COURIER. 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1898. NO. .47 OREGON CITY COUNTY COURT. Proceedings of the Kegnlar September Session. Thoi. P. Ryan, Jndgei B. P. Harks, Riohard Morton Commissioners- Orders. ' Id the matter of the petition of F. L. Rugg, et al. for a county road, the view era reported favorably, the petition was granted and viewers and surveror's ex penses ordered paid. In the matter of the petition of F. P. Larson, et al, for county road, J. H. Smith appointed surveyor, and 0 A Miller, Henry Gans and J S Risley, Viewers. ' In the matter of petition of School Diet No. 28 against the remission of the taxes on the Clayson estate. It was ordered that attorneys for estate to ap pear at October term of court, and show why an order rescinding an order reduc ing the taxes of said estate should not "lie made. - In the matter of the petition of W H Burglmrdt, agent, for a motor franchise on the Molalla and Highland road, the same .was granted., "This matter coming on regularly to be heard, and it appearing to the court that said petition should be granted, and all things being by the court considered. "It is ordered that there be and there ia hereby granted unto W. H. Burg hardt, agent, and his assigns, the right and privilege to lay down, maintain and operate iron and steel railway tracks, and to erect poles and appliances and stretch wires thereon for the purpose of transmitting power, to be UBed in operat ing said railway by electric power upon the roads of Clackamas county as follow : "Beginning at the intersection of Sev enth street, Oreeon City, with Molalla avenue ; thence along the west side of Molalla avenue to Junction of Molalla and Highland roads ; thence along the West side of said Highland road to a point 1800- feet south of south pier of What is known as the Latourette bridge. "The track of said railway shall be a single one with necessary turnouts and turntables and shall be laid and the poles erected for the purposes hereinbe : fore'speeifled along the westerly side of said roads and within a line 16 feet from the westerly side of said roads according to the surveys thereof, which space is hereby granted to said W, H. Burg hardt, agent, and to- bin assigns as a right of way for the purposes of said railway; said road to be placed upon adopted grades, excepting where spec ially agreed upon between this court and Here's What You've Been Waiting for A Chance Like This to Lay In Your Winter Supplies of Clothing and Household Goods For the Least Money. Come While ' The Weather Is Pleasant. Oregon City Cars Pass the Door Domestic, Compare Our Prices With Otlters Vnbleachort Muslin , per yd ... . 4c Good Bleached Muslln.flnlslied soft for. th Aln needle, per yd 'w Heavy White Drilling, SO in. wide, per yd- lgC flood Pillow Muslin, 42 In. wide, per yd.-. . . 9C Heavy 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting, per yd... . 15c 24-ln. Unbleached Canton Flannel, per yd.. 4c 25in. White 8haker Flannel, ber yd I... DC Blue 8trlped Bed Ticking, per yd 6C 80-in. Turkey Red Table Damask, fancy 1 Kg . border, per yd Jackets and Capes, Latest Styles, Lowest Prices Ladies' late-cut full sweep black olott capes, fancy collars trimmed withdifl'ereut wUUbEp braid. eaou Ladles' stylish cnt black cloth capes, storm collar, fur trimmed and fancy braid trim- QEa ming all round w,v See our lines of Plash and Fur Capes, Fur Collarettes, Boas, Children's and Misses Jackets, Ladies' Jackets, etc., before buying elsewhere. -ln. Table Oil Cloth, in white and colors, TEp best quality, per yard .... Underwear awl Hosiery, Cheaper Than Ever Before Ladles' long sleeves high neck Bibbed Ecru 2lf Vests, well tinUhed, each. Ladies, Fine Ecru Ribbed Pants, ankle 10 leagth, per pair " Childrens' Gray Scotch Random Vests, Pants c a and Drawer, all sizes, per garment . ChlldrensWhlte Merino I'nderwear, PoIQa a-armeut ww Chilfrena' Fine Ribbed Fast Black Hose, Cln iul llinlsh, per pair. " Children' Tan, Ox Blood or Chocolate HoseTfW aal Anlnrt Tier nRir Ladles' Fast Black or Tan Hose, per pair . . 8:1C The "E-tcy" Fart Black Double Sole Hose.ipip for ladies', lisle finish. Der pair "w Corsets, All Styles, ,4tt Prices, K yalues Tluit Can't be Beat, All Plies In Ladles' Strong Net Summering Corsets, per pair .... Drab Contille Cornels, 8troug aud Durable.lQn all size, per pair. ... All in Extra Heavy Drab ContillcpC I'oraets. double front steels, per pair Flno Black French Sateen or Heavv Drab Contille Corsets, several styles, all 'izcf.KnA per pair " Knu.ial nrlce on Hearv Drab Contille Nurs ing Corsets, patent snap button, long orcnp triMitlnm waiKl. iwr nair .WWW Nsw Idea" Patterns, Lat est Styhs, any Garment Qc HE! the said Burghardt, agent, or his as signs, from road abutting property . "No right is granted to use any coun ty bridge or cui verts. "The track over said right of way shall be completed within two years from the date of this order, and work shall be commenced upon the said right of way for the purpose of preparing it for the said tracks, and poles within one year from the date hereof. "The right is reserved bv the county court to make necessary orders or rules to regulate the running of trait.s on and over the roads of Clackamas county that may be necessary for the convenience and safety ot the public. "All rights and privileges hereby con ferred shall expire at the end of 50 years from the date of this order, or upon fail: ure to comply with any ot the provisions of this franchise. "Said W; H. Burghardt, aaent, or his assigns, shall within two vears from (he date of this order and thereafter during the term of this franchise, operate cars upon said railway at least once each day in each direction, over the entire right of way hereby granted, and a failure to operate said cars for more than 100 days in any one year shall work a forfeiture of this franchise. "A failure on the part of said W. H. Burghardt, agent, or his assigns, to com ply with any of the provisions of the franchise shall work a forfeiture of all rights and privileges hereby conferred," Also, under the same conditions : "Beginning at a point on west side of Highland road, 1800 feet south of the south pier of what is known as Latour ette bridge ; thence along the west side I of Highland road to where the north and south one-half section line of section 22, townships south, range 2 east, intersects said Highland road."- In the matter of plank on the High land road, it was ordered that contract be fulfilled, and that payment for same come out of next years' apportionment of district No. 18. ' I In the matter of bids for county phy sician and burial of county paupers, the same was passed over. The supervisor's bond of district No. 28 approved, ana the supervisor was ordered to spend $35, on the main thoroughfare where most needed. In the matter of petition to refund $2.91, paid to the sheriff by, John A meter for taxes bv mistake, the -same was re ferred to sheriff. f ; The matter of examining the tax roll and making tax levy for 1898, the same was continued until November. ' In the matter of bridges in district No. Clothing for Men and Boys', Best Values In Portland Odd lines. Men's Heavy Cheviot WorklngOC a Shirts, each .. .. ww Hen's Heavy Jean Pauts, well madeandCAA durable, per pair................. www Boys' Mixed Tweed Caps, in several ityles.lflf. each .. ..ww Men's Heavy Leather Suspenders, favorltesAC a tor wear and comfort, per pair. tivv Heavy Blue Demin, copper rivltedOCA s, pel pair "J. Men's Heavy Goatskin Working Gloves.OCA per pair Hen's Scotch Random Underwear, goodjgc weight, well made, per garment Odds and ends in Hen's light weight under OC a wear, ner ffnrment HWW Hen's Derbv Ribbed Underwear, blue, KntyCn- and natural, per pair - www Boys' Heavy Blue Denim RivltedlE OA Overall, per yd................... ..! Boys' Strong Knee Pants, in dark oolors.QCA per pair. ...........ww Bova' Durable School Suits, in gray mixed! QC goods, suit..... Boys' Blue Cheviot Suits, double breasted 1 CA Styles, per suit. aJl.UU All Wool Tweed Fall Suits, for boys, per J2 QQ Blankets and Comforters, Every one a Big Bargin, but First Buyers Get tlie Best 10 4 Gray Blankets, per pair 39C 10-4 White Blankets, per pair 50C 10 4 White Blankets, extra heavy. Pe5f 11-4 Gray Blankets, big values, per pair. $1,00 Extra Lirge Gray or Tan Wool Blankets, fancv borders, taperi&l 1 K 9 enda, now marked.-....- Ple leUVe Infants' Fancy Colored Crib BIankt, sllkOCp binding, esoh - "ww Fancy Flowered Comforters Cotton Filled.OCA for single beds, each www Fancy Flowered Comforters, cotton ailed ! fin three quartern size, each -." Full size Comfortprs for Double beds, goodrV P material, entton filled. Hirht aud warm, each ' v For Home Made' Comforters An enilless assortment or Bright eoiors large figured comforter prints, per yd Medium Weight Outing Flannels in neat dark I n or light stripes, per vd -.. New end prettv patterns in Fancy Flowered ij I n Cretons, per yd........................ I v Good White Cotton Batting, per roll........-...-5C Large Rolls Good' White Cotton ButtlnnC per roll -....C53V Kxtra Large Rolls Best Snow White Batting, 1 K a free from s ecks, per roll.,.. 1 w All Colors in Zephyr tufllnar, rsr skein...,.-, lc Strong White Knitting Co'ton, for Tu(tlng,9 0 per ball nri Cor. First and 7 Salmon Sts. I Portland, hj Oregon 38, the same was referred to Commis sioner Morton with power to act. In the matter of painting the roof of the eourt house, the same was referred tojudge with power to act. in the matter ot tne care ana seeping of D Mortimer, it was ordered that Isaac Prindle be paid $20 for keeping said Mortimer during the month of September, It was also ordered that O Mortimer and Isaac Allison be cited to appear before the court and show cause why they should not support said V Mortimer. . In the matter of raising the allowance of Mr and Mrs Ahle. it was ordered raised to $20 per month, viz : Septem ber and .November, warrant to be drawn in favor of Mrs. London. In the matter of aid for Mr and Mrs Ramsden and Hank Matton, the same was referred to Judge Ryan with power to act. i i In the matter of Mrs Run van, a county charge, relief was ordered con futed until turtner orders. In the matter of delinquent tax sales for 1897, it was ordered that the county judge bid in all property not purchased oy others.. In the matter of a road of public ease ment for Phoebe Sharp, viewers were appointed to meet on Sept 17, and view said road. In the matter of the proposition of H. E Noble to collect delinquent taxes, it was ordered that court inform Noble that the court had ordered county judge to bid in all property, not sold to others. In the matter of repairing the Eagle Creek and Currinsville road, James Hayden was appointed to repair the same and receive $3 per day for his services. In the matter df the report of G B Dimickon taxes collected on the Clayson estate, the same was laid over until next term. In the matter of reports of fees col lected by clerk and recorder for the month of August. the same was approved as follows: Recorder, 126.15; clerk, $152.05 The report of the sheriff in the matter of collection of taxes for the year ... 1897, coming on to be heard, and it appearing that he had collected $39,938,03, on account of said , taxes, also claiming credits on account of errors and double assess ments In the amount of $319.29 and by amount returned on delinquent tax roll of $19,406 75. It is hereby ordered that the sheriff be credited with the amount of $39,938.03 and that said report be filed to come up for further examination and approved at November term of this court. The mileage and per diem for the county commissioners for the September term, was as follows : S F Marks, 3 days and 26 . miles, $11.60; J R Morton, 4 days and 20 miles, $14. -w In the matter of Mra Green, a county charge, Steve Green to be cited to appear before this eourt on Wednesday, October 5, and show cause why he should not support his wife and children. A. B. JACK Copyright 1S9S by The 8teln-Bloch Co, ATTRAT' TTTHTm . Aw7 LJUXXU economical buyer can be suited. "ITTJ'VrC TafYI i BOYS' WEAR An almost endless variety of Boys' Suits and Reefers are shown. Nobby Vestee, Sailor and Reefer Suits for small boys, school suits of durable Cheviot, and suits for young men. Prices $2.50 up to $15. . Special mention Is made of our "Sigsbee" suits in blue serge, and cadet, mixture. These are beautifully trimmed in military and navel styles gold braid and embroidery. Cor. First and Korrlson BILLS ALLOWED. State vs Lyman Wade C Subuebel, justice .$ 4 95 a, enaw, conswDie............. s 10 G B Dimick, district atty . . 5 00 State vs Tom Hoover C Schuebel,... 11 00 M McCown 15 40 Jacob Spangle,... J H Woffer 4 50 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 60 Matilda Mills Lawrence Bair.... Francis Hoover. . . Grace Hoover. H D Hoover..,.,... v .. 160 E C Maddock, jnror, t V Ntrickier D Williams. 1 20 W H Young .......... 1 20 Wm Davis............. .. 1 20 .. 1 20 .. 10 00 ..$62 10 C Llvesay.i G B Dimick, dist attorney, , . Jotat...... ............ State vs Ben Thompson C Schuebel.. trt 45 M McCown 6 75 G B Dimick 5 50 State vs H D Hoover C Shuebel..,. ,$ 3 20 M F McCown , 8 50 GB Dimick.,.........;.. 5 00 Total: ..$34 90 State vs John Zims C Schuebel,.... ..$ 7 95 MF McCown 10 00 Geo Brown, witness . . ; 2 60 John Rhaenien 2 50 J H Strickler, juror. . .. 1 20 Dee Wright 1 20 E Midlam .............. 1 20 JT Nelson.,..;.... 1 20 C E Cross..,, 1 20 J ATbaver '.. ..... 1 20 FT Griffith, district atty 5 00 State vs L Collett C Schuebel.. g 90 M F Cown... 7 90 TB Hankins, witness 1 70 C C Babcock... 1 70 Miss A Schults.... , . 1 70 J W Boeimar..... 1 70 E L Shaw...,. Mrs Caufield W W Marrs, juror.... C R Noblett 1 70 1 70 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 EC Maddock. E L Davidson.... GRH Miller W H Young. FT Griffith, dist atty. State vs C E Ball 1 20 1 20 10 00 C Schoehel,,. 3 45 M F McCown 9 90 G B Dimick........ 5 00 State vs W B StAvnna-. 0 Schuebel....,,.,,,., 3 20 M b McUown .., ,. 10 70 u b Dimick , 500 inquest Winnie Cody Julius Myers, witness I Woa Surface. 1 Geo Yonnfc .". . . .-f. ... i ........ . . 1 8am Baechler. ...U, 1 A ArmatroDi. 1 HE 8fford.. ...... 1 70 M U SUx-kUnd, coroner 14 70 Geo H Young, hauling body.... 2 60 L Shaw, constable 6 00 STEINBACH & Grand Autumn FASHIONABLES Includes all the correct fashions and latest creations In 1 Suits and . Hats and n PPu'ar an stylish Serges, Fancy Cassimeres, Cheviots and Worsteds are shown which eclipse any we ever had before both in quality and tailoring'; and prices are such that the most . - i " A HTQ Fine Coverts beautifully lined Kerseys, Beavers and Freezes are shown In all the different We guarantee every garment in ' money paid if anything we sell Sts. J M Graham, juror 120 M E Willoughby 1 20 T J Hensley 1 20 R Tompkins .1 20 Wui Robinson 1 20 W H Young 1 20 G B Dimick , dist atty 5 20 Total .....$46 70 Ina Chase, clerk. 19 00 Myrtle Currin 19 00 E L Shaw, witness, Thurber case 4 40 EC Maddock..., 4 40 GeoH Young, indigent soldier.. 45 00 CB Clement 29 25 W E Carll, insane 6 00 Phoenix Ins Co, courthouse.... 67 60 John Potter, wood. 56 25 E M Haines 56 25 WT&ACocourt house flag..... 7 00 Water Commission 15 00 Telephone ; 1 50 J W Grout, sheriff 22 00 W F Youne. . 2 Oft Courier, printing 46 20 H M Bogicess. rnad& bridge.... 1 00 Geo B Bate & Co.. 2 50 P & I Works 6 00 Wileon & Cooke 5 65 Roake & Hon 85 Fred Wyder, pauper 6 00 L Winesett.. .. 20 00 R L Russel 5 00 J H Smith, surveyor 6 00 Noblitt's Stables.... 23 50 L Stout, assessor 108 00 Ida Stout 54 00 Eletha Currins 54 00 H 8 Strange, supt 54 00 Press, printing 4 00 W H Young, r & b act 12 25 Oregon City Hospital, paupers... 45 00 v 1 Barlow, pauper.. 4 30 CH Isom, sheriff 1 50 K L Holman, pauper 10 00 J P Lovett, insurance , . . . . 36 00 BILLS DISALLOWED H E Stafford, watching body.Cody $2 00 Coast Agency Co repairing 2 15 T L Charman, ins 30 00 BILLS CUT DOWN P Nehran, board pris. . .1121 00 $100 88 Herald, printing....... 14 70 13 06 Enterprise 24 25 22 65 BILLS LAID OVER Mrs London , pauper ....... $8 67 BOAD ACCOUNTS . The following road bills were allowed ior montQ ot August: District Wo 5 F Zohl. blasting $ 2 25 District No 11 Labor on Clackamas, Clackamas Station and the Forsytlie roads: F8 Mann.................. $ 3 00 W H 8raltt.1.. 24 00 Chas Smith...,, 13 60 A Richardson... 13 50 Ell Rivera.,,.. ,,.. ,....,...12 00 CA Holmstom 26 00 Stephen Eby;.. . . ............... 9 00 i 1 Carmingtian, lumber 2 00 J E Aldredge, blacksmithiog. . . . 2 65 toui. .$io6 66 District No 13 Repairs on Little Clear , Creek bridge, H Mattoon.. ..$ 3 00 WH Mattoon 2 00 tsk Winter Display of for MEN and BOYS ' Overcoats Furnishings shades of Tan, Black and Blue. Mens' Hats The leading styles shown in derbys and Fedoras, bjack, brown and pearl, and a large variety of hats and caps for boys We have the season's newest and best in fine silks. our store; and cheerfully refund the proves unsitislactory. District No 14 JL Swafford 7 00 J Shelley...... 2 50 J Pierce.... ..... 1 50 Clay Green.... 75 District No 15 Labor on Canby road : R H Taber , 8 00 FM Thompson 1 50 Sochuke . . 1 50 Geo Kidder 3 00 District No 16 Bridge Work , Enos Cahill, lumber .$45 05 W 8 Rider 9 00 Enos Cahill .'. 1 60 W H Gregory.......... .. 5 25 District; 18 Beeson & Son lumber 1 05 ... ,. 13 97 ' " '" ............475 83 C Studdeman , 4 60 Thos Davis S 62 Wm Grisenwait 5 25 V Bohlander... 4 50 Jacob Herman...... ........ .. 4 50 C Fisher 3 00 J Weeff.. 4 5 Win Owens . ; 1 60 E W Hornechuh... 8 00 Total , $532 67 District No 19 Labor an TJniou Mills, Howard and other bridges: Trullinger Bros, lumber..... $ 1 64 Mnlino Lumber (Jo 1U U F M Manning 4 50 Ed Bow man 3 00 Chas Keen ...... 1 11 2a Mike Mulvey F Earickson... 1 50 J Mulvey , 3 75 O Kay 2 25 D Graves 14 00 John Denison 12 00 Total i . $77 !) District No 23 Labor on Mered road and Taylor bridge: Cole Bros & Co lumber .$84 50 " 13 26 J J Taylor 75 C Frost,, 3 75 Carl Potman 60 J J Miller....... 3 25 W J Miller.., t 5 00 Total t. $111 01 District No 24 Work on Rock Creek bridge: V E Cook, lumber $3 09 JSYoder.... 36 15 Geo Brocket labor 2 62 John Cramer..., 6 75 Ernest Stone , 3 00 B F Smith 2 25 D W Stoffer 3 75 JABoe.... 75 Q A Kinser 00 G A Kinser. 12 00 Total : 170 36 District No 25 Bridge work : Adkins Bros, lumha.v:.i' 8 79 . . - " , 19 75 F Wehner labor....... 1 50 S II Daly and team. 14 00 Total..:...;..... v,.., 139 04 District No 30 James Monroe, labor.: ?... ...$ 30 00 aistrict No31 TL Turner and teams,, $ 1 80 P A Baker, supervisor. 3 00 Ge Saum, lumber. ... .... , . . . . . .$10 12 CO.'S Copyright 1898 try The Steln-Bloch Co, . -Jl ato& Neckwear P0RTL1N0, 0.1EG0H