OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W CHENEY K itareiiri OregonCitypofitoillceadfcjcond-claM matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ; If paid In advance, per year ISO Six months 75 TBree monlhs'trial 'The date opposite your address on the paper aonotes tne time to wnicn you nave paw PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, SEPT. 16, 1898. A contemporary says the bankers en, route to Denver to attend the bankers1 convention "are all gold standard men.',' .This ia the most important piece of in formation since old Bill Jones announced that his white cow was white. Ex. Sthangb to say, right here in this countiy of the gold standard and pro tection to home industries an ounce of silver is worth more than a bushel of wheat. It begins to look like some of the arguments heard in 1896 about the parity of silver and wheat was more truthful than poetical. Somebody has said that the war with Spain was a republican war;. - Who helped to win Santiago? Joe Wheeler, a democrat. Who has planted flag in the Orient with victory? Dewey, another democrat. Who annihiliated Cervera? Pchley. the sood old Jeffersonian. ' Who sank the Merrimac? Hobson. The next best man was Roosevelt, and is said he is sorry that he is not a democrat. They have won the glory, stained our flag a deeper crimson, while Hanna, Elkins and Fairbanks have won the golden eagle. Ontario Newi. The Woodburn Independent gives a very pertinent illustration as to wh" pays the war tax, and something besides to the corporation that cinches its patrons It says: "The war revenue tax on a telephone message is two cents. Not wiehmg to lose this enormous sura, the telephone company has raised the price of one minute use of the line from here to Port land from 25 to 60 cents, thereby making an additional profit of 23 cents. Our business men are highly and justly incensed at this monopoly rate ana talk of not only boycotting the line, but com bining with merchants of other towns and having a line of their own. The telephone company is not tn the position to make excessive charges and thrive." Deace commission evidently means the retention of all the Phillipine islands for commercial purposes. With the ac quisition of the Fhillipinea, there would be a place for young men to go west. GRAVEROBBERS SENTENCED. Magone and riontgomery Each Get Two Years. The Magone grave robbery case has been dragging along in the Multnomah county courts for months, 'and the case is of special interest to people here, in asmuch as the parties concerned, are Clackamas county people. Daniel Magone was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary Monday uy juuge ueorge, wnicn is tne tun pen elty provided by statute for graverob- Dery. ms counsel tooK until October ist in which to prepare a bill of excep tions wr an appeal, to the supreme court. Mairone. when asked if he had anv thing to say why the sentence of the court shoftld not be pronounced, mum' oieu a tew unintelligible sentences. jus attorney. J. J. More and. called attention to the fact that Magone had been in the countv iail 16 months, and said he hoped the court would take that tact into consideration in passing sen tence ; out tne court aid not do so. Judge beorge stated that he was of the opinion that Magone required treat merit for mental disease, and would be willing at any time to write to the prison authorities that Magone was broken down mentally and ought to be treated. Charles Montgomery, who refused to. tcntuy at me trial juet ciosea, as a wit' iiens jor me state, was ordered com mitted to the penitentiary to serve the sentence of two years imposed upon mm jujge -otepnons Montgomery, on account of hii pr. vices in behalf of the prosecution, was not to nave ueen made to serve this sen' tence, and is now being punished be cause of his declination to give bis evi dence. He has served 16 months in tne county tail, being detained there to insure his appearance when wanted. He will probably not be allowed this time, but will have to serve the full time from date, as punishment for con tempt of court. When the two vears from the date of passing of his sentence has expired, Montgomery can. it lie desires to de mand credit for the 16 months he spent in the countv iail. petition for a writ of habeas corpus, and have the courts pass upon tut question. ' It may be a surprise to many to know that the war was. an absolute injury in stead of a benefit in a financial way to the newspapers. Strange as this may seem, It Is true. Every newspaper of the first class has run far behind since the out bread of the war. On very good authority it ia stated that it cost the New York Journal an extra expense of $3000 daily, and the World almost if not quite as much. The Journal issued as high as forty extras in a single day, and its correspondents at the front weie the best money could buy. The Journal had in commission ten sea going crafts The charter of these boats alone amount' to over $1500 per day. This tremendous expense was not offset by corresponding gains and had the war lasted two years, writes Arthur Brisbane, it would have busted every great newspaper in America COMMENTARIES. Every the Matters Concerning Local day Affairs Noticed by Courier Reporter. 1 City pastors, who have had a summer vacation, ring in an extra 15 minutes on the change of the time of evening ser vice from 7:30 to 8... , The hop picking season is a short one this year, and the pickers are already returning from the yards by twos, lives, tens, twenties and thirties. Many of the owners of hop fields suffered a great loss last year by reason of the early rains. As a result the picking is being completed at the earliest possible date, to guard against loss. The pickers ex pectation of a long siege of lucrative em ployment was cut short, but the weather lias been everything that could be de sired, and those that went to Uhe hop fields enjoyed a brief, but pleasant and profitable outing. The hops are of ex cellent quality, free from mold and lice, and have been cured free from the de vastating effects of early rains. .- The next Important Improvement on roads within the city limits, will prob ably be the proposed new road con necting South Main street with Center on the uluff. ' This projected road would of great advantage to farmers living South of Oregon City, enabling them to reach market in a more direct way for their wheat and wood. There cannot be too many convenient driveways aud walks up the blurt. t According to the rulings of the war department, it begins to look as it the Oregon Volunteers at Oavite were des tined to stay there (or awhile. The dis patches state that orders have been ttiado that no more Volunteers be mus tered out of service. It is hinted that a large proportion ol them will be needed at the l'hilllpines, consequently it is possible that the Oregon City contin gent may do garrisou duty for some time to come. . . Two or three weeks ago the Oourier printed extracts from letters written at Camp Merritt, that did not accord with some of the stories circulated by certain members of the Women's Emer gency Corps. Later developments have confirmed the truth of the reports printed in this paper. , President McKinley'i message to the CARDS. School is quite well attended for this season ot tne year, and this promises to ue a very sucessiui term. Mis. Abel, an old fadv larenlv Honn dent, is very sick. . a i .. ... rorest nres. wnno not doincr anv material damage, have caused much un easiness among the farmers of this locality. Mrs. Dora Jones has gone for a lono vifii. wiui iter parents in r-asiern uregon Miss Chattye Layner, of Vancouver, wasn., wno nas Deen on an extended trip east, Spent several very pleasant days last week with friends near f!arn. Miss Layne went from here to Monterey. I'ol -l .:n i t' ' nuoio nun win remain until .No vember, at which time she will return home, Miss Holden, a gifted young teacher from Oregon City, vibited the Carus school In a professional way last Monday iiu wu uigiii) grauuea witn tne manner in which the school was conducted. . GARFIELD. George Lockerby and wife have gone to Portland on a visit, while there thev i. i.: j , win uuy a uoiae anu ouggy. Gid Krigbaum has his new dryer com pleted and is doing fine work. Uonrad Krigbaum is running his large dryer night and day, and there will be lots of fruit around here go to warns ii i at cannot ue taaen care ot. J.J. Davis and family are eoini across the mountains for a two weeks' visit to nis sister, Mrs. Dan Palmateer. John Palmateer is quite sic6 yet. Cliff Sarver has a nephew out from Virginia, his name is B. Luny. Mrs. Keith left our burg this week for her borne near Vancouver. Miss Hattie Bover has gone to Port land to visit her cousin. Mrs. F. Me- Cowen , till time to go to school. Mibs Sadie Barnette has concluded to spend the winter with Mrs. Lockerby. We are glad to have her with us. She is a great help in our Sunday school and Epworth League. Wilber Wade and wife from Ourrins. vllle, and also Miss JessieCurrin. visited our Sunday school last Sunday. Come again, we were glad to see you, 1 Sopt.14. ' Roxif. . KducaU Yourllowlt With Ccrett . Candy Cathartic, cure const i nation forever. 10c. 25c. If CO. O. fail, d ru le gists refund money. Extremely Weak Deficient Blood Causes Loss of Appetite and Final Break Down Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. " I lost my appetite and about all I lived on was iced lemonade. My strength was all gone. I was so weak I could hardly cross the floor. At last I was taken very sick. One physician told me my blood was all gone and he gave me medicine but it did not help me. I had pretty much lost all faith in medicines, but thought I would get one bottle of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and try it. After taking that bottle i was mucn Better, and so I got two more bottles and after taking them I was well, but to be sure of it, I kept on taking uooa-s aarsaparllU until I had used in 11 five bottles. It has done unspeakable good to me and I wish all my suffering sisters would try it." Mas. A. Evebsen, Wedderburn, Oregon. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best-in fact the One True Blood rurlfler. Bold by all druggists. Price, si; ir tot ft. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOBJNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - - . - - OREGON Geo. C. Bbowneli J. U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Hnnr1' PIHa ,re tastelew, mild, efTeo. I IUOU flllS Uve AIIdrugg,,tit j. grocers. WAR ON BREAD Two loaves of bread for S cents at the Reventh street bakery Kept by all first-class iienningB, rrep. . C. F. WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR GREEN PRUNES or will dry them on shares. Apply at Gilbertdale farm dryer, or A. G. Jacobs, Oregon City Woolen Mills. FOR FALL & WINTER HATS ..GO TO.. MRS. R. BECKER, THE FASHIONABLE MILLINER 220 FIR8T STREET, PORTLAND, OR CORRESPONDENTS WANTED To send news from their respective neighbor, hoods to the Oregon City Coukieb. Liberal in ducements. Write for them. . F.C GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All KludH a Spficialtjr." 1 ' Wilson 4 Cooke's . Old Stand OREGON CITY, - ... UtlHUUJ. Caufield Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN , Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Agkkcy or Clackamas County Money to Loan. A ustracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Dooumeuta a Specialty Office on east side of Main street . Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital aud Private Eiperienoe.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: JO to 12 a. m., 4 to 8 p. m. OREGON Clff . OREGON C. N. GREENMAN, " fKstablished 186S ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND - DRAYMAN . ' i Parcel Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eo lections. Buys and sells exchange on allpolnti in me uuueu mates ana Hurope ana on Hong Kong. Deposits reoeived subfect to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 Pi M. D.C. LATOURETTE, FRED J. "MEYER, President Cashier i. BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY ' PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS fX),850M President, Vice-president Cashier, ' Chas. H. caufuxd Gio. A. Habdiss E. G. Cacfiils BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor J Oregon City, Oregon . 4 rure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any,, part of the city.. Try Holtou Oelry and b Convnoed Mow IS THE TIME to clean i . Hoime ana repaper your rooms and paint your house and ... Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and paperi g in a hrst-clss, ij e a very low prices. " Lea orciers at fcly Hros. store on upper 7th streeth . ' TTT.T. IQflfl FAD l Kfl Oregon Cltv "r." "r.f . ".VM Courier now uiiui itou iorfi.ru wnicn gives you the paper free w aiuiiius. now is tne lime to inhKorii... Visitors to the Orwon Exnnaitinn at Portland could increase tha nlnaanrn nf their trip by extending it to Clatsop Beach and the Seaside, via the New As. toria and Columbia Railroad, whose summer schedule of rates remain in effect during September, good until Oc tober 10th. The Portland agent is A. D. Charlton, 255 Morrison Street. For Over Fifty Yeon AhOldano Wnx-TniBD Rkmsoy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil' lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.' Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Tw Militant Year. When people buy, try, Mid buy attain, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Oitthsrtic at the rate of two .million boxes a vear and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10, 25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. AX EXTRA SESSIOX. Govftnor Lord Call the Oregon Leg uiatureto Meet Seiti. 26J Salem, Sep. fj--Gov. Lord today issued proclamation caning an extra session of che Oregon legislature tn meet at Sa lem 8ept. 28. Great interest is taxen in tetn event all over the state. The ques- ufii is, wuai is 11 ior, wnat win it do? Aim uauj capital journal at zoc a montn yui give more and better infor mation on mis subject than any other paper, resides It will Rive independent comment of importaut matters before ine ooay. oend ywir orders at once Address Hofer Brothers, Editors, Salem FARJIERS, ATTENTION! The Southern Pacific have decided to uie ine extremely low rate of one fare for the round trip to the Oregon State Fair Septembrr 22 to 80, 1818, from any point in Oregon on their lines. There were hundreds of camoera last year. Take your summer vacation and camp at the fair and see a grand exhibit of what Oregon can raise. One fare going and returning home., No other preparation has ever done so many people so much good as Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Greatest Med icine. The Victory rests with America's Greatest Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla, when it battles against any disease caused or promoted by impure or im poverished blood. 4 General Banking Business Transacted ' Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. ' ' Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and lold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Anv Part nf tha worm. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, 8an Francisco, Chloago and New York. ' Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Davidson's Gallery Up -to-Date Pictures H. STRAIGHT, ' DIALS IJI ' , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. W. II. YOUNG'S Liver y& Fesd Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0i the Street between the Bridge and the Depet. Double and slntle rlirs and saddls hnn.ii ways on hand at the lowest rates. nd nnm aiso oonneetea witn tne Darn for loose stock Any information regarding any kind of stock prumpiiT auenaeo to oy letter or person. OS ES BOUGHT OR SOLD CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN BEFORE YOU BUY Get Our Prices THE BAZAAR th and Main Sts. AN IRON BED' ,The prices at which we are selling iron 5 beds, white enameled flinii-h, brass trim. 1 med, is a revelation. These are safe 2 goods to buy. There are no defects in construction or 5 finish. Everything is as it should be. Price $4.00. BELLOMY & BUSCH The House Furnishers OPPOSITE COURT HOUSED i - Em Your; Choice Of Toe English ladies choose round toes for their boots. American ladies prefer the toes that point, but the point we make is in both round and pointed toes and the fact that we furnish newer styles, and better goods and give more perfect satisfaction for less money than any other dealer. We you best shoe inducements. KRAUSSE BROS. HARRIS' GROCERY Fresh Stock of First-Class Dnnnt. fitw niv mnA irtPirn THE I . LEADER OF LOW PRICES RRHPFRIFQ Ml IVrUL.1 IIL.SJ Willamette Block, Oregon City J A PERFECT CATARACT of Groceries flows from our store in a week. Those who have once purchased here need no second urging to deal with us. They are satisfied that the quality is the best obtainable-, and prices the lowest consistent with good value. We endeavor to make dissatisfaction impossible and customers who believe they have cause of complaint are request, ed fo inform us. We will gladly rectify errors. HEINZ d. CO., Bakers and Qrocers Opposite Postofflce,, , , Oregon City FROM OLD WHEAT C 6..' . : : ; ; PATENT I FLOUR is . made .. entirely , wucai jina wnen use it you do O "0t run theisk of having poor bread as 7 yu do ,f .vou buy flour made by Tom Dick and Harry of all kinds of wheat SOLD BY ALU GROCERS C. G. APPLEQATH, C !... HI.O WTTH with a, iinuniu. A. PRA8IL, ronMmur Diaiaitta ... nrria with ....lrlo, ,.... APPLEGATH & PRASIL FASHIONABLE Fl IPPIFD a 7 " x hooiratc aieta J ALL ttfoaa tui.i.n.n Sealskin Garments Specialty . 134 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. A (31 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 1 .-.' To Watch Buyers for 30 DAYS if you never possessed a watch now' is the TIME to own TIME of your own. 293 Morrisoe Street " . P0RTIAM0, OREGON A N. WRIGHT, The Iowa Jeweler ...OO TO. G. H. BESTOW fob DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING -and DUILDINQ MATERIAL. RSD FOR FiaST-CLAsS QUODS. S1p Oppo.lU Corrtlon.l Ohnrh. M.U trNt, ogom City, Or,. I 0rlr8t-U8S J . LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEi i Dnf A n 1 n a rw a 1 DnLMuana raoidT r Go to ' , R. L. HOLMAN Undertaker 'and Embalner Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins robes, etc. Superior goods? SuWrfor' Bemcesatmoet moderate prices fext door to Commercial bank Omgon Citt - l . ORSGon i.