Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, September 09, 1898, Image 7

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    You Can
Get Tired
By working hard, and then you can get
rested again.- But if you are tired all the
time it means that your blood is poor.
You need to take Hood's Parbaparilla, the
great cure for that tired feeling because it
fa the great enricher and vitalizer. ot the
blood. You will tind appetite, nerve,
mental and digestive strength in ;
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Meuuine.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, indigestion. 25c
A simple method of cleaning iiron
from rust, suggested by M. Carl Her
ing,'is to immerse it with a rod of zino
in aa acid bath, the two metals being
electrically coupled, ' ' ; "
It is a very common sight, in; the
street of Paris, Franoe, to see baby' car
raiges which are propelled by elec
tricity, '
Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder.
Skates made of hardened glass, in
various colors, are now made in
England. It is said that they make
it easier to get over rough places than
is the case with steel Bkates. ;
There are several varieties of: fish
that cannot swim. In every instance
they ate deep-sea dwellers. and crawl
about the rocks, using their tails and
fins as legs.
By local applications, as thcv cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. ' There is oniv one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Denfness is caused bv an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflamnia
ticni can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out at ten are caused bv
catarrh, which is nothing but an lntlamed
Condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of nearness (caused bv catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
Circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
fold by Druggists, 7dc.
Ball's Family Pills are the best.
A process of plating aluminum with
oopper by a welding method has been
invented in Germany. '
The eyes of the birds that fly by night
are generally about double the size of
those of day birds.
Fine ooal or slack coal has proven
very effective in England as a filtering
material for sewage, ,
Established 1780.
s tsaKer s
celebrated for more
than a century as a 31
delicious, nutritious, 3
and flesh-forming JjjJ
beverage, has our Q.
well-known 3
Yellow Label ?
on the front of every
package, and our
trade-mark,"La Belle
Chocolatiere,"on the
Dorchester, Mass,
MLiumcos A2,:EcEDEs.?..R,N
Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar
ket. I'sed by all sack sewers. For sale by all geu
eral merchandise stores, or by
NO Market Street. San Francisco, Cat
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
! Beautiful Pastel Pictures
They are 13x19 inches in size,
Lilacs and
ma CHUBS mid wfs
om mono of this mo Wilt so
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R, LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects,
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
in in in ueauiy, ntiuicss 01 cuiur aim
One of these pictures
will De given away
with each package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the
is sold tor 10 cents a package, ask
beautiful picture.
Newest Steam Engine,
The Parsons turbine, which is the
latest thing in steam engines, is threat
ening to render obsolete the ordinary
marine engine, says the London Eiiily
M.il. In he new destroyer Viper,
which is building by the Parsons Com
pany, a speed of not less than 88 knots,
or some 43 milos an hour, is antici
pated. That is as fast as most Conti
nental and , many English expresses.
It is only five years ago that a speed of
26 knots in destroyers was considered
something phenomenal. So that in
five years f the gain in speed has been
no lesss than 12 knots, a record which
we venture to thintt has nevgr been
equaled for a like period. It took us
SO years to rise fiora 14 knots to 26.
c!o you like best grocer
bills or doctor-bills?
Use the wholesome
baking powder Sch il
lings Best . m
The tip of the tongue is chiefly sen
sible to pungent and aoid tastes, the
middle portion of sweets or bitters,
while the back is confined entirely to
the flavors of roast meat and fatty sub
stances. FITS Permanently Cured. No fiteor nervousnes
ri I after tiritt day's use of Dr. Kliuc's Oreat
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKKK .00 trial
Dottle and treatise. DR. B. H. JUd. Kju
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Previous to the setting up of a clock
at Hampton Court, England, in 1540,
no English clock went accurately. ,
For Lung and chest diseases, Piso's Cure
is the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out., Canada.
The new improved Stoughton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the way. It pai s to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
A Famous Skull.
. A recent gift to the Peabody Museum
of American Archaeology and Ethnol
ogy of the famous "Calaveras skull"
reawakens interest in that remarkable
relic of antique man. The skull was
found in 1866 imbedded in gold-bearing
gravel in Calaveras county, California,
at a depth of 127 feet. Above it were
four beds of lava that had flowed from
a now extinct volcanic vent. The late
Prof. J. D. Whitney (whose sister, Mits
Maria Whitney, made the gift to the
museum) was convinced of the genuine
ness of the discovery. The owner of
the skull is supposed to have lived in
the Pliocene epoch, a period so remote
that the most ancient dates of history
seem quite recent in comparison.
. The most powerful microscope ob
jective yet made is a 1-10 inch mono
bromide of naphthaline immersion
lens made Zeiss. Its numerical aper
ture is 1.60 and it has resolved or
made visible a detail only 1,200,000 of
an inch in width.
According to a New Yorker who re
cently returned from Borne a promi
nent Italian 1 newspaper gravely an
nounced that General (George Washing
ton would take command of the Ameri
can army in Cuba.
When subjected to great pressure
wood pulp takes an extraordinary
hardness. It has been found available
as a material for paving bricks, drain
tiling and conduits foi eleotrio cables.
Professor Michelson, of the National
Academy of sciences, Washington, has
invented a new form spectroscope, made
by a building up steps of equal thick-
ness of optical glass.
A produot resembling oommon woolen
yarn is now being made in Sweden from
mixed peat fibre and wool in the pro
portion of 75 per cent, of the former.
and are entitled as follows:
stiff- mid hi
Lilacs and
in cuior aim artistic merit.
Elastic Starch
artistic merit.
best laundry starch on the market, and
your grocer tor this starch and get a
, 'The World of Labor.
Franoe sends rails to Japan.
Autralia imports soap from Jnnn.
Siberia has 54 bituminous ooal lieliis.
We pay flOO.OOO.O-O a year, for
coffee. ,
Buenos Ayres has an eleotrio rail
way. The Chinese were weavers nearly
5,000 years ago.
A Lawrence, Mass., mill has an elec
tric yard loconiotiv .
I The Paragon mills, Cedartown, Ga,.
pWill put in 10,000 mule spindles.i A.
V. Rirbeck is secretary. '
! The oow butter people in England
have been trying to procure legislation
adverse to butterine, but they have not
The Buena Vista Woolen mills, Lex
ington, Va., are running a full force of
operatives day and night to fill gov
ernment orders.
The formation of a corps'of electrical
engineers in England seems to have
been retarded because the uniform
selected did not meet the approval of
the fastidious volunteers. f
!The expression "factory" means any
premises where steam, water or other
mechanical power is used in aid of any
manufacturing process there carried on.
Massachusetts statute.
A tailor in Chicago aceidently swallowed a
needle and died as a result of the inflammation
set up by the email needle. Little things fre.
quentlv have great power, as is seen in a few
small doses of the famous Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, which, however, has an entirely
different effect from the needle in this ootice.
The Bitters make nervous, weak and sickly
persons strong and well againN They are also
good for dyspepsia and constipation.
The Canadian Northwest polioe, a
number of whom are now guarding
Klondike, number 710 altogether, and
are distinctly a military body. A great
many of them were employed in sup
pressing the Canadian rebellion of
The oldest piece of wrought iron m
existence is believed to be a roughly
lashioned siokle blade found in Egypt.
1 It is now in the British museum, and
it is believed to be nearly 4,000 years
A petrified oak has lately 'been dug
up in Cheshire, England. It is said to
be at least 10,000 years old.
.A person walking at tbe rate of four
miles per hour consumes 2,300 oubio
inches of air per minute. j
Serene comfort and Happiness in ad
vanced years are realized by compara
tively few women. ,
Their nard lives their liability to se
rious troubles pn account of their.pe'cu
liar organism and their profound igno
rance concerning themselves, all com
bine to shorten the period of usefulness
and fill their later years with suffering.
Mrs. Finkham has done much to make
women strong. She has given advice
to many that has shown them how to
guard against disease and retain vigor
ous health in old age. From every cor
ner of the earth there is constantly com
ing the most convinciug statements
from women, showing the eiflcacy of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound in overcoming female ills. Here
is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220
Borner St., Johnstown, Pa , which Is
earnest and straight to the point :
" Dhar Mbs. Pixrham. I feel It my
duty to tell all suffering women that I
think your remedies are wonderful. I
had trouble with my head, dizzy spell
and hot Sashes. Feet and hands were
cold, was very nervous, could not sleep
well, tad kidney trouble, pain in
ovaries and congestion of the womb.
Since taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is all
gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep well and am gaining in fle&h. I
consider your medicine the best to be
bad for female troubles."
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
lelled, for years she worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and
for sometime past has had sole charge
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
aa many as a hundred thousand ailing"
women during a single year,
Be Bounds a Note of Warning That
Should lid Heeded by All.
One of the points where science
t 'aches us that what is might have
beeri avoided, is in the matter of ir
regular teeth. "A great peicentage 0!
the irregular teeth we see," says Dr.
Thomas H. White, at the northeast
corner ol Morrison and Fourth streets,
"ia caused by the lack of proper care
of the infant teeth. When we come
to considder the great number of teeth
in malposition,- the subject of the oare
of the first teeth assumes new import
ance to us." In discussing this matter
with a representative of the press, re
cently, he said among other things:
"Mothers cannot be too careful in their
consideration of the condition and
character of the first teeth of their
children. The object of this is not to
allow the decay of the first teeth to
proceed so far that they become ulcer
ated or aboesses form at their roots, in
which case extraction is the only solu
tion of the trouble. The first teeth
should be retained ontil nature is ready
to supplant them with other teeth.
This can be accomplished by the tem
porary filling of cavities so that the
teeth may be depended upon in the
mastication of food. The very exercise
of the teeth, as with any other organ of
the body, will aid in keeping them in a
healthy condition. Every part of tbe
body lias a function to perform, and
should De maintained in healthy con
dition to accomplish it if possible.
Every tooth, therefore, that ia extract
ed interferes to a oertain degree with
J the preparatory process of digestion.
Of course, it is not to the interest of
the dentist to have teeth taken care of
they held her south to Magellan's mouth
Then east they steered her, forth
Through the farther gate of the crafty
And then they held her north.
Six thousand miles to the Indian Isles!
And the Oregon rushed home,
Her wake a swirl of Jude and pearl.
Her bow a bend of foam.
And when at Rio the cable sang
"There Is war, grim war with Spain!"
The swart crews grinned, and stroked theli
guns,- ,
And thought on the mangled Maine.
In the glimmered gloom of the engine room
mere was joy to each grimy soul.
And fainting men sprang up again
And heaped the biasing coal.
Good need was there to go with care;
But every sailor prayed
Or gun for gun or b!x to one
To meet them, unafraid.
Her goal at last! With joyous blast
She hailed the welcoming roar
Of hungry sea-wolves curved along
The strong-hilled Cuban shore.
Long nights went by. Her beamed ey
Unwavering searched the bay
Where, trapped and penned for a certain
The Spanish squadron lay.
Out of the harbor a cnrl of smoke
And a watchful gun rang clear.
Out of the channel the squadron broke
Like a bevy of frightened deer.
Then there was shouting for "steam, more
And fires glowed white and red,
And guns were manned and ranges planned,
And the great ships leaped ahead.
Then there was roaring of chorusing guns,
Shatter of shell and spray,
And who but the rushing Oregon
Was fiercest in chase and tray?
For her mighty wake was a seething snake;
Her bow was a billow of foam;
Like the mailed fists of an angry wight
.Her shot drove crashing borne. .
Pride of the Spanish navy, ho!
Flee like a bounded beast!
For the Bhlp of the Northwest strikes a blow
For the ship of tbe far Northeast!
In quivering Joy she surged ahead
Aflame with flashing bars,
Till down sunk the Spaniard's gold and red
And up ran the clustered stars. .
Desperate dash and daring rash
Are grand In peace and war,
But tbe calm, deep hate that can plan and
Is deadlier by far.
Glory to share? Aye, and to spare',
But the chiefest Is hers by right
Of a rush of 14,000 miles
For the chance of a bitter fight.
Wlllard Aldrlch Has Hla Coffin Made
In an
William Aldrlch, an eccentric bach
elor who died at Mlshayvaka, Ind., re
cently, ordefed his own coffin built pre
vious to his death, and the casket was
constructed in the shape of an "L',"
with the perpendicular line at a slight
angle. Aldrich resided In Berrien
County, Michigan, where he was one
of the wealthy land owners and quite
prominent as a Spiritualist. Being
stricken with consumption, he went to
his mother's home to die.
When the queer casket was built ho
had it taJcen to his home to test It, gave
the undertaker instructions as to glass
front, hinges and Inscriptions. At the
funeral the cotlln could pot be placed
in the funeral car, hence several crews
of pallbearers were secured to relieve
each other. The reclining coffin was
placed In a large vault, covered with a
monster slab. Ills mother was in
structed to havt a similar casket built,
that "he might converse with her and
rest comfortably until both enter a
new world," as he expressed It Burled
with him are many valuables, books, a
revolver and a lamp. Hundreds came
from neighboring cities to witness the
Interment of the eccentric Individual.
The Heal Sufferer.
nowland Well, my landlord called
for his rent for the third time this
afternoon. 1
Rowland Of course you didn't have
the money to pay him.
Howland Not a penny of it
Rowland Were you put out?
Howland Me? Oh, no; but be seem
ed awfully so. Boston Courier.
He Mimed a Chance.
She Have you ever formed any Idea
of what an angel really looks like?
He (after some deliberation) No, 1
don't believe I have.
He found loitering on her rich papa'i
porch unpleasant after that Cleve
land Leader.
Crashed Him Again.
He (timidly) May I er press my
Miss Bullion Certainly. (Presses
butler button.) James, show this gen
tleman to the kitchen and give him t
, UatiroD, New York Journal
The Doctor Slocum System Has
Proven Beyond Any Doubt Its
Positive Power Over the
Dread Disease
By Special Arrangement with the Doctor, Three Free Bottles
Will be Sent to All Readers of This Paper.
The Doctor Slocum System,
as the name implies, is a com
prehensive and complete sys
tem of treatment, w hich at
tacks every vulnerable point
of tbe disease and completely
vanquishes it. It leaves no
point unguarded; it leaves
no phase of the trouble neg
lected; it cures, and cures
forever, Weak Lungs, Coughs,
ItrniinllltW fntnrrh
Consumption and all
other throat and lung
diseases by absolutely
obliterating the cause.
tem of treatment, which at- Waff'- mM-'. : MStOSU JSll '
tacks every vulnerable point k'" B p '"" W'TI TP
of tbe disease and completely If $1' ' ' I III I
vanquishes it. It leaves no mmM : Ml! lain
point unguarded; it leaves tejiwM ' h.'M jfeli I l IT
no phase of the trouble neg- jfMui:S ., .' . R.fKPKSffi 1,111 I
lected; it cures, and cures Eli M - : JL IMrfb
forever, Weak Lungs, Coughs, f,ij ' ($1 mvSm ' ffL ' "
Jironchitis, Catarrh. JSM j ftflfc. jm&miJ' mL
oaevdiusi mrwk ' 'IK
.mt XMt.. .in?
tiiii'' fist--,
v titf L"' fflidf: '3i SS
Editorial Note. The Doctor Slocum System Is Medicine reduced to U
Exact Sconce by the World's most Famous Physician. All readers of this paper,
anxious regarding the health o themselves, children, relatives or friends, may
have three free bottles as represented in the above illustration, with complets
directions, pamphlets, testimonials, advice, etc., by sending their full address to
Dr. T. A. Slocum, theSlocura Building, New York City. This is a plain, honest,
straightforward offer, and is made to introduce the merits of The New System ol
Treatment that Cures, and we advise all sufferers to accept this philanthropic
offer at once. When writing the Doctor please mention this paper. All letters
receive immediate and careful attention.
J (J U cq
t tn i -
" Not to take a cur for an otherwise fatal
dlMate Is to practically commit suicide."
Editor's Note All sufferers are sdtlted to tend for Gratuitous Expert Advice and a Fret.
Bottle of this New Diecovery, which li an Unfailing Cure for any and all of the frightful forms ol
tpllepny anfl allied nervout diseases, When writing Doctor May, ploaae mention this paper.
Make money by lucceiful
I'lULfl I lcumuoi, uiCiiicMKu. We
if fl P H I u"' 111,(1 "e" "neat ou nur
IIIIIbIII tin. Fortune.! have breo
tr.ade on a irnsll beginning by trailing in fu
ture. Wrliejur lull particulars beat ol rx
erence given. Several yearn' experience on the
Chieago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
lulge ol the uni'tnPM. Kend Inr our free refer
ence book, how NING, Hoi'KlNS Co.,
Chirego hoard of Tte.le Hrokr. Oflicei lu
Portland, Oregon and beanie, Wath.
tr ntrvr. tii e w a m v..
Cut'er's Carbolate of Iodine.
Giutrnmeed cure for l amrrh and fnnnamptlonr
All lwuitgMM. ,1.00. W.1L Moilta, BulHIo, N. V.
eole proprietor.
tUHtb WniHt Alt list ff 18. l I
dor vun D7rup. j switw uuuu. vwm r
cj In tim. hr dniirtrlmt. f 1
If You Suffer
From Epilepsy, Epileptic Spells, Ht
. St Vitus' Dance, Falling Sickness,
Vertigo, etc., have children or
relatives that do so, or know
people that are afflicted,
My New Discovery,
Will cure them, and all you are asked to
do is to send for a Free Bottle and try it
I am quite prepared to abide by tha
result It has cured thousands whert
everything else has failed. Please give:
full name, AGE, and postoffice and.
express address
WM. H. MAY, M.D., May Laboratory,
4 Pine St., New York City.
Cawston &Co.
luccet tori to H. P. Gregory C:
48 and 50 First St.,
Portland, Or.
304 First Ave., S,
Seattle, Wash,
Bishop Scott lcaderoyrr
A Uuiirdlnic and !tty Hdiiool for bojrt.
Military iltHcipl ne In charge of U, 8,
Army o!Hctr. 1'rtiimry, pr(mritorjr
mul iwHwIfmla flfit&rithWitft. Mrtnuni
Trailing ur Hloyri lm recently tti lti
mHllpfU Boy of nil KKtm rw!lv4.
hpvrlM lniru('t)in In niitxtc, intx.erii
Ihiikiihicps, itMHitfmpliy. Tlirnnrjfli cl
Jet! iir;mntloii a pHclulty, Th
'lirlKtii.tM term will ojmii Hit?nil(r
Mil., lxuti. t'ettnloKU on aiipiioitton to
the prm.-li.iu, J, W. H I la, M. !., P,
O. lrtwHr 17, Poi-Hand, Or.
Uwj Htg for utiiiAtural
rflif hnrkftft, liitlunitiiHtii'f.i.
Irritntious or ul(rfttionJ
of ibuouqi tiieoi Urstnoi,
rniulttM. RDd not aatrio
Htooned atono
m. r. x. c.
: SI, 'S.
WHEN writing to alertUer vlaaas
meutluB thU paper.
m y in 1 1 i u..l
em OllmrfaMM.i V
fl! ttot to atriaiftr).
a wnl In plUn wrppr,
Jwvi & xiwM, prwt.il, fo
Circular vu on rtHjUMt