Weak Stomach Sensitive to every little indiscretion in eating, even to exposure to draughts and to . over-perspiration this condition is pleasantly, positively and permanently overcome by the magic tonic touch of Hood's Sarfaparilla, which literally "makes weak' stomachs strong." It -also ' creates an appetitemakes you feel real hungry, and drives away all symptoms ot dyspepsia Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. AU Druggists. Hooi'g PMIs cure all Liver lib.' '. Scrota! Onr Sunday Victories'. The old saying, . "The better the day, the better the deed," seems to find substantial support in our war with Spain. Dewey's great victory at Manila was fought on Sunday, May 1; Schley , discovered Cervera'e ships hidden in the haibor of Santiago on Sunday, May 89; Cervera's fleet was smashed by Schley on Sunday, July 8; the Spanish flag on Morto castle, Santiago, was hauled down on Sunday, July 17; and the first battle between, our land forces and the Spaniards at Manila began on the night of Sunday, July 81, ending in a victory for, the American troops. Leslie's Weekly. , ; . .',. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, n they cannot reach the . diseased portion of the ear. There is onlv one way to cure deafness, and that to by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in tlnuied you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it Is entirelv closed deafness is the result, and unless the Inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot U'n are caused' bv catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the muoous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deainessfcaused bv catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. ' . s F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 7oc. Hall's Family Pills are the best WAGONS IMPROVED. The new improved Stoughton wagons stand the racket Three more car loads are on the way. It pars to have the best. Writeibrfree catalogue. JOHN POOLE, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port land, Or. ' Gravitation explains the movement of glaciers, just as it does that of rivers. FITS permanently Cured. So fltsor nervousnee J! I O alter Urst day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Restorer. Send for FIlKti $8.00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. U, SMjStK. Ltd.. aio Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. v .T Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bill?. C. L. Baker, 4228 Regent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '05. Try Schilling's Deat tea and baking powder. Hebrew guldee in Home never pass under the Arch of Titus, but walk around it. The reason is it couinieni oiates a victory over their race. MES. LUCY GOODWIN Buffered four years with female trem bles. She now writes to Mrs. Plnkham of her complete .recovery. Bead her letter: ' Dear Mrs. Pikkhami I wish you to publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash and Liver Pills have done for me. I suftered If or four years with womb trouble. My doctor said I had falling of the womb. I also suffered with nervous prostration, faint, all-gone feelings, palpita tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time. When I commenced taking your med icine I could not sit up half a day, but before I had used half a bottle I was vp and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman. . I can do all kinds of housework find feel stronger than I ever did in my life. J now weigh 131 M pounds. Before using" ypur medicine I weighed only 108 pounds. Surely It is the grandest medicine for weak' woman that ever was, and my advice to all who are suffering from any female trouble is to try it at once Ui be. .STI-1.L. Your medicine has pr6veif a blessing to me. and I cannot praise itenough. Mrs. Luct Goodwin, Holly, W. Va, ! Ftorn the well-known Portland Business College serves as a life-long testimonial of thorough preparation for an office position. The Intro duction of "Armstrong's Combined Theory and Practice of Bookkeeping" enables us to do better work now than ever before. Investi gate. Call, or write. A. P. Abmstbomq, Prin cipal, Portland, Oregon, 2Jufeepat! Urn unfet 8?latt, hie ftttdMn", In (olt Stut tinufuf)rc!t, fit bentn ti bis ,tr nod) niifjt geitiifltnb btfonnt mar, ftnben rott tS ton jttt on bit) jum 1. Januat 18U9 (ret an aUt blejenigen, wtldje fui bo.8 itatfcjte hafjt unfert stonnmtcn merbtn unb btn fcetraa, bajur. 12.00, jefct einfenben. Won lafjt fid) $cobt9(uinm(rn (djidtn. German Publishing Co., Portland, Or. Plain or with Cutter. The bett needle In th mar ket. Used by all sack Mwm. for sal by all geo sral merchandise svorea, or by WILL riNCK CO., S3) Market Street, San rranclseo, CM. Si? tut futJ i TaMes Good. WHtl Cuu2a brruD. to tiros. Snld t7 lrt!ls. 4v J; 1 Form of Pngar Beet. Deep plowing Is generally recom mended in sugar beet culture. Except where the subsoil Is very porous It should be loosened up with the Subsoil plow. The proper preparation of the Boll represents a most important fea ture of sugar beet culture. Trie cut shows the Ideal form of sugar beet, grown in good soil with a porous sub soil. It also represents a. less desirable form of beet, which may be due to a subsoil so hard or other conditions so unfavorable that the root has grown mostly near or above the surface of the ground, i Agricultural Courtship, ' A potato went out on a mash, And sought an onion bed; . . "That's not for , me!" observed the squash, - . And all the beets turned red; ' "Go 'way!" the onion, weeping, cried, ' "Your love I cannot be; ' ' The pumpkin be your lawful bride; ' You cantelope with me." - But onward still the ruber came, And laid down at her feet; "You. cauliflower by any name. l And it will smell as wheat; And I, too, am an early rose; And you Tve come to see; So don t turn up yonr lovely nose, But spinachat with me!" , "I do not carrot all to wed, So go, sir, if you please;" ' The modest onion meekly said, "And lettuce, pray, have peas! Go, thlk that you have never seen Myself, or smelled my sigh: Too long a maiden I have been For favors in your rye!" "Ah, spare a cuss!" the tuber prayed; "My cherry shed bride you'll be! , You are the only weeping maid That's currant now with me!" And as the wily tuber spoke, He caught her by surprise, And giving her an artichoke, Devoured her with his eyes, -Selected. , ' Ensilage Wagon, Where there Is a large amount of corn to be cut up for ensilage, a number of teams are required, and much speed In getting the fodder to the cutter from the field. It ltj often necessary to ex temporize a wagon to meet the demand. The cut shows such a device. Two long pieces of Joist are held the right dis tance apart by strips" of board nailed across them. The forward ends are fastened upon the axle of a pair of farm wagon wheels, while trucks sup port the rear ends. A very good load could be hauled without the trucks by rounding off the rear ends of the Joist, so they will drag easily over the KitKMPOMZED KKMtAOK WAGON. ground. Such a frame Is exceedingly handy, as It Is low. and can be ap proached so readily from all sides, there being no large wheels In the way. American Agriculturist. Dishorning Calve. Dishorning may be accomplished by operating upon the calf when very young, say from ten to thirty days' old. Various methods and compounds are used, several preparations being obtain able at the stores. A stick of caustic potash may be used or a mixture made of two parts of caustic soda, one of kerosene and one of water. In mixing the latter, stir together the caustic and kerosene, then add the water. In ap plying, trim the hair away from around the horn buttons, and pat the mixture on with a rubber cork, being careful that it does not touch any other part or the hands. A stick of caustic potash may be applied In the same way, put ting on gloves or wrapping the cloth around the stick to protect the hands. Massachusetts Ploughman. Harriet in Hot Weather. During the summer months the har ness should be wiped dry every day if only to remove accumulated sweat and dirt It Is not best to wash the har ness except rarely, and then the surface should be rubbed over with a cloth IDEAL BEET OWB LESS DESIRABLE. clipped In Vacuum oil so as to prevent the, harness from cracking.. So far as possible the harness should be kept away from the stables, as there Is In summw a strong smell of . ammonia from the rapid decay of manures. This ammonia will dry 'out and crack the harness' worse than it Will to use it a long time in cold weather. As thf am monia penetrates the leather, It causes the latter to rot and the harness soon becomes worthless. The Farmer's Day ot Hand. There is no longer any doubt concern ing the Immediate outlook for the farmer. Every indication Is that prices are going to be fair and the profits from agriculture such as to make farming a lucrative occupation. The years Just past have been such as to try the skill of the farmers, and those who have not taken advantage of modern methods and machinery have had a hard time, Indeed. - - ...-.;.. ,,v , . ' We do not expect tb have universal agreement as to "the return bf good times. When times get so good that no one will complain that farming does not pay the millennium will have ar rived. The average farmer does not make money even la the best years. The average crop of corn in this coun try Is only twenty-four bushels to the acre, and the average crop of wheat one-half this. The average cow makes less than 100 pounds., of butter to fl year, and the average hen lays but three dozen eggs In twelve months, and all of these at times when prices are lowest. ' ," ' These returns are not such as to In sure a profit when prices are at their, highest Below the average production there are many who must fare badly. They struggle along In "a state of pov erty and put In their time complaining about their lot We believe' that, not one in 1,000 farmers who read the pa pers and adopt modern methods get crops the yield of which is as low. as the average of the country. The man who takes every advantage' that skill and science places at his command may confidently count on crops,' above the average, and many times so far above that his profits -will be entirely satis factory. It Is these 'reading, thinking farmers who make farming a profes sion to be proud of. ' To them the coun try looks ; for that material advance ment that raises the price of railroad Stocks and sots, the factories going," They are going to have their Innings now. The Farmer s Voice.' Handy in Slaughtering. ,,A tripod, for lilting' a carcass, wfth the poles sixteen foot long, Illustrated In the Rural New Yorker, Is operated as follows: :.j - .;. -'.' ,; : ' Bore the holes to let the poles spread ten .feet aparj at the base.' To sot up POR I.TFTI!T0 A C ARCASS. . for use, dig three holes In the ground six Inches deep, so that the tripod will stand six or seven feet high when set In the holes, as shown in the figure. When slaughtering, fasten the beef to the tripod, have a rope from the base of the slugle pole to reach out between the other two poles, and hitch on a team to draw the pole In toward the other two. So doing will raise the beef as high as desired. Potatoes Make valTjr Butter. Every farmer who has ever grown po tatoes knows that they are of little value for feeding raw to stock, and that they are especially objectionable as feed for cows giving milk. We have known potato peelings to be given to cows, and while the quantity of milk was not lessened. Its qunllty was in jured, as It lacked the tine aroma given by feeding the cows on grass or com fodder. The butter made from milk of cows to which potatoes have boen fed, is white and salvy, lacking the grain Which is the characteristic of eood butter. American Cultivator. Lime a ft Milk Preservative, Some of the Chicago papers complain, and with reason, against the practice of a few farmers In putting lime in their milk cans In order to keep the milk from souring. Salt also Is used by some for the same purpose. Both lime and salt are alkaline, and will therefore help to prevent acidity. But in Just the pro portion they do this they make the milk indigestible. W ben put in the stomach milk becomes acid as the first step to wards digestion. All alkaline sub stances are,' for this reason, injurious when combined with food products. Goaling and Hackling. Goslings and ducklings frequently show signs of lameness when nearly grown, aud are also afflicted with ver tigo. The cause Is due to feeding large ly of grain. During warm weather they will thrive better If allowed noth ing but grass. All aquatic birds re quire bulky substances, and will not thrive on a diet of concentrated food. Breeding Stock. There Is a loss ot vigor and stamina when Immature animals are used fof breeding stock. Dams that are grow ing will cease to grow when nourish lng their young. Experiments mads show that the strongest and most rig orous animals are produced from parents that are well advanced In life, but not aged. PRIZES' SECURED. ' ' 1 r iy-: iv S the Jrea &eVflrifsn' 'Coming- to the Exposition. Portland. Or., Sept. 12. (To the Editor.) This is a most beautiful and attraotive city, and its five people are, np and doing in the march of progress, -j The Hegelmaos- are coming to the Oregon Industrial Exposition, and they are an attraction that will be long re membered, for ; they are the greatest aerial gymnasts in the world. They command princely .salaries, and peoplt who have seen them in San : Francisco, where they are now playing, say that they alone are worth ten times the price of admission.- They limit their pei forraances this season to three places in the United , Stbes-nSan . Francisco Portland and New York, then tbey re turn to Europe. The exposition man-, agement was bound to have star attrac tions, and ..certainly socured av big one in the Heselmans. :; ;,.'"..'..'.-. . Other attractions are being arranged tot, and people who come to the expo sition tins year 'will have' plenty of amusement in connection with instruc tion and eight-seoing and promenading through the big building. .. . The full military band which has been engaged to give conoerts day and ' evening during the exposition is now giving daily concerts at a big fair in j San Francisco, and is delighting thou Bands of people, .Such mnsio will be appreciated in the Northwest, and those who attend the exposition will be given every opportunity to enjoy it Advices from all parts of the- North west indioate that many people are ooming to the exposition who have not been in Portland for, years. They, will find that many Improvements have been made here and that the city has grown. And they can see all these improvements at a cost of almost noth ing in time and money, for Portland has one of the best street-car systems in the world. . Electric cars , vibrate to all parts of the city and its suburbs, a'nd you can take a car every few min ntes. Excursions to the beautiful oity park, the heights. Willamette falls and: o.ther attractive points are thus quickly and cheaply made. At the city, park visitors not only,, see a very pretty place, but also see a large collection of hears, cougars, wolves, alligators and other wild animals, besides eagles,! owls ami all kinds of feathered famJ Hies. : The great 'Exposition; baildin is be-' ing rearranged end made attractive,' and every evening during, the exposi tion, it will be illuminated with count- less electrio lights, and the. display along that line , will be, the grandest ever seen in the Northwest. The farmers and fruit-growers of the Northwest are taking a very laudable interest In the exposition, and the dis play ot tneir products win do large ana creditable, and many speoial features are being arranged for their benefit and edifioation, and the farmers' wives and daughters will find in the exposition many exhibits and attractions that will be speciallyjutcresting to' them, not the least of whioh will, be the free booking lectures by Miss Suzy Tracey, who is an acknowledged scientific ei pert in that line. 't.',;u The solid and enterprising business men of Portland are all behind the ex position, and are pushing it along. Tbey know that it is a good thing for the whole Northwest,' and their com mittees are meeting every night to ar range for and engage new attractions and make the! exposition beneficial to al and, five railroad and; steamboat oompanies.are going, to give low special rates,- So that all may come and enjoy thdnjee'yes and, be' edified, instructed and amused. , R. IMPROVEMENTS IN FLYING MA CHINES. Inventors are plenty who can make ma chine that will rise and float in air, but the one improvement which none has succeeded In malum? an apparatus that wlil Riiide the machine through the many treacherous cur rents of air. iu this reupect huniilnlty Is fortunate-in having Hostetter's Utomach Bit ters, which -acts as a safe guide by eurlng; treacherous stomach, liver and blood diseases, giving a good appetite, a strong constitution aud nerves like steel' . . - It has been proved,: as the result ot experiments, that' the circulation of the blood is affected by music it THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS - is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which It is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fia 8vrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio brhup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to aet ita beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . an fbahcmou, ol LerUYILLZ. Kj. near TOBK. X. T. You might as; well be safe ' in your tea-drinking, and enjoy it more besides; : Try Schilling's Best your money backif you don't like it. 13 Crown and Brlilgn Work. , If you are iu need of artificial teeth be sure they are modern and strictly up to date. If yon have a few teeth do not - have them extracted, but have bridges made. The L. L. White sys tem of crowns and bridges is acknowl edged to be the latest and be:t. All persons who are fortunate enough to have crowns and bridges made accord ing to this system are delighted, and I never cease In their praises of the com fort they derive from their new teeth. It also more perfectly restores the fea tures of the faoe than any other method. This system 'of artificial teeth is more easily kept ; clean than any othei. A large number of Pottland people are wearing onr make of artificial teeth and crowns, and several of them had worn crowns and bridges of other systems, and they assert that for comfort, clean liness and at tistio appearance nothing can equal the White system., - Dr.' White also uses all the latest electrioal appliance for painless filling and ex traction of teeth. - " UfiimT Make money bv succesful K JIIPIII I tlllV and Hi.1) VAA.t nn Ma speculation in Chicane We ll llsVIl I gins. Fortunes have been made on a small beginning by. trading in fu tures. Write for full particulars. Best of ref erence given. Boveral years' experience on the Chicago Board ot Trade, and a thorough know ledge of the business. Send for onr free refer ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices In Portland, Oregon and Seattle. Wash. T . YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right- Moore's Revealed Bemedj.wiUdolt, Three doses will make you feel better. Oet it from your druggist or any wholesale drug house , or bom Btewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. ATLAS EKQWES AND BOILERS. i i 60 3 s3 .-' , . S 3 :' '';.' O -a vec a " S3'' ' ' S8S a ffl 3 A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pocfcl Pioiurcc Tbey are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: ' Lilacs and Pansles. Pansles and Marguerites. ma axuK mimmia kl umtf&rRBarS'w These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. One of these pictures P Js P ziiLcK lilaciic otarch purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get beautiful picture. ALL CHSCERS KEEP ELISTI3 llklZ'A. ACCEPT K3 SUZSTITUTE OREGON I Opens In PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 22. , . ' Closes ' OCTOBER 22, 1898. The Finest ami Grentcst Exposition Ever Held in the Northwest. luiiiiiinnni Products of Oregon an1 Washington will be displayed in wonderful profusion, lnolud . liig more varieties than ever before gathered together in on 3 exhibit. GOLD, SILVER HID BROHZE MEDALS fflU BE AWARHED Ularveloualy Rich Specimens from Out Gold, Silver and Other Mines. Bennett's Renowned Military Band Has been engaged (or the season. Astoundlus; Aerial Feats and Aerobatie Ferfornutuees. Very Low Rates on all Bnllroade. ADM1SSI N, Arlolts, 95 Tents. Children, 10 Cents CURE YOURSELF? t IIK.t Huh HipSJ fnr 1 ilta'hnrma, iiilluniumtlons. IPnvviou coufiuuuo. PuinUws, Q4iil not asttia THEEvaHS CHEMinitlOo. or Poisonuiis. i .iH.iurw. lit Inn nn ii- mam I, UJINCINNATI.O S j3 V ,,roSa in- gr'iii m pisin wrapper, by exprau, prepsid, tot 11.110, or i Dottlos, W.7S. Clrculr st'iit on rvijviest. OPIIlilfl IWOTtPHtirB" OOCAINK LAODANUIlt m P' w Btopped atonoe DB. J.C. HorTMitt, m Isabella Bldg, Chloago.ru. M. P. M. C. So, 88, 'fM. w UEN writing to advertisers pli mention mis puper. Cawston &. Co. ' tuccssiorl to H. P. Oregery s Ce, ' 48 and 50 First St., 304 First Ave-, S Portland, Or. Seattle, Wish, v Wild ; American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. III 'aV ' o 1