Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 23, 1898, PART 2, Image 15

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    Nervous People
Are great sufferers and they deserve sym
pathy rather than censure. Their blood is
poor and thin and their nerves ore con
sequently weak. Such people find relief
and cure in Hood's Sareaparilla because it
purities and enriches the blood and gives
it power to feed, strengthen and sustain
the nerves. If you are nervous and can
not sleep, take Hood's Sareaparilla and
realize its nerve strengthening power.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Lb America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for $3.
Hood's PlllB cure all Liver Ills, 25 cents.
All deserts are situated where the
winds from the ooean, before reaching
them are exhaueted of their moisture
by passing over mountains or aoroBS
extensive tracts of land.
No household is complete without a bottle ot
the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure
snd wholesome stimulant recommended by all
physicians. Don't neglect this necessity,
There are 008 registered distilleries
in North Carolina, Virginia has 518,
and Kentucky 877.
FITS r" mftSitly Cured. K o fits or nervousow
ri I after tlrst day's uee of Dr. Kiiue's Urea
Nerve Kestorer. Send for FHKtC v.o lrl.il
bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. KiTNif. ua am
Aich street, Philadelphia, Pa.
It is Baid that rustics who live on a
bread and milk diet nearly always have
tbick hair to an advanced age, while
people who lunoh anil dine on meat
rarely have thick hair after 23.
The new improved Stoughton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the way. It pavs to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
Under international law warships in
distress for lack of coal may purchase
enough at a neutral port to carry them
back back to the nearest port of their
own country.
I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
Plumstead, Kent, Euglaud, Nov. 8, 1895.
A boxful of earth from the Garden oi
Gethsemane was sprinkled over Mr.
Gladstone's coffin. ;
The introduction of elootrio light in
the Roman catacombs has been chroni
cled already. Now it is proposed to
light the galleries of the great pyramids
of Egypt in like manner.
Jennie K Green and Mrs. Harry
Jinttik E Green, Denmark, Iowa,
writes to Mrs, PinkhanK
"I had been sick at my monthly
periods for seven years, and tried
almost everything I ever heard of, but
without any benefit Was troubled
with backache, headache, pains in the
Ehjulders and dizziness. . Through my
mother I was Induced to try Lydia E.
P'nkham's Vegetable Compound, and
U has done mo so much good, I am
low sound and well."
Mrs. Harry IIabdt, Riverside, Iowa,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham the story of
her struggle with serious ovarian trou
ble, and the benefit she received from
the use of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound. This is her letter:
" How thankful I am that I took
your medicine. ' I was troubled for
two years with inflammation of , the
womb and ovaries, womb was also very
low. I was in constant misery. I had
heart trouble, was short of breath and
could not w&lk five blocks to save my
life. Suffered very much with my
back, had headache all the time, was
nervous, menstruations were irregular
and painful, had a bad discharge and
was troubled with bloating. I was a
perfect wreck. Had doctored and
taken local treatments, but still was no
better. I was advised by one of my
neighbors to write to you. I have now
finished the second bottle of Mrs. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and am
better in every way. I am able to do
all my own work and can walk nearly
a mile without fatigue; something I
had not been able to do for over two
years. Your medicine has dona me
more good than all the doctors."
Consider Well Before Acting.
"Because an acquaintance of yours
bas a set of plate teeth that are giving
good satisfaction is not always a guar
antee that you can meet with the same
results when your teeth are all extract
ed, for there are a great per oent of
mouths that will not tolerate a plate of
any kind, and the only way you can de
termine this fact is by a trial," says
Dr. Thomas H. White, at the north
east oorner ot Morrison and Fourth
streets. "When yonr natural teeth
have been all taken out the plate is the
only reoourse, and if you are unfortu
nate enough to have a mouth that will
not retain a plate, misery the rest of
your life will be the ultimate result.
Therefore it is of vital importance to
kenp your natural teeth hs long as pos
sible. It is not always necessary to
have your teeth extracted because they
are decayed even to the gum margin,
or because they pain you and you can
not use them in suoh condition, for 95
per cent of such teeth can be restored
to a good, healthy and serviceable con
dition. The progress of dental soience
has made it easy for an up-to-date den
tist to reproduce the lost parts of those
organs, making them thoroughly reh
able in every sense.
"When there are but few teeth or
old roots remaining in the mouth do
not have them extraoted because some
, dentist that is not In possession of the
late methods of orown and bridge work
idvises extraction and plate. Try to
2nd some one wearing bridge work, and
reason for yourself. You will not re
ret your investigation, and will, I feel
lure, always remember this suggestion
f..lHi-.i ttn.xt 111 HXf (illS.
Beat Couh Syrup. Tuio Gaud. Cm I
in time, poia ny arontnn.
A Great Milker.
The cut represents the Jersey cow
Adelaide, the property of Messrs, Miller
and Sibley. She is 75 per cent St Lam
bert blood. A ' glance at the udder, as
represented here, would Indicate an un
usually heavy milker, but her actul
record outstrips even this Indication,
For the thirty-one days beginning M.iy
25 and ending June 24 she gave a total
of 2,0054 pounds of milk. In making
this record she was milked three times
dally at Intervals of eight hours. Every
milking was witnessed by at least two
persons; sometimes by as many as six.
This beats all previous records In the
Jersey breed. Adelaide's average per
day during the test ' was 04 85-121
pounds, her best dally record 75
pounds, followed by records of 73 and
70 pounds. As she weighs 1.002
pounds, her milk yield during the thin
ty-one days is seen to be more than
twice her weight But her best one
day record was made In May, 1897,
when she once gave 62 pounds of
milk. Montreal Star.
Tree Growth-Fruit Production.
It will be necessary to use very nice
Judgment In applying the principles
which govern tree growth and fruit
production; but In these days of abund
ant horticultural literature and excel
lent books on orchard economy no one
ought to be at a loss to know what to
do for the best under his own condi
tions. No two cases are exactly alike;
advice for your neighbor would be
wholly Inapplicable tinder your condi
tions. Every man must work out his
own salvation In temporal as well as
In spiritual things, and the plum will
go to the man who applies a liberal
dressing of brains to his land. North
west Horticulturist r -
Seeding; Timothy with Buckwheat.
On low land, where buck wheat Is the
crop chiefly grown, it Is often desirable
to seed the land again. Sowing timothy
seed among the .buckwheat while It is
growing will do this as well If not bet
ter, than any other plan, especially if
there are rains. The young grass will
be well rooted by the time the buck
wheat Is ready to be got off the ground.
No plowing is needed, and though there
Is always some waste of buckwheat In
harvesting, no harm will be done, ns
the timothy will so occupy the ground
by spring that there will be little and
perhaps no, buckwheat In next year's
hay crop.
Ventilation of Barns.
Many barns and other farm buildings
are made very uncomfortable In sum
mer Dy tne neat tnai comes in mrougn
the windows; The cut shows a good
plan for keeping out the sun. Cover
the glass with whitewash or flour-paste,
to make the glass opaque; then set the
windows out at an angle, with board
side pieces, as suggested In the cut
These side pieces keep out much sun
right that would otherwise get In at
the sides of the windows. If windows
are hinged, they can be raised or low
ered with the pin in the side boles, as
suggested. American Agriculturist
To Keep Bntter Cool.
In the middle of your cellar floor dig
a hole or vault three and one-half feet
deep and throe and one-half feet
square. Wall It up with brick laid In
lime mortar and cement and floor It
with soft brick. Lay a frame of good
hardwood in mortar upon the top of
this vault Hinge to the frame a trap
door of plank two Inches thick, mak
ing It fit smoothly over the top. Then
after the cream Is separated and cooled
put it down in the vault to ripen. But
ter may be kept there In the agreeable
coolness also. Farmers' Review.
Beet Feed for Lambs.
Sugar beets are worth at the factor
ies about M per ton. It has been found
that the pulp Is superior food for lambs,
the beets being then worth $0 per ton.
I la Canada the farmers find that It pays
Go grow sugar beets for use on the
farms without regard to their value at
the factory. In Texas sugar beets are
now used for producing what are term
ed "sugar lambs," the lambs being fed
on beets and finished on corn, butenwis
preferring them to all others and pay
ing extra prices therefor.
Art of Butter-Making.
Butter Is an article that sells strictly
on its merits. A dairyman who gets his
own price for butter states that churn
ing is not the most important work in
butter-making, as the beginning Is In
the, management of the cow and the
handling of the milk. Whether the
market is fully supplied or not there Is
always a demand for "choice.'" Al
though "good" and "medium" grades
may be quoted, yet there Is no half
way house In the quality of butter. It
is either "choice" or "bad," and the In
ferior kind is that which sells low.
Some dairymen get 50 cents a pound
for their butter the whole year, the
ruling market price not affecting tt, as
It sells strictly on quality.
Buckwheat in Orchards.
Perhaps as good a crop as any to
grow in the orchard is buckwheat Its
seed is so cheap, and the mulch Its
growth makes is so effective, that It
more than offsets the poverty of buck
wheat In fertillzirg material. Where
buckwheat Isown in orchards the land
will be made extremely light and moist
especially if the last crop of buckwheat
in the season Is plowed under. The only
drawback to this Is that growing buck
wheat leaves the soil bare, and in a se
vere winter frost may penetrate deep
ly enough to injure the roots of fruit
trees. The peach tree Is especially apt
to be injured by winter freezing of the
soil near the tree.
Kaffir Corn.
What is known as Kaffir corn is be
coming quite popular among Western
farmers. It Is a kind of sorghum in
which the Juices are not sweet, and are
changed to seeds at the top of the stalk,
much as broom corn seed and sorghum
seed are grown. The grain of Kaffir
corn Is about twice as large as that of
sorghum. When ground it is preferred
by many, for griddle cakes, to buck
wheat flour. The stalks of Kaffir corn
lack the sweetness of corn stalks, and
It Is very unlikely that this plant will
supersede ordinary corn except where
it Is found that it will stand dry weath
er better than other corn will.
Look After Yonr Wells.
The dry season Is the time to look af
ter the wells. If they are low and
there Is danger of their going dry,
clean out and deepen until convinced
that an adequate supply has been pro
vided for. See that the pump plat
form Is perfeqtly tight and no seepage
gets through it If the upper eight or
ten feet of wall are of brick or stone,
lay In cement so that contaminated
surface water cannot reach the house
hold supply. Much sickness can be
traced to impure water.
No Blacksmith Needed.
A horseshoe which the veriest neo
phyte with horses cun replace upon the
hoof that casts it has been invented.
This horseshoe, which Is nailless, has
been invented by a Glasgow man Mr.
M. McDougalL 'It is of the usual shape,
but has two projections, one on each
side at the back, which engage rings
at the ends of a band, which passes
over the front of the hoof and Is fas
tened in the middle by a screw attach
ment to the center of the shoe.
Crop Averages.
i Nearly all averages of crops . are
small. This fact plainly shows that
farmers are not deriving as much from
the land as tbey should. There is
something lacking In the management
of the farms when crops are low in
Font Dairy Hints.
If the butter is too soft feed the cow
some potatoes.
Wash all milk vessels with cold water
before scalding.
Crosses are usually better for farmer,
than pure breds.
Stringy milk can be cured by keep
ing the cows clean.
Whitewashed stables mean fewer
flies and more milk.
A cow that tests below 3 per cent Is
not worth keeping.
Whenever possible test the cow's
milk before buying her.
If the butter is mottled work it a
little more after salting.
Cows and horses should not be al
lowed in the same pasture.
Richer feed does not mean richer
milk; It means more milk.
Many dairymen like an ounee of salt
to the pound of butter.
Do not wet your bands when milking;
if you do you flavor the milk.
When butter is poor don't blame the
cow. Blame your own want of skill.
Adding hot water to cream while
churning Is the worst of all practices.
Heating milk to 100 degrees Pasteur
izes it Stir it continually while hot
You waste 25 per cent of your butter
in summer by not using a separator.
A little kerosene will keep away the
born flics from cows. Use It very spar
ingly. Warm inllk from the cow does not
absorb odors. While cooling keep it In
a pure atmosphere
A Pleasant Place to Live In Good
Water, Good Street and Handsome
Homer The Coining Exposition.
Portland, Sept. 19. To the Editor.)
When Joe Meek and Lishe Apple-
gate and Christopher Columbus pre
dicted that the Northwest was going to
develop into a rich and productive
region and that cities and towns were
going to spring up all over it, they
earned medals for veracity that were
never awarded to them. But the peo
ple who came after them are enjoiyng
the fruits of their predictions, and will
throw flowers on the graves of those
prophets. ,
For the Northwest has developed
and is developing, and Portland is one
of the prettiest places on the coast. It
was wise forethought on the part of
her pioneer people to plant shade trees
along the sides of the streets, for now
they add beauty to the landscape, and
in no oity of the world do they show
to better advantage. Portland's streets
are well shaded by day and well light
ed by night, for the wonderful, electric
current is everywhere and ever ready to
aid humanity.' I
Portland's business streets are well
paved and full of life, and her business
houses contain everything needed for
the nee of man. ' Her homes are neat
and tasteful and in man; cases elegant,
and stand in spots where not many
years ago flouirshed the fir forest.
Portalud people are enterprising,
and invite the people of the whole
Northwest to come and visit them this
fall, and to entertain thoir guests they
have arranged to hold the Oregon In
dustrial Exposition from September 22
to October 22. Portland people have
subscribed $12,000 in hard cash to pay
the expense of this exposition, and it
will be one of the grandest events that
ever occurred in the Northwest. .
It will contain everything to make
it' attractive, interesting and instruc
tive. There will be the band concerts
every afternoon and eveuing by Ben
nett's full military band of 83 pieces,
and it will be the finest music ever
heard in the Northwest. The wonder
ful Hegelmans have been engaged, and
they will amaze the audience with
their great aerial aorobatio feats. All
eorts of new and attractive amusements
will be given in connection with the
exposition, and there will be a repre
sentation of Southern plantation life,
and free cooking lectures, and a baby
show and children's carnival and a
lady's department, and a school ex
hibit and a manual training scohol in
operation every day. Everything will
be on a magnificent scnle throughout,
and every person who visits the exposi;
tion will find something new and novel,
to interest, instruct oi amuse them.
One of the special features will be the
wedding in public, which is open free
to all couples, and the newly-mairied
ones are generous'y remembered with
weddina, presents. . ..
Ypur Correspondent was at the Expo
sition building today and saw the ar
rangements being made for the great
fair, and noted that there was going to
be a big display of all the fruits,
grains, grasses, vegetables and commer
cial timber produced in the Northwest,
and good, solid . gold medals costing
$20 each are going to be awarded for
the best exhibits. ,
Hie exposition building Is an im
mense structure-) 200x400 feet, suitably
divided off. The grand musio hall is
100x200 feet and three stories high,
with an arched glass roof. The build
ing oos t $150,000, and it is convenient
ly looted being within easy walking
distance ot the hotels and business
part of the oity, or reached from any
part on a five-cent fare on street-cars
that pass its doors.
All the railroad and steamboat lines
are going to make special low rates to
the exposition from all parts of the
Northwest, and the admission fee is
only going to be 85 cents, children 10
cents. People who attend will remem
ber it as one of the pleasant events of
their lives. R.
It 1 argued by deep thinkers that the growth
of socialism la due to the large standing armies
of the world, in which men are often made to
enlist against their will, and Uu become dis
contented with existing condition!. The
growth of a Wronger race of jeople is due to
the large sale of Hostetter's Stomach Hitters,
which is the best medicine for costivenes,
dyspepsia, fever, ague and all nervous troubles.
Try one bottle. '.,
Cats oan swim if they only oare to
exert themselves sufficiently. The
ancient Egyptians used to fish with
them on the Nile, according to the rep
resentations on walls and to forth that
have come down to us.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
There is more Catarrh in this section ot the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years win supposed to be
incurable. or a great many year doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable,
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man.
ula'tured by F. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitution! cur on the market.
It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoon (ul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case It falls to
cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, f. 1. CHENEY & CO., ToledJ, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7fic.
Ball's Family Fills are the best.
Tin is one of the oldest known met
als. The Chinese have used it in the
fabrication of their brasses and bronzes
from time immemorial.
llfllfll" Make m"ner tr succesful
11 II la ft I 'peculation in Chicago. We
W II I It I buy and sell wheat on mar.
II Mian I gins. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading in fa.
tures. Write for lull particulars, ftest ol r
erence given, several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, aud a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chlcsgo Board of Trade Urosers. Offices io
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
It It Wrong?
Get It Right
Keep it Right
Moore's Revested Kerned? will do it. Tare
doses will make you feel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house , or
bom Stewart A Holms Drag Co., oeattLs.
Plant With Magnetic Power.
There bas been discovered in India
a Btrange plant which possesses aston
ishing magnetic power. The hand
touching it immediately receives a
strong magnetic shock, while at a dis
tance of 20 feet a magnetic needle is
affeoted by it
In Lapland, it is said, dress fashions
have not changed for 1,000 years.
"M Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
f Excellence in Manufacture, "
Absolutely Pure,
Nutritious.. , .
..Costs Less "Titan 0!E GENT a Cup..
Be sure that you get the Genuine Article,
mads at DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Estabushsd 178a,
ef "Armstrong's Combined Theory and Practice
of Bookkeeping are numerous. Investigate
this new method of teaching. It is extremely
tuwiciHUR, Miuruuguiy practical.
Going to Business College?
Do not fail to learn what and how we teach,
Oregon. Call, or write. Visitors always wel
come. A. P. ABMsraoMa, Principal. .
Plain or with Cutter, The best needle In the mar
ket. Used by all sock sewers. For sale by all gen
eral merchandise stores, or by .
620 Market Btreet, Ban Francisco, Ooi
lib m
"Champion" Chemical Fire Engines, Rook and Ladder Trnoks, Hose Carts, Steam
ers, Fire Hydrants, and a full slock of Fire Department Supplies.
, "KttTstune" Wsxrd Cotton Fire Moan, having a record lor long service that
Cannot be equalled. It is the best made; send Tor a sample and rna will learn why.
Haboonk Klre Extinguishers. The "Uaboock" Is the teeoguised standard ex
tinguisher nulveraally usedin the Fire Department Service. Rverr extinguisher leav.
tng this plant is tested 800 pounds to the sou are inch, although the working pressure is
only ab ut luU pounds. Made ot heavy solid copper, with a spun lop; no riveied Joints;
basashuUff nozzle, whereby the operator oau Control the stream, this being the
most essential point in a Are oxtlngulijier.
Beware of any Are extinguisher not having a shut-off, lest it be a cheaply con
structed machine, not capable of confining the pressure generated. Cheap Imitations
are on the market, made of light material, with riveted joints, and so cheaply con
structed as not to be able to hold the pressure were it confined for but a moment.
0 CAL. 8IZE 930 00 3 OAs. 8IXI 110.00
Iuoludlug8upply of Chemical Charges with Each, ,
A Beautiful
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
t decided to QIVB AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
loouliful Pastel PiG.uroo
They are 13x19 inches In mze.and are entitled as follows; '
Lilacs and
w-ti nrii
i r Hi mmr.m
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned ,pMtel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thine for the home, nothing surpassing
mem in uesuty, ricnness oicoior ana
One ot these pictures
will be given away
with each package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer Lut this starch and get a
. beautiful picture.
ill c:.::ekj keep elutid mm. i::e?t smTiniTE
People who buy Ss&il.
ling's Btst drink more tea a
year than other people.
Opens in
. ' Closes
OCTOBER. 22, 1898.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever EtXi
in the &oriuotf.
Products of Oregon tttxl Washington will bs
displayed in wonoerlul prolusion, includ
ing more varieties than ever before
gathered together lu one exhibit.
Harvolonslr Rloh KpeclmeDS from Oai
Gold, Silver mA Other mines.
Bennett's Renowned Military Band
Has beon engaged lor the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Acrobat!
Very Low Rates on all Railroads.
Aumissiox, .
Adnlts, S Cents. Children, 10 Cents
I'se Big 4 for vinnstnrsl
discharges, Intlsuimmlons,
Irritations or okorstlon
of hi a o o a s nteiu brausa.
raiirloss, and uct aststa
gn t or poisonous,
old bar llrscrliO.
nr sent tn plain wrapper,
by espniss, prepaid, fat
Onxulcir sent on rmiueet.
Btoooed atonos
Da. J.O. HOFFsUK, ttttlBabella Bldg, Chlcago.UL
K. P. N. C.
o. 89,
MEN writing to advertisers pi
mention tins paper.
Cawston & Co.
Succeiiort lo H. P. Gregory Cs;
43 and 50 First St,
Portland, Or. ,
304 First Ave, &,
Settle, Vaah.
Lilacs and
y' w
.IMS' .
aniiuc merit,
t i Id 1 to 6 dft!fi. 1
J UuftrmQtMil II
Sf sot to ItrleluN.
RElTHEEvMa ChemioiiOo.
V ftlSRISNlTI n ."""I
Elastic Otai'ch