Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, September 02, 1898, Image 8

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    ;,iW v,,-i v4 . t
0W are the chil
dren this summer?
Are they doing
well? Do they
get all the benefit they
should from their food?
Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
they hearty and robust in
If not, then give them
Scott's Emulsion
of cod liver oil toiik hypo
phosphites. It never fails to build
up delicate boys and girls.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott's
Emulsion, three or four
times a day, will make
the thin babv clump and
prosperous. 1 1
furnishes the
'young body with
just the material
necessary for
growing bones
and nerves.
All T)rii(rorUtft. eoe. and Sr.
Scott & Bowne, Chemists, N.Y
Clearance Sale
Trimmed Hats $l.S0up
Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed
Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction.
Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled..
Kid Gloves Cleaned.
Hair Work In Ail Its Brandies Cone with Neit
. ness and Dispatch.
Thin old one. armed apeclnllst, of Hi. Louis
ireli known hy his long residence mid sue
ti"wiiilly priu'llce In this city, continue te
unices' fully treat all kinds of chronic hiiiI
fir-H otc dlaensi'ii
PDT'T1 'PDrHMrUT forth poor lni cull
t ri ljf) 1 UlinllllJjn 1 In person at the i.ilite
vim ,v uilei noon
Diseases, Bores. Htiots,
Pimples. Heroin la. n.v pit-
ii i' Tiiltus, Tiunoia. Tellers. kt".eini nun
iilur luipiirlllea of the hlood thiiriiiignlv
nidli Hi' il, leaving the aystein In a nr nic
on r mid healthful Uite.
DTiTTTMAWTW treated by an old (ionium
iiiJ tiUluiulljlll remedy. This remedy was
prcM-med to Dr. Kesselcr hy a frlntid in
Iti-rlln It has never (ailed,
fll n tJHDrO I'lcers, Dancers, etc., tren'ed, in
J Li ' CUrl hi) dllferenee bow long affected.
pa n tu I, d illicit It, too Irequent, milky or linee y
urine, uniii.ural discharges, oarelully ti t"d
rih , riM'oinatlsiii and neuralgia trHi.d l
our new romeiiiea.
Tke a ch'sr bottle at bedtime and urinate
In Hie liottle, sot aside anil look at It In I In
inornlim. It It is cloudy, or haa a cloudy set
linn! In It, you have some kidney or liltwitlM
T41T IVflPM femoved In twenty-four hour'
I Alb It Unill Hce worms In window hi ul
4oe 15 tuM leel long,
DTPITU OTIMIf(J We meet persons evert
UltLiiUH uillllVO duywliose lireui h minils
lo nnii 11 is disgusting. This comes from Civ
tHirli in either I lie nose or stomach Ho and
e examined. It can he cured before Ih
msnl hones becomes Involved.
fOTTVp MTJM If you aie troubled with nhrhi
tbUluT lliuii eiiiiHi.oiiH,exhHuslliidiiiii'K
iluitles, Imslilulness, hvits on to mich-iy
ttopnliiess, ileipoiidenoy, los of energy, inn
Miii.c and si'ltM'oulldeoce, which d' priv ,oi
! your manhood and absolutely until yor
loi'Minlv. Iiusloess or marriage-If you an
lb'i iiill cli'd you may know the cause, t.i
and he treated.
ue.ik, netting hacks nod kidneys; Iri'ipient
(h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 urinal ion and sediment In ti'lne ; tin
potency or weakness of sexual organs, and
n Iht unuilst likable slgna of nervous doliill'.y
and pii'iiiinure decay. Many die ot 1 1 i
dilllculty, liinoranl of the cause. The iiiohi
uliai Inuie cases uf lilts character treated.
PP1VATP dlseasea. Oleel, Gonorrhea. In
(Til I III Ll Hauiallona. lXaehnrgui, Strict urct
U Yakut sn of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele
Varicocele and kindred troubles treuleO.
Consultation Free to All.
Ofku k llouns: From 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or address
J. Henri Kessler M. D.
At SU Louis Dispensary,
Portland, .... Oregon
Kor pitriiculiirs apply at I'hI'kikii
llh'e, Oregoti
CRdfY- tiMir-riwiiii limi( mill liil In OiTumi
VJUifily; Hiuill ll'IHIi"lt Willi llllll Vil'W lif
rlwrs J'iiiihi! Inrs timl liruU; (iIiuk im.i over
eOArt-Ail I'U'M-rniim lvi-ni'
ini'l two Inruo
'M til I0W1T Mil lit I Tt'lT' II I'llV (OriTII
IViInn, i'ini:vMioil lirminu nr' ti'iul; m will Iriiilt'
fur Muullcr iiliuiu ami inks iliilf rm.og in i'n.
Ill HO r" hoiiM.-a 'ill'' Ii" : lnmi' n nii'il
lilllUUniMir nii'r mill - tvui i lij; will trwd
orat'ltcu In.iii.iiiH'iii plmi.
If yon IiiiVii niivlliliiv "i trmlo iir "ll It
pfiy yiMI to l il tli'rrl)tl loi la II-. ' tie 111 KK,
t lmi'Kon null's?! Milt' nr ICH'i' It. nielli'.
mi-it it fibrin. ttlH.ui
nil in wiinh"iii of iln
itourlli'iiiM', ul a tiiuV'iln! till , "ri,ri: Is, , Wl,
loin, oiiii ill Stiulli Or.'ifini Oily A'l't Oi ttilit'r in
Oivuimi (ilv ir ('""; I'll'- Hnu't, All lliii
nrtipt'rly nniii1 IimiIiI. Titui tsisvi ' tit.l tinn
lirirt'K. Aiivmii. Dim vt Hiiia In luiv will tlml il In
lilt tnlrr! Iu liivt'kliKlt lint
A 3H0 Here-farm. kiinwn tlu Sumloik'
ultmilftl ill the Itiwn of MiiluMi, Drt i.'iii, Hut l
ImprttviMl, rieli ai.lt, ami aoit-a Iu i-iitiiviiiii'ii.
Klnu iifli'liliiirliiiinl. riiii'cli mi I LTiu t.it ni h 'ti'
Oil I if farm. Title jinf.T , no Inn mltrnm
Otiaa nIiiii irlvi'tt tinnit'itiiiti'ly In rurt'tv-.st'r.
Prlo . i WW? VHO ilntvii, an I lutl. r nu l ri'
lin ,1 , vt'ii ifr tout. Fur fnrllitr n nit ulm
call xMrun
mass mm
A Misleading Account of the Battle ef
White Plains.
In its series of supplements recount
ing "The Battle Honors of the Services"
The British Navy and Army Illustrated
once in awhile says something about
the British forces in the Kevolutionary
war. When it does, it is pretty sure to
be inaccurate.
The cover of one issue of the "Bat
He Honors" has a spirited picture of
Bragg's grenadiers winning the battle
of White Plains, where they won the
uamaof the "Slashers," because they
threw away their tintlocks and carried
an iutronphmeut with their short
swords. Tlie picture is entitled "The
Blashers at the tiattle of White Plains,
The battle of White Plains was
t night, as a matter of fact, ou Oct. 28,
1770. It in stated in the publication
that Washington sent 8,000 men to oc
cupy a hill above the ford of the
"bruux, " and that this position was
carried by the "Slashers" with their
swords. It is also said that "soon after
this turning movement General Wash
ington, abandoning his stores, retired
with his army toward Connecticut. "
As a matter of fact the position re
ferred to was held by 1,400 Americans
under General McDougal and was car
ried by a British force of 4,000. One
would think from reading the British
version of the fight that the "blashers"
whipped the entire American army.
There were otlur British regimeuts en
gaged in the work of carrying Chatter-
ton hill, and it is unfair to them to give
all the credit to the "Slashers."
Of wbut took place after the position
was carried tlie version given lay xne
Navy and Army Illustrated is deliber
ately misleading. The facts are that
when the hill was carried General Mc
Dougal retired to Washington's camp
with a loss of b'Oprisoueis and 100 kill
ed and womaled. The British lost 229
killid end winuled. llov.o did not dare
to uttaek WMbUugtou, l;ut scut for re-
eiiforctinents, and cu Nov. 5 moved
lis augmented arn.y to Do libs Ferry.
Wtihliingtiiii, Leiug confronted by supe-
t'ii r uuuil.iTS, retired, hot tovviad Con
necticut, but across tlic Ludtou to New
Jerscv on Nov. 0.
When a nation starts out to write its
military history and distorts it in some
particulars, it makes one doubt tho
truth of all. The truth about the battle
of Whito I'l;ui:s would redound just as
much to the glory of the "Slashers" as
does tho perverted account published by
the navy and army. New York Press.
The Scheme of a Team to Down a Suc
cessful lUval.
Several years tigo a young athlcto
named D was conspicuous as a foot
ball player. He was u swift runner, a
reliiiblo drop kicker mid an excellent
all round player. Ho bad proved such a
tower of strength oihis collego eleven
that rival teams feared him, and when
miners to the iff cut that he had received
money for his services wero circulated
steps wi.ro t tigerly taken by tho foot
ball authorities of an cpvosiug colkgo
lo investigalo bisanmteux status. If l:e
had received mom y, as alleged, ho was
no longer an amatiur and could bo de
barred from a pltico on tho team.
Accordingly an emissary was dis
patched, wii'u the usual oppressive col
lege secrecy, to the villagu of S
whi'io the suspected player resided when
at homo. The fu titer of D was a
well to do limner, and tho spy, passing
is tt book agi nt, experienced littlo difil-
culty in gutting him to talk about his
"Famous?" he ekid, with no great
show of inthusiusm. "Waal, 1 s'pose
the boy is famous, but there isn't much
in this football."
"But u fellow as famous us ho is must
get a good Hitlury," tho spy suggested,
with a craftily assumed air i f innocence.
"Nopo," said tho :"Vnor. "Football
players don't get u k ury. "
"lhat s odd," etiuued tho spy.
"I heard ho was k' "Mig for cash."
"Waal, that's rigut. lie is," tho fa
ther slowly admitted.
Tho spy was secretly overjoyed. He
chuckled inwardly and fuhly hugged
hlmsolf with delight. In fancy tho rival
team was ulready deprived of her strong
est player.
"So he's kicking for cash at collego,
is heV" ho echoed.
"Yes," tlio fanner said wearily,
"yes, ho's kickiu for inoro cash 'most
every letter I get."
And then tho disgusted spy kicked
himsulf, liiftaphoriciiHy speaking, all
tho way back to collego. Harper's Bu
aar. Kuropvau Travel.
Cbildrou nro tnkou nbrond bo yonnR
tlmt boforo tbi'y lntvo reuobod an tio to
upproointo Avbat they nob Europe has
tii'coino u twice told tulo to them. So
inio In this thut u rceipo for making
your childnn good Anieriomid in to
bring them up abroad. Unco they get
lack hero, it m hard to entice them
uwny iiain, Willi each unproveimnt
in tho. tipeod of our Bteivniei's vanishes
I iineUiiun of tho glamour of Europe, uud
t no crowd that yearly rush across seo
less uud uppreciato less iu u lifelimo
thau our parent a did m their ouo tour
nbroad. Iiehango.
Ltiug Kart'tl. .
"You ou;;ht to havo your cars hosed
said Miss t harjileifjh to u youu,j fru.-h-
uiail who had just stolen n kiss.
"Well," ho usked, "why dou't yon
la it?"
"I would," he replied, "if I hud a
box lurgo eiiough. " UhicaKO Kews.
With the exception of birds, men's
legs nro longer iu proportion to thuir
body than tuoso of any other nniiUtil.
The human f jot is broader uud stronger
than the foot of any oilier niiimal, so
that mr.u ahiim ean stand upon one foot.
Relatively to tiopuUtiou i:o lCurnpeun
jouutry ftm viu witli Hew Huluud in
'tmpect of tnunut.u tnf H.
Brief Extracts from Interesting Let
ters Written Home by the Vol
unteers In the Phllllplnes.
The following letter was written by
J. H. Black at Cavite to his mother,
Mrs. Fannie Black, under date of Ju'y
I am told there will be a ship leave
here this evening, so I take every op
portunity to send you a line lo let you
know how I am. I send you, at last,'
the curios that. I have collected so lar.
1 can tend you more as I get them. I
pxpi ct to net something that you will
like, but I don't know just yet what I
will find. Ther is nothing niw to
write about the situation here. We. are
Rtill in camp in the port with no pros
pect of moving. I really think the Ore
gon troops wilf be left here to guard
the supplies in the commissary, al
though there is nothing to guard against.
Everything is peaceful and quiet.
The Spaniards are in Manilla and arc
anxious to suriender to the; Americans
rather than lo the insurgents, for, they
know we will bring law and order to the
islands while the insurgents cannot
ugiee even among themselves. All ih
our company ate veil at pie?e.ii, I
have not felt better for years. I am so
(! lad lo gee your letters from home (or
1 know the newspapers are publishing
sensational stories about us when in re
ality we are quite safe with no prospect
of iroublH. You can depend upon me
lo keep you posted as to the true siiua
lion. Vt hatever we do, I will tell you.
We expect to uet paid any day, and I
had hoped it would come so I might
gelid y u some money in tins letter.
They have established a pcstoHiee here,
and we can now send mail and regis
tered letters, tl e same as in the United
states. This is a great convenience.
Remember me to Mr. and Mrs. An
drews. The letters from the church
were received and have been road over
again. It was a very thoughtful thing
to do, for we prize dearly every word
from our dear friends. I told Arthur
H. w hat you said. He says that he has
written regularly. Tell his mother not
to worty lor he makes a good soldier
and is a i ledit. to the army, Above nil
mother, don't worry, il you at home
don't hear (rem the boys just when you
think you (dight. to. So far from home
A ihiiiihHiid things u.hv corsoire o de-
lny a letter. All of us wriie, but when
w e have mailed our letters we have to
trust that they wdl get to you. Such
expressions of kii.il remembrance as we
haie received inspires us all to tenttwed
hope and belter puipcses of life.
Tell our friends not to stop writing.
Mr. Croi kite's son has just pasid
w i eie I hid writing. He is a manly lei
h w and his company is quar eied in
the same loom wiih ours. If you see
his parents, give them n y kindest rt
gtinlH. '1 heir boy is vnting today.
K n ember me lo Mr. and Mia Mont
gomery. 'Te 1 him his "hoys" have not
loryi tun his counsel. Our chaplain is
a file man, slid a great help to itie men
i f our regiment. Tell Mrs. Green 1
gave her mei-sago t'i Lou lioyhm. He
ih hearty; go is campbell. Captain
f'ii k ns and Lieutenant Huntley boih
loi k had, but Hniiiley is not worse 1 1 inn
when he left Ameiiea. Captain Pick
ens is iinp'oving. Case ts well and
spal s'olieti of home. He is a quid
fi How and mal;e8 a good soldier, lko
I'liisilull, of Green 1'oinl, is will aid
sei IPS to enjoy army life. L gus, Joiies
and ll'i knit.ii are doing well, Junes ih
clerk in heeilqimr lers ; Hickman is busy
cook, and Logus is company clerk. Il
you do i.ot see everyone inenliorit'd in
'his lelti-r, I wil sav that no man Irotn
Oieginiiily is, or las been seiiomL
sick. We Imve been especially favornii.
1 will write 1 nig le tcrs soon as I see
nit we will do nex'. IV alt hope, to
go home soon. I hope for o ir sake, thut
the necessity for staying hero will soon
pass away.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Courier office.
Everv intelligent family nei ds in add
t ion to their lueul puper. a krin il mui'iiinl
weikiv. 1 lie yrea tn I and ni"st widely
kiitiwu sji'Iiu'hI Iniiiily iihhu iper i'ie
loli oo Weeklv Hindi' For thiny -e trs
il I'hk I'fi ti a leuu a- yisitoi in eveiy pint
I tl e L I lou Hii'i ir wi li know n to ulnm. t
every t,if ol tile (0,(100 post, tines Hi lilt-
iintiv. liiseilili-tl Willi le retire to
lioniil tl cn'a Ii is h repnlillc n
p lie .but pwi le ot all piili'tru take
Hi in li -t nt Ms I oneply mi I laiin iss in il.v
Iim tissiiin nt i II pulnic que-liiiiis It i
tlir tiiAtii itf lainiiv Imp r, with some
Inns: tor evny meml er ul tne liouseln 11.
heitAl MO'ies, piM rv, wit anil lniuinr
' Hmisi huiil ileeai tment, Olio lust in
w rh ). oniiu F'.iks. Miniliiy pcjuoI
rs-Miii', Tuliiinge'a Set limns, the h m 1 1 1 .
stesil, the (.iiieMion IUiimiu (wl ieli ati
sci! iine.-lii lis (i r sill sent) r ), tlie
ws ol the wick in eninplete Ihiiu. ami
o t e' peeml IfMiiues. fi eetin-n c ! e
g ailly sent on Rpi teati.ni, mid if y
win si ml us a list i-t ailiiresx 8. yyiu
ii'Htl a ci't y to e.ieli. tin v l a e.-ir.
( iiii yvisli to rsi I e A cuib, wriie Ii
i ins.
Ad ress Tiik lh.ynu,
Toli iln, Old
An Enterprising O'Tfl'jist.
T lieiv h lew men n ore will - awake
iteil enteri rini! Illiin tlliann in , (; 1 .
wliii hiare lei piiitu In scciiie Hie Uet ol
every lliir g in t hfir line lur Mioir ni'iny
(llstuniers. '1'1't v now Imve ll.eV-illl Ine
Harm y tor l)r, Kiiitf's. Neyy lliseuveiv fm
l'tiisiimiii"ii I'linglis mi I Culitsi. T'liN
is 1 1 it- tttintleriiil rt-'itioiiy tb.it is itnine
11 li mii Ii a lilinr all 1 ver lh' eiiiiMtry Sv
its iniiiiv stai llt'itf cu'e , It ul Mt'iiteiy
run's Alliiini, Hnineliii is, lluiiisf lies
anil nil 11II1 etiini 01 lue lliimit, I'lu. i
anil 1. lilies Call at slmve iliiii! sitiit' tiinl
wet a inal Imtile I'ih- i r a regular six It .r
."ill tenlt wntl 11. (iiiaranii eil t.. enif ir
price ivfeil'leil
Tho testinitiiiials in
tiarsaimtilla are writu
lielialf of lltio'l'u
11 by lnuiest l'i-
rile yy l o want you to know what it hua
d mo for then'.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Mwsys Bought
'e of 76c4Ul
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti
pation, soar stomach, Indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
easily and thoroughly. "II
Best after dinner pills. W 1 C
25 cents. All druggists. I H B 9
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
or will dry them on shares. Apply at
Gilbertdale farm dryer, or A. G. Jacobs,
Oregon City Woolen Mills.
OCTOBER 22, 1828
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever Held
in the Northwest
Products of Oregon and WttelunKton will ba
displayed in wonderful profusion, including
more vaiieties than ever before gath
ered together in one exhibit.
Gold Sifter and Eronze Mais fill
Be Awarded
Maivelously Rich Specimens from
Gold, Silver ai d other Mines
Bennett's Renowned Hilary Band
Has been engaged for ilio Mwson
Astonishing Aerial Feats and Acrobatic
Very Low Rales on all Railroads
Adults 25 Cents Children 10 Cents
applicable to the payment of all warrant
endorned prior to Aiifjust lth, ISO").
Interest yvlll coaso on the above warrant
after tho date of this niitlee.
Treasurer nf Claekamae (Jounty, Oregon
Dated this 18;h day ot August I!i8.
R R Co.
No. 1 For Yanuina:
Tiains leaves Albany
- r2:5u p. m.
1:45 p. m,
:O0 p. 111.
11 4n a m,
l'J:2d p. m,
" rorvallis
" Arrive Yaquina
No. 2 Returning:
Trains leaves Yiuulna
' Corvallls
" Arrive Albany
For Delrott:
Trains leave Cnrvallls
7:00 a.m.
8:05 a. m.
12:L0p. in.
12. Iip.m.
in p. m
11:55 p. ip'
" Albany
1 Arrive Detiort
Trains leave Detroit
" Albany
" Corvallis '
No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Albany with South
eru Pa' ilii tiaiu gi. iugitirei t sort ice to ami fvom
Newport benches.
Train for the mountains nrrives at Dcfoit at
noon giving ample time lo reach lainninv
around ou tlie 11 eiieubuili and Satitiain river:
same on y.
I". A.
A gent.
A.&C. R. R. CO.
Dally Except Sunday
Leaves I'sion Dkcot t'onTLANIi at 8 a. m for
Rune r, Mavg.-rs, liliiiskniiie. Astoria, riming
Ibreiigb to i litlsop lt 'aeh I'o ins witlletit chiinge.
arriving at Se sice at l.'JO p. in. Hy this train
ymi cull have seven hours at Astoria and propi.r
tl loite longer time at iniei-u.eitiHte puinlsaud
reiitrll to I'nrllai'd Ihe stone day, arriving at
I'nlou depot al IlbiO p. in.
Daily Kxcept Saturday
leaves I'll loi. Depot Portland at 7 p m. arrives
at rtstona l :65 p. m mnking Ctinueetio- s ihe
following morning wtih early ira'tts (or Clutsop
lleai hyiied all n.wls lor 1 wac t, K-iaop'.ou and
all poiliisoit 1. li A N. K. K.via l wiico.
in: sinks.$ mbs"i s" A i i: spkciv,
s..turd'i s i inly
Leavea I'lilon I'ei tii, I. rili inl, evcey Sdnrday
alieitloon at 'i:ll n. in. neis tliroiit'li to I latsop
Kem b points witlnml vuange aiiiv.n' Seasitle
7:10 p.m.
Sniulays iintv
1,' aves fill. in Depot, 'l'"Hlnd, evi ry Pnndat
at 7..0 a m. I'litiiitng ilirouuh to si) Clalstip
IteHch points tttl'ioui change, arriving Seaside at
l'i:in p. m llrtiimtitg h aves St aiOe at S bd p in
arrives I'nlou depot, Poiiland. 10:'Ji p m. Py
Ib's train nlenn e seeker' can la,e brasfast a'
lioine. spend live ;im'. I a If hours at tlu.- It, neh aiol
r. turn the sunie d'iy.
I tVm'ult fonl nt ...i teie' r for rut-s, or
appl at lionet oDii'e. I'nlou !) p it.
I A. I. I'tltl.lilN, AgeiH,
S. P. It. K. Oitlce, l or. ;!nl. and Morrison' si
. 1' H I I AN O, OllKtlON
Iteaut) !a Ittttttd.
)eiin Ul'ioil menus1 clean skin Ni
w.rtllt ttbrttlt it, f'MWO.trolM tp,!,
( ,ll' .'l! V It" o.' "l lll'il k"t' I!
clott , I y sti fin- op tl " iy liver t1
!V'IU ill' i ii'll "a- it III It) It.
I,-V"tl lo-l.' V ' ' 11's.ll nll"l!, I'D Is.
1.1 ' I'l.l'.'. Iii iU. .l , n'l I I.HI M.fklv
1.. ni"t i r i-t A5! tin tf.'ix'H,
' t I
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Henry MUey,
John Gordon and James
Stale of Oregou, County of ClaekamaB, B9.
cree and an execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of tbe above entitled rourt, in
the above entitled cause, to me duly direoted and
dated the 2Sth day of July, 1S98, upon a Judgment
renderedanileutered in said court on the 18th day
of April, 1S9S, in favor of Henry Miley. plaintitf,
and acalnst John Uordon and James Burlingame,
defendants, for the sum of $5(16.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 18th day uf April, 18!)S, and the further
sum of 1(50, as attorney s fee, and the further sum
of 815 ousts and disbursements, and the costs of
and -tipon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real properly,
situated in the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section fifteen (15) in township four (41 south,
range two (2) east of the Willamette meridian,
contniiiliiK forty i4U) acres.
Now, then fore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the frontdoor
of the County Court House ill the City of Oregon
City. In snl.1 County and Stale, sell at putilio
auction, subject to redemption,' to the highest
litdrer, for U. 8. g"ld ooin cash In hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants or cither of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein or since had in or to the
a hove described real property-or any part thereof,
to satii-fy saidexeention, judgment older, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Cmintv, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon -tlty, Ore., July 2th, 1K18.
In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
The Osyyego Comercial audi
Savings Bank of Oswego, Ore-1
gun, A Corpora' Ion, I
Plaintiff, .
Ed. Dupiila, Rose Duiuus,
Henry Oerson, J. V, Laukln
and Meier Khrmiin, Joseph
Hhrman.Sol W. Ehrmmi and
Edwin Kbrman Co.. parties
doing buiiness inidert he firm
name of Mason, Ehrmau and
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Claokiimaa. ss.
decree and an execution, duly issued out ol
and under the seal ot the above entitled court. In
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dmed the 5th day of August, lSSW.upon a judgmt nt,
rendered and entered Iu said court on the Kitli
day nf June, 1SII8, In favor of The Oswego
Comercial and Savings Bunk of Oswego, Oregon,
a Corporation, plalntitt, and against Ed. Dupulx,
nose nupuis, iii-nry i.erson, J. V. l.nnktn and
Meier Klu man, Joseph Ehrnian, Sol. W. Elirman
and ft win Ehiruiin Co., parlies doing business
under tbe nnn name of Mason, Khrman and
Company, defendants, fur the sum ofSlouH.41,
yvith interest thereon at the rate of 8 Tier cent nr
cent per annum froin Ihe Kith day of June, lsllS,
aim ine costs ni ami upon nils writ, commanding
me to make sale uf the following described real
properly, situate in Uie county of Clackamas,
Slate of Oregon, to-wit: All lots 7 and 8 In bloek
30, In Hie Oswego lion and Meei Co.'s iirst ad
dition to Oswego. i
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment older and decree, and iu compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at the hour of one o'clock, P. M., at the front
door of the O. iiniy Court House 111 the Citv of
Oregon City, iu said l ouuty and State, seil at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cadi In hand,
all the fight, title and Interest which the within
named defendants or either of them, hud on the
dale of the mortgage herein or since had In or to
the above described pr.'perlyor any part thereof
to satisfy naul execution, judgment order, de
cree, interest, costs and all a"rruiug cosls.
.1. J. COOKE.
Sherllt'nf Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated. Oregon City, Or , August 51 h. lstw.
In the Cir' iilt Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Juhn A. Thay er, f,. K. Thayer,
J. Q. Fehler, Mary A. Fehler.
E.Dodge and Fred llliihn,
State of Or (fi.ii, Cimnty of Clackamia, ss.
U deciee sml an execution, tlu'y issued out of ami
under the seal nf lite above entitled court, iu the
hIjov entitled cause, to me duly directed ami dated
tlie 10th day of August. Ih'.is, npon a judgment rentier
i d ami tillered In shiiI court on the 111 tt day of July
Mis, In iavor of John A. lhayer. I.. E. Thayer!
plaintiffs, and acalnst. J. li. Fehler, M,irv A
renier, r.. uotige ami r rei! niiihn, defendants
for the sum ol (M), with intercvis ihereon nt Ihe
rale of 10 per oent per milium from the '2s day of
April, 13:14. less too paid, and Hie inrther slilii of
f.'iC, as attorney's lei, and ihe further sum of $10
costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
noon tins writ, cominiin ling me lo make sale of
he following deseiib, d mil properly, situate In
the county of I'll t'kiimns. slate of Oregon, lo-wlt:
Seeiliui i and 11, township 8, south range least!
"f the Willamette Mel utinu and situated 111 the
1 'utility of i I ii kaniiis. and Suite oi i iri g m, and
Is more l ariiculiirly desc ibed as follows, to ivif
lleaiiiiili g at a point in ilie southwest line ol
fill! el. dm 4J, moth Ki degrees, l.itnliiules, es 5
lltl lin-lim elialits fioiu th'-moft soiiihrly enruer
b.-reo ; ihetice nonh 53 degree v, 15 iiiintil.es
a-t-l S and '.(.V 100 chid lis on Ih siiiiiIhh hi in,. ,
niit clnlio t:!; theuee north 57 degrees, west 34
and SMlO chains and nitrnll . (( tb- sinilheast
line of sunt el dm 4;!: Ihencc soinli 45 degrees
ii.-t S anil s:l Inn chains and parallel to ihe north
.list li'ieof s o l "biiin i:t; Ih.'tict) south 37 legrees
west SI and 7ti.(W ennins mid parallel r , ihe ouih
east line of said claim 43, lo the place of begin,
nhig. eoniHint"g ihiny aeres, more or less.
N w, Ther for... I,y' viilu.. of si,i,l ex-'cntlon.
tmhtin. nt, enter and d cree, end in coiupHanoe with
the o. liimanila of said writ, I will, on
SAl'l'ltDAY, SKI'TKMCKK lOtli, lfAS
;it the h,,nr , f 2'clo( k p m.iil tlu. trout doom
die l llu'y Court llon-c ill die I ilv efllieg n Illy,
iu said l tiunty anil St ite, dl at puli'.l,. n,'i,,u
-abj ct to r d. mptj to the highest bidder, for
V. gn'd c iii. e sh In h mil. all Ilia right lille and
nit r st wld li the within named d f -ndai.ts or
llh-l'iif them, h it on the it.ite ol' tin m .rtg ige
Ii r in or .sin, -a had in or loth.' i ll iveil. ser l.e.i r -ul
l.r .p rty ' r any pint ll'ea..,.r. to wtlisfv said , Xecil-
I' ii, ,1'idgm ni onh r, d cee, inh-rest, cosnaint all
aeciuiltg costs.
J '. C KF.
Mi-rid 'f lneK: in s ivtnnfv, Oregon.
I) i titl Oregon t Hy, 0.-., Augiim IU.U. lS's!
Tit.-svsjitaxs xorio:
ap.ilie lie : m t.i,i ptyiu . it .f Rwl yVar-
rants i iiilt.iseil plioi ,t H e dst, .ftli, nollee.
Dated Ibegoii city, August -Mi, 1!M. La. rest
Will cease from tins uate.
Tr,asur, rot Cla. kainas County, Oregon
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
T is all within one mile of
nected by an unproved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city
and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount) home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CI1 A It MAX, Trustee,
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-clii 1 1 : i
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Hros. store
on upper 7th streeth .
HI 'PI Sfv
iiwoiiii - Mil
rou from Portland. fkom
Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fast
Mail Ft. Worth, Omaha, Mail.
8:00p.n. Kansas City, 8t 7:20a.m,
Louis, Chicago,
and East.
Bpokat Walla Walla, Spo- Spokane .
Fivr kane, Minneaiio- Flyer
! !l ' x- lnth. Milwaukee, 5( '16 a m"
Chicago and Kast
Dalles I oca) Dalles Local
Dnily Dalles, Bonnieville Daily
Fx. Sunday Multnnman Falls, E x. futiday
8:H0 p, m. Cascade Locks, t sils.m
Sunday Hood Kiver, 8nnoa,v
10:00 p. m. 7:00 a. m.
- 1:00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
. All sailing dates
subject ioch nine.
For Sau Francisco
W Pc. t, l.rl.ll,
10, ?1.
7:00 p.m. To Alaska- 6:00 p.m.
Sept. 17.
8:00 p.m. Coliin-bla River 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sinn. ay steam ri. Ex. Sunday
10.C0 p. m. To Astoria rind Way
6:00 a.m. w lllamett River. 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Suiitity ' Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, Neiv
berg.Snlein Si Way
7:00 a. .y. Wlllam-'te and Yam- 8:30 p. m.
Tues., TV. or. hill Hveri. Mon., y'ed.
and St i and Fri.
' Orecon City, Day
ton, & Way Land
ings. 6:00 a.m. WI lametie Hlver. 4:30 p.m.
Tues., Thtir Tues.. Thur.
and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat.
lis & Way Land
ings. Lv. Itipiria Snaka Rher. Lv.Lcyviston
1:45 a. 1.1. 5:45 a.m.
" Itlparia to Lewiston Dial
F. E. DONALDSON, Agent, ,
Oregon Cify.
General Fa.-senger Agent, Portland, Or.
The Shasta Route
F.xpress Trains Leave Portland Daily.
I On p. k.
7:45 a.m.
Lt Portland Ar
Lt Oregon City Lt
Ar San Frauotsco Lt
9:30 A. H
8:40 A. kt
1:00 P. if
The above trains stop at all stations betyveer
Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer
son. Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Hslsey, Harris,
burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell,
Cotlni'.e Glove. Drains, aud all statioai from
Koseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
9:30a. M. , Lt Portland Ar4:!t0P.
S:'27a.m. Lt Oregon City I.v H:Sp.M
t:llp. M. I Ar Koseburg Lt 7: 0
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division,
AtAlhanvand Corvalils connect with train
of Oregon Central Si ICastern R. R.
4:e0P. M.
7 ;io p. m.
8:30 P. M.
Lt Portland Ar8:25A.M
Ar McMlnnvllle Lv 5:fn .M
Ar Indcpetideiice Lt 4:f.0 A. M
Rates and tickets to eastern
polnta an4
aud AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
K. E. 11 J VI), A cent, Oregon City
Asst i- r P. Agent
Portland, Or.
Portland, Or.
Bean tho ? t"- Kmel Von Have Always BoacS!
the center of the city and is con
Charman Bros.' Block
Mullnn, Ort'itoti