Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, September 02, 1898, Image 7

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    Eat in Haste
And suffer at leisure. When your abused
stomach can no longer cheerfaTly and
properly perform its duties, a few doses of
Hood'B Sarsaparilla are like fresh water to
a withered plant. This medicine tones
the stomach, restores digestive strength,
creates an appetite and with a little care in
diet, the patient U soon aj?ain in perfect
health. Try it and you'll believe it.
HOOCl'S 8parma
Is America's Greatest Medicine.
Hood's Pills cure constipation. 26 cents.
New French Microphone.
A new microphone is being exhibited
before the Frenoh Academy of Sciences.
It deteots at a great distance the ap
proach of ' a ship, whether an armored
vessel or a torpedo boat, and gives its
warning with great clearness! It is to
be subjected to tests at Cherbourg.
Some years ago Commander Banure
proposed an instrument which he called
a hydrophone and by whioh he was able
to hear at a distance of a mile or a mile
and a half vibrations produced by a
screw of a torpedo boat, or the more
regular beat of the screw of a large bat
tleship. It consisted of a water-tight
box, the vibratory plate being inside
to present the pressure of the water
from acting upon it too directly. The
wires from the transmitter were carried
first to a float to make sure the trans
mitter would be continually immersed;
from the float the wires were caried to
a receiver on a ship or on the shore.
Thus with two or three .miles of wire
it becomes possible to reoeive warning
of the approach of a vessel from four
to five miles distant.
Steel Sleepers In Switzerland.
The St. Qothard Railway Company,
in Switzerland and Italy report very
satisfactory results from the use of
steel sleepers on their lines. In 1882,
when the road was opened, it was laid
with wood sleepers, but as theBe have
bad to be replaced, it has been done
with steel instead, and at the present
time 70 per cent of the road is laid on
steel ties. The sleepers weigh 163
pounds each, are 8.85 feet long. The
cost, when new, with attachments, is
$1.95, which, allowing for the value of
the old material and the oost of laying,
is reduced to $1.63 per Bleepor, whioh
is a saving of 1 per cent over wood
sleepers. The line is a heavy one, and
the trains are hauled at express speed
The engines weigh 100 tons each. The
cost of steel ties in the end is less than
that of wood. In tunnels, wooden ties
are preferred, as they are not liable to
rust, but in other flaoes the deteriora
tion due to rust is absolutely insignia
There rs a curious superstition in
Venice that if a stranger dies in a hotel
the number of his room will be lucky
at the next lottery.
A record in British deep sea diving
was created on the Clyde, when Diver
Walker descended 186 feet and was un
der water for 40 minutes.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a
laiuny nieuicme witn us smue 1000. J. iv
Madison, 2-109 42d Ave., Chicago, Illinois,
A Spanish inventor produces from
grasshoppers a fatty substance which
is declined to make the finest soap yet
From Mrs. "Walter E. Budd, of Pat-
chogue, New York.
Mrs. Budd, in the following letter,
tells a familiar story of weakness and
suffering, and thanks Mrs, Pinkham
for complete relief:
" Deab Mas. Pinkham: I think it is
my duty to write
to you and tellyou
what Lydla
E. Pinkham's
has done for
me. I feel like
another woman,
Ihadsuch dread
ful headaches
through my
Si temples and
on top of my
nearly went
crazy; was also
troubled with
chills, was very
weak; my left
i side from my
1 shoulders to
my waist pain
ed me terribly. I could not sleep for
the pain. Plasters would help for
while, but as soon as taken off, the pain
would be just as bad as ever. Doctors
prescribed medicine, but it gave me no
"Now I feel so well and strong',
have no more headaches, and no
pain in side, and it is all owing to
vour Compound. I cannot praise it
enoutrh. It ia a wonderful medicine.
I recommend It to every woman
Mate money br t ucceslul
peculation in unicago. n
dut sua eu waeai on mar
Kins. Fortune nave been
made on a imall beginning by trading in In
turea. Write (or full particulars. Best oi ref
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the b"inei. Bend (or onr free refer
ence book. DOWNING. HOPKINS k Co,
Chicago Board of Trade Broken. Offices in
Portland, Oregon and, Seattle, Watn.
' DNU n tteWkKOaesian
Plain or with Cnttw. Th bwt needle In th
kei. Vwd by all sack aewers. For ania by all g eo
tnu uvrciuuiuiM store, or oy
SBO Market 8trMt, Ban Francisco, Cel.
Beat Cough Syrup, f mum Good.
m time. Hold dt artifRiMa.
Indians Attribute the Shock to White
Man's Religions Power.
Capt Albertson, of New York, owns
an Episcopal prayer book which made
more converts among the Dakota In
dians than all the others ever printed.
The book was bound In metaL At the
top of each cover was an appliance for
the Insertion of an electric wire. The
missionary using It among the Indians
had concealed In his clothing a small
battery, which he connected with the
prayer book. An Indian allowed to
hold the book for a second felt a slight
shock, and promptly attributed it to the
power of the white man's religion.
How It Came to Be Victoria.
The primate had been told by th
prince that he liked good historical En
gllsh names that everyone could under
stand. What better name, he thought.
than Queen Elizabeth. He mildly sug
gested "Elizabeth." "On no account,"
said the prince regent "Charlotte, af
ter your royal mother and the child's
royal aunt." "Certainly not" The
Duchess of Kent relieved her feelings
by a flood of tears. The Princess Mury
kissed her and the baby cried. This
spurred the mild archbishop. "What
name Is it your royal highness' pleas
ure to command?" "What's her moth
er's name?" "Victoria," answered the
Duke of Kent But his intervention
was met by an irate look from the re
gent The Duke of York, seeing that
the christening must be hastened for
ward if it was to be got through with
at all, took on himself to say, "Alesan
drlna Victoria." And so the queen
missed being known In history as Geor
giana, a fitting name for the last of the
Georglana dynasty, qu'elle resume, ex-
prime, et termlne, but less suitable for
a glorious reign of sixty years than Vic
toria. Contemporary Eevlew.
Denver Man Thinks He's Solved the
Problem of Aerial Navigation.
A Denver man, Jerome Blanchard, is
the latest to claim that he has solved
the flytng-machine problem. His appar-
atus has a sliding seat and aerial oan..
a rudder, four wings, and will soon be
tried near Denver.
Origin of Postage Ste.mps.
The Incident which resulted In the
Invention of the postage stamp was a
curious one.
A traveler Journeying through the
north of England chanced to reach the
door of an Inn Just as a postman stop
ped to deliver a letter. The young girl
for whom it was intended came out to
receive it She turned it over and over
in her hands and asked the price of the
postage. The price demanded was
shilling, and as the girl was poor she
returned It to the postman, saying that
It was from her brother, but that she
had not that amount of money. The
traveler, in spite of her protest, paid
the money to the postman and handed
the letter to the girl. When the poet'
man departed the young girl admitted
that she and her brother had arranged
by certain marks upon the letter that
the other should know that the writer
was in good health and prospering.
"We are so poor," she added, "that
we were forced to Invent this way of
letting each other know of our wel
The traveler continued on his way,
asking himself if a system giving rise
to such frauds was not a vicious one.
The sun had not set before Roland
Hill (such was the traveler's name) had
planned to organize the postal service
oo a new basis.
His views found favor with the En
glish government and on January 10,
1840, the first postage stamp was is
sued and a postal system started by
which not more than a penny was paid
for letters which circulated over the
whole extent of the British Isles.
Ten years later, In 1850, the number
a toHiiM tna.aoA tmm 1 WY1 fYlft tn
Chrome Hheamatism. .
From the In&uttrial Neat, Jack.wn, ilich.
The subject of this sketch is 56 year3
of age, and actively engaged in farm
ing. When 17 years old he hurt his
shoulder and a few years after com
menced to have rheumatic pains in it.
On taking a slight cold or the the least
strain, sometimes without any appar
ent cause whatever, the trouble would
start aud he would suffer the most
excruoiating pains.
He suffered foi over 80 years, and the
last decade bos suffered so muoh that
he was unable to do any work. To
this the frequent occurrences of dizzy
spells were added, making him almost
helpless invalid.
In all Sorts of Weather.
He tried the best physicians, but
without being benefited and has used
several specific rheumatio cures, but
was not helped. About one year and
six months ago be read in this paper of
a case somewhat similar to bis which
was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and concluded to try this remedy. .
After taking the first box he felt
somewhat better, and after using three
boxes, the pains entirely disappeared,
the dizziness left him, and he has now
for over a year been entirely free from
all his former trouble and enloys better
health than he has had since his boy
hood. He is loud in his praises of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and
will gladly corroborate the above state
ments. His post office address is Lo
renzo Neeley, Horton, Jackson County,
All the elements necessary to give
new life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves are contained,
in a condensed form, in Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. "All drug
gists sell them.
Wisconsin has 9,000 Indians of various
Eight million eggs have been found
in the roe oi a Bingle codfish.
Some physiologists suppose that elec
tric shocks pioduce death by asphyxia,
others that the heart is suddenly par
alyzed. A diamond in constant use for cutting
cold glass lasts about three months, but
f used to cut hot glass, it would only
last for one day.
The voice of a woman is audible in a
balloon at the height of about two miles,
while that of a man has never reached
higher than a mile.
Two Woolrich (Me.) men made the
queerest horse trade recently on record.
The owner of the animal swapped the
horse for 14 roosters.
Four hundred years ago only seven
metaU were known. Now there are 51
80 of whioh have been discovered
within the present century.
Mahogany is now very generally sub
stituted for hickory in the manufacture
of wagon wheels in France, it being
found cheaper and quite as durable.
A Kansas man is the owner of a
floral freak in the shape of a geranium
plant that is more than 12 feet high.
It grew nine feet in one season.
Some Florida fishermen sent out from
Tampa a story ot the finding of a pearl
as large as an ordinary marble in an
oyster served to the city auditor.
In Windsor Castle, England, there is
a carpet 40 feet in breadth, and it con
tains 58,840,000 stitches. The weav
ing of it occupied 28 men 14 months.
The flow of water over Niagara Falls
is estimated at 218,000 cubic feet per
second, which is equal to 1,508,360
gallons, weighing 16,433,270 pounds.
'The royal crown of Persia, which
dates back to remote ageB, is in the
form of a pot of flowers, surmounted
by an uncut ruby the size of a hen's
the Caspian sea there are sev
eral "eternal fires," so called by the
natives, where natural gas issues from
the ground and has been on fire for
Who the Carliati Are.
A number of readers are curious to
know what is meant by the frequent
reference to the fear of a "Carliat up
rising" in Spain. At the death of
King Ferdinand of Spain, in 1838, his
a-year-oid oaugnter, Isabella It, suc
ceeded to the throne, though Carlos,
Ferdinand's brother, claimed to be en
titled to the honor under the salio law,
whioh provided that no female should
go to the throne as long as any male
descendant of the King was living.
This law. however, had been revoked
by Ferdinand, who had no children at
the time, but six months after Lis death '
a daughter was born, and she became
queen to the exclusion of Carlos. The
latter's descendants, ,who are called
Carlists, have since persistently insist
ed that, by right of succession, the
throne belongs to them, and for over
50 years Spain has been subject to Car
list uprisings, whioh have simply meant
a number of unsuccessful wars, the de
struction of property, and general pub
lic unrest. The Carlists have found
their strength in what are called the
Basque provinces, dominated mostly
by the clergy, who believe in the divine
right of kings and of kingly succes
sion. The inhabitants of the Basque
region are largely shepherds and farm
ers. They are good fighters, and have
been the main strength of the Carlist
forces. A strong sentiment in lavor of
a republic exists in the cities, where
the people have been led to independ
ent views by education, reading and
travel. It is unnecessary to say that be
tween what are called the Republicans
and the Carlists there is a strong anti
pathy, for their aims are radically dif
ferent In 1873 Spain was a republic,
and the people owe to that brief period
of popular government many of the lib
erties which they now enjoy. Les
lie's Weekly.
h it reported that a man lc Indiana has not
naa an n.nra Bleep lor live years. He con
stantly walka about, unable to rest, and ia
now little -more than a skeleton. There are
thousa nds o( men and women who are unable
to sleep more than an hour or twoa night
because ot nervousness, weakness, dyspepsia,
neaaaene ana constipation, a certain remea
ior these disorders is Hoetetters' Stoinac
Bitters. All druggists Bells it.
Spread of PinUch Gas.
The Pintsch gas is now used for light
ing 83,583 cars in diffeient parts of the
world. Germany takes the lead with
81,835 cars, and England comes next
with 16,854 oars. The United States
is third with 10,809 cars, and India
has 6,856 cars lighted by this gas. It
has been applied to 8,184 locomotives,
8,121 of which are in Germany. Not a
single locomotive in the United States
has been provided with this gas, which
is rather a surprising thing, consider
ing the fine light it gives.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
voub, and hot, and get tired easily.. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by
all drucgists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
by mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8, Olmsted, Ia
Roy, New York.
A man who lives on the Sabastis
road, near Lewiston, Me., sells small
fish for bait from a well in the door
yard. When a customer comes along a
pail is lowered into the well' and a
large number of little ahiners are
brought up.
The new improved Stoughton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the way. It pars to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
A well on Sainbel island, Fla., whioh
had always been fresh water, changed
to sulphur water a few weeks after a
windmill had been built over it to util
ize the water for irrigating putposes.
FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousnes
Ml alter tlrsi day's use of Dr. Kllue's Great
Nerve Kestorer. Send for FlthB ite.ou trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. II, KLUUL Ltd.. two
Arch street, ruuadelphta, Pa.
It ia against the rules to carry
matohes on board a modern man-of-war.
From the time whan the ship
leaves harbor for a cruise she is never
without a light of some kind burning.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
Weed Destroyer,
Weeds can be destroyed in gardens
and along railwavs by a new machine
having an oil reservoir mounted on
wheels and provided with an air pump
to force the oil into a series of burners
which transform it into gas and dis
charge it against the weeds.
ton) drinkin
To Renew the Lobster Supply.
The United States government ia
making great efforts by scientific propa
gation to restock the coast waters of
Maine with lobsters, says a Bangor dis
patch l;i the New York Sun. The
United States fish commissoners'
schooner Grampus, which has been at
work along the coust for several months,
has collected 1,750 Beed lobsters from
which 18,000,000 eggs have been ob
tained and hatched out at Gloucester,
Mass. Of these fry about 5,000,000
have been released in Casco bay and
others are to be distributed at various
places from Portland eastward.
The fry are very small, but through
the thin and transparent shell oan be
seen the perfectly formed lobster with
the eyes especially prominent. Con
stant changes of water are necesary to
keep them alive. It is likely that t
lobster hatchery will scon be estah
lished on the Maineooast, and before
many years these shellfish will be as
plentiful and cheap as ever they were.
Bv local applications, ae titer oannot reach the
diseased portion o the oar. There Is only one
way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness in caused br an In'
flamed condition oi the mucous lining of the
.cusiacman lUDe. w nen mis luoe gets in
flamed too have a rumbling sound or Imner
feet hearing, and when It Is etitirelv olosed
deafness is the result, and unless the Inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
lorever; nine cases out oi ten are caused d
catarrh, which Is nothing but an inllamei
condition of the muoons surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, tree.
X. J. Lflfittfil Ot VU., lUitJUU, u.
Boia Dy Druggists, 70c.
Mali's Family Pills are the best
Theie are 110 mountains in Colorado
whose peaks are over 12,000 feet above
ocean level.
The attentiop of the publio is oalled
to the professional work of Dr. T. H.
White, ,No. 271 Morrison street,
Portland, Or. His electrical appli
anoes are the most modem, and his
orown and bridge work is oi such artis
tio form and finish, that bis patients
are delighted not only with the looks
but with the comfort they reoeive from
the use of Buoh artificial work. All
operations are painless under his meth
ods. See that your teeth are properly
:ared for and that by a skillful dentist
There is no need to suffer the discom
forts of broken-down and stained teeth
when they can be made useful and
pleasant to look upon without pain.
Use Blfftt for mi n a mm)
discliorpttH, iiillumnmtiuns,
. irrittttiouB or ulcerations
PrtrQtt ooQiMtoo. Paiulee, and not aatrliv
oi hi n o o u ft nieni brautui.
iTHEEMNSUHIMrCHUO. ni or Iwuoue.
Sold by Drugwlats.
or sent In plain wrapper,
by exprtw, prepaid, tot
(1.(0, or I bnttlm, 12.74.
Circular tent ou reuuoBt.
A Beautiful
M J Ouruitfld
m m Dot to Mruiun
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form oi
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
Tbey are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
me rouNo or tmii trutH wiu, 00 t-yV
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
mem in ueauiy, rienness 01 coior ana
Une ot these pictures
will be given away
with each package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the
11 sold tor 10 cents a package, ask your grocer tor this starch and get a
beautiful picture.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Srnrjp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Califohnia Fio Svbup Co,
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding1 the worthless'
imitations manufactured by other par
ties.. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the meal-'
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has '
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives, .
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken-
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Lorravii.i,K, kj. newtohk, n.t.
Om unfer SBlatt," Me WaflrifttMt",
tn loltfie Jfreife ehtjufufrten, in btnen (3 bffc
t)i nod; nid)t ctnilgtnb befannt roar, (enbett
nit eS con iett ah biS jum 1, 3nuat 1800
fret an ade birjenifltn, nxldje fur bal natfjilj
Jafjt unfere Slbvitntnttn roertun unb ten
Vetraq bafiit, $2.00, jefit rinienben. SKon
lalc i$ ifjtobe'SJluinmfTn d)iin.
German Publuhing Co., Portland, Or,
Cutler's Carholate of Iodine.
Guaranteed eure for Catarrh and Oon.umptlon
All UruKRlHM. Il.ou, W, II. Smith, Butl'alo, N. Y.
ule proprietor.
Stormed atonoa
Da. J.C. UovtKAH, iM Isabella Bldg, Chicago,!!!.
M. P. K. t. So.Jlo7,8l
THEN writing 1
ail vert l.era pleM
If mention thia paper.
Lilacs and
s 01 coior ana artistic merit. . . , . ,
Elastic Starch
artistic merit.
best laundry starch on the market, and
7r239,e62.-Philadelphla Record,
1 y-artlWMfli'.