..Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect ed and the makers who produced the Ohainless Bicycle are public bene factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel the Columbia Ohainless does the rest ." Not an hour of time taken to keep the Ohainless in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modem and complete bicycle factory. "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Colombia ;hnln Wheel $ 75.00 Columbia Tandemi las.OO Hartford! AO.OO Vedettes $35.00 40.00 Jack-Men' ,, 130.00 Jill Women 8H.S0 Second-hand Wheel W20.00 to 60.00 CHARMAN CO, Cat-rate Druggists, Agents. IS Gift Clackamas Letter. A very pleasant surpriso was given Mr. and Mrs. Lyons the 17th inst, by Mr. and Mrs. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. John Wise and Nellie and Roy Ottie, Mr. Gifiord and family, Mr. and Mrs. Long coy, Mrs. McCabe and daughter from Portland and Mrs. Sturchler. Mrs. Wood, of Portland, visited her uncle, Mr. Humphrey, last week. In the latters garden can be found 200 rose bushes and 19 climbers. The evening of September 17, Mrs. C. F. Clark save a surprise party in honor of Mr. Clarkes birthday, Ithamiened to be Miss Sturchler's birthday also- The joke of the evening was: "Bow old are you?" but neither would tell. There were refreshments and music, present: Mr. Meyers and family, Miss Martha Sturchen, Miss Jones, of Jams, and Mr. and Mn. Longcoy. Mrs. M. A. Clark is very sick. This fine rain will hurry many a dryer now, as there are a many Italian prunes out to dry. Our champion prune picker is Bay Hartnell 15 boxes in a day. Mr. Enghouse and wife and Mr. Heil- meyer and family start for the coast this morning. September 14, a vory entertaining W. C. T. (J. meeting was given at Mrs. Dauchey's "Mercy," was the subject. October 1st, at 2 o'clock p. m. the union will hold a meeting at Gladstone park in honor of Miss Willard's birthday. All are invited. - Rosa Hill. Clackamas, Sept. 20. TV .. Iff Must be strictly pure WHITE, ful1 grown, and have painted in neat two inch black letters on eitner side the following words: "Have your fire insurance written by an agent who has had years of experience in writing policies and who represents only the largest and best companies in the world." F. E. DONALDSON, Agent 4 OREGON CITY, OREGON TPDFF IPII T 1QQQ New ubserlbert to rtUib Hull 1099 Oregon Citv Courier will receive the paper till 1900 for 11.50. Old ntnorlben can by paying up arrean have It at same prlct. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED To lend news from their respective neighbor hood to the Oregon uity uourier. Liberal in- allotments. Write for them. Damascus Items. All of the hop-pickers have returned and report having had a good time, but the picking did not give them an oppor tunity to make much. Mr. Tong's folks, lost a valuable horse while hop picking at Independence. Preparations are being made for the teachers .meeting to be held next Satur day. ' Miss Bray has been employed to teach the Rock Creek school. Billy Cook has purchased a byciele. Damascus, Sept. 20. Critic. Mountain View Items. Oarfield. All of the bop-pickers have come back to their homes, and they look like they were glad to get home, some have bad colds and terrible coughs and not more money than they can count. Marion Davis, son of J. J. Davis, has returned from East of the mountains, where he has been working all summer. John and Fred Covey have returned home. They have been over in Wasco county all summer working, and they report it very dry over there now. Dock Palmateer has his new -dryer about completed. It will hold a ton of fruit. We had a fine rain here, Monday morning. Miss Iva Williams and Miss Annie Mathew, of Currinsville, were visiting Miss Annie Covey last Sunday. Miss Jessie Ourrin, of Currinsville, was visiting friends in Garfield last Sun day. Roxib. Garfield, Sept. 19. Last Warning for Dog Owners. Miss Mamie Ely, who has been visit ing her uncle, Ed. Carter, near Soda Springs the past sis weeks, returned to this burg again Saturday. Little Florence Grace is at home again after having spent a month visit ing among friends at Highland. Otto Wohler and family who have been living in the Gadkee house, next door to Mrs. Holmes, are moving into Mr. Baker's house, lately vacated by Mr. McClellan. Miss Tennie May field, of Highland, who is attending the Portland Business College, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Ringo. FrankRingo.who is out at his brothers' this fall, is expected home to begin school next Monday ', Mr. Howard's two little girls are af flicted with sore eyes. The little smaller one having got poisoned with hops while in the hop yard. Mr. Murrow is papering Walt Our ran's house this week. Little Albert ireiuench has quite a sore eye as he got a piece of dirt into it, the doctor was called Monday. Mrs. Everhart and Harvey are going to move out on to the farm this week and Will Everhart and wife are going to move to town. Sali.na. Ely, Oregon, Sept.21. Extremely Weak Deficient Blood Causes Loss of Appetite and Final Break Down Hood's Sarsaparllla Cures. . "J lost my appetite and about all I lived on was iced lemonade. My strength was all gone. I was so weak I could hardly cross the floor. At last I was taken very sick. One physician told me my blood was all gone and he gave me medicine but it did not help me. I had pretty muoh lost all faith in medicines, but thought I would get one bottle of Hood's Sarsapa rllla and try it. After taking that bottle I was much better, and so I got two, more bottles and after taking them I was well, bat to be sure of it, I kept on taking Hood's Sarsaparllla nntil I had nsed in all five bottles. It has done nnspeakabte good to me and I wish all my suffering sisters would try it." Mas. A. Evkbsen, Wedderbnrn, Oregon. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In f aet the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. Price, l; six for $9. Hwl'c Dlllc sre tWe'89'. mild, efTee I1UUU 9 Mve. All druirorlatji. ln. WAR ON BREAD Two loaves of bread for 15 cents at the Seventh street bakery Kept by all first-class C. F. Hennmgs, Prop. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & fead "Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning Hot air furnaces and Hop pipe. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson A Cooke's Old Stand OREGON CITY OREGON. . Now IS THE TI E to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and . .. grocers. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR GREEN' PRUNES or will dry them on shares. Apply at Gilbertdale farm dryer, or A. G. Jacobs, Oregon City Woolen ills. Chief of Police Burns gives notice that the dog catcher will be out next week, and all who prize their pets will do well to secuve a license tax at once. A Challange. As agents for a new stump-blasting, bank-blasting and mining powder (The i'aliiurnia Viuorit Powder) we challenge the reoreseotatives of any powder com pany on earth at any time and place to test their powder against ours for strength, superiority and cheapness. This powder has been tested by Clacka mas county and many individual citi zens and is acknowledged to be K cheaper than any other powder. Its safety is one of the chief features of duperiority. Gkokok B. Rath & Co, Agents. 184 Madison St. (West end of bridge) Portland, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that 1 have sold my team and truck now driven by John Dickerman to Bellomy & Busch and that said Dickerman is no longer in my employ. A. W. Phillips. FOR Murrow IS THE AI to da the painting and piuri in a first-clss up : i very low prices. Leave, orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th stjreeth . Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable FAN A WINTER HATS Oregon city, Oregon, I nbafta tell GO TO...... MRS. R. BECKER, THE FASHIONABLE MILLINER 220 FIRST STREET, - PORTLAND, OK A few Younger cuiap reliaote watches at A. STAIGHT, DKALSB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 'Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster . BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon 'is ilk and Full e ure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy and be Convnoed On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses t, ways on hand at tho lowest rates, ind aoorrk also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attendee to by letter or person. 0(I ODQ HT OB SOLD CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN BEFORE YOU BUY Get Our Prices. THE BAZAAR th and Main Sts. Davidson's Gallery Up-to-Date Pictures BELLOMY & BUSCH The Housefurnishers OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE OREGON CITY OREGON C Ladies and Gentlemen This week we will sell Carpets to you, and not talk politice. It we offer you a Brussels Carpet worth 75c for 55o, we do not want to explain to you high aud low tariff; we will only talk Carpets. Our assortment ot All-Wool Ingrain is just Great! C J f .-iT if M . ) Wall Paper.... We announce herewith that from now on We will trim all Wall Paper bought of us FREE OF CHARGE, Teuardk'BS of quality. You know that AVall Taper hag advance.!, but in epite of that we will sell Sc Spring patterns for 5c less on a roll rs long as stock lasts. Remember the Place Splendid Selection of Hole steel h&m From $29 to $49 A Good Night's Rest Ih necessary for you to be successful in fulfilling your daily duties, and that you cannot get unless your bed is in the very best condition. We have solid iron beds, good wire spring and all kinds of mattresses ready for your service. Also a complete stock of fine, wool blankets and quills at all prices. Heating Stoves Believe your own eyes. Take a look and gee if we're not lowest for the best quality Heating Stoves. Two to one will hardly express the ratio ot our stove sale the present season in comparison with former years. No new reason for it, either; you see, the old reason is saining momentum with each new cus- tomer We Sell Cheaper Than 0zrs W CI - -.J Main St., Opposite the Court House