V.uui .W.-wjU . Ji.,:. .-" " "" . I ' ' CBEOON CITY COURIER By A. W CHENEY i ' : it i' i mo '!1 s m icon J -cl.is nuii to SB.SCRlPnOX RATES. pit vi-ar jfSF"'1''"? !nti oppostte your nriilross on the JtifA-r- ilamjtes. 111'.' time to which youhimc nuij. ?? rrftT'l i n adv.iii' Ss Months I.ttm iiioiillis'tf .... I m 2t PATB:XIZB HOME I.NDIJSTUY. OREGON CITY, SEPT. 9, IS98. THE ELECTIONS. Twenty-five states will elect governors Ai8 antumn, most of them in November. Eoei of tlieee states vill alsocliose lejris &tnres'and other state officers, and in meral instances states which do not Iect governors will elect minor state fficers and legislatures. All the states, tith the exception of Oregon, where the lection has already taken place, will elect delegations to the house of repre aeatativee. The state and congressional district nonventions which have already been ild affords some idea of this issues on nEiich the several political parties will pjxml to the people. The financial Tii'stion, which was uppermost two jears ago, is still proninent, and in a sutnber of instances democratic or re publican conventions have "reaffirmed" declarations made by the national conventions in 1800 in favor of fee silver rerf the maintenance of the gold stand srd. But new questions. arls;ny from the-war, especially that of possible terri SWvuJ exnariMon, are limling.a place in wnlii.lenl platforms; .but there is no ileliu'ite Agreement upon them in the 0!nfitiiiis of either political party. Th illiunces between democrat-? and ile ptHijile's party, which figured so jfrotnifflently in the presidential election, ire lj:sBg renewed in some instances and disatd'iwl in others, the policy varying n'itli tlis differing degrees of intensity of feeling wpon the financial question, and with the ease or difficulty of die- Uniting noniinatiiins to the satisfaction l the allies. In two or three statesi as in .ennylvania and to some extent in Sew York, questions of local govern ment eeem likely to overshadow or con itise aatinunl issues. A novel feature of the New York tleutiim will be the names which are to V taken to collect the ballots of soldiers loin that state who are in the setvice of Hie Uniti d States, In city enterprise, Glasgow, Scotland, ie far ahead of all hther cities. She ha not levied any city lax at all for two years. Profits on business owned and operate ! by the city pay all expenses It baa owned i's gas and water works fcr many years. In 1891 it bought the street railways, and is now about to es'ablish a city bank. The city provides swimming baths at 4 cents a swim, and the city wash houses where housewives can lake their week's washing and have hot and cold water, fixed in tubs a convenience that only the wealthy can afford for themselves, for less than fuel would cost at home. The city owns several model lodging houses, and a gi eat many cottages for rent to workingmen at low rates. The city furnishes concerts in winter for two cents admission, and in the summer months often has a dozen bands playing in the different parks at the same lime. A scheme for city ownership and opera tion of the liquor traffic is now being matured. All this is practical socialism, namely, ownership and operation of industries and mono-plies by the govern ment for the benefit of stockholders. Wish De vey! Requested to come horde and Consult, he asked to be allow ed to remain at Manila and act. It is those who are doing things these days, not talking, who wid be best remember ed and longest. We can but admire the Oregontan for its backbone, an element lacking in most newspapeis. . COMMENTARIES. Matters day Every the Ah OldSoldier His Story of What Hood's Sar- snpari'ia Has Dona by TitE army scandals are having one serious effect ouiBide of the sufferings of the foldiers. The regulars as well as the volunteers are anxious to resign, and, so far, it has been impossible to enlist men enough to fill up the regular army to the desired number. Another call to arms would meet w ith no such response as the other's did, not that men are not just as patriotic ate ever ; not that they are not just as willing to serve their country, even to the battle's edge, but men do not want to Btarve to death in the midst of plenty; to suffer and die for want of medicines, which by the tons ire loaded in ships in sight, but which there is not a Iministrative ability enough to unload, and they do not want to Vie sent to charge redoubts defended by long-rane guns, w hile the siee guns lighter bat teries are left in the rear. This war's mistakes will be costly to this country for ti long time to come "St'Pi'Hicssi!!) Nnws from Washington" is the title ol an artie'e in the Sept em her New Time which bus already created a seiisa! ion . It was written by a famous newspaper war conespomlent who has been. in a position to ascertain some st ulling facts, and the disclosure include? the wdiole field of operations f nun Wash ington to Porto Rico, lie does not mince words and makes charge against Secretary Alger, General Shafter, Sena- This is required by I tor Elkins and others which cannot be a law recently enacted iiy the legislature, Imb the soliHers are eo widely scattered that it will not be easy to gather their toti-a.. The elections will have an important Vari'ig upon the composition of the United States senate. The terms cf iWirty senators, of wlmm fifteen are tiemour.itH, thi;e populists or silver ienators, and, twelve republicans, expire aext March, and the places of most of Iheiu will bo filled by the legislatures vhich are to be chosen this year. The kgislutures which elected the retiring smtiiigont of senators were themselves tlitmu six years ago, when the strong dwmoaiatie movement which carried Mr. Cleveland into the office of president for secciul term prevailed in several states nhiou.iwe usually republican. Il th-so tates wtturn to their earlier political jositioik in the choice of legislatures this jvar the complexion of the senate may V" materially changed. In Maryland a nrpublican has been already chosen to juccucd Senator (.ionium. ignored, lie alleges that millions of dollars iiavo been stolen by favored con- traders and steamboat brokers and throws a new light on the sinking of the Merrimae. Ho declares that "Merri mac was sunk in Santiago harbor to de stroy the evidence of a colossal steal." AX' EXTUA SESSIOS. The ibilowing proclamation was issuod vkmx the state executive office Wednes day : "Statu ok Okkoon, Executive Depart ment, Sept, tl, 1HH8. Whereas, matters withal importance to the people of the Kate of Oregon seems to require the unveiling of the legislative assembly in special session ; Now, theiefoie, I, William P. Lord, by virtue of the authority in me vested m governor of the state of Oregon, do kuroliy direct the convening of i he two houses of the legislative assembly of the ititttt of Oregon, in special session at the rtato eapitol, in t-aleni, on Monday, Neptemhor 2ii. 1SIW, at 10 o'clock a.m., if 'vliich all who shall, at that time, le wtitU'd to act us members of said body, ire hereby required to take notice. "(liven under my hand and the great a! of the Hti-.'o of Orenon, this lit li (lav ii 'iupteiiiber, A. . IHdS, "William P. I.onn, (ioveinor. "Alteit ! II. U. ktsi'.un, Secretary of. tln(o." The governor did not set out in the proclamation, nor would he state un officially his reasons for calling the spe ial session, preferring to follow the precedent establishment by earlier fovernors in reserving them to be incor. no rated in a message to the legislature hen Reconvened. It can bo stated, how vcr, that the election of a senator to fill Oregon's vacant seat in the United States senate w 1 on congress convenes in December is one of the prime olijects of Uie call. Another is the passage of a general appropriation bill, to give the present administration a chance to elear ap all business properly belonging to it in order to turn the state's affairs over to Jhe next administration free from entail. Ijleuients entniled by the failure of the lust legislature to organize. "TiiKiiK is no issue more important to this nation than the monetary issue," says the Chicago Dispatch. "There is nothing that could more conduce to the prosperity of the people than the free coinage of silver and gold at a ratio of 1(1 to I. This is what (1,600,000 citizens of the United States voted for in 189(5. This is what they demanded an oppor tunity to vote for 1900. And these voters believe that hundreds of thcu. sands of men who were coerced kto voting for gold at the last presidential election, and hundreds of thousands of other men who voted 'bimetallism' (fooled by the claims of MeKinley) will, at the next presidential election, vote for silver and William J, Bryan." Concerning Local Affairs Noticed by - Codrler Reporter. A well known Oregon City taxpayer suggests that the way to keep the city improved streets in good condition is to constantly repair the bad places. Little ohles continue to get larger, and unless repairs are made, things go on in th's way until a new improvement has to be made. On some of the improved crush ed rock or gravel streets, goo.! sized rocks lie around loose, causing the wheels of vehicles to jolt as they strike against them. These could be tossed to one side very easily and the streets would present a much more attractive appe'arance. The completion of the Singer Hill thorough fare will give Oregon City a system of good roadways through and connecting with the principal streets. . v, It is the general custom when Clacka me.s county teachers attend conn'y institutes, to pas a lot of ie solutions thanking the instructors for their work. Now- this would be in go"d taste, if the said instructors were not receiving a stipulated per diem for their work as teachers of 'other teachers. Y'et this same tiling occurs year after year, anil some one writes out a string of resolu tions that are passed, and handed to the newspapers for publication. All this would be in excellent taste, if they were not paid for their w ork. Whoever heard of a pupil getting up on the last day of a term of district school, and introducing a lot of ri solutions thanking the teacher for his work. Of course, it is perfectly proper to vcte thanks to the lecturers an, i musicians, w ho give their time and talent without remuneration, but the instructors are mighty anxious to get the job of holding down a place as teacher in an institute for a few days durin,' the summer vacation. - V ; So far the weather has been everything that could be desired in the way of hop picking. From the crowds of people that were taking their departure to the hop fields for a period of ten days, it is evident that there is a laiger proportion of the population from this section in the hop fields, than ever before. These peo ple will bo benefitted by camping in 'the ooen air. and at (he same time will be i . accumulating a little pocket money. The gathering of the hop crop will put thousands of dollars into circulation, and the pickers .will return from the hop I fluids healthier, and the satisfaction of having earned a little spending money, while the pleasant memori.t-s of the aroma of the hop fields, and the hilarity of the ' . . .Hi K.wtr.x l in ilniro tn nnmo W.inip Ultra win iiiiui ioi vitvj j w i Wholo Family Greatly Hc!ped This Medicine. "I am an old run down soldier, my whole system being out of order and my riht side partially paralyzed. I have tried various remedies and realized only temporary relief. I have been taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, and have derived more real benefit from thein than anything I have tried. My wife hift been greatly helped by Hsod's Sarsapa rilla. She was all run down and her system much out of order. My two little boys recovered quickly from the eHects ol diphtheria by taking Hood's (Sarsapa ' rilla, which rid them of troublesome sores and symptoms of the croup. They are now well and hearty." W. F. Euknett, Starkey, Oregon. Eemember Sarsa-' pariiSa in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood Isthebeat- tv 1 1 care nausea, Indigestion, iiOOCl S PIUS biiiu3Ues3, constipation. C.-D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOKMEYS AT 1AW Commercial, Renl Estate and Probate Law Siieciiiltiea Office In Commercial Bank Buildinu OREGON CITY .... OREGON Geo. C. Bbownku J. U. Campbell IJROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cauflckl B jitJins - Oregon City, Ore THOS. 1 RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LEAD1NU I.NSCltANCS AOEKCV OF CLACKAMAS omisrr Monuy to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Uravviug f Legal Documents a SpeeinH ulliue on east shin or Main street Uel-.veen tilli and 7tii OREGON CITY, - - OREGON jl. C. STRICKLAND, M. U. I H-isuiUil ami Private Exper.citco.) Offers ills professional o-.a vires to tile pmiple of uiegou oay ami vieimty. Special alientiou paid io Uiiar, ii and (diruiiu; diseases. B,-hl ol rel'ertaiees given. Office in Wdlaiiello Huildini;. Olllee Hours: 10 t 12 a. m., 4 to li p. in.' JltEi;)N' CIl'V - - . . OKKGON C. N. GREEN MAN (hstablished lh(15 ; THE PIONIOKtt EXl'KESSMAN AMU DKAYMAX , Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY . . . OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $ WO, 000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans mile. )uls ttscoauled. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United .Stales and Kuroiie and on Houg Kong. iJepositsrcceiveii siiDieeitocnecK. Bank open tr im 9 A.M. to A P. St. D.C. LATOt'RK J'TH., iRil) J. MEYER, President Cashltr CORRESPONDENTS WANTED To send news fiom their respective nolirhbnr. hoods to the Oregon City Cot'aiKa. Liberal in. Uucoinents. Write for Uiem. Advertising is a business proposition, not an uel of charily, Whfn your ad- vet Using patronage is solicited you are not asked for alms, but you are simply given an opportunity to aijuuint die public with the fact that you are in busi ness and expect such a portion of our public patronage as is consistent with the merits of that business. If it bin no merits, if you have no inducements to offer, the less said the better, but if you have a candle do not "hide it under a bushel," it might flicker out. v (he high price of wheat last winter was due to lr. MeKuiloy's election in stead of the general shortage in India and other pl.ices, why is it the price has dropped so much now when crops are h, regardless of tho influence of Mr. 1 lamia. We know now, as well as we knew-then, tho law of supply and demand has ft great deal to do with tho matter. CHEAPEST ST0SE IN TOWN BEFORE YOU BUY Get Our Pricss THE BAZAAR t h and Main Sts. . F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Snpciitlty. Wilson A Cooke's Old Stand ORKGOX CITY, OK1SUU.N. Vk began this war with 14 battleships and cruisers, U) monitois, six oj which were modern ; lti uuarmored steel ves sels, 10 gunboats, I'll torpedo Units. We have now 8!) battleships and cruisers, 31 unarmed steel vessels, li) gunboats, 2!) torpedo bouts and 15 special crafts. An entirely different kind of a record from that of Spain. Pkmociutic state conventions are quite generally declaring for free silver 10 to 1. Advocates of it are more earnest than ever in their advocacy of it. Events are daily establishing tho truth of the ar guments familiar to all in favor of it. Dkwkv can allow tho eublo to lie re- I'ni.ess a!l signs fail the republicans will lie running on a free trade platform, by the next presidential campaign v ftl.i- n.lv.intin.n rnn ' now mat itiev nave a largo war tax etMiie from lack of direct communication li""')' saddled on our backs.with colonies with the government. Chicago Record. of our own to trade will us. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part ot the city. Try Holtuii lulry and be Conviicfil' BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BASKING HOUSE IS THE CITY PAID VP CAHTAL, SoO.OOU.OO nuiiPLua $:jo,Soo.oo President, Vice-president Cashier, Chas. H. ClUFLIKD Wio. A. HardinS E. Q. Caufield IFYCli WANT DRUGS OR EED1C1MS ' . . . . GO ."GEO. A. HARDING &C0. t willamelta Euildin'3, Opnosita Commercial BankjL Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. ' Your patronage soliceted. . f XV, m m 1 fMLi i ' WE FIT YOU FEET" With shoe in conformity or your ideas. There are at many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are fcr other wearable articles. Thee are few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found in our stock. Come in and give us ypur idea. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE- r HARRIS' GROCERY, Fresh Slock First-Cluss of Depot for HAY anil FEED THE LEADER OF LOV PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City mwmm A PERFECT CATARACT ,of Groceries flows from our store in a week. Those who have once purchased here need no second urjrinn to deal with us They are satisfied that the quality is t lie host ohtaiuablo, and prices t lie lowest consistent with good value. . We endeavor to make dissatisfaction impossible mid customers who believe they have cause of complaint are request ed 10 inform us. We will gladly rectify errors. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Qicc rs Opposite Postoffice, - Oregon City OLD WHEAT PATENT FLOUR is made entirely v from old wheat and when use it you do . nut run the risk of having poor bread as , you do if you buy flour made by Tom, ' Dick and Harry cf all kinds of wheat. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS .Gl) TO. K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted, County antfcily Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Secunlv Exchange Bought and -fold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, 8aa Fraucisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures H. STRAIGHT, DEAOR IK -G. H. BEST0W5 FOK 'w3, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CAltt Pat'JS? EVK, 2"?D FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite ConirreRationat Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. Dr. A. A. Barr 5. " V Have Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free ikj0 Pricing at tlas ass r 1 nit: For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Co to F. HENNINGS Seventh St. Bakery (r Btop his wagon as 11 goea by. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime. .Cement and Land Plaster. W. II. YOUNG'S Liver y& Feed Stalbe Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON Bargains Ncblitt Livery anil Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OK EGOS, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double anil single rigs and nnrtille horsett ways ou hand at the lowest rates, nd a com also connected with the barn (or loose stock Any information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. OSES BOUGHT OR SOLO L In SPRING AND SUMISER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE ol CHAR MAN & S0N . A full line cf Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, iHirnisinngs, Etc. ! I