 acres 4 85 Anderson, John-NK. 4 of SE. nt SE. of section 14. Tp. 4 S R. 2 E.j 10 acres i 93 Andrews, iWln II. Lots 1, I, block 81. Oregon City 2 05 Armenter, John Part of Caleb Richie donation land claim No. 69, beginning at SW. corner of liilm; thence north 14,14 chains: thence east 36.79 chains; thence ' nouth 14.14; thence west 36.97 chains to beginning, except 19.28 acres in book 43, pages 18 and 81, and book 50. page 109; In sec tions 29 and 30, Tp. 1 8 R. 8 E., 19 acres 6 61 Atchison, Samuel and Aiellah Part of George Wills donation land claim, beginning at SW. corner of land conveyed to Louis Atch ison by Siimuel Atchison, sr.; thimce north 10 degrees 35 min utes west 12.25 chains; thence wedt 4 chains; thence 8. 1 degree .15 minutes 12.25 chains; thence enst to beginning, Tp. 1 8., R. 1 m V.., 6 acres 9 60 Athcv, James Lots 1, I, block 66, Oregon City 1 Bachlor, fl. J 20 feet off of lots ( and 6, block 140, Oregon City... Bagby. C. W.-NK. li of NE. hi ot section 25, Tp. 6 8., R. I E., 40 acres Baker, M. M. Vi of east H of west H of BE. 14 of section 8, Tp. 8 8., It. 1 W 20 acres Baker. T. H. M.-H of east J4 ot SW. of section I, Tp. S 8., R. 1 W 20 acres 11 48 1 59 132 t 62 Baker. Juliet, Mrs.-Kast Vi of BE, . . ' - ....... a a 1 xkr 01 section , ip. o., west U of 8K. Vi except 4 1., n. acre to county, seotlon 9. Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W., W acres..... Baser, T. M. Bii a., ana guiioi-" East Mi of SW. 14 ot seotlon 9. Tp. 3 8., R. 1 W.. 80 acres Ball, William Part of Caleb Rlchla donation land claim No. 69. be ginning 51.64 chains west of SW. corner of snld claim No. 68; thence east 36.79 chulns; thenca north 88.76 chains; thence west 36.79 chains; thencs south 89.76 chains to beginning, sections 2 and 30, Tp. IS., li J K 17V4 Bait , R? D." and if.' 'i.'ParV of' '6'. Pendleton donation land claim, beginning 16 01 chains south and 27.K3 rhaFns wet of NE. oorner of claim No. 5H, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 K.i thence south 9.26 chains; thence west 32.44 chains; thence north 21 SO 524 9S!5 chains; t Hence east n. chulns to beginning, sections 29, 33. 33. Tp. 3 E., R. I K., 10 acres. 16 51 Ball. D. C.-SH. 14 or bis. ana Action 19. Tp. t 8.. R. I B.. 62 Ban CGeo'r'ge' f'.k' ' H of ' BE.' 'l4 P and uTtsV 7, of. except W acres section 19, Tp. I 8., R. I E.. W 578 T40 $6 90 t 12 TAXES FOR 1897. SHERIFF'S SALE 01 2! then?8 east 13 rods; thence my waui roas; tnence west 13 rods; thence north 17 1-2 rods to beginning, section 20, Tp. 2 8.. R A E.. 1.33 nnm. Barries, C. F.-AU of James Bonney donation land claim No. 63, in Clackamas county, beginning on east line of claim No. 63 where said line intersects Pudding river; thence up center of said river until the Bame then inter , sects said claim; thence north to beginning, section 36, Tp. 4 S. R. 1 W., 20 acres.....,..........! Barlow, J. S. and W.-Lots 1, 2. block 22. Canemah Barney, C. E.-Lot 1, block 23, Falls View addition to Oregon City... Barln. T. L. Lots R K hinnir is Oregon City ' 4 Also, 14 of east 4 of NW. of West V, Of NR. U nf .anting 7 Tp. 2 g., R. 4 E.,lo acres .. Bauer, Margaret Lots 19, 20, Pleas- ant Little Homes No. 1 Bauman, J. P. and Henry L. C So"th Vi, of south of NE. 14 of NE. 14 of section 33, Tp. 1 s!! R. JE 10 acres . Baumann, Emily L. Part of J. P. Kagon donation land claim, be ginning 1.24 chains north of SE. rner of the J. P. Eagon claim, ; 2 8", R' 2 E-; thence north ' chains to the center of Oregon City and Milwaukle roads; thence south along center of road 9.69 chains; thence east 8.21 chains to beginning, sections 6. 8, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., 7.87 acres... Beach, Gardner W. North U of SE. 14 and south of NE. 14 of section 23, Tp. 2 8., R. 7 E., 160 acres Beal, James F. South 14 of north 0hfection TP- 4 8., R. 5 E., 160 acres Belshaw, W. D. Beginning at NE. corner of donation land claim No. 69; thence running south 2.38 chains; thence south 59 degrees 4 minutes west 25.50 chains to center of county road; thence north 30 degrees 18 minutes west 6 96 jo.h cnains to the northern boundary of said claim; thence 28 chains to beginning of seo- tlon 8, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E., 20 acres 9 03 aiho, tots i, z, a ana be. A of be. 14 except 2 acres section 5, Tp. 3 S.. R. 3 E.. 72 scran 9 08 Bellinger, Charles B. Part of Will iam Matlock donation land claim beginning at westerly corner of claim No. 39, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.j thence easterly on south line of claim 10 chains; thence at right angles 10 chains; thence at right angles 10 chains: thence at right angles to begin ning, except 5 acres In book 50, page 239, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 5 acres 4 99 Bennett, A. Lots 1, 2, 8, 4. block 64, extending to First addition to Osweiro 1 38 Bender, Alfred South of SW. 14 01 ow. vl ot section 4, xp. 4 a., R. 1 E.. 20 acres Bentley, W. L. Part of Charles Phillips donation land claim, be ginning 14.21 chains south and 17 chains east of NW. of section 4, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.; thence east 3 chains; thence south 16.75 chains to the north line of Mat lock donation land claim, west on said line 3 chains: thence north to beginning, section 4, I'n O a T 1.. OA Berhendt, Julius SW. 14 of NW. 14 vi section 0, xp. B., ft. i Jti., w acres 6 (6 Bentler, John Part of William Holmes donation land claim, 50 X100 feet 7A... 8 74 Rentier, Robert J. Part of George Abernathy donation land claim, beginning at a point on south boundary line of George Aber nathy claim 24.90 chains wester ly from north corner of Edward Fisher donation land claim; thence north 42 degrees east 14 chains to north boundary of said claim as determined by Judg ment of circuit court ot state of Oregon, Clackamas county; thence westerly on said north boundary line north 83 degrees 34 minutes went to center ot county road 11.70 chains; thence south 42 degrees west along said county road to south boundary of said claim: thence easterly along said claim line to begin ning, less 4 acres on east side of this tract sold by J. M. Tay lor to Robert Flnley, containing 8 Mi acres more or less except therefrom lots 1, 2, block 8, Frank Stokes addition to Oregon City, section 29, Tp. 1 8., K. 2 K.. 814 acres 20 50 Beverage, W. T. Lot 18, block 2; lots i, a), zi, ss, z;s, zi, zt, w, si, 32, block 3; lots 8 to 14 Inclusive, block 4; lots 11 to 15 Inclusive, block 6, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3 6 59 Blegert, J. O.-NE. 14 of NE. 14 of section 13, Tp. 1 S., R. 8 E., 40 acres 17 23 Blnegar, J. A., Mrs. Part ot Jessie More'and donation lana Claim. esi ot NE. 14 ot NE. 14 of section 16, Tp. 5 S R. 1 E., 20 acres 1 S6 Bingham, B. W.-NW. 14 of section 16, Tp. 4 8., R. 6 B., 1IK) acres... Blrdnel, R. M.-Lots 7, 8, block 2. Windsor Blrtchet, George SW. 14 of NE. 14 5 ?0 2 07 and BE. 14 of NW. 14 of section 5, Tp. 6 8 , R. 1 E.. 80 acres 28 56 Blrtchet. Charles Part of the L. D. Cross donation land claim, be ginning at a point on north boundary line of said claim, said point being 10 chains west from SW. corner L. A. Seely donation land claim, running thence south 13.25 chains; thence east 8.80 chains; thence north 13.26 chains to said north boundary line of said U D. Cross donation land claim; thence west 3.80 chains, tracing said boundary line to bcglnulngof sections 4, 5, Tp. i 8 R. 1 K., 6 aores. .............. Bliickwell, Cella-Lots 1, 1, block. Bllnn. Jul'la'a-South H of N w!'l4 and SW. 4, and lot I of section 25. Tp. 1 8..R. 8 E.. 264 acres... Blood, A. R.-Lots 1, 8, 8, 5, S, 7. 8, block 11, South Oswego.......... Boggs, James 11. All of blocks 4, 5 and 6, Darnell's addition to Ore- aRo? lots i'to'i'6' YncVu'sive.''biock 17; lots 3 to 8 Inclusive, block 25. in a atAl fft'i First S94 107 18 55 1 8 23 8 20 addition to Oswego.........".... U 18 Bogg, Henry L.-8W. 14 of NE. 4 of section 16. Tp. I 8.. R. 4 E., 40 &Ctf 8 (. Bogges, James H.-NW. K of sec tion 12, Tp. 3 8., R. 8 B., 160 165 5 30 1 or aii Also, west H of NR. o 18. Tp. 2 87, R. 4 E., 1w olds, Dorcas Part of H. Ol IWCUUU acres.... 5 30 Bolds, Dorcas Part of H. Jonnson donation lana Claim, pegHmiug SW. corner of said claim; thence north 46 rods; thence east 35 rods; thence south 4 rods; thence west 35 rods to begin ning, containing 10 acres. Tp. 8 1 18 S.. K. 1 K., iv acres.. 5 80 thorn addition to the city ot Portland ..V;,'v Bowers, Elisabeth I-ot 8. . block 32, West Side addition to Oregon (;(ty Bowman, B. H.-AU of lots 8 and 4 of section 9, Tp. 1 8 R. I E.. 1314 acres 1 42 14 K Bonney, George F.-fouth H of SE. 14 and south H of 8W. 14 of seo tlon 8, Tp. 7 8., R. I K.,1M acre. t. .w i7-nwT 7 block 70. Mtn- Part of I. Cranfield donation land claim, beginning at point 20 rods east of SW. corner of SE. 14 of ' section 9, Tp. 2 8., R. ' 2 E. ; , thence north 16 rods; thence west 20 rods; thence north 24 rods; thence east 35 rods 4 feet to center line of the O. & C. R. R.; thence south, tracing said center line of said railroad : to the south line of said section 9; thence west 12 rods 4 feet to beginning, section 9, Tp. 2 8.. R 2 E., 6 7-16 acres . uowers, x,yaia a, wortn or jne, J4 of section 8, Tp. i 8., R, 1 E.. 80 ftfifAS Brandon, Thomas-North 14 of lot's 6, 7, 8, 39.80 acres Thnmn nivt. man tract 7 31 Brannielly. Peter NE. U of NE. of section 85, Tp. 1 8., R. 4 E., 40 acres 3 j Brey, Rebecca C South "i-3" of south of lot 7, block 29. Ore gon City 10 26 Breeden, H. C. and Forbes, CM All of section 36, Tp. 3 8., R. 6 E., 640 acres 26 50 BriHterfleldt, Anna Lot 3, block 4. Windsor 1 tit Broughton, George Lots 3, 6, "block "''. uregon city.. 124 Lots 3, 4, 6, block 44, Oregon City 6 uiriu ui mna oetween Dlocks 14 aim m m uregon uity metes and bounds to Oregon City at Main and 16th streets 3 08 Broderick. Ella 28x87 feet souther ly part of described in book 57, '. page 257, lot 4. block 2; lots 2 to 5 inclusive, block 156 45 n Part of A. McKinley donation land claim No. 60, of, begin ning at the most westerly corner , of claim No. 60 on right bank of Willamette river; thence S. 45 de grees east to Intersection of claim and Tp. lines; thence eaBt to line of second bluff; thence , northerly with line of bluff to westerly corner of land de scribed In book O, page 612: thence northwesterly along said tract to O. & C. R. R.; thence southwesterly to said railroad ' and Willamette river to begin ning, described In book 54, page 236. Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 15 acres. 7 10 Part of 8. W. Shannon donation land claim No. 70, 1-3 of, begin ning Vh chains south of 14 post between sections 25 and 26; thence south 2.68 chains; thence north 63 degrees west 27 nhalim- 2 65 1 77 2 (6 10 596 66 2 65 thence north 12 degrees east 6.05 chains; thence south 56 de grees east 27 chains to beetn- tlln t 1 1. EJ 317, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 3 acres.. South of SW. 14 of section 24, Tp. 2 ., R. 2 E., 80 acres Brooke, E. D. Undivided 14 of lot 1, block 4, Marshfleld Brockhart. Berthold SE. of NW. 6 18 6 36 12 82 14 of section 16, Tp. 6 8., R. 1 E 40 acres 3 71 Brown, Leila Part of H. Johnson donation land claim, beginning at a point 340.69 feet north of south end of the dividing line between the east and west halves of said claim: thence south 340.62 feet to a stone on the 14 section line running east and west through section 22; thence west on 14 section line 705.60 feet; thence north to a spring branch; thence down branch to a point west of point 01 Deginning; tnence east to be- f Inning, sections 15 and 22. Tp. S R. 2 E., 6 2-3 acres 1 99 Brown, W. C. and Mary West 14 of NE. 14 and north 14 of NW. . 14 of section 6. Td. 2 8.. R. 4 E.. 160.59 acres 15 90 NW. 14 of and west 14 of SE. 14 and SE. 14 ot SE. 14 of section 3. Td. 2 8.. R. 4 E.. 276.67 acres 2716 SE. 14 of section 12. Td. 2 8.. R. 4 E., 160 acres 15 90 Brown, Elmer E. Lots 27, 28, block 69. Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland f2 Bruce, Annetta Lot 4 of section 17, Tp. 3 8., R. 2 E., 30 acres.... Bryant, Charles W.-All of C. W. Bryant donation land claim, ex cept 6 acres for canal, sections 17. 18. Td. 2 S.. R. 1 E.. 315 acres. 4 51 79 61 5 17 Buckman, George W. Lots 17, 18, block 18, Windsor Buelton, Frank H. West Mi of west 14 of section 26, Tp. 1 8., R. 8 E 160 acres Burnshaw, Justus NE. 14 of sec 5 30 tion 16, Tp. 2 S., R. 7 E., 160 acres , 5 30 Burchtorf, Carl West of SE. 14 of section 25, Tp. 1 8 , R. 4 E.k 80 acres , 6 SO Burney, William T.-NE. li of NE. ) 14 of section 36, Tp. 3 S., R. 8;- E., 40 acres ' 1 S3 Burney, William T. and McGulro, H, D. All of section 36, Tp. 1 S., R. 6 E., 640 acres 21 20 East V section 35, Tp. 3 8.. R. 814 E., 320 acres; west Mr of SE. li and weHt 14 of NE. and SW. 14 of NE. 14 section 36, Tp. 2 8., R. 814 E., 600 acres; SW. 14 sec tion 20, xp. x a., rt. 4 m., itiu acres; all of section 36, Tp. 8 S., R. 8 E.. 640 acres 56 93 Burhert, W. M. Holmes addition to Oregon City, 14 of lot de scribed thus: Beginning at NW. corner of lot 1: thence east along north line of said lot 50 feet; thence parallel with west line of said lot 1200 feet to south side of said lot 1; thence west 50 feet to SW. corner of lot 1; thence north on west line of said lot 1200 feet to beginning; deed described In book 42, page 154, lot 1, block 19 4 10 Backman, Ben 8. Part ot Isaao M. Foster donation land claim, be . ginning at SE. corner of claim; thence west 30.78 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence west 19 chains; thence north 19.75 chains; thence east 49.78 chains; thence south 39.75 chains to beginning, containing 160 acres, being un divided Interest ot above lie- . scribed school district. Td. 2 8.. R. 8 E., 65 acres 2 $5 Cake, H. M. and W. M.-3214 front feet except back to railroad limit and bounded on the north by block 29, Oregon City 36 90 fart or tne north Vi ot ueorge Walling donation land claim. beginning 31.60 chains south and 34.13 chains east from NW. cor ner of claim; thence east 32.20 chains: thence north 44 degrees west 4.50 chains; thence north 19 degrees west 4 chains; thence 6 degrees east 21.50 chains; thence north 20 degrees 30 min utes east 6.50 chains: thence north 1 degree 30 minutes west 4.80 chains; thence south 75 de grees west 6.55 chains; thence south 72 degrees 30 minutes west 26.90 chains; thence 10.01 chains to beginning, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 47.60 acres 84 60 Callls, John-NE. 14 of SE. H of section 16, Tp. 8 S., R. 6 E., 40 acres 1 59 Campbell, J. N.. and Strous, R. F. Lots 1, 1, 3, block 37, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego 8 59 Campbell, John Lots 8, 4, block 2. Oregon City Annex. 108 Campbell, John Lot 4 ot section 29, Tp. 1 8., R. 1 E., 34.30 acres 19 60 Campbell, Horace North H of 8W. v or section w. xp. s a., it. E., 80 acres; 8E. 14 of the NE. i of section 86, Tp. 8 8., R. 814 E., 40 acres 3 97 Capps, E. F. IiOts 5, 6. 7, 8, block 3: lots 8, 9. 10. block 6. Pleasant Place addition to Oregon City; lots 8. . block 1 West Side ad dition to Oregon City It 21 Capler, Hers-NW. 14 of NW. 14 of mactlrm 81. To. ft ft R. IS E.. 40 acres 1 98 Carson, A. L. Iots l, 2, block 80; lot 8 and undivided 14 of lot 1, block 45, Oregon Iron Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego. 5 93 Carson, John D. 14 of lots 3. 4. block 15, Barlow's First addition to Barlow 65 Block L Irvln's Little Homes, 10 acres 5 SO Carey, 8. D. Lots 31, 39. 40. 42. 43. block 70; lota 7, 8, 25, 38. block 71: lots 23, 23, block 72. Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland 8 36 Carlisle, C. A. Part of R. Howard donation land claim, beginning at a point 9.38 chains west and 26.25 cnains north from SE. cor ner of section 17. Tp. 4 8., R. 3 E., the same being the NW. corner of the school house lot, school district No. 84. and fence north along the Molalla road 3.22 chains; thence north 36 de ' greet west 4.87 chains, along the center of said road; thence east .''" 2 85 6.37 chains; thence south 7.15 chains; thence west 3.50 chains along the north boundary of said school house to place of be ginning, seetion 17, Tp. 4 S., R. 2 E., 3.6 acres . 6 81 Cartwright, Harry-South of SE. v. or section 11, xp. a a., . T. OQ onMci itt oa nviw, .- Carothers, L. V. - Lot 3, block 23, Canby Carson, Eliza H. Lots 1, 2, block . 3; lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, block 13; lot 14, block 45, Oregon Iron & r, . , 1 . I , a ,1.1 meel vu. 8 f irsi auuiuuu iu v vego Carr, William-Lots 23- Flewant Little Homes, No. I......... Cartwritrht, Henry-NW. 14 of see-, tlon 18, Tp. 2 B., R. 4 E., 160 acres Carlson, A. S.-SW. 14 of NW,, 14 and NW. 14 of SW. 14 of section 8, Tp. 5 8., R. 3 E., 78 acres Carlson, John NE. 14 of section 26, Tp. 1 S., R. 5 E., 160 acres Cashier, C. B. Part of Eira Fisher donation land claim, beginning at NW. corner of land deeded to Philip Tato, to William Ald redge; thence east 450 feet; thence south 250 feet to center of Abernathy road; thence along center of said road 50 feet northerly to beginning, contain 17 23 02 16 ing 1 acre, xp. z ., . a a ChiiHbIiI. E. G.. assignee Lots A. B, C, D, E, east 14 of G, east Ms of H, I, J, Buena Vista; 15 . acres land In the Oregon City claim, Clackamas county, lying between Abernathy creek and McLaughlin avenue, as shown on plat of Buena Vista, and easterly line of said claim and easterly line of blocks 176 and 177, in Oregon City, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E.. 15 acres 36 90 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, block 1; lots 1, 2, block 2; lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. block 2, Fairmountl' lots 2, 4, block 36, Central addl- tlon to Oregon City 17 63 Caufleld, E. G., assignee Part of the L. D. C. Latourette dona- tlon land claim beginning at a point In boundary line of said claim, south 0 degrees 15 min utes east 10.30 chains from the NW. corner of said claim; ttience east 53.47 chains; thence south 15 minutes east o.s chains north; thence north 81 degrees west 6.19 chains'; thence south 6 degrees west 3.20 chains; thence south 88 degrees west 47.04 chains to west boundary line of said claim; thence north 15 minutes west 9.94 chains, tracing said westerly line to be ginning, section 33, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 46.66 acres Part of Ezra Fisher donation land claim No. 44. beginning at a granite stone 18x12x10 Inches, marked A,-set in west boundary line of said claim at a point north 38 minutes east 23.1o chains distance from the SW. corner of said claim, running thence south 87 degrees 15 min utes east 67.25 chains to a divi sion line between husband and wife's halves of claim; thence . north along said division line 8.75 chains; thence north 85 de grees 51 minutes west 61.25 chains to a point in west bound ary of said claim 30 chains south, 38 minutes west from NW. corner of said claim where Is set a granite stone 12x9x8 Inches, marked G. H. A. : thence south 38 minutes west along said west boundary line 10 chains to beginning. Bection 32, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E., 48.17 acres , Also, part of Ezra Fisher dona tion land claim No. 44, lying In section 33, Tp. 2 8., R. 2 E., be ginning at a point 13.25 chains north 1 degree east and 40 chains south, 87 degrees 35 minutes east from SW. corner of said claim No. 44: thence south 12.35 chains; thence 87 degrees 65 min utes east 12.26 chains to the di viding line between the hus band and wife's halves of said claim; thence north 12.35 chains, tracing said dividing line: thence north 37 degrees 55 min utes west 12.26 chains to begin nincr. section 33. Td. 2 3.. R. 2 12 32 19 E 14.9 acres 5 74 Also, part ot ;zra nsner aona tlon land claim, beginning at 13.25 chains north 1 degree east, 4.03 chains south, 87 degrees 55 minutes east from SW. corner of said claim: thence south 87 degrees 55 minutes east 48.23 chains to dividing line between husband and wife's halves of claim; thence north 8.15 chains and tracing said dividing line; thence north 87 degrees 15 min utes west to point located 23.25 chains north 1 degree east 4.03 chains south 87 degrees 55 min utes east from SW. corner of said claim; thence south 1 de gree east 10 chains to the place of beginning, sections 32, 33, Tp. 2 ., H. i 44.34 acres Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. block 16: lots 4, 5, 9, 10, block 17; lots 4, 6. 6, block 7; north 14 of lot 8. block 10, Park addition to Oregon City... Caufleld, C. H., and Simpson, Clar 11 nf section 9. To. S 8.. 18 26 14 97 R. 3 E., 640 acres 17 23 All of section 15, Tp. 6 8., K. 3 640 acres 11 The north 14 of and north 14 of SW. 14 and SW. or bw. ot section 3, Tp. 5 8., R. 3 E 520 West 14' bf west Vi'.' of' section' ii, Tp. 5 S., R. 3 E 160 acres NW. 14 and west 14 of SW. 14 of sec. 10, Tp. 6 8., R. 8 E., 240 acres East of NW. 14 and west H of MR u nf section 2. To. 6 8.. R. 14 58 5 30 928 3 E., 160 acres 5 30 Boutn 01 norm ana buuui 73 of section 35, Tp. 4 S., R. 3 B.. 489 acres West 14 of NW. 14 and south 14 r,f .ontinn 51 Tn. B 8. R 3 E.. 2120 400 acres 15 90 East 14 of section 4, Tp. 6 8., R. 3 B., 320 acres 10 60 Cawood, E. E. Block 2, Clackamas Riverside, 7.8 acreB 4 ?8 Charman & Son Part or i. m. j os ter D. L. C. beginning at a point 6.85 chains S., 7.90 chains west of SW. corner section 26, Tp. 2 S., R. 3 E.; thence B. 35.60 chains; thence south 19.75 chains; thence west 61 chains; thence north 59.03 chains; thence south 60 degrees east 82.69 chains; thence east 20 chains to beginning. Also, part of Isaao Laswell donation land claim, beginning at a point 5.85 chains south and 7.90 chains west of BW. corner of section 26; thence eaBt 20 chains: thence north 20 chains: thence south 20 chains to beginning, Tp. 8 8., R. 3 E., ioi acres Chapman, Slncoe SB. 14 of section 14, Tp. 6 8 , R. 3 E., 160 acres;.. Chase, James A.-Lot 10. block D. , Apperson's addition to Park Charlson ,'e.-SW.' '4' of''NB.' "li'and NW. li of 8E. 14 of seotlon 16. Tp. 1 8., R. 6 E., 160 acres Chamberlain. M. I-Lots 1.1.8, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13, block 97; lots 39, 40, block 96. Mlnthorn addition to the city of Portland 3170 795 630 466 Chase, Sarah A.-Lot 1. fractional block 5. Oregon City 51 2i! Metes and boumis to uregon ny, all the tract between west boundnry of block 34 in Oregon Cltv on easterly boundary of O. jl ft .i.rht nf vnv where It Dass- es under the bluff................. 8 S) Chase, James w.-aii ot own ijn. r ... rMtv lnta 3. 8. hlnck 39. ... Oregon City......................... 90 20 Chapman. Jessie a. imj- . 15 Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s First addition to Oswego......... Chalmers. David-All of blocks 51 and 53 and E, Canemah: part of A F. Hedges donation land claim, beginning at a Point, at the end and center of First street 30 feet from the SW. cor ner of block lettered C. In the town of Canemah: thence north 69 degrees east 7S0 feet to the end and center of Fourth street: thence at right angles south 81 degrees east to the north line of Lawton's land: thence along said line of Lawton's land 60 de grees 15 minutes west to the BE. corner to a tract of land deeded to Chalmers. Holmes and Val entine March 16, 1SWS. deed re corded In book W. page 37: thence north 40 degrees SO min utes 4 chains; thence north 41 degrees west 10 chains to begin- . , , nlng, section 6,'Tp. 3 8. R. 8 H., l .section 31, Tp. 2 8., R. 1 E., 12.6? acres 23 Chilcote, W. P. and W. M. Lots 1, 2 of, except 10 acres In book 56, nas-H 331. section 33. Td. 1 8.. R. 3 E., 35 acres Christensen, Annie Lots 7, 8, block 6, Pleasant Little Homes, No. 3 9 ia - 47 Clarke, G. W.-NE. 14 of NE. 14 of section 28. To. 1 8.. R. 3 E.. 40 acres ;.. Clarke, George, Jr. Part of A Fos ter donation land claim No. 43, beginning at a point In the south line of said claim 20.30 chains west Of BE, corner of said claim and running thence north ' and parallel with the south line of said claim 20.30 chains; thence south and parallel with a line of said claim 40.84 chains to the south lino Of said claim; uience east, tracing the said south line 20.30 chains to beginning. Td. 2 7:5 5? 7 93 4 61 8 36 . 8., R. 3 E., 82.39 acres Clark, Ward N.-SW. 14 of SW. 14 of section 36. Td. 4 8.. R. 3 E.. 40 acres ' Clark, W. J.-Lots 7, 8, t, 10, 39, 40, block 41. Miitthnrn addition to the city of Portland Clark, Will Lots 27 to 42 Inclusive, block 85. Mlnthorn nririltinn . 3 i the city of Portland 4 Clayson, Jane Two-third interest In a part of James McNary do nation land claim No. 38, de scribed In book 62, page 59, con taining 136.80 acres, except 5 acres, sections 7, 17, 19, 8, li. 20 TP. 2 8... R. 2 E., 87.86 acres.....! 34 45 Clift, Jasper, heirs of Undivided 4-5 interest, beginning at 14 post on south line of section 35; thence north 21.17 chains; thence north 89 degrees 46 minutes west 5.08 chains; thence south 21.27 chains; thence 89 degrees 46 min utes east 58 chains to begin ning, section 10, Tp. 2 S., R. 2 E.. 103 flnrfA... n tn Coleman, M. M. NE. 14 of SE. li except 6 acres in George Brock donation land claim, section 16. Tp. 5 S., R. 1 E., 36 acres 6 Collins, Edwin-Lot 11, block 8, ouuin uregon uitv Collins, Margaret Beginning at NE. corner of block 69; thence 3.55 chains: thfnnn veir tA boundary of block: thence north to NW. corner; thence east to beginning, block 59, Clackamas Heights Collins, Emanuel George Biock' 49! Clackamas Heights, blocks 58 and 60, except 3.13 chains off the south portion of, Clackamas Heights Comstock, Lester A. Part of'the's! 26 27 iJ. jj ranklln donation land claim, beginning at NE. corner of west 14 of section 15; thence west on Bection line 7 chains 27 links; thence south 13.77 chains; thence east 7.27 chains; thence . north 13.77 chains to beginning, containing 10 acres, section 15, ip. 6 S., R. 1 W 52 ConvAn?Tw?!St Part of west V. ot NW. lying west of Pudding river, section la Tn 1 a r T ., 22 acres .. 1 74 0 0' ,n ui ,' ructionai lots 7, 8 9, 10, block 15, Falls View ad- union to uregon City 1 sjs wv,.B.v6auiu viiurcn XiOtS 7, 8. block 15, Oregon Iron & Steel -V lrst ara"'on to Oswego.. 2 07 X...HH. ovv. n 01 nvv. 14, ex cept 2 acres In book 51, page 361. section 10, Tp. 3 S.. R 1 W west y, of NE. and SE. 14 of section 9, Tp. 3 S., R. 1 glnnlng at NW. corner of SE 14 of section 9; thence south 40 chains; thence east 15 chains: , v v..,110, thence north 40 nhnins- ,., west 15 chains to beginning, ex cept 40 acres In book 51, page 64, acres0" 9' TP' 8 S" R" 1 W" 17 Coo.k' S Lots'is' 'to '43 'inclusive 31 11 in uiuun a DlOCKS iu, 19; lots 1 2, 3, 4, block 38; lots 2, 3 4, 6. 7, 8, 9, block 98, Mlnthorn addi- tion to tho nllv nf C.,l j x Cook, Horace N.-Part of claim No! ., mourning soutn 14.55 chains and south 82 degrees 45 minutes west 16.18 chains from NE. cor PSS of said claim; thence south i.SMcnalns; thence west 6 chains- thence north 82 degrees 45 min utes east 14.60 chains to begin- MiiiB, section 34, Tp. 3 8., R. 1 Cophall, Robert Lots 8'i," biock' 36 South Oswego corporation of Oregon CityLot's 3 10 I 26 o. , o, uiock ids lots 6, 6, b ock 63: lot 8, block 15; lots 1, 8 block 22 flroo-nn mt ' ' Corcoran, Wllllam-East ' U' of" east '4 of section 22. Tn. 2S n 7 m 30 75 160 acres ' ' t ...v.c, x. ijuis jo ana s 10 46 iiiuiumve, diock 14; lots 1, 2, 20 21, 45, 46, block 15, Mlnthorn ad dition to tha cllv nf IJ,,. in .i Cornell, E. W.-Lots 3 to 18 Incl'ii- 4 96 , uiock o; lots 3 to 8 Inclu sive, block 7; lots 6 to 13 inclu sive, block 40; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5 2.?5' 16o17,' 18'lo : lots 1,' 2, block 29; lots 7, 10, 11, 14, block a. South Oswego; block 12. 5 26 acres. Oawnrn Holhto Cornelius, Charles W.-No'r't'h'Hof 15 01 s i'.Tu""' P.4.R. Cotta, Charles-SW. 4' of'secVlon itL TP- 8 S-tR. 7 E., 1?0 acres....... 2 65 5 30 covey, u. W.-SE. 14 of SW. li of section 7, Tp. 6 8., R. 2 E.. 40 acres ' Cox, Vernetta-South 'ii "of"lots"6 "iu 1 kiiu 101 e, 33,30 acres Thomas Rnrbroon fr.-V Coyne. J. F It a 1 iV'i'-' 7 31 A .1., ' ' 1 PrnwfnrH nil-. r- ' '-"V.."' 11 ALIVlHHUn r- - " , v mi, i i. L or A MUP, FlBk donation land claim (deed not recorded), section 30. Td 4 8.. R. 1 F. . us ..... ' v' 3 71 -r, v,i du. n, Bnu jots I, I, 3 of section 29, Tp. 3 S., R. 3 E 194 acres ' NW. 14 of NW. U 9 28 Tp. 3 S.. R 3 E., 40 acres 2 12 - " ' ; " ' " ui sieny ena of S.7id x,01".4!118 donation land claim No. 5b. sections 16. 17. 20 21, Tp. 3 S.. R. 3 E 187 acres.;. 15 09 1 59 ' h " acres . , i - , w, XV, 1. I UUIN AH. -IH. tUl 11 42, fl: 89, 40 block AlMlnrhorn, uiucr mi: inrn i h 3 a oc 4 96 26 50 CreL8h',on'."Vy- 'P West H'of'NW: Cro8.' ,Pha. F.-Lots'lVi,' ' block 3 93 gon City ''..... Ck 1241 0r8 Lota 6. 7 B o"Kiu'oo"r;,'J V''!'" 30 76 3 20 ,. , T ' , u laustone. Cross, H. E. Lots 3. 4. S. 8 7 hinni. 100; lots 6. 6 7, 8 block 124; lots 1 F 7 5' k'iV'i?; bJloc,t 146: lot int ' ' i!i b? W- Orefon City; lot03regonClClVy.rnaU addltlon I nJ2 b" I' h 8' J5!00 ." Canemah.' ?,ts B',8, iIock Wet Side addl. tlon to Oregon City 2 acres ClackamaB Frut Lands, Painofi riw' 'Abernathy donal tlon land claim, beginning at angular corner on south bound- aILof SRld e.lalm- whlch I" 5 degrees 15 minutes west 13.80 chains from the H. Straight do nation land claim, running thence north 5 degrees 15 min utes east 3.S9 chains to a stake thence east to the dividing line between the east and west halves of said Abernathy claim thence south to south boundary of said claim; thence north 80 degrees west to the place of be ginning, containing 20 acres, ex cept west 14 of above described tract, Tp. 2 S.. R. 2 E.. 10 acrT 120 96 6 21 5 00 8 22 7 10 sw- of .NE. 14 and west H ot . V- .na 10,8 J- 5 ant SB. "4 14 of section 30, Tp. 2 8 u,JaE- ,Part,of.W- R- McCub: bin donation land clnlm. begln- nlnR at Po'nt 2 chains west from SE. corner of section SO T.P .8 8. , R3 E.; thence north 20 chains: thence east 20 chains thence south 2SH degrees west 26 chains to section line; thence west on section line to begin ning, sections 29. 30 JL 3S Td. I8.R.IR 9 - All of William Strickland dona" 38 96 .nu ciaim no. J7, excent m"? In book 54. page 304. and 60.8 acres In book 54? pare Cully, John South 14 of south' 14 "ot 19 8S . 43 , section 25, Tp. 2. 8.P R. 5 H., ICO . aores ...;.v.;.';;....v..,.,:....,i.;.... iM Cunningham, James M. Lots 7, 8, block 7, Apperson's addition to 1 Park Place 1 28, 29, 30, block 10; lots 31 to 5t , inclusive, block 10, Marchbanks. ' U 91 Curry, B. C, assignee Barlow's First addition to Barlow, west erly 10 acres in block ' 1, de- 1 scribed thus:' Beginning at tho v i south corner of block No. 1 of s 5 30 56 2 65 ittiivn p x-iiD. auuniuit w liiq town of Barlow; thence 60 de grees 5 minutes east along the south line of said block No. 1 500 feet; thence northeasterly Currie, Jennie Lots 33, 34, block f: lots 1 to 21 inclusive, and 24,' 26V parallel with and 500 feet dis tance from the northwesterly line of said block No. 1 to Mo lalla river; thence with the meanders of said river down stream to the NW. corner of said block No. 1; thence south westerly along the westerly line of said block No. 1, from place of beginning, deed recorded in book 62. nags 43. block 1. Bar. 6 36 2 12 low, 10 acres.... ., 3 35 Canavan, George H. Part of H. 1 86 ampDeii aonation land claim, 45x486 feet on west side of " south 1214 acres of north 14 of west 14 of land set off to H. L. Campbell by partition decree of circuit court, Tp. 1 8., R. 2 E., 14 acre , Crowley. D. W.-Undlvided" ''"( , m acres In the J. D. GaSrett U1n1d'v'ded of lots' i', A. t'i'w cJk3 I6,' 16' Atk'non, 54.18acre Caufleld Simpson and Burney-B! S?nVln(r,r SW. come? oft 2 ; n 7?nd descrbed in book smifh to I2' and J""""'"- thence 10 ch?nd.e8Lees 40 mlnutes west 10 chains; thence north 60 de grees west, following east boundary line of said tract to right bank of Willamette river? wn- Vth rlht bank oi Willamette river to the NW corner of Fred Rakers land: ?aecTnt SUth v.69 dereea tracing west boundary line of wd ?akeI'8 land to place of 50 59 8 So a ner andwlr 0f John C i. j Kent road, whnro re isew' -nshM nd Tpbes section'llne' i22t2hrink8 ?oa8thaaIcnar 6 of sec- acres T y' 1 E- -S Davidson, Eniii v t JiV.' "c"i" V.V : : 14 03 22; lot 10, block 12 wiAV' olooK rods w tn 8r.eci,l0n. tnencl 80 Tp 3 s' R.b3enni?g' setion is! DaviS, J. P. Beglnntag at v'w 265 corner of sectlu Vl 8 R.' thete SVchl.ns- chains25 tSh'nf noV'r TP 2 8 R'r'Sf' 8etlon U. Xghc-pfVfe , : ponth2e?r2wsofr3Vf " of e.t L""8. ot 8ald west 14 thenca8souft 20fchaans toW ?2?Tpa,n3, acres . ip' a s- 2 E., 35.29 17.64 chalnsfanh8enceeneCatt,,02"th chfw ,h.mlnute8 wet 22.71 .!!a!. 8' thence north 74.62 chains- solV deMeChain ?he"" raM4S"Hv 2016 DaVcnnTt'o'Wimam 68 60 acrA. ' 1D' 8 8 U, 10 132 811 Deacons, A. E Mr. Z?S,".V"" Cranhem donaTlo'n la'cfa'lm' nte.8?"'!? on west llnEf 65 degrees 40 min enoe 80Uth chalnlMhence -Su n8!.?' 20'OT 15 minutes wf.f0,Untb 24 d?8Tee. te -u?afo8r'a?ii trs.eT"nnl..?a8terly line of 3d:eaortS said Perkins tracr- . hi corneT ot M degree.nwea42'chTnsetnih ot above in aWfy r.oad. Part ni fL' acres."" P- " R Dietrich, David-Sn, ,0! V'IV -m. 26 08 4 64 tionTp.,,. DlrnnerJo,VS ek:toSLfv said west 1 .at ot K,or aln(r feet to SW. corner a- thence west rofinf b,ock : outh line of bokW'ins, aLon corner of sald blSk . 1?k 8 W eouth 250 feet to th ni : thence s-innlng, eontaininVrV11108 of be r less; ill 3i'cre mor Dolan, John West i4"of"Bw'-;r"; section i Tp. s 8 R. f V.of8E.14Sftlo5.8Tp:6eR8S! 13 25 26 66 267 HI il S3 H 33 48 10 65 5 70