Oregon Gity Goorief. A- V. Clim, rmblUker. OREGON CITY... OREGON DOINGS OF THE WEEK A Complete Review of the Teleg-raphle Newt of This and All For eign Land. General Shatter says the surrender of Santiago was a great surprise to him. Retribution is not quite complete. The Cuban commissioners will make an attempt while in Havana to ferret out the persons who destroyed the Maine. Orders have been issued by the war department that all the regular army Tegiments now at Montauk, which were started previously east of the Mis sissippi river, shall return to the same stations. A semi-official note from Berlin says that peace having been re-eetablished between the United States and Spain, orders have been given that the Uermun naval force at Manila be at once reduced to one or two ships. A report is current In London that Great Britain and Germany have signed a treaty of alliance for Germany's sup port in Egypt. England will recog nize Germany's claim to Syria as an outlet for her surplus population. , Reliable information has beon ob tained by the Associated Press to the effect that Russia intends to convene the international peace conference at St. Petersburg one month after the ad journment of the Spanish-American peace conference at Paris. The monthly statement of the public debt, shows that August 81, the public debt lees curIi in the treasury, was (1,012,470,717, which is a decrease for the month of 134,789,711. This de crease is accounted for by a correspond ing increase in the cash on hand, due to the receipts from the war loan. The Chicago Tribune prints statistics showing the number of soldiers who liave been killed in battle and have died of diseases in camp during the war with Spain. While 850 officers and men have been killed in battle or died of wounds received, there have died of disease in camp between 1,200 and 2,000 volunteers and regulars. A Madrid di "patch says: All Cata lonia protests against the continuance of the special war taxes, and insists upon their immediate repeal, threaten ing to close all the faotories if the de mand is not complied with. The lower classes are deeply and perhaps danger ously impressed by the ghastly appear ance of the repatriated soldiers from Santiago de Cuba. Lighthouses in Southern Philippines have been re-established. Foreign vessels will be allowed to enter the ports of Hawaii as usual, pending revision of the United States laws. Schley and Gordon, commissioners to settle the conditions for the Spanish evacuation of Porto Rico, have sailed for San Juan. Being out of work and without means to support his family, a Chicago ding clerk turned highwayman, and in at tempting to rob a saloon was forced to hoot the proprietor. Several vessels of the "Mosqnito" fleet are useless. The board of survey lias found upon examination that their machinery and boilers are badly worn, and will make a report condemning them. The annual session of the National Irrigation Congress opened at Chey enne Thursday. Ex-Senator Carr, the president, delivered the annual ad diess, urging the necessity for extend ing irrigation facilities. Eight lives were lost and considera ble damage wrought by the Georgia storm, which was more serious than first reported. Lieutenant Morgan and a crew of six were drowned by the up setting of a yawl off Tybee island. The mate of an Italian ship lost his life. The American Bhip Baring Brothers, from Now York, has been burned in the harbor of Kobe. About 3,000 tons of matting was also destroyed. It is intimated that the fire was of incendiary origin. When the vessel arrived at Kobe from Yokohama six of the crew were in irons. Four were afterward liberated. Orders have been received in An na polis from the president directing Cervera to make arrangements to pro ceed with his officers and men back to Spain immediately, in accordance with instructions issued by the Spanish ininiitterB of marine. The officers were very enthusiastic when they received the news. A passenger train on the New York, Ontario it Western railroad, was wrecked at In;alls, near Saratoga. The wreck was doubtless due to the dastard ly work of tramps, who threw open the switch at which the train was wrecked. The dead are: Engineer B. C. Dowd, of Oswego; Fireman William Hall, of Norwich; Ilrakeman A. L Osborne, of Walton. Eight were injured. Minor Newa Itema. The United States government has placed sn order in England foi 10,000, 000 cartridges. Regulations have been Issued con cerning military taxes to be collected in the Philippines, Sir William Augustus Frazer, bart, the author and one of the queen's body guard for Scotland, is dead. The subsistence department will have plenty of supplies ready to forward to JCuba in cast it is found necessary LATER NEWS. Memphis, Tenn., has been quaran tined. Governor Lord has issued a proc lamation, calling the Oregon legislature is extra session September 2(3. The steamer Lewiston ran ashore while carrying sick soldiers from Mon tauk Point to Boston, and it is feared many men will die as a result of the exposure. , A slight clash has occurred at Daw son. United States Consul McCook was compelled by a Canadian officer to remove the Stars and Stripes from the Alaska Commercial Company's store. The United States gunboat Benning ton has been ordered to Pango-Pango bay, Samoa, aocording to Mare island reports, to make a survey for a coaling station. Upon finishing the survey she will proceed to Manila and relieve the Concord, which will come to Mare island and go on drydock, the English dooks pot being available. There has been another series of fatalities in the Austrian Alps. One case, that of a newly married couple, was particularly sad. The bride lost her footing and fell; the rope broke, and she went to destruction. The hus band deliberately threw himself after her, and was killed. A gentleman who visited the spot two days later luBt his balance and fell, being killed instantly. A Havana dispatch says: Senor Fer nandez de Castrazo has directed a dis patch to the mayors ot the provincial towns, instructing them, in order to avoid mistakes, to "correct the igno rance regarding the origin of the relief supplies now being sent into the in terior from Havana," and to take steps to inform every inhabitant tiiat the supplies are "bought, paid for and dis tributed by the colonial government, unaided by any foreign help or sub scription." The whaling fleet has been lost in Northern waters. At least three and probably eight vessels were caught and crushed in the ice above Point Barrow. No news of the crews has been re ceived, but the general belief, however,, is that no lives were lost. The Belvi dere got out. The Wanderer is also said to have reached Herschel island. The vessels lost, therefore, were the Newport, Fearless, .Teannie, Belana, Grampus, Beloga, Norwhal and Mary D. Hume. It has been decided to abandon Camp Wikoff within the next three weeks. James Wilson, "King of Tramps," has been commended for his bravery at Santiago. Fifty deaths and over one hundred prostrations is the result ot one hot day in New York. John Hills, a well-to-do New York ice dealer, his wife and his sister-in-law, Mary Conlin, have been poisoned by whisky Bent through the mail. Private letters from onr consuls abroad indicate that the Philippines must be retained if the United States desires tor maintain its position in the world of nations. The Iowa met with an accident in the Brooklyn iiavy-yard dock. The engine rooms are said to bave been partly flooded during the process of floating the big battle-ship. The French minister of war, M. Cavaignac, has resigned. The resigna tion is due to a disagreement with his colleagues, who desire a revision of the Dreyfus case. ThuB a revision of the oase seems assured. Oriental advices say that the recent assaulting of an American missionary in the Sorachi district, Japan, is caus ing considerable excitement, especial ly since the new treaties will spread foreign residents all through the in terior. More soldiers are soon to leave for Honolulu. General Miller says thiee legiiuents will sail from San Francisco within a month. The First Tennessee, Fifty-first Iowa and Twentieth Kansas are the lucky men The 6th and 7th California and California heavy artil lory are to be mustered out. Aocording to native Japanses papers, reoeived in Seattle on the Kinshu Mara, Marquis Ito's visit to China is liable to result in his changing lesidence. It is Baid that he has been offered a princely salary to become general adviser to the emperor. Spanish soldiers have demanded their pay, and they object to leaving Cuba without it. Posters exhorting the troops to refuse to leave Havana unless the money is firt forthcoming, were circulated in Havana. The pievailing sentiment is one of animosity toward Madrid. A Madrid dispatch says: General Jademes, ad interim governor of the Philippines, replying to the govern ment's request for information as to the true situation of affairs in the atohf pehgo, reports that to resume establish ment of Spanish sovereignty over the islands would lequire a fleet and eud less quantities of material. At least 11,000,000 prize money will be distributed among American sailors as a result of the war with Spain. Rear Admiral Sampson of the North Atlantio squadron will receive $40,000, Dewey am! his men are to receive tl87, 600 head money. Appropriations tor the purpose w ill likely be made at the next session of congress. Andrew Carnegie has offered the town council of the town of Dumfries, Scotland, the sum of 10,000, to build a public library. The attorney-general of Ohio has de rided to bring an action against the American Steel and Wire Company, under the anti-trust law. The reported death of Mrs. Terriss, widow of the actor wlio was murdered by Richard Arthur Prinoe December 1 last, proves to have been an error. Mrs. Terriss is seriously ill in London. DEATH RODE THE RAIL Appalling Disaster at Cohoes, New Yorks, f 2 TRAIN STRIKES A TROLLEY CAE Eighteen Faaaengera Killed and Moir Will Die-Happy Fioknlckera Sud- ' ' denlr Hurled Into Eternitr Cohoes, N. Y., Sept. 7.. An .appall ing disaster occurred in tins city to night. Shortly before 8 o'clock a trolley-oar of the Troy City Railway Com pany was struok by the night-boat special of the Delaware & Hudson at a crossing at the west end of the Hudson river bridge, which connects the city with Lansingburg, and its load ol human freight was hurled into the air. Eighteen of the 85 passengers are dead, and at least 10 of the remainder will die. , The cars entering the city from Lan singburg were crowded with passengers from a pionio at Rerinsaelaer's Park, a pleasure resort near Troy. It was car No. 192 of the Troy City railway that met with disaster. It came over the bridge about 7:80 o'clock laden with a merry party of people, fresh from the enjoyment of the day. The crossing where the accident oc curred is at a grade. Four tracks of the Delaware & Hudson River railroad, whjch runs north and south at this point, cross the two tracks of the trol ley load. It was the hour when the New York boat special, a train which runs south and connects w ith the New York city boat at Albany, was due to pass that point. Tracks of the street lines run at a grade from the bridge to the point where the disaster took place. In consequence of this fact, and a fre quent passage of trains, it has been the rule for each motor-car conductor to stop his car and go forward to observe the railroad tracks and signal his car to proceed if no trains are. in sight. It cannot he ascertained whether that rule was complied with on this occasion, (or all events prior to the crash are foigot ten by those who were involved. The motoi car was struck directly in the center by the engine of the train, which was going at a high late of speed. The accident came without the slightest warning. The car was upon the tracks before the train loomed in sight, and no power on earth could have saved it. The motoiman evidently saw the train approaching as he reached the track, and opened his controller, but in vain. With a orash that was heard for blocks the engine struck into the lighter vehicle. The effect was horrible. The motor cai parted in tvo, both sections being hurled into the air in splinters. The mass of humanity, for the car was crowded to overflowing, was torn and mangled. Those in the front of the car met with the worst fate. The force of the collision was there experienced to the greatest de gree, and every human being in that section was killed. The scene was hor rible. Bodies had been hurled into the air, and their headless and limbless trunks were found, in some cases, 60 feet from the crossing. The pilot of the engine was smashed, and amid its wreckage were the maimed corpses of two women. The passengers of the train suffered no injury, except a shock. The majority of the passen gers on the trolley-par were young people. They included many women. The train of the D. & H. R. R. acoi dent proceeded to Troy. The euigneer stated that he did not see the car until he was upon it. He tried to prevent his train from striking the car, but his efforts were fruitless. His train was going at a very high rate of speed at the time. He was some minutes late, and was trying to make up lost time. In consequence of the caution taken by the trolley road .to ascertain if the tracks were clear at this crossing, the engineers of tiains have always felt safe in running by at a high rate of speed. The engineer says that the first he knew that thecal was coming was when it hove In sight at the corner of the street, at which the crossing is situated. Hewlisbut a short distance from the car at the time. It was utterly impos sible to bring the train to a standstill. He thinks that f he motorman', when he saw the train was upon him, tried to get beyond the danger line. The grade of this crossing and the speed at which his car was going also made it impose i ble for him to stop before reaching the tracks. It was the front end of his car that was caught and eiushed, and he was killed outright. The following bodies were identified: Archie Campeau, James Temple, Ed ward Barney, Mrs. John Craven, Miss Kittie Craven, Mrs. John W. Sutcliffe, Joseph Sense, Nellie Svett, 15 years of age, Mrs. Eliza McElroy, Mrs. Jojnes Taylor, Miss Winnie Craven, James Lines, Mrs. Ellen Scaw and John Tim mi us. Drowned In Lake Erie. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 7. Frank and John Mane, 16 and 17 years old, re spectively, ajid Geo. Grass, 14 years oil, were drowned while bathing in Lake Erie. There was a heavy sea on and the boys were caught by a receding wave and carried into deep water. Wind and Hall. Iowa City, In., Sept. 7. A severe wind and hail storm caused damage to the amount of f 50,000 in an area three miles wide ami 12 miles long, six miles north of here. The hail was exceeding ly heavy and many persons were in jured. Many small buildings were wrecked, and the corn crop was com pletely destroyed in the region of the storm. The cells composing the epidermis ve 1-1600 of an inch in diameter. HOMAGE TO THE QUEEN. Holland'! Tonnsr "Sovereign's Enthual a.tlo (iieetlne. Amsterdam, Sept. 7. Queen Wil heliftina arrived at the railway depot in Amsterdam at 2 o'clock, and was en thusiastically received. The burgo master delivered an address of wel come, to which her majesty replied: "For a long time past I have been looking forward to this moment, which is the most solemn of my lite.'' The queen briefly addiessed the va rious crowds assembled to welcome her. The burgomaster's daughter presented her majesty with bouquets of orange flowers tied with native ribbons. The entire court, in carriages, participated in the procession to the palace. A guard of honor, oom posed of generals, escorted the royal carriage. After the burgomaster had delivered a speech of welcome, the queen drove to the Damplatz. The uniformed guards lined the entire route, and kei'J back the throngs. After Burgomaster Vandenhoven, governor of the province of Northern Holland, had offered the province's homage, in the course of his speech referring to the ties that foi more than three centuries had bound the provinces and house of Orange, tht queen replied: "I am glad that this day has ar rived." Six hours before the queen arrived,, 200 000 people had assembled in the streets and around the palace. Her majesty appeared at 2:30 o'clock, P M., preceded by 30 divisions, including representatives of the army and navy, governmental and municipal officials, and princes from Holland's East Indian colonies, who came here expressly to witness the enthroning of the young queen. The royal coach was of white, orna mented with gold and drawn by eight black horses. Queen Wilhelmina, who looked pale and tired, bowed and waved her handkerchief continually. In front of the palace, the army and navy were drawn up in the form of a great square. The coach passed along the four sides of the square before drawing up at the entrance to the palace. A few minutes later Queen Wil helmina appeared upon the balcony and bowed repeatedly to the 60,000 people who approaohed the palace waving handkerchiefs, hats and flags. Meanwhile many bands were playing national airs, chimes of bells were ring ing and steam whistles shrieking their salutes to the young sovereign. FIERCE STREET DUEL. Mlaalaalppl Men Fight to the Death, Showing Poor .Marksmanship. New Orleans. Sept. 7. A special from Meridian, Miss., says: The most desperate duel in the history of Merid ian ocourred this morning beween Jim Finner and Aleok Webb, his son-in-law. Both emptied two revolvers. Webb re treated into a jewelry store, followed by Finner, still shooting. The daughter of Finner attempted to kill the officer who went in to arrest the men. A fu sillade passed between Finner and his daughter and Webb and his daughters in the store. Webb was shot three times. He will die. Finner was hit three times before he was killed by Citizen Burgess. Webb, three weeks ago, was shot by Finner, who waylaid him, and this morning ended the trag edy. Webb married Finner's daughter, and bad blood has since existed. Strike! at Manila. Manila, Sept. 7. There have been several labor strikes here, the demand being for excessive wages. Because the American authorities in the early exi gencies of the situation agreed to ex travagant demands of the laborers, it has been difficult to return to an equi table basis. One of these strikes caused the suspension of traffic on the tram ways of Manila for three days. Copies of the new tariff have been circulated heie, but it has not yet been enforced. Pending the receipt of in structions from Washington, it is esti mated that under the American tariff there will be an average reduotion of one-third, as compared with that of Spain, An insurgent newspaper print ed in the Spanish language appeared here today. llrltlah ring Flying. London, Sept. 7. The war office re ceived this evening the following dis patch, dated at Oindurman yesterday, from Geneial Sir Herbert Kitchener: "This morning theBiitish and Egyp tian flags were hoisted with due cere mony upon the wails of the palace in Khartoum. All the British wounded have left for Abadia in barges towed by steamers. I saw them before leaving. They weie all doingVell and were com fortable. . The cavalry sent in pursuit of the khalifa were compelled to aban don the attempt, owing to the exhaus tion of the horses, but I have ordered the camel squads to continue the pur suit." Two British Olttcera and S3 Men Rilled London, Sept. 7. The official list gives the number of British officers killed in the capture ot Omdurman as two, while 13 were wounded. Of the men, 23 were killed and 99 wounded. The losses sustained by the Egyptian officers were one killed and eight wounded; men, 20 killed, 221 wounded. Dispatcnes from Omdurman relate that a newspaper correspondent named Howard, who was afterwards killed, participated in the gallant charge of the Twenty-first Lancers. Waa It Andree. Chicago, Sept. 7. A special to the Times-Herald from Winnipeg, Mani toba, says: Indians reaching Dauphin from the far north report meeting an Eskimo who told of the appearance among them of a strange man, who de scended from the clouds on the shores of Hudson bay. The opinion among the whites is that the man is Andree, the Arctic explorer. The English Federation of Engine men consist of 10,000 men. TAKING OF OMDURMAN Kitchener Defeated Khalifa - After a Bloody Battle. ; GALLANT CHARGE OF BRITISH Ml ,Hd Trlbet Were Unable to With stand the Withering Fire of Modern Qrdiianoe. Omdurman, Opposite Khartoum on the Nile, Nubia, Sept. 6. The sirdar, General Herbert Kitchener, with the khalifa's black standard captured dur ing the battle, entered Omdurman, the capital of Mahdiam at 4 o'clock this afternoon, " at the head ot the Anglo Egyptian column, after completely routing the dervishes and dealing a death blow to Mahdim. Roughly, our losses were 200, while thousands of the dervishes were killed and wounded. Last night the Ang'o-Egyptian army encamped at Agaiza, eight miles from Omdurman. The dervishes weie three miles distant. At dawn today, the cavalry patrolling toward Omdur man discovered the enemy advancing to the attack in battle array, chanting, war songs. Their front consisted of in fantry and oavalry, stretched out for three or four miles. Countless banners fluttered over their masses, and the copper and brass drums resounded through the ranks of the savage war riors, who advanoed unswervingly, with all their old-time ardor. Our infantry formed up outside the oamp. At 7:20 A. M. the enemy crowded the ridges above the camp and ad vanced steadily in enveloping forma tion. At 7:40 our artillery opened fire, which was answered by the derviBh riflemen. Their attack developed on our left, and in accordance with their traditional tactics, they swept down the hillside, with the design of rushing our flank. But the withering fire maintained for 16 minutes by all our line frustrated the attempt, and the dervishes, balked, swept toward our center, upon which they ooncentiated a fierce attack. A large force of horsemen, trying to face a continuous hall of bullets from the Cameron Highlanders, the Lincoln shire regiment and the Soudanese, was literally swept away, leading to the withdrawal of the entiie body, whose dead strewed the field. The bravery of the dervishes oan hardly be oveiestimated. Those who carried the flags struggled to within 100 yards of our fighting line. When the dervishes withdrew behind the ridge in front of their camn, the whole force marohed in echelon of bat talions toward Omdurman. As oar troops surmounted the crest adjoining the Nile, the Soudanese on our right came into contact with the Remick, who had reformed under oover of a rocky eminence, and had marched beneath the black standard of the kha lifa in order to make a supreme effort to retrieve the fortunes of the day. A mass 15,000 strong bore down on the Soudanese. General Kitchener swung round the center and left ot the Soudanese and seized' the rocky eminence, and the Egyptians, hitherto in reserve, joined the firing line in 10 minutes, and be fore the dervishs could drive their at taok home. The flower , of the khalifa's army was caught in a depression and. within a zone of withering cross-fire from three brigades, with the attendant artillery. The devoted Mahdis strove heroically to make headway, but every rush was stopped, while their main body was literally mown down by a sus tained cross-fire. Defiantly the dervishes planted their standards and died beside them. Their dense masses gradually melted to com panies, and the oompanies todiiblets beneath the leaden hail. Finally they broke and fled, leaving the field white with Jibbuh-clad corpses, like a snow drift dotted spot. At 11:15 the sirdar ordered an ad vance and our whole force, in line, drove the scattered remnants into the desert to Omdurman. Among the chief incidents of the bat tle was a brilliant charge by the Twenty-first Lancers.under Lieutenant Colonel Maitin. Galloping down on a detached body of the enemy, they found the dervish swordsmen massed behind, and were forced to charge home against appalling odds. The lancers haoked through the mass, rallied and kept the dervish horde at bay. Lieutenant Grenfolt, nephew of General Sir Francis Grenfelt, was killed, four other officers were wounded, 21 men were killed and 20 wounded. The Egyptian cavalry were in close fighting throughout with the Baggara horsemen. For a short period the enemy captured and held a gun, but it was brilliantly retaken. The heroiu bravery of the dervishes evoked universal admiration. Time after time their dispersed and broken forces reformed and hurled themselves upon the Anglo-Egyptians, their emirs conspicuously leading and spurning death. Even when wounded and in death agonies they raised themselves to fire a last shot. Among the wounded is Colonel Rhodes, the correspondent of the Lon don Times, and a brother of Ceoil Rhodes. Pour Youug Women Drowned. Erie, Pa., Sept. 6. By an acci dental jibing of the sail of the pleasure yacht Camienca, on Presque Isla bay this morning four young women were swept off into the water and drowned before assistance could be rendered them. Their names are Mary, Delia and Ella Paradine and Jessie Moore. Madrid, Sept. 6. The government has decided to pay the next coupon of the Cuban debt, pending the settle ment with the United States, PRESIDENT AT WIKOFF, Cheered the Sick Heroea of the Ran. tlago Campaign. . Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, N. Y Sept, 6. President McKinley spent five hours In . the camp today, bare headed most of the time, visiting the tick in the hospitals and inspecting the well in their cantonments. He made a speech to the assembled in fantrymen, reviewed, the cavalrymen, expressed his opinion1 of the camp to the reporters, and issued an order di recting the regiments to return to their stations east of the Mississippi. With the president were Vice-President Hobart, Secretary; of War Alger, Attorney-General Griggs, Senator Red field Proctor, Brigadier-General Egan, commissary' of the army; General Lud ington; quartermaster of the army; Colonel Henry, Heoker, and Secretaries to the President Porter and Cortelyon. The ladies of the party were Mrs. Al ger and Miss Hecker, a daughter ol Colonel Hecker. General Wheeler, his staff, and nearly every officer of prominenoe in the camp met the president at the sta tion, except General Shatter, who it still in bed, and General Young, who fell and broke his arm last night. After greetings and introductions on the railway platform, the piesident took General Wheeler's arm and went to a carriage. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, of the rough riders, was among a group of Horsemen nearuy. Air. Mciviniey saw him and got out of the carriage to speak to him. Colonel Roosevelt has tily dismounted and tusseWd with a gauntlet for 15 seconds, so that un gloved he might shake hands. The oolumn of carriages wound up a hill, escorted by the Third cavalry reg iment, and the mounted band of the Sixth cavalry. The party paused a moment on the hill, und the president looked out on the wide, undulating oamp, water bounding eaoh side and whitened on the levels and hilltftps by the tents of 18,000 men, laid out in geometrio lines. Mr. MoKinley drrJTe to General Shaffer's tent in the detention camp. The general, who was flushed and weak from a mild case of malarial fever, was in full unfiorm, sitting in a ohair at the door of the tent. He tried to rise, but President McKinley ,said: "Stay where you are, general; you are entitlted to rest." The president congratulated General Shatter on the Santiago victorv, and ! after a few minutes' rest, proceeded to iue (jenurui iiuepuui. ilia auiuiers re cently arrived on the transports and detained in the detention section oi the camp lined up irregularly on each side of the road and cheered. The president took off his straw hat then, and scarcely more than put it on for moro than a minute or two at a time during the remainder of his progress through the camp. Miss Wheeler, a daughter of the gen eral, happened to be in the first row of the hospital tents, and she showed the president through her division. General Wheeler announced in each ward: "Boys, the president has come to see you;" or, "Soldiers, the presi dent of the United States." Some of the soldiers slept uncon scious, some listlessly raised upon their elbows, others feebly clapped their hands. Mr. McKinley gently shook hands with many, and at every cot he paused an instant, and if he saw the sick man looking at him he bowed in a direct and personal way. In the second ward .the president en tered, Sergeant John A. Alexander, company D, First Illinois, who has a tever, was rather startled to hear Gen eral Wheeler announce the president. The seigeant half raised upon his cot. Mr. McKinley, attracted by the move ment, took Alexander's hands and said: "I am sorry to see you so sick. I hope that you are getting better." "Thauk you; I think 1 shall get well." "Do you wish for anything?" asked General Wheeler. "No, I have everything good for me, I guess," Alexander replied wearily, "but I wish I were home." "I hope that we may soon get you there," said Mr. McKinley. He had many such bits of talk with the men, and seemed to be in no hurry. He almost outwore the pa tience of all his party by his slow going through ward after ward. Ambuahed by Indiana. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 6. The schooner J. M. Coleman, which arrived on the Sound today from St. Michaels, brings news that two prospeotors were ambushed while drifting down the Yu kon in a boat. Indians fired on the boat, killing one and wounding the other. The wounded man escaped, and reached a police camp. Police started, and found the Indians enjoying the prospectors' supplies. They were brought to Dawson, where one of the Indians made a confession. Mr. Frank, who came on the Cole man, says when he left Dawson there was a stampede to Dewey and Samp son creeks, from which fine reports came. Both are in American territory. Trouble In Ladronea. Madrid, Aug. 80. Negotiations have been opened with Washington to obtain permission for the Spaniards in the Ladrone islands to go to Manila, as the situation in the Ladrones is extremely critical. Blown I'p by a Torpedo. New Olreans, La., Sep!. 6. The gov ernment steamboat John I. Meigs was today destroyed by an explosion at St. Philip. She had aboard Lieutenant Jervey and a party engaged in remov ing the torpedoes laid in the Mississip pi river during the beginning of the war. Lieutenant Jervey had a narrow escape. The killed are: Charles Starr, commander of the boat; Seigeant John Newman, of the engineers; Pat Carlos; Ralph Rogers. Those wounded are; Friti Koch and D. B. Reddv.